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    第一部分 选择题(共95分)
    第一节 听力理解(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    1. What kind f stry is The Wmen in White?
    A. An art stry.B. A detective stry.C. An adventure stry.
    2. Why will it take Camille a bit f time t finish reading the bk?
    A. It is written in French.B. It is quite a lng stry.C. It has a rather cmplex plt.
    3. What d the speakers think f taiknauts’ missin?
    A. Heric yet lnely.B. Hnurable yet risky.C. Cstly yet irreplaceable.
    4. What des the wman insist n abut space explratin?
    A. Having manned space travel.
    B. Investing in space explratin.
    C. Mdernizing space gvernance.
    5. What des the wman d n the last Thursday f each mnth?
    A. Visit an art gallery.
    B. Have a business lunch.
    C. Attend a lcal cmpany’s meeting.
    6. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Brther and sister.
    B. Bank manager and custmer.
    C. Business wner and emplyee.
    7. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Apply fr a business lan.
    B. Set up a netwrking event.
    C. Have a rest away frm business.
    8. Why d Chinese peple like t call freigners “la wai”?
    A. T shw respect t the ld age.
    B. T cnvey the idea f a clse relatinship.
    C. T stress smene is frm anther culture.
    9. What d we learn abut the man?
    A. He disliked Chinese fd.
    B. He preferred t travel alne.
    C. He cared abut persnal privacy.
    10. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Persnal identity.B. Cultural understanding.C. Interpersnal relatinship.
    第二节 获取信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
    16. It will be a disastrus ________ t the lcal cmmunity if the factry clses.
    A. blwB. highlightC. cnditinD. drive
    17. The bk starts slwly, but it gradually ________ yu in.
    A. runB. streC. fillD. draw
    18. He played the vilin s beautifully that he ________ frm all the ther musicians in the perfrmance.
    A. brught abutB. std utC. wre awayD. did well
    19. Obviusly, nt every gal will be achieved, nt every jb will ________ a success, and nt every dream will cme true. That’s life!
    A. catch up withB. cme up withC. put up withD. end up with
    20. Many envirnmental prblems, such as climate change and extreme weather, are mainly ________ human activities.
    A. in spite fB. with regard tC. due tD. rather than
    21. That serius mistake he made in the interview ________ his chances f getting the jb.
    A. ruinedB. damagedC. ruiningD. destrying
    22. It’s beynd descriptin. Nwhere else in the wrld ________ such a quiet, beautiful place.
    A. there can beB. can there haveC. have can thereD. can there be
    23. The explanatin f ur teacher will make the cmplicated article easy ________.
    A. t be understdB. t understandC. understandingD. understd
    24. Many peple frm Africa ________ hunger and diseases ver the past centuries
    A. has sufferedB. have been suffered
    C. have been suffering frmD. suffered frm
    25. This is the best way I can think f ________ the prblem.
    A. slveB. t slveC. slvingD. slved
    26. Is this the schl ________ my father talked abut the ther day?
    A. whereB. thatC. the neD. what
    27. The shp ________ sells children’s bks is at the end f the street.
    A. whereB. /C. whD. which
    28. —D yu remember where yu and yur wife first met 30 years ag?
    —It was in a park ________ I came acrss ur ld friend Tm yesterday.
    A. whichB. whenC. thatD. where
    29. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single persn ________ she culd turn fr help.
    A. frm whmB. whC. t whmD. that
    30. I strngly demand that the persn ________ put int prisn immediately.
    A. referred t beB. referring t were
    B. referring t shuld beD referred t was
    With s many NYC museums t chse frm, it’s hard t begin. The gd news is, yu’re in the right place. Belw is a highly selective list f museums in New Yrk City.
    Metrplitan Museum f Art
    Occupying tw millin square feet, with a permanent cllectin f ver tw millin wrks f art, the Metrplitan Museum f Art (funded in 1870) is ne the largest galleries in the wrld. This famus fine arts museum in NYC pssesses wrks frm classical antiquity (古物), ancient Egypt, Asia, Byzantium, and Eurpe, with nearly all f the Eurpean masters represented.
