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    05 Unit 6 语法填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)
    05 Unit 6 语法填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)01
    05 Unit 6 语法填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)02
    05 Unit 6 语法填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)03
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    05 Unit 6 语法填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)

    这是一份05 Unit 6 语法填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标),共17页。试卷主要包含了5+0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Yu may think that cmplete wheels are necessary when it cmes t bicycles, but ne creative 1 (engineer) recent inventin shws that tw half wheels are just as gd as ne full wheel.
    Sergii Grdieiev is 2 engineer and Internet star. He is 3 (knw) fr his wnderful inventins. Of these, his latest creatin is undubtedly the mst eye-catching. His 4 (usual) bike has tw half rear wheels (后车轮) instead f a cmplete ne, and they wrk tgether t d the jb f a nrmal ne. As strange as it sunds, this crazy bike shws that tw half wheels, when used 5 (crrect), are just as gd as ne full wheel. The key 6 this inventin is the timing f the split (分裂的) wheels. As ne f tw half rear wheels is in the air, the ther half wheel lands n the grund t keep everything balanced. 7 a clever idea!
    Grdieiev says that even if the wheel is perfect, as he tries t shw 0.5+0.5=1, there’s really n gd reasn 8 (break) a perfectly gd bicycle. Frm making the rear frame(后车架) f the bicycle lnger t 9 (cut) a wheel in half and making sure they wrk tgether t carry ut the functin f a full wheel, yu can’t imagine hw much wrk he has put int the bike.
    The engineer adds that he hpes t excite peple’s 10 (interesting) in DIY thrugh his example and encurage them t be creative.
    Inventins usually make a big 11 (difference) t peple’s lives. D yu have any great inventins at hme? D they help yu a lt in yur life r bring yu much fun? The mst 12 (help) inventin fr kids is the reading pen. With the specially-designed pen, kids find it cnvenient and fun 13 (learn). Little kids can learn a lt, including stry-telling, pems and music. They start learning by 14 (tuch) the cntents(内容) in the bks with the pen. This way kids can learn by 15 (they). They are als great helpers fr primary schl students after schl.
    Inventins play an imprtant part all the time. In ur 16 (day) life, we can see inventins everywhere. Even the 17 (small) inventins can make a big deal t ur lives. The barcde (条形码) is ne 18 the mst useful inventins. If yu want t knw the infrmatin f the prduct, yu can scan the barcde with yur smartphne. But d yu knw 19 the barcde was invented? Here is smething abut it. In the 20 (five) mnth f 1948, an wner f a small fd stre fund it difficult t recrd the prices f his 21 (prduct). S he turned t the Drexel Institute f Technlgy fr help. He wanted t find 22 way t slve the prblem. The gd news was that Bernard Silver 23 (take) up the challenge and began wrking n it. At last Bernard Silver and a grup f 24 (he) students set up a barcde system t slve the prblem. Nw the inventin is mre and mre 25 (wide) used in the wrld.
    Cnfucius is China’s mst famus thinker and teacher. Tday, peple still fllw Cnfucius’s lessns. He tld us that we all have smething wrthy(值得的) t be learned. “Take a walk with any three peple and at least ne f them will have smething 26 (teach) yu.” D yu knw the stry f him?
    Cnfucius lived in the Kingdm f Lu during the Spring and Autumn Perid. When Cnfucius was yung, he visited many famus teachers and studied music, histry, petry and sprts. At the age f 22, he became a teacher himself and started his wn schl. At that time nly children frm rich 27 (family) culd g t schl, but Cnfucius 28 (simple) believed everyne shuld g t schl if they wanted t learn. In his life, he had ver 3, 000 students. Fr mre than 2,000 years, Cnfucius’s ideas 29 (be) ppular in peple’s lives. Mst f his ideas 30 (write) dwn by his students. S peple can still hear them tday.
    Nw his ideas have gne far int east and suth Asia because they are 31 (help) t peple’s life and the sciety. Sme f Cnfucius’s mst famus sayings are, “A kind persn shuld care fr thers.” and “Be strict with 32 (yu), but be kind t thers.”
    Lk at the ld man. He 33 (lk)like the famus scientist Einstein. It is a rbt which was 34 (invent)by American scientists. Althugh it has nly a head and tw shulders, it can make different faces. Scientists als made many rbts that are gd at 35 (cmmunicate)with peple.
