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    Wales is hme t sme f the UK's mst beautiful drives.Narrw lanes criss-crss the land meaning travel can be slw-but there's n need t rush.
    The Castal Way
    This rute(路线) cvers the entire length f Cardigan Bay, and spils travelers with its remte beaches and charming seaside twns.
    Cmb the sand fr fssils,shells at Aberdarn Beach,and then hit the rad,heading cast tward Prthmadg. Here yu can hp n a heritage steam train, a relic f the regin's mining histry,t give Snwdnia's skyline yur undivided attentin.
    The Cambrian Way
    The Cambrian Way, which cuts nrth t suth thrugh the heart f Wales, is a fantastic place, thanks t its patchwrk fields, dense frests and rlling, sheep-dtted hills.
    The rute becmes increasingly wild and rugh as it weaves nrth int Pwys. Spend the night in Rhayader, and yu'll need plenty f energy fr hiking r muntain biking alng the trails.
    The Nrth Wales Way
    Spanning Wales' shrt but scenic nrth cast, this rute ffers rad trippers a chance t encunter Welsh histry, language and culture in a splendid setting.
    Head west thrugh the uncrwded Clwydian Hills until yu reach Ruthin, a little twn brimming with histry,where yu can see its restred castle, century-spanning museum and Victrian Ruthin Gal. Brder Cuntry
    Tracing the dtted line that separates England and Wales n a map,this brder-hugging rute will take yu t sme f Wales' mst underrated sites slwly, if yu stick t the narrw back rads.
    Starting in the brder twn f Chepstw in Sutheast Wales,make yur way nrthward.Yu can tp t admire the rfless ruins f Tintern Abbey and lesser knwn castes Skenfrith and Grsmnt
    1、Which rute best suits peple wh enjy muntain scenery?
    A. The Castal Way.B. The Cambrian Way.
    C. The Nrth Wales WayD. Brder Cuntry.
    2、What is special abut The Nrth Wales Way?
    A. It enables travelers t visit a castle.
    B. It is an area f scenic beauty.
    C. It ffers a glimpse int Welsh culture.
    D. It is a crwd-free escape frm big cities.
    3、What is the purpse f the article?
    A. T intrduce rad trips in Wales.
    B. T intrduce the Welsh landscape.
    C. T tell abut Wales' histry.
    D. T advertise Wales 'turism industry.
    As a wildlife-cnservatin bilgist studying climate change, I want t understand the evlving envirnment thrugh the eyes f large animals. My wrk-usually in cld, remte places-invlves finding animals, and ways t eat, sleep and be warm. I might suffer, but I get insights that thers cannt int what animals are ding.
    Fr abut 15 years I've been interested in musk xen (麝香牛). This picture was taken n Wrangel Island, ff the nrtheast cast f Russia, when I was studying hw musk xen react t plar bears. Because plar ice is melting mre plar bears are hunting n land, and they are knwn t have killed musk xen. These herd animals typically dn’t flee frm enemies such as grizzly bears. They tend t frm grups instead and male male xen have killed grizzlies. Wuld they try t kill plar bears t?
    T find ut, I dressed as a plar bear, pulling a bear head n and placing a clth ver a range finder, camera and data bks. I was cld and nervus. I didn't want t be killed by a charging musk x-r by anything else. If sme xen charged and made an attack, I'd thrw ff my cstume and stand up straight, as I'm ding here; s far, that had stpped them. I'd als encuntered a female plar bear with new brn babies, but she'd left me alne. This picture is frm the end f a sessin, and I'd lived anther day. Whew!
    I learnt that musk xen are mre likely t flee frm plar bears than frm grizzlies. But during this trip t Russia, I was arrested-ver a date errr n my permits. In curt, the nly wrd I understd was 'CIA'. I was let g, but banned frm returning fr three years, s I'm nw studying the huemul, an endangered species f deer that lives in the shadws f glaciers at the tip f Suth America. As glaciers melt, hw will huemul ppulatins respnd?
    4、Hw d musk xen prtect themselves frm grizzly bears?
    A. By fleeing t plar ice quickly.
    B. By getting tgether t fight back.
    C. By charging at grizzlies ne by ne.
    D. By drawing supprt frm plar bears.
    5、Why did the authr dress as a plar bear?
    A. T better understand musk xen.
    B. T familiarize himself with its habitat.
    C. T better prtect his camera equipment.
    D. T keep warm in extreme natural cnditins.
    6、Why did the authr have t stp his research in Russia?
    A. He was banned fr an illegal permit.
    B. His research there was nt apprved.
    C. Sme wildlife bilgists had accused him.
    D. He wuld study the huemu in suth America.
    7、Which is the best title?
    A. An Aivkward Bilgist
    B. The Changeable Climate
    C. Wuld Musk Oxen Be Killed?
    D. Wh Wants T Be a Plar Bear?
    Sleep, cnsidered a luxury (奢侈) by many, is essential fr a persn’s wellbeing. Researchers have fund that insufficient sleep increases a persn’s risk f develping severe medical cnditins, such as besity, diabetes (糖尿病), and cardivascular (心血管的) diseases. Nw, a new study by Bstn’s Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) has fund that getting sufficient sleep is als the key t imprving academic perfrmance.
