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    这是一份2024届上海市长宁区英语高三上学期一模试卷(含答案),共17页。试卷主要包含了 A, A, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, readthe fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. Teacher and student. B. IT engineer and custmer. C. Clleagues.D. Husband and wife.
    A. $115.B. $20. C. $95.D. $80.
    A. Cntinue the STEM class. B. Cnsult her sn’s STEM teacher.
    C. Take a mre useful class. D. Persuade his sn t give up the STEM class.
    4. A. Take the wman t the statin. B. Take care f his wn things.
    C. Find ut when the next bus leaves. D. Shw the wman the way t the statin.
    5. A. He was gd at tidying up garages. B. He helped James t build up the garage.
    C. James felt bad t have helped him with it. D. James helped him with sme f the tidying.
    6. A. He thinks that time is very limited.B. He has difficulty reading s many pages.
    C. He can’t get access t the assigned bk. D. He refuses t read the assigned bk.
    7. A. She had meant t attend the 19th Asian Games.
    B. She did watch the pening ceremny n TV.
    C. She regretted missing the pening ceremny.
    D. She shuld have asked her classmate t call her earlier.
    A. She is ding research with Prfessr Adams.
    B. She is assisting Prfessr Adams with his teaching.
    C. She is lking fr an assistant fr Prfessr Adams.
    D. She is ging t be Prfessr Adams’ research assistant.
    9. A. The wrking hurs make it impssible fr her t refuse.
    B. The jb is turning int an excellent pprtunity fr her.
    C. She’s lking frward t meeting her new clleagues.
    D. She refused the psitin because f the lw salary.
    10. A. They find it hard t cllect bks fr the children.
    B. They have called all club members t cntribute.
    C. They are satisfied with the result f their wrk.
    D. They seem disappinted with what they have dne.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    A. Explaining why greyhunds are aggressive. B. Making peple knw mre abut greyhunds.
    C. Telling peple t stay away frm greyhunds. D. Describing greyhunds f different clrs.
    12. A. They are s big in size. B. They can live a very lng life.
    C. They can run races at any time. D. They are quiet and easy t lk after.
    13. A. T visit vets regularly. B. T keep it warm.
    C. T take care f its legs.D. T keep it slim.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    A. The ever-rising childcare prices.B. The balance between wrk and family.
    C. The budget f family expenses. D. The selectin f a gd daycare center.
    15. A. The prices f childcare vary greatly frm state t state.
    B. Increased childcare prices have nt led t better service.
    C. Childcare wrkers’ pay has nt increased with the rising childcare csts.
    D. There is a severe shrtage f childcare prfessinals in a number f states.
    16. A. Caregivers shuld receive regular prfessinal training.
    B. Less strict rules abut childcare might lwer the csts.
    C. It is crucial t strike a balance between quality and csts.
    D. It is better fr different states t learn frm each ther.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17. A. T get a driver’s license. B. T refresh his driving skills.
    C. T review his driving knwledge. D. T test his driving skills.
    18. A. In an pen parking lt. B. In the neighbrhd.
    C. In the car fr a driving test. D. In an examinatin rm.
    19. A. He almst hit a pedestrian. B. He didn’t signal his turn.
    C. He drve faster than he was allwed. D. All f the abve mistakes.
    20. A. Cme n Friday r Mnday next time. B. Have mre practice.
    C. Take the test with anther fficer. D. Get his car checked.
    Ⅱ. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Even Very Yung Children Can Be Depressed
    If yu dubted it, I wuld intrduce yu t Susan, wh came t my ffice and talked cnstantly abut her “bad feeling.” Susan 21 (lse) interest in her favrite activities, stpped playing with her friends, and tld her parents that she wanted t be dead. She’d spent mre time in the schl nurse’s ffice than in her classrm.
    Susan was six years ld and 22 (suffer) frm depressin. Prper treatment helped Susan recver. Withut it, she might still be an unhappy child, alne and in pain.
