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    Christ Mcked, by the Flrentine master Cimabue, was sld at auctin(拍卖)fr €24 millin in 2019. But the Chilean buyers never gt t include the wrk in their cllectin because the French gvernment refused t give it an exprt licence.
    Ministers declared the painting a natinal treasure, fficially giving the Luvre 30 mnths t raise the funds fr its purchase. The Luvre recently reached an agreement with the wners.
    Laurence des Cars, the president f the Luvre, said it was a “great jy” t have acquired the painting, which “cnstitutes a crucial landmark in the histry f art”. The museum did nt say hw much it had paid, nr wh had sld the painting, which will be exhibited in 2025.
    The painting was sptted fur years ag by Philmene Wlf, an auctineer, when she was asked t assess the cntent s f a huse that was being cleared. The wner, in her nineties, thught it was a painting frm Russia f n value and was preparing t put it in the dustbin.
    Wlf was struck by its quality and guessed that it culd be Italian. Experts using mdern technlgy cnfirmed that it was by Cimabue, wh is widely regarded as having pened the gateway t Renaissance art. It is believed t date frm 1280. Christ Mcked is ne f abut 15 knwn Cimabue’s wrks.
    The Luvre launched an appeal n Tuesday fr dnatins t buy anther painting, The Basket f Wild Strawberries by Jean Simen Chardin, the 18th-century French still life(静物画)master. The wrk, which was first exhibited in 1761, was in a private cllectin frm the 19th century until last year, when it was sld fr €24.3 millin t an American art museum at an auctin in Paris.
    Luckily, many grups and individuals dnated tw-thirds f the sum. The museum must pay the remaining € 8 millin and is hping that members f the public will help t ease the burden by respnding t its appeal, which aims t raise € 1.3 millin.
    1.What can we knw abut Christ Mcked?
    A. It is a painting frm Russia.
    B. It was discvered by Cimabue.
    C. It is seen as a treasure f France.
    D. It was taken away by Chilean buyers.
    2.Which can replace the underlined wrd “cnstitutes” in paragraph 3?
    A. Sums up.B. Acts as.C. Finds ut.D. Pints ut.
    3.Hw did Wlf get Christ Mcked?
    A. She purchased it at auctin.B. Cimabue sent it t her.
    C. She gt it frm an ld wman.D. She fund it when she cleaned up.
    4.Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. The Painting Christ Mcked Was Sld
    B. The Luvre Was Appealing fr Dnatin
    C. French Gvernment Takes Back Its Wrds
    D. Painting Saved Frm Bin Was t Hang in the Luvre
    Twenty years ag, I was invited t jin a pker game made up f all middle-aged men. That game became an essential part f my life and it evlved with the grup. We used t start at 7 p. m. with wine and play until 2 a. m. Nw there is n wine, and we quit befre midnight. The smke f cigarettes is lng gne. The fd is better—ver tw decades we’ve gne frm chips t hmemade vegetable salad. All f these win favr with my wife when I g t play pker.
    When the pandemic (疫情) arrived, we switched t nline games. We dwnladed a pker app n ur phnes and lked at thse nine bxes cntaining ur heads n ur cmputer screens. The app dealt with all nine players at the same time, s the nline versin was much faster. Despite the efficiency, the app presented prblems. It tk all ur cncentratin t keep track, n multiple screens, f what was ging n with the game. The cnversatin didn’t really happen. It felt like any nline pker game, the kind played with strangers. S I hated this way f playing.
    When we finally met each ther fr ur live game after a tw-year break, we were excited. Hwever, at ur pker game, we learned ne f ur guys died f cancer withut telling any f us he was sick. Actually, we nce fund Bert lked a bit thin and a bit tired. Then he was gne. Accrding t Rbin Dunbar, an evlutinary psychlgist at Oxfrd University, men are less likely t discuss their persnal affairs and pinins directly and hnestly. It’s the reasn why men are mre likely t have mental prblems.
    S friendships with wmen are the perfect cmplement t male friendships. I have a wife t cnfide in (向……透露秘密), and a few female friends I regularly meet fr lunch. I’m just really glad t have bth types f friendships. I can meet my female friends fr a nice lunch and a glass f wine. Then head ff t pker.
    5.Why des the authr’s wife supprt him in playing pker?
