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    这是一份2023-2024学年山西省晋城市第一中学校高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含山西省晋城市第一中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、山西省晋城市第一中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.When will the man see Bb?
    A.This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. Next Mnday.
    2. What will Jack prbably d this weekend?
    A. G camping. B.Visit a friend. C.Watch a film.
    3. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.Writing a bk. B.Hlding a celebratin. C. Buying a present.
    4.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A.Take care f her bags. B. Pack the fd fr her. C.Check the train schedule.
    5. Why des the man aplgize?
    A.Fr the terrible fd. B.Frthe vercharge. C.Fr the waiter’s rudeness.
    第二节(共15 小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.What did Clara d at the weekend?
    A.She planted vegetables. B. She went t a yard sale. C.She visited her grandpa.
    7. What did Mark find inside ne f the bks he bught?
    A.Aplane ticket. B.A family pht. C.A pst card.
    8.Where des Mark live?
    A. Ls Angeles. B.Chicag. C. Philadelphia.
    9. What is the relatinship between Mark and Ashley?
    A.Brther and sister. B. Husband and wife. C.Father and daughter.
    10.Why des Sara make the phne call?
    A. T ask fr advice. B. T arrange an uting. C. T cancel an appintment.
    11.What des David want t d?
    A.G t a dinner party. B. Talk t Sara in persn. C. Wrk n the new case.
    12.Where is Jim nw?
    A.In a taxi. B.On a bus. C.In his ffice.
    13.What is the wman’s suggestin?
    A. Ging t the city center. B. Taking a shrt cut hme. C.Meeting Jim in the park.
    14.What is prbably the wman?
    A.A teacher. B.Ajurnalist. C.An athlete.
    15.What des Victr find difficult as a member f the basketball team?
    A. Adapting himself t the intense training.
    B. Dealing with the pressure frm the cach.
    C.Regaining the skills learned in high schl.
    16.What des Victr say abut the players n the team?
    A.They are f the same age.
    B.They are similar in character.
    C.They are frm different cuntries.
    17.Hw des Victr feel abut his team nw?
    A. It’s abut t break up. B.It’s the best in Indiana. C. It’s getting strnger.
    18.Wh is Tm Hkinsn?
    A.Funder f a magazine. B. Publisher f a nvel. C. Editr f a newspaper.
    19. What d we knw abut the cntent f The Idler?
    A.It’s ld-fashined. B. It’s wide-ranging. C. It’s student-targeted.
    20. Why des the speaker give the talk?
    A. T d a prmtin. B. T discuss an issue. C. T intrduce a lecturer.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The fllwing are newly released devices all designed t help make yur life mre cnvenient, beautiful and vivid.
    $2, 995 AT TONAL. COM
    Tnal makes lifting and resistance training truly easy and accessible frm yur wn hme. It is great because I hate any srt f public weight training. Tnal has a remarkably easy user interface and gives data and feedback in a helpful manner. It als makes yu feel great by keeping track f clear imprvements.
    Hisense 75″ U800GR 8K ULED Rku TV
    $1, 800 AT BEST BUY
    8k sunded like a luxury, but nw that brands like Hisense, which fcus n a mre affrdable end f the spectrum, have gtten sme time with the tech, yu can finally bring the deep clr utput and stunning detail int yur living rm. Calling it “affrdable” may be a stretch, but cmpared t mst 8k TV’s which all run ver $5, 000, it’s the mst cst-efficient versin f the tech we’ve gt.
    VIVE Flw
    $499 AT VIVE. COM
    Vive gggles will bring an extremely accessible and refreshing apprach t the VR wrld. They are a pair f gggles nt unlike smething yu d wear t snwbard. They’re extremely lightweight with a lightning fast set-that s cnnected with things like watching Netflix. It’s the calmest headset I’ve ever wrn and uses cameras t let yu cntrl everything with just yur hands. This ne’ s fr the nt-gamers.
