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    这是一份2023-2024学年山西省新希望等名校高三8月联考英语试题含答案,文件包含山西省新希望等名校2023-2024学年高三8月联考英语试题含听力原卷版docx、山西省新希望等名校2023-2024学年高三8月联考英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共48页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the man ding?
    A. Reading a magazine.B. Checking his email.C. Typing a reprt.
    【原文】W: Can yu g dwnstairs and check ur mailbx? I rdered sme magazines that are suppsed t arrive tday.
    M: Sure. Let me finish typing this reprt first. I’m almst dne.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When will the wman meet the manager tmrrw?
    A. At 8:00 am.B. At 9:00 am.C. At 8:30 am.
    【原文】W: Excuse me, sir. Can I meet yur manager at 8:30 am tmrrw?
    M: Srry, I’m afraid that yu’ll have t wait half an hur fr ur business hurs.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Buy lunch.B. G t a bank.C. Buy a bx.
    【原文】M:I’m ging t visit the bank. D yu need cash?
    W:N, but can yu drp ff this bx at the pst ffice and buy smething t eat?
    M:I’ll deal with the mail and buy lunch n my way back.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the man find the windw cleaner?
    A. In the yellw bttle
    B. In the bttle with a red tp.
    C. In the bttle with a blue tp.
    【原文】W: I was just getting ready t d the windws, but I didn’t see the windw cleaner.
    M: Is it in the yellw bttle?
    W: N, it’s in a red bttle with a blue tp.
    M: I see it nw.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the matter with the man?
    A He has a fever.B. He has a cugh.C. He has a headache.
    【原文】M: Dctr, I’ve been cughing since yesterday.
    W: D yu have any ther prblems, like a headache r a fever?
    M: N.
    W: Let me check. I’ll give yu sme medicine.
    6. What sprt made the man injured?
    A. Ftball.B. Basketball.C. Baseball.
    7. Hw sn can the man prbably return t curt?
    A. In a mnth.B. In tw mnths.C. In five mnths.
    【答案】6. B 7. A
    【原文】W: Where have yu been, Jhnny? We haven’t seen yu n basketball curt fr weeks nw.
    M: Oh, I hurt my ankle five weeks ag while playing a game with anther team.
    W: Oh, hw did it happen?
    M: I jumped fr the basket and fell dwn.
    W: That sunds really painful.
    M: It was. I tk sme medicine twice a day and I’m recvering well. I’m starting t practice shting these days.
    W: That’s great. S when can yu g n curt again?
    M: I think I need anther mnth t rest befre I can play any games.
    8. What has the wman been lking fr?
    A. A grund-flr flat.B. A tw-bedrm flat.C. A three-bedrm flat.
    9. What is included in the rent?
    A. Gas fee.B. Electricity fee.C. Water fee.
    10 What des the wman think f the flat?
    A. It is t small.B. It is t expensive.C. It is satisfying n the whle.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. C
    【原文】M: Here we are. This is it. I knw it’s smaller than yu wanted, but it’s ne f the nicest flats in the building.
    W: Des it have three bedrms?
    M: N. There are tw. The master rm is quite large thugh. Maybe yu culd let children share the large rm, and yu and yur husband culd use the smaller ne.
    W: I suppse s. A three-bedrm flat will be difficult t find. I’ve been lking fr ne fr ver a week. The few three-bedrm flats that I have fund are all extremely expensive.Yu said that the rent fr this ne wuld be 350 dllars a mnth.
    M: Yes. It includes gas. S, as yu can imagine, electricity and water are quite inexpensive.
    W: This sunds better and better. But befre I sign an agreement, I wuld like my husband t see it.
    M: Why nt stp by with him this afternn? Our ffice is pen until seven ’clck.
    W: OK. See yu then.
    11. What des the man want t learn?
    A. T drive a car.B. T teach driving.C. T repair cars.
    12. Which curses will the man chse?
    A. Full-time winter curses.B. Weekend curses.C. Full-time summer curses.
    13. Hw many hurs f training will the man get every week?
    A. 5.B. 6.C. 10.
    【答案】11. A 12. B 13. C
    【原文】W: Gd afternn. What can I d fr yu?
    M: Yes, please. I wuld like t knw smething abut the driving curses.
    W: Well, we have shrt full-time curses during the summer. Are yu interested in them?
    M: N, I am free nly at weekends.
    W: Then there are weekend curses. The curse starts at 8 every Saturday and Sunday mrning.
    M: Sunds fine. What abut the caches?
    W: We have very excellent caches here and sme f them have been teaching fr 20 years.
    M: Gd. Hw many hurs f training shall I have each day?
    W: 3 hurs in the mrning and 2 in the afternn. It ends at 6 pm.
    M: Then hw many peple share a training car?
    W: Usually three. And we have tw caches fr each car.
    M: Very gd. I will have mre chances t get trained. Thank yu.
    W: Yu are welcme.
    14. What kind f ticket is the cheapest?
    A. A special ticket.B. A discunt ticket.C. A full-price ticket.
    15. Hw much is the discunt ticket?
    A. 60 yuan a persn.B. 105 yuan a persn.C. 130 yuan a persn.
    16. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At the pst ffice.B. At the supermarket.C. At the bking ffice.