    Jeffrey Grssman, wh led the research was nt trying t find the link between sleep and grades when he handed ut Fitbits t the 100 students in his intrductin t Slid-State Chemistry class. Instead, the prfessr f Cmputatinal Materials Science hped the ppular wrist-wrn device which tracks a persn’s activity 24/7, wuld shw a cnnectin between physical exercise and academic achievement.
    Hwever, the study, published in the jurnal “Science Learning” n Octber 1, 2019, discvered a surprising insight. Then was a straight-line relatinship between the average amunt f sleep a student gt and his/her grade n the 11 quizzes, three midterms, and the final exam administered during the semester.
    Even mre interesting, it was als nt sufficient fr students t just head t bed early the night befre a test. Instead, it’s the sleep yu get during the days when learning is happening that matters mst.
    The time students went t bed each night was similarly imprtant. Thse wh went t bed in the early hurs f the mrning perfrmed prly, even if the ttal sleep time was the same as a higher - perfrming student. “When yu g t bed matters. Grssman says. If yu g t bed after 2, yur perfrmance starts t g dwn even if yu get the same seven hurs. S, quantity isn’t everything.”
    8、What is the new finding abut sleep?
    A. It’s essential fr a persn’s health.B. Sleeping less may cause besity.
    C. Sleeping t much is dangerus.D. Enugh sleep leads t better grades.
    9、What des the underlined wrd “Fitbits” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Wearable devices.B. Questinnaires.
    C. Fitness equipment.D. Smartphnes.
    10、Which f the fllwing best describes the final result the new study?
    A. Dubtful.B. Predictable.C. Disappinting.D. Unexpected.
    11、What will benefit students’ study accrding t Grssman?
    A. Sleeping fr 5 hurs each day.
    B. Heading t bed at 3 a.m. every day.
    C. Getting enugh sleep while learning.
    D. Ging t bed early nly befre a test.
    One f the biggest cncerns in science is bias(偏见)—that scientists themselves, cnsciusly r subcnsciusly may put their thumbs n the scales and influence the utcmes f experiments. Bffins have cme up with all srts f strategies t try t remve it, frm having their clleagues repeat their wrk t the “duble blinding” cmmn in clinical trials, when even the experimenters d nt knw which patients are receiving an experimental drug and which are getting a sugar-pill placeb(安慰剂).
    But gathering the data and running an experiment is nt the nly part f the prcess that can g wrng. The methds chsen t analyze the data can als influence results. The pint was demnstrated by tw recent papers published in a jurnal called Surgery. Despite being based n the same data, they drew ppsite cnclusins abut whether using a particular piece f kit(工具包) during surgery reduced r increased the chances f infectin.
    A new paper, frm a large team f researchers headed by Martin Schweinsberg, a psychlgist at a Eurpean Schl in Berlin, helps shed sme light n why. Dr Schweinsberg asked analysts t explre tw seemingly straightfrward theries. The first was that a wman's tendency t participate wuld rise as the number f ther wmen in a cnversatin increased. The secnd was that high-status participants wuld talk mre than the lw-status participants.
    As it turned ut, n tw analysts emplyed exactly the same methds, and nne gt the same results. Sme 29% f analysts reprted that high-status participants were mre likely t cntribute. But 21% reprted the ppsite. Things were less finely balanced with the first thery, with 64% reprting that wmen d indeed participate mre, if plenty f ther wmen are present. But 21% cncluded that the ppsite was true.
    The prblem was nt that any f the analyses were wrng 'in any bjective sense. The differences arse because researchers chse different definitins f what they were studying and applied different techniques. When it came t defining hw much wmen spke, fr instance, sme analysts chse the number f wrds in each wman's cmment. Still thers defined it by the number f cnversatins that a wman participated in, regardless f hw much she actually said.
    12、What des the underlined wrd "it'" refer t in the first paragraph?
    A. Experiment.B. Scale.C. Thumb.D. Bias.
    13、What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?
    A. The prcess f gathering the data can g wrng.
    B. Different methds f data analysis lead t different results.
    C. The way f assessing the experiment influences the results.
    D. Using special kits during surgery reduces the chances f infectin.
    14、What caused analysts t apply different methds in Dr Schweinsberg's research?
    A. Chice f definitins.B. Chice f subjects.
    C. Understanding f cnversatins.D. Understanding f theries.
    15、Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Bias desn't existB. Data dn't lie
    C. Experiments cuntD. Scientists mislead
    16、During yur teen years, yu will make sme key decisins that can shape yur future. S, chse wisely, and dn't blw it.
    If yu d happen t blw it, hwever, it's nt the end f the wrld. ①_______ Being a teen tday is tugher than ever. While yur grandparents may have had t walk uphill t schl in the snw, yu have a different set f challenges t meet. It's a ttally different wrld!
    ②_______ Or yu may be struggling with ne f them r all f them. Yu need t think carefully abut every decisin yu will make, the ins and uts, the gd and the bad. And yu can make infrmed decisins, with yur eyes wide pen.
    Many decisins yu make as a teen can impact yur life frever. The gd news is, where yu end up ten years frm nw is up t yu. ③_______ It's called free agency r free ill and it's yur birthright. Ultimately, yu, chse t be happy r miserable.
