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    这是一份2023-2024学年湖南省株洲市炎陵县高二上学期12月期中考试英语试题听力含答案,共17页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7,5分,满分37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    What will the man d n Sunday?
    A. Play tennis.B. Play ftball.C. G swimming.
    What is the wman ging t d?
    Buy herself a pair f shes.
    Buy a gift fr the man.
    Attend a birthday party.
    Why is the wman tired?
    A. She saw a mvie. B. She tk an exam. C. She studied all night.
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Time.B. Mney.C. A mvie.
    What is the man ding at the airprt?
    A.Flying t New Yrk city.
    B.Waiting fr his sister.
    C.Arriving at New Yrk City.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。
    What des the man wrry abut?
    A. Getting H1N1 flu. B. Catching a cld. C. Having a high temperature.
    Hw ften shuld the man take his medicine?
    A. Fur times a day. B. Fur times a week. C. Six times a day.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。
    Hw did the man g t the cuntryside?
    A. On ft.B. By car.C. By bike.
    Where did the man have his lunch?
    A. By the lake.B. On the muntain.C. In the village.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。
    What makes the wman feel glad?
    A.The man has retired.
    B.The man helps with her wrk.
    C.The man will have mre mney.
    What des the wman d mst prbably?
    A. An engineer. B. A designer. C. A husewife.
    What kind f persn is the wman?
    A. Warm-hearted. B. Cld. C. Hard-wrking.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至 16 四个小题。
    What made the speakers miss s many classes?
    A. The bad weather. B. The spring break. C. The vacatin arrangements.
    Why are the speakers upset?
    A.It may snw during their vacatin.
    B.They may nt be able t take their vacatin.
    C.They may fail t jin the graduatin ceremny.
    What can we learn abut the speaker’s vacatin?
    A.They are ging skiing.
    B.Their flight has been canceled.
    C.They have made bkings fr their plane.
    What are the speakers ging t d right nw?
    A.Call the travel agency.
    B.Talk t Prfessr Hamptn.
    C.Speak t all f the ther peple.
    听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至 20 四个小题。
    Which aspect f Mark Twain’s life des the speaker fcus n?
    A. His travels.B. His shrt stries.C. His family.
    When did Mark Twain’s father pass away?
    A. In 1835.B. In 1839.C. In 1847.
    Why did Mark Twain g t the West?
    A.He wanted t be a jurnalist.
    B.He was sent there by his army.
    C.He wanted t get away frm the war.
    What cnnectin des the speaker suggest between Mark Twain’s travels and his writings?
    A.His stries were inspired by his travels.
    B.His travels prevented him frm writing.
    C.He traveled arund in rder t write stries.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Wine and beaches, firewrks and music ... ur readers recmmend sme fantastic festivals.
    Festa delTUva e del Vin, Italy
    Set n the beautiful shres f Lake Garda, this grapes and wine festival takes ver the small twn f Bardlin fr fur days every Octber. With lcal wines, fd, art prjectins, firewrks and live music, peple cme frm miles arund t celebrate. First and fremst, it’s abut great wine, but it’s wrth visiting t sak up the great atmsphere.
    Free, 1–4 Octber
    Quest festival, Vietnam
    This is a weekend camping festival held just a 40-minute drive frm Hani, bringing tgether lcals and visitrs in a celebratin f undergrund live and electrnic music culture. Held in the beautiful Sn Tinh campsite, there are usually abut 30 lcal and internatinal DJs and 10 bands. There are als wrkshps, pp-up cafes, fire perfrmances, dancing and much mre.
    Weekend tickets abut £25, 6–8 Nvember
    Estival, Switzerland
    This is a free festival f jazz which takes place in the first weekend in July in the pretty squares and lakeside beaches and parks arund the suthern Swiss twn f Lugan. Peple will enjy the palm trees and summer air sees sme f Eurpe’s up and cming jazz bands.
    Free, every July
    Irish Redhead Cnventin, Cunty Crk
    A friendly gathering fr all red-haired peple is held in the small seaside village f Crsshaven where redheads frm all ver the wrld take part in light-hearted events. There’s live music, art exhibitins, lectures and f curse the traditinal Parade f Redheads thrugh the village led by the newly crwned Redhead King and Queen.
