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    这是一份[英语][期末]湖南省株洲市炎陵县2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:分钟 满分:分
    姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 学号:____________
    2、提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡
    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)(共5题;共7.5分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A . At a flwer shp. B . At a cncert. C . At a wedding.
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A . A pht. B . A drawing. C . An artist.
    3. Hw des the man sund?
    A . Surprised. B . Fearful. C . Wrried.
    4. Wh wants t brrw the bk?
    A . David. B . Alice. C . Jane.
    5. Why did the wman get a ticket?
    A . She drve t fast. B . She ran a red light. C . She parked illegally.
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    二、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)(共15题;共22.5分)
    6. What is the man suffering frm?
    A . Backache. B . Knee injuries. C . Pain in the head.
    7. Hw will the wman help the man?
    A . By intrducing a dctr t him. B . By ding exercise with him. C . By relaxing his whle bdy.
    8. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A . T take a picture f her. B . T apply fr a new ID card. C . T check his persnal infrmatin.
    9. Hw will the man get the bill?
    A . By having it mailed. B . By picking it up in persn. C . By dwnlading it frm an email.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A . Hst and guest. B . Husband and wife. C . Custmer and waiter.
    11. What d the speakers want t d?
    A . End the party. B . G back hme. C . D vluntary wrk.
    12. What will the man d next?
    A . Buy mre drinks. B . Play the music. C . Turn ff the lights.
    13. What is the main purpse f the man's visit?
    A . T have further study. B . T attend a cnference. C . T buy new prducts.
    14. When will the man leave the U. S. ?
    A . On April 19th. B . On April 21st. C . On April 27th.
    15. Where did the man finish his cllege?
    A . In Chicag. B . In Beijing. C . In Pennsylvania.
    16. What is prbably the man?
    A . A financial manager. B . A custms fficer. C . A cmputer engineer.
    17. What des the speaker mainly argue fr?
    A . Whether high schls shuld set up philsphy classes. B . Whether students shuld majr in philsphy. C . Whether philsphy is useful in real life.
    18. What did the speaker learn frm his research?
    A . Almst n students had attended philsphy classes. B . Mst students were willing t have philsphy classes. C . Many students thught philsphy educatin was unnecessary.
    19. What is the disadvantage f studying philsphy accrding t the speaker?
    A . It can't prvide direct career chices. B . It is difficult t get a degree in it. C . It is nt helpful in daily life.
    20. Why des the speaker believe everyne shuld study philsphy?
    A . It helps imprve students' grades. B . It makes peple mre understanding. C . It teaches peple hw t wrk better.
    三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)(共15题;共37.5分)
    Gd news! Jb ffered.
    Science Technician
    Term time plus 10 days, 37 hurs per week
    We are lking fr a technician t prvide a technical supprt service fr science teaching staff. Applicatins are t be received n later than midnight n 10th February 2019.
    Receptinist Administratin
    Full time
    A receptinist is required frm 1st February 2019 at Dartfrd Science & Technlgy Cllege. The psitin is nly frm 8:30 am t 4:30 pm Mnday t Thursday and 8:30 am t 4:00 pm Friday, with an hur's break fr lunch every day. The successful applicant must have a gd telephne manner, gd interpersnal skills and IT skills.
    Health & Scial Care Teacher
    Our client, an 11—18 mixed cmprehensive schl in Ealing, West Lndn, is currently seeking a teacher fr Health & Scial Care. The psitin will be a full-time pst until July 2020. We require an energetic teacher t develp the learning ptential f students. We are seeking smene with excellent subject knwledge wh can cmbine academic strictness and achievement with enjyment f teaching Health & Scial Care.
    If yu are keen t wrk, click the buttn belw.
    21. The receptinist t be emplyed will wrk ____ .
    A . 20 hurs a week B . 37 hurs a week C . 38.5 hurs a week D . 34.5 hurs a week
    22. wh is needed in a schl in Ealing, West Lndn.
    A . A full-time science teacher B . A teacher with the ability t get alng with peple C . A teacher with excellent knwledge abut Health & Scial Care D . A technician wh can prvide a technical supprt service
    23. The text is likely t appear ____.
    A . n the Internet B . in a nvel C . in a magazine D . in a newspaper
    Jn Pedley is making a big change. He is giving up his life as a businessman fr a life f helping thers. He is trading his beautiful farmhuse in England fr life in a mud hut (小屋) in Uganda, East Africa.
    Pedley admitted that he had nt always led a very psitive life. At times he drank t much and gt in truble with the law. "I had always put the pursuit (追求) f mney in frnt f everything else. As lng as I was all right, I didn't care wh I was hurting," says Pedley.