    【答案】14. A 15. B 16. C
    【原文】W: OK, it’s yur turn. What kind f ticket wuld yu like?
    M: Hw many types f tickets are there?
    W: There are three kinds f tickets: full-price tickets, discunt tickets, and special tickets fr single spts.
    M: Can yu tell me abut the differences in detail?
    W: If yu buy a full-price ticket, yu can visit all the spts in this area.
    M: Hw abut the price? Is it very expensive?
    W: Cmpared with the ther kinds f tickets, it is higher.
    M: Hw much is it?
    W: 130 yuan per persn.
    M: Hw abut the discunt ticket?
    W: It is 105 yuan per persn. The elderly, the disabled and students can receive this discunt.
    M: What abut the last kind?
    W: There are tw prices: 60 yuan per persn and 20 yuan per persn They are fr different spts.
    M: OK. I’ll have tw special tickets.
    W: Here yu are.
    17. What is wrng with the lake?
    A. Its clr is strange.
    B. There are nt enugh fish there.
    C. Chemical pllutin happened there.
    18. What prbably caused the truble?
    A. Peple’s actin.B. Fish.C. The weather.
    19. What will listeners prbably hear next?
    A. Sprts news.
    B. Updated infrmatin n the lake.
    C. The weather reprt.
    20. What des the reprt mainly talk abut?
    A. Warnings t children.B. The clr change f the lake.C. The pllutin f the lake.
    【答案】17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B
    【原文】M: Tday, we’re reprting smething very strange n the suth cast. The water in De-pesh Lake has turned int pink. Residents f Lawtn have been wrried, and many have called the plice statin t reprt it. The plice arrived at the lake but didn’t knw what happened t the water. At first, they thught f chemical pllutin, but they quickly realized this was n such pssibility. Researchers frm the Castal and Marine Science Center have been lking int the issue. S far, they think the clr might have t d with a large number f fish that have recently appeared in the lake. Researchers have caught a few f the fish and will be taking them t a lab fr testing. Emergency wrkers are asking peple t stay away frm the lake, especially nt t swim r fish in the water. We will be back tmrrw with mre update infrmatin. This is the KMLC News. Nw, ver t Brittany Jhnsn with the weather reprt, fllwed by sprts.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Tp 4 Music Festivals in 2023
    Bnnar Music and Arts Festival
    Originally fcused n jam bands and flk rck, this festival has expanded t include rck and rll. Once praised by Rlling Stne magazine as being amngst the “50 Mments That Changed Rck &. Rll”,Bnnar has firmly strengthened its place as ne f the mst influential festivals in Nrth America.
    When & where: June 15-18, 2023;Great Stage Park, Tennessee
    Rlling Lud Festival
    In nly a few shrt years Rlling Lud sht up t becme the king f all hip hp festival series. With editins held in New Yrk, LA, the Bay Area, Australia, Trnt, the Netherlands, Prtugal and f curse its flagship in Miami, the festival is by far the biggest festival t hip hp.
    When &. where: July 21-23,2023;Miami, Flrida
    Stagecach Festival
    Stagecach is the Cachella f cuntry music in every way. The lineup(阵容)is ne f the mst htly anticipated in the cuntry and annually features the biggest names in mdern cuntry music, yu’re likely t spt sme celebrities nsite.
    When & where: April 28-30,2023;Indi,Califrnia
    Ⅲ Pints
    As ne f the cuntry’s leading butique(精品店)festivals,Ⅲ Pints has been raising the bar in terms f giving creativiy a platfrm since 2013.Firmly base n electrnic music, the festival als shwcases the best frm hip hp and rck with nly ne criteria t make it n the bill: yur music has t be gd.
    When & where: Octber 20-21,2023; Miami, Flrida
    21. Where shuld visitrs g if they want t enjy cuntry music?
    A. Tennessee.B. Flrida.C. Califrnia.D. Delaware.
    22. Which music festival lasts the lngest?
    A. Bnnar Music and Arts Festival.B. Rlling Lud Festival.
    C. Stagecach Festival.D. III Pints.
    23. What d Rlling Lud Festival and III Pints have in cmmn?
    A. They bth have the same criteria.B. They bth feature rck.
    C. They bth perfrm electrnically.D. They bth play hip hp.
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
    细节理解题。根据Stagecach Festival中“The lineup is ne f the mst htly anticipated in the cuntry and annually features the biggest names in mdern cuntry music, yu’re likely t spt sme celebrities nsite.”(这个阵容是全国最受期待的之一,每年都有现代乡村音乐界的大腕参加,你可能会在现场看到一些名人。)及地点“When & where: April 28-30,2023;Indi,Califrnia”(时间和地点:2023年4月28日至30日;加州印第奥)可知,如果游客想欣赏乡村音乐,他们应该去加利福尼亚州。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据四个音乐节提供的When & where部分提示可知,Bnnar Music and Arts Festival:June 15-18(4天)持续的时间最长;其余Rlling Lud Festival:July 21-23(3天);Stagecach Festival:July 21-23(3天);Ⅲ Pints:Octber 20-21(2天)。故选A项。
    细节理解题。结合Rlling Lud Festival中“In nly a few shrt years Rlling Lud sht up t becme the king f all hip hp festival series.”(仅仅几年时间,Rlling Lud迅速崛起,成为所有嘻哈音乐节系列中的王者。)及Ⅲ Pints中“Firmly base n electrnic music, the festival als shwcases the best frm hip hp and rck with nly ne criteria t make it n the bill: yur music has t be gd.”(牢牢立足于电子音乐,音乐节也展示了最好的嘻哈和摇滚,只有一个标准,使它的账单:你的音乐必须是好的。)可知,这两个音乐节都有嘻哈音乐。故选D项。
    I am an art-n-the-cart teacher fr nw. My 8th-grade bys dn’t pen drs fr me. The girls d, hwever. S d the Gth,7th, and 9th-grade bys, but nt thse 8th-grade bys. It’s a strange phenmenn that I’m sure is explained by science smewhere. But when I’m walking thrugh campus with my rlling cart filled t the brim (边沿), my hands full, my backpack n,and the wind blwing the dr, it’s hard t pull it pen fr me. The bys just g n thrugh withut stpping t ffer help. What these bys need is sme empathy (同理心)! Lking at art can help with that.
