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    英语试题 2020.12
    第一部分 综合运用(共四节,满分55分)
    第一节 课外阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    Sam and Je were spacemen. There was nce a very dangerus trip and the mre experienced spacemen knew there was nly a small chance f cming back alive Sam and Je, hwever, thught it wuld be full f excitement thugh a little dangerus.
    “We’re the best men fr the jb,” they said t the bss. “There may be prblems, but we can find the answers.”
    “They’re the last peple I’d trust,” thught the bss. “But all the ther spacemen have refused t g.”
    Once they were in space, Je had t g utside t make sme repairs. When the repairs were dne, he tried t get back inside the spaceship. But the dr was lcked. He kncked but there was n answer. He kncked again, luder this time, and again n answer came. Then he hit the dr as hard as he culd and finally a vice said. “Wh’s there?” “It’s me! Wh else culd it be?” shuted Je. Sam let him in but yu can imagine that Je never asked t g n a trip with Sam again!
    1. Why didn’t mst f the spacemen want t g n the trip?
    A. It wasn’t exciting enughB. They weren’t experienced enugh.
    C. They thught they might get killed.D. There was little chance f being selected
    2. What did Sam and Je think the trip wuld be like?
    A. It wuld be exciting.B. It wuld be lng and tiring.
    C. There wuldn’t be any danger.D. There wuld be serius prblems.
    3. Why des the writer tell this stry?
    A. T make peple think.B. T make peple laugh.
    C. T shw the funny side f the spacemen’s life.D. T shw the dangerus side f the spacemen’s life.
    Althugh stress ver test taking, handing in hmewrk and balancing schl and a scial life is nthing new t Richard Mntgmery students, nline learning has intrduced a whle new idea f what a stressful schl day feels like. Withut face-t-face cmmunicatin, many students have fund themselves needing t wrk ut new ways t cpe with their stress.
    Junir Rayan Ouattara is a basketball player at RM and is feeling the stress f missing this year’s seasn. In rder t relieve stress, he enjys ding utdr activities. “Every time I need t relax r think f smething ther than schl. I like t pick up the ball and make a sht.” said Ouattara.
    Whether it is yur first year in high schl r yur last, it’s difficult t be missing ut n the experience. Senir Kyle Dexter is experiencing these hard times first hand. “It has definitely been stressful t think that last December culd have been my last days n campus and I wn’t get t have anther year t d all the things I wanted t... I have been ding late night walks while listening t music t help.” said Dexter, when asked what has stressed him ut abut missing his senir year and hw he is cping.
    While Dexter is sharing his experience f his senir year, Jrdyn Klchins in her first year f high schl has lts t say abut her new life. “It’s been really stressful, especially because the wrk schedule is a lt heavier than in middle schl and being nline has been pretty crazy... I really like ding clring bks. They are really gd fr destressing.”
    Althugh students frm all different grades have expressed their fears abut this schl year, their futures, and high stress levels, it’s imprtant t remember that there are ways t deal with these difficult times and remember that everyne is ging thrugh this tgether. This may mean taking yur mind ff sme things fr a mmcnt and finding new ways t d the activities yu lve, even if yu haven’t discvered quite hw yet.
    4. What is a new cause f Richard Mntgmery students’ stress?
    A. Shrter study time.B. New tests.
    C. T many schl activities.D. Online learning.
    5. What can we infer abut Kyle Dexter?
    A. He’s in his last schl yearB. He wants t leave schl sn.
    C. He is crazy abut listening t music.D. He graduated frm high schl last year.
    6. What was Jrdyn Klchins wrried abut?
    A. Living an unhealthy life.B. Balancing life and wrk.
    C. Learning drawing nline.D. Adapting t high schl nline.
    When parents ask, “What grade did yu get?” there is a cmmn fllw-up questin: “S wh gt the highest grade?” The practice f making such scial cmparisns(比较) is ppular in all crners f the wrld. Many teachers chse and publicly annunce the “best student” in a class. Adults praise children fr ding better than thers. Peple cheer fr the athletes wh defeat thers.
    Scial cmparisns are well meaning: we want t make children feel prud and push them t achieve mre. Yet scial cmparisns can backfire: children can learn t always cmpare themselves with thers and becme caught up in a harmful cycle(循环) f cmpetitin.
    One well-knwn methd t remve scial cmparisns is t prvide participatin prizes fr children wh take an active part in activities. Such prizes, hwever, may nt end scial cmparisns: A high achiever wh receives the same prize as a lw achiever may feel unfairly treated. Mre generally, thse wh are highly praised unexpectedly may cme t believe that they d better than thers and thus have reasn t be given a prize.