    The reality is that althugh yu are free t chse, yu can chse the cnsequences f yur chices. They're preladed. It's a packaged deal. As the ld saying ges “when yu pick up ne end f the stick, yu als pick up the ther” ④_______ Fr example, if yu decide t d prly in schl rather than g t cllege, yu'll suffer the natural cnsequences and may even find it hard even t get an interview fr a well-paid jb.
    The wrd “decisin” cmes frm the Latin rt meaning “t cut ff frm”. ⑤_______ That's why decisins can be hard smetimes.
    A. It can be different smetimes.
    B. Yur chice and cnsequences g hand in hand.
    C. Yu need t think twice befre yu take actin.
    D. Saying “yes” t ne thing means saying “n” t anther.
    E. Yu may nt have thught much abut these decisins.
    F. Yu are free t chse what kind f life yu want t have.
    G. Just get back n track quickly and start making smarter chices
    Simne is sitting in frnt f me and crying. She lks away, embarrassed. “Srry, dctr,” she says, “I shuldn't be 1 yur time like this." At that mment, thugh, I can't think f anyne 2 wh is mre deserving f my time. Many f my patients are in desperate 3 nt just because f ill health but because f their 4 prblems.
    As any dctr can tell yu, pverty and illnesses are clsely 5 . But cming face t face with pverty in the frm f Simne is 6 . She experiences pverty n a scale that I cannt cmprehend. Each week, 7 her rent and electricity are paid,she has just $20 left t live n. Frm this she has t buy fd, clthes,travel and pay all ther 8 .
    Simne is 9 that her daughter will have every pprtunity in life and searches charity shps fr bks fr her daughter. Six mnths ag, 10 ,Simne was invlved in a rad traffic accident and this seems t have been the final straw. She slid int depressin and, althugh she 11 t wrk,began t feel that life was nt wrth living any mre. She went t GP wh then 12 her t me t see what help I culd give. The referral letter frm the GP had suggested that I might prescribe a suitable pill, but it is a 13 truth that there is n pill that can make Simne's situatin better.
    But tday Simne is siting crying nt because f the bad situatin.She is crying because she is verwhelmed by a stranger's 14 . One f the administratin staff in the utpatient clinic has just wn a $20 Marks and Spencer vucher and given it t Simne n a whim s she culd 15 her daughter, wh ften plays in the department while her mther sees me.That sudden,impulsive act f kindness and genersity frm a stranger has made all the difference t Simne.
    17、A. munting upB. taking up
    C. summing upD. brightening up
    18、A. nlyB. insteadC. ratherD. else
    19、A. trendB. cmplaintC. needD. anxiety
    20、A. dmesticB. financialC. severeD. physical
    21、A. examinedB. jinedC. linkedD. restricted
    22、A. disturbingB. warningC. fuelingD. abusing
    23、A. untilB. sinceC. befreD. after
    24、A. billsB. taxesC. discuntsD. spnsrs
    25、A. ppsedB. determinedC. cmmittedD. recgnized
    26、A. afterwardsB. therefreC. hweverD. mrever
    27、A. deniedB. withdrewC. cntinuedD. stpped
    28、A. mentinedB. referredC. distributedD. adjusted
    29、A. limitedB. sadC. ripeD. glbal
    30、A. disabilityB. pvertyC. kindnessD. suggestin
    31、A. amuseB. handleC. affectD. treat
    32、The gvernment was determined t prceed with the ________ (elect).(用所给词的适当形式填空)
    33、The cmpany is cmpeting with freign cmpanies ________ the cntract. (用适当的词填空)
    34、The fire, which is thught t have started frm the 8th flr, spread quickly thrugh the twer blck n Sunday night, leaving peple n the upper flrs ________ (trap). (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    35、I was abut t have a bath ________ I heard peple screaming and dgs barking. (用适当的词填空)
    36、Tm was tld that his teammate wn the race while he ________ (treat) by the team dctr. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    37、The newspaper has earned respect fr its ________ (investigate) jurnalism. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    38、If yu make n ________ (cmmit) t yur wrk, yu will get nthing. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    39、________ (curisity) enugh, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    40、N sner had M Yan stepped n the stage ________ the audience brke int thunderus applause. (用适当的词填空)
    41、It was gd advice, but it was ________ unkind.(用适当的词填空)
    42、Ancient alchemists(炼金师) in China spent centuries trying ①________(discver)an elixir (灵丹妙药)f life. During the Tang Dynasty, arund 850 A. D. , an enterprising alchemist created a mixture, ②________ had n bvius effects n lengthening life, but did explde with a flash and a bang when ③________ (expse)t an pen flame.
    Many western histry bks ver the years have stated that the Chinese used his discvery nly ④________ firewrks, ⑤________ that is nt true. Sng Dynasty military frces as early as 904 A. D. used gunpwder devices against ⑥________ (they) primary enemy, the Mngls.
    By the mid-t-late-eleventh century, the Sng gvernment ⑦________ (becme) cncerned abut gunpwder technlgy spreading t ther cuntries. The sale f saltpeter(硝酸盐)t freigners was banned in 1076. Nnetheless, knwledge f the miraculus substance was carried alng the Silk Rad t India, the Middle East, and Eurpe. In 1267, ⑧________ Eurpean writer made reference t gunpwder, and in 1280 the first recipes fr the explsive mixture ⑨________ (be) published in the west. China's secret was ut.
