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    这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省常熟中学高一上学期十月阶段性学业水平调研英语试卷含答案,文件包含精品解析江苏省常熟中学2023-2024学年高一上学期十月阶段性学业水平调研英语试卷原卷版docx、精品解析江苏省常熟中学2023-2024学年高一上学期十月阶段性学业水平调研英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共46页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw lng has the man been waiting?
    A. Fr 20 minutes. B. Fr 60 minutes. C. Fr 70 minutes.
    2. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy. B. Fggy. C. Fine.
    3 What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Wrkmates. B. Schlmates. C. Strangers.
    4. What des the man mean?
    A. The wman can use the Brwns’ cmputer. B. Mrs. Brwn can help with the wman’s paper.
    C. Mr. Brwn can fix the wman’s cmputer.
    5. Why is the man calling?
    A. T change his appintment. B. T speak t Dr. Zane.
    C. T see the wman.
    6. Where did Sara draw the pictures?
    A. In her bedrm. B. In her classrm. C. In the kitchen.
    7. What is in the sky in Sara’s pictures?
    A. A huse. B. A plane. C. Her father.
    8. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Lk after her hme. B. Clean her hme. C. G t the seaside with her.
    9. What des the wman almst frget t d?
    A. Lck all the drs. B. Clse the windws. C. Cancel the milk.
    10. What des the man say abut Seagull Island?
    A. It has nice beaches. B. It is full f rcks. C. It is attractive.
    11. What can turists d n Seagull Island?
    A. Visit a museum and sme churches. B. G fishing and swimming.
    C. Enjy the sunshine.
    12. Where can turists stay fr the night n Seagull Island?
    A. In the castle. B. In the htels. C. In the lcal huses.
    13. When will the visitrs cme?
    A. In March. B. In April. C. In May.
    14. Hw many visitrs are cming?
    A. 12. B. 13. C. 30.
    15. What will the visitrs d n the secnd day?
    A. G t a party. B. Attend a lecture. C. Pay a visit t the schls.
    16. What will the visitrs d n the final day?
    A. Visit Lndn. B. Visit Sctland. C. Walk alng the cast.
    17. What did the speakers d ne day?
    A. He invited a friend t his huse. B. He paid a visit t his friend.
    C. He had lunch with a friend.
    18. Hw did the speaker lk fr his car?
    A. He asked a pliceman fr help. B. His friend called a pliceman.
    C. He checked every car in the street.
    19. When did the speaker find his car?
    A. Befre lunch. B. After lunch. C. After dinner.
    20. What is the speaker’s pinin?
    A. Walking is easier than driving in crwded cities.
    B. Driving in the city is a pleasure.
    C.Parking cars is always difficult in the city.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Sme China Pdcasts (播客) t Listen t
    Whether yu’re an ld-timer r a newcmer t China, there’s always mre t learn abut this awesme cuntry. T help in yur never-ending thirst fr knwledge, we’ve runded up sme mst entertaining China-fcused pdcasts that hit n everything frm histry t business.
    Tech Buzz China by Pandaily
    Tech Buzz China by Pandaily is a technlgy pdcast abut China’s innvatins. Its c-hsted by Rui Ma and Ying Lu, wh are bth seasned China-watchers with years f experience wrking in the technlgy space in the cuntry. They share and discuss the mst imprtant tech news frm China every week.
    The China Histry Pdcast
    Started in 2010, Laszl Mntgmery presents tpics that cver 5, 000 years f Chinese histry and culture. The shw has a lt f unknwn and interesting histry lessns that help prvide mre clr as t why China is the way it is. Tpics like the histry f Tang petry, r the Hkkien peple are analyzed and explred.
    China Untld
    The China Untld pdcast is a prgram that aims t intrduce listeners t lesser-knwn stries frm the Middle Kingdm. Frm urban tales and extinct religins t China’s rle in the explratin f space, this pdcast hsted by Matt Bssns, is yur essential guide t the unusual and wnderful aspects f the wrld’s mst highly ppulated natin.
    The Wasai Shw
    The Wasai Shw is hsted by Ne t Trevin frm Mexic and Alice He wh is a lcal Chinese. In each episde, stries are cllected frm listeners abut a tpic and shared in a funny way by bth cmedians. The first half f the shw is presented in English, fllwed by a Chinese sectin.