    Last semester in a phtgraphy unit fr my 8th-graders, I brught ut the “I am”character pem activity frm my pack f printable wrksheets t study the wrk f Drthea Lange, the mastermind behind the Migrant Mther and ther pwerful phtgraphs frm the Great Depressin.
    As an art teacher, it is imprtant fr me t give my students experience cnnecting with wrks f art, which includes cnnecting with the characters and peple in the artwrks. Drthea Lange was a phtgrapher hired by the Resettlement Administratin and the Farm Security Administratin t dcument the lives f migrant wrkers, and displaced families. Because her phtgraphs were gvernment-funded, they were ffered fr free t newspapers acrss the cuntry, and her phtgraphs were seen natinwide.
    She had a masterful way f capturing emtin in her subjects, s her phtgraphs are an excellent way fr students t practice empathy while als cnnecting with the art, the past,and the peple in the phtgraph.
    Once we finished with all f the grup presentatins, I asked what all f the phtgraphs had in cmmn and what we can learn abut the phtgrapher based n all f these phtgraphs. This launched us int a lessn n Drthea Lange, art during the Great Depressin,and a debate ver whether r nt the camera has the ability t capture the essence (精髓) f a persn.
    24. What des the authr think f the 8th-grade bys?
    A. Sensitive.B. Hardwrking.
    C. Unsympathetic.D. Hpeless
    25. Why did the authr intrduce Drthea Lange t her class?
    A. T appreciate the Migrant Mther.B. T help the bys relate t thers.
    C. T dig int the Great Depressin.D. T prepare students fr a debate.
    26. What can we learn abut Drthea Lange’s phtgraphs?
    A. They were easily available.B. They appealed primarily t the 8th-graders.
    C. They were highly prfitable.D. They revealed the essence f the subject.
    27. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Phtgraph: a Subject fr DebateB. Shaping Identity with Wrks f Art
    C. Phtgraph: a Reflectin n the PastD. Explring Empathy with Wrks f Art
    【答案】24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“But when I’m walking thrugh campus with my rlling cart filled t the brim(边沿),my hands full, my backpack n, and the wind blwing the dr, it’s hard t pull it pen fr me.(但当我推着满满当当的手推车穿过校园时,我的双手满是东西,背着背包,风吹着门,对我来说很难打开门。)”以及“The bys just g n thrugh withut stpping t ffer help. What these bys need is sme empathy(同理心)! Lking at art can help with that.(男孩们只是走过去,没有停下来提供帮助。这些男孩需要的是一些同理心! 看艺术可以帮助你。)”可知,当作者推着满满的手推车,双手满是东西,作者无法自己打开门,而八年级的孩子们只是冷漠的走过去,不帮助作者,故作者认为他们是没有同理心的。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“What these bys need is sme empathy(同理心)! Lking at art can help with that.(这些男孩需要的是一些同理心!看艺术可以帮助你。)”以及第四段“She had a masterful way f capturing emtin in her subjects, s her phtgraphs are an excellent way fr students t practice empathy while als cnnecting with the art, the past, and the peple in the phtgraph.(她善于捕捉拍摄对象的情感,所以她的照片是学生们练习同理心的绝佳方式,同时也与艺术、过去和照片中的人联系在一起。)”可知,作者之所以在课堂上引入Drthea Lange,是因为通过Drthea Lange的作品培养孩子们的同理心。B选项“T help the bys relate t thers.(帮助孩子们同情并理解他人。)”符合文章信息。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Because her phtgraphs were gvernment-funded, they were ffered fr free t newspapers acrss the cuntry, and her phtgraphs were seen natinwide.( 因为她的照片是政府资助的,所以这些照片被免费提供给全国各地的报纸,她的照片在全国范围内都能看到。)”可知,Drthea Lange的照片受到政府资助,因此她的作品被免费提供给报刊,由此推断,人们很容易获得她的摄影作品。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“What these bys need is sme empathy(同理心)! Lking at art can help with that.(这些男孩需要的是一些同理心!看艺术可以帮助你。)”以及通读全文,文章讲述的是作者通过艺术作品帮助八年级的孩子们培养同理心的故事。D选项“Explring Empathy with Wrks f Art(用艺术作品的探索同理心)”概括文章主要内容。故选D。
    An Israeli fd technlgy cmpany, called Israel’s Steakhlder Fds, has teamed up with Singapre-based Umami Meats t have 3D printed the first ever ready-t-ck fish fillet(鱼片),using animal cells cultivated and grwn in a labratry.
