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    这是一份2024届广东省广州市高三上学期12月调研考试(零模)英语试题及答案,文件包含2024届广州市高三年级调研测试答案及评分标准含评分细则及样卷pdf、2024届广州市高三年级调研测试docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Student Film Festival
    Student Film Festival celebrates learning acrss the curriculum thrugh the exciting and dynamic medium f shrt film.
    Thrugh film, students can tell stries, investigate ideas, dcument learning in any area f study and express the cmplexity f their thinking thrugh a range f genres and technical appraches.
    With the creative use f digital media, students can integrate their persnal perspectives t explre the diverse and challenging issues f ur time.
    It’s pen t all students, regardless f schl. We are accepting submissins in the fllwing categries:
    Cartn (up t 30 mins)
    Dcumentary(纪录片)(up t 60 mins)
    Music Vide(under 10 mins)
    Science Fictin Shrt (up t 25 mins)
    Situatinal Cmedy (under 10 mins)
    Web Series(up t three episdes, n mre than 30 mins each)
    S far, mre than 20 entries have been selected acrss all categries. We will gradually annunce the chsen entries fr each categry, giving yu a chance t watch all the films nline and vte fr yur favurites. Winners in all categries will be annunced n Wednesday, 27 December.
    Over the years, ur film festivals have attracted thusands f filmmakers frm arund the wrld. Each festival features live screenings in ur wn schl theater. Our 80-seat theater is utfitted with a 4K prjectr and seven speakers thrughut the venue, delivering high quality in a first-class screening envirnment. Filmmakers whse wrks are accepted int ur festival will receive free passes t the schl theater, invitatins t film masterclasses, and are cnsidered fr awards.
    21. Which f the fllwing can be a suitable submissin t the festival?
    A. A 20-minute recrding f a shrt play.
    B. A tw-hur film recrding yur daily rutine.
    C. A five-minute fun vide abut students' drmitry life.
    D. A 22-minute educatinal vide explaining ppular science.
    22. What can filmmakers d if their wrks are accepted?
    A. Receive a film award. B. Watch films fr free in the schl theater.
    C. Interview film masters. D. Deliver a speech in the venue.
    23. What is the text?
    A. A schedule fr the film selecting prcess.
    B. An invitatin t a filmmakers' celebratin.
    C. An annuncement f a film festival awards.
    D. An advertisement fr an upcming festival.
    Once the chice f ryal husehld, the watermeln has gained ppularity rapidly ver the years, and an nline grcer reprted that the fruit's sales n the platfrm had increased sixfld frm 2020 t 2022, resulting in increasingly high demand fr watermeln quality testers.
    Lee, 32, is extremely busy in the summer mnths. Just by hlding the watermeln near his ear and kncking n the surface with his fingers, Lee says, he can tell by the sund if the fruit is ripe enugh t be eaten r nt. He wrks fr a rural cperative set up by a grup f watermeln farmers, and puts thusands f watermelns thrugh the "knck test" daily, befre they are shipped t dwntwn warehuses where the platfrm surces its supplies.
    The practice f kncking n watermelns t determine their ripeness can be fund acrss cultures. In China, it is cnsidered a natinal habit. Smart buyers tap n the fruit befre purchase t ensure their mney is well-spent. Sme buyers knck n the fruit despite nt knwing what the hllw sund means just t negtiate a better deal frm the seller.
    As fruit sales have mved t nline platfrms in a big way, thse wh make a living by checking the quality f the fruits with their fingers are much in demand. Lee is ne amng the grwing grup. Their task is t cnduct knck tests n behalf f e-buyers and ensure that the fruits selected t be sld nline are unifrm in size and quality.
    Lee, wh was nce an award-winning sccer player, nw describes himself as a "galkeeper fr watermelns". He quit sccer abut fur years ag and learned abut meln-kncking as an emerging prfessin and decided t becme an apprentice(学徒) t an experienced farmer.
    After a year's trial and errr, Lee wrked independently as a quality checker. "It is a highly demanding task. During the apprenticeship, I ften cracked pen melns t cnfirm my judgment. There are just n shrtcuts, " he said.