    1. Wh are the pdcasts intended fr?
    A. Freigners in China.B. Chinese histrians.
    C. Technlgy enthusiasts.D. Pdcast hsts in China.
    2. Which pdcast may talk abut ancient pems?
    A. Tech Buzz China by Pan dailyB. The China Histry Pdcast
    C. China UntldD. The Wasai Shw
    3. What d we knw abut The Wasai Shw accrding t the text?
    A. It is a talk shw abut lcal Chinese life.
    B. It has a single hst discussing varius tpics.
    C. It features tw hsts sharing stries frm listeners.
    D. It includes interviews with experts n Chinese culture.
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“Whether yu’re an ld-timer r a newcmer t China, there’s always mre t learn abut this awesme cuntry. T help in yur never-ending thirst fr knwledge, we’ve runded up sme mst entertaining China-fcused pdcasts that hit n everything frm histry t business.(无论你是在中国很多年还是刚到中国,关于这个令人敬畏的国家,你总有更多的东西需要了解。为了满足你永无止境的求知欲,我们收集了一些最有趣的中国播客,从历史到商业,无所不包。)”可推知,这些播客的观众是在中国的外国人,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据The China Histry Pdcast部分的“Tpics like the histry f Tang petry, r the Hkkien peple are analyzed and explred.(分析和探索比如唐诗的历史,或者闽南人的话题。)”可知,播客The China Histry Pdcast会谈论古诗,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据The Wasai Shw部分的“The Wasai Shw is hsted by Ne t Trevin frm Mexic and Alice He wh is a lcal Chinese. In each episde, stries are cllected frm listeners abut a tpic and shared in a funny way by bth cmedians.(Wasai Shw由来自墨西哥的Ne t Trevin和当地华人Alice He主持。在每一集里,从听众那里收集关于一个话题的故事,并由两位喜剧演员以有趣的方式分享。)”可知,播客The Wasai Shw的特色是两位主持人以有趣的方式分享听众的故事。故选C。
    The Day Lisa Lst
    Dn’t get me wrng. I’m nt talking abut the many prfessinal athletes f tday wh have develped a me-first attitude. I am talking abut high schl sprts, where lessns f life are still being learned. Here, athletes still cmpete fr the lve f the game and their teammates. Lisa Kincaid is ne f them.
    I first met Lisa n the vlleyball curt. If anyne had a right t be ccky (自大的) r prud f herself, it was Lisa. Besides being ne f the best vlleyball players in the USA, she became a track legend (传奇人物). She went sixty-fur natinal games withut lsing any event.
    Hwever, she felt uncmfrtable talking abut her achievements and wuld usually change the cnversatin t thers’ perfrmances. She ften lent her shes t smene wh’d frgtten her wn, r sincerely sent best wishes t cmpetitrs frm different teams.
    Sn after, Lisa’s impssible failure in ne game impressed me a lt. Lisa’s cach tld her he needed her t run the mile. She had never dne s, but agreed t d what was best fr the team. Lisa easily utdistanced the cmpetitin, but n the last lap she seemed t grw tired. Jane, Lisa’s teammate, passed her. Lisa managed t stay just behind Jane and fllwed her acrss the finish line. Lisa lst an event fr the first time in her track career.
    Athletes in Lisa’s track prgram needed t earn a set amunt f pints t gain a varsity letter (校队标志徽章). Lisa knew that Jane needed t finish first t earn a letter fr the first time. Withut Lisa, Jane wuld make it. Lisa remembered all this as she lined up fr the start f that race. It suddenly struck me why she wre a slight smile n her face after having “lst” fr the first time ever. Jane finally received her first varsity letter. And Lisa? On that day, the day she lst, she earned my respect and admiratin.
    4. Why did the authr list Lisa’s achievements?
    A. T prve Lisa was prud f herself.
    B. T present Lisa had great athleticism.
    C. T shw that athletes have a right t be ccky.
    D. T remind athletes t have all-rund develpment.
    5. Frm the passage, we can learn that Lisa ________.
    A. valued the imprtance f respectB. intended t prve herself in the race
    C. wn every race she had ever enteredD. cared less abut what she had achieved
    6. Why did Lisa wear a smile n her face after the race?
    A. Because she did a deal with Jane.
    B. Because she lent her shes t thers.
    C. Because she carried ut her secret plan.
    D. Because she already earned her varsity letter.
    7. Which f the fllwing wrd can best describe Lisa accrding t the passage?
    A. Selfless.B. Brave.C. Patient.D. Independent.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“If anyne had a right t be ccky (自大的) r prud f herself, it was Lisa. Besides being ne f the best vlleyball players in the USA, she became a track legend (传奇人物). She went sixty-fur natinal games withut lsing any event. (如果说有人有权利骄傲自大,那就是丽莎。除了是美国最好的排球运动员之一之外,她还成为了田径界的传奇人物。她参加了64届全国运动会,没有输掉任何一场比赛。)”可知,之所以要提及丽莎的成就,是为了证明她的运动才能足以让她有权感到自豪。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Hwever, she felt uncmfrtable talking abut her achievements and wuld usually change the cnversatin t thers’ perfrmances. (然而,她对谈论自己的成就感到不舒服,通常会把话题转到别人的表演上。)”可知,丽莎并不看重自己所取得的成就。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Lisa knew that Jane needed t finish first t earn a letter fr the first time. Withut Lisa, Jane wuld make it. Lisa remembered all this as she lined up fr the start f that race. It suddenly struck me why she wre a slight smile n her face after having “lst” fr the first time ever. (丽莎知道,简需要赢得比赛,才能第一次收到校队标志徽章。没有丽莎,简会成功的。丽莎在比赛开始前排队时就记得这一切。我突然想到,为什么她第一次“输了”后脸上带着一丝微笑。)”可推测,丽莎输了比赛却还能开心地微笑是因为她想让简获得荣誉故意输了比赛,这是她的秘密计划。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Lisa knew that Jane needed t finish first t earn a letter fr the first time. Withut Lisa, Jane wuld make it. Lisa remembered all this as she lined up fr the start f that race. It suddenly struck me why she wre a slight smile n her face after having “lst” fr the first time ever. (丽莎知道,简需要赢得比赛,才能第一次收到校队标志徽章。没有丽莎,简会成功的。丽莎在比赛开始前排队时就记得这一切。我突然想到,为什么她第一次“输了”后脸上带着一丝微笑。)”可知,丽莎为了队友的利益故意输掉比赛,无疑她是一个很无私的人。故选A项。
    Identical Twins Kathy and Sphie arrived at cllege last year and determined t strike ut n independent paths, s they had requested rms in different drms. While Kathy gt alng with her rmmate, Sphie was miserable. She and her rmmate silently warred ver matters ranging frm when the lights shuld be turned ff t hw the furniture shuld be arranged. Finally, they divided the rm in tw and gave up n ral cmmunicatin. During this time, Sphie kept seeking cmfrt frm Kathy. Befre lng, the tw wanted t live tgether again. Sphie’s rmmate eventually agreed t mve ut.