    This kind f rbt first 36 (appear)in America. It can nt nly knw peple’s feelings, but als guess peple’s age. It even can make sme simple human actins, such as 37 (shake)its hands.
    Sme scientists hpe t make mre rbts with mre actins just like human beings. They want t make mre rbts wh are kind-hearted, understanding and 38 (care)abut thers. “It is very imprtant t make such kinds f rbts. We als hpe they are as clever 39 us.” The famus scientist Hansn said.
    But it is very hard t make such kinds f rbts. 40 the cleverer the rbts are, the mre they will be refused. S the American scientists chse the head f the famus scientist Einstein. Because he was a 41 (peace)and kind-hearted ld persn. But this kind f rbt is very expensive. It csts abut 75 thusand dllars t make ne Einstein rbt. Hansn hpes ne day 42 cst f making a rbt can be nly 200 dllars.
    At the end f the Spring and Autumn Perid, there was a man named Ga Chai in the Qi Kingdm. Ga Chai was clever and kind-hearted. Many stries abut his childhd were tld in his hmetwn.
    Fr example, ne day, little Ga Chai and his friends 43 (play) near a river when ne f them fell int the water. The ther 44 (kid) were shcked and very frightened (受惊吓的). They did nt knw what 45 (d) and there were n adults t help. Ga Chai quickly fund a slutin. He picked up a large gurd (葫芦) and threw 46 t his friend in the river. His friend 47 (understand) at nce and caught the gurd, which enabled him t flat n the water and swim t the river bank.
    Ga Chai’s mther was ften ill. When his father was ut, the little by wuld help a lt in the huse, cking meals fr his mther and preparing medicine fr her.
    After sme time, Ga Chai went t the Lu Kingdm and became a student f Cnfucius (孔子). He was neither gd-lking 48 tall, and he did nt talk much. Even Cnfucius did nt have a high pinin f him at first. Frtunately, Ga Chai had ne gd friend amng his classmates whse name was Zilu. Zilu later served as an fficial (官员) in the Lu Kingdm. He 49 (ask) t recmmend (推荐) smene t be a gd gvernment fficial. The persn he recmmended was Ga Chai.
    Paper is 50 cmmn thing in ur daily life. It is 51 (make) frm wd. It is used by peple every day, 52 (especial) students, teachers and wrkers in the ffice. D yu knw abut its histry?
    Paper, zhi, was a Chinese 53 (invent). 2,000 years ag, Chinese peple invented paper-making. This zhi was made 54 silk and was very expensive. Only the emperr and rich peple culd affrd t use it. 1,900 years ag, Cai Lun 55 (imprve) the paper—making prcess. He made cheap jinzhi ut f tree and ld clth. The imprvement in paper-making spread zhi far and wide, and many different 56 (kind) f zhi were made 57 Chinese peple. Xuan paper, a type f high quality rice paper, best shws the charm f 58 (traditin) Chinese painting and calligraphy(书法). 59 (late), Chinese zhi spread t the West via the Chinese Silk Rad.
    In ur mdern life, we can see inventins everywhere. It is s hard t imagine what life will be like 60 these inventins, like cars, cmputers, televisins r zippers. Even the smallest inventins can make a big 61 (different)t ur life. The bare-cde(条形码)is ne f 62 (useful)inventins. If yu want t knw the infrmatin f the 63 (prduct), yu can scan the bar-cde with yur smart phnes. But d yu knw 64 the bar-cde was invented? Here is smething abut it.
    In 1984, an wner f a small fd stre fund it difficult t recrd the inventry(详细目录)and prices, 65 he wanted t find a way t slve the prblem. The gd news was that Bernard Silver tk up the challenge and began t wrk n it. At last, Bernard Silver and a grup f students frm the institute set up 66 bar-cde system t slve the prblem. In rder 67 (prtect)the inventin, Bernard and his classmate Wdland decided t get patent(专利). It 68 (take) them abut three years. Finally, n Octber 7th, 1985, they gt the patent. And the inventins 69 (use) by many peple arund the wrld tday.
    Dreams are ften mysterius. One day, a man named Zhuang Zhu had a very interesting dream. He dreamed f 70 (becme) a beautiful butterfly. Flying arund, he culd d anything he wanted. Hw happy and carefree he was! He frgt that he was a man.
    Then he wke up frm his dream and fund he was a man.
    “Wh am I, indeed (到底)?” he asked 71 (he).