    But a visit t Uganda in 2007 gave Pedley a new utlk n life. He was amazed at what he saw and hw much the peple there appreciated the wrk he was ding. "I wrked there fr a few days and these peple wh have nthing were thanking me by giving me bags f ptates, which are a frtune fr them, "he said. Nw Pedley is selling his business, his $
    1.5 millin farmhuse, and his expensive car—and mving int a hut made f mud and bards in a small Ugandan village. There he will help run an rganisatin that hpes t imprve the quality f life fr peple in the village f Kigazi. He will help t build schlrms fr children and tanks t hld clean water fr villagers. Tday, peple in Kigazi must walk tw miles t a hspital, s Pedley will help t build dctrs' ffices, t.
    Pedley's rganisatin will als wrk with English teenagers wh are in truble. The teens will be sent t a "camp" in Uganda that Pedley will run. The teens will live in mud huts and help t build water, health, and educatin facilities fr kids in Kigazi, many f whm have lst their parents t pverty r disease. Pedley hpes the teens will see a side f life that might help them turn arund their wn lives and set them n a new and mre psitive path.
    24. Which f the fllwing best describes Pedley in the past?
    A . Psitive. B . Creative. C . Cld-hearted. D . Independent.
    25. What will Pedley d in the small Ugandan village?
    A . Assist villagers with building wrk. B . D business with the lcal peple. C . Help farmers increase ptat utput. D . Intrduce tls t imprve English teaching.
    26. Why will Pedley wrk with English teenagers in truble?
    A . T inspire them t live a mre psitive life. B . T encurage them t make friends with lcals. C . T make them learn abut different cultures. D . T train them t becme dctrs in the future.
    27. What is the best title fr the text?
    A . A Life-changing Adventure B . Mre Mney, Mre Wrries C . A Rich Man Becming Hmeless D . Frm Millinaire t Mud Hut
    It's knwn that reading is gd fr a child's vcabulary and literacy skills, teaching them math r science cncepts and helping them learn histry. Apart frm thse, reading has anther benefit. Have yu read a stry and felt tears well up because f a character's suffering? If s, that is because yu have empathy (共鸣) fr the character- and empathy can be learned thrugh varius fictin. "It's a magic eye that sees int ther peple's hearts," explains authr Cressida Cwell.
    Research shws that human brains react differently t stries and facts. "Many mre areas f yur brain light up when yu're enjying a stry," explains Miranda McKearney frm Empathy Lab, an rganizatin that builds empathy thrugh reading. "Yur brain thinks yu are in the stry. . . This means yu experience the characters' thughts as if they are real. "
    Empathy helps yu t read peple's emtins and wrk ut the best way t respnd. This skill, called emtinal intelligence, can make it easier t cmmunicate and cnnect with peple. Research has shwn that building empathy can lead t greater kindness and tlerance. One study fund that children wh read the Harry Ptternvels- which tell stries abut humans fighting against the evil-were less likely t behave unfairly twards pwerless grups including refugees (难民).
    This thery has been put int practice by St. Michael's Primary Schl. After reading The By at the Back f the Class- a stry abut a by wh is a refugee escaping frm the war- students in that schl were inspired t d a 10-mile walk fr the nn-prfit rganizatin Refugee Actin. Their empathy als spurred them t raise £1,000 fr peple wh were frced t leave their hmes because f war.
    Reading encurages children t empathise with thers, which culd ptentially lead t several beneficial learning utcmes, new research suggests. Fr sciety t develp, creative, cmmunicative and empathetic individuals really matter.
    28. Why d readers cry abut a character's experience?
    A . They have magic eyes. B . They want t shw empathy. C . They understand his feelings. D . They have the same experience.
    29. What des the authr shw by referring t the Harry Ptter nvels?
    A . The prcess f building empathy. B . The benefits f develping empathy. C . The results f the schl's experiment. D . The definitin f emtinal intelligence.
    30. What des the underlined wrd "spurred" mean in paragraph 4?
    A . Reminded. B . Permitted. C . Persuaded. D . Encuraged.
    31. What might the authr advise children t d?
    A . Read mre fictin. B . Learn the thery f empathy. C . Participate in Refugee Actin. D . Put themselves int thers' shes.
    Animals can express their needs using a lt f ways. Fr instance, almst all animals have distinct vcals (声音) that they rely n t either ask fr help, scare away any dangerus animals r lk fr shelter. But cats are special creatures wh pssess amazing vcalizatin skills. They are able t have entire cnversatins with humans using mews and yu're able t interpret it. If a pet cat is hungry, it will keep mewing t attract attentin and find fd. Hwever, when a cat is lking fr affectin, they tend t prduce stretched and sft mews. Mewing starts as sn as a baby cat is brught t life and uses it t get the mther's attentin and be fed.