    Free, every August
    21. Jennifer, a girl with red hair, may be interested in ______.
    A. Estival B. Quest festival
    C. Festa delTUva e del Vin D. Irish Redhead Cnventin
    22. What d these fur festivals have in cmmn?
    A. They ffer lcal fd. B. They have firewrks.
    C. They are free f charge. D. They have music activities.
    23. Where can yu prbably find the text?
    A. In a textbk. B. In a magazine.
    C. In a news reprt. D. In a research paper.
    French writer Annie Ernaux wn the 2022 Nbel Prize in literature n Oct 6. She is the first French female t win the prize.
    In the wrds f the Nbel cmmittee, Ernaux was given the award “fr the curage and clinical acuity (敏锐的洞察力) f her writing”. Having spent ver 50 years as a writer, the 82-year-ld winner has published mre than 20 bks. Rather than cnsider herself a writer f fictin, Ernaux has used the term “an ethnlgist (民族学者) f herself”.
    Brn in 1940 in a village in Nrmandy, France, Ernaux grew up in a wrking-class envirnment. Her parents ran a cmbined grcery stre and cafe. She wrked as a teacher befre becming a full-time writer.
    Tw bks by ther French writers inspired her t be a writer: The Secnd Sex by Simne de Beauvir and Distinctin by Pierre Burdieu. The frmer led her t write abut feminism(女权主义), and the latter raised her awareness f the huge gap between her and the envirnment she grew up in. Besides her reading influences, her “upbringing and experiences navigating adlescence and adulthd” als inspire many f her wrks, nted CNN.
    Thugh the matters Ernaux describes in her bks are serius and even smetimes heavy, they are always written in plain language. Ernaux described her style as “flat writing” thrugh which she aims t tell her stries bjectively, “unshaped by flrid (过多修饰的) descriptin r verwhelming emtins”, nted Fx News.
    “She writes abut things that n ne else writes abut, fr instance her jealusy, her experiences as an abandned(被抛弃) lver and s frth. I mean, really hard experiences.” Anders Olssn, chairman f the Nbel Cmmittee fr Literature, said after the award annuncement in Stckhlm.
    24.What can we learn abut Annie Ernaux?
    A.She is the first French persn t win the Nbel Prize in literature.
    B.She was awarded fr the curage and insights shwn in her writing.
    C.The Nbel cmmittee described her as “an ethnlgist f herself”.
    D.She wrked as a full-time writer right after graduatin.
    25.What des the underlined wrd “navigating” mean in paragraph 4?
    A.find the right way t deal with
    B.be treated badly when smene was a child
    C.educate peple t be kind
    D.lse hpe fr the future
    26.Which f the fllwing best describes Ernaux’s writing style?
    A.Plain and relaxing. B.Descriptive and serius.
    C.Humrus and sharp. D.Objective and easy t understand.
    27.Why is Annie Ernaux different frm ther writers, accrding t Anders Olssn?
    A.She fcuses n serius matters.
    B.She suffered a lt f hardships.
    C.Her wrks are shrt and mving.
    D.Her wrks are abut unexplred subjects.
    Sam is a furth-year student at Harvard Medical Schl, but petry is still a big part f his life, nw with a new teacher, Rafael Camp, wh believes petry can benefit every dctr’s educatin and wrk. Rafael is a physician, prfessr and a highly respected pet.
    “Petry is in every encunter(邂逅) with my patients. I think healing is really in a very great way abut petry. And if we d anything when we’re with ur patients, we’re really immersing(使沉浸于) urselves in their stries, really hearing their vices. And, certainly, that’s what a pem des,” he said.
    Rafael wrries that smething imprtant has been lst in medicine and medical educatin tday: humanity, which he finds in petry. T end that, he leads a weekly reading and writing wrkshp fr medical students and residents(住院医生).
    He thinks medical training fcuses t much n distancing the dctr frm his r her patients, and pems can help clse that gap.
    Third-year resident Andrea Schwartz was ne f the wrkshp regulars. She said, “I think there’s n ther prfessin ther than medicine that prduces as many writers as it des. And I think that is because there’s just s much pwer in dctrs and patients interacting when patients are at their saddest.” Nt everyne believes that’s what dctrs shuld d, thugh.