    24. What is the main purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce an emerging prfessin.
    B. T describe Lee's career transfrmatin.
    C. T discuss the imprtance f fruit quality testers.
    D. T explain the cultural rle f watermeln-kncking.
    25. What has led t the high demand fr watermeln quality testers?
    A. The ppularity f watermelns. B. The big harvest f watermelns.
    C. An increase in watermeln prices. D. A rapid rise in nline watermeln sales.
    26. Why des Lee describe himself as a "galkeeper fr watermelns"?
    A. He was nce an award-winning sccer player.
    B. He dreams f being a prfessinal meln-kncker.
    C. He was taught by an experienced watermeln farmer.
    D. He ensures that custmers enjy watermelns f quality.
    27. What can we learn frm Lee's wrds in the last paragraph?
    A. Seeing is believing. B. Every man has his value.
    C. Great effrts and practice matter. D. Excellence can be fund in any prfessin.
    A mment ccurs in the exchange between prfessr and student when each f us adpts a lk. My lk says, "What, yu dn't understand?" Theirs says, "We dn't. And we think yu're making it up. "We are having a prblem. Basically, we've all read the same stry, but we haven't used the same analytical appraches. It may seem at times as if the prfessr is inventing interpretatins ut f thin air.
    Actually, the truth is that as the slightly mre experienced reader, the prfessr has acquired ver the years the use f a certain "language reading". Besides, he has grasped three prfessinal tls-memry, symbl and pattern. These items separate the prfessinal readers frm the rdinary nes.
    English prfessrs are cursed with memry. When reading a new bk, I cnstantly seek ut cnnectins and inferences, recalling faces and themes frm past readings. I can't nt d it, althugh there are plenty f times when that ability is nt smething I want t exercise. This des nt necessarily imprve the experience f ppular entertainment.
    Prfessrs als read and think symblically. Everything is a symbl f smething, it seems, until prven therwise. We ask: What des the thing ver there represent? The kind f mind that wrks its way thrugh undergraduate and then graduate classes in literature and criticism tends t see things as existing in themselves while als representing smething else. This tendency t understand the wrld in symblic terms is enhanced by years f training and rewards the symblic imaginatin.
    A related phenmenn in prfessrial reading is pattern recgnitin. Mst prfessinal students f literature learn t take in the specific detail while seeing the patterns that the detail reveals. Experience has prved t them that life and bks fall int similar patterns. Literature is full f patterns, and yur reading experience will be much mre rewarding when yu can step back frm the wrk, even while yu are reading it, and lk fr thse patterns.
    28. Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic?
    A. By describing a real-life scene. B. By using ppular qutes.
    C. By presenting cnflicting ideas. D. By raising an interesting questin.
    29. Why d the students think the prfessr is making up interpretatins?
    A. They have limited life experience.
    B. They lack chances fr sufficient reading.
    C. They are unable t analyze the text thrughly.
    D. They d nt trust the prfessr's teaching abilities.
    30. What des paragraph 3 say abut English prfessrs?
    A. They have a strng desire t nt have their gd memry.
    B. Their reading habit desn't always guarantee desirable effects.
    C. Their memry adds t their reading pleasure f ppular wrks.
    D. They keep making cnnectins with their wn life while reading.
    31. Which is the authr's suggestin n reading literature?
    A. Identify the hidden text mdes. B. Perceive many things at the same time.
    C. Lk fr details and language patterns. D. Memrize patterns f symblic meanings.
    Research is making surprising discveries abut insects: Hneybees have emtinal ups and dwns. Cckraches have persnalities and team up t make decisins. Fruit flies experience smething very like fear.
    We're pretty sure ther humans have feelings because they can tell us. But we dn't knw whether the bee is buzzing in anger r in fear. Human babies are silent n the matter, t. It was nly in the 1980s that dctrs came t believe human babies felt pain.
    In recent years, humans have gradually ffered membership in the sentience club nt nly t their wn yung, but t sme ther animals. In the last decade, many cuntries have begun t ban experimentatin n all great apes. And sme cean creatures were recently recgnized as sentient. But with insects, the questin remains pen.
    Andrew Barrn and Clin Klein are behind much f the fundatinal wrk n bee brains. In 2016, they published a paper arguing that insects' brains have the capacity fr subjective experience. Their argument fllws n the research f Swedish scientist BjörnMerker, whse wrk suggests that the mre basic frms f cnsciusness (意识) are lcated nt in the crtex (大脑皮层), which insects d nt have, but in subcrtical structures f the brain, which insects d have. "These subcrtical structures are quite big and have a huge amunt f prcessing pwer, "says Barrn. They als argue that these structures may have been the earlier frms f ur cnsciusness during evlutinary develpment.
    Other researchers are digging int the questin, t. Jessica Ware ntes that she's unsure what the similarities in these subcrtical structures mean fr insect cnsciusness. "We dn't really have enugh infrmatin t distinguish between what culd be cnsciusness r awareness f the surrundings and what culd be us humans interpreting that as cnsciusness, she says.
