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    2021届广东省高三3月普通高中学业水平选择考模拟测试(一)(广东一模)英语试题 Word版含答案
    2021届广东省高三3月普通高中学业水平选择考模拟测试(一)(广东一模)英语试题 Word版含答案01
    2021届广东省高三3月普通高中学业水平选择考模拟测试(一)(广东一模)英语试题 Word版含答案02
    2021届广东省高三3月普通高中学业水平选择考模拟测试(一)(广东一模)英语试题 Word版含答案03
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    2021届广东省高三3月普通高中学业水平选择考模拟测试(一)(广东一模)英语试题 Word版含答案

    这是一份2021届广东省高三3月普通高中学业水平选择考模拟测试(一)(广东一模)英语试题 Word版含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷共10页, 满分120分。考试用时120分钟。 (含答案)
    1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的市(县、区)、学校、班级、姓名、考场号、座位号和考生号填写在答题卡上。将条形码横贴在每张答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。
    2. 作答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔在答题卡上将对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动, 先画掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。
    4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Cmmunity Nticebard
    New Frest Bike Prject(NFBP)
    New Frest Bike Prject is a nt-fr-prfit cmmunity and scial rganizatin which takes in unwanted bicycles and then repairs, restres and relcates them. Aiming t help peple frm all walks f life get ut n tw wheels and enjy sme exercise as well as the beautiful New Frest! If yu wuld like t dnate any unwanted bikes, please drp them ff at Walkers Garage, Burley Rd, Bransgre BH23 8DF.
    Ringwd’s Internatinal Festival f Street Perfrmance Art (RIFSPA)
    Held annually n March 15th frm 10: 30 a. m. - 4: 30 p.m.
    WANTED: street perfrmers, musicians, chirs, bands etc. t entertain the crwds in the streets f Ringwd!If yu r yur grup are interested in taking part in this event, please cntact Rger Bettle 01425 489350 as sn as pssible t ensure a place.
    Natural Wellbeing(NW)
    Weekly sessins using the natural envirnment t prmte adult health and wellbeing. Participants can be invlved in cking and sharing an utdr lunch, bird watching and utdr craft activities.
    Date: Every Friday
    Time:11:00 :30 p. m.
    Bking: Tracy n 01425 472760 r BlashfrdLakes@
    Lcatin: Blashfrd Lakes Nature Reserve, Ellingham Drve, near Ringwd BH24 3PJ
    Event charge: £4 dnatin
    Ringwd Health Walks (RHW)
    Guided by Vlunteer Walk Leaders, Walks are FREE fr anyne wishing t imprve their fitness with ne-hur walks.
    Start frm the Medical Center n the 1st and 3rd Tuesday in each mnth at 10: 30 a.m. Meet utside the Medical Centre.
    Cme alng and jin us: we are a friendly sciable grup. Fr mre infrmatin cntact Craig Daters n 01590 646 671.
    21. What can yu d thrugh NFBP?
    A. Give away ld bikes.
    B. Purchase used bikes.
    C. Hike in the New Frest.
    D. Wrk at Walkers Garage.
    22. Which f the fllwing is rganized nce a year?
    23. What d NW and RHW have in cmmn?
    A. They each last a whle day.
    B. They are free f charge.
    C. Chances t exercise are prvided.
    D. Advance reservatins are required.
    Jack Andraka was 15 when he came up with an idea fr a new way t test fr pancreatic (胰腺) cancer. When Andraka was 14, a family friend died f the disease, and this affected him deeply. This kind f cancer is particularly serius because there is n test yu can have dne t find it in the early stages. By the time standard tests determine yu have the disease, it is ften t late. Realizing that this was the case, Andraka decided t try t develp a test that might catch prblems at the earliest stages.
    The rad ahead lked difficult fr Andraka. He was still a high schl student, and he wanted t create smething that n ne else had dne. But Andraka read endlessly abut the disease, wrte a prpsal fr his idea, and sent it ut t 200 cancer researchers.Only ne prfessr, Dr.Anirban Maitra, respnded psitively. Dr. Maitra agreed t wrk with Andraka n his idea, giving him guidance and access t a labratry.