    Sphie’s ability t slve her dilemma by rming with her identical twin is unusual, but the cnflict she faced is nt. Mst rmmate cnflicts spring frm such small, annying differences rather than frm grand disagreements ver abstract principles. One persn likes quiet, while the ther persn spends tw hurs a day practicing the trumpet. One eats nly rganically(有机地) prduced vegetables and lves animals, while the ther likes wearing fur and enjys cutting up frgs in bilgy class.
    When persnalities dn’t mix, the excitement f being away at cllege can quickly fade away. Mrever, rmmates can affect each ther’s psychlgical health. A recent study reprts that depressin in cllege rmmates is ften passed frm ne persn t anther.
    Many schls have started cnflict reslutin prgrams t calm tensins that therwise can build up like a vlcan preparing t explde, finally resulting in physical vilence. Sme clleges have resrted t “rmmate cntracts” that all new students fill ut and sign after attending a lecture n rmmate relatins. Students detail behaviral guidelines fr their rm, including acceptable hurs fr study and sleep, a plicy fr use f each ther’s pssessins. Sme schls try t head ff the feud befre it begins by using cmputerized matching. Students are put tgether n the basis f their respnses t husing frm questins.
    8. Why is the twins’ stry mentined?
    A T describe cllege life.
    B. T reveal the relatinship f the twins.
    C. T shw the lve between the sisters.
    D. T present the phenmenn f rmmate cnflicts.
    9. What is the cause f mst cnflicts amng rmmates?
    A. They have ppsite mindsets.B. They argue ver serius matters.
    C. They differ greatly in life values.D. They hld different preferences in sme way.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “feud” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Difference.B. Quarrel.C. Cmpetitin.D. Test.
    11. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Identical Twins Living Tgether Again in Clleges
    B. Rmmate Cnflicts, Cmmn and Unavidable?
    C. Rmmate Cntracts, Useful in Slving Cnflicts?
    D. Rmmate Cnflicts Affecting Students’ Psychlgy
    【答案】8. D 9. D 10. B 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“While Kathy gt alng with her rmmate, Sphie was miserable. She and her rmmate silently warred ver matters ranging frm when the lights shuld be turned ff t hw the furniture shuld be arranged.”(凯西和室友相处得很好,苏菲却很痛苦。从何时关灯到家具如何摆放,她和室友都在默默争吵。)以及第二段中“Sphie’s ability t slve her dilemma by rming with her identical twin is unusual, but the cnflict she faced is nt. Mst rmmate cnflicts spring frm such small, annying differences rather than frm grand disagreements ver abstract principles.”(苏菲通过与同卵双胞胎同住来解决困境的能力非同寻常,但她所面临的冲突却并非如此。大多数室友之间的冲突都是源于这些微不足道的、令人讨厌的分歧,而不是源于对抽象原则的重大分歧。)故可推知,文章提到双胞胎的故事是为了呈现室友冲突现象。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Mst rmmate cnflicts spring frm such small, annying differences rather than frm grand disagreements ver abstract principles. One persn likes quiet, while the ther persn spends tw hurs a day practicing the trumpet. One eats nly rganically prduced vegetables and lves animals, while the ther likes wearing fur and enjys cutting up frgs in bilgy class.”(大多数室友之间的冲突都是源于这些微不足道的、令人讨厌的分歧,而不是源于对抽象原则的重大分歧。一个人喜欢安静,而另一个人每天花两个小时练习小号。一个只吃有机蔬菜,喜欢动物,而另一个喜欢穿皮草,喜欢在生物课上割青蛙。)可知,室友之间大多数冲突的原因是他们在某种程度上有着不同的偏好。故选D项。
    词义猜测题。根据最后一段中“Many schls have started cnflict reslutin prgrams t calm tensins that therwise can build up like a vlcan preparing t explde, finally resulting in physical vilence.”(许多学校已经开始了冲突解决项目,以平息紧张局势,否则可能像火山准备爆发,最终导致身体暴力。)引出话题,可能发生的冲突。以及“Sme schls try t head ff…”(一些学校试图阻止……通过……)故可猜测,学校通过一些手段试图阻止一些冲突和争吵,所以划线单词feud为“冲突,争吵”的意思,结合选项B项Quarrel“争吵”意思一致。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第二段中“Mst rmmate cnflicts spring frm such small, annying differences rather than frm grand disagreements ver abstract principles.”(大多数室友之间的冲突都是源于这些微不足道的、令人讨厌的分歧,而不是源于对抽象原则的重大分歧。)以及最后一段中“Many schls have started cnflict reslutin prgrams t calm tensins that therwise can build up like a vlcan preparing t explde, finally resulting in physical vilence.”(许多学校已经开始了冲突解决项目,以平息紧张局势,否则可能像火山准备爆发,最终导致身体暴力。)可知,文章主要讲的是室友之间的冲突很常见以及如何可以很好的去避免它。故文章最好的标题为“室友冲突,常见又不可避免?”。故选B项。
    Regularly eating fish as a child can halve the risk f develping asthma (哮喘), as yu get lder, accrding t a team f scientists.