    American Museum f Natural Histry
    Originally funded in 1869, the American Museum f Natural Histry is ne f the largest museums in the wrld. Lcated in park-like grunds acrss the street frm Central Park, the museum cmplex cnsists f 28 intercnnected buildings husing 45 permanent exhibitin halls. As a ppular family-friendly NYC attractin, the American Museum f Natural Histry is as fun as it is educatinal.
    Slmn R. Guggenheim Museum
    One f the mid-twentieth century’s mst imprtant architectural landmarks, the icnic Slmn R. Museum was designed by Frank Llyd Wright. Wright spent 15 years designing the building and gave up 700 sketches and six sets f wrking drawings in the prcess. He died six mnths befre the drs were pened.
    New Yrk City Fire Museum
    The New Yrk City Fire Museum (set up in 1934) is a charming alternative t the mre expensive museums f New Yrk. Here yu will find art and artifacts that celebrate the histry f firefighting and the New Yrk City Fire Department; including mdern-day firefighting equipment and real New Yrk fire equipment frm 1790.
    31. What d yu knw abut the American Museum f Natural Histry?
    A. It cnsists f 28 exhibitin halls
    B. It is fit fr parents and their kids.
    C. It lies in the middle f Central Park.
    D. It is the smallest museum in the wrld.
    32. Which is the yungest museum?
    A. The New Yrk City Fire Museum.
    B. The Metrplitan Museum f Art.
    C. The Slmn R. Guggenheim Museum.
    D. The American Museum f Natural Histry.
    33. Where can yu prbably find this passage?
    A. In a guidebk.B. In an art review.
    C. In an fficial reprt.D. In a traveling schedule.
    Life is like a rller caster, and every pint has ups and dwns. Peple plan smething, but luck and smetimes misfrtunes lead them tward a different destinatin. Hwever, passinate individuals are nt scared f such uncertainties. They set gals, welcme challenges, vercme bstacles, and eventually achieve what satisfies them.
    Thse wh stay cmmitted t their brad gals and find satisfactin even in unplanned circumstances are truly victrius. One true example f such peple cmes frm a wman passinate abut spreading happiness and helping thers. Nicle Thrnes is a mther, a frmer plice fficer, . and nw serving sciety as a dula (陪护师).
    Nicle jined the plice academy intending t be helpful t sciety. She believed that a plice fficer has the pprtunity t eliminate crime, bring justice, and create a better sciety fr everyne. Althugh she became a mther during her studies and her respnsibilities were increased because f children, she didn’t give up n her passin. Nicle culd have called ff her studies, but her passin fr serving sciety didn’t let her step dwn. With her internal gal, she finally became a plice fficer and gave her cntributins t law enfrcement and the betterment f sciety. She was nt nly a plice fficer making full cmmitment t the sciety but als a mther wh played her respnsibilities in the best way pssible.
    Everything went accrding t her plans, but uncertainty called ff her jurney as a plice fficer. Nicle gt seriusly injured in a missin that ended her career in the plice frce. But her dreams and passin did nt let her stp. She became a dula t cntinue her dream. She chse this field after her grandfather died, when she culdn’t bear the pain f lsing him. Being a dula, she is nw prviding cmfrt t the dying and their families during difficult times. She aims t spread prsperity in peple’s lives and help them vercme all the bstacles she faced thrughut her life.
    34. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Uncertainties lead life t a different directin.
    B. Life is bund t be filled with ups and dwns.
    C. Peple are always at the mercy f cnstant changes.
    D. Fulfillment cmes frm making the best f uncertainties.
    35. What is Nicle’s riginal career cmmitment?
    A. T cnduct her duty well and better the sciety.
    B. T cater t the children’s requirements and needs.
    C. T accmpany the senir thrugh the darkest time.
    D. T release peple’s pain frm lsing the lved nes.
    36. Why did Nicle leave her plice pst?
    A. Because f the danger f the jb.
    B. Because f the change f interest.
    C. Because f the injury she gt at wrk.
    D. Because f the arrangement f the ffice.
    37. What brught Nicle t her new career?
    A. The appeal f. the peple in srrw.
    B. The push f getting a new jb t survive.
    C. The passin in accmpanying the sick nes.
    D. The srrwful pain f lsing her belved family.
    Andrid phnes will be used t sense earthquakes arund the wrld and may ne day be able t prvide glbal warnings, with the first mass alert system cming int use n August 11 in Califrnia, Ggle annunced.