    The next big reward fr Andraka's perseverance was winning the grand prize at the Intel Internatinal Science and Engineering Fair. This great award is given t yung innvatrs wh have develped a wrld-changing idea. Develping the test is likely t take many years, but Andraka hpes the test will eventually imprve peple's lives and maybe save them.
    Jack Andraka is nt alne as a yung innvatr. After all, there were 1, 499 ther cntestants fr the Intel award, and all f them had grund-breaking ideas. Fr Andraka, having a family that lves science and encurages creative thinking gave him an advantage. But the key fr Andraka is that reading, research, and discvery are just plain fun, and the chance t imprve the wrld arund him in the prcess makes it even better.
    24. Why did Andraka decide t develp a test fr pancreatic cancer?
    A. His friend's encuragement.
    B. An upsetting experience.
    C. His extensive reading.
    D. An imprtant test.
    25. What difficulty did Andraka meet at the beginning f his research?
    A. Lack f psitive replies frm experts.
    B. Heavy pressure frm his schlwrk.
    C. Little access t research equipment.
    D. Great need f mney t develp a test.
    26. Which f the fllwing leads t Andraka's award winning?
    A. The cmpetitin with ther cntestants.
    B. His determinatin t imprve the wrld.
    C. The supprt frm his family.
    D. His passin fr discvery.
    27. What can we learn frm Andraka's stry?
    A. Practice makes perfect.
    B. Hard wrk leads t success.
    C. One gd turn deserves anther.
    D. Failure is the mther f success.
    Anyne wanting t help the pr may like this idea-recycling aluminum cans in a different way, which is apparently als gd fr the envirnment. S yu're actually killing tw birds with ne stne. It ges withut saying that recycling aluminum cans can save resurces, energy, time and mney. Peple usually save and place aluminum cans in the dustbins, which are then cllected and taken away by cleaners, wh will finally recycle them in the recycling center. But if yu save the aluminum cans, and skip the cleaners, yu can save these same cans fr smething mre imprtant-helping the pr. In ther wrds, by ding less, yu are giving the envirnmental cause sme new significance.
    Here is hw t put this idea int actin. Take yur aluminum cans and place them in a plastic bag. Fr the dirty nes, rinse them ut first. Stre the bag f clean aluminum cans. Once yu cllect abut ne hundred cans r mre, take the cans t the recycle center yurself. There are abut eighteen aluminum cans in a pund. And yu can receive three t fur dllars fr ne hundred cans. Dnate yur three t fur dllars t the pr r any charity rganizatin f yur chice.
    By nw, yu may wnder if yur few dllars have really made a difference t the pr. Cnsider this: Is there any individual r any specific event that is great enugh t change the wrld r decide the directin that histry takes? The answer is prbably n. What if there were a lt f peple wh wuld d the same thing? Histry shws nthing but the cllective will f the whle cmmunity. And that will surely be pwerful enugh t make a bigger difference.
    G t yur cmmunity r yur schl and spread yur idea. Share yur idea and save yur aluminum cans with ther peple. One hundred peple can speak luder than ne. And the mney yu make by saving cans can be multiplied by ne hundred times. And if mre peple jin in the cause arund the wrld, an even larger difference can be made, and mre peple in need will enjy the benefits.
    28. What's special abut the new idea?
    A. It makes prfits.
    B. It saves resurces.
    C. It benefits the pr.
    D. It invlves cleaners.
    29. What can we infer frm paragraph 2?
    A. Dirty cans d nt sell well.
    B. Yu decide wh receives the mney.
    C. A hundred cans weigh abut 3 punds.
    D. The recycle center is cnveniently lcated.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “that” in paragraph 3 prbably refer t?