    A. It can make the authr mre intelligent.
    B. It can make the authr mre relaxed.
    C. The authr’s lifestyle becmes healthier.
    D. The authr’s scial skills becme better.
    6.Why did the authr hate playing pker nline?
    A. The prcess f playing was slw.
    B. Players always faced technical prblems.
    C. Players seldm interacted with each ther.
    D. The game was ften interrupted by strangers.
    7.Why are men mre likely t have mental prblems?
    A. Men are less sciable.B. Men are less pen-minded.
    C. Men are less emtinal.D. Men are less utspken.
    8.Hw des the authr feel abut his scial relatinships?
    A. Cnfused.B. Disappinted.C. Upset.D. Satisfied.
    The wheel is believed t be arund 5,500 years ld. The inventin came abut lng after the advent f ther, arguably mre cmplex technlgies, like bats, wven clth, and agriculture. The inventin f the wheel greatly speeded up the develpment f civilizatin by making it easier t trade. Twns and cities grew crwded, their ppulatins sustained by the increased prductivity f wheel-assisted farming.
    Hwever, the Aztecs, Incas, Maya, and Native Americans which were regarded as relatively advanced civilizatins did nt use the wheel until after the arrival f Eurpean clnists (殖民者) during the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
    It had lng been assumed that ancient Americans didn’t knw hw t make them. That turned ut t be false. In 1880, as archaelgist Désiré Charnay unearthed the tmb f an Aztec child in Mexic City, he came acrss a small figurine (雕像) munted n an even smaller set f wheels. Since then, ther wheeled tys have been fund acrss the cuntry.
    Current explanatins f why the Aztecs, Incas, Maya, and Native Americans lacked wheels fcus nt n the knwledge f hw t create them — which they clearly pssessed — but n practicality. One majr reasn is that the cntinent lacks creatures strng enugh t pull them. After all, hrses and cws crssed the Atlantic alng with the wheel itself.
    Anther imprtant factr was gegraphy. Yes, the Incas built rads, but thse rads were mapped ut ver the hilly terrain (地形) f the Andes Muntains. They featured a structure f giant staircases in which there were tp, middle, and bttm levels. S wheeled vehicles wuld nt have been able t climb.
    Ancient American scieties might nt have been built n wheels, but this in n way prevented them frm teaching levels f cmplexity cmparable t their Eurpean cunterparts. They als built impressive architecture with rcks. Hw their builders managed t mve thse rcks withut help frm the wheel, nbdy knws. But they did manage t d this. Of curse, the absence f the wheel still shaped these scieties in meaningful ways. Fr example, attempts t unite the different warring tribes repeatedly fell apart because f the amunt f time it tk t travel frm ne strnghld (据点) t anther.
    “When the wheel did finally shw up in indigenus American scieties, a lt f things changed. But the change ccurred mre slwly. Even thugh indigenus Americans culd nw use the wheel fr transprt, weaving, and pttery, this new and mre efficient technlgy didn’t replace the familiar way f ding things vernight. Traditinal techniques cntinue t be passed dwn frm generatin t generatin, even t this day,” archaelgist Patrick Kirch said.
    9.Why des the authr write the first paragraph?
    A. T stress the difficulty in inventing the wheel.
    B. T describe the prcess f the inventin f the wheel.
    C. T explain the significance f the inventin f the wheel.
    D. T intrduce the wide applicatins f the wheel in mdern times.
    10.Why didn’t ancient Incas use wheels?
    A. They lacked tls fr creating wheels.
    B. They built rads with vertical structures.
    C. They relied n animals fr transprtatin.
    D. They lacked the knwledge f prducing wheels.
    11.The absence f the wheel might blck _______.
    A. the cmplexity f ancient American scieties
    B. the frequency f wars in ancient American scieties
    C. the impressive architecture in ancient American scieties
    D. the unificatin f different tribes in ancient American scieties
    12.What des Patrick Kirch think f intrducing the wheel int indigenus American scieties?
    A. Easy but limitedB. Nticeable but harmful.
    C. Welcme but fruitless.D. Influential but gradual.
    13.Cake mulds are cake pans in fun r functinal shapes. Yu might ften see them referred t as cake frms r cake shapes. Cake mulds are especially designed t make it easier t bake a cake. ① _________
    Generally, a cake muld is ften made ut f silicne (硅酮). ② _________ Als, it bends easily, making it easier t remve the cake frm the pan withut damaging it.