    The risk fr depressin des tend t increase as we grw lder. Depressin in yung children is rare but real. Rene Spitz, a 23 (nte) psychlgical researcher, fund that infants wh were in an institutinal rphanage after Wrld War II refused t eat and eventually died 24 they weren’t held by their caretakers. Children have an innate need 25 (hld) and cmfrted. If thse needs aren’t met, then even very yung children can fail t thrive and may becme sick and die.
    Apprximately 1% f preschlers experience depressin; they ften have great difficulty expressing their feelings, because nt all f their language skills 26 (develp) sufficiently. Instead f expressing their feelings in language, the depressed preschl children are likely t shw emtins by exhibiting significantly aggressive, fearful, r crying behavir. 27 mst preschl children may get angry if they’re hungry, sleepy, afraid 28 their parents g away, r fail t get Daddy t buy them the latest tys, these behavirs are ften carried t extremes f intensity and frequency in depressed children.
    Althugh a diagnsis f clinical depressin is rare in preschl children, there are times when it is apprpriate. In mst cases, the child wh 29 (experience) significant frustratins resulting frm the death r absence f a parent, has witnessed r been victims f vilence, r has had a significant health prblem 30 has interrupted nrmal emtinal r physical develpment. I find preschl children t be mre resilient (适应力强的) than lder children in dealing with these events, as lng as they have a supprtive parent and receive timely treatment.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    What makes us happy?
    Yu prbably knw the type f persnality in sme peple: they seem t be hpeful in almst everything. Are they simply brn happy? Is it the prduct f their envirnment? Or des it cme frm their life decisins?
    If yu are familiar with genetics research, yu will have guessed that it is a 31 f all three. A 2018 study f 1516 Nrwegian twins suggests that arund 30% f the differences in peple’s life satisfactin is 32 . Much f this seems t be related t persnality traits.
    T put this in cntext, the heritability f IQ is thught t be arund 80%, s 33 factrs clearly play a rle in ur happiness. These include ur physical health, the size and strength f ur scial netwrk, jb pprtunities and incme. It seems that the abslute value f ur salary matters less than whether we feel richer than thse arund us, which may explain why the level f 34 predicts happiness better than GDP.
    Interestingly, many imprtant life 35 have nly a little influence n ur happiness. Cnsider marriage. A 2019 study fund that, n average, life satisfactin des rise after the wedding, but the feeling f happiness tends t 36 ver middle age.
    Parenthd is even mre cmplex. Fr decades, scial scientists have fund that peple with children at hme are significantly less happy than thse withut. Mre recent research, hwever, suggests that there are imprtant reginal differences.
    Analyses shw that these differences can be almst cmpletely explained by variatins in 37 parental
    leave, flexible wrking hurs, affrdable childcare and hliday leave, which tgether 38 the ptential fr wrk-family cnflict. The effects f these plicies may play ut acrss generatins. In additin t the legacy f their genes, parents’ wn emtinal well-being will influence the family vigur, which will, in turn, shape the
    39 f their children.
    Our life satisfactin, then, is shaped by ur genes, health, ecnmic prspects, relatinships and the culture arund us. While many f these things may be beynd yur cntrl, there is nw gd evidence that certain psychlgical strategies will help yu t 40 t yur circumstances in the happiest way pssible.
    Ⅲ. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    The Amazn is warming three times faster than the glbal average
    It is perhaps the mst irnic symbl f the life n ur planet. The Amazn is the wrld’s largest and mst bi-diverse trpical rainfrest and a huge trap fr carbn dixide. The harms f 41 in this vital resurce are ld news. But nw, the time n the clck is running ut. It seems that the wrld’s biggest rainfrest is abut t turn int the wrld’s biggest envirnmental 42 . “We are abut t cllapse,” says Luciana Gati at Brazil’s Natinal Institute fr ce Research. “We are in a(n) 43 , we need actin nw.”
    Gati has spent years 44 the Amazn frm the air. She believes we are as little as five years frm a pint f n return, where rainfrest begins t turn int dry land. It is als the pint at which billins f tns f carbn wuld be 45 int the atmsphere. “It’s a nightmare,” she says.
