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    第I卷 (选择题,共100分)
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the wman want t d mst this weekend?
    A. Visit her grandmther. B. Write an essay. C. Watch a mvie.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a lecture hall. B. At the frnt desk. C. In a chemistry labratry.
    3. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Cludy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their new clleagues. B. Their cmpany’s news.
    C.Their wrking experience.
    5. What d we knw abut Bella?
    A. She lacks curage. B.She teaches perfrming.
    C. She feels unsatisfied.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What des the wman dislike abut the place?
    A. Only ne bedrm.B. Much natural light. C. A large kitchen.
    7. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Client and agent. C. Friends.
    8. What is the wman ding currently?
    A. Hsting a radi shw.B. Treating a patient.C. Helping a friend.
    9. What wrries the man abut his daughter’s mve t cllege?
    A. She might feel hmesick. B. She will be far away frm him.
    C. She might struggle fr mney.
    10. What psitin is the man’s cmpany prviding?
    A. Sales manager. B. Prduct manager.C. Business manager.
    11. Why des the wman mst want the jb?
    A. It ffers a better pay. B. It seems mre interesting.
    C. It prvides a leadership rle.
    12. What des the wman find mst difficult at wrk?
    A. Keeping a wrk-life balance. B. Getting n with C-wrkers.
    C. Dealing with custmers.
    13. Hw des Jack seem t feel abut the award?
    A. Prud. B. Amazed. C. Dubtful.
    14. Hw des Jack describe himself as a child?
    A. Bkish and shy. B. Cnfident and scial.C. Imaginative and musical.
    15. What did Jack’s uncle d fr a living?
    A. He was a cmpany bss. B. He was a sund engineer.
    C. He was a rck star.
    16. Hw did his uncle help Jack in his career?
    A.He intrduced him t the music wrld. B. He gave him sme music recrds.
    C. He bught him his first guitar.
    17. What is the speaker prbably?
    A. A PE teacher.B. A fitness cach. C. A medicine expert.
    18. What d yu knw abut the next set f classes?
    A. They will be mre attractive. B. They will gradually get easier.
    C. They will becme mre challenging.
    19. What shuld yu d befre every wrkut?
    A. Start a warm-up. B. D sme bxing. C. Play sme games.
    20. Hw much shuld yu pay fr half f the classes?
    A. $50. B.$100. C. $75.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Family-Friendly Events in January
    ZLights: Glw Wild Jan. 1-19
    The Phenix Z’s yearly hliday light shw is n until Jan. 19, allwing families ne r mre pprtunities t enjy the city’s z, with millins f lights giving an added dimensin t the festivities.
    Glw Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. , Phenix, phenixz.rg, $11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admissin.
    Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts Jan. 4-18
    The Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts features the wrk f established and emerging artists, including thse wh create wdwrk, metal crafts, fd items, art, phtgraphy and gifts.
    On Macdnald, ff f Main Street in Dwntwn Mesa, dtmesafest.cm, free admissin.
    Family Fun Winterfest Jan. 4
    OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hsting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Curtyard, featuring real snw fr the kids t play in. This free event features everything frm bunce huses t rides, games, snwflake crafts and face painting t g with varius stands set up by lcal sellers, with fd and ther fferings fr sale at the event.
    9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scttsdale, dyseainthedesert.cm, free.
    Yuth Fine Arts Curse Jan. 18-Mar. 7
    Mesa Arts Center is hsting an eight-week yuth arts curse n Saturdays t teach artistic skills and knwledge thrugh fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety f art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessins fr all.
    Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St, Mesa, mesaartscenter.cm, $93.
    21. Hw can yu get a discunted ticket t the ZLights shw?
    A. Get a membership.B.Bring a friend.
    C. Jin a tur grup.D. Bk a ticket nline.
    22. What can yu d at Family Fun Winterfest?
    A. Have free fd.B. Take art classes.
    C. Enjy real snw.D. Meet lcal artists.
    23. Which event lasts the lngest?
    A. ZLights: Glw Wild. B. Yuth Fine Arts Curses.
    C. Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts. D. Family Fun Winterfest.
    When I gt hme after drpping ut f cllege in my junir year because f depressin, I didn’t want t get ut f bed every day. But my parents wanted me t, s I just remved myself frm the living rm t the cuch. Smetimes I wuld turn n the TV and watch marathns, but mstly I just sat there, lst in thught.
    One day when I was lying n the cuch, nt knwing what t d, I thught since I had been ut f schl fr a lng time, I had better d smething prductive in my life. I lked at what I culd d. I culd attend nline cllege classes, g t in-persn events just t get ut f the huse, r take up a hbby. But nne f these things made me happy, and my depressin seemed t fllw me inseparably.