    Cats have many heightened senses, but their sense f smell is quite impressive. They use their nses t assess their envirnment and lk ut fr any signs f danger. They will sniff ut specific areas befre they chse a place t relax. Hwever, anther way the cats are able t distinguish between situatins is by lking fr familiar smells. Yur cat will likely smell yur face and stre the smell in its memry and use it t recgnize yu in the future. That's why mst pet cats are able t tell immediately if their wners were arund any ther cats, which they dn't usually like.
    Dgs are knwn fr their impressive fetching habit, but cats take this behavir up a ntch. Many cats will find randm bjects utside and bring them t their wners. This is a very ld habit that's been present in all kinds f predatrs(食肉动物). Cats bring gifts fr their wners t shw they lve yu. These adrable little hunters are just ding smething that it's been in their nature since the beginning f time. S just g alng with it!
    32. What can be learned abut cats' mewing frm the first paragraph?
    A . It's a survival skill. B . It's taught by mther cats. C . It's hard t interpret. D . It's getting luder with age.
    33. Hw des a pet cat assess different situatins?
    A . By listening fr sunds. B . By tuching familiar bjects. C . By checking n smells. D . By cmmunicating with ther cats.
    34. Which best explains the phrase "take ... up ntch" in paragraph 3?
    A . Perfrm apprpriately. B . Mve faster. C . Act strangely. D . D better.
    35. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A . Tips n Finding a Smart Cat B . Understanding Yur Cat's Behavir C . Have Fun with Yur Cat D . Hw t Keep Yur Cat Healthy
    四、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)(共1题;共6.5分)
    Hw t ask gd questins
    Effective cmmunicatin is vital fr all relatinship. Learning what questins t ask can imprve hw yu wrk with team members, yur leadership skills, and hw yu cmmunicate with lved nes. 36
    Be a gd listener. When smene gives yu an answer r explains smething t yu, pay attentin. 37 By fcusing n listening, yu'll avid asking a general questin that yu shuld prbably knw the answer t. When smene else is speaking, make eye cntact and use bdy language such as ndding t shw yu understand.
    Dn't be afraid f yur questins. 38 Maybe it's yur first time ding a task, and yu want t d it prperly. Wrng questins dn't exist —especially if yu've never dne this befre. Think abut it this way: If yu dn't ask yur questin, yu may make sme easily avidable mistakes.
    39 Questin asking isn't suppsed t be a fast-paced cnversatin. Pausing t listen between answers gives yu time t think abut what was said and ask better fllw-up questins. Dn't feel pressured t respnd quickly. Fast respnses can mess with the cnversatin's flw. Yu dn't want t feel rushed r rush thers, s learn t give yurself time t think.
    Keep yur questins shrt. A lng questin shws a lack f self-awareness. 40 Yu may want t prvide enugh detail in yur questin, but nt t much. The persn yu're asking shuld nly have t hear yur questin nce, nt three r fur times. Fcusing n asking pen-ended questins in ne sentence can still set up a gd cnversatin.
    A. Use silence t yur advantage.
    B. Respnd with fllw-up questins.
    C It can end up cnfusing smene mre than it shuld.
    D. The key t an effective cmmunicatin is being a gd listener.
    E. Here are sme tips n hw yu can start asking better questins.
    F. If yu're cnfused abut smething, yu have every right t ask fr clarity.
    G. If yu dn't listen prperly, yu may find yurself asking already-answered questins.
    五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)(共1题;共15分)
    "What will we be singing fr cntest this year?" a student frm my chir asked eagerly. "Maybe we will 41 the cntest. " I said. "NO!" the kids 42 my idea. "We shuld g t cntest! We can d it!"
    I lked at the medals 43 the frnt wall f the music rm frm the past successes f large, talented classes. A change in educatinal plicies, with a 44 n academics, had 45 my chir t thirty-tw students. My sectin leaders had graduated r been frced t 46 music classes, leaving me with yung, 47 kids wh culdn't read music and culd sing nly a simple meldy.
    "I'll think abut it," I said, hping their enthusiasm wuld 48 in a cuple f weeks. I culdn't tell them they weren't gd enugh because I had t prtect their self-esteem. 49 , the kids practiced each mrning, wrking n sight-reading(视唱)and learning musical terms. I was amazed at the 50 frce that kept pushing them n. Their 51 was s remarkable even I began believing in their dream. The cntest day finally arrived. The results were 52 tw very lng hurs later. I std there, 53 , staring at the list in disbelief: a First Place Award with the highest marks f all. "We made it!" All arund kids were screaming with delight. Warm tears wet my cheeks and my heart swelled with pride fr these kids wh had a 54 . They refused t give up and taught me t never 55 the pssibility f success fr any student r any class ever again.