    Cake mulds are sld in kitchen supply stres and baking stres. ③ _________ A cake muld might als refer t a cake pan used fr a specific purpse, such as a muffin (松饼) pan. They are generally fairly inexpensive and last a lng time.
    ④ _________ Yu might buy a cake in the shape f a castle fr a princess birthday party, r in the shape f a ftball fr a sprts enthusiast. Animal shapes are fun t make, and kids can help. Fr the hlidays, yu might make a pine tree-shaped cake, r fr graduatin, a cake in the shape f a graduatin cap.
    It can be difficult t remve a cake frm a cake muld withut damaging it. Even if the pan is nn-stick, which mst are, yu shuld still grease (抹油) the pan well befre baking. ⑤ _________ When yu are ready t remve the cake, place a plate underneath the pan and flip (翻动) it ver s the cake can slide ut neatly nt the plate.
    A. Cake mulds vary in design and clr.
    B. This kind f cake muld is a breeze t use and wash up.
    C. There’re virtually limitless pssibilities fr cake mulds.
    D. Yu can als rder specially r persnalized nes nline.
    E. Allwing the cake t cl fully will als aid in the prcess.
    F. Here are sme things t cnsider when chsing a cake muld.
    G. S yu d nt have t d all f the shaping and designing yurself.
    One spring evening, I was incredibly wrn after a lng day f schl. I wished fr 1 but I had t drag my heavy feet t the vilin studi.
    I was playing Mldau t Kate, my teacher. I simply culdn't play with 2 , thugh. While I fllwed all the 3 n the sheet music, I still 4 t make music describing spring with full-blwn flwers sund like flwers dying a bitter death: Kate 5 attentively and then frwned(皱眉), asking me what the piece's md was. I stared at her, 6 .
    Pulling ut paper and a pencil, she asked, "Can yu 7 an image f what yu think atypical day in the frest during spring wuld lk like?" Hesitantly, I started t let my 8 fly. Sn a scenic frest full f life was 9 in my mind.
    Minutes later, I cmpleted my drawing. "Nw, play the piece again with this 10 imagery in yur mind," Kate said. I clsed my eyes and began t play, just as its theme was intrduced, with 11 expressin I had never dne befre.
    As I 12 the piece, there fllwed a shrt silence befre Kate said, "That's the best playing I've ever heard frm yu." Her eyes were shining. "Wh knew painting the scenery wuld help yu better 13 the music? Smetimes all we need is t use ur creativity and try different methds when facing difficulties."
    The 14 vilin lessn taught me mre than just music. I als learnt a valuable 15 skill, which I applied t my daily life.
    14.A.care B.relaxatin C.freedm D.mtivatin
    15.A.curage B.cncern C.wisdm D.emtin
    16.A.numbers B.standards C.ntes D.lines
    17.A.failed B.desired C.managed D.ffered
    18.A.watched B.listened C.perfrmed D.prayed
    19.A.blankly B.angrily C.enviusly D.gratefully
    20.A.sht B.evaluate C.sculpt D.draw
    21.A.persnality B.imaginatin C.ambitin D.curisity
    22.A.pictured B.replaced C.identified D.explred
    23.A.messy B.amusing C.vivid D.strange
    24.A.cmmn B.brief C.childish D.exceptinal
    25.A.wrapped up B.tk dwn C.reflected n D.set abut
    26.A.preserve B.spread C.interpret D.cmpse
    27.A.inspiring B.cnfusing C.shameful D.adventurus
    C.critical-thinking D.decisin-making
    29.In a fast-paced wrld, ① _________ stress and mental fatigue (疲劳) seem cmmnplace, we are② _________ (cnstant) lking fr new ways t relax. Sme peple d things like taking a ht bath r listening t music t relax. But what abut birds’ singing r ther nature sunds? Culd they als help peple let g③ _________ the tensins f mdern life?