    Hw, then, can we make children feel prud f themselves and encurage them withut the unwanted side effects? We believe a better way is t use tempral cmparisns—encuraging children t cmpare themselves with their past self rather than with thers, such as by checking n their prgress. Adults shuld teach children that ding better than neself is mre imprtant than ding better than thers and that even small achievements can be celebrated.
    7. Why d parents cmpare their children with thers?
    A. T make the practice mre ppular.B. T give children the desire t d better.
    C. T give children curage t face defeats.D. T prevent children frm being t prud.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “backfire” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Make n difference.B. Bring great benefits.
    C. Have ppsite effects.D. Cause shrt-term changes.
    9. What d we knw abut giving participatin prizes?
    A. It’s better than scial cmparisns.B. It gives lw achievers a wrng idea.
    C. It weakens the cnfidence f high achievers.D. It’s a reasnable suggestin fr inspiring children.
    10. Which is the best encuragement fr a kid?
    A. Yu will be the best!B. Yu are N. 1 again!
    C. Yu are ding better than befre!D. Yu make greater prgress than Li Hua!
    第二节 课内阅读理解(共8小题;第11至17题每小题1分,第18小题3分,满分10分)
    Lng-distance running is a great sprt fr beginners. It has a lt f benefits. It will help yu get fit and prevent diseases. ____11____
    If yu are new t running, here is sme advice fr yu. It is imprtant t warm up and cl dwn prperly befre and after running, s yu d nt hurt yurself. ____12____. After a lng run, yu shuld jg slwly fr ten minutes, then walk fr five minutes. Such kind f warm-dwn relaxes yur bdy after exercise.
    A. But yu need t find smene t keep running with yu.
    B. It will als hurt yu if yu dn't warm up befre running.
    C. A warm-up gets yur bld flwing and prepares yur bdy befre yu exercise.
    D. It als strengthens yur immune system and reduces the risk f serius health prblems.
    13. The cntributin he made t the village was great,
    14. The thught f leaving nce flashed thrugh his mind,
    15. He felt satisfied that his students were able t read, speak and write in English,
    16. He feels s happy that he fllwed his heart when chsing what t d with his life,
    17. He cntacted charity rganisatins abut rebuilding the playgrund and setting up a library,
    18. 根据以下课文内容,回答问题。
    Just a few secnds later, furth-placed Navarr caught up with him. Surely, he culd simply vertake Esteban and cme third. But Navarr slwed dwn and let Esteban run ahead f him. The tw cyclists reached the finishing line with Esteban ahead n ft, Navarr just behind him. Navarr had let Esteban finish in third place, while he came furth. The audience was amazed at his shw f sprtsmanship and cheered and clapped fr the cyclists. After the race, Navarr said, “I didn’t want t win that way.” Later, Esteban, wh wn the brnze medal, tried t give his medal t Navarr. Hwever, Navarr refused, and his respnse was: “Offering me the prize was wrth mre than what I did fr him.”
    Why did Navarr refuse Esteban’s medal? What did this gesture shw?________________
    When I was in high schl, I watched as many f my friends gt excited abut applying t universities, eagerly waited fr the results, and happily shared which fur-year university they were ging t attend.
    I never experienced anything like that, because I was ging t a cmmunity cllege, a place I’ve ___19___ a lt. It’s a place fr peple wh aren’t sure what they want t d r thse wh were nt ___20___ in high schl. I felt sme jealusy when my friends went away t universities. In the end, ___21___, the cmmunity cllege turned ut t be a great place fr me.
    I ___22___ English as my main subject, and many f my prfessrs were writers wh were passinate abut what they were ding. My class was ___23___, with nly 16 students, and it allwed me t get clse t my prfessrs and get ___24___ regularly. Having prfessrs wh really knew me brught ___25___ like being able t edit the magazine, rganize petry readings, and be ___26___ in writing cmpetitins n campus. Althugh in the first year I smetimes felt ___27___ fr nt having the traditinal university experience, I was s glad that I was clse t hme t have the ____28____ f my family.
    I gt all f my units dne quickly and was able t graduate a term earlier, which ____29____ me a large amunt f mney and time. I’m s ____30____ that I can get a jump n finishing cllege, stay clse t my family and have ____31____ relatinships with prfessrs. I gt a gd educatin and was ____32____ prepared fr my wrk. There are many ways t finish schl, and everyne has t decide what’s the ____33____ fr them.