    Dwn thrugh the centuries, Chinese ⑩________ (invent) have had a prfund effect n human culture.Items like paper, the magnetic cmpass, and silk have spread arund the wrld. Nne f them, hwever, have had quite the impact that gunpwder has, fr gd and fr bad.
    43、阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Shveling(铲) the snw had always been the best part abut winter. Nt that I thught it was fun, but my dad’s reactin t a clean driveway kept me ging. He hated shveling snw mre than anything. S, I tk it upn myself at eight years ld t d it fr him. Every time I saw snw fall frm the sky, I knew the universe was ready t put me t wrk.
    I wuld run and put n my jacket, snw bts t prepare myself fr the wrk ahead. But every single time, befre I went utside, I wuld stp by my lder sister’s rm t see if she wanted t help me. I knew she wuld say n, but I always asked anyway.
    One day there was a lt f snw, and there was n way I wuld be able t clean it all up myself. It was getting dark, and I hated the thught f my dad having t shvel the snw after a lng day f wrk. S I did the rutine and kncked n my sister’s dr. As I expected, she gave me the same ld “n”. Annyed, I asked again. Withut saying anything further, she gt up, pushed me ut f the rm and slammed(砰地关上) the dr in my face.
    I std there silently fr a secnd. Then, I turned arund, went ut f the huse, and set ut in the cld t tackle the enemy that lay in my driveway. But I culdn’t calm dwn. I was really angry that she wuld leave me t battle this alne. All I wanted was sme help. The mre I remembered every “n” she had ever said t me, the angrier I became.
    I fught tirelessly, my shrt arms swinging frm side t side while the wind cut against my cheeks. After ne lng hur, I was nt even halfway dne. Lking at the victrius snw, I thught f Dad’s disappintment.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Feeling bitter and desperate, I culdn’t stp my tears.
    My sister and I went utside.
    44、I enjy ________ (参加) a wide variety f activities, bth lcally and further afield.(根据汉语提示填空)
    45、Tday landscape architecture ________ (被公认为) a branch f the fine arts. (根据汉语提示填空)
    46、The truth is unlikely t ________ (揭露,披露) because f sme little-knwn details. (根据汉语提示填空)
    47、The Yuth Olympic Games ________ (正式邀请,请求) yung peple t learn and share beynd the field f play. (根据汉语提示填空)
    48、When we cme acrss such factual differences, we shuld nt ________ (匆忙下结论) that ne f the news reprts gives false infrmatin. (根据汉语提示填空)
    49、In 1999, news websites with n print editins ________ (迅速出现,突然兴起). (根据汉语提示填空)
    50、I spke slwly, but my meaning didn’t ________ (被传达,被理解). (根据汉语提示填空)
    51、A persnal letter will usually ________ (使增添乐趣,使更艳丽) a persn’s day. (根据汉语提示填空)
    52、Ecnmic develpment is bth cnsistent with and ________ (与……矛盾) envirnment. (根据汉语提示填空)
    53、The peace agreement ________ (发生) thrugh intense pressure by the internatinal cmmunity. (根据汉语提示填空)
    ①Her vice was ________ with excitement when her dream star smiled at her.
    ②If yu want t attract mre custmers, try ________ n the Internet.
    ③Nwadays, ________ f cmmunicatin have made it pssible t speak instantly with smene n the ther side f the planet.
    ④There are a cuple f things yu shuld put n yur list f ________.
    ⑤Scientists cntinue t push back the ________ f human knwledge.