    Rafael said, “I was afraid f hw peple might judge me, actually. In the medical prfessin, as many peple knw, we must always put the emergency first. But, yu knw, that kind f treatment, if it’s happening in the hspital, very regrettably, sadly, results in a bad utcme. The family is sitting by the bedside. The patient hasn’t survived the cancer. Dn’t we still have a rle as healers there?”
    In a pem titled “Health”, Rafael writes f the wish t live frever in a wrld made painless by ur incurable jy. He says he will cntinue teaching students, helping patients and writing pems, his wn brand f medicine.
    28. What d we knw abut Rafael Camp?
    A. He wrks as a dctr. B. He is under medical care.
    C. He is a literature prfessr. D. He knws little abut petry.
    29. What des the authr try t shw in Paragraph 2?
    A. The imprtance f medical training.
    B. The effect f petry in medical treatment.
    C. The similarity invlved in petry and medical wrk.
    D. The present relatinship between patients and dctrs.
    30. What des Andrea Schwartz think f petry?
    A. It cmfrts patients’ family. B. It cntributes t medical wrk.
    C. It has nthing t d with dctrs. D. It keeps dctrs away frm patients.
    31. What is Rafael Camp’s view n petry?
    A. It requires a lt f spare time.
    B. It can prvide a useful tl fr dctrs.
    C. It has little effect n patients’ cnditins.
    D. It shuld be included in emergency treatments.
    D yu like Chinese traditinal painting and dance? They are tw imprtant parts f the traditinal Chinese art. But what abut when they meet each ther?
    This year, a dance drama titled Petic Dance: The Jurney f a Legendary Landscape Painting (《只此青绿》) was staged n CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala and became ppular.
    Accrding t CCTV, this petic dance prgram was inspired by the 900-year-ld Chinese painting A Panrama f Rivers and Muntains (《千里江山图》), created by Sng Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng at abut 18. The painting is amazing in its sweeping size, rich clratin and the expressive details, reprted by CCTV. It shws a Chinese blue-green landscape: muntains and grupings f infinite (无限的) rise and fall between cludless sky and rippling (涟漪的) water.
    When the dancers mved elegantly, audiences seemed t be lking at the mving muntains and rivers. “It brings me a pure experience f beauty. It is nt nly a drama but als an exhibitin. Vast muntains and rivers are cming t life!” Internet user M Weisha wrte in a review. “Mre than a thusand years later, green muntains and rivers still impress peple as they did lng ag.” Sme peple even decided t watch the dance again when it was staged in the theaters later. In fact, in recent years, mre and mre mdern shws have featured Chinese traditinal culture and received warm welcme. As fr the reasn, it is due t peple’s great lve fr traditinal culture.
    “The yunger generatins have grwn up with a mre pen mind. They accept Chinese culture and are prud f it,” Ya Wei, directr f Henan TV Statin’s Innvatin Center, tld China Daily.
    32.What’s the writing purpse f paragraph 1?
    A.T raise a questin. B.T intrduce the tpic.
    C.T describe the art wrld. D.T shw a dubtful thught.
    33.What pushed(激发) the petic dance?
    A.CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala.
    B.A Chinese blue-green landscape.
    C.Sng Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng.
    D.An ld Chinese traditinal painting.
    34.Why did this petic dance enjy welcme?
    A.Traditinal culture is accepted and lved by peple.
    B.Green muntains and rivers greatly impress peple.
    C.The petic dance can be staged in the theaters later.
    D.Increasing mdern shws feature Chinese traditinal culture.
    35.What’s the main idea f the whle text?
    A.It explains why Chinese art enjys ppularity.
    B.It shws us art can cme t life thrugh dance.
    C.It highlights the beauty f Chinese traditinal art.
    D.It tells us the lve fr Chinese traditinal painting.
