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    When yung,Jack was very (1) ______ ,wh wrked (2)research.Hed n scientific research.He (3) ______ his career and barely (4)things.Afterattentin t ther things.After a cuple f (5) ______ ,he made a big (6) ______ and wn a gd fame in the (7),( 8) ______ mst successful peple,he is leading a simple life. (9) ______ ,he still lives in a small rm with little (10) ______ nw.Last week,he signed a (11) ______ with a charity cncerned abut (12) ______ .He gave away all his mney t the charity t (13) ______ in envirnmental prtectin.It is his (14) ______ t ur envirnment that (15) ______ ther rdinary peple.
    Over millins f years, humans have respnded t certain situatins withut thinking t hard. If ur ancestrs sptted mvement in the nearby frest, they wuld run first and questin later. At the same time, the ability t analyze and t plan is part f what separates us frm ther animals. The questin f when t trust yur instinct (直觉)and when t think slw matters in the ffice as much as in the savannah (草原).
    Slw thinking is the feature f a well-managed wrkplace. Yet instinct als has its place. Sme decisins are mre cnnected t emtinal respnses and less t analysis. In demanding custmer-service r public-facing situatins, instinct is ften a better guide t hw t behave.
    Instinct can als be imprved. Plenty f research has shwn that instinct becmes mre unerring with experience. In ne well-knwn experiment, vlunteers were asked t assess whether a selectin f designer handbags were real r nt. Sme were instructed t perate n instinct and thers t deliberate (深思熟虑) ver their decisin. Instinct wrked better fr thse wh wned at least three designer handbags; indeed, it utperfrmed analysis. The mre expert yu becme, the better yur instinct tends t be.
    Hwever, the real reasn t embrace fast thinking is that it is, well, fast. It is ften the nly way t get thrugh the day. T take ne example, when yur inbx flds with new emails at the start f a new day, there is abslutely n way t read them all carefully. Instinct is what helps yu decide which nes t answer and which t delete r leave unpened. Fast thinking can als help the entire rganizatin. The value f many managerial decisins lies in the simple fact that they have been made at all. Yet as data expldes, the temptatin (诱惑) t ask fr ne mre bit f analysis has becme much harder t resist. Managers ften suffer frm verthinking, turning a simple prblem int a cmplex ne.
    When t use instinct in the wrkplace rests n its wn frm f pattern recgnitin. Des the decisin-maker have real expertise in this area? Is this a field in which emtin matters mre than reasning? Abve all, is it wrth delaying the decisin? Slw thinking is needed t get the big calls right. But fast thinking is the way t stp deliberatin turning t a waste f time.
    2.What des the underlined wrd "unerring" in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Accurate.B. Creative.C. Cntrllable.D. Obvius.
    3.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Managers can affrd the cst f slw thinking.
    B. Fast thinking can be a bst t wrk efficiency.
    C. Slw thinking will hld us back in the lng run.
    D. T much data is t blame fr wrng decisins.
    4.What is the authr's purpse f writing the passage?
    A. T explain hw instinct wrks.
    B. T cmpare instinct and slw thinking.
    C. T highlight the value f instinct in the wrkplace.
    D. T illustrate the develpment f different thinking patterns.
    Nwadays, the term "quiet quitting" has taken ver the Internet, meaning lying flat, r taking a break frm the verwrk. It appears t have riginated frm a TikTk vide psted by Brian Creely. Creely shwed an Insider article written by senir reprter Aki It. The headline read, "Fed up with lng hurs, many emplyees have quietly decided t take it easy at wrk rather than quit their jbs." Creely said, "Mre peple are quiet quitting instead f leaving." The vide has received nearly 100,000 likes and mre than 4,000 cmments, the vast majrity describing the benefits f ding the bare minimum.
    Despite a number f news utlets reprting that quiet quitting is a trend that is being encuraged, Insider fund many users n the app were actually warning peple against ding s.