    Umami Meats btains cells frm grupers(石斑鱼)and grws them int muscle and fat.Steakhlder Fds then adds them t bilgical ink suited fr special 3D printers. Eventually,there is a successful utcme:a narrw fillet that has the feature f sea-caught fish.
    Umami Meats hpes t bring its first prducts t market next year. But the cell cultivatin, where the lab-grwn fish is develped, is still t expensive t match the cst f traditinal seafd. Steakhlder Fds believes the level f these prducts will be higher as time ges by,and the prices linked t prducing them will decrease.
    It has the flakiness(片状)f traditinal fish and it is hard t tell the difference after it is fried. And it is incredible that making such fish fillet is nt an effrt fr the 3D printer. A glass dish slides back and frth in the 3D printer with the white finger-length fillet adding mass with each pass.
    “This prcess is simpler than beef, but there are sme disadvantages. Cw stem cell shave been studied extensively but much less is knwn abut fish,” said Umami’s chief executive,Mihir Pershad. The scientists are wrking n fish stem cell bilgy and they have figured ut a prcess fr sme fish, hping t add three ther endangered species in the cming mnths.
    Meeting the price f fish frm the sea will be a key challenge. Cnsumers chse fd,based n its prices, hw it tastes and what it can d fr the envirnment.
    28. What is the 3D printed fish fillet made frm?
    A. Cells frm grupers.B. Eggs frm freshwater fish.
    C. Cells frm freshwater fish.D. Fish eggs and bilgical ink.
    29. Which f the fllwing best describes the way the 3D printer prduces the fish fillet?
    A. Traditinal.B. Simple.C. AwkwardD. Flexible.
    30. What is the main prblem in develping the lab-grwn fish fillet?
    A. Hw t get mre cells frm fish.
    B. Hw t study widely abut fish’s cells.
    C. Hw t increase the number f endangered fish.
    D. Hw t cmpete with the price f traditinal fish.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The reasns fr develping a new kind f fish fillet.
    B. The develpment f the latest technlgy in 3D printers.
    C. The intrductin f a new way f making fish fillets.
    D. The cmparisn between the lab-grwn fish and traditinal fish.
    【答案】28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Umami Meats btains cells frm grupers(石斑鱼)and grws them int muscle and fat.”(Umami Meats公司从石斑鱼身上提取细胞,并将其培养成肌肉和脂肪)可知,3D打印鱼片是由石斑鱼的细胞制成的。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“And it is incredible that making such fish fillet is nt an effrt fr the 3D printer.”(令人难以置信的是,制作这样的鱼片对3D打印机来说并不难。)可知,3D打印机生产鱼片的方式简单。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Meeting the price f fish frm the sea will be a key challenge.”(满足海洋鱼类的价格将是一个主要挑战。)可知,在实验室培育鱼片的主要问题是如何与传统鱼类的价格竞争。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“An Israeli fd technlgy cmpany, called Israel's Steakhlder Fds, has teamed up with Singapre-based Umami Meats t have 3D printed the first ever ready-t-ck fish fillet(鱼片),using animal cells cultivated and grwn in a labratry.”(以色列一家名为“以色列牛排公司”(Israel 's steak Fds)的食品科技公司与新加坡鲜味肉类公司(Umami Meats)合作,利用在实验室培养和培养的动物细胞,3D打印出了有史以来第一块即食鱼片。)以及下文的具体介绍可知,短语主要介绍一种制作鱼片的新方法。故选C项。
    Textspeak is an infrmal term fr the abbreviated (缩写的) language used in text messaging and ther frms f electrnic cmmunicatin. In the digital age, it’s cmmn t hear hw textspeak is ruining language. Sme peple argue that technlgy has made us lazy abut hw we speak and write.
    Of curse, language des change when it’s used digitally. Textspeak is an evlutin f language. It’s even the fcus f a field f linguistics (语言学) called CMC, which is cmmitted t the study f interactin facilitated by technlgy like cmputers, mbile phnes and tablets.
    Cntrary t the idea that these innvatins are aggravating language, CMC demnstrates a creative repurpsing f symbls fr technlgy. These swift and clever evlutins illustrate the flexibility f language and its capacity t cmmunicate meanings nt relating t wrds.
    Peple have been cmplaining abut language being “ruined”. In A.D. 63, fr example, a Rman schlar cmplained that students f Latin were writing in an “artificial language”. In fact, this writing was a new language that wuld becme French! Similarly, in 1871, the then-president f Harvard University said,“Bad spelling, incrrectness, inelegance f expressin in writing, and ignrance f the simplest rules f punctuatin... are far frm rare amng the yung wh are well-prepared fr cllege studies.”
    Tday, peple are able t cmmunicate rapidly using a wide variety f tls and technlgies. Perhaps n linguistic develpment better indicates changes in the ways we cmmunicate than the ppular emticn (表情符号). It is a visual representatin f a smiley face turned sideways. Althugh an emticn may lk like a smile, a frwn r any number f facial expressins, it desn’t really represent a face. Instead, it’s intended t cnvey a feeling, such as “I’m happy” r “just jking”.
