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    技巧08 如何设计对话-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
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    技巧08 如何设计对话-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练03
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    技巧08 如何设计对话-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练

    这是一份技巧08 如何设计对话-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共16页。

    对话提示词,如 said Winstn、he said、he added 等 (注意,主语是名词时通常放在动词后;主语是代词时,放在 动词前)。提示词的位置可以放在引用的对话前、中、后三个位置, 它与对话内容部分构成一个整体,不需要大写 。如:“When yu were a yung man we were all living in the tree- tps,” said the barman, with a glance at the ther custmers.”
    为了避免单调,除了常见的say, ask, answer, yell, call, cry外,对话提示词中还可用其他动词:think(想);declare(表明,宣称);admit(承认);detail(详细解释道);emphasize(强调);remember(回想起,记得);recall(回想起,记起);cmfrt (安慰);begin(开始讲话); add (补充说,继续说);hesitate(犹豫);cntinue(继续);repeat(重说);scream(尖叫,大声叫);exclaim(惊叫,呼喊);scld(责备);laugh(发笑);chuckle(低声 轻笑);sneer(嘲笑,讥讽);shut(大声说,怒骂);reply(回答);sb(啜泣);demand(要求);cmmand(命令);suggest(建议);persist(坚持);remark(说起,评论); agree(同意);beg(恳求, 哀求);annunce(宣布);explain(解释);sigh(叹息);crrect(纠正);whisper(耳语;小声说);grunt(咕哝);mumble(口齿不清地说);stammer(结结巴巴地说);stutter(结结巴巴地说);gran(发牢骚);grumble(嘟哝;发牢骚);mutter(嘀咕;发牢骚);cmplain(抱怨);murmur(喃喃细语); man(呻吟,抱怨); gabble(急促而含混不清地说);gasp(气喘吁吁地说);snarl(不耐烦地说);snap(厉声说,怒气冲冲地说);bellw (怒吼);grwl(怒吼)等。
    对话中的逗号要放在引号里面。对话提示词与引用的话语构成一个完整的句子,引号的结尾常用逗号。如:“ And nw I must g,” she said as sn as he had mastered his instructins.
    如果对话提示词在一个完整对话中间,其后需用逗号,且后半句话的开头首字母用小写。如:“Dn’t be late fr supper,” Uncle Paul cried, “and keep t the track s that yu dn’t get lst!”
    此外,引号内可使用感叹号或问号 。如:
    “ Whatever is he saying?” said a vice, very near, distinct and shrill thrugh the warbling f the Super-Wurlitzer.
    “These wmen!” he said, as the machine rse int the air.
    对话一般由引用部分、标点符号、对话提示语和其他成分构成。对话提示语后如适当增加其他成分, 能够生动传神地展示对话 。在读后续写中我们可以利用如下方法来刻画人物对话:
    在对话提示词后增加副词, 加强描绘说话人的语气情感,使对话更形象化 。
    [例1] “Yu must have seen great changes since yu were a yung man,” said Winstn tentatively.
    [例2] “ In the place where there is n darkness?” he said hesitantly.
    在对话中增加动作描写,能渲染故事气氛,增添画面感 。
    [例3] “ Seven minutes behind time,” he added, and shk his head.
    [例4] “Perhaps we had better g n,” said Miss Keate, and mved twards the dr.
    在对话提示词后增加介词短语, 能够更详细地表现出说话者的神态、语调、声音等具体情况 。
    [例5]“Yu all remember,” said the Cntrller, in his strng deep vice ...
    [例6] “ The Ministry f Plenty’s certainly dne a gd jb this year,” he said with a knwing shake f his head.
    在对话中增加分词或分词短语表示伴随状况,不仅能够增添画面感,而且能够使句子结构更加复杂,表达更加丰富 。
    [例7]“What are yu giving them?” asked Mr. Fster, making his tne very prfessinal. (分词短语)
    [例 8] “Yes,” said Mustapha Mnd, ndding his head, “yu may well shudder. ” (分词短语)
    在对话中增加从句,使得续写的语法结构更加复杂,同时,更细节化地表达说话人说话时的具体情况 。
    [例 9]“At last,” she thught exultantly as she stepped ut f the cab. (从句)
    [例 10] “In the place where there is n darkness,” he said, as thugh he had recgnized the allusin. (从句)
    Spreading Kindness Arund the Wrld
    “Mm, we want t write a bk,” my five-year-ld twins, Delilah and Nathenial, tld me ne day.
    I lked at my kids curiusly. “What d yu mean?”
    Are they jking? I thught. I dn’t knw the first thing abut getting a bk published. Still, I didn’t want t squash their creativity. “Okay…what d yu want it t be abut?”
    “An envelpe that travels all ver the wrld spreading kindness,” Nathenial said, his eyes shining.
    Over the next few mnths,my kids dreamed up mre f the stry. The main characters were a pair f twins just like them. I wrte dwn everything, making sure nt t miss a detail. The kids even sketched scenes with clred pencils.