    Ashley Herd, a frmer emplyment lawyer, psted tw vides abut quiet quitting. In her vides, she argued that while limiting wrk t what is specified in the jb descriptin is fine, ding s quietly can be detrimental. "If smene is stressed ut, they shuld feel able t have that cnversatin with their manager," she said.
    A TikTker and cnsultant Mary psted a vide titled "Minrities shuld be careful quiet quitting". In the vide she said, "Unfrtunately in America minrities are held t a different standard. We are lked at differently. S we have t g abve and beynd t be successful. We can't risk being regarded as nt perfrming."
    In recent weeks, TikTkers have been warning wrkers that quiet quitting culd lead t "quiet firing", labeled as a new wrkplace trend. The phrase describes the lngstanding practice f cnstructive dismissal—creating an envirnment that leads a wrker t quit their jb in rder t avid having t fire them. Creatrs are receiving hundreds f thusands f views that pst abut quiet firing and call ut managers wh emply the practice.
    5.What aspect f quiet quitting is intrduced in Paragraph 1?
    A. Its rigin.B. Its innvatin.C. Its value.D. Its standard.
    6.What des the underlined wrd "detrimental" mean in Paragraph 3?
    A. Strange.B. Harmful.C. Vital.D. Effective.
    7.What is Mary's pinin n minrities at wrk?
    A. They needn't perfrm well.
    B. They shuld make greater effrts.
    C. They have better chances f success.
    D. They are treated as equally as thers.
    8.Which f the fllwing can be a sign f quiet firing in the wrkplace?
    A. The bss asks a wrker t leave the jb.
    B. The bss allws a wrker flexible wrking hurs.
    C. The bss puts ff a wrker's prmtin n purpse.
    D. The bss prvides a wrker with a new envirnment.
    A new study shws that getting half f American 8-t 11-year-lds int 25 minutes f physical activity three times a week wuld save $21.9 billin in medical csts ver their lifetimes.
    The increase frm the current 32 percent t 50 percent f kids taking part in exercise, active play, r sprts wuld als result in 340,000 fewer verweight teenagers.
    "Physical activity nt nly makes kids feel better and helps them develp healthy habits, it's als gd fr the natin's bttm line," says Bruce Y. Lee, executive directr f the Glbal Obesity Preventin Center at Jhns Hins University. "Our findings shw that encuraging exercise and investing in physical activity when kids are yung pays big dividends as they grw up."
    The study, published in the jurnal Health Affairs, suggests an even bigger advantage if every 8 t 11-year-ld in the United States exercised 75 minutes ver three times in a week. In that case, the researchers estimate(估计), $62.3 billin in medical csts ver the curse f their lifetimes culd be avided and 1.2 millin fewer yuths wuld be verweight. And the mney wuld increase if nt just current 8-t-11 year lds, but every future elementary schl child jined their game.
    Exercise at least 25 minutes a day, three days a week, is a guideline develped fr kids by the Sprts and Fitness Industry Assciatin. An verweight persn's lifetime medical csts average $62,331. Fr the verweight persn, these amunts are great.
    "Even a little increase in physical activity culd cause billins f dllars in savings," Lee says. He als says there are ther benefits f physical activity that dn't affect weight, such as imprving bne density, imprving md, and building muscle.
    Lee says "We need t be adding physical educatin prgrams and nt cutting them. We need t encurage kids t be active, t reduce screen time and get them running arund again. It's imprtant fr their physical health and the natin's financial(经济的) health."
    9.Which f the fllwing is the best title f the passage?
    A. Getting kids t run wuld save mney.
    B. Physical activity is imprtant fr kids.
    C. Physical educatin prgrams: adding r cutting?
    D. Overweight persn's lifetime medical csts are increasing.
    10.What's the underlined wrds' meaning in paragraph 3?
    A. Pays much mney.B. Pays little mney.
    C. Plays an imprtant part.D. Is a serius questin.
    11.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. The number f American kids frm 8 t 11 wh take part in physical activity is increasing.