    19. A. dreamed fB. heard fC. stpped byD. wrked ut
    20. A. successfulB. respnsibleC. cnfidentD. independent
    21. A. therefreB. insteadC. hweverD. besides
    22. A. assumedB. studiedC. spkeD. read
    23. A. well-behavedB. newly-builtC. highly-develpedD. small-sized
    24. A. jbsB. apprachesC. adviceD. data
    25. A. pprtunitiesB. attemptsC. chicesD. services
    26. A. activeB. expertC. interestedD. weak
    27. A. stressedB. nervusC. excitedD. regretful
    28. A. supprtB. expectatinC. spiritD. belief
    29. A. gaveB. savedC. cstD. wasted
    30. A. surprisedB. thankfulC. frtunateD. relaxed
    31. A. frmalB. specialC. prD. strng
    32. A. neverB. almstC. hardlyD. fully
    33. A. tughestB. happiestC. bestD. luckiest
    第四节 选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Nrman Bethune was Canadian, but he is ne f the mst famus ____34____ in China. During the war in Spain, he ____35____ the wunded sldiers there. He invented special tls t use utside hspitals. His ____36____ saved many lives. In China, he tried his best t help sick and wunded sldiers. He ften wrked withut taking a rest and did nt lk after himself. During an peratin, he cut his ____37____, and finally died f his wund. He is still ____38____ in bth China and Canada.
    Paul knew that being shrter than ther players meant that he had t practise mre. During all thse hurs f ding jump shts n his wn, he used Bgues as his ____39____. Paul nce said. “If Bgues culd ____40____, why nt me?”
    Our cach was nt s sure. Paul had t ____41____ many times just fr making the team. He was still usually n the bench, being just a ____42____, which was really tugh n him. Everyne knew Paul had real skilis, and was smene wh wrked really hard and had a strng ____43____ t play fr the team. Hwever, Paul didn’t get a chance.
    第二部分 知识基础(共四节,满分35分)
    第一节 词义匹配(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    44. cast
    45. value
    46. disagree
    47. affrd
    48. tiny
    49. remind
    50. risk
    51. detail
    52. curage
    53. charity
    第二节 语音知识(共2小题;每小题2分,满分4分)
    54. 选出划线部分发音相同的一组单词。
    A. grade hliday grass afraid
    B. heavy bread bell anyne
    C. thrw thusand thugh thught
    D. watched started lked helped
    55. 选出划线音节全部是重读音节的一组单词。
    A. imprtant cmpetitin Italian translate
    B eighteen successful engineer expensive
    C. electricity decrate peratin exhibitin
    D. cmmunicatin instrument invitatin interesting
    第三节 (共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)
    56 /ˈpaʊə/________
    57. /ˈhæpən/________
    58. /ˈmɑːkɪt/________
    59. /ˈleɪtə/________
    60. /kəʊld/________
    61. /ˈprɒbləm/________
    第四节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    62. ________(btain) the degree, she has t pass all f the examinatins. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    63. Many teenagers tday ________(attract) t nline games, but they shuld manage their time s that they wn’t be addicted t thse games. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    64. Esteban ________(thrw) his bike ver his shulders and raced twards the finishing line. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    65. What she tries t achieve is_________ (prepare) herself fr university. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    66. ________ is my duty t d smething fr students in pr areas. (用适当的词填空)
    67. I was ________(disappint) that we played s well yet still lst. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    68. ________(unfrtunate), being a dctr can be stressful, especially when challenges arise. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    69. Yu ________(prhibit) frm hitting the ther persn with yur head, shulder r arm. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    70. As we walked int the hall we culd hear the sund f ________(laugh). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    71. When the game ended ur cach hit Paul ________ the shulder, saying, “yu’ve just earned yur place n the team, big guy!” (用适当的词填空)
    72. She is the girl ________ brther is studying abrad. (用适当的词填空)
    73. It was ________(challenge) because we had nly less than tw weeks fr preparatin. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    74. Children ________ cmpete in a sprt will learn hw t deal with failure because they dn’t always win. (用适当的词填空)
    75. It takes me less than 15 minutes ________(wash), get changed, have breakfast and leave hme. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    76. It’s a disease ________ affects mainly lder peple. (用适当的词填空)
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 句型及语块(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    77. The writer ________(饱受病痛之苦) fr mst f his life. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    78. I hpe I will ________(培养说英语的信心) and make prgress sn. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    79. The ther team just culdn’t ________(跟上他的力量和速度). (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    80. All her hard wrk ________(得到了回报) in the end, and she finally passed the exam. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    81. I think I ________(有一个均衡的饮食) and live a healthy lifestyle. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    82. ________(常言道), every minute cunts. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    83. When yu ________(厌倦了工作), yu can g t the beautiful sprts t enjy the beauty f nature. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    84. Our children try t ________(达到我们的期望). (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    85. I ________(总是注意专心听讲并积极思考) in all classes. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    86. When we mved t France, the children ________(很快地适应了这个变化). (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    87. 你校正在组织英语作文比赛,请你以“The Mst Unfrgettable Sprts Meeting”为题写一篇100词左右的短文参赛。
    英语试题 2020.12
    第一部分 综合运用(共四节,满分55分)
    第一节 课外阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B
    【答案】4. D 5. A 6. D
    【答案】7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C
    第二节 课内阅读理解(共8小题;第11至17题每小题1分,第18小题3分,满分10分)
    【答案】11. D 12. C
    【答案】13. A 14. F
    15. B 16. D
    17. C
    【答案】He didn’t want t take advantage f Estaban’s trubles. The gesture shws sprtsmanship.