    解析:细节理解题。根据“The Cambrian Way”部分“The Cambrian Way,which cuts nrth t suth thrugh the heart f Wales, is a fantastic place, thanks t its patchwrk fields, dense frests and rlling, sheep-dtted hills.”(寒武纪之路,从北到南穿过威尔士的中心,由于它错落有致的田野,茂密的森林,绵延起伏的山丘,是一个奇妙的地方。)可知,在The Cambrian Way,游客可以看到绵延起伏的山丘。选项B符合题意,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“The Nrth Wales Way”部分中“Spanning Wales' shrt but scenic nrth cast, this rute ffers rad trippers a chance t encunter Welsh histry, language and culture in a splendid setting. ” (横跨威尔士短小但风景优美的北部海岸,这条路线为公路旅行者提供了一个机会,在一个壮丽的环境中接触威尔士的历史,语言和文化。)可知,这条路线可以帮助人们了解威尔士的文化,选项C符合题意,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Wales is hme t sme f the UK's mst beautiful drives.Narrw lanes criss-crss the land. meaning travel can be slw-but there's n need t rush.”(威尔士是英国最美的地方之一,狭窄的车道纵横交错。也就是说旅行可能会很慢,但是没有必要匆忙。)提到了威尔士美在于其狭窄的车道纵横交错,同时结合下面段落中对威尔士的四条不同的风景参观线路的介绍,可知文章主要介绍了威尔士四条不同的供游客参观风景线路。选项A符合题意,故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“They tend t frm grups instead, and male musk xen have killed grizzlies.(它们会聚集成群,雄性的麝香牛还会杀掉灰熊)”可知,麝香牛通过团结起来反击保护自己免受灰熊的攻击。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段“T find ut, I dressed as a plar bear(为了找到答案,我打扮成一只北极熊)”可知,作者把自己打扮成一只北极熊的目的是为了调查麝香牛对北极熊的反应。由此判断出,作者装扮成一只北极熊是为了更好地了解麝香牛。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段“I was arrested — ver a date errr n my permits.(我被逮捕了——因为我的许可证上的日期错误)”可知,作者不得不停止在俄罗斯的研究是因为他由于不合法的许可证而被禁止(调查)。故选A项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“As a wildlife-cnservatin bilgist studying climate change, I want t understand the evlving envirnment thrugh the eyes f large animals.(作为一名研究气候变化的野生动物保护生物学家,我想通过大型动物的眼睛来了解环境的演变)”,第二段“They tend t frm grups instead and male male xen have killed grizzlies. Wuld they try t kill plar bears t? (它们倾向于形成群体,雄性公牛杀死了灰熊。它们也会杀北极熊吗?)”及第三段“T find ut,I dressed as a plar bear,pulling a bear head n and placing a clth ver a range finder,camera and data bks.(为了找到答案,我打扮成一只北极熊,穿上一个熊头,把一块布放在测距仪,相机和数据本上)”可知,短文叙述了作者为了解麝香牛所做出的努力,比如穿成北极熊的样子。由此可知,短文的最佳标题为“谁想成为一只北极熊”。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Nw, a new study by Bstn’s Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) has fund that getting sufficient sleep is als the key t imprving academic perfrmance.(现在,波士顿麻省理工学院(MIT)的一项新研究发现,充足的睡眠也是提高学习成绩的关键。)”可知,关于睡眠的新发现是充足的睡眠会带来更好的成绩。故选D。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据后文“Instead, the prfessr f Cmputatinal Materials Science hped the ppular wrist wrn device which tracks a persn’s activity 24/7, wuld shw a cnnectin between physical exercise and academic achievement. (相反,这位计算材料科学教授希望这款流行的、可以全天候跟踪人的活动的腕式设备能够显示出体育锻炼和学术成就之间的联系。)”可知Fitbits指的是一种可以穿戴的设备。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“Hwever, the study, published in the jurnal Science Learning n Octber 1, 2019, discvered a surprising insight. (然而,这项于2019年10月1日发表在《科学学习》杂志上的研究发现了一个令人惊讶的发现。)”中surprising“令人惊奇的”可推断,这项新研究的最终结果是让人意想不到的。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Instead, it’s the sleep yu get during the days when learning is happening that matters mst. (相反,你在学习期间的睡眠时间才是最重要的。)”以及最后一段中““When yu g t bed matters,’ Grssman says. ‘If yu g t bed after 2, yur perfrmance starts t g dwn even if yu get the same seven hurs. S, quantity isn’t everything.’ (“什么时候上床很重要。”格罗斯曼说,“如果你在2点之后上床睡觉,你的表现就会开始下降,即使你仍然睡7个小时。因此,数量并不代表一切。”)”可推断,Grssman认为学习时睡眠充足将有利于学生的学习。故选C。
    解析:代词指代题。根据上文"One f the biggest cncerns in science is bias(偏见)—that scientists themselves, cnsciusly r subcnsciusly may put their thumbs n the scales and influence the utcmes f experiments.(科学界最大的担忧之一是偏见—科学家自己,有意识或潜意识地,可能会把他们的拇指放在天平上,影响实验的结果。)"可知,作者在第一句点明了所阐述讨论的重点,也即一种科学界普遍关心的"偏见"问题。后文即都为对其的细节补充。所以根据逻辑连接,下文中人们尝试着尽可能消除这种“偏见”,由此it指代"偏见",结合选项A.Experiment.实验;B.Scale.规模;C.Thumb.大拇指;D.Bias.偏见。故选D。