    That nightmare situatin is the well-knwn Amazn 46 pint, where the ecsystem can n lnger cpe with the damage f the frest cutting. Like a dmin game, ne brick falling will 47 the whle twer t cllapse in a heap.
    Warnings that this is appraching have nw taken n extreme urgency. The rate f defrestatin has increased sharply and is fast appraching the theretical 48 . In September, a grup f mre than 200 experts, including Gatti, released an assessment f the situatin. The cnclusin: we are n the 49 f disaster.
    Scientists first began t seriusly wrry abut a ptential Amazn tipping pint in abut 2000, when sme studies warned that a cmbinatin f climate change and defrestatin culd cause the rainfrest t 50 .
    A few years later, a team f Brazilian scientists put numbers n it. They 51 that in central, suthern and eastern parts f the Amazn, a lss f 40% f the frest cver frm pre-industrial levels, r 30C warming wuld reduce rainfall s much that the rest f the frest wuld die f 52 and turn int a dry land in less than a decade.
    The scientists have since 53 that predictin, partly due t the glbal warming that has happened since 2000. The Amazn is already 1.20C warmer than it was in pre-industrial times and is warming three times faster than the glbal 54 . At that rate f warming, between 20 and 25% defrestatin wuld be enugh t dry up the land and destry the Amazn cmpletely.
    “Either way, we wuld be wise nt t exceed 20 %, says a scientist, “fr the cmmnsense reasn that there is n pint in 55 the precise pint f limit by tipping it.”
    41. A. fertilizatinB. eliminatinC. defrestatin D. frustratin
    42. A. prgram B. disasterC. prtectinD. regulatin
    43. A. evlutinB. sptlightC. cnditinD. emergency
    44. A. measuringB. bservingC. prtectingD. criticizing
    45. A. releasedB. meltedC. turnedD. supplied
    46. A. tipping B. disappinting C. awardingD. tapping
    A. buildB. turnC. causeD. make
    48. A. prblemB. predictinC. aspectD. limit
    49. A. baseB. edgeC. surfaceD. track
    50. A. dry utB. run dwn C. pay ffD. rise up
    51. A. bastedB. insistedC. estimatedD. instructed
    52. A. thirst B. starvatinC. cldD. disease
    53. A. digestedB. revisedC. encuragedD. previewed
    54. A. strategyB. climateC. averageD. system
    55. A. diagnsingB. instructingC. inquiringD. discvering
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    As Dr. Pedr Jse grws lder, he keeps setting his gals higher. He believes peple in every walk f life need t cnstantly stretch fr new challenges. His daily juggling act is extremely demanding. He’s a dctr, prfessr, and vlunteer medical directr f Saint Jhn Clinic fr undcumented immigrants. He still pushes n cntinuing t publicize his agenda in the media and serving n numerus bards and fundatins.
    In 2002, Jse was named chairman f the bard f the Hinic Heritage Awards Fundatin. The awards recgnize Hinics wh make imprtant cntributins t life in America.
    Jse believes the stries f Hinic accmplishments can inspire all Americans. He adds, mst imprtant, the schlarships are ffered by the fundatin. Only tw-thirds f Hinics graduate frm high schl. T help thers, yu must be able t help yurself, and that begins with educatin.
    Jse has received n shrtage f hnrs f his wn, including the prestigius MacArthur Fellwship and the Presidential Service Award. In 1994, Time magazine named him ne f the natin’s 50 tp leaders under the age f 40. And Hinic magazine named him Hinic f the Year in 2002. Jse’s autbigraphy, Waking Up in America, is nw being made int a TV mvie, starring Andy Garcia.
    Jse’s fervent hpe is that the mvie will help change peple’s attitudes abut the hmeless. He hpes it will shw that beynd the hard label are human beings---peple wh did nt chse t be pr. Hmeless peple have needs and feelings that are n different frm anyne else’s. They need help, nt judgment.
    Mst f all, thugh, Jse hpes that peple will begin t realize the pwer they have t change things. There shuld never be anther man in Bed 9, wh died withut anyne even knwing his name. There shuld never be anther Giles Wdsn, the man wh was burned t death n the streets f Miami.