    Accrding t a study by King’s Cllege Lndn in 2022, seeing r hearing birds culd help t bst peple’s mental wellbeing. And it’s nt just birds④ _________ (inhabit) in trees that culd have a psitive effect n ur mds. Anther study cmmissined (委托) by the Natinal Trust cmpared the effects f wdland sunds with viced meditatin (冥想) apps and⑤ _________ (find) listening t birdsng and ther wdland sunds bsted feelings f relaxatin 30% mre than⑥ _________ apps. Other sunds which may help peple relax⑦ _________ (be) waves lapping n the shre, gentle breezes, and light rainfalls.
    Hwever, nt all f us live in rural surrundings. S here cmes a questin: culd the nature sunds that riginate there still help remve yur⑧ _________ (anxius)? Accrding t research by Califrnia Plytechnic State University, even a recrding f birds’ sunds tends t be⑨ _________ (benefit) t peple’s md. Therefre, wherever yu live, yu can access the wnderful sunds f birds and nature, ⑩ _________ it is during a walk in the wds r thrugh a pair f headphnes.
    30.Just phne in yur rder three r mre days p _________ t departure.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    31.We were really d _________ by the htel when we gt there—it was nthing like the descriptin in the brchure. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    32.There is a grwing t _________ amng emplyers t hire casual staff. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    33.We have t a _________ fr every penny we spend n business trips. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    34.Teenagers shuld be taught t take initiative and s _________ pprtunities. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    35.Enterprises give p _________ t applicants with sme experience when hiring new wrkers. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    36.My mst e _________ mment was trying t intrduce a man whse name I culdn’t remember. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    37.Buildings are left t decay at the m _________ f bad weather. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    38.Laws against racial _________ (偏见) must be strictly enfrced.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39.She spke with great _________ (强烈情感) abut the plight f the refugees. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    40.A link between the tw cnditins can be _________ (推断) frm the previus studies. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    41.The city was filled with _________ (期待) in the weeks befre the festival. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    42.He has a very _________ (容忍的,包容的) attitude twards ther religins. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    43.They appeared surprisingly _________ (悲观的) abut their chances f winning. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    44.Silent, they lafed n the edge f the wharf, _________ (晃动) their legs abve the water. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    45.假如你是学生会主席李华,你校近期将举办“中华传统美食节(Chinese Fd Culture Festival)”活动,请你写一则通知向学生征集活动创意。内容包括:1. 活动介绍:2、征集要求:3. 鼓励参与。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    Mre than 20 hurs earlier, my friend Emma and I had std at the entrance t the cave. We laughed and jked as I climbed dwn the steep muth and she fllwed. Six f us had gne n that camping trip, but after a full day f explring caves, the thers had gne back t the campsite t eat. Emma and I decided t explre ne mre cave.
    The mud f the cave flr was sft and sticky as we snaked ur way thrugh the tunnel. The air was damp and heavy. As the passage twisted thrugh the earth, it became smaller. Then, suddenly, after a tight squeeze, I came int a larger rm.
    “Once yu make it past this narrw spt yu can almst stand,” I tld Emma, as I stretched ut my arms and legs and enjyed the big space. “Alright, I’m almst th...” Emma’s sentence was cut shrt. I turned arund. “Are yu alright?” I asked. All I culd see was her face, and her eyes were full f fear. “I dn’t think s,” she said. “I’m stuck.”
    Emma and I tried everything we culd t free her. But it became apparent that we needed help. I tk ut my cell phne t call my ther fur friends, but there was n signal. I culdn’t g t seek help because Emma was stuck between me and the cave muth. That was why we were s relieved when we heard vices behind us. A beam f light sht dwn the tunnel.
    “What’s ging n here?” rang a yung man’s vice. “We need help,” I shuted. “She’s stuck.” “I’ve gt tw buddies with me,” he said. “They can g t find a park ranger (公园管理员), but I’ll stay here and see if I can help frm this side.”
    The next several hurs were lng and arduus (艰难的).