    Hwever, there was smething that was my thing. N matter what kind f day I’m having nw, the mere mentin f start-ups still cheers me up. I have been ding business in sme kinds f frms ever since I was a kid, and despite everything, this enthusiasm has always been in my heart.
    S I started thinking f ideas, seeing which ne culd becme practical. I spent my days being glued t a wide purple ntebk and a pen in hand, smetimes mving frm the cuch t the table n ur back prch (门廊) in the mrnings. If I gt up early enugh, I’d watch the sun cme up. It was there, in the still mrnings, that I learned abut life and started t lk back n mine.
    With time ging n, the depressin started t lift. I was making mre prgress in my recvery, and the gd days were mre frequent than the bad. I started a cuple f different businesses, eventually settling n a web design business, and did a lt f experiments, which changed my ideas. After a perid f time, things started t wrk.
    What seemed t truble the authr all the time?
    A. Varius daily rutines. B. Certain mental prblems.
    C. Attractive TV prgrams. D. Parents’ cmplaints.
    25. What did the authr begin t think f ding ne day?
    A. Finding a way ut. B. Ging back t schl.
    C. Escaping frm hme. D. Hsting ut-dr activities.
    26. What exactly lifted the authr’s spirits?
    A. Taking ntes attentively. B. Appreciating early mrnings.
    C. Recalling the cheerful childhd. D. Fllwing the passin in business.
    27. What d yu think f the authr?
    A. Stressed but ptimistic. B. Passive but prductive.
    C. Lnely but talented. D. Uncreative but changeable.
    The ppular dcumentary series Aerial China (航拍中国) recently returned t the small screen. The latest and furth seasn f it gives a perspective that is bth excellent and infrmative. As the final f the series, the new seasn was sht acrss 11 prvincial-level regins and started in the spring f 2020.
    “The experience frm the previus three seasns makes us mre capable t fllw wild animals while aviding disturbing them,” says Yu, chief directr f the series. China has made great effrts t prtect endangered wildlife species and their habitats in recent years, and it has becme much easier t spt rare species in the wild. Taking Tibetan antelpes as an example, the plateau-based creatures were difficult t encunter in the past, but the expansin f their ppulatin and enhanced research n their living patterns have allwed the camera crew t tailr plans t fllw the animals.
    Mst clse-ups fr the seasn were sht by phtgraphers frm helicpters r cameras installed n drnes (无人机). The vital mment fr a successful sht depends n the md f the animals r hw gd the weather is,” Yu says. In an attempt t fully shw China’s huge changes ver the past decade, the dcumentary series cnsulted experts frm different fields t help select the mst attractive shting sites. In the final seasn, Aerial China has used 73 helicpters and 320 drnes t sht ftage ver an area f 900,000 kilmeters, and selected arund 1,000 staffers. Mre than 30 teams were assigned t sht in different cities fr the furth seasn.
    The previus three seasns have been watched by 850 millin TV viewers and seen nline ver 140 millin times. Fr fans f the series, the directr says he hpes that the new seasn will draw a bigger audience with its unusual perspective t shw them China like never seen befre.
    28. Which can best replace the underlined wrd “perspective” in the first paragraph?
    viewpint. B. reference. C. mentin. D. standard.
    29. Why are Tibetan antelpes mentined?
    A. T indicate a successful encunter. B. T intrduce new living patterns.
    C. T shw a bilgical imprvement.D. T save endangered wildlife species.
    30. What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. The team members’ rles. B. The effrts spent in the seasn.
    C. The hi-tech devices fr shting. D. The splendid shting sites.
    31. What des the last paragraph want t tell us?
    A. This is the last but ne seasn.
    B. This seasn is well wrth viewing.
    C. The series is ppular with TV reviewers.
    D. The series is intended fr Chinese fans.
    Plants d nt suffer in silence when thirsty r stressed, accrding t a new study published tday in Cell.
    Plants that need water r have recently had their branches cut prduce up t rughly 35 sunds per hur, the authrs fund. But well-watered and uncut plants are much quieter, making nly abut ne sund per hur.
    The reasn why yu have prbably never heard a thirsty plant make nises is that the sunds are s high-pitched that very few humans culd hear them. Sme animals, hwever, prbably can. Bats, mice and mths culd pssibly live in a wrld filled with the sunds f plants, and previus wrk by the same team has fund that plants respnd t sunds made by animals, t.
    T verhear plants, Lilach Hadany at Tel-Aviv University in Israel and her clleagues placed tbacc and tmat plants in small bxes prvided with micrphnes. The micrphnes picked up any nises made by the plants, even if the researchers culdn’t hear them. The nises were particularly bvius fr plants that were stressed by a lack f water r recent cutting.