    “Am I Zhuang Zhu r the butterfly?”
    72 (final), he said, “Maybe I am a butterfly. In my dream, I became a man and my name was Zhuang Zhu.”
    Zhuang Zhu lived mre than 2,000 years ag. We als 73 (call) him Zhuang Zi.
    Zhuang Zi lved nature and freedm. He thught that peple and animals shuld be treated equally. There are many interesting 74 (stry) abut him and animals.
    Once, Zhuang Zi and his friend were taking a walk alng the river. After a while, Zhuang Zi said, “Lk at the fish! Hw happy they are!” His friend asked him, “Yu are nt a fish. Hw d yu knw they are happy?” Zhuang Zi smiled, “But yu are nt me. Hw d yu knw that I dn’t knw the 75 (fish) feelings?”
    Is Zhuang Zi’s questin a 76 (difficulty) ne? What d yu think he was—a man r a butterfly?
    This is Tammela Schl, a primary schl in Finland. The students are having a math class with their rbt teacher.
    The “teacher” is 77 tiny, blue machine abut 25cm high, Reuters reprted. N matter when students have prblems, it helps them very 78 (patient) and never gets bred.
    “The rbt can make students much 79 (active) in class than usual. I see Elias as ne f the 80 (tl) t get different kinds f practice and activities int the classrm,” a teacher tld Reuters.
    In the past few years, the schl 81 (intrduce) fur rbt teachers, ne f whm is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance t music. “ 82 is necessary t encurage kids t cme up 83 new ways t make use f technlgy in schl life,” the head f the schl 84 (add) in the interview.
    The rbt teachers are used 85 (help) imprve learning. This desn’t mean that human teachers will lse their jbs. The rbts can teach well, 86 they are nt able t keep class in rder. The schl still needs human teachers.
    In late May, 2020, a cuntry in Flrida suffered strng strms. The rads changed int brwn rivers.
    When it rains 87 (heavy), rainwater builds up the streets, the drains (下水道) get plugged (塞住). And it becmes the key cause f weather-related prblem f 88 (die) in the USA.
    A team f teenagers frm lcal middle schl made a plan 89 (slve) this prblem. With the help f their science teacher, they invented a device (装置) t warn city wrkers when and 90 there is a danger f flding (洪水).
    Bianca, ne f the team 91 (member), said, “All f us experienced prblems with flding, and we knew we had t d smething abut it. Students at ur schl hpe ur device 92 (help) because mst f them nce met with this prblem.”
    A laser system (激光系统) 93 (use) in their device. When a drain was plugged up, the device culd warn the city wrkers then 94 (it) culd clean the drain at nce.
    They gt many supprts frm peple arund. Their classmates helped them find infrmatin abut hw t use the laser system. Class parents wh 95 (be) engineers helped them slve the technique (技术) prblems. They each tk n a task that they are gd 96 . Each member put in a lt f effrt and finally they made it.
    The juney f the Cmmunist Party f China (CPC) was marked by many imprtant things.
    The places f these things nw als becme “red revlutinary bases (革命根据地)”. The “red spirit” has a deep influence n lts f Chinese peple, bth ld 97 yung.
    Fr example, the CPC’s birthplace f Jiaxing in Zhejiang is a ppular symbl f curage and pineering spirit. Jinggangshan in Jiangxi is knwn as the “cradle (摇篮) f the Chinese revlutin”. Ma Zedng 98 (start) the first revlutinary base there.
    Other places such as Yan’an in Shaanxi and Linyi in Shandng are als “ld revlutinary bases”. The CPC wrked tgether with peple t fight in wars. A hundred years have passed, and these “revlutinary bases” 99 (change) greatly s far. Sme f them are n lnger pr villages, and thers becme ppular turist areas. There are many yung peple wh are trying their best t wrk fr their hmetwns in many ways.
    Hw are the yung peple frm these places influenced by “red spirit”? Hw d they carry ut the spirit in their 100 (day) lives? T answer these questins, TEENS has interviewed several lcal yung peple. “Their stries shwed that the ‘red spirit’ wuld never be ut f time. It will keep 101 (encurage) us t wrk hard, feel thankful and serve thers,” Wang Jie, a yung man said.