    When it cmes t cmfrt, mst travelers wuld pick trains ver planes any day. Trains usually ffer mre leg and elbw rm than airplanes. Besides, there are n seat belt signs t keep yu frm getting up and mving arund. And yet, being stuck in a seat fr hurs n end means lng train rides can still be challenging n the bdy and mind. 36
    If budget permits, upgrading yur seat is perhaps the mst imprtant thing yu can d t make a lng train ride mre cmfrtable. 37 Therefre, yu can lie dwn n vernight rides, r a first-class r business-class seat instead f a spt in cach t land yurself mre legrm and a ftrest.
    A tablet(平板电脑) stcked with bks, mvies, and music can be a lifesaver n lng train rides. Hwever, yu’ll need a plan fr keeping it charged. 38 Make sure yu have the right adapter fr yur charger if yu’re traveling in a freign cuntry. Cnsider bringing alng sme lw-tech frms f entertainment, t, like travel games r even a simple pack f cards.
    39 Similarly, windw seats n trains appeal t train riders. After all, yu’re even mre likely t have scenery wrth seeing ut the windws f a train.
    Part f the appeal f traveling by train is watching a variety f landscapes slip by utside yur windw, but nce darkness falls — r if yu simply need a nap — yu might want t escape frm the utside wrld fr a while. 40
    A.N tw train rides are made alike.
    B.Sme trains have pwer prts at every seat.
    C.That might mean bking a sleeper cabin instead f a seat.
    D.Taking plenty f snacks is a wise idea t kill yur time n bard.
    E.Nise-free headphnes are a gd chice if yu like t fall asleep t music.
    F.The fllwing tips will help make yur next lng rail jurney mre cmfrtable.
    G.Windw seats n planes are ppular with travelers wh like t enjy the views.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My first and favrite her is my dad. I still 41 times when he wuld stay up with me t watch thse funny shws at midnight after a lng day f tiring wrk. I felt 42 and excitement every time he came hme frm wrk with a ty in his hand, 43 but still willing t give me the wrld. And my dad wuld g t the stre and buy me a cartn-themed cake 44 it wasn’t my birthday because he knew hw much I liked t 45 myself with cake.
    Our life 46 when my sister was brn. She was sick. I culdn’t 47 anything except the fact that my parents were 48 . She went thrugh multiple hspitalizatins, during which my mther was by my sister’s side the entire time. My dad assumed the 49 f my mm. I did everything with him, frm sleeping in his bed because I was 50 at night, t ging t wrk with him every single day. This 51 went n fr years.
    I didn’t really care fr 52 when I was yunger. I just 53 they were peple with super abilities. Nw, I think my dad 54 int that categry. He has the 55 t make me feel happy and jyful. He makes me feel safe, warm, and lved.
    41. A. ignre B. need C. cnfirm D. remember
    42. A. peace B. relief C. jy D. pride
    43. A. ashamed B. tired C. discuraged D. bred
    44. A. when B. in case C. if D. even thugh
    45. A. cver B. reward C. stuff D. inspire
    46. A. simplified B. changed C. guaranteed D. imprved
    47. A. understand B. miss C. cntrl D. expect
    48. A. sad B. angry C. weak D. strange
    49. A. mistake B. risk C. prmise D. rle
    50. A. cnfused B. depressedC. scared D. excited
    51. A. actually B. finally C. secretly D. merely
    52. A. fds B. heres C. relatives D. gifts
    53. A. expressed B. suspectedC. envied D. knew
    54. A. struggles B. differs C. fits D. bjects
    55. A. ability B. ambitin C. respnsibility D. intentin
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    One day, Pierre, ___56___ wrked in a gvernment ffice, received an ___57___ (invite) t a palace ball. His wife, Mathilde, had n mney fr jewellery, s she ___58___ (brrw) a beautiful necklace frm her friend, Jeanne. She lked very beautiful and they had a wnderful time that evening. She said that it was her ___59___ (gd) mment in her life. But after the ball, she fund the necklace ___60__ (miss). They had t brrw a lt f mney ___61__ (buy) a new ne fr Jeanne. In rder t pay ___62__ the mney, they wrked day and night fr 10 years. Mathilde became ___63___ (extreme) ld, s Jeanne didn’t recgnize her ___64___ they met in a park 10 years later. Frm this stry, we knw a persn shuldn’t ___65___ (affect) by vanity (虚荣心), therwise it will cst him a lt.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    几天前,我们学校举行了一次校运动会,请以“Campus Sprts Day”为题写一篇英语短文,向学校杂志社投稿,记述这次学校运动会,包含以下信息:
    1. 简要记述学校运动会的过程;
    2. 你在运动会中的角色;
    3. 你的感受或者从中获得的启示;
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Mary! Cme and see what I have brught hme!” My father pened the dr and shuted cheerfully.