    The theme f Delilah and Nathenial’s stry was being kind t thers, n matter hw little yu might have. I wndered if that was partly because I’d tld them what my life had been like when I was their age.
    I remember my father died when I was five. My mm, yunger sister and I ended up n the streets,sleeping in parks and hmeless htels fr mre than a year. I fund myself standing in any line I culd t get dnated fd.
    Despite—r maybe because f—ur hardships, I tried t help thers. I handed ut snacks t peple wh were hmeless, tk in stray (走失的) animals and helped give ut dnatins at a church where the wman in charge wuld send me hme with fd. After I gave birth t ur twins, I nt nly taught them t be kind but als t make sure they knew that anything was pssible.
    I guess I did a pretty gd jb, because here the twins were, at age five, managed t write a bk. After we self-published The Magical Envelpe last Children’s Day, the kids decided t dnate it t the kindergarten in ur cmmunity.
    The twins, nw eight, cntinue t amaze me.
    My kids understand mre abut the hardship I endured.
    I grew up in a small twn where the primary schl was a ten-minute walk frm my huse. When the nn bell rang, I wuld race breathlessly hme. My mther wuld be standing at the tp f the stairs, smiling dwn at me.
    One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always. I had been picked t be the princess in the schl play, and fr weeks my mther had rehearsed (排练) my lines s hard with me. But n matter hw easily I acted at hme, as sn as I stepped nstage, every wrd disappeared frm my head. Finally, my teacher tk me aside. She explained that she had written a narratr’s (旁白的) part t the play, and asked me t change rles. Her wrds, kindly expressed, still hurt, especially when I saw my part g t anther girl.
    I didn’t tell my mther what had happened when I went hme fr lunch that day. But she sensed my pain. Instead f suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted t walk in the yard.
    It was a lvely spring day and the rse vine (藤蔓) was turning green. Under the huge trees, we culd see yellw dandelins (蒲公英) in the grass in bunch, as if a painter had tuched ur landscape with gld. I watched my mther casually bend dwn by ne dandelin. “I think I’m ging t dig up all these weeds,” she said, pulling it up by its rts. “Frm nw n, we’ll have nly rses in this garden.”
    “But I like dandelins,” I prtested. “All flwers are beautiful-even dandelins.”
    My mther lked at me seriusly. “Yes, every flwer gives pleasure in its wn way, desn’t it?” She asked thughtfully. I ndded, pleased that I had wn her ver. “And that is true f peple t,” she added. “Nt everyne can be a princess, but there is n shame in that.” Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started t cry as I tld her what had happened. She listened and smiled.
    Paragraph 1
    “But yu will be a beautiful narratr,” she said, encuraging and cmfrting me as usual.
    Paragraph 2
    After the play, I tk hme the flwer.
    Act f Memry
    I was a yung girl f eleven then, living in Brklyn. My father had died unexpectedly that summer. Times was suddenly very hard fr my mther, my brther, and me.
    Papa had always made a big deal ut f Christmas. Every Christmas, when we were abut t decrate the tree, he wuld make a little ceremny ut f taking a special little Kewpie-dll ut f its bx, hlding it up in frnt f me, saying, “Maria, this dll is as ld as yu are.” Then he wuld hang it n the Christmas tree. Papa bught that little dll when I was brn, and it had becme a small traditin. But this Christmas we were t have n tree. My mther was a practical wman, saying it was a luxury. I thught, with quiet but strng bitterness and anger, that it had never meant as much t her as it had t Papa anyway.
    We had been t church that evening and were walking back hme in silence. All I culd see were the tree-lit windws we passed. Their cheerful glw made my bitterness even mre intense because I pictured happy families in thse huses, sharing laughter, exchanging presents, talking, jking. I knew while arriving hme, we wuld be greeted by darkened windws and endless emptiness.
    As we passed my friend’s huse, I asked my mther t please let me drp in fr a while. She ndded. I waited until my mther and brther disappeared arund the crner. Then I turned and headed fr my friend’s huse. Suddenly, a pile f abandned Christmas trees frm the stre next t her huse came int my sight. Surprised and excited, I dashed t the trees, picked ut the best ne and began half-dragging my treasure hme. It seemed as if Papa was mixed up in this smehw. It seemed as if he was in the stars abve me, in every lighted-huse, in the very tree I was carrying.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    When I gt hme, I rang the drbell and culdn’t wait t shw them the tree.
    Befre ging t bed, I slipped t see my tree ne last time but saw my mther standing in frnt f it.
    In the first and secnd grades, I was extremely shy. I had friends, but it just wasn’t in my persnality t be very utging, even if I knew smene well. I was even quieter with strangers, and s I wasn’t very gd at meeting new peple. I was afraid that I wuld d r say smething wrng.
    S in ur schl’s annual grand play, I usually sat in a secluded (僻静的) crner t watch the perfrmance alne. I hped t sit in the backgrund and watch the actrs sweat in frnt f all thse pairs f eyes.