    A. A great individual r event.
    B. The directin histry takes.
    C. The cllective will f peple.
    D. The neighburhd yu live in.
    31. Which f the fllwing des the writer want t tell us?
    A. Many hands make light wrk.
    B. Kill tw birds with ne stne.
    C. Dn't put the cart befre the hrse.
    D. N man can d tw things at nce.
    China's histric 23-day Chang'e 5 missin has nt nly btained precius rck and sil samples frm the mn, but has als brught back a grup f seeds that traveled the furthest in the natin's agricultural and frestry histries. Mre than 30 kinds f seeds, including that f rice, ats etc., were placed inside the multi-mdule Chang'e 5 spacecraft and rbited arund the mn fr abut 15 days.
    Scientists wished t check what wuld happen t the seeds after being expsed t extraterrestrial (地外的) frces in lunar rbit and als hped that they culd develp beneficial mutatins (突变). This missin ffered gd pprtunities t scientists, which enabled them t deepen their studies n the effect f csmic rays n the grwth and evlutin f life n Earth.
    Space-based mutatin breeding refers t the prcess f expsing seeds t frces such as micrgravity, vacuums and csmic radiatin during a spaceflight and then sending them back t Earth fr further bservatin and planting. Researchers bserve and examine several generatins f plants grwn frm space-bred seeds and investigate their mutatins-sme are psitive and desirable while thers are negative. Thse with psitive mutatins will be kept and analyzed, and will be intrduced t farmers after their certificatin and apprval.
    Space breeding can generate mutatins faster and mre cnveniently than grund- based experiments and can bring abut sme desirable traits that are therwise hard t intrduce. Cmpared with natural r cnventinally bred types f plants, space-develped versins with psitive mutatins usually feature higher nutritinal cntent, greater annual yields, shrter grwth perids and better resistance t diseases and insect pests.
    China cnducted its first space breeding experiment in 1987, using a satellite t carry seeds int space. Since then, hundreds f kinds f seeds and seedlings have traveled with dzens f Chinese spaceships. Space breeding has helped t prduce mre than 200 new types f mutated plants in China that have been apprved fr large-scale cultivatin, ranging frm grains t vegetables and fruits. The Chang'e 5 rbtic missin returned 1, 731 grams f lunar rck and sil t Earth, marking a histric accmplishment 44 years after the last lunar substances were taken back.
    32. Why were the seeds placed inside Chang'e 5?
    A. T pick ut the fittest fr mutatins.
    B. T understand extraterrestrial frces.
    C. T study the intensity f csmic rays.
    D. T expse them t a special envirnment.
    33. What d we knw abut space-based mutatin breeding?
    A. It is nt a time-cnsuming prcess.
    B. Mutatins develp in a randm way.
    C. It ften brings abut desirable effects.
    D. Apprval will be granted t mutated plants.
    34. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. It is a custm t put seedlings n a spacecraft.
    B. China was the first t d a space breeding experiment.
    C. It is sme time since seeds were last taken int space.
    D. Space breeding has brught us cmmercial benefits.
    35. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Space-bred Seeds Offer Great Chances
    B. Chang’e 5 Returns with a Big Package
    C. Plant Mutatins Result in a Better Life
    D. Seeds frm Space Mark a New Histry
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    D yu want t knw hw t learn frm failures? Yur jurney starts this secnd. It takes curage fr peple t realize that they help n hw t learn frm failures. These fllwing steps will assist yu in learning frm yur mistakes and mve n with yur life.
    36 A little bit f humility ges a lng way. Yu knw yu did smething wrng; and while yu want t defend yur mistakes, yu had better keep yur emtins in check. Accept that yur plans dn't g as well as yu want and aplgize t thse wh are under influence.
    Humility is the first step t mend brken ties and relatinships. 37 Wh yu were befre, r whatever yur status might have been-thse are n lnger significant. This is nt the time fr yu t start anther war, but the time fr yu t reflect n what yu have dne.
    Observe and reprt. If yu want t learn frm failures, then yu need t stay quiet and start listening t ther peple. 38 Yu might nt have nticed these things befre. Nw that yu're given the pprtunity t bserve them, yu might be able t pick up a thing r tw. This is yur chance t learn hw yu can help straighten things ut.