    “As a natin, what makes us great is ur individuality. But what makes us truly pwerful is when we wrk tgether,” says Jse. “If peple put their minds t it, this kind f suffering can be slved.”
    Hw did Jse help the hmeless?
    Vlunteered t prvide medical service fr them.B. Prvided gd educatin fr them.
    C. Set higher gals t face the cming challenges. D. Cnducted medical research n them.
    Why was Jse named the head f the Hinic Heritage Awards Fundatin?
    His success in the medical field inspired Americans.
    He cntributed a lt t helping peple in need.
    He develped gd relatinships with Hinics.
    He fund few Hinics graduated frm high schl.
    Why was his autbigraphy made int a TV mvie?
    His fundatin prvided schlarships fr Hinics.
    He changed his attitude twards the hmeless.
    He was a rle mdel fr Hinics and ther Americans.
    He had a significant influence n the hmeless.
    What d Jse’s wrds in the last paragraph imply?
    Be united and we will make the wrld a better place t live.
    Gvernments are respnsible fr the prblem f the hmeless.
    D bear in mind that the hmeless have suffered quite a lt.
    With rights and pwer, the hmeless can slve their prblems.
    Take Off with Histric Hiring Grwth
    A message frm Kate Geb
    Welcme abard!
    We are s happy t have yu fly with us. I’m sure yu’ve thught abut United as a way t travel, and with ver 95,000 emplyees and grwing, ur cmpany is als the center fr rewarding careers.
    I culd nt be pruder t lead Human Resurces at United during this exciting time fr ur cmpany, while we’re building the biggest and best airline in the histry f aviatin. Earlier this year, we annunced that we are n track t hire at least 15,000 new emplyees by the end f this year.
    When peple think f career pprtunities at United, they ften think f being a pilt r flight attendant. In reality, ur rganizatin has a wide variety f rles in additin t ur fantastic pilts and flight attendants, with jbs and functins t keep ur airprts running and ur planes flying.
    Whether it’s fr peratinal rles, such as ramp service emplyees, custmer service representatives, and aircraft technicians, r fr crprate rles in human resurces, digital technlgy, and scial media, we’re hiring acrss every functin f the airline, seeking strng talent that will take us t new heights.
    A rle at United is nt just a jb; it’s a career. Many f ur emplyees have taken n new rles in different departments thrughut their tenure (聘用期), which we supprt t develp and invest in ur wrkfrce. In the past seven years, mre than 1,500 frntline emplyees were prmted t management rles, and 78 % f ur senir leaders were prmted internally.
    Beynd the traditinal career paths, we’re prud t create new paths t help ur talent pipelines fulfill sme f the industry’s mst critical jb functins. Aviate, ur pilt career develpment prgram, ffers aspiring and established pilts a path t the United flight deck. Calibrate is ur full-time, paid apprenticeship prgram fr thse wanting t g int aircraft maintenance and ther technical peratinal rles. Our newly launched Innvate prgram helps prvide the skills and experiences needed t succeed in a technlgy career at United.
    We’re hiring frm cast t cast, at ur seven majr hubs and acrss a brad range f psitins. If yu’re ready t jin me and 95,000 f the industry’s best and brightest at United, I encurage yu t visit tday t see what pprtunities await yu. Yur career is cleared fr takeff.
    United with yu,
    Kate Geb
    Executive Vice President,
    Human Resurces and Labr Relatins
    What is the main purpse f this passage?
    Guarantee t prvide first-class custmer service.
    Prmte frntline emplyees t management rles.
    Intrduce jbs available in sme departments f United.
    Advertise fr United t enrll pilts and flight attendants.
    Which f the fllwing is NOT true accrding t the passage?
    Visit , and yu can see psitins available.
    Emplyees at United can change their jbs with interest.
    Emplyees have t keep their psitins thrughut their tenure.
    The United is making effrts t be the biggest and best airline.
    62. Which is mst suitable fr thse wanting t be technicians?
    The full-time, paid apprenticeship prgram. B. The traditinal United career path.