    “Is it a dg?” I asked when I saw him hugging a huge creature in his arms.
    My father ndded and put the dg n the flr. When it ran tward me, I pressed my hands tightly ver my muth t hld back a scream. I turned arund and rushed back t my rm. I lcked up the dr as sn as I culd.
    Since I was attacked by a wild dg tw mnths ag, I had been living in cnstant fear f dgs. I was cnfused why my father was s happy t bring hme such a scary thing. S I decided t stay in my rm until the dg was gne. After what seemed like ages, I heard the dr pen and shut.
    “Finally!” I breathed in relief and pened the dr cautiusly.
    T my shck, I felt smething wet tuching my ft. It was the dg! I frze there, as if my feet were rted t the grund. When I regained my senses, I screamed, “Daddy! It is the dg! Help! It wants t bite me! Get it away frm me!”
    My father was standing by the ther side f the dr,flding his arms and encuraged me,“It is nt ging t eat yu! Mary, dn’t be s scared. G n! Tuch it!”
    I tried my best t cntrl my fear and bent dwn t tuch the dg. But I culd nt d it due t my cnstant and uncntrllable shaking.
    “Never! I will never tuch that dirty thing! Take it away!” I shuted.
    My father turned a deaf ear t my request. In despair, I picked up a tennis ball that happened t be n the flr and threw it at the dg.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The ball didn’t hit the dg.
    But then I thught f the past terrible experience.
    1-5 CBCCB 6-10ACBCA 11-15 BAABC 16-20 BACCA
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    -23 DDB 24---27 BADA 28—31 ACBB 28----31.BD A B
    21.D。推理判断题。根据最后一部分第一句“A friendly gathering fr all red-haired peple is held in the small seaside village f Crsshaven where redheads frm all ver the wrld take part in light-hearted events.(所有红头发的人在克罗斯黑文的海边小村庄举行了一次友好的聚会,这里是来自世界各地的红发人参加轻松愉快的活动的地方。)”可知,一个红头发的女孩可能会对Irish Redhead Cnventin感兴趣。故选D。
    22.D。细节理解题。根据第一部分 Festa delTUva e del Vin, Italy 中“With lcal wines, fd, art prjectins, firewrks and live music”;第二部分 Quest festival, Vietnam 中“…bringing tgether lcals and visitrs in a celebratin f undergrund live and electrnic music culture”;第三部分 Estival Switzerland 中“The palm trees and summer air t see sme f Eurpe’s up and cming jazz bands and enjy Swiss”;第四部分 Irish Redhead Cnventin, Cunty Crk 中“There’s live music, art exhibitins, lectures and f curse the traditinal Parade f Redheads thrugh the village led by the newly crwned Redhead King and Queen.”可知,每一部分内容中都有提及 music,因此四个活动的共同之处为都有音乐活动。故选D。
    23.B。推理判断题。根据第一句“Wine and beaches, firewrks and music… ur readers recmmend sme fantastic festivals.(美酒和沙滩,烟火和音乐……,我们的读者推荐了一些极好的节日。)”可知,这篇文章很有可能来自杂志。故选B。
    24.细节理解题。根据第二段“In the wrds f the Nbel cmmittee, Ernaux was given the award “fr the curage and clinical acuity (敏锐的洞察力) f her writing”.(用诺贝尔委员会的话说,埃诺被授予“她写作的勇气和敏锐”)”可知,安妮·埃诺因在写作中表现出的勇气和洞察力而获奖。故选B。