    S, far frm ruining language, the example indicates hw peple can nw cmmunicate cmplex feelings in a simple manner. This kind f change is perfect fr ur mdern, fast-paced wrld.
    32. What can be learnt abut “textspeak” frm the text?
    A. It has ill effects n language.
    B. It is ruining language in the digital age.
    C. It is a visual representatin f facial expressins.
    D. It is an evlutin f language and cmmunicatin.
    33. What des the authr argue fr in the text?
    A. Language changes and adapts t new technlgies.
    B. Language has becme mre rigid with technlgy.
    C. Language is being crrupted by mdern innvatins.
    D. Technlgy has made us lazy in ur use f language.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “aggravating” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Simplifying.B. Oppsing.C. Wrsening.D. Shrtening.
    35. What’s the authr’s attitude twards “textspeak”?
    A. Indifferent.B. Favrable.C. Dubtful.D. Objective.
    【答案】32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“Textspeak is an evlutin f language. It’s even the fcus f a field f linguistics (语言学) called CMC, which is cmmitted t the study f interactin facilitated by technlgy like cmputers, mbile phnes and tablets.(textspeak是一种语言的进化。这甚至是一个名为CMC的语言学领域的研究重点,该领域致力于研究电脑、手机和平板电脑等技术促进的互动。)”可知,textspeak是语言和交流的进化。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“Of curse, language des change when it’s used digitally. Textspeak is an evlutin f language.(当然,当语言被数字化使用时,它确实会发生变化。短信语是一种语言的进化。)”和最后一段的“S, far frm ruining language, the example indicates hw peple can nw cmmunicate cmplex feelings in a simple manner. This kind f change is perfect fr ur mdern, fast-paced wrld.(因此,这个例子不仅没有破坏语言,而且表明人们现在可以用简单的方式交流复杂的情感。这种变化对于我们这个快节奏的现代世界来说是完美的。)”可知,作者在文中论证了语言会随着新技术而变化和适应。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段的“Cntrary t the idea(与这个想法相反)”和“CMC demnstrates a creative repurpsing f symbls fr technlgy. These swift and clever evlutins illustrate the flexibility f language and its capacity t cmmunicate meanings nt relating t wrds.(CMC展示了对技术符号的创造性重新利用。这些迅速而巧妙的进化说明了语言的灵活性及其传达与单词无关的意义的能力。)”和第四段“Peple have been cmplaining abut language being “ruined”.(人们一直在抱怨语言被“毁了”。)”可知,划线词所在的句子表示“与这些创新正在恶化语言的想法相反,CMC展示了对技术符号的创造性重新利用。这些迅速而巧妙的进化说明了语言的灵活性及其传达与单词无关的意义的能力”,划线词意为“使恶化”,和C选项“Wrsening(恶化)”意思相近。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“Textspeak is an evlutin f language.(短信语是一种语言的进化。)”和最后一段的“S, far frm ruining language, the example indicates hw peple can nw cmmunicate cmplex feelings in a simple manner. This kind f change is perfect fr ur mdern, fast-paced wrld.(因此,这个例子不仅没有破坏语言,而且表明人们现在可以用简单的方式交流复杂的情感。这种变化对于我们这个快节奏的现代世界来说是完美的。)”可知,作者对“短信语”的态度是赞许的。故选B。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    D yu have a hard time saying“n”? If “yes” rules yur life and “n” desn’t exist, here are sme tips fr yu t say “n” withut feeling bad.
    Switch ut “n” fr “later”
    If yu’re just starting ut, yu dn’t have t jump straight t “n”. ___36___ . But saying later is much easier. Make yur default (预设) respnse t any request with “Let me get back t yu later.”Dn’t rely n yur “laters” frever, because t many wuld make yu unreliable in the lng run.
    Rehearse (排演) yur “n”
    Smetimes, invites r requests happen naturally and in persn, requiring an answer immediately. ___37___. If yu’re afraid f cming ff as rbtic r unnatural, it helps t rehearse yur lines in frnt f a mirrr.
    Offering an excuse may seem plite t decline a request, but it sets yu up fr an awkward situatin. N matter what excuse yu ffer, peple wh are determined t get yu t say “yes” will cme up with a way t reel (卷轴) yu in.___39___. If yu say “n” t them, yu can still sften the blw by being plite and appreciative.
    D ffer an alternative
    If the persn asking yu fr smething is smene wh yu want t maintain a psitive relatinship with, yu can decrease the impact f yur “n” by ffering an alternative. ___40___. Hence, the persn wn’t feel upset and yu dn’t feel guilty fr yur“n”, either. It is a win-win situatin!