    Plants d nt have vcal crds (声带) r lungs. Hadany says the current thery fr hw plants make nises centers n their xylem (木质部) that transprt water and nutrients frm their rts t their branches and leaves. Water in the xylem is held tgether by surface tensin, just like water mving thrugh a drinking straw. If an air bubble (气泡) frms r breaks in the xylem, it might make a little ppping nise; bubble frmatin is mre likely during dry seasns. But the exact system requires further study, Hadany says.
    The team prduced a machine-learning mdel t check whether a plant had been cut r was water-stressed frm the sunds it made, with abut 70% accuracy. This result suggests a pssible rle fr the audi mnitring f plants in farming and gardening.
    T test the practicality f this apprach, the team tried recrding plants in a greenhuse. Pilt studies by the authrs suggest that tmat and tbacc plants are nt exceptin. Wheat, crn and wine grapes als make nises when they are thirsty.
    What is the new research mainly abut?
    A. Plants can react t animals. B. Branchless plants need watering.
    C. Well-watered plants keep silent. D. Plants can prduce sunds.
    33. What can happen t plants shrt f water accrding t Hadany?
    A. They can create mre bubbles.B. They can feel less stressed.
    C. They require less nutrient supply. D. They need lungs t breathe mre.
    34. What might the mdel be applied t?
    A. Nise pllutin test.B. Crp selectin.
    C. Water surce prtectin. D. Fruit grwing.
    35. What might be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Hw Plants Are ThirstyB. When Nature Expresses Itself
    C. Hw Plants Cry fr Their NeedsD. When Creatures Hear Each Other
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    The hlidays are just arund the crner, and yu knw what that means. Just relax and step away frm yur study fr sme fun time with yur lved nes? 36 ? Here are a few ways t make mney in the hlidays.
    Gt spare textbks? Sell them ff. As we all knw, textbks are expensive. Why nt sell the bks yu n lnger need fr a bit f extra cash ver the hlidays? There're many places where yu can sell yur bks. 37 .
    Pick up a temprary retail jb. Assuming yu can stmach hliday retail, yu can make quite a bit f mney by picking up a few hurs at a nearby big bx stre 38 . After all, mst emplyers are ging t be lking fr extra emplyees t handle lts f shppers during hlidays.
    Be a private teacher nline. There are always sme peple wh need sme help with their educatin. Are yu gd at math? Use thse skills t help peple get thrugh their wn schling.
    39 . Fr many, the hlidays are a time f rest and relaxatin. They can still be that fr yu, but they can als be an pprtunity t make a tn f mney n the side.
    What I've presented here are nly a few ways t make mney in the hlidays. 40 . Of curse, yu can d all f them at nce r in any cmbinatin yu see fit.
    Start cnsidering yur hliday life
    Turn yur free time int mre mney
    After all, shps can ffer a lt f gds
    It's als easy t find ther temprary retail jbs
    Or give yurself a chance t recharge and even make sme mney
    If yu use yur imaginatin, I'm certain that yu can cme up with even mre
    Sites like BkScuter, TextbkRush, and Amazn are great places t start
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Jacky Hunt-Brersma, a native f Suth Africa, set her gal in mid-January. And since then she has been running 26.2 miles every day, abut the 41 f a marathn. On Saturday, she cmpleted her 104th marathn—a (an) 42 she expects t be cnfirmed by Guinness Wrld Recrds. If s, she wuld then 43 a wrld recrd fr 104 back-t-back (持续的) marathn runs, tw mre than her previus 44 . The current wrld recrd f 101 45 was set n April 10 by British runner Kate Jayden. The 35-year-ld Jayden des nt have a/an 46 .
    Hunt-Brersma 47 half f her left leg t a rare frm f cancer in 2001. “The biggest 48 was accepting that part f my bdy was gne,” she said. “Until five years ag, I was nt very 49 .But after lking int running, I 50 t give it a try.” The sprt ended up being quite 51 .Currently, she keeps running n a false 52 made ut f carbn fiber. The carbn fiber blade (刀锋) she uses, designed specifically fr 53 , csts abut $10,000.
    But Hunt-Brersma says her 54 has been well wrthwhile. “Running really 55 my life,” she said. “It gave me a sense f freedm. I fell in lve with the prcess f 56 my bdy further just t see what I culd d.” Hwever, she faced bth physical and mental 57 .On ne recent day, Hunt-Brersma said she felt near cllapse (崩溃) at 24 kilmeters. In that mment, she felt like her planned gal might nt 58 at all.
    Hunt-Brersma is hping t 59 a single thught in thers——“Yu’re 60 than yu think and yu’re capable f s much mre.”