    Dysn Purifier Humidify+Cl Frmaldehyde
    $920 AT WALMART
    Fr peple wh easily sneeze because f dg hair r smething like that utside, Dysn has created a machine that saves them fr time at hme. This new purifier dubles as a humidifier, plus it has a cling functin, making it the end all be all fr stuffy, ht, dry apartments.
    1. Which device will get yur mney wrth best?
    A Tnal.
    B. Hisense 75″ U800GR 8K ULED Rku TV.
    C. VIVE Flw.
    D. Dysn Purifier Humidify+Cl Frmaldehyde.
    2. What statement f Vive gggles is TRUE?
    A. They are user-friendly.
    B. They help keep track f weight.
    C. They appeal t gamers.
    D. They are intended fr wh are allergic t dust.
    3. Where is the text prbably take frm?
    A. A cnsumer review.B. A science reprt.
    C. A prduct brchure.D. An nline jurnal.
    When Malaika Vaz was a kid, living in Ga, India, she was cnstantly surrunded by nature. Amng her childhd experiences, she recalls jurneys t the Arctic and Antarctic, climbing muntains, diving, and windsurfing.
    At sme pint in her late teens, Vaz realized adventure didn’t really mean anything if there wasn’t an intentin t prtect the natural spaces we were explring in. Mtivated by her passin fr filmmaking, she began t seek a way that wuld bth satisfy her appetite fr adventure and allw her t advcate the prtectin f the species and ecsystems she interacted with.
    Tday Vaz wears many hats in the filmmaking wrld, as a dcumentary directr, prducer, and presenter. After falling in lve with manta rays (蝠鲼), she discvered they were being hunted illegally and started t dress herself as a seafd trader t get as clse as pssible t the issue. She traced sellers t figure ut why the threatened species were being killed. She shared the shcking details in Peng Yu Sai, her Green Oscar-nminated film n the matter.
    The subjects that grab her attentin, Vaz admits, run the gamut. When she was asked t define her fcus, she replied that she preferred variety. She always argues that the issues she lks int are mre interrelated than they may initially appear. “I think that it’s exciting t dive int the different aspects f envirnmental stries,” she says.
    Her wrk desn’t stp at recrding imprtant stries; she als ensures the message is heard. Frm Vaz’s viewpint, real imprvement in planetary prtectin lies in the hands f each f us rather than just thse f several envirnmentalists. “If yu’re an engineer and yu care abut the natural wrld, yu can change the kind f cnstructin materials yu use. If yu’re a teacher lving nature, yu can bring that int the learning fr yur class.” she says.
    As a filmmaker, Vaz believes it’s imprtant t figure ut ways that attract the audience wh can push fr the prtectin f the natural wrld.
    4. What did Malaika Vaz decide t d in her late teens?
    A. Mtivate children t get clse t nature.
    B. Make a film abut her childhd experiences.
    C. Develp a passin fr an adventurus lifestyle.
    D. Cmbine nature explratin with nature cnservatin.
    5. What is the film Peng Yu Sai mainly abut?
    A. The rle f manta rays in the lcal ecnmy.B. Vaz’s persnal life as a seafd trader.
    C. The threatened species in India.D. The illegal trade in manta rays.
    6. What des the underlined part “run the gamut” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Are quite ppular.B. Cver a wide range.
    C. Make little prgress.D. Are hard t deal with.
    7. What message des the authr cnvey in Paragraph 5?
    A. Human beings are clsely linked t nature.
    B. Stries are effective in changing peple’s behavir.
    C. Everyne can make a difference t the envirnment.
    D. Envirnmentalists play a big part in slving envirnmental issues.
    Reading Art: Art fr Bk Lvers is a celebratin f an everyday bject — the bk, represented here in almst three hundred artwrks frm museums arund the wrld. The image f the reader appears thrughut histry, in art made lng befre bks as we nw knw them came int being. In artists’ representatins f bks and reading, we see mments f shared humanity that g beynd culture and time.