    解析:段落大意题。第二段1,2句说"But gathering the data and running an experiment is nt the nly part f the prcess that can g wrng. The methds chsen t analyze the data can als influence results.(但是收集数据和进行实验并不是整个过程中唯一可能出错的部分。选择分析数据的方法也会影响结果。)"后文进行了详细的展开描述,从而论证这一观点,因此第二段主要讨论了不同的数据分析方法导致不同的结果,即Different methds f data analysis lead t different results,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段1,2句The prblem was nt that any f the analyses were "wrng" in any bjective sense. The differences arse because researchers chse different definitins f what they were studying, and applied different techniques.(问题不在于任何客观意义上的分析都是错误的。之所以会出现这种差异,是因为研究人员对他们所研究的内容选择了不同的定义,并使用了不同的技术。)我们可知,在上文所举例子中最重要的是这些数据本身并没有任何问题,因为研究者采取了不同的定义及采取的不同的实验技巧,才导致最终结论的不同。故选择A选项。同时呼应上文中的"the methd t analyze the data can als influence the results.(分析数据的方法也会影响结果)",故选A。
    解析:标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段的The prblem was nt that any f the analyses were "wrng" in any bjective sense. The differences arse because researchers chse different definitins f what they were studying, and applied different techniques.(问题不在于任何客观意义上的分析都是错误的。之所以会出现这种差异,是因为研究人员对他们所研究的内容选择了不同的定义,并使了不同的技术。)可知,本文通过举例说明并论证了在科研时会产生影响的因素。即搜集数据、做实验及分析实验数据采用的方法都会造成一定的影响。但是,作者着重想要强调的是虽然在前两个过程中可能会有所谓的"偏见"存在,但是数据都是真实的,很多时候结果的不同只是因为研究人员采取的研究方法不同导致的,因此最恰当的题目是B选项Data dn't lie(数据不会说谎),故选B。
    ①根据前文“If yu d happen t blw it, hwever, it's nt the end f the wrld. (如果你真的搞砸了,也不是世界末日)”可知,作者在此处主要告诫读者不要因决策失误感到手足无措。G项Just get back n track quickly and start making smarter chices (重回正轨,开始做出更英明的决定),承接上文,继续针对决策失误后鼓励读者尽快重新调整。故选G项。
    ②根据上段最后一句“yu have a different set f challenges t meet. It's a ttally different wrld! (你要面对各种各样的挑战。这是一个完全不同的世界)”可知,现在的青少年不得不自己独立应对困难。E项Yu may nt have thught much abut these decisins.(你可能从未过多考虑过这些决定)与空格后句“Or yu may be struggling with ne f them r all f them. (抑或是你纠结于某项选择或众多选择)”承接上文,具体指出青少年为解决问题,需要作出很多艰难的决定。为提出决策注意事项交代背景。故选E项。
    ③根据前文“Mary decisins yu make as a teen can impact yur life frever. The gd news is, where yu end up ten years frm nw is up t yu. (你在青少年期做出的抉择也许影响你的一生。好消息是,十年后你的境遇如何完全取决于你)”可知,该处指出人生早期的很多决定会对你影响深远。F项. Yu are free t chse what kind f life yu want t have. (你可以很自由地选择你想过什么样的人生)承接上文语意,表明未来你的人生境遇很大程度上取决于你现在的决定,主动权掌握在你自己手里。故选F项。
    ④根据后文“Fr example, if yu decide t d prly in schl rather than g t cllege, yu'll suffer the natural cnsequences and may even find it hard even t get an interview fr a well-paid jb. (例如,如果你决定在学校表现糟糕而不是考入大学,那么你必须承担这一决定的后果,甚至发现得到一份好的工作的面试机会都很难。)”可知,空格后句表明你现在做出的决定会对未来有关系,无论是消极还是积极的,你都要为当初的决定承担责任。E. Yur chice and cnsequences g hand in hand. (你的选择和后果是息息相关的)指出做出的抉择会对未来有多重影响,符合上下文关联,故选B项。
    ⑤根据后文“That's why decisins can be hard smetimes. (那就是为什么决策有时非常困难)”可知,做决定有时非常艰难。D项Saying “yes” t ne thing means saying “n” t anther. (做出一项选择就意味着拒绝其他选择)表明制定决策的本质,解释了决策制定的困难之处。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:“对不起,医生,”她说,“我不应该这样占用你的时间。”A. munting up增长;B. taking up占据;C. summing up总结;D. brightening up发亮。由后文“deserving f my time”可知,虽然Simne认为她在占据作者的时间,可作者认为这是值得的,应该用take up表示占据时间,故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:但在那一刻,我想不出还有谁比他更值得我花时间。A. nly仅仅;B. instead相反;C. rather相当;D. else也。anyne else表示任何其他人,这里意指作者不认为还有任何其他人可以比她更值得作者的时间,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的许多病人不仅因为健康状况不佳,而且因为他们的经济问题而急需治疗。A. trend趋势;B. cmplaint投诉;C. need需要;D. anxiety焦虑。这里用in desperate need表示急需,因为由后文可知他们的疾病和贫穷使他们无法打扰医生更长的时间、也没有办法接受合理的治疗,故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的许多病人不仅因为健康状况不佳,而且因为他们的经济问题而急需治疗。A. dmestic国内的;B. financial经济的;C. severe严重的;D. physical身体的。和后文的“pverty and illnesses”相呼应,表示疾病与贫穷是病人的两大负担,贫穷也就是经济上的困难,用“financial prblem”代指,故选B。