    Queen Mary University f Lndn researchers studied data frm mre than 4,500 children brn in the 1990s in the UK that have been mnitred by scientists since birth. Thse wh cnsumed the mst mega — 3 heavy fish were less likely t develp the life-threatening illness.
    In the UK yung families that include children aged 5 t 11 cnsume the least amunt f fish—with just 25 percent f hmes having it at least twice a week. One-in-eleven yungsters — 1.1 millin children — are receiving treatment fr asthma and mst adult cases begin in childhd, accrding t the researchers. Senir authr Prfessr Seif Shaheen said, “Asthma is the mst cmmn chrnic (慢性的) cnditin in childhd and we currently dn’t knw hw t prevent it. It is pssible a pr diet may increase the risk, but until nw mst studies have taken snapshts, measuring diet and asthma ver a shrt perid f time. Instead, we measured diet and then fllwed up children ver many years t see wh develped asthma and wh didn’t.”
    The researchers fund that thse in the tp quarter fr fish cnsumptin had a 51 percent lwer risk f develping asthma than thse wh cnsume the least ily fish. Seafd is abundant in healthy mega — 3 fatty acids. Oily varieties have the mst. Shaheen added, “Whilst we cannt say fr certain that eating mre fish will prevent asthma in children, based n yur findings, it wuld nevertheless be sensible fr children in the UK t cnsume mre fish.”
    The results were cnfirmed in an independent grup f peple brn in Sweden. Shaheen’s team nw plan t see if eating fish can help deal with asthma in peple wh already have the cnditin.
    12. What did the researchers find ut abut the UK yung families?
    A. Mst f them dn’t eat much fish.
    B. Mst f them have adult asthma cases.
    C. Mst f them dn’t cnsume healthy fd.
    D. Mst f them play dwn the seriusness f asthma.
    13. What did Shaheen think previus studies n asthma failed t d?
    A. Take diet int accunt.B. Invlve enugh participants.
    C. Analyze the reasns fr asthma.D. Track participants fr a lng time.
    14. What advice des Shaheen give?
    A. Use less il t ck fish.B. Avid mege—3 heavy fd.
    C. Eat mre fish t stay healthy.D. Try different types f seafd.
    15. What will Shaheen’s team d next?
    A. Find ways t deal with asthma.B. Study further t cnfirm their findings.
    C. Prve whether eating fish can treat asthma.D. Explain why eating fish can prevent asthma.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第三自然段“In the UK yung families that include children aged 5 t 11 cnsume the least amunt f fish—with just 25 percent f hmes having it at least twice a week. One—in—eleven yungsters—1.1 millin children—are receiving treatment fr asthma and mst adult cases begin in childhd, accrding t the researchers. (在英国,包括5至11岁儿童在内的年轻家庭食用鱼类的数量最少,只有25%的家庭每周至少食用两次。研究人员称,每11名青少年中就有1名至110万儿童正在接受哮喘治疗,大多数成人病例始于儿童时期。)”可知,研究人员对英国年轻家庭的调查发现他们中的大多数人不怎么吃鱼。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三自然段“It is pssible a pr diet may increase the risk, but until nw mst studies have taken snapshts, measuring diet and asthma ver a shrt perid f time. (不良饮食可能会增加风险,但到目前为止,大多数研究都是在短时间内对饮食和哮喘进行测量。)”可知,Shaheen认为关于哮喘的早期研究没能长期跟踪参与者。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四自然段“Shaheen added, “Whilst we cannt say fr certain that eating mre fish will prevent asthma in children, based n yur findings, it wuld nevertheless be sensible fr children in the UK t cnsume mre fish.”(Shaheen补充道:“虽然我们不能肯定多吃鱼会预防儿童哮喘,但根据你的研究结果,英国儿童多吃鱼是明智的。”)”可知,Shaheen建议人们多吃鱼。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Shaheen’s team nw plan t see if eating fish can help deal with asthma in peple wh already have the cnditin. (Shaheen的团队现在计划看看吃鱼是否有助于治疗已经患有哮喘的人的哮喘。)”可知,Shaheen的团队接下来会研究吃鱼是否有助于治疗已经患有哮喘的人的哮喘。故选C。
    “A ship in harbr is safe, but that is nt what ships are built fr,” said Jhn A. Shedd, an early 20th century authr. Thrughut the Cvid-19, we’ve all becme used t assessing risk in new ways. We’ve cme t understand, thugh we can never get rid f risk altgether, we have great pwer t make chices bth large and small t prtect urselves.____16____It stps us frm stepping utside f ur cmfrt znes and trying new things.
    Develpmental psychlgists talk abut “psitive risks” — scially acceptable risks that ur lives can benefit frm.____17____But what abut these, wh develp int adults? Researchers have fund that happiness fr lder adults is being able t chse hw they spend their time, including ways that are adventurus, new and even-like hiking r ther utdr activities — mildly risky.
    One guide t psitive risk management lists ways that peple can make sure their risks are n the “safe" side f risk range. Fr example, t ensure a successful bike ride, yu shuld in advance equip yurself with a fully-charged cell phne and a full water bttle.____18____ Or if yu are, cncerned abut yur physical capacity, cnsult a certified trainer r medical prfessinal befre departure.