    41.A.backgrund B.theme C.distance D.speed
    42.A.experiment B.achievement C.inventin D.prgram
    43.A.recver B.witness C.design D.hld
    44.A.measure B.gal C.rank D.psitin
    45.A.Marathns B.circles C.kilmeters D.pints
    46.A.experience B.advantage C.disability D.mistake
    47.A.wed B.dnated C.devted D.lst
    48.A.struggle B.pssibility C.pprtunity D.regret
    49.A.active B.sensitive C.negative D.reliable
    50.A.pretended B.cntinued C.decided D.refused
    51.A.cmplex B.attractive C.expensive D.awkward
    52.A.machine B.leg C.track D.runway
    53.A.running B.training C.peratin D.cmpetitin
    54.A.prject B.arrangement C.analysis D.investment
    55.A.recrded B.changed C.reflected D.limited
    56.A.appraching B.supprting C.pushing D.adjusting
    57.A.factrs B.differences C.results D.difficulties
    58.A.draw near B.cme true C.slw dwn D.fell behind
    59.A.describe B.seek C.cllect D.inspire
    60.A.strnger B.healthier C.stricter D.braver
    第II卷 (非选择题,共50分)
    Prcelain (陶瓷) is made by heating raw materials, ften a mix between china stne and kalin clay, in a kiln (窑) at a temperature as high as 1, 200 degree Celsius, which is key ___61____ making prcelain. __62___ (g) thrugh the fire f reinventin at a high temperature gives prcelain with greater ___63___ (strng), mre translucence (半透明) and a feast f clrs.
    Blue prcelain prduced in Lngquan, Zhejiang prvince, a technique which _____64______ (pass) dwn at least 1, 600 years ag, is a typical example f craftsmen’s pursuit f the perfect green light. And ______65______ takes 72 steps t prduce Lngquan celadn’s jade-like green. Plum green and light green are tw clrs f the best quality.
    Prcelain has als been a carrier fr cultural exchanges. Alng with China’s silk and tea, prcelain was ne f the first gds ______66______ (receive) wrldwide trade. As it _____67_____ (gradual) travelled arund the glbe thrugh the ancient Maritime Silk Rad, prcelain enjyed great ppularity amng ryal families and upper classes in Eurpe, _____68______ were attracted by these beautiful cntainers they named after China, a prduct that culd be prduced nly in the far East.
    Prcelain began as a _____69______ (practice) cntainer and evlved int pieces f art. Even when shattered int pieces and buried deep in mud, cultural values ____70_____ (attach) t prcelain wuld never disappear.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Shuld the listening test in an English test be kept and canceled? Sme students think that the listening test shuld nt canceled. They insist listening is ne f the fur basic skill in language learning. Therefre, we cannt ignre it. Besides, listening is an imprtant channel fr us t getting infrmatin. It shuld be strengthened tday as an internatinal cperatin is becming mre frequently. But the thers disagree. They think the listening test is fair t the students in the areas that radi signals cannt be picked up effectively. And fr certain reasns, there was a big difference in teachers and equipment amng the cuntryside and the city.
    第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
    假如你是李华,请给外教Jack写一封英语邮件,邀请他参加你们学校60周年(anniversary) 校庆晚会。内容包括:
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    第一部分 听力(满分30分,每小题1.5分)
    1-5 CBCBA 6-10 AAABB 11-15 CABAB 16-20 ABCAC
    第二部分 阅读(满分40分,每小题2分)
    21-25 ACBBA26-30 DAACB 31-35 BDADC 36-40 EGDBF
    第一节 完形(满分30分,每小题1.5分)
    41-45 CBDBA 46-50 CDAAC 51-55 CBADB 56-60 CDBDA
    第二节 填空(满分15分,每小题1.5分)
    61. t 62. Ging 63. strength 64. was passed 65. it
    66. t receive 67. gradually 68. wh 69. practical 70. attached
    and→r 2.canceled前加be 3.skill→skills
    4.getting→get 5.去掉internatinal前的an或an→the
    6.frequently→frequent 7.fair前加nt或fair→unfair
    8.that→where 9.was→is 10.amng→between
    假如你是李华,请给外教Jack写一封英语邮件,邀请他参加你们学校60周年(anniversary) 校庆晚会。内容包括:
    1, 写信事由; 2. 时间与地点; 3. 晚会主要内容。
    注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Jack,
    On behalf f my class, I am hnred t invite yu t attend the evening party in celebratin f ur schl’s 60th anniversary, which falls n Sunday, Dec.25.
    As scheduled, the party is due t start at 8pm, and end at 10pm, lasting abut 2 hurs. All guests are suppsed t cme int the new schl hall and take their seats 10 minutes earlier. Yur seat is N.8, Rw 5. At the evening party, a great schl achievement vide will g first, and then sme sngs, dances, pem recitatin created by teachers and students will g n, shwing ur great talents.
    Lking frward t yur arrival and having a gd time. Yurs,
    Li Hua

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