    Still, Ware lves the idea f expanding the discussin f cnsciusness. "The drs are just pening up fr further explratin, " she says. "This means we might have stpped lking at what it means t be cnscius frm a human-centered view. "
    32. Why is it challenging t determine the emtinal states f insects?
    A. Insects tend t hide their emtins.
    B. Insects are nt capable f cmmunicatin.
    C. Insects rarely experience human-like emtins.
    D. Insects cannt cnvey their emtins t humans.
    33. What des the underlined phrase "sentience club" refer t in paragraph 3?
    A. Animals selected fr scientific research.
    B. Scial clubs funded t prtect animals.
    C. Creatures recgnised as having cnsciusness.
    D. Organizatins cmmitted t emtin management.
    34. What d Barrn and Klein argue abut insect brains?
    A. They have develped in similar ways as human brains.
    B. They have the cmpetence fr emtins and cnsciusness.
    C. They have the same prcessing pwer as human beings d.
    D. They prduce sme basic frms f cnsciusness in the crtex.
    35. What is Ware's cncern abut Barrn and Klein's argument?
    A. The lack f theretical fundatin. B. The pssibility f misinterpretatin.
    C. The underestimatin f brain functin. D. The use f inapprpriate research methd.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Cllabratin happens mre ften than we realize. __36__ This may seem easy in thery but being an effective cllabratr can smetimes be a challenge. Belw are the tips n hw t imprve yur cllabratin skills.
    __37__ During cllabratin, it can be easy t get s wrapped up in yur wn ideas that yu're nt giving yur full attentin and cnsideratin t everyne else's. If everyne in the rm falls victim t this, there wuldn't really be any cllabratin happening. Take time t really listen and prcess the ideas f thers.
    Giving and receiving hnest feedback
    It's imprtant that everyne is able t be straightfrward when giving and receiving feedback. When yu share yur pinin and smene else disagrees with it, try nt t take it persnally.
    __38__ It's nt necessarily fr yur ideas t be right. On the ther hand. yu shuld als feel cmfrtable giving pen and hnest feedback t thers s lng as yu're being plite abut it.
    This culd be smene wh wrks in a different psitin at yur jb. smene with a different backgrund frm yu, r smene wh's an expert in the tpic yu're seeking infrmatin abut. This can help t start mre dynamic cnversatins and intrduce new ideas yu may nt have cme up with if yu were wrking n yur wn r with a grup f like-minded peple.
    Cllabratin may nt always be easy. __40__
    A. Appreciating ideas frm different fields
    B. Seeking cllabratrs utside yur field
    C. It's imprtant t nt let yur self-imprtance take hld.
    D. Withut cllabratin, we may nt be able t cmplete mst f ur wrk.
    E. If yu d feel annyed, remind yurself the gal is t find an ideal slutin.
    F. It can be defined as wrking tgether with thers t achieve a cmmn gal.
    G. But if yu apply these ideas, yu may find the experience prductive and psitive.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Christy was helping Mum srt thrugh bxes they'd fund in their new hme. "Lk, "she held up an ld pht, "It says Mabel beside Dream Lake, summer 1910. " It lked s. __41__. Christy asked if she culd__42__it. Mum agreed, adding that Mabel was nce the wner f the huse, but she didn't knw abut the__43__.
    Nw Christy had a puzzle t__44__. Where was Dream Lake? The next mrning, Christy went t the lcal__45__, where she lked thrugh __46__ f the twn. They shwed streets, businesses, but n lakes. Back hme, while she was staring ut her bedrm windw, a __47__feeling hit her. Christy quickly __48__ Mabel's pht and ran utside. In its __49__, a steeple (尖塔) rse abve a brder f shrt trees. It lked much like the ne nw visible abve the line f trees f her backyard. "Mum!" shuted Christy. "It's the same steeple. This picture was taken in ur __50__!"
    Mum hurried utside t lk. "Yeah, the trees have __51__ grwn, but it's the same steeple. But where's the lake?" They finally turned t the histrical sciety. But n ne there had ever heard f such a lake. And all the__52__prved useless.
    "I dn't__53__it, "said Christy in cnfusin.
    That night, __54__came dwn and cled the air. Early the next mrning, Christy wke up and lked ut f her windw. "Dream Lake!" yelled Christy. "We __55__the puzzle, Mum!"
    41.A. clurfulB. histricalC. permanentD. real
    42.A. shareB. hangC. cpyD. keep
    43.A. ladyB. timeC. lakeD. pht
    44.A. care frB. wrry abutC. wrk utD. take up
    45.A. galleryB. parkC. theatreD. library
    46.A. mapsB. pstersC. filmsD. jurnals
    47.A. psitiveB. familiarC. hrribleD. strange
    48.A. hidB. threwC. treD. grabbed
    49.A. cmpsitinB. backgrundC. reflectinD. shade
    50.A. backyardB. huseC. neighburhdD. twn
    51.A. merelyB. slwlyC. hardlyD. truly
    52.A. searchesB. aidsC. scenesD. guesses
    53.A. makeB. likeC. getD. believe
    54.A. snwB. rainC. windD. fg
    55.A. slvedB. fundC. cmpletedD. prved
    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Recently, Guangzhu has successfully hsted the "Understanding China" Internatinal Cnference 2023, the 5th Wrld Media Summit, and ther significant events, nce again highlighting its rle as__56__windw fr the wrld t cmprehend China's high-quality develpment. S, __57__Guangzhu? Let's find ut.