    ____19____This means adapting t changing situatins. In respnse t the deadly virus, peple chse t step back int nrmal life nly after they are vaccinated. In this way, peple culd be cnfident that the risk is tlerable.
    Nbdy wants t be needlessly risky. But using ur newly-acquired risk assessment tls, we can nce again learn and grw in ur lives.____20____
    A. Take risks in a psitive way.
    B. But the self- prtective mind state carries its wn risk.
    C. Overall happiness is ne benefit f psitive risk-taking.
    D. Remember t tell ne f yur friends r family yur destinatin.
    E. Besides taking preventive steps, flexible thinking is als encuraged.
    F. Like a ship sailing away frm its harbr, that is what we were built t d.
    G. Fr teenagers, this means risks like running fr mnitr r trying ut fr a team.
    【答案】16. B 17. G 18. D 19. E 20. F
    根据上文““A ship in harbr is safe, but that is nt what ships are built fr,” said Jhn A. Shedd, an early 20th century authr. Thrughut’ the Cvid-19, we’ve all becme used t assessing risk in new ways. We’ve cme t understand, thugh we can never get rid f risk altgether, we have great pwer t make chices bth large and small t prtect urselves.(“停泊在港口的船是安全的,但那不是造船的目的,”20世纪初的作家Jhn A. Shedd说。在整个Cvid-19疫情期间,我们都习惯于以新的方式评估风险。我们已经认识到,尽管我们永远无法完全摆脱风险,但我们有强大的能力做出大大小小的选择来保护自己)”以及后文“It stps us frm stepping utside f ur cmfrt znes and trying new things. (它阻止我们走出舒适区,尝试新事物)”可知,前面讲述了因为疫情我们都变得习惯用新方式评估风险,我们开始意识到我们有很大的能力进行大大小小的选择来保护自己,而空格后却表明这阻止我们迈出舒适圈和尝试新事物可知,选B才能符合前后的转折,it指代B中的自我保护的心态,但是自我保护的心态也有自己的风险。故B选项“但是自我保护的精神状态也有它自己的风险”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“Develpmental psychlgists talk abut “psitive risks” — scially acceptable risks that ur lives can benefit frm.(发展心理学家谈论“积极风险”——社会可接受的风险,我们的生活可以从中受益)”以及后文“But what abut these, wh develp int adults? Researchers have fund that happiness fr lder adults is being able t chse hw they spend their time, including ways that are adventurus, new and even- like hiking r ther utdr activities — mildly risky.(但是那些成长为成年人的人呢?研究人员发现,老年人的幸福在于能够选择如何度过他们的时间,包括冒险的、新的甚至是风险较小的徒步旅行或其他户外活动)”可知,上文表明发展心理学家讲述了积极风险的定义,空格后却表示但已经长大成人的大人呢。由此可知,所填句子应该是承接前一句讲述青少年(发展心理学本身的主要内容就是儿童期,包括青少年的心理发展),因此选G,对于青少年这意味着像竞选班长、报名参加一个团体这样的风险,this指代前面的psitive risks,然后空格后再转折讲述成年人的幸福也包括冒险。故G选项“对青少年来说,这意味着要冒竞选班长或参加团队的风险”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“One guide t psitive risk management lists ways that peple can make sure their risks are n the “safe" side f risk range. Fr example, t ensure a successful bike ride, yu shuld in advance equip yurself with a fully-charged cell phne and a full water bttle.(一份积极风险管理指南列出了人们可以确保他们的风险处于风险范围的“安全”一侧的方法。例如,为了确保骑行成功,你应该提前准备好一个充满电的手机和一个装满水的水瓶)”可知,此处应该继续描述为了顺利完成自行车骑行而采取的措施,故D选项“记得告诉你的朋友或家人你的目的地”符合语境,故选D。
    根据后文“This means adapting t changing situatins. In respnse t the deadly virus, peple chse t step back int nrmal life nly after they are vaccinated. In this way, peple culd be cnfident that the risk is tlerable.(这意味着要适应不断变化的情况。为了应对这一致命病毒,人们只有在接种疫苗后才选择回到正常生活。这样,人们就可以相信风险是可以承受的)”可知,根据空格后表示这表明适应变化的情形。后面举例表明,面对致死的病毒,人们选择在接种疫苗后回到日常生活可知,这里选E才符合后文,this指代E中的flexible thinking,除了采取预防措施,灵活变通的想法也值得提倡。故E选项“除了采取预防措施外,还鼓励灵活思考”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“Nbdy wants t be needlessly risky. But using ur newly-acquired risk assessment tls, we can nce again learn and grw in ur lives.(没有人愿意冒不必要的风险。但使用我们新获得的风险评估工具,我们可以再次在生活中学习和成长)”可知,文章开头就用船比喻人,表明尽管在港口的船是安全的,但那不是造船的目的,来鼓励人们进行适当的冒险。在中间讲述了适当冒险的好处,定义和相应措施后,最后一段选F最合适,既符合该段落再次倡导使用新的风险评估工具,也符合前文对积极冒险的倡议,就像离开港口的船一样,我们的人生也该那样(合理冒险)。故F选项“就像一艘驶离港湾的船,这就是我们的使命”符合语境,故选F。
    第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A lttery (彩票) winner in Kentucky wn a six-figure jackpt (头奖). Hwever, she wasn’t the nly ne wh ____21____ — she celebrated her win by ____22____ gift cards at a lcal stre.