    Ggle, which helped develp Andrid, wrked with Califrnia and the US Gelgical Survey t build the quake alerts int all phnes that run the cmmn mbile perating system. Andrid users wh have enabled lcatin services and are near a quake f magnitude 4.5 r greater will receive a full-screen earthquake warning telling them t drp t the flr and seek cver. The screen als will prvide estimates f the quake’s magnitude and distance frm the user. Depending n their distance frm a quake, peple culd get several secnds r perhaps a minute f warning.
    Users wn’t need t a dwnlad Califrnia’s MyShake app in rder t receive the alerts. That applicatin, develped by the University f Califrnia, Berkeley and launched last year, has been dwnladed by nly abut I millin f Califrnia’s 40 millin residents. By cntrast, many millins f peple wn Andrid phnes.
    “This annuncement means that Califrnia’s wrld-class earthquake early warning system will be a standard functin n every Andrid phne-giving millins precius secnds t drp, cver and hld n when the big ne hits.” Gv. Gavin Newsm said in a statement. IPhne users wn’t receive the alerts thrugh Apple’s perating system, but they can dwnlad the MyShake app.
    Als, Ggle annunced that Andrid phnes wuld begin detecting earthquakes frm arund the wrld thrugh their mtin-sensing accelermeters. “Yur Andrid phne can be a mini-seismmeter (地震仪), jining millins f ther Andrid phnes ut there t frm the wrld’s largest earthquake detectin netwrk,” accrding t a Ggle blg pst. Mre than 2 billin devices run the Andrid perating system.
    Hundreds f millins f peple live in earthquake-prne areas. But many cuntries lack the resurces t build detectin and alert systems, Ggle said. The infrmatin will be used at first t prvide fast and accurate infrmatin n Ggle Search. But Ggle said it culd begin sending ut earthquake alerts next year.
    38. If an earthquake hits the US, wh wn’t receive the earthquake warning?
    A. IPhne users wh have dwnladed the MyShake app.
    B. Andrid users wh have dwnladed the MyShake app.
    C. IPhne users wh haven’t dwnladed the MyShake app.
    D. Andrid users wh haven’t dwnladed the MyShake app.
    39. What des the underlined wrd “estimates” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Predictins.B. Descriptins.C. Destinatins.D. Explanatins.
    40. What will glbalize Ggle’s earthquake detectin netwrk?
    A. The newly develped MyShake app.
    B. Useful mtin-sensing accelermeters.
    C. New technlgy develped by Ggle.
    D. The large number f Andrid phne users.
    41. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T share a newly-develped MyShake app.
    B. T intrduce a new functin f Andrid phnes.
    C. T discuss the prs and cns f a new technlgy.
    D. T cmpare the perfrmance between tw types f phnes.
    A few years ag, Charles Barkley gt int a lt f truble fr making the cmment that sprts figures didn’t need t be rle mdels. Thusands f fans and prfessinal jurnalists were crss at this attack n the basic principle that the persn wh jumps highest must aim highest and the persn wh handles the running back must als be able t deal with life’s prblems with grace as well.
    The prblem is nt that we lk t these peple fr perfectin when they take ff their unifrms. It’s that we expect anyne t be ur representatives fr perfectin. That’s stupid and it makes the rest f us dwn here lazy.
    I get the imprtance f having heres, the peple wh inspire us t cultivate the best ptential within us and nurture ur better angels. I persnally have many heres, frm my mther, Lucy, t my favrite law prfessr, Hward. But these are persnal cntacts, peple wh have actually tuched my hand and my heart, and wh ccupy a pedestal (基座) built f my wn experiences and strng desires. T lk at an athlete r an actress with high salary and demand that he r she match ur dreams is nt nly a waste f time, but it’s dangerus. The danger cmes in hw this type f her wrship dehumanizes bth the bject f affectin and the persn wh blindly adres. That was Barkley’s pint, nt that we shuld give public figures a pass fr being faulty but that we shuldn’t abandn ur wn mral cmpasses and lk t them fr true nrth.