    1.engineer’s 2.an 3.knwn 4.unusual 5.crrectly 6.t 7.What 8.t break 9.cutting 10.interest
    【导语】本文主要讲述Sergii Grdieiev是一位富有创造力的工程师,他发明了一辆有两个半后轮的自行车,这些半轮可以一起工作以完成正常车轮的工作。Grdieiev希望通过他的发明激发人们对DIY的兴趣和创造力。
    2.句意:Sergii Grdieiev是一名工程师和网络明星。此处泛指“一名工程师”,且“engineer”以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an修饰。故填an。
    3.句意:他以他奇妙的发明而闻名。be knwn fr“以……而著名”,固定短语。故填knwn。
    4.句意:他不寻常的自行车有两个半后轮,而不是一个完整的后轮,它们一起工作来完成正常车轮的工作。根据“has tw half rear wheels (后车轮) instead f a cmplete ne”可知,他设计的自行车有两个半后轮而不是一个完整的后轮,这是不同寻常的自行车,应用形容词unusual“不同寻常的”修饰名词“bike”。故填unusual。
    6.句意:这项发明的关键是分离轮的定时。the key t…“……的关键”,固定搭配。故填t。
    8.句意:Grdieiev说,即使车轮是完美的,正如他试图展示的0.5+0.5=1一样,也没有充分的理由破坏一辆完美的自行车。此处应用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词“reasn”。故填t break。
    11.difference 12.helpful 13.t learn 14.tuching 15.themselves
    12.句意:对孩子们最有用的发明是阅读笔。根据题干“The mst…inventin fr kids”可知空处应填形容词helpful“有用的”修饰名词“inventin”,故填helpful。
    13.句意:有了这种特别设计的笔,孩子们觉得学习既方便又有趣。find it+adj+t d sth“发现做某事是……的”,为固定用法,空处应填动词不定式。故填t learn。
    14.句意:他们从用笔触摸书本内容开始学习。by ding sth意为“通过做某事”,为固定用法,空处应填动名词,故填tuching。
    15.句意:这样孩子们就可以自己学习了。根据题干“This way kids can learn by”可知,此处指的是孩子们自己学习,by neself以为“独自”,此处主语是“kids”,故反身代词用themselves。故填themselves。
    16.daily 17.smallest 18.f 19.hw 20.fifth 21.prducts 22.a 23.tk 24.his 25.widely
    18.句意:条形码是最有用的发明之一。“ne f the + 最高级 + 名词复数”是固定结构,意为“……之一”。故填f。
    25.句意:现在,该发明在世界上的应用越来越广泛。句中“be used”意为“被使用”,可知used是动词,其前应用副词来修饰,作状语;widely,副词,意为“广泛地”。故填widely。
    26.t teach 27.families 28.simply 29.have been 30.were written 31.helpful 32.yurself
    26.句意:三人行且其中必有一个人教你某些东西。分析句子可知,不定式作后置定语,所以是t teach。故填t teach。
    29.句意:2000多年来,孔子的想法都在人们的生活中很受欢迎。根据“Fr mre than 2,000 years,”可知时态为现在完成时,由于主语“Cnfucius’s ideas”是复数,所以是have been。故填have been。
    30.句意:大多数想法被他的学生记下来了。分析句子可知,此句的时态为一般过去时,由于主语是“Mst f his ideas”与谓语动词write是动宾关系,所以是被动语态。故填were written。
    33.lks 34.invented 35.cmmunicating 36.appeared 37.shaking 38.caring 39.as 40.Because 41.peaceful 42.the
    35.句意:科学家们还制造了许多善于与人沟通的机器人。be gd at ding sth.意为“擅长做某事”,介词at后用动名词。cmmunicate的动名词形式为cmmunicating。故填cmmunicating。
    36.句意:这种机器人最早出现在美国。根据“This kind f rbt first…(appear)in America”可知,这种机器人最早出现在美国,应该是已经发生,所以用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,appear的过去式为appeared。故填appeared。
    37.句意:它甚至可以做出一些简单的人类行为,比如握手。根据“It even can make sme simple human actins, such as…(shake)its hands.”可知,它甚至可以做出一些简单的人类行为。表达“人类行为”的名称应用动名词。故填shaking。
    38.句意:他们想制造更多的心地善良,理解他人,关心他人的机器人。be caring abut意为“关心”。故填caring。
    39.句意:我们也希望他们和我们一样聪明。as…as…意为“和……一样”,中间用形容词或副词的原形。as clever as意为“和……一样聪明”。故填as。