    Crystal Dunn f Luisville wn the game’s $146,351.74 prgressive jackpt. “I saw that and didn’t believe it ____23____,” Dunn tld the lttery bard. “I never thught I wuld win smething like this, but this ges t shw it can ____24____ ,” she cntinued.
    Dunn traveled t the headquarters f the Kentucky Lttery Crpratin t ____25____ her jackpt n 8 July. After taxes, she ____26____ a check fr $103,909.73. Dunn said she ____27____ t use the mney t buy a car and pay ff bills. But she made it ____28____ that she wuld spread a little ____29____ befre she returned hme with her winnings.
    She stpped by Meijer — a supercenter stre chain in Kentucky — t _____30_____ a part f her jackpt. Dunn purchased $2,000 in gift cards and handed them ut t _____31_____ .
    “Many were excited, but a few were _____32_____, thinking I was wanting smething _____33_____,” Dunn reprtedly tld the lttery bard. “I gt a(n) _____34_____ gift and I believe in paying it frward and I want t pass it alng,” she cntinued. “Actually, sharing is caring and giving is mre _____35_____ than receiving. I’ve wrked hard fr everything I’ve had. This is a pretty amazing gift.”
    21. A. triedB. benefitedC. wrkedD. learned
    22. A. taking utB. giving awayC. paying ffD. turning dwn
    23. A. finallyB. regularlyC. frmallyD. actually
    24. A. happenB. appearC. displayD. imprve
    25. A. checkB. cllectC. raiseD. search
    26. A. fundB. wrteC. receivedD. demanded
    27. A. plannedB. requestedC. managedD. imagined
    28. A. seriusB. easyC. pssibleD. clear
    29. A. energyB. happinessC. patienceD. infrmatin
    30. A. shareB. leaveC. refuseD. divide
    31. A. readersB. wrkersC. shppersD. teachers
    32. A. thankfulB. cnfidentC. delightedD. surprised
    33. A. by chanceB. at nceC. n purpseD. in return
    34. A. simpleB. unexpectedC. cmmnD. impssible
    35. A. practicalB. difficultC. rewardingD. available
    【答案】21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,她并不是唯一一个受益的人——她在当地一家商店赠送礼品卡来庆祝自己的胜利。A. tried尝试;B. benefited受益;C. wrked工作;D. learned学习。根据“A lttery(彩票) winner in Kentucky wn a six-figure jackpt(头奖)”(一个肯塔基州的彩票中奖者赢得了六位数的头奖)可知,她从彩票中受益,故选B项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,她并不是唯一一个受益的人——她在当地一家商店赠送礼品卡来庆祝自己的胜利。A. taking ut拿出;B. giving away赠送;C. paying ff付清;D. turning dwn拒绝。根据第11空“Dunn purchased $2,000 in gift cards and handed them ut t__10_”(邓恩购买了价值2000美元的礼品卡,并将其分发给……)可知,她是赠送礼品卡给其他人,故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:“我看到了,但实际上并不相信,”邓恩告诉彩票委员会。A. finally最终;B. regularly定期地;C. frmally正式地;D. actually实际上。根据后句“I never thught I wuld win smething like this”(我从没想过我会赢得这样的比赛)可知,事实上,她是不太相信的,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我从没想过我会赢得这样的比赛,但这表明这可能会发生。”她继续说道。A. happen发生;B. appear出现;C. display展示;D. imprve提升。根据第二段首句“Crystal Dunn f Luisville wn the game’s $146,351.74 prgressive jackpt.”(路易斯维尔的克里斯托·邓恩赢得了该游戏146351.74美元的累积头奖)可知,她确实中奖了,这确实是可能发生的,故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:7月8日,邓恩前往肯塔基州彩票公司总部领取头奖。A. check检查;B. cllect领取;C. raise筹集;D. search搜寻。根据后句“After taxes, she ____6____a check fr $103,909.73.”(税后,她__了一张103909.73美元的支票)可知,她去领奖了,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:税后,她收到了一张103909.73美元的支票。A. fund发现;B. wrte写;C. received收到;D. demanded要求。根据后句“Dunn said she ____7____t use the mney t buy a car and pay ff bills.”(邓恩说,她……用这笔钱买车并付清账单)可知,她收到了钱,故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:邓恩说,她打算用这笔钱买车并付清账单。A. planned计划;B. requested要求;C. managed设法做;D. imagined想象。根据语境及常识可知,用这笔钱买车并付清账单是她的打算,故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但她明确表示,在带着奖金回家之前,她会传播一点快乐。A. serius严肃的;B. easy容易的;C. pssible可能的;D. clear清楚的。固定句型make it clear that意为“明确表示,表明”,拿到钱后,她明确表示自己的打算,故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她明确表示,在带着奖金回家之前,她会传播一点快乐。A. energy能量;B. happiness开心,幸福;C. patience耐心;D. infrmatin信息。根据第2空可知,她通过赠送礼品卡来庆祝自己的中奖,这是一件令人开心的事情,也与其他人分享,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她路过肯塔基州的超级中心连锁店Meijer,分享了她的部分头奖。A. share分享;B. leave离开;C. refuse拒绝;D. divide划分。根据第9题可知,她要赠送礼品卡来传递快乐,与他人分享自己的奖,故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:邓恩购买了价值2000美元的礼品卡,并将其分发给购物者。A. readers读者;B. wrkers工人;C. shppers购物者;D. teachers老师。根据第11题可知,她进入了肯塔基州的超级中心连锁店Meijer,并购买礼品卡,分发给来店里购物的人,故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:据报道,邓恩告诉彩票委员会:“很多人都很兴奋,但也有一些人很惊讶,认为我想要一些回报。”A. thankful感恩的;B. cnfident自信的;C. delighted开心的;D. surprised感到惊讶的。根据常识可知,收到来自陌生人的礼品,购物者感到很惊讶,故选D项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:据报道,邓恩告诉彩票委员会:“很多人都很兴奋,但也有一些人很惊讶,认为我想要一些回报。”A. by chance意外;B. at nce立刻;C. n purpse故意地;D. in return作为回报。根据关键词“I was wanting smething”可知,他们以为她送他们礼品卡是因为她想要一些东西作为回报,故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她继续说道:“我收到了一份意想不到的礼物,我相信一定要把它交出去,我想把它传下去。”A. simple简单的;B. unexpected意料之外的;C. cmmn普遍的;D. impssible不可能的。根据第4空“I never thught I wuld win smething like this”(我从没想过我会赢得这样的比赛)可知,这是意料之外的礼物,故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实上,分享就是关怀,给予比接受更有回报。A. practical实际的;B. difficult困难的;C. rewarding值得做的;D. available可利用的。根据13题可知,别人以为她想获得一些东西作为回报,而她认为分享和给予就是一件值得做的事情,给予比接受更有回报,故选C项。