    A. Dn’t ffer an explanatin
    B. Dn’t say “yes” t thers easily
    C. Saying “n”at nce can be tugh
    D. But nisy places with many peple aren’t yur chices
    E. S it wuld be useful t rehearse yur “n” in advance
    F. Being frank with peple by saying “n” desn’t mean rude
    G. The gal is t find a cmmn grund and reach an agreement
    【答案】36. C 37. E 38. A 39. F 40. G
    根据空前“If yu’re just starting ut, yu dn’t have t jump straight t “n”.(如果你刚开始,那么不必直接说‘不’。)”和空后“But saying later is much easier.(但是之后说会容易得多。)”可知,空前提到刚开始时不用直接拒绝,空后提出之后说更容易,故C项“立马说‘不’可能是困难的”符合,与空后构成转折,故选C项。
    根据本段小标题“Rehearse(排演)yur “n”(排练说‘不’”)”和空后“If yu’re afraid f cming ff as rbtic r unnatural, it helps t rehearse yur lines in frnt f a mirrr.(如果你害怕表现得不自然,在镜子前排演一下是有帮助的。)”可知,本段主要讲述提前排练,故E项“因此,提前排练一下你的‘不’是有用的”符合,故选E项。
    根据本段内容“Offering an excuse may seem plite t decline a request, but it sets yu up fr an awkward situatin.(找个借口拒绝别人的请求看起来是礼貌,但这会让你陷入尴尬的境地。)”可知,本段主要讲述找借口解释会让你陷入尴尬的境地,所以不要解释。故A项“不要解释”符合本段主旨,故选A项。
    根据空后“If yu say “n” t them, yu can still sften the blw by being plite and appreciative.(如果你对他们说‘不’,你仍然可以通过保持礼貌和给予感激来缓解尴尬。)”可知,空后提出即使拒绝,也可以保持礼貌和给予感激,故F项“对人坦诚地说‘不’并不意味着你是粗鲁的”符合,故选F项。
    根据本段小标题“D ffer an alternative(提供替代方案)”和空前“If the persn asking yu fr smething is smene wh yu want t maintain a psitive relatinship with, yu can decrease the impact f yur “n” by ffering an alternative.(如果邀请你的人是你想要维持积极关系的人,那么你可以通过提供一个替代方案来减少你拒绝所造成的不良影响。)”可知,本段和空前主要讲述要提供替代方案,空处说明其目的。故G项“其目的在于找到共同点并达成共识”符合,故选G项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A man, wh had team wrk spirit, suddenly stpped participating in any grup activity. On ne ___41___night, the man’s leader decided t visit him. He fund the man alne, sitting in frnt f a fireplace where a bright fire burned. The man welcmed the leader with few wrds. The tw men nly watched the dancing ___42___arund the lgs that crackled (噼啪作响) in the fireplace. After a few minutes, the leader ___43___ examined the lgs that frmed the fire and ___44___ ne f the mst brightly glwing wds and remved it t the ___45___. Befre lng, the lnely member flame became less vilent, and its fire sn ___46___. In a shrt time what was ___47___ bright light and heat had becme nthing mre than the ___48___ wd. Befre preparing t leave, the leader picked up the useless piece f wd and ___49___ it again in the middle f the fire. Immediately, the piece f wd was relighted, ___50___ by the light and heat f the burning cals arund it. When the leader reached the dr t leave, the man thanked him fr his valuable lessn, and prmised t ___51___ t the grup sn.
    This stry makes us ___52___the imprtance f teamwrk. Because each member that___53___ takes fire and heat frm the rest. It’s wrth reminding grup members that we are all___54___fr keeping each ther’s flame burning. And we must prmte the unin amng us s that the fire is really strng, ___55___and lasting.
    41. A. quietB. cldC. nrmalD. cmmn
    42. A. flameB. wdC. smkeD. member
    43. A. hurriedlyB. delightedlyC. silentlyD. accurately
    44. A. cmbinedB. carvedC. presentedD. selected
    45. A. sideB. frntC. surfaceD. fire
    46. A. kicked utB. brke utC. turned utD. went ut
    47. A. narrwlyB. previuslyC. eventuallyD. gradually
    48. A. deadB. valuableC. expensiveD. strng
    49. A. usedB. placedC. btainedD. cntacted
    50. A. desertedB. recycledC. fuelledD. started
    51. A. returnB. appealC. applyD. reply
    52. A. achieveB. stressC. realizeD. develp
    53. A. submitsB. cmplainsC. withdrawsD. eases
    54. A. devtedB. respnsibleC. caringD. prepared
    55. A. experiencedB. swiftC. variusD. effective