    In this “bk f bks,” artwrks are selected and arranged in a way that emphasizes these cnnectins between different eras and cultures. We see scenes f children learning t read at hme r at schl, with the bk as a fcus fr relatins between the generatins. Adults are prtrayed (描绘) alne in many settings and pses —absrbed in a vlume, deep in thught r lst in a mment f leisure. These scenes may have been painted hundreds f years ag, but they recrd mments we can all relate t.
    Bks themselves may be used symblically in paintings t demnstrate the intellect (才智), wealth r faith f the subject. Befre the wide use f the printing press, bks were treasured bjects and culd be wrks f art in their wn right. Mre recently, as bks have becme inexpensive r even thrwaway, artists have used them as the raw material fr artwrks — transfrming cvers, pages r even cmplete vlumes int paintings and sculptures.
    Cntinued develpments in cmmunicatin technlgies were nce believed t make the printed page utdated. Frm a 21st-century pint f view, the printed bk is certainly ancient, but it remains as interactive as any battery-pwered e-reader. T serve its functin, a bk must be activated by a user: the cver pened, the pages parted, the cntents reviewed, perhaps ntes written dwn r wrds underlined. And in cntrast t ur increasingly netwrked lives where the infrmatin we cnsume is mnitred and tracked, a printed bk still ffers the chance f a whlly private, “ff-line” activity.
    8. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. An intrductin t a bk.B. An essay n the art f writing.
    C. A guidebk t a museum.D. A review f mdern paintings.
    9. What are the selected artwrks abut?
    A. Wealth and intellect.B. Hme and schl.
    C. Bks and reading.D. Wrk and leisure.
    10. What d the underlined wrds “relate t” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Understand.B. Paint.
    C. Seize.D. Transfrm.
    11. What des the authr want t say by mentining the e-reader?
    A. The printed bk is nt ttally ut f date.
    B. Technlgy has changed the way we read.
    C. Our lives in the 21st century are netwrked.
    D. Peple nw rarely have the patience t read.
    In English it’s cmmn t say, “I knw this twn like the back f my hand!” While we may knw ur twns really well, hw well d we actually knw ur hands? Maybe nt quite as well as we think, said a scientific study.
    Matthew Lng and his team frm University Cllege Lndn studied the left hands f100 peple. With their hands placed palms dwn under a bard, Lng’s team gave the instructin t pint t their knuckles (关节) and fingertips with a marker. Hw did they d? Nt that well.
    “Peple think their hand is wider than it actually is,” said Lng. He said they als seemed t think their fingers were shrter than their true lengths. Peple were mst accurate (准确的) when finding their thumbs, but became less accurate with each finger, up t their pinkies (小指).
    “It is cnnected t ur sense f psitin,” explained Lng. Humans knw where different parts f ur bdies are, even if we can’t see them. “It tells us whether a jint (关节) is straight r nt,” said Lng. “We als need t knw the distances between ur jints,” he went n. Our brains knw the sizes and shapes f ur bdies frm the maps they make fr themselves. “This experiment tried t find thse maps,” he said.
    Maybe maps dn’t need t be perfect. But why aren’t ur brains mre accurate? Lng said ur brains “see” areas based n ur sense f tuch, with the strnger the sense f tuch in a specific bdy part, the bigger that bdy part seems. An example is ur lips. As they have mre nerves (神经) than ur nses, ur brain’s map shws ur lips are bigger. The same thing can happen with bdy parts that have a lt f nerves. If yu’ve ever had smething stuck in yur teeth, it prbably felt huge! That’s because ur tngues als have lts f nerves.