    【答案】19. B 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. D 32. D 33. C
    第四节 选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    【答案】34. B 35. E
    36. G 37. D
    38. C
    【答案】39. C 40. E
    41. A 42. D
    43. F
    第二部分 知识基础(共四节,满分35分)
    第一节 词义匹配(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    【答案】44. E 45. F
    46. D 47. G
    48. C
    【答案】49. B 50. D
    51. C 52. G
    53. F
    第二节 语音知识(共2小题;每小题2分,满分4分)
    第三节 (共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)
    【答案】56. pwer
    57. happen 58. market
    59. later 60. cld
    61. prblem
    第四节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    【答案】T btain
    【答案】are attracted
    【答案】t prepare
    【答案】are prhibited
    【答案】t wash
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 句型及语块(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    【答案】suffered frm the pain f illness
    【答案】develp cnfidence in speaking English##build cnfidence in speaking English##build up cnfidence in speaking English##imprve cnfidence in speaking English##increase cnfidence in speaking English##enhance cnfidence in speaking English
    【答案】keep up with his energy and speed##keep up with his strength and speed
    【答案】paid ff
    【答案】have a balanced diet
    【答案】As the saying ges##As a ppular saying ges
    【答案】are fed up with yur wrk##are tired f yur wrk
    【答案】live up t ur expectatins
    【答案】am always attentive and think actively
    【答案】adapted (themselves) t the change very quickly
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    The Mst Unfrgettable Sprts Meeting
    I’ll never frget my last sprts meeting in junir secndary schl. I participated in the 4×100m relay race, my first time t jin in a track race. My teammates and I trained by running five days a week and were always inspired by ur shared gal during the difficult training.
    On the day f the race, I culd feel nthing but nervusness when hearing the sht f the starting gun. I std there, my mind ttally blank. I began t sweat when Lily ran twards me at full speed and passed me the stick. Abut halfway int the race. I started t feel tired and slw dwn but my mind kept telling my bdy t mve frward. I didn’t knw hw I made it. Shuts turned int cheers when I crssed the finishing line. Life is full f pssibilities. Never give up when we’re part f a teaA. s the villagers treated him as ne f them.
    B. and they became mre cnfident in learning.
    C. and helped the villagers sell lcal prducts nline.
    D. even thugh it may nt be what thers expected f him.
    E. and he was inspired by them t g and teach where he was needed the mst.
    F. but he quickly gave up n the idea and fund ways t deal with the challenges.
    G. and they enjy playing ftball in the playgrund, as well as singing sngs.
    A. difficulty B. heres C. remembered D. finger E. treated F. psitin G. inventins
    A try ut B. gymnastics C. inspiratin D. replacement E. make it F. desire G. cmpetitr
    A. quite easy
    B. Be filled with
    C. very small
    D. have different pinins
    E. the land beside r near t the sea
    F. the imprtance r usefulness f smething
    G. have enugh mney r time t buy r t d sth.
    A. stp ding sth.
    B help sb. remember sth.
    C. the small facts r features f sth.
    D. a situatin that culd be dangerus
    E. the ability t cntrl peple r things
    F. an rganizatin fr helping peple in need
    G. the ability t d sth. dangerus withut shwing fear

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