    B. Physical educatin prgrams shuld be cut t encurage the natin's financial health.
    C. 25 minutes f physical activity three times a week may result in fewer verweight teenagers.
    D. Physical activity can nly make kids feel better but can't help them develp healthy habits.
    Fr years, yu've been tld that stress can be deadly and is smething t be avided. Therefre, an anxius situatin is ften accmpanied by a sense f fear. Hwever, recent studies suggest that stress-related harmful effects n yur health are nt unavidable.
    One study fllwed 30, 000 peple ver eight years and measured their stress levels. Thse wh believed that stress is harmful died at a higher rate than thse wh were under stress but didn't acknwledge the s-called negative effects. The latter grup was healthier, and many f them lived lng, happy lives.
    Stressful feelings start ut in a small regin f the brain that affects hw peple feel emtins, especially fear. The small regin is very sensitive t pssible threats. When it senses danger, it alerts the brain, and feelings f fear r stress can result. These feelings give peple a warning message when they need t pay attentin and when they need t take actin. Fr instance, when the sight f a speeding car triggers (触发) the regin t release a lightning-fast message, we knw immediately t mve ut f the way!
    Anther study carried by Health psychlgist Dr. McGnigal fund a link between stress and the amunt f sympathy peple shwed t thers. Researchers tracked 1, 000 adults, their descriptins f the level f stress in their lives and the amunt f time spent helping thers. With each majr stressful event, such as a family tragedy r financial crisis, the risk f dying increased by 30 percent. But fr the grup wh spent time helping thers, there was n increase in stress-related deaths, even fr thse wh had faced their wn persnal tragedies. Accrding t Dr. McGnigal, "Chasing meaning is better fr yur health than trying t avid discmfrt. G after what it is that creates meaning in yur life and then trust yurself t handle the stress that fllws."
    12.What des the study in paragraph 2 suggest?
    A. Stress caused many deaths ver eight years.
    B. Stress wn't hurt yu if yu dn't acknwledge its presence.
    C. It is nt the stress but ur respnse t it that creates prblems.
    D. Thse withut stress usually live lng and happy lives.
    13.What d we knw abut stress frm paragraph 3?
    A. Stress is harmful t the brain.B. Stress can cause danger.
    C. Stress can be a threat t us.D. Stress can lead t timely actin.
    14.What can we learn frm Dr. McGnigal's study?
    A. Peple withut stress spend mre time caring thers.
    B. Stress ften causes a family tragedy r financial crisis.
    C. Stress can be avided by helping thers.
    D. Peple chasing meaning in life suffer less frm stress.
    15.Which may be the best title fr the text?
    A. Stress Is Nt Yur Enemy.B. Man Can Cnquer Stress.
    C. We Need Remve Stress.D. Stress Is Nearly Harmless
    Earth is far mre alive than we previusly thught, accrding t “deep life” studies that reveal a rich undergrund ecsystem beneath ur feet that is almst twice the size f all the wrld’s ceans. Despite extreme heat, n light and intense pressure, scientists estimate it has between 15 billin and 23 billin tnnes f micrrganisms. “It’s like finding a whle new reservir (储藏) f life n Earth,” said Karen Llyd an assciate prfessr at the University f Tennessee.
    Results suggest 70 percent f Earth’s bacteria and archaea exist in the subsurface. One rganism fund 2.5 kilmeters belw the surface has been buried fr millins f years and may nt rely at all n energy frm the sun. Als, the methangen (产甲烷菌) has fund a way t create methane in this envirnment, which the methangen may nt use t reprduce r divide, but use t replace r repair brken parts. Lengths f their lives were cmpletely different. Sme micrrganisms have been alive fr thusands f years, barely mving except with shifts in earthquakes r eruptins. They’re just active inside, with less energy than peple thught pssible t supprt life.
    The team cnsists f 1,200 scientists frm 52 cuntries in disciplines ranging frm gelgy and micrbilgy t chemistry and physics. A year befre the cnclusin f their study, they will present the findings befre the American Gephysical Unin’s annual meeting pens this week, which they say are made pssible by technical advances n drills and micrscpes.