    12. What did Matthew Lng and his team find frm their study?
    A. Their left hands are much wider than their right hands.
    B. The length f all fingers can be marked accurately.
    C. Peple dn’t knw their hands as well as they think.
    D. Peple did best pinting at the psitin f knuckles.
    13. Why d ur lips seem bigger than ur nses?
    A. Our lips have a mre imprtant functin than ur nses.
    B. There are mre nerves in ur nses than in ur lips.
    C. Our mental map must prefer the lip t the nse.
    D. Our sense f tuch in ur lips is much strnger.
    14. What cnclusin can we draw abut the experiment?
    A. Peple dn’t care abut smething arund us at all.
    B. Our hmetwn is t us what hands are t ur bdy.
    C Our bdies can be different frm hw we imagine them.
    D. Peple lse their sense f psitin if they can’t see.
    15. Which is the best title fr the text?
    A. Prtect Our BdiesB. Explre Our Bdies
    C. The Back f Our HandD. Perfect Parts f Our Bdies
    The Sunday scare is a feeling f wrry and anxiety abut ging t wrk r schl the next day. They are cmmn but manageable. ____16____
    Structure yur Sunday
    Structure can be a best friend when feeling the Sunday scare. Instead f sitting n the cuch and watching the clck g t d smething. ____17____ But that feeling is harder t hld n t when yu’re fcusing n smething.
    If yu’re feeling mre stress in general, it’s imprtant t make space fr relaxing activities t grund yurself. And there’s n right way t relax. Yu can d anything that is restful, such as baking, exercising, r cnnecting with a friend.
    Identify yur anxiety surces
    Anxiety is a nrmal human experience, and ne f the main ways t manage it is t identify yur persnal anxiety surces. ____19____ Is it a deadline, meeting r presentatin? Even there’s nt a single reasn behind yur Sunday anxiety.
    End yur Sunday with the right energy
    Make Sunday nights abut ding smething fr yurself, t cunteract the anxiety yu’re feeling abut Mnday. Maybe that means planning sme favrite fd t enjy while watching ftball. ____20____ Leave the wrk emails fr Mnday mrnings.
    A. Plan fr a restful Sunday
    B. D things t relax yurself
    C. Yu might still feel that sense f dread.
    D. Once yu have a better idea f what t d, take nte f it.
    E. Here are sme suggestins fr yu t deal with the Sunday scare.
    F. Try t find ut what’s really causing yu t wrry the next week.
    G. D yur best t enjy yurself and make Sunday nights all fr yu.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Dan Mancina is a prfessinal skatebarder knwn fr being visually impaired and sharing clips f his skating n Instagram. He has a large fllwing f fans, all ____21____t see his skillful tricks. And vides f him using his walking stick a she bards inspires curisity and ____22____frm fans arund the wrld.
    The Michigan native started skating at 7, and tk it mre ____23____at 13, develping a lve fr the sprt which he says helps him express himself. A rare genetic eye disease began t____24____his visin at 15, and after a year and a half, he cmpletely lst his ____25____.
    He stpped skating fr a cuple f years. This was the ____26____pint f his life.____27____letting his blindness dminate what he culd r wuld d, he gradually____28____t ding what he lved—spending time utdrs.
    One day, he wanted t see if he culd still skate, s he ____29____a vide f a trick, which eventually gt _____30_____n scial media and received great feedback. That inspired him t try a bit mre, and slwly he gt back int skatebarding.
    In rder t help make skatebarding mre _____31_____t peple with visin impairments, Dan has started a fundraising_____32_____t build the wrld’s first adaptive skate park. Mancina has _____33_____arund $40,000 fr the park. He hpes t be_____34_____skate wrkshps fr visually impaired kids by next spring r summer.
    “I’m hnred I can be a (n)_____35_____fr ur cmmunity. Never let thers define yu and what yu are capable f,” he said.