    第四部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Lucy Black recently became the yungest persn t travel t every cuntry in the wrld. By the age f 23 she has visited all the cuntries in an effrt t challenge ___36___ (she) and push the limits f ___37___ she believed was pssible fr a female traveler.
    Lucy ___38___ (primary) used planes, bats, and trains t get arund. It was nt all plain sailing and there were many difficulties Lucy met, including ___39___ (arrange) visas t enter sme cuntries. But the challenges ___40___ (balance) by the memrable experiences n her way. “There’re s many amazing experiences that can cme ut f traveling alne because yu are mre pen t the cnnectins with the ___41___ (lcal) than yu wuld be in a big grup,” she said.
    Lucy had the pleasure f meeting ___42___ variety f peple and experiencing different cultures. But the mst ___43___ (value) experience f all was discvering a new sense f independence, she said.
    Fr Lucy, nthing beats traveling, which she described ___44___ her favrite part f being alive. “____45____ I wuld be lying if I said I wasn’t enjying taking time ver the past year t recver frm all the wear and tear I have dne t my bdy ver the past three years,” she added.
    【答案】36. herself
    37. what 38. primarily
    39. arranging
    40 were balanced
    41. lcals 42. a
    43. valuable
    44. as 45. But
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了Lucy Black最近成为最年轻的环游世界各国的人,分享了她的旅行经历和旅行感受。
    考查宾语从句。句意:到23岁时,她已经走遍了所有的国家,努力挑战自己,挑战她认为女性旅行者可能达到的极限。分析句子可知,设空处引导名词性从句作介词f的宾语,宾语从句中she believed为插入语,设空处在从句中作主语,结合句意可知,从句表示“她认为一个女性旅行者可以做到的”,指物,此名词性从句用连接代词what引导。故填what。
    考查副词。句意:Lucy 主要使用飞机、船只和火车出行。设空处修饰动词uesd作状语,应填所给词primary的副词primarily。故填primarily。
    考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:但这些挑战被她旅途中令人难忘的经历所抵消。设空处在句中作谓语,结合上文“It was nt all plain sailing and there were many difficulties Lucy met”以及句意可知此句陈述过去的事情,用一般过去时;主语the challenges与动词balance之间为被动关系,所以此句为一般过去时的被动语态,the challenges作主语,谓语动词用复数。故填were balanced。
    考查名词。句意:她说:“独自旅行可以带来很多奇妙的体验,因为与和一大群人一起旅行相比,你更愿意与当地人建立联系。”设空处在句中在介词with的宾语,名词lcal“当地人;本地人”符合句意;lcal“当地人,本地人”为可数名词,此处表复数概念需要用名词复数形式,the lcals指当地的人们。故填lcals。
    考查冠词。句意:Lucy很高兴能遇到各种各样的人,体验不同的文化。a variety f为固定搭配,表示各种各样的,设空处应填不定冠词a。故填a。
    考查形容词。句意:但她说,最宝贵的经验是发现一种新的独立意识。句子结构分析可知“the mst ______ (value)”修饰名词experience,设空处应填形容词valuable,the mst valuable为形容词valuable的最高级。故填valuable。
    第五部分 单词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    46. When yu rise t the challenges, yu will have the ______ t acquire great knwledge and enjy persnal grwth.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:当你应对挑战时,你将有机会获得知识和享受个人成长。设空处作have的宾语,根据句意以及首字母提示可知,名词pprtunity“机会”符合句意,have the pprtunity t d sth意为“有机会做某事”。故填pprtunity。
    47. I have a n________ pinin n the value f this idea while thers are psitive abut it. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:我对这个想法的价值持否定意见,而其他人则持肯定意见。名词 pinin前用形容词修饰。根据首字母提示及句意,故填negative。
    48. Perhaps she knws she’s in the wrng and wants t a______, r maybe she has a simple explanatin fr her behaviur. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    49. Mst imprtantly, yur time and effrt at senir high schl will pen the dr t yur ______(潜力). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    50. The “Little Bank” was used fr sudden ______(紧急情况), such as the time when Christine brke her arm and had t be taken t a dctr. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    51. It was a headache fr her t r______ her white car in the snw. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:对她来说,在雪地里认出自己的白色汽车是一件头疼的事。句中It作形式主语,不定式短语“t r_____ her white car in the snw”在句中作真正主语,设空处应填动词原形;由句意以及首字母提示可知,动词recgnize“认出;辨别出”符合句意。故填recgnize。
    52. He tld them that n activity had yet been ______(确切地) decided. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    53. One must take the audience int a______ when making speeches. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:演讲时必须考虑到听众。根据句意以及首字母提示可知,固定短语take sth int accunt“考虑到;顾及”符合句意,设空处应填名词accunt。故填accunt。
    54. If yu develp the habit f ______(反思), it’s easier t make prgress. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    55. As many as 100 species f fish, sme ______(独有的) t these waters, may have been affected by the pllutin. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    第六部分 书面表达(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    56. 假设你是中学生李华,你的朋友Rebecca最近和父母关系紧张,发邮件向你询问如何改善与父母的关系。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    (1) 写信目的;
    (2) 提出建议并说明理由;
    (3) 表达美好希望。
    (1) 词数80左右;
    (2) 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Rebecca,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Rebecca,
    I’m wrried when receiving yur letter saying that yu’re suffering frm a tense relatinship with yur parents. Here is my persnal advice n hw t imprve it.