    Almst five hurs after we had entered the cave, the rescue team arrived.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“Ministers declared the painting a natinal treasure, fficially giving the Luvre 30 mnths t raise the funds fr its purchase.(部长们宣布这幅画为国宝,并正式给予卢浮宫30个月的时间来筹集购买资金。)”可知,这幅画被认定为法国国宝。故选C项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据画线词所在句子“Laurence des Cars, the president f the Luvre, said it was a ‘great jy’ t have acquired the painting, which ‘cnstitutes a crucial landmark in the histry f art’. (卢浮宫主席Laurence des Cars表示,获得这幅画是一种‘巨大的喜悦’,这幅画‘ 艺术史上的一个重要里程碑’。)”可知,这句是对这幅画的历史地位的描述,再根据这句前的内容可知,卢浮宫博物馆的馆长认为获得这幅画是一件特别让人高兴的事,因此推断这幅画被认为“构成”艺术史上一个至关重要的里程碑。所以猜测cnstitute表“构成,充当”的意思。故选 B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“The painting was sptted fur years ag by Philmene Wlf, an auctineer, when she was asked t assess the cntent s f a huse that was being cleared. The wner, in her nineties, thught it was a painting frm Russia f n value and was preparing t put it in the dustbin.(这幅画是四年前拍卖师Philmene Wlf发现的,当时她被要求评估正在清理的房子的物品。这位90多岁的主人认为这是一幅来自俄罗斯的毫无价值的画,正准备把它放进垃圾箱。)”可知,Wlf是在评估一位老人房子里面清理出来的物品时发现了这幅画,因此她是从一位老人那里得到的。故选C项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由文章第一段“Christ Mcked, by the Flrentine master Cimabue, was sld at auctin(拍卖)fr €24 millin in 2019. But the Chilean buyers never gt t include the wrk in their cllectin because the French gvernment refused t give it an exprt licence.(2019年,佛罗伦萨大师Cimabue的Christ Mcked在拍卖会上以2400万欧元的价格售出。但智利买家从未将这件作品纳入他们的收藏,因为法国政府拒绝给它出口许可证。)”和第二段“Ministers declared the painting a natinal treasure, fficially giving the Luvre 30 mnths t raise the funds fr its purchase. The Luvre recently reached an agreement with the wners.(部长们宣布这幅画为国宝,并正式给予卢浮宫30个月的时间来筹集购买资金。卢浮宫最近与业主达成协议。)”以及下文可知,文章主要报道了卢浮宫筹钱买下Christ Mcked 这幅珍贵的画作,成功将其留在法国;同时介绍了这幅画差点被扔到垃圾桶但被拍卖师发现的过程。因此推断D选项Painting Saved Frm Bin Was t Hang in the Luvre(从垃圾箱里救出来的画作将被悬挂在卢浮宫)可以作为文章标题。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“We used t start at 7 p. m. with wine and play until 2 a. m. Nw there is n wine, and we quit befre midnight. The smke f cigarettes is lng gne. The fd is better—ver tw decades we’ve gne frm chips t hmemade vegetable salad. All f these win favr with my wife when I g t play pker.(我们过去常常在晚上7点开始喝酒,一直玩到凌晨2点。现在没有酒了,我们在午夜之前就停止了。香烟的烟雾早已消失。食物更好了——20多年来,我们从薯条变成了自制蔬菜沙拉。当我去打扑克时,所有这些都赢得了我妻子的青睐)”可知,作者的妻子支持他打扑克是因为作者的生活方式变得更健康。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“The cnversatin didn’t really happen. It felt like any nline pker game, the kind played with strangers. S I hated this way f playing.(交谈并没有真正发生。感觉就像任何在线扑克游戏,和陌生人玩的那种。所以我讨厌这种玩的方式)”可知,作者讨厌在线玩扑克因为玩家之间很少互动。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Accrding t Rbin Dunbar, an evlutinary psychlgist at Oxfrd University, men are less likely t discuss their persnal affairs and pinins directly and hnestly. It’s the reasn why men are mre likely t have mental prblems.(根据牛津大学进化心理学家罗宾·邓巴的说法,男性不太可能直接和诚实地讨论他们的个人事务和观点。这就是为什么男性更容易出现精神问题)”可知,男性更容易出现精神问题因为男人不那么直言不讳。