    Make things right. It's nt the mst pleasant task t d, especially when yu're cleaning up yur mess. But making things right is extremely imprtant t yur redemptin (补救). If yu’re nt yet certain f what yu can d, ask. 39 Instead, yu can start by helping ut in little ways. Getting cffee fr thse wh are under the influence, fr example, is ne way yu can chse.
    Knwing hw t learn frm yur failures is very imprtant. 40
    A. Humility helps.
    B. Cntrl yur feelings.
    C. This is the nly way yu can grw as a persn.
    D. Watch hw yur friends and clleagues are handling matters.
    E. Ignre ther peple wh are talking abut yu behind yur back.
    F. Peple will be mre than happy t help if yu shw up with a smile.
    G. Yu dn't have t cme up with ne slutin that will take care f everything.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    When peple cme tgether, it's a beautiful thing. When smene tries t d smething he can't d with everyne else's 41, that is a great mment.
    One beautiful afternn, I had an imprtant baseball game, which I was really 42 t win. As the game prgressed the 43 gt clse. The tw teams drew 8 -8 at the end f the last inning(局), and it was my turn t bat.I lked ver at my 44, wh was talking t my dad abut smething. As I was abut t 45 the batter's bx, my cach stpped me and asked me ne 46 questin. He asked if it wuld be all right if my brther 47 fr me.
    I was very 48 because my brther wasn't n the team. He had never even played baseball due t his 49. He culdn't stand, let alne hit. But I respnded very 50 fr a kid my age. “Of curse he can,” I said. I was still puzzled as t hw he wuld d it, thugh.
    As my dad 51 him t the plate, I realized that withut his 52 he wuld have t be held up. The jy n his face culdn't be 53 fr anything in the wrld. The crwd burst int wild 54 after realizing what was happening. That afternn in the batter's bx, my brther had all the 55 he needed.
    41.A. appearance B. supprt C. permissin D. demand
    42.A. eager B. willing C. wrried D. excited
    43.A. time B. win C. end D. scre
    44.A. brther B. batter C. cach D. teammate
    45.A. step int B. cme acrss C. g thrugh D. lk arund
    46.A. difficult B. funny C. imprtant D. strange
    47.A. practiced B. hit C. beat D. answered
    48.A. excited B. embarrassed C. cnfused D. disappinted
    49.A. experience B. disability C. strength D. preference
    50.A. quietly B. patiently C. maturely D. firmly
    51.A. carried B. rushed C. held D. fllwed
    52.A. assistance B. recvery C. treatment D. wheelchair
    53.A. traded B. blamed C. charged D. mistaken
    54.A. tears B. cheers C. laughter D. anger
    55.A. cnsideratin B. appreciatin C. reward D. happiness
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Wild Chinese sturgen(鲟)are thught t have lived at the same time as dinsaurs and amng the first class f prtected animals in China. Last week, a wild Chinese sturgen, which is believed t be the 56 (large) ever fund in the past tw decades, arrived in Beijing fr better treatment. The species is ne f the 57 (critical) endangered fish species in China and can be fund nly in the Yangtze and Pearl rivers.
    The Chinese sturgen “Hufu”, 58 literally means “gd frtune fr ever after”, arrived at the Beijing Aquarium n Mnday after 22 hurs f transprt 59 Hubei Prvince.
    When the fish 60 (find) by a fisherman in the Yangtze River Basin, it had been suffering frm multiple 61 (injury). It was sent t the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute fr treatment immediately. As she was s weak, lcal care takers had difficulty 62 (feed) it. The Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute decided t mve it t Beijing t receive further treatment.