    Firstly, yu’d better talk t yur parents regularly, explaining yur actins and feelings calmly, listening carefully and addressing their cncerns. Besides, when yu can’t see eye t eye with them, remember t put yurself in yur parents’ shes, which will help yu understand the situatin frm their pint f view.
    I hpe these suggestins will be helpful and everything will turn ut all right in the end. Lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Li Hua
    担心的:wrried→ cncerned
    此外:Besides → What’s mre
    建议:advice→ suggestin
    提高,改善:imprve→ enhance
    原句: I hpe these suggestins will be helpful and everything will turn ut all right in the end.
    拓展句: I hpe these suggestins will be helpful s that everything will turn ut all right in the end.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Besides, when yu can’t see eye t eye with them, remember t put yurself in yur parents’ shes, which will help yu understand the situatin frm their pint f view.(运用了连词when引导的时间状语从句以及关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句。)
    【高分句型2】 Firstly, yu’d better talk t yur parents regularly, explaining yur actins and feelings calmly, listening carefully and addressing their cncerns.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词作状语。)
    第二节 读后续写(满分15分)
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Craig watched as his lder sister Riley and friend Liz skated n the lake. When the game was ver, Craig asked Riley what skating felt like.
    “When I g really fast, I feel like I’m flying,” she said.
    That’s silly, thught Craig. Flying is smething birds d in the air, nt smething peple d n ice Skates. Then he watched Riley g back ut n the ice. She skated arund and arund the edge f the lake with increasing speed and sn she was ging s fast that her arms lked like wings and her scarf like a lng tail. Maybe skating really was like flying.
    When Riley sat dwn t take her skates ff, Craig said, “I wish I culd fly.”
    Riley didn’t say anything, but a few days later she asked Craig if he wanted t g skating. “Mm and I fund a pair f my ld skates. They might fit yu.
    The skates were a little big, but when Riley stuffed (填塞) newspaper in them, they fit. Craig culdn’t stp smiling. He didn’t want t take them ff, but he had t s that he culd walk t the lake.
    Riley and Liz went with him. They carried a wden chair. When they gt t the lake. Craig put his skates back n and Riley helped him nt the ice. Then she put his hands n the back f the chair.
    “Hang n t this and yu wn’t fall,” said Riley. “Just push it alng in frnt f yu, OK?”
    Craig smiled. “OK.” He held n t the chair and kept himself balanced. Riley and Liz cheered him n as he started t mve frward. Craig tried t skate like his sister but when he let g f the chair, he just fell. S he grabbed n t the chair again and mved n little by little. This wasn’t like flying at all. It was like being a snail (蜗牛).
    “Hw’s it ging?” Riley finally asked. Craig lked upset. “What’s wrng?” Riley asked.
    “I wanted t skate like yu,” Craig said, “I wanted t fly”.
    “I wanted t skate like yu,” Craig said, “I wanted t fly”. “Smeday yu will,” Riley said as she patted his shulder. Then she whispered smething t Liz, wh grinned and winked at Craig. Each girl tk ne f Craig’s hands. “Smeday yu’ll fly n yur wn,” Riley said. “But tday Liz and I will help yu.” Riley and Liz started skating, pulling Craig with them. The edges f his skates just tuched the ice. The girls went faster and faster, and s did he. When he lked dwn, his skate blades lked like silver smke. His hat nearly blew ff. “I’m flying!” he yelled, and the wrds blew away in the wind like a bird’s happy sng.
    由首句内容“‘我想像你们一样滑冰,’ Craig说,‘我想飞’”可知,后文可描写Craig学习滑冰的经过以及学会滑冰后的感受。
    低语:whisper/talk with sb. in a whisper
    快乐的:happy /jyful
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Then she whispered smething t Liz, wh grinned and winked at Craig. (运用了wh引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] When he lked dwn, his skate blades lked like silver smke. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    听力:C A B A A B C A C B A C A B C C B C B A

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