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“S friendships with wmen are the perfect cmplement t male friendships. I have a wife t cnfide in (向……透露秘密), and a few female friends I regularly meet fr lunch. I’m just really glad t have bth types f friendships. I can meet my female friends fr a nice lunch and a glass f wine. Then head ff t pker.(因此,与女性的友谊是对男性友谊的完美补充。我有一个可以倾诉的妻子,还有一些经常见面共进午餐的女性朋友。我真的很高兴能拥有两种类型的友谊。我可以和我的女性朋友共进午餐,喝杯酒。然后去打扑克)”可知,作者对他的社会关系感到满意。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段“The inventin f the wheel greatly speeded up the develpment f civilizatin by making it easier t trade. Twns and cities grew crwded, their ppulatins sustained by the increased prductivity f wheel-assisted farming.(轮子的发明使贸易更加便利,大大加快了文明的发展。城镇和城市变得拥挤起来,它们的人口是由车轮辅助农业生产力的提高维持的。)”可知,作者写第一段是为了解释轮子发明的意义。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Anther imprtant factr was gegraphy. Yes, the Incas built rads, but thse rads were mapped ut ver the hilly terrain (地形) f the Andes Muntains. They featured a structure f giant staircases in which there were tp, middle, and bttm levels. S wheeled vehicles wuld nt have been able t climb.(另一个重要因素是地理位置。是的,印加人修建了道路,但这些道路是在安第斯山脉的丘陵地带绘制的。它们的特点是巨大的楼梯结构,有顶层、中层和底层。所以有轮子的车辆不可能爬升。)”可知,古印加人不用轮子是因为他们修建垂直结构的道路。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第六段“Of curse, the absence f the wheel still shaped these scieties in meaningful ways. Fr example, attempts t unite the different warring tribes repeatedly fell apart because f the amunt f time it tk t travel frm ne strnghld (据点) t anther.(当然,没有轮子仍然以有意义的方式塑造了这些社会。例如,由于从一个据点到另一个据点需要花费大量的时间,试图将不同的交战部落联合起来的努力一再失败。)”可推知,车轮的缺失可能会阻碍古代美洲社会中不同部落的统一。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““When the wheel did finally shw up in indigenus American scieties, a lt f things changed. But the change ccurred mre slwly. Even thugh indigenus Americans culd nw use the wheel fr transprt, weaving, and pttery, this new and mre efficient technlgy didn’t replace the familiar way f ding things vernight. Traditinal techniques cntinue t be passed dwn frm generatin t generatin, even t this day,” archaelgist Patrick Kirch said.(“当轮子最终出现在美洲土著社会时,很多事情都发生了变化。但这种变化发生得更为缓慢。尽管印第安人现在可以用轮子来运输、编织和制陶,但这种新的、更高效的技术并没有在一夜之间取代人们熟悉的做事方式。传统技术继续代代相传,直到今天,”考古学家帕特里克·基尔奇说。)”可知,帕特里克·基尔奇认为将车轮引入美国土著社会是有影响力的,但却是渐进的。故选D。
    解析:①前文“Cake mulds are cake pans in fun r functinal shapes. Yu might ften see them referred t as cake frms r cake shapes. Cake mulds are especially designed t make it easier t bake a cake.( 蛋糕模具是有趣或实用形状的蛋糕盘。你可能经常看到它们被称为蛋糕模式或蛋糕形状。蛋糕模具是专门设计用来更容易烤蛋糕的)”提到蛋糕模具被用来烤蛋糕非常方便,因此推断G项“所以你不必自己做所有的造型和设计。”符合语境,与上文形成因果关系。故选G。
    ②前文“Generally, a cake muld is ften made ut f silicne (硅酮).( 一般来说,蛋糕模具通常由硅酮制成。)”说明蛋糕模具的材料是硅酮;后文“Als, it bends easily, making it easier t remve the cake frm the pan withut damaging it.(而且,它很容易弯曲,使它更容易从锅中取出蛋糕而不会损坏它。)”说明这种材料的优势,因此推断B项“这种蛋糕模具用起来和洗起来都很容易。”符合语境,也是描述这种材料的优势,故选B。
    ③前文“Cake mulds are sld in kitchen supply stres and baking stres.(蛋糕模具在厨房用品店和烘焙店有售。)”说明蛋糕模具可以在哪里购买;D选项“你也可以在网上订购特别的或个性化的。”承接上文,说明另一种购买方式,符合语境。故选D。