    C. The newly launched Innvate prgram.D. The new paths fr talent pipelines.
    When I vlunteered as a scial wrker at a dmestic vilence shelter in a develping cuntry, I imagined the psitin fr which my university experience had prepared me. I imagined cnducting intake interviews and walking arund frm rganizatin t rganizatin seeking supprt that the wmen wuld need t rebuild their lives. When I arrived, I felt as if I already had mnths f experience, experience gained in the hypthetical situatins I had invented and subsequently reslved single-handedly. I felt thrughly prepared t tackle the situatin I assumed was waiting fr me.
    I arrived full f zeal. Within mments, my reality made a sharp break frm which I had expected. The crdinatr explained that the shelter’s need fr financial self-sufficiency had becme bvius. T address this, the center was planning t pen a bakery. I immediately enthused abut the prject, making many references t the small enterprise case studies I had researched at the university. In respnse t my impassined reply, the crdinatr declared me in charge f the bakery. At that mment, I was as prepared t bake bread as I was t run fr plitical ffice. The bigger prblem, hwever, was that I was cmpletely unfamiliar with the fr-prfit business mdels necessary t run the bakery. I was ut f my depth in a freign river with nly my crdinatr’s cnfidence t keep me aflat.
    They say that necessity is the mther f inventin. I began finding recipes and using the expertise f friends. With their help making bread, printing leaflets and making cntacts, the bakery was sn running successfully. After a shrt time it became a significant surce f incme fr the huse.
    In additin t funds, baking bread prvided a natural envirnment t wrk with and get t knw the wmen f the shelter. Kneading dugh(揉面团) side by side, I shared in the friendly atmsphere f the kitchen, treated t stries abut their children and the twns and jbs they had t leave behind t ensure their safety. Baking helped me develp strng relatinships with the wmen and advanced my understanding f their situatins. It als imprved the wmen’s self-esteem. Their ability t master a new skill gave them cnfidence in themselves, and the fact that the bakery cntributed t the ueep f the huse gave the wmen a sense f pride and the cnfidence that they had the capability t supprt themselves.
    Baking gave me the pprtunity t wrk in a capacity I had nt at all expected, but ne that prved very successful. Learning t bake gave me as much newfund self-cnfidence as it gave the wmen, and I fund that smetimes quality scial wrk can be as simple as kneading dugh.
    63. The primary purpse f the passage is t shw hw the authr ________________.
    A. was shcked by the reality
    B. bradened the scpe f her wrk
    C. develped her abilities t run a fr-prfit enterprise
    D. handled a tugh situatin in a develping cuntry
    64. The statement that the authr arrived “full f zeal” indicates that she was ____________.
    A. anxius and insecure B. cnfident but uninfrmed
    C. eager and interested D. enthusiastic but incmpetent
    65. Why was the authr initially enthusiastic abut the idea f the bakery?
    A. She cnsidered it frm a theretical pint f view.
    B. She hped t get a leadership psitin in the bakery.
    C. She wanted t shw her baking skills t her new crdinatr.
    D. She believed it is a gd way t raise wmen’s self-esteem.
    ... What did the last sentence (“Learning ... dugh”) indicate?
    A. The authr underestimated her abilities t learn new skills.
    B. The authr derived benefit frm her wrk by helping thers.
    The authr lacked self-cnfidence as much as the wmen wrking with her.
    D. The authr fund perfrming scial wrk surprisingly easy with n educatin.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Hell, everyne!
    Are yu wrried abut crime? I am. We read it every day in the newpers. A terrible crime has been cmmitted, and the plice have arrested smene. He has appeared in curt and claimed his inncence but has been fund guilty f his crime and he has been sentenced t ten years in prisn. 67 Inncent citizens like yu and me can sleep mre safely at night.
    But what happens next? We all hpe the prisner will benefit frm sciety’s retributin. A spell (一阵子) in prisn will refrm him and make him a better persn. We all hpe he’ll refrm and becme like us. We all hpe that when he is eventually released, he will be a gd character. 68 But, let’s face it. The reality is usually very different. The prisner may be released n parle (假释)befre the end f his sentence. He will try t re-enter sciety. But then he ften becmes a victim himself, unable t find wrk and is rejected by sciety. 69 .