    One day in the third grade, my teacher Mrs. Sally called me int her ffice and said, “Oh, Mary, yu re great at memrizing things, and yu have such a sweet persnality. Perfect fr Jenny! ‘ But I bwed my head and dared nt speak. The teacher saw this and then said, “Of curse, plenty f girls wuld lve the rle, and I culd find smebdy else. But I hpe yu culd try it fr me. I had yu in mind fr Jenny while writing the play! If yu really dn’t want t, I wn’t frce yu. It’s yur chice.”
    My mind was spinning (快速旋转) faster than the windmill (风车) n the schl playgrund. Mrs. Sally, whm I lved and admired, wanted me t play this rle. She believed in me. My eyes mved acrss the rm t a pster I had never nticed befre. It shwed a shting star and read, “If yu reach fr the stars, yu might at least grab a piece f the mn.” I lked int Mrs. Sally’s shining blue eyes and said, “Okay, I’ll try.” I realized it was time t thrw ff my shy mask and shw the wrld wh I really was.
    In the fllwing five mnths, the teacher taught me hw t set, put n makeup, memrize lines, create cstumes and s n. Gradually, I mastered (掌握) my lines and sngs.
    The big day came at last.
    At that time, Mrs. Sally came backstage fr her final check-up and nticed my nervusness.
    Mary Lee seemed t have everything. She was very beautiful with a wnderful figure and an attractive face. She was very rich. Her clthes were better than anyne else’s and she had mre f them. Her bks were always new and expensive as were her pens, schl bags and bicycle. She was very clever t and withut appearing t d very much wrk. She was always the first in all the examinatins and always answered all the questins, while the rest f the class were still thinking.
    With all this, r really because f all this, n ne liked Mary Lee. She was t gd, t clever and she was als very prud. N ne was quite gd enugh t talk t her r t be seen with her r t be her friend. And s, with all her prud ways and riches and brains, she was lnely but she did nt care because she was always the best in everything. She was like a princess in the class. She always thught that the ther students kept their distance frm her because she was t excellent. “Lins and tigers are always lnely, and nly the weak get tgether,” she tld herself.
    As the end f term drew near, the pupils including Mary Lee began t think abut the mst imprtant prize f all. This was the prize, ffered by the principal, fr the best essay t be written n ne f tw subjects: Happiness and Friendship. All the teachers and pupils paid clse attentin t the prize, fr it was really a great hnr. “I needn’t wrry abut that,” thught Mary Lee, as the thers began t read and t think abut the essay. “I shall easily win. After all, my cmpsitins are always better than the ther students’.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “Pride ges befre a fall,” they say and it certainly did in the case f pr Mary Lee.
    Mary Lee suddenly realized that hw silly she had been.
    The twins, nw eight, cntinue t amaze me. They’re creating a clring-bk versin f The Magical Envelpe. They’re setting up a Facebk page t share what they’re ding and get thers invlved. They plan t pen Delilah and Nathenial’s Magical Cat Café in the future. They remind me we can always think bigger and d mre. Anything is pssible if yu believe. I was prud f my kids—fr their big dreams and big hearts.
    My kids understand mre abut the hardship I endured. They are determined t help mre peple ut f truble. Nt lng ag, I was watching them make sandwiches fr peple in desperate need, and fr peple wh were willing t stand in whatever line they culd t get fd. All I culd think f was that I was ne f thse peple. I culd nt hld my tears. “Are yu kay, Mm?” Delilah asked. I blinked back tears. “Yes.” I said. “My heart is full.” Full f faith, hpe and big dreams.
    ①建立:set up/build up
    ③哭:can nt hld ne’s tears/can’t help crying
    ①骄傲:be prud f/take pride in
    ②下定决心:be determined t d/take the reslutin t d
    [高分句型1] They’re setting up a Facebk page t share what they’re ding and get thers invlved. (由what引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Nt lng ag, I was watching them make sandwiches fr peple in desperate need, and fr peple wh were willing t stand in whatever line they culd t get fd. (由关系代词wh引导限制性定语从句)
    Paragraph 1
    “But yu will be a beautiful narratr,” she said, encuraging and cmfrting me as usual. “Yu just haven’t been ready fr the stage perfrmance.” Seeing the sadness n my face sften a little, she added, “Why nt take the narratr’s part as an pprtunity t be familiar with the stage?” Her encuragement calmed me dwn gradually, and I began t accept the narratr’s part was f vital significance. Sn it was the big day. At first I was still nervus, but then I fund a dandelin in my pcket. I knew my mm passed the flwer t me, hping it wuld be my lucky charm.
    Paragraph 2
    After the play, I tk hme the flwer. Mm carefully gazed at the dandelin, gently pressed it int the dictinary and grinned happily at me. “We were perhaps the nly peple wh wuld press such a srry-lking weed.” Thugh decades have passed, I ften recall ur walk in the yard. Her smile and her wrds f wisdm have stayed with me and shaped me int wh I am nw! And this is perhaps the best gift that I’ve ever received in my life.
    ①为……做好准备:be ready fr / make preparatins fr
    ②发现:find / spt
    ③凝视:gaze at / stare at
    ①让某人冷静下来:calm sb. dwn / cl