    40.句意:因为机器人越聪明,就越会被拒绝。根据下一句“S the American scientists chse the head f the famus scientist Einstein.”可知,因此,美国科学家选择了著名科学家爱因斯坦的头像。因此本句是在说原因,所以用because引导原因状语从句。故填Because。
    41.句意:因为他是一个平和善良的老人。根据“Because he was a…(peace)and kind-hearted ld persn.”可知,因为他是一个……善良的老人。并列连词and前后的单词的词性应是一样的。kind-hearted是形容词,peace的形容词为peaceful。故填peaceful。
    42.句意:汉森希望有一天制造一个机器人的成本能只有200美元。the cst f意为“……的成本”。故填the。
    43.were playing 44.kids 45.t d 46.it 47.understd 48.nr 49.was asked
    43.句意:例如,一天,当小高柴和他的朋友们在河边玩时,他们中有一个人掉进了水里。本句是when引导的时间状语从句,强调一个动作发生时另一个动作正在进行。从句是一般过去时,主句应用过去进行时,形式为“be+ding”,主语为复数,所以用were。故填were playing。
    45.句意:他们都不知道该怎么做,而且也没有大人来帮忙。此处“疑问词+不定式”结构作“knw”的宾语,故填t d。
    49.句意:他被要求推荐一个人做一名优秀的政府官员。根据“He”与“ask”的关系可知,主语为动词的承受者,所以此处为被动语态,表示“他被要求”,形式为“be+过去分词”;根据“The persn he recmmended was Ga Chai.”可知,时态为“一般过去时”,主语“He”为第三人称单数,所以be动词用was;ask的过去分词为asked,故填was asked。
    50.a 51.made 52.especially 53.inventin 54.f 55.imprved 56.kinds 57.by 58.traditinal 59.Later
    51.句意:它是由木头制成的。be made frm表示“由……制成”,此处表示被动,应用过去分词,故填made。
    54.句意:这纸是丝绸做的,非常昂贵。根据“was made”和后文的“silk”,此处表示由丝绸制成,能看出原材料,应用be made f,故填f。
    55.句意:1900年前,蔡伦改进了造纸工艺。根据“1,900 years ag”可知,此处是描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,故填imprved。
    56.句意:造纸术的进步使之广为流传,中国人制作了许多不同种类的纸。根据“many different”,此处名词应用复数,kinds“种类”,故填kinds。
    57.句意:造纸术的进步使之广为流传,中国人制作了许多不同种类的纸。根据“Chinese peple”可知,此处表示“被某人制作”,应用搭配be made by sb.,故填by。
    58.句意:宣纸是一种优质宣纸,最能体现中国传统书画的魅力。根据“Chinese painting”,空后是名词短语可知,此处应用形容词作定语,故填traditinal。
    59.句意:之后,中国的纸经由中国的丝绸之路传到西方。根据“Chinese zhi spread t the West via the Chinese Silk Rad.”,空处用逗号隔开,表示之后,应用副词later,故填Later。
    60.withut 61.difference 62.the mst useful 63.prducts 64.hw 65.s 66.a 67.t prtect 68.tk 69.are used
    60.句意:很难想象如果没有这些发明,比如汽车、电脑、电视或拉链,生活会是什么样子。根据“It is s hard t imagine what life will be inventins”可知是无法想象没有这些发明,生活是什么样子的,withut“没有”。故填withut。
    61.句意:即使是最微小的发明也能给我们的生活带来巨大的影响。a后加可数名词单数difference“不同”构成make a difference“产生影响”。故填difference。
    62.句意:条形码是最有用的发明之一。此处是结构ne f the+最高级+名词复数“最……的……之一”,useful的最高级是mst useful。故填the mst useful。
    64.句意:但是你知道条形码是怎么发明的吗?根据“the bar-cde was invented”可知是条形码是如何发明的。故填hw。
    67.句意:为了保护这项发明,伯纳德和他的同学伍德兰决定获得专利。prtect“保护”,in rder t d sth.“为了做某事”。故填t prtect。
    69.句意:如今,这些发明被世界各地的许多人所使用。主语the inventins和谓语use之间是被动关系,根据“nw”可知此处用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是名词复数,be动词用are。故填are used。
    70.becming 71.himself 72.Finally 73.call 74.stries 75.fish’s 76.difficult
    70.句意:他梦想变成一只美丽的蝴蝶。dream f ding sth“梦想做某事”。故填becming。
    71.句意:他问他自己。根据“Wh am I, indeed (到底)?”可知,这里是他问他自己这个问题,所以填反身代词。故填himself。