    【答案】41. B 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. C 51. A 52. C 53. C 54. B 55. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在一个寒冷的夜晚,这个人的领导决定去拜访他。A. quiet安静的;B. cld寒冷的;C. nrmal正常的;D. cmmn常见的。根据后文“He fund the man alne, sitting in frnt f a fireplace where a bright fire burned”以及常识可知,天冷才会点壁炉取暖。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:两个人只是看着壁炉里噼啪作响的圆木周围跳动的火焰。A. flame火焰;B. wd木头;C. smke烟雾;D. member成员。根据本句“that crackled (噼啪作响) in the fireplace”可知,两个人看着壁炉里燃烧的圆木的火焰。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,领导默默地检查了生火的木头,选择了一根最亮的木头,把它移到一边。A. hurriedly匆忙地;B. delightedly高兴地;C. silently默默地;D. accurately准确地。根据前文“The tw men nly watched”可知,他们只是坐着看火焰,领导没有说话,所以是默默地检查木头。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,领导默默地检查了生火的木头,选择了一根最亮的木头,把它移到一边。A. cmbined结合;B. carved雕刻;C. presented呈现;D. selected选择。根据空前动词“examined the lgs”以及空后动词“remved it”可知,前后为顺承的动作,查看木头,挑选木头,然后移动。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,领导默默地检查了生火的木头,选择了一根最亮的木头,把它移到一边。A. side一边;B. frnt前面;C. surface表面;D. fire火。根据下文“the lnely member flame became less vilent”可知,这个木头被放到了一边。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:不久,那孤独的木头的火焰变得不那么猛烈了,它的火焰很快就熄灭了。A. kicked ut驱逐;B. brke ut爆发;C. turned ut证明是;D. went ut熄灭。根据本句“the lnely member flame became less vilent”以及常识可知,单独的木头很快就会熄灭。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在很短的时间里,原先明亮的光和热变成了枯木。A. narrwly勉强地;B. previusly原先地;C. eventually最终;D. gradually逐渐地。根据前文“the lgs that crackled (噼啪作响) in the fireplace”可知,木头原先是在壁炉里和其他木头一起燃烧,但是现在单独的一个,形成了对比。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在很短的时间里,原先明亮的光和热变成了枯木。A. dead枯萎的,没有生机的;B. valuable宝贵的;C. expensive昂贵的;D. strng强壮的。根据前文“the lgs that crackled (噼啪作响) in the fireplace”以及“Befre lng, the lnely member flame became less vilent, and its fire sn 6 .”可知,木头原先是在壁炉里和其他木头一起燃烧,而现在要熄灭了,变成了没有生机的枯木。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在准备离开之前,领导捡起那块没用的木头,又把它放在火中央。A. used使用;B. placed放置;C. btained获得;D. cntacted联系。根据空前“picked up the useless piece f wd”以及空后“again in the middle f the fire”可知,捡起那块没用的木头又把它放在火中央。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,这块木头被周围燃烧的煤的光和热点燃了。A. deserted舍弃;B. recycled循环利用;C. fuelled提供燃料;D. started开始。根据空后“by the light and heat f the burning cals arund it”以及空前“the piece f wd was relighted”可知,被周围燃烧的煤的光和热提供了燃料,重新被点燃了。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当领导走到门口准备离开时,这个人感谢他给了他宝贵的一课,并承诺很快就会回到团队中。A. return返回;B. appeal吸引;C. apply申请;D. reply回复。根据前文“A man, wh had team wrk spirit, suddenly stpped participating in any grup activity.”可知,队员想离队,队长来劝说,给他上了宝贵的一课,所以队员会再回到队中。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个故事让我们意识到团队合作的重要性。A. achieve实现;B. stress强调;C. realize意识到;D. develp发展。根据空后“the imprtance f teamwrk”可知,这是从故事中明白的道理。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为每一个退出的成员都从其他成员那里带走了火和热量。A. submits提交;B. cmplains抱怨;C. withdraws退出;D. eases减轻。根据前文“Befre lng, the lnely member flame became less vilent, and its fire sn 6 ”可知,那孤独的木头比喻的是队员,孤木离开火堆,就像队员离开团队,因此此处指的是“退出”。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:值得提醒的是,我们都有责任保持彼此的火焰燃烧。A. devted献身的;B. respnsible有责任的;C. caring体贴的;D. prepared准备好的。根据本句“keeping each ther’s flame burning”可知,这是队员的责任。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们必须促进我们之间的团结,使这团火真正强大、有效和持久。A. experienced有经验的;B. swift迅速的;C. varius各种各样的;D. effective有效的。根据常识以及本句“the unin”可知,团结效率更高。故选D。
    When yu walk thrugh the aisles(通道) f supermarkets, yu can see varius prducts in different kinds f packages and in different clrs. But why?
    Well, the reasn is ___56___ clrs are cnnected with certain feelings. Fr example, why d sme peple paint the walls f their rms yellw and thers pink? The same is true in ___57___ (stre). Prducers want us t feel smething when we lk at their prducts. Green, fr example, tries its best ___58___ (shw) the quality f a prduct. It als signalizes that the prduct is ___59___ (healthy), has less fat and maybe fewer calries. Red, n the ther hand is ___60___aggressive clr that is ften used fr packaging fd. It can make us feel hungry r thirsty. Purple is the clr that is very rare. It ___61___(indicate) that it is smething special. Prducers use purple t shw that smething is___62___gd quality. Besides, clrs are ften assciated with flavrs. An range flavred prduct uses an range packaging. Chclate and ther fds with caca in them ften use brwn packaging.
    Therefre, advertising prfessinals ften need t lk at a prduct thrugh the cnsumers’ eyes when___63___(chse) a clr. The right packaging clrs can ___64___(true) imprve the sales f a prduct but a wrng clr culd end in____65____(fail).