    S what can we d t make sure the ffender desn’t cmmit anther crime? Of curse, there are alternatives t prisn, such as cmmunity service r he can pay a large fine. Alternatively, we culd establish a mre severe system f punishment.
    The answer is far simpler. We need t be tugh nt n the criminal, but n the cause f the crime. We shuld spend less f the taxpayer’s mney in funding the judges and all the ther peple wh are wrking fr the legal system. 70 We in the CnLab Party believe that everybdy needs a gd chance in life, and this is a gd step frward.
    Vte fr us nw!
    IV. Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    71. The prblem f rbcalls has becme s bad that we refuse t pick up calls frm numbers we dn’t knw. Nearly half f the calls we receive are scams(欺诈). We’ve realized the severity f the prblem by supprting and develping a grup f tls, apps and appraches intended t prevent scammers frm getting thrugh. Unfrtunately, it’s t little. By the time these “slutins” becme widely available, scammers will have mved nt cleverer means. In the near future, it’s nt just ging t be the number yu see n yur screen that will be in dubt. Sn yu will als questin whether the vice yu’re hearing is actually real.
    That’s because there are many pwerful vice manipulatin(处理) technlgies t be available. A cmpany shwed a new vice technlgy able t prduce a cnvincing human–sunding vice able t speak t a receptinist and bk a reservatin withut detectin.
    These develpments are likely t make ur current prblems with rbcalls much wrse. The reasn that rbcalls are a headache has less t d with amunt than precisin. A decade f data disclsure f persnal infrmatin has led t a situatin where scammers can easily learn yur mther’s name, and far mre. Armed with this knwledge, they’re able t cheat the targeted peple. This means, fr example, that a scammer culd call yu frm what lks t be a familiar number and talk t yu with a vice sunding exactly like yur bank teller’s, misleading yu t “cnfirm” yur address and card number. Scammers fllw mney, s cmpanies will be the wrst hit. A lt f business is still dne ver the phne, and much f it is based n trust and existing relatinships. Vice manipulatin technlgies may weaken that gradually.
    We need t deal with the insecure nature f ur telecm netwrks. Phne carriers and cnsumers need t wrk tgether t find ways f determining and cmmunicating what is real. That might mean either develping a unifrm way t mark vides and images, shwing when and wh they were made by r abandning phne calls altgether and mving twards data-based cmmunicatins—using apps like WeChat and Alipay, which can be tied t yur identity.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    Ⅵ. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120 - 150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    Listening Cmprehensin
    评分标准:第1—10 每小题1分;第11—20 每小题1.5分。
    1-5 D B A A D 6-10 C B B D C 11-13 B D B 14-16 A C B 17-20 A C D B
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A 评分标准:每小题1分。
    had lst/lst 22. suffered/was suffering 23. nted 24. if /when
    t be held 26. are develped/have been develped 27. While/Althugh/Thugh
    28. when 29. has experienced 30. that/which
    Sectin B 评分标准:每小题1分。
    31-35 D J K C B 36-40 H E I G F
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A 评分标准:每小题1分。
    45 C B D B A 46-50 A C D B A 51-55 C A B C D
    Sectin B 评分标准:每小题2分。
    56. A57. B58. C59. A 60. D61. C62. A 63. B64. C 65. A 66. B
    Sectin C 评分标准:每小题2分。
    67-70 B E A F
    IV. Summary Writing
    (Fr reference nly)
    Rbcall prblems becme mre severe with the develpment f vice manipulatin technlgies. The disclsure f persnal infrmatin enables scammers t cheat individuals and businesses easily, and many peple have becme victims. Thus, t avid being cheated, mre secure telecm netwrks are needed t prevent scammers. Stp using phnes and use data-based cmmunicatins tied t identity instead. (56 wrds)
    V. Translatin
    评分标准:第72—73 每题3分;第74题4分;第75题5分。
    72. Hw pleasant /pleased it is t enjy/appreciate the night view f Shanghai while drinking cffee.
    73. This case is t cmplex/cmplicated t interpret / explain in (such) a shrt time / in a cuple f minutes.
    74.The meeting between Chinese and American presidents/leaders in San Francisc was f significant imprtance, which attracted the wrldwide attentin and prmted the Sin-Us relatin
    , attracting…and prmting….