    77.a 78.patiently 79.mre active 80.tls 81.has intrduced 82.It 83.with 84.added 85.t help 86.but
    79.句意:这个机器人使学生们变得比平常更加的活跃。根据句意及句中的“than”可知,这里表示与平时状态的一个对比,应用形容词的比较级形式,故填mre active。
    80.句意:我认为Elias是一种把实践和活动融入课堂的工具。根据“ne f the...”表示“……之一”,后面要跟名词的复数,故填tls。
    81.句意:到目前为止,这个学校已经引进了四个机器人老师。根据句意和句中的时间状语“S far”可知,要用现在完成时,结构是“have/has+过去分词”,主语是“the schl”,为单数,故填has intrduced。
    82.句意:有必要鼓励孩子们想出新的办法在学校生活中利用科技。根据“…is necessary t encurage kids t cme up”可知这句话中使用的是it的固定句型:“It is+形容词+t d sth.”,意为“做某事是……的”,其中“It”是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故填It。
    83.句意:有必要鼓励孩子们想出新的办法在学校生活中利用科技。根据“cme up…new ways”可知这里考查的是一个固定短语cme up with,意思是“想出,提出”,故填with。
    84.句意:校长在采访中补充说……。根据“In the past few years”及文意可知,这个对校长采访时是已经发生的事情了,所以这里应用一般过去时态,故填added。
    85.句意:机器人老师被用来帮助提高学习。根据“are used”可知此处考查短语be used t d sth.“被用来做某事”,指的是机器人老师被用来帮助提高学习,因此这里填动词不定式t help。故填t help。
    86.句意:这些机器人可以教得很好,但是他们不能够维持课堂秩序。根据空前的“teach well”和空后的“they are nt able t keep class in rder”可知前后是转折关系,故这里填连词but“但是”。故填but。
    87.heavily 88.deaths 89.t slve 90.where
    91.members 92.will help
    93.was used 94.they 95.were
    88.句意:它成为美国与天气有关的死亡问题的主要原因。根据“And it becmes the key cause f weather-related prblem the USA.”可知此处应填名词,death“死亡”,此处是指死亡数或死亡人口的具体概念,是可数名词, 应用复数表泛指,故填deaths。
    89.句意:一组来自当地中学的青少年制定了解决这个问题的计划。分析题干可知,制定计划是为了解决问题,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填t slve。
    90.句意:在他们的科学老师的帮助下,他们发明了一种装置来警告城市工人何时何地有洪水的危险。根据“warn city wrkers when is a danger f flding (洪水).”可知这个装置可以警告城市工人何时何地有洪水的危险。where“哪里”符合语境,故填where。
    91.句意:比安卡是小组成员之。ne f后加名词复数,故填members。
    92.句意:我们学校的学生希望我们的设备能有所帮助,因为他们中的大多数人都曾经遇到过这个问题。根据“Students at ur schl hpe ur device”语境可知,设备有帮助是发生在将来,应用一般将来时,故填will help。
    93.句意:他们的装置中使用了激光系统。主语和动词use是动宾关系,应用被动语态,结合后句可知本句应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词用was。故填was used。
    96.句意:他们各自承担了一项自己擅长的任务。根据“They each tk n a task that they are gd”可知应该是承担自己擅长的任务,be gd at“擅长”。故填at。
    97.and 98.started 99.have changed 100.daily 101.encuraging
    98.句意:毛泽东在那里建立了第一个革命根据地。根据“Ma first revlutinary base there.”可知,毛泽东建立第一个革命根据地是发生在过去的事情,动词用过去式,start“创办”的过去式为started,故填started。
    99.句意:一百年过去了,这些“革命根据地”发生了很大的变化。根据“s far”可知,本句为现在完成时态,其构成为:have/has+dne,又因为主语为复数,所以用“have+dne”,故填have changed。
    100.句意:他们是如何在日常生活中弘扬这种精神的?根据“Hw d they carry ut the spirit in ”可知,本空缺定语修饰名词lives,day的形容词形式为daily“日常的”,故填daily。
    101.句意:它将不断鼓励我们努力工作,心存感激,为他人服务。keep ding意为“持续做某事”,故填encuraging。

    06 Unit 7 语法填空15篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标): 这是一份06 Unit 7 语法填空15篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标),共24页。

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