    【答案】56. that
    57. stres 58. t shw
    59. healthier
    60. an 61. indicates
    62. f 63. chsing
    64. truly 65. failure
    考查连接词。句意:好吧,原因是颜色与某些感觉有关。分析句子结构可知,此处为表语从句,主语为the reasn,且从句中不缺少句子成分,所以用that引导。故填that。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:例如,绿色尽最大努力展示产品的质量。根据语境可知,此处表示“尽力展示”。try t d...表示“尽力……”,不定式作宾语。故填t shw。
    考查形容词的比较级。句意:这也意味着该产品更健康,脂肪更少,并且热量可能更少。根据后面的less fat and maybe fewer calries可知,此处用形容词的比较级形式。故填healthier。
    考查介词。句意:制造商用紫色来表示某种东西的质量很好。“be f+名词”相当于一个形容词,为固定结构。故填f。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,广告专业人士在选择颜色时,往往需要通过消费者的眼睛来看待产品。when引导一个时间状语从句,且从句的逻辑主语和主句主语一致,此处使用了省略结构。chse与逻辑主语与advertising prfessinals之间是主谓关系,所以此处用现在分词形式。故填chsing。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 你校正在组织英文作文比赛。请以“The Benefits f Ding Exercise Regularly”为题写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
    1. 你的理解;
    2. 举例说明。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The Benefits f Ding Exercise Regularly
    The Benefits f Ding Exercise Regularly
    Exercise is an essential part f a healthy lifestyle, and ding it regularly brings numerus benefits t ur physical and mental well-being.
    Last year, I jined the schl Tai Chi Club. We members are scheduled t meet every day after schl and practice fr half an hur. The past year had a psitive effect n me. Nt nly culd I sleep better at night, but I was als mre energetic during the day. By practising TaiChi regularly, I learnt t relax my mind, which enabled me t stay cl in stressful situatins.
    In cnclusin, the imprtance f ding exercise regularly cannt be emphasized enugh.By incrprating regular exercise int ur daily rutines, we can enjy a healthier and happier life.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生请以“The Benefits f Ding Exercise Regularly”为题写一篇短文参加学校组织的英文作文比赛。
    保持冷静:stay cl → keep calm
    总之:in cnclusin→all in all
    强调:emphasize→ stress
    原句:Last year, I jined the schl Tai Chi Club.
    拓展句:Last year, I jined the schl Tai Chi Club, which is very ppular in ur schl.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Nt nly culd I sleep better at night, but I was als mre energetic during the day.(运用了部分倒装的结构。)
    【高分句型2】By practising Tai Chi regularly, I learnt t relax my mind, which enabled me t stay cl in stressful situatins.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a sunny afternn when Alice fund herself wandering lst in a busy city. Feeling verwhelmed and cnfused, she culdn’t find her way back t her htel. With despair in her eyes, she std n a crwded street crner, searching fr help. Just when Alice was abut t give up hpe, a friendly face appeared in the crwd. It was an elderly gentleman named Mr. Jhnsn. Sensing her distress, he apprached Alice and kindly asked if he culd be f assistance. Grateful fr his ffer, Alice explained her situatin. Mr. Jhnsn listened attentively and reassured her that he knew the way t her htel. Withut hesitatin,he insisted n accmpanying her t ensure she reached her destinatin safely.
    As they walked tgether Mr. Jhnsn engaged in cheerful cnversatin, gently distracting Alice frm her anxius thughts. His warm demeanr and genuine cncern put her at ease, as if they were ld friends. Alng the way, he pinted ut landmarks and shared interesting tidbits abut the city. After a shrt walk, they arrived at the htel. Alice thanked Mr. Jhnsn prfusely, her gratitude puring ut in every wrd. But instead f accepting her thanks, he simply smiled and said, “Helping smene in need is its wn reward.”
    With thse wrds, Mr. Jhnsn bid Alice farewell and cntinued n his way. His selflessness had made a prfund impact n Alice’s heart, inspiring her t pay his kindness frward.
    Days turned int weeks, and Alice fund herself cnstantly n the lkut fr pprtunities t help thers. Whether it was ffering directins t lst turists r lending a hand t smene struggling with heavy bags, Alice became knwn as the “kind stranger”in her cmmunity.
    One day, while walking thrugh a park, Alice nticed a yung girl sitting alne n a bench, tears streaming dwn her face. Withut hesitatin, she apprached the girl and asked if she needed smene t talk t. They began a heartfelt cnversatin, and Alice sn discvered that the girl, Emily, was feeling lst and lnely.
    Drawing experience frm herself, Alice shared stries f kindness with Emily.
    After cnstantly paying her kindness frward, Alice was lst in thught.
    Drawing experience frm herself, Alice shared stries f kindness with Emily. She assured Emily that there were gd peple in the wrld wh cared. Inspired by the memry f Mr. Jhnsn, Alice ffered a listening ear and a cmfrting presence fr the yung girl, reminding her that she was nt alne. As Emily pened up, a newfund sense f hpe began t blssm in her heart, knwing that acts f kindness were nt limited t a few individuals. They bth agreed t embark n a missin t share these stries, spreading the message f cmpassin and restring faith in humanity.
    After cnstantly paying her kindness frward, Alice was lst in thught. Alice realized that her encunter with Mr. Jhnsn had nt nly changed her life but had als psitively impacted the lives f thers. In the end, what started as a simple act f kindness frm a stranger had turned int a beautiful jurney f cmpassin and friendship. Alice, Emily and the memry f Mr. Jhnsn cntinued t inspire acts f gdness and spread kindness thrughut their cmmunity.
    ②开始着手:embark n/get dwn t
    ③意识到:realize that/be aware that
    【点睛】[高分句型1] She assured Emily that there were gd peple in the wrld wh cared. (由that引导的宾语从句和wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] In the end, what started as a simple act f kindness frm a stranger had turned int a beautiful jurney f cmpassin and friendship. (由what引导的主语从句)

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