    __58__(gain)a deeper understanding f China, ne must experience its histry and culture. With a histry f ver 2, 000 years and a rich cultural heritage, Guangzhu ffers a variety f histrical and cultural__59__(treasure). In this city, yu can sip a cup f cffee while watching Cantnese pera in Yngqingfang r taste Cantnese dim sum while gazing at Western-style architecture n Shamian Island.
    Ecnmy is anther crucial aspect in understanding China. In recent years, Guangzhu has__60__(active) participated in the Belt and Rad internatinal cperatin, gradually__61__ (establish)a cmprehensive, multi-level, and wide-ranging pattern f pening-up. As a thusand-year-ld cmmercial city knwn fr the Cantn Fair, Guangzhu has drawn__62__(glbe)attentin with its pen genes and prsperus ecnmy.
    Cnnecting with the wrld als requires a highly__63__(develp)transprtatin netwrk. Guangzhu has cnstructed a mdern three-dimensinal transprtatin system that links airprts, seaprts, railway prts, and digital prts, prviding easy access__64__bth dmestic and freign participants.
    Guangzhu's penness, inclusiveness, vitality, and innvative spirit make it an ideal chice fr hsting internatinal events, which, in turn, __65__ (help)the ecnmic and scial develpment f the city.
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    学校英语俱乐部正在开展以Ways t Relieve Stress为题的讨论。请根据图表中的调查结
    果写一篇发言稿, 内容包括:
    1. 简述调查结果;
    2. 评价并提出建议。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Ways t Relieve Stress
    Recently a survey was carried ut abut ways t relieve stress.
    My little sister, Meg, said that she wasn't afraid f the dark anymre and she'd be OK staying with Aunt Lily in the cuntry." As lng as yu're there, Mike," she had said. Still, Mum was wrried. Meg had never slept away frm hme, away frm the city. S I tld Mum I culd handle everything.
    Even thugh we were nly staying vernight, Meg had brught six bks-all abut fairies (仙女 ). After we unpacked, Aunt Lily invited us t pick sme flwers. As we fllwed her thrugh the frest, Meg held my hand tightly. But nce we reached the sunlit grassland, she let g. "Butterflies!" whispered Meg. She screamed with delight when ne flew near her.
    Maybe I had nthing t wrry abut, I thught. I still remembered when I was here last summer, I fund sme amazing insects, like fireflies(萤火虫) and walking sticks which I'd never seen in the city.
    "Fairies are magical. See these beautiful flwers they grw!" she kept telling abslutely everything she knew abut fairies. I was glad that if she kept it up until bedtime, then maybe she'd fall right t sleep.
    Meg did keep chatting, right thrugh supper. Then the sun began t set. "Des it get really dark ut here at night?" she asked. Her eyes were fixed n the windw.
    "Sure, but we've gt plenty f lights inside," said Aunt Lily. She leaned ver and gave Meg a warm smile. But I culd tell she was still wrried. "I culd read t yu."
    I hadn't even finished a page when her bttm lip started shaking slightly. "Mike," she said, her eyes starting t fill. "I want t g hme." I quickly searched thrugh her bk fr smething t keep her frm crying.
    The bk fell pen t a page that was dg-eared frm use, a page that was bviusly ne f Meg's favrites. The text read: "Amng the trees deep in the frest, the lights f fairies gleam (闪烁)."Aha! Hw culd I frget thse "tiny fairies" ut there?
    "Meg, there's smething utside I want t shw yu," I whispered.
    "Tiny fairies, Mike!" she said, pressing her frehead against the windw, "Everywhere!"

    2024届广东省广州市高三上学期调研测试(零模)英语: 这是一份2024届广东省广州市高三上学期调研测试(零模)英语,文件包含2024届广州市高三年级调研测试答案及评分标准含评分细则及样卷pdf、2024届广州市高三年级调研测试docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    2024届广东省广州市高三上学期调研测试(零模)英语: 这是一份2024届广东省广州市高三上学期调研测试(零模)英语,文件包含2024届广州市高三年级调研测试答案及评分标准含评分细则及样卷pdf、2024届广州市高三年级调研测试docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

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