    The scientists have been wndering abut the pint beynd which life cannt exist, but the deeper they dig, the mre life they find. There is a temperature maximum—currently 122℃—but they believe this recrd will be brken if they keep explring and develping mre advanced instruments.
    Questins remain, including hw the micrbes interact with chemical prcesses, and what this might reveal abut hw life and Earth cevlved.
    16.What d the scientists find abut the undergrund rganisms?
    A. They can’t reprduce and divide.
    B. They’re the ldest living things.
    C. Sme f them cnsume n energy.
    D. Sme f them almst always keep still.
    17.What can we learn abut the research frm paragraph 3?
    A. It last fr arund ne year.
    B. It invlves effrts frm many fields.
    C. It prmtes technical develpment.
    D. It is cnducted in 52 cuntries.
    18.Why des the scientists dig deep?
    A. T break their previus recrd.
    B. T find the depth limit f life.
    C. T discver mre ancient micrrganisms.
    D. T measure the highest subsurface temperature.
    19.Which f the fllwing can be the best title?
    A. Earth Depths Are Full f Life.
    B. Organisms Live Better Undergrund.
    C. Earth Is Fat Beynd Human Explratin.
    D. Subsurface Life Differs frm That n Land.
    Efficient ways t imprve yur speech Find it difficult t make a wnderful speech in public? (20)
    Use mre facial expressins
    One psychlgist feels that ur facial expressin is respnsible mre than anything else fr the impressin thers have f us. A smile in which the eyes participate is extremely cmmunicative. (21) Peple tend t mirrr yur expressin, s try t shw hw yu feel abut a tpic r an idea thrugh yur facial expressin.
    Get rid f yur inner fear
    (22) The way t handle it is t put it t wrk fr yu, get int actin, as Shakespeare bserved, actin cures fear. The first is t admit it. D the thing yu fear and it will be the death f fear itself. Anther simple aid at the last minute befre yu begin, is t take a few deep breaths. This will help get the butterflies in frmatin and als keep yur vice under cntrl.
    Plish yur vice
    Our vice is the main instrument we pssess fr cmmunicating with peple. S invest in a tape recrder, practice yur speech by speaking it int the micrphne and then listen t it. Yu can even have thers jin in the evaluatin f yur strng pints and yur weaknesses r faults as well. Simply reading a newper, a magazine r stries t yur children ut lud can help. (23)
    Strengthen yur memry
    Psychlgists tell us that mst individuals dn't use abve ten percent f their inherent capacity fr memry. Hw t enhance the pwer f memry? First, have a burning desire t remember. It's difficult t recall anything withut wanting t d s. (24) Our success depends greatly n ur ability t cncentrate. The next principle is repetitin, we learned many things in schl by repetitin.
    The mst bvius benefit f a single currency is that it will n lnger be necessary t incur(引起) the csts f exchange frm ne currency t anther. Travelers knw that these csts are nt negligible. First f all, there is a cmmissin (25) (usually a fixed amunt); secndly, the price (26) which the traveler purchases freign currency fr dmestic currency (27) frm the price f exchanging back surplus(过剩) freign currency. The remval f these transactin csts cnstitutes a gain frm mnetary unin.
    Anther benefit is that the remval f exchange rate (28) between the cuntries f the EU wuld prvide much mre assurance t (29) lcatin decisins. At present, a cmpany takes (30) f the risk f exchange rate variatin in its lcatin decisin, and this may lead it t scatter its plants acrss the varius ecnmies, t hedge against(防范) the risk f exchange rate variatin. Remving this surce f uncertainty allws investrs t (31) accrding t ecnmies f scale and may lead t mre plants f (32) size, a reductin in unit cst f prductin, and increase in (33) .