    ④后文“Yu might buy a cake in the shape f a castle fr a princess birthday party, r in the shape f a ftball fr a sprts enthusiast. Animal shapes are fun t make, and kids can help. Fr the hlidays, yu might make a pine tree-shaped cake, r fr graduatin, a cake in the shape f a graduatin cap.( 你可能会为公主生日派对买一个城堡形状的蛋糕,或者为体育爱好者买一个足球形状的蛋糕。动物造型制作起来很有趣,孩子们也可以帮忙。在节日里,你可以做一个松树形状的蛋糕,或者在毕业典礼上,一个毕业帽形状的蛋糕。)”说明蛋糕模具有各种形状,可以做出你喜欢的各种各样形状的蛋糕,因此推断C项“蛋糕模具几乎有无限的可能性。”符合语境,故选C。
    ⑤前文“It can be difficult t remve a cake frm a cake muld withut damaging it. Even if the pan is nn-stick, which mst are, yu shuld still grease (抹油) the pan well befre baking.(从蛋糕模具中取出蛋糕而不损坏蛋糕是很困难的。即使平底锅是不粘锅,大多数平底锅都是不粘锅,你还是应该在烤之前在平底锅上涂好油。)”说明如何从锅里取出蛋糕而不会损害蛋糕的形状,烤前给锅涂好油是一种办法,因此推断项“让蛋糕完全冷却也有助于这个过程。”符合语境,给出完整的取出蛋糕又一种解决办法,故选E。
    解析:根据上文I was incredibly wrn after a lng day f schl可知,作者感到很疲惫,所以渴望放松休息。故选B项。mtivatin意为“动力;动机;原因”。
    解析:根据I still _____ t make music describing spring with full-blwn flwers sund like flwers dying a bitter death可知,作者并没有演奏出感情,所以此处指作者无法带着感情去演奏。故选D项。
    解析:根据下文n the sheet music并结合常识可知,乐谱上的内容是音符。故选C项。
    解析:根据下文make music describing spring with full-blwn flwers sund like flwers dying a bitter death可知,虽然作者都是按照乐谱上的音符演奏,但是把描绘春天的音乐演奏得听起来像是花朵要在苦涩中死去一般。manage意为“完成(困难的事)”,此处是反语的写作手法。故选C项。desire意为“渴望”;ffer意为“主动提出”。
    解析:根据上文Pulling ut paper and a pencil可知,老师拿出纸和笔是让作者画一幅画。故选D项。evaluate意为“评估;评价";sculpt 意为“雕刻”。
    解析:根据下文 Sn a scenic frest full f life was _____ in my mind.可知,作者脑海里浮现出了一片充满生机的风景如画的森林,这是作者想象的结果,故此处表示作者开始发挥自己的想象力。故选B项。
    22.答案: A
    解析:根据上文可知,作者发挥了想象力之后,脑海中想象出了一片充满生机的风景如画的森林。picture在此处作动词,意为“想象”,故选A项。replace 意为“代替”;identify意为“识别;确定”;explre 意为“探索”。
    解析:根据上文中a scenic frest full f life可知,作者想象出了一片充满生机的风景如画的森林,故此处指生动的想象。vivid意为“生动的;鲜活的”,故选C项。messy意为“混乱的;凌乱的”。
    解析:根据下文I had never dne befre可知,作者将这首乐曲的精华淋漓尽致地表达出来。exceptinal 意为“优秀的”,故选D项。cmmn意为“普遍的;常见的”;brief 意为“简短的";childish 意为“孩子般的”。
    25.答案: A
    解析:下文“That's the best playing I've ever heard frm yu,”是凯特对作者演奏的评价,由此可推出曲子演奏结束。wrap up意为“圆满完成”,故选A项。take dwn意为“取下;写下”;reflect n意为“深思;反思”;set abut意为“开始;着手做”。
    解析:根据上文内容可知,一开始作者无法投入感情去演奏乐曲,所以曲子演奏得很糟糕,凯特引导作者画出了脑海中想象的场景后,作者在演奏时投入了前所未有的感情。由此可知,此处表示画出想象中的场景帮助作者更好地演绎了这首曲子。interpret 意为“演绎;表演”,故选C项。preserve意为“保护”;spread意为“传播;扩散;蔓延”;cmpse意为“作曲”。
    27.答案: A
    解析:根据上文内容可知,这节音乐课让作者得到了启发,演奏出了自己的最高水平,故这节课是启发性的。故选A项。cnfusing 意为“令人困惑的”;shameful意为“可耻的;丢脸的”;adventurus意为“勇于冒险的;敢于创新的”。
    解析:根据上文Smetimes all we need is t use ur creativity and try different methds when facing difficulties.可知,作者明白了在面对困难时尝试不同的方法,因此作者学会的是解决问题的能力。故选B项。infrmatin-srting意为“整理信息的”;critical-thinking意为“批判性思考的”;decisin-making意为“作出决定的”。
    ②考查副词。句意同上。修饰动词短语are lking fr,需用副词cnstantly,作状语。故填cnstantly。
    ③考查介词。句意:它们还能帮助人们释放现代生活的紧张吗?let g f为固定搭配,意为“释放”。故填f。
    ⑥考查冠词。句意同上。此处指上文的“viced meditatin (冥想) apps”,表示特指,需用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
    ⑦考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:其他可以帮助人们放松的声音是海浪拍打海岸的声音,微风和小雨。陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主句主语为Other sunds,主句be动词用are。故填are。