    Nicknamed “Aquatic giant pandas” and 63 (list) as a wild creature under state prtectin, the species has been struggling due t water prjects, busy waterway traffic 64: pllutin in recent years. The number f Chinese sturgen living in the wild 65 (fall) sharply t abut 50 nw frm abut 1, 000 in 1982, accrding t researchers' estimates.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    假定你是学校英语辩论社(debate club)负责人。学校拟将有百年历史的图书馆拆建成现代化网络学习中心, 社团定于下周二下午召开讨论会, 主题为“Time fr a Change?”。现请你写一份通知, 内容包括:
    1. 主题与目的;
    2. 时间与地点;
    3. 对参与者的要求。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    On a freezing mrning f December, tw plice fficers were patrlling the streets. Suddenly, the walkie-talkie (对讲机) n Alan, ne f the fficers, rang. “The cake shp near the City Museum has reprted a burglary (窃案).Please rush t the scene immediately” , said the electrnic vice.
    The tw plicemen quickly arrived at the shp, nly t find that the scene shwed n sign f crimes at all. Curiusly, they checked the mnitr and fund that a thin wman brke pen the windw and climbed int the stre at 5: 20 a. m. Instead f searching arund, she walked straight int the strage rm, stle cheese, chclate, butter and ther ingredients fr a cake, and then ran away dwn the rad.
    Bth plicemen felt quite cnfused abut her behavir. One f the shp assistants identified the thief as Clara, a single mther wh lived nearby. She has an eight-year-ld by t take care f and lives in pverty.
    Mments later, the tw fficers arrived at Clara's huse. Bb, anther fficer, pulled ut a gun and was abut t break in. But Alan tld him t put the gun away and kncked gently.
    The dr pened and ut came a very thin wman. Frm the utline f her figure, Alan recgnized that she was exactly the thief. The wman, Clara, immediately understd the situatin when she saw the tw plicemen. She buried her face in her hands and sat dwn n the flr.
    At that very mment, a child's vice brke the silence, “Mm, is anyne cming fr my birthday? Invite them in, please.”
    After hearing the by's wrds, Clara std up and begged in a lw vice, “Officer, I did steal thse things, but there's nthing else I culd d. Iťs my baby's birthday, and I've gt neither jb nr mney. Please dn't take thse things away. I've just used them t make him a cake.”
    Lking int the wman's teary eyes, Alan understd and walked int the huse.
    Bb ndded thughtfully and asked, “What abut the things she stle?”
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    21~23 ABC24~27 BADB28~31 CBCA32~35 DBDA
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    36~40 AEDGC
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    41~45 BADCA46~50 DBCBC51~55 ADABD
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    56.largest57.critically58.which59.frm60. was fund
    61. injuries 62.feeding63.listed64.and65.has fallen
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    One pssible versin:
    In rder t find ut hw different students think abut ur century-ld library will be dismantled and a mdern netwrk learning center will be built n the same spt, a seminar, whse tpic is “Time fr a Change?”, will be held by the debate club in the schl lecture hall next Tuesday.
    The seminar will last frm 5 p. m. t 7 p. m. T begin with, yu are suppsed t arrive n time. What’s mre, yu ught t think ahead abut what questins yu will pse in the seminar. Finally, white schl unifrms are als needed t shw yur identity.
    We firmly believe that yu will have a great time if yu cme here.
    The Debate Club
    One pssible versin:
    Lking int the wman's teary eyes, Alan understd and walked int the huse. He lked at the child and said,” Happy birthday t yu, kid. And enjy yur cake. “After that, he walked ut, dragging Bb with him.” Officer, that wman shuld be taken t the plice statin. She shuld be respnsible fr her crime.” Alan replied,” What yu said is abslutely crrect, but I can never take away a child's birthday cake. Althugh what Clara did was wrng indeed, she was just a helpless mther. It wuld be t cruel fr us t take away a desperate mther wh ccasinally made a mistake in frnt f her child!”(96 wrds)
    Bb ndded thughtfully and asked,” What abut the things she stle?” “The bill is n me,” Alan vlunteered. After returning t the cake shp, he explained the incident t the shp wner and then paid fr the stlen materials. Afterwards, Clara tk the initiative t g t the plice statin, asking fr her punishment. What the fficer had dne made her feel ashamed f her theft and she was determined t mend her way. She said that she wuld imprve her life by her wn effrts and wuld n lnger d anything illegal again. (83 wrds)
    The Debate Club

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