    21. A. eagerB. nervusC. cautiusD. hesitant
    22. A. gratitudeB. admiratinC. reflectinD. apprval
    23. A. exactlyB. severelyC. hnestlyD. seriusly
    24. A. earnB. checkC. affectD. prmte
    25. A. frtuneB. temperC. thughtD. sight
    26. A. lwestB. startingC. finishingD. highest
    27. A. Other thanB. Apart frmC. Rather thanD. Regardless f
    28. A. bjectedB. returnedC. admittedD. cntributed
    29. A. filmedB. develpedC. watchedD. replaced
    30. A. imitatedB. changedC. sharedD. invlved
    31. A. achievableB. affrdableC. bearableD. accessible
    32. A. permissinB. cmpetitinC. assignmentD. campaign
    33. A. raisedB. distributedC. spentD. wasted
    34. A. examiningB. runningC. cuntingD. explring
    35. A. signalB. alarmC. viceD. surprise
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Thanks t scial media recmmendatins, Zib barbecue has becme ___36___ vernight hit, with large numbers f visitrs ___37___ (pur) t the city n weekends. Peple jked that the last time this many peple shwed up in the city ___38___ (be) during the Siege (围攻) f Qi, a famus battle in the area in 284 BC.
    Taking advantage f the barbecue craze, Zib has gne all ut t prmte lcal turism resurces, while wrking t ensure the ___39___ (safe) f visitrs and the quality f turism prducts. Many areas have been changed int dining halls fr the massed crwds. ___40___ (ease) restrictins n the supplies f meat and grills, lcal banks have started handing ut lw-interest lans designed ___41___ (special) fr barbecue-related industries.
    This barbecue fever in Zib shuld be helping China recver frm its zer-cvid era. Since the end f zer-cvid, many turists have described ___42___ (they) as “special-ps” travelers. This means drpping int a lcatin, spending as little time and mney as pssible, ___43___ then mving n t the next spt.
    Zib barbecue has been ne f the tp items t tick ff frm travel lists. Peple eat and drink at lw tables with a small stve, ___44___ (heat) by cal. The craze is abut mre than the simple fd. ___45___ peple acrss the cuntry are seeking ut in Zib is Shandng’s big-hearted hspitality.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你校的英国留学生Jhn对中国的太极拳很感兴趣,想学习太极拳,请你给他提些建议。请你根据以下要点给他写一封回信,内容包括:
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Mary sat dwn heavily n the sfa, feeling a bit dwn. Father’s Day was drawing near, yet she didn’t have a gift fr her dad. “Hw can I pssibly get a gift if I dn’t have any mney?” she wndered.
    Nticing the newspaper n the cuch, Mary reached fr it. A big advertisement n the frnt page caught her attentin. The lcal stre was hsting a cntest. “Share with us why yur dad is special and win a $100 gift card fr him,” the advertisement said “This is fantastic!” Mary thught with excitement. She hurried t her rm with the newspaper in hand. She picked up a pencil and a piece f paper, sat dwn, and began writing.
    “My dad is really amazing. He wrks tirelessly t supprt ur family and never cmplains. He always has time t listen t me and gives the best advice. He teaches me valuable life lessns and supprts my dreams. Whenever I feel dwn he lifts my spirits with his humr and lve. And althugh he is tugh n the utside, he has a heart f gld.”
    Mary felt satisfied with her heartfelt wrds. She carefully cpied them, caught an envelpe and a stamp frm her bedside, and rushed t the mailbx with her entry. “Dad will be verjyed with a gift card,” she thught ptimistically.
    Days turned int weeks as Mary eagerly checked the mailbx each day, hping fr news abut the cntest. Hwever, as Father’s Day was just arund the crner, she still hadn’t received any respnse.
    “What shuld I d nw?” she wndered, feeling disappinted. She had n gift and n mney and time was running ut. But Mary was determined t shw her lve and appreciatin. She had t cme up with a plan. Mary clsed her eyes and tk a deep breath, searching fr a slutin.
    1. 续写词数共150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    All f a sudden, she knew what t d.
    Paragraph 2:
    On the mrning f Father’s Day, Mary gave the letter t her father.

    2023-2024学年山西省大同市第一中学校高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年山西省大同市第一中学校高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含山西省大同市第一中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、山西省大同市第一中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

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