    ⑨考查形容词。句意:根据加州州立理工大学的研究,即使是录下鸟鸣也会对人的情绪有益。be动词后面接形容词beneficial,作表语,be beneficial t (有益于)。故填beneficial。
    30.答案: prir
    31.答案: disappinted
    解析:考查动词。句意:我们必须说明我们出差时花的每一分钱。根据句意和首字母提示可知,动词accunt“解释”符合,accunt fr“说明……的原因”是固定搭配;情态动词have t后跟动词原形。故填accunt。
    解析:考查名词。句意:建筑物任由恶劣天气的摆布而破败。结合句意和首字母提示可知,名词mercy“怜悯”符合,作宾语;at the mercy f“任凭……摆布,受……支配”是固定短语。故填mercy。
    解析:考查被动语态。句意:这两种情况之间的联系可以从以前的研究中推断出来。根据汉语提示“推断”可知,此处为动词infer,A link between the tw cnditins和谓语动词infer为被动关系,需用被动语态,已有be动词,空处需填过去分词表被动。故填inferred。
    With the purpse f facilitating students’ better understanding f Chinese fd culture, a Chinese Fd Culture Festival will be arranged by the Students’ Unin recently. Here, we are calling fr yur cntributins t help us make the festival mre creative.
    Any spellbinding activity planning t shwcase Chinese fd culture is welcme. Yur scheme is expected t be riginal with a detailed implementatin plan. All submissins shuld be addressed t studentsunin@htmail.cm within the deadline f March 1st. Thse whse ideas are adpted will be awarded.
    We are eagerly awaiting yur thught-prvking perspectives and inspiring ideas.
    The Students’ Unin
    原句:With the purpse f facilitating students’ better understanding f Chinese fd culture, a Chinese Fd Culture Festival will be arranged by the Students’ Unin recently.
    拓展句:A Chinese Fd Culture Festival will be arranged by the Students’ Unin recently, whse aim is t facilitate students’ better understanding f Chinese fd culture.
    [高分句型1] Any spellbinding activity planning t shwcase Chinese fd culture is welcme. (运用了现在分词作定语)
    [高分句型2] Thse whse ideas are adpted will be awarded. (运用了whse引导定语从句)
    46.答案:The next several hurs were lng and arduus. Even with the stranger’s help, we weren’t able t mve Emma a little. N matter what we did r hw Emma mved, the rck squeezed tighter. Eventually a park ranger came dwn. The fire department was n its way, but a rescue wuld take time. Emma was exhausted, cld, hungry and terrified. I gave Emma my shirt t cver her cld legs and tried t keep her calm.
    Almst five hurs after we had entered the cave, the rescue team arrived. Our rescuer slwly chiseled away the ancient cave wall, and then wrked very hard t mve Emma. “Let’s get yu ut f here,” the firefighter tld her as he gave a sign f relief. They wriggled their way ut f the cave with me fllwing behind. Frtunately, Emma eventually escaped frm the cave and cried tears f jy. That day, I learned a big lessn abut being mre careful during explratin.
    [高分句型1] N matter what we did r hw Emma mved, the rck squeezed tighter.(使用了“n matter what”引导的让步状语从句)
    [高分句型2] They wriggled their way ut f the cave with me fllwing behind. (使用了“with的复合结构”)

    江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月第一次质量检测英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月第一次质量检测英语试卷(含答案),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,首字母填空,词汇互译,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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