    解析:考查动词和形容词词义辨析。句意:任何一个医生都会告诉你,贫穷和疾病是紧密相连的。A. examined检查过的;B. jined加入;C. linked连接的;D. restricted受限制的。be clsely linked固定搭配,表示紧密联系,与前文的“pverty and illnesses”相联系,表示疾病和贫穷息息相关,故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但以Simne的形式直面贫困是令人不安的。A. disturbing打扰;B. warning警告;C. fueling提供燃料;D. abusing虐待。这里意指以Simne的境遇面对贫穷是让人不安、困扰的,因为从后文可知Simne的贫穷状况是作者难以理解的,故选A。
    解析:考查连接词词义辨析。句意:每个星期,在付清房租和电费后,她只剩下20美元生活。A. until直到;B. since自从;C. befre在……之前;D. after在……之后。这里意思是在缴纳完租金和水电费之后只剩20美金,所以这里应该使用after,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她必须用这些钱买食物、衣服、旅行和支付所有其他账单。A. bills账单;B. taxes税收;C. discunts折扣;D. spnsrs赞助。根据上文“Frm this she has t buy fd, clthes, travel and pay all ther”可知,她只能用剩下的20美金去买吃的、衣服、交通以及支付其他的账单,bills有账单的意思,故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Simne决心让女儿在生活中拥有一切机会,并在慈善商店为女儿寻找书籍。A. ppsed相反的;B. determined下定决心的;C. cmmitted尽心尽力的;D. recgnized公认的。因为她的女儿拥有一切机会是她想象中的事情,用determine表示对未来的决定,故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而六个月前,Simne卷入了一场交通事故,这似乎是最后一根稻草。A. afterwards后来;B. therefre因此;C. hwever然而;D. mrever此外。这里指当她对女儿的未来想要做出自己的努力时,不幸却发生了。表转折,用hwever,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她陷入了抑郁,尽管她继续工作,但开始觉得生活不再值得过下去了。A. denied拒绝;B. withdrew收回;C. cntinued继续;D. stpped停止。前面有althugh,表示这句话有转折的含义,所以应该与前文“陷入绝望”形成反差,应该是继续工作,所以用cntinue t,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她去看全科医生,然后全科医生把她介绍给我,看我能给她什么帮助。A. mentined提及;B. referred参考,推荐;C. distributed分配;D. adjusted调整。固定搭配,refer sb. t sb. 表示“把……推荐给……”,这里意思是把Simne推荐给作者,与后文the referral letter相呼应,故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:全科医生的推荐信建议我可以开一种合适的药,但可悲的事实是,没有一种药能让Simne的情况好转。A. limited有限的;B. sad悲伤的;C. ripe成熟的;D. glbal全球的。根据后文可知没有药物能够改善Simne的状况,a sad truth表示一个悲伤的事实,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她哭了,因为她被一个陌生人的善良感动了。A. disability残疾;B. pverty贫穷;C. kindness善良;D. suggestin建议。表示一个陌生人的善良/慷慨馈赠,与最后一行“kindness and genersity”相呼应,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:门诊部的一名管理人员刚刚赢得了一张20美元的马莎代金券,一时心血来潮把它给了Simne,让她招待她的女儿,她的女儿经常在门诊部玩,而她的母亲在看我。A. amuse逗乐;B. handle处理;C. affect影响;D. treat对待,招待。因为有了这陌生人给的20美金Simne就可以好好招待她的女儿了,故选D。
    解析:考查介词。句意:该公司正在与外国公司争夺合同。cmpete with sb. fr sth.意为“为某物而与某人竞争,与某人争夺某物”。故填fr。
    解析:考查非谓语动词。句意;这场据说从8楼开始的大火,迅速地在塔楼蔓延,让楼上的人们受困。根据句子分析可知,动词trap与其逻辑主语the upper flrs之间的关系为被动,故应用过去分词作宾补,故填trapped。
    解析:考查固定句型。句意:我正要洗澡,突然听到有人尖叫和狗叫。分析句意再结合上文的was abut t 可知,此处应该用固定句型:be abut t d … when 表示“正要做……突然”。故填 when。
    36、答案:was being treated
    解析:考查时态语态。句意:汤姆被告知,在队医治疗期间,他的队友赢得了比赛。根据句意可知,while引导的时间状语从句,从句为过去进行时,主语he与谓语treat为被动关系。所以本句为过去进行时的被动语态。故填was being treated。
    解析:考查名词。句意:如果你对你的工作没有承诺,你将一无所获。作动词的宾语,应用名词cmmitment,短语make n cmmitment t表示“对……不承担义务;没有投入到……”。故填cmmitment。
    解析:考查固定句式。句意:莫言一上台,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。固定句式n sner…than…表示“一……就……”符合句意。故填than。
    42、答案:①t discver②which③expsed④fr⑤but/yet⑥their⑦had becme⑧a⑨were⑩inventins
    ①考查固定短语。句意:中国古代炼金师花了几个世纪的时间试图发现长生不老药。结合句意表达“试图做某事”应用try t d sth.,不定式作宾语。故填t discver。
    ③考查非谓语动词。句意:在唐代,大约公元850年,一位富有进取心的炼金术士创造了一种混合物,这种混合物对延长寿命没有明显效果,但当暴露在明火中时爆炸了。be expsed t“暴露于……”为固定短语,此处省略be用过去分词和when构成时间状语。故填expsed。
    ⑥考查代词。句意:早在公元904年,宋朝军队就使用火药装置对付他们的主要敌人——蒙古人。修饰名词词组primary enemy要用形容词性物主代词。故填their。
    ⑦考查时态。句意:到11世纪中后期,宋朝政府开始关注火药技术向其他国家的传播。根据时间状语“By the mid-t late-eleventh century”可知,句子应用过去完成时。故填had becme。
    Feeling bitter and desperate, I culdn’t stp my tears. My inner anger was like a grwing mnster, uncntrllably driving me t the edge f madness. Befre I realized it, I was sbbing in my sister’s rm, with bullets f wrds firing thrugh my muth, expressing my lng-buried dissatisfactin twards her absence frm my snw shveling experiences. The huse seemed t be hlding its breath when I stpped my accusatin, still weeping. “Please dn’t cry. Every teardrp f yurs is a reminder f hw selfish I was. I’m srry. Wuld yu give me anther chance t g 13/15 shveling with yu?”, said my sister with gentleness and sincerity in her vice.