    Recently n a televisin prgram I participated in, the discussin turned t Kathleen Kane. Smene suggested that the fact that the first female attrney general (首席检察官) in Pennsylvania was really messing things up culd have unfrtunate cnsequences fr wmen seeking elected ffice. I ffered the pinin that Kane was unquestinably criticized and that it was nt dislike twards wman but lack f ability at the rt f the attacks. After the shw aired, I had peple emailing t tell me that I was either a traitr (叛徒) fr publicly attacking a fellw female when we need t stand tgether behind this “rle mdel”, r a fl fr nt ging a step further t say that this incmpetent lawyer had made it harder fr all wmen t mve t the next level.
    Hw depressing! Why shuld the inferir perfrmance f ne wman lead t such diverse but passinate views in peple? The answer is bvius: Kane has stpped being an attrney general but has instead becme The First Female Attrney General. She can’t just make a mistake and pay the nrmal cnsequences.
    If we stpped trying t live ur lives thrugh the accmplishments f public figures, many f whm lk and sund like us, we’d learn hw t recgnize the heric character f thse we might actually knw, and the heric ptential within urselves. Or, perhaps, the hnesty t accept ur rdinary humanity.
    42. Many peple were angry with Charles Barkley mainly because ________.
    A. he brke the fundamental principle in life
    B. he was nt gd enugh t be a rle mdel
    C. he dubted the perfectin f sme sprts figures
    D. he thught sprts figures culd have weaknesses
    43. Accrding t Barkley, why is it dangerus t take public figures as heres?
    A. Because we may let g f ur wn mral standards.
    B. Because an athlete r actress cannt match ur dreams.
    C. Because we blindly admire public figures fr their faults.
    D. Because we shuldn’t waste time imitating public figures.
    44. Frm the passage we can infer that Kathleen Kane was ________.
    A. the first female attrney general in the US
    B. unfairly criticized because f being female
    C. less qualified than the public had expected
    D. a rle mdel fr wmen seeking elected ffice
    45. Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. Be Our Representatives fr Perfectin
    B. Explratin f Our Own Heric Ptential
    C Our Cnventinal Views f Female Plitician
    D. Our Unrealistic Expectatin f Public Figures
    Have yu ever had a staring cntest? It can be difficult t keep yur eyes pen fr lng perids f time because f the instinctive (本能的) tendency t blink. But why d we need t blink?
    There are tw main reasns fr it. First, blinking clears away dust frm the eyes. 46 I might be under the eyelid r smething that blew in. Secnd, blinking lubricates (润滑) the eye-balls. The eyes need a smth surface fr light t prperly fcus n, s visin becmes clear. Blinking releases a tear film, which mstly cnsists f water, il and mucus, t keep the surface f the eyeball smth. 47 The tear film als prvides xygen fr the eye. The film als helps prevent the eye frm becming infected.
    Blinking happens instinctively. It takes the average persn 400 millisecnds t blink. Mst peple blink smewhere between 10 and 20 times per minute, usually arund 15 r 16 times. 48
    Fr example, yu may blink mre frequently if there’s smething in yur eye. Certain cnditins can make it feel like there’s smething in yur eye, which makes yu blink mre. Sme peple have habitual invluntary mvements that lead them t blink frequently. 49 If yu have uncrrected visin prblems, yu may blink mre ften because yur eyes are instinctively trying t crrect the unclear visin.
    If there is damage t the facial nerve, which is respnsible fr clsing the eyelid, a persn may blink mre slwly r less ften. Tiredness and sme medicatins can cause a similar effect. 50 Fr example, when reading, peple tend t blink at the end f a sentence rather than in the middle.
    A. It prevents the eye frm drying ut.
    B. If there’s a freign bdy, it helps get rid f it.
    C. And stress and anxiety can make yu blink mre, t.
    D. Blinking mre ften than needed can give brain extra stress.
    E. Pink eye and ther types f infectin can als cause damage n eyes.
    F. Hwever, there are sme circumstances that make peple blink mre r less ften
    G. Fcusing n smething like watching a mvie, yu may blink less t strengthen yur fcus.
    Earlier in the year we set ut plans fr a ptential butterfly garden in the village. We drew up a plan 51 ur ideas hw we culd g abut them. As it turned ut, the Universe f curse had ther 52 !