    It is f great imprtance that Chinese President and American President met in San Francisc, which attracted the wrldwide attentin and prmted the China/Sin-Us relatin.
    Only by hlding / having ur belief(s), and being prepared fr failure(s), can all the prblems that seem t
    be unable t cnquer/slve / t be slved at last.
    VI. Guided Writing
    2023学年第一学期高三英语质量调研 听力文本
    Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and a questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. W: Michael, I can’t cnnect t the Internet. We seem t have prblems with WIFI.
    M: Dn’t wrry. I have just changed the passwrd f it. Yu knw Max is always playing nline games these days.
    Q: What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    M: I really enjy my stay here, but I have t pay $95, which seems a little bit expensive. Last time I nly
    paid $80.
    W: Yes. I’m srry, sir. We had t increase ur prices cnsiderably this year. But it is actually a discunted price as yu’re a regular guest. It wuld nrmally be $115.
    Q: Hw much did the man save this time?
    W: I’m cnsidering drpping my sn’s STEM class. He seems t get nthing frm it.
    M: If I were yu, I’d stick with it. But if my sn lses interest in it, I will cnsult his teacher.
    Q: What des the man suggest the wman d?
    W: Excuse me. Is there a bus I can take t get t Burlingame statin?
    M: There is, but yu can’t rely n it. I’ll give yu a ride if yu want. Wait until I put these things away.
    Q: What is the man mst prbably ging t d?
    W: It must have taken yu a lng time t tidy up yur messy garage.
    M: It wasn’t t bad. I gt James t d sme f it.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    6. W: Just imagine! We have t finish reading 300 pages befre Mnday! It’s Friday tday. Hw can the prfessr expect us t d it in such a shrt time?
    M: Yeah, but what trubles me is that I can’t find the bk in the library r in the university bkstre.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    7. M: Did yu watch the pening ceremny f the 19th Asian Games?
    W: I almst missed it, because my classmate happened t call me by WeChat.
    Q: What des the wman imply?
    8. M: Are yu ding research fr prfessr Adams this semester?
    W: Actually, I’m wrking as his teaching assistant.
    Q: What des the wman mean?
    9. W: Did yu hear that Catherine turned dwn that jb?
    M: Yeah, the hurs are cnvenient, but she wn’t be able t make ends meet with the salary.
    Q: What des the man say abut Catherine?
    10. M: I’m really glad ur club decided t cllect bks fr the children in the remte area. And mst f the
    peple we phned seemed happy t cntribute.
    W: Yeah! I agree. Nw that we’ve gne thrugh mst f the numbers n ur list, and I guess we can call it
    a day.
    Q: What d we learn abut the speakers?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Mst peple think f racing when they see greyhunds and believe they need lts f exercise. They can actually be quite lazy! Greyhunds are gd at fast races but n lng-distance running. They d need regular exercise but they like t run fr a shrt burst and then get back n the bed r a cmfrtable seat. Anther misunderstanding is that greyhunds must be aggressive because they are big in size. In fact greyhunds lve peple and are gentle with children.
    Greyhunds can live fr 12-14 years but usually nly race fr tw r three years, and after that they make great pets. They dn’t need a lt f ce, dn’t make a lt f nise, and dn’t eat a lt fr their size.
    Greyhunds have smth bdy cats, lw bdy fat and are very healthy. Because they’re slim they dn’t have the leg prblems like ther dgs the same height. But they d feel the cld. Especially since they wuld much rather be at hme in bed than walking arund utside. (Nw listen again.)