    41. A . cancel B . skip C . hld D . deny
    42. A . blamed B . claimed C . cnfirmed D . ppsed
    43. A . clearing B . filling C . lining D . hanging
    44. A . battle B . schedule C . stress D . chance
    45. A . banned B . abandned C . reduced D . divided
    46. A . disturb B . attend C . give D . drp
    47. A . inexperienced B . pwerless C . careless D . imperfect
    48. A . take ff B . die ff C . give ff D . put ff
    49. A . Therefre B . Besides C . Hwever D . Otherwise
    50. A . alarming B . cmfrting C . driving D . cnfusing
    51. A . prgress B . energy C . success D . gal
    52. A . judged B . psted C . bradcast D . scred
    53. A . terrified B . annyed C . embarrassed D . frzen
    54. A . dream B . plan C . her D . wish
    55. A . acknwledge B . accept C . explre D . dubt
    六、第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    Baiyang Lake, als knwn as Baiyangdian Lake, is lcated in the Xing'an New Area f Bading. As the largest freshwater lake in Nrth China, it has gained 56 (recgnize) as the "Pearl f Nrth China" due t its breathtaking scenery and unique eclgical functins. It is referred t 57 the Kidney f Nrth China.
    The ld Chinese mvie, "Zhang Ga, the Sldier By", is famus fr the lake 58 Zhang Ga lived. With the beautiful ltus, flurishing reeds and plenty f fish, Baiyangdian Lake is 59 ( precise) like that lake.
    60 (serve) as a crucial waterway, Baiyangdian Lake ccupies an imprtant lcatin in the ancient basin f the Nrth China Plain. Thrughut the Nrthern Sng Dynasty, the imperial curt cntinually 61 (expand) the marshlands, resulting in the frmatin f a winding "Water Great Wall". Over the years, Baiyangdian Lake 62 (remain) steadfast (不变的) in fulfilling crucial eclgical rles frm string fldwater t regulating the climate.
    Hwever, the lake almst dried ut because f climate change frm 1983 t 1988. Lcal gvernments launched 26 rehabilitatin prjects in 2005 63 (restre) and imprve Baiyangdian Lake's eclgical envirnment. Nw, the beauty f Baiyangdian Lake resembles the ne 64 (describe) in "Zhang Ga, the Sldier By", attracting visitrs wh hpe t take 65 glance at the vivid ltus, flurishing reeds and the clear lake water.
    七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    66. 在我们的成长过程中,每个人心中总有特别向往的工作,假设你校将举办主题为"My dream jb"的演讲比赛。请你根据以下要求写一篇英语演讲稿,要点如下:
    Gd mrning, everyne.
    Thank yu fr listening.
    八、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第二节(满分25分)(共1题;共25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Mst peple dn't remember hw they learn t read and write because it happens t them naturally. Writing just means turning thughts int wrds n a page. But it is a cmpletely different stry if yu are brn with Dyslexia, a learning disability which affects skills invlved in reading, spelling and writing. Writing is a big challenge fr these kids and unfrtunately, I was ne f them.
    When in kindergarten, I was always struggling with my writing. Fr example, I used t misspell beautiful. Never culd I quite remember that the ewent befre the a. It annyed my teacher very much fr I happened t lve using beautiful a lt. If I was ging t use the wrd s much she figured the least I culd d was spelling it right. My mm cmplained that I just didn't try hard. Every time I gt my paper back, I dared nt pen it because I knew it must be full f red lines and a disappinting "C".
    Tw years later, I came t a primary schl, still with far satisfying writing. But a new teacher, Mrs. White came t my life. In my eyes, she was very beautiful. She had bright blue eyes, shrt dark hair, red lips and fair skin, as beautiful as Snw White.
    Actually, I dn't remember much abut what we learned in her class, but my mther nce tld me that we used t write articles a lt. And I wuld bring back what I wrte and she wuld lk at it and see there were s many mistakes, bth in grammar and spelling. But there were n red crrectins, always a star and smetimes even a "Gd", which wuld make my heart cry with happiness. I always lked frward t the next writing class. It wrried my mther, thugh, thinking Mrs. White was an irrespnsible teacher. S ne day when she went in t meet Mrs White fr ne f thse Parent-Teacher meetings, she asked her why she never crrected my mistakes and why she never red-pencilled in the wrng spellings f wrds r grammatical errrs.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Mrs. White smiled and said she didn't fcus n my mistakes.
    I went t her ffice, asking shyly whether I culd attend the writing cmpetitin. 题号


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