    While we waited t see if ur funding wuld cme thrugh, Butterfly Cnservatin Sctland ffered us enugh wildflwer seeds t 53 the whle area.
    The 54 was that the turf (草原) wuld have t be remved t bare earth befre we culd sw! S, I asked arund fr a machine t 55 the turf, but n ne came frward. We wanted t hire a machine but didn’t have enugh mney.
    Last weekend, I was given an 56 kindness! As I was speaking t a man living nearby, a lady 57 me and handed me a 58 f £40! Wasn’t that gd f her and wasn’t it just s 59 ? Seeing that, the man als gave me sme mney!
    60 the prblem was slved, we hired the turf-lifting machine n Thursday and sent ut a 61 fr Sunday vlunteers and 10 peple 62 . The seeds were then swn
    My friend came with a carlad f dg daisies (牛眼菊) and buddleia (醉鱼草). What a 63 ! We planted up the daisies all alng the back f the garden. Of curse, these dg daisies aren’t n ur 64 plan (just the buddleia are), but if the Universe says that they’ll g well there, then wh am I t 65 !
    51. A. adjustingB. shwingC. prvingD. recalling
    52. A. hbbiesB. excusesC. rulesD. plans
    53. A. prtectB. expseC. cverD. measure
    54. A. meaningB. prblemC. alternativeD. prmise
    55. A. decrateB. deliverC. liftD. wash
    56. A. unnecessaryB. unchangeableC. unfamiliarD. unexpected
    57. A. apprachedB. preventedC. challengedD. frgave
    58. A. tipB. salaryC. dnatinD. reward
    59. A. timelyB. mannerlyC. cstlyD. rderly
    60. A. UnlessB. AfterC. AlthughD. If
    61. A. callB. signalC. sundD. wave
    62. A. checked utB. brke inC. turned upD. set ff
    63. A. tendencyB. testC. privilegeD. jy
    64. A. paintingB. plantingC. learningD. repairing
    65. A. argueB. warnC. quitD. aplgize
    第二部分 非选择题(共50分+5分背书)
    While Wang Le was 66 (浏览,填词组) a newspaper, he was shcked t read the news that a great earthquake struck the city. Apprximately ninety percent f the buildings 67 (成为废墟,填词组). The metal pipes and taps cracked and the grund was cvered with bricks. There was neither 68 (电,填单词) nr water. Many peple 69 (使落入险境,填单词) at hme suffered a great deal. Frtunately, , the gvernment immediately directed the 70 (拯救人员,填词组) t evacuate the peple in danger and put up s 71 (a structure built t give prtectin) in the pen air. Ambulances arrived t prvide first aid. In the meantime, the s 72 (the things such as fd, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a grup f peple)prvided t the earthquake-stricken area were cllected frm all arund the city. 73 (经过不懈努力,填词组), the whle city began t breathe again and witness a dramatic revival. Wang Le thught it was necessary t learn mre abut hw t prevent the 74
    (自然灾害,填词组) frm happening and reduce the massive 75 (destry) caused by them.
    Li Rui is crazy abut reading bks. In his spare time, he reads different kinds f bks that 76 (与……有关,填词组) different tpics, , amng which Chinese culture is his favrite. Last night, , when he 77 (拿起,填词组) a bk frm the desk with its title reading “the Chinese language”, he culdn’t help burying himself in it. Accrding t the bk, at the very beginning, written Chinese was simply 78 (以……为基础,填词组) sme pictures. Sme symbls 79 (追溯到,填词组) the perid f the use f lnggu were carved n the animal bnes and shells by ancient Chinese peple. By the Shang Dynasty, these symbls had becme a well-develped writing system and 80 (vary) dialects and characters appeared. This, hwever, changed when Emperr Qingshihuang Big cities
    Small twns
    ● Heavy traffic and 11
    ● Taking public transprt is cheaper than driving
    Have t 12
    ● t make life cmfrtable
    ● Enjy films, cncerts and ther 13
    ● Nt much f it
    ● Meet different kinds f peple
    ● Lack f 14
    ● Exciting
    ● 15

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