    A single currency prvides the (34) fr cunter-inflatinary(反通胀) plicies. A single currency culd lead t a (35) in the market discriminatin that currently exists in the EU (fr example, prices f mtr cars f the (36) specificatin(规格) stand higher in the UK than they d in France) as the qutatin(报价) f prices in cmmn currency discurages arbitrage(套利) activity and reduces the market divisin (37) which such discriminatin relies. (38) , firms in ne cuntry cannt cntinue t (39) their prices higher than their Eurpean cmpetitrs and still remain cmpetitive.
    25.A. mneyB. sumC. tipD. charge
    26.A. nB. atC. inD. ver
    27.A. differentB. infersC. differsD. variable
    28.A. flatB. cntrastC. similarityD. variatin
    29.A. apprpriateB. cperativeC. crprateD. reasnable
    30.A. accuntB. cuntC. mindD. range
    31.A. decideB. lcateC. chseD. invest
    32.A. largestB. maximumC. mediumD. ptimum
    33.A. effectB. effectivenessC. deficiencyD. efficiency
    34.A. shadeB. firewrkC. framewrkD. dr
    35.A. riseB. reductinC. revivalD. cause
    36.A. sameB. differentC. similarD. excessive
    37.A. inB. nC. verD. at
    38.A. WhileB. ThusC. HweverD. Althugh
    39.A. riseB. ariseC. raiseD. set
    40. I came int the senir high schl at last! This is the first day fr me t g t schl, s I'm (1) little anxius right nw. I want t make a gd first (2) (impress), Will I make any friends? What if n ne talks t me?
    I just had my first maths class at senir high schl The class was difficult, (3) the teacher was kind. He even tld us a funny stry and everyne laughed s much! J fund mst f my classmates and teachers (4) (help).
    This afternn, we had ur chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lessn was great, but the guy next t me (5) (try) t talk t me the whle time. I culdn't cncentrate (6) the experiment. I (7) (real) wanted t tell him t be quiet and leave me alne.
    What a day! This mrning, I was wrried that n ne wuld talk t me. But I was wrng. I didn't feel (8) (frighten) at all. I miss my friends frm junir high schl, but I believe I will make new friends here and there's a lt (9) (explre) at senir high. I feel much mre cnfident than I felt this mrning. I think that tmrrw (10) (be) a great day!
    (1)你喜欢的运动项目及原因,如有益于身心健康,(physical and mental health),增强自信等;
    Dear Harry,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua.英语试题答案
    1. 【小题1】ambitius
    【小题3】was cmmitted t
    【小题8】in cntrast t
    【小题9】Fr instance
    【小题13】d his part
    【小题15】sets him apart frm
    2. A3. B4. C5. A6. B7. B
    8. C9. A10. C11. C12. C13. D14. D
    15. A16. D17. B18. B19. A
    20. B21. C
    22. F23. E24. A
    25. D26. B27. C28. D
    29. C30. A31. B32. D33. D34. C35. B
    36. A37. B38. B39. C
    40. 【小题1】
    t explre
    will be
    41. Dear Harry,
    I am glad t receive yur letter. Nw I'm writing t tell yu abut my favrite sprts. Of all the sprts, I like table tennis best.①I think playing table tennis is beneficial t bth physical and mental health, as it nt nly helps t build up my strength and cnfidence but als brings pleasure t my life. What's mre, it makes me mre energetic and effective in my study. I began t shw great interest in it at the age f seven. Nw I'm n the schl table tennis team. T imprve my skills, I practice playing table tennis with my teammates and friends every weekend after finishing ur hmewrk.
    By the way, I'm curius abut yur sprts hbby. Wuld yu please tell me abut it? Lking frward t yur reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    fr instance,d his part,set him apart frm,in cntrast t,be cmmitted t,
    A.Step number tw is cncentratin.
    B.Here are sme efficient ways t imprve yur speech.
    C.A frwn ften brings the same thing in return.
    D.Reading alud cannt necessarily help yu develp a persnal style.
    E.Yur emphasis, pausing, pace and even pitch can imprve.
    F.It's natural t have sme tensin when yu appear befre an audience.
    G.The mre assciatins yu make with the brain, the easier it becmes.

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