    My sister and I went ut. Mre than half f the driveway was still blanketed in white but I wasn’t alne in this battle any mre. Every shvel f snw was a witness t the energy and excitement in me. By the time we finished, my back was aching, muscles sre, and bdy exhausted. Hwever, deep inside me was a brther, wh was s vercme with happiness that he felt n tp f the wrld. That was the beauty f cmpaninship. And frm the bright smile blming n my sister’s face, I culd tell that she felt the same. Arm in arm, we walked inside as darkness fell, waiting fr father t cme hme.
    1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“我感到痛苦和绝望,无法停止我的眼泪。”可知,第一段可描写作者因为难过去姐姐房间哭泣,表达了自己对她不在自己铲雪经历中长期埋藏的不满的过程。②由第二段首句内容“我姐姐和我出去了。”可知,第二段可描写姐弟俩携手铲雪的过程和作者内心的感受。2.续写线索:感到生气—表达不满—姐姐道歉,请求再给一次机会—姐弟俩一起铲雪—感到兴奋和充满活力—完成时筋疲力尽—感到幸福3.词汇激活:行为类表达:express/cnvey再给一次机会:give anther chance/ffer her anther pprtunity完成:finish/cmplete情绪类兴奋:excitement/delight筋疲力尽的:exhausted/tired
    [高分句型1]Befre I realized it, I was sbbing in my sister’s rm, with bullets f wrds firing thrugh my muth, expressing my lng-buried dissatisfactin twards her absence frm my snw shveling experiences.(befre引导时间状语从句,expressing为现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]Hwever, deep inside me was a brther, wh was s vercme with happiness that he felt n tp f the wrld.(wh和that引导定语从句)
    44、答案:participating in
    解析:考查动词短语和非谓语动词。句意:我喜欢参加各种各样的活动,无论是在当地还是在更远的地方。根据句意及汉语提示可知,此处使用动词短语participate in“参加”,固定搭配enjy ding sth.“喜欢做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填participating in。
    45、答案:is recgnized as
    解析:考查固定短语。句意:园林建筑学现今被公认是美术的一个分支。根据汉语提示可知短语为be recgnized as,结合上文Tday可知为一般现在时,主语为landscape architecture,谓语用单数。故填is recgnized as。
    46、答案:be brught t light
    解析:考查不定式的被动式。句意:由于一些鲜为人知的细节,真相不太可能被曝光。be unlikely t d sth. (不可能做某事), light (揭示/露)和主语The truth是被动关系,用不定式的被动式t be brught t light,该空用be brught t light,故填be brught t light。
    47、答案:call n
    解析:考查动词短语和时态。句意:青年奥林匹克运动会呼吁年轻人在比赛之外学习和分享。根据所给汉语提示可知,此处应用动词短语call n“正式邀请,请求,号召”,call n sb. t d sth.“号召/正式邀请某人做某事”;且此处陈述客观事实,故应用一般现在时,主语The Yuth Olympic Games为复数,谓语动词用复数形式。故填call n。
    48、答案:rush t the cnclusin
    解析:考查动词短语。句意:当我们遇到这样的事实差异时,我们不应该匆忙得出结论,认为其中一个新闻报道提供了虚假信息。根据汉语提示可知短语为rush t the cnclusin,且shuld nt后跟动词原形。故填rush t the cnclusin。
    49、答案:sprang up
    解析:考查动词短语和时态。句意:在1999年,没有印刷版的新闻网站迅速出现。根据所给汉语提示可知,此处应用动词短语“spring up”作谓语动词,主语为news websites,根据时间状语in 1999可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填sprang up。
    50、答案:get acrss
    解析:考查固定短语。句意:我说得很慢,但我的意思没有被理解。根据汉语提示可知,此处用固定短语get acrss表示“被传达,被理解”,且didn’t后面应该用动词原形。故答案为get acrss。
    51、答案:brighten up
    解析:考查动词短语。句意:一封私人信件通常会使一个人的一天愉快起来。根据汉语提示可知短语为brighten up,结合上文will可知为一般将来时。故填brighten up。
    52、答案:cntradictry t
    解析:考查形容词。句意:经济发展既与环境相一致,也与环境相矛盾。分析句子,设空处使用形容词作表语,表示“与……矛盾”用固定短语cntradictry t。故填cntradictry t。
    53、答案:came abut
    解析:考查动词短语和时态。句意:这一和平协议是在国际社会的极大压力下达成的。根据所给汉语提示可知,此处应用短语cme abut作谓语动词,主语为the peace agreement,此处陈述过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时,故填came abut。
    ②考查非谓语动词。句意:如果你想吸引更多的顾客,试试在互联网上登广告。句中try ding为固定短语,意为“尝试做某事”,使用动名词作宾语。故填advertising。
    ⑤考查名词。句意:科学家们不断突破人类知识的界限。分析句子,设空处使用名词作宾语,表示“界限”用bundary,短语the bundary f……的边界,故填bundary。
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