    11. What is the passage mainly talking abut?
    12. Why des the authr say that greyhunds make great pets?
    13. What is imprtant t keep a pet greyhund?
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Children are ur future. But sadly, hiring smene t take care f them while yu g t wrk is getting mre expensive by the year.
    Earlier this mnth, it was reprted that the cst f enrlling a small kid at a childcare center rse 3% , faster than the verall cst f living. There are nw large strips f the cuntry where daycare fr a kid csts mre than a tenth f the average married cuple’s incme. This is nt necessarily a new trend, but it is a smewhat puzzling ne. The price f prfessinal childcare has been rising since 2000. Yet during that time, pay fr prfessinal childcare wrkers has std still. Actually caregivers make less tday, in real terms, than they did in 2010. Cnsidering that labr csts are respnsible fr up t 80% f a daycare center’s expenses, ne wuld expect flat wages t have meant flat prices.
    S wh’s t blame fr higher childcare csts?
    Childcare is a carefully regulated industry. States have rules abut hw many children each emplyee is allwed
    t watch ver. And the stricter the regulatins, the higher the csts. If it has t hire a caregiver fr every tw children, it can’t really achieve any ecnmics f scale n labr t save mney when ther expenses g up. In Massachusetts, childcare centers must hire ne teacher fr every three kids. The price f care averaged mre than $ 19, 000 per year. In Mississippi, centers must hire ne teacher fr every five kids. The price f care averaged less than $ 6,000. Certainly, it desn’t seem t be an accident that the cheap daycare available is in the least regulated Suth.
    (Nw listen again.)
    What prblem d parents f infants have t face?
    15. What des the authr feel puzzled abut?
    16. What is the authr’s view n daycare service?
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    W: Ok, Mr. Smith. Are yu ready? Let’s begin yur rad test.
    M: Yes, I am ready. I’ve been practicing all the week.
    W: Right. As I’m sure yu are aware f the requirements f the test. Yu will nt nly be tested n yur knwledge f the rules f the rad, but n yur behavir twards ther mtrists.
    M: Yeah, I knw. Shall we g nw?
    W: Ok. G ahead and take it easy.
    M: Thanks.
    W: Wha! Lk at the speed limit sign. The speed limit in this business district is nly 25 miles an hur.
    M: Srry, I didn’t ntice it.
    W: Nw, turn right at the next crner. Nt here! Ww! Yu frgt t signal, t!
    M: Gsh. I frgt.
    W: Frget it. Just keep driving.
    M: S, hw am I ding? Can I just take a glance at yur ntes?
    W: N! Watch ut. Mr. Smith. Yu’re driving t clse t the vehicle in frnt f us.
    M: Oh, yeah. I’m just s excited abut getting my license tday.
    W: OK. Nw, carefully turn right here, and wait, wait. Stp! Yu almst hit that pedestrian. Hw n earth did yu pass the written test anyway? Yu have t give way t any pedestrians crssing the street.
    M: Oh, srry abut that. It wn’t happen again.
    W: Nw, drive carefully back t my ffice.
    M: Des this mean I didn’t pass the test?
    W: N, yu didn’t. I’m afraid yu failed tday. Please keep practicing and cme back until yu are quite familiar with the rules f the rad.
    M: Thank yu. I will practice and cme back.
    W: Yu are welcme any time n the weekdays, but Mnday and Friday are quite busy.
    M: Thanks. I gt it. (Nw listen again.)
    17. Why did the man take the test?
    18. Where did the cnversatin take place?
    19. What mistake did the man make?
    20. What did the wman suggest the man d in the end?A. bjected
    B. chices
    C. inequality
    D. cmbinatin
    E. paid
    F. respnd
    G. persnality
    H. fade
    I. reduce
    J. inherited
    K. envirnmental
    A. It will nt be lng befre he’s back in prisn again.
    B. We’re all relieved that the criminal is being punished fr his misdeeds.
    C. Cmmunity service is likely t turn prisners int better persns.
    D. Offenders are tried and sentenced accrding t the legal system.
    E. The threat f anther spell in jail will stp him frm breaking the law again.
    F. Put the mney int supprting deprived areas which are the grunds fr crime.

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