    25.词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“Tw bks by ther French writers inspired her t be a writer: The Secnd Sex by Simne de Beauvir and Distinctin by Pierre Burdieu. The frmer led her t write abut feminism, and the latter raised her awareness f the huge gap between her and the envirnment she grew up in.(其他法国作家的两本书激励了她成为一名作家:西蒙娜·德·波伏娃的《第二性》和皮埃尔·布迪厄的《区别》。前者让她开始写女权主义,后者让她意识到自己与成长环境之间的巨大差距)”以及后文“adlescence and adulthd” als inspire many f her wrks”可知,本段主要在说明安妮的写作经历,她的阅读经历影响了她的作品,她正确处理成长经历、青春期和成年期的方式也激励了她许多作品。故划线词意思是“找到正确的方法来处理”。故选A。
    26.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Ernaux described her style as “flat writing” thrugh which she aims t tell her stries bjectively, “unshaped by flrid (过多修饰的) descriptin r verwhelming emtins”, nted Fx News.(福克斯新闻指出,埃诺将她的风格描述为“平淡的写作”,她旨在客观地讲述她的故事,“不受华丽的描述或压倒性的情感的影响”)”可推知,埃诺的写作风格客观易懂。故选D。
    27.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Thugh the matters Ernaux describes in her bks are serius and even smetimes heavy, they are always written in plain language.(虽然埃诺在她的书中描述的事情是严肃的,有时甚至是沉重的,但它们总是用朴素的语言写出来的)”以及最后一段““She writes abut things that n ne else writes abut, fr instance her jealusy, her experiences as an abandned lver and s frth. I mean, really hard experiences.” Anders Olssn, chairman f the Nbel Cmmittee fr Literature, said after the award annuncement in Stckhlm.(“她写了别人没有写过的东西,比如她的嫉妒,她作为一个被抛弃的情人的经历等等。我的意思是,非常艰难的经历。”诺贝尔文学奖委员会主席安德斯·奥尔森在斯德哥尔摩宣布获奖后说)”可知,安德斯·奥尔森认为,安妮·埃诺与其他作家不同是因为她专注于严肃的事情。故选A。
    32.推理判断题。根据第一段中“They are tw imprtant parts f the traditinal Chinese art. But what abut when they meet each ther? (它们是中国传统艺术的两个重要组成部分。但是当他们见面的时候呢?)”可知,中国传统绘画和舞蹈是艺术节的两个重要组成部分。同时结合第二段中“This year, a dance drama titled Petic Dance: The Jurney f a Legendary Landscape Painting (《只此青绿》 ) was staged n CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala and became ppular.(今年,一个舞蹈《只此青绿》在中央电视台的春节晚会上上演并广受欢迎)”可推知,第一段是以问题的形式引出文章的主题。故选B。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Accrding t CCTV, this petic dance prgram was inspired by the 900-year-ld Chinese painting A Panrama f Rivers and Muntains (《千里江山图》). (据中央电视台报道,这档诗情画意的舞蹈节目的灵感来自有900年历史的中国名画《千里江山图》)”可知,中国古代传统绘画激发了这种诗意的舞蹈。故选D。
    34.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“In fact, in recent years, mre and mre mdern shws feature Chinese traditinal culture and have received warm welcme.(事实上,近年来,越来越多的现代节目以中国传统文化为特色,受到了热烈欢迎)”可知,诗意的舞蹈备受欢迎的原因是,传统文化为人们所接受和喜爱。故选A。
    35.主旨大意题。根据第二段中“This year, a dance drama titled Petic Dance: The Jurney f a Legendary Landscape Painting (《只此青绿》 ) was staged n CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala and became ppular. (今年,一个舞剧《只此青绿》在中央电视台的春节晚会上上演并广受欢迎)”以及最后一段中“The yunger generatins have grwn up with a mre pen mind. They accept Chinese culture and are prud f it. (年轻一代在成长过程中思想更加开放。他们接受中国文化,并为此感到自豪)”可知,文章以舞剧《只此青绿》阐述了中国传统文化节目越来越受欢迎,人们对传统文化更加乐于接受,年轻人为中国传统文化感到自豪。由此可知,本文的主旨大意是“艺术通过舞蹈活跃起来”较为贴切。故选B。
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    36-40 FCBGE
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41—45 DCBDC46—50 BAADC 51—55 ABDCA
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    wh 2. invitatin 3. brrwed 4. best 5. missing
    t buy 7. back 8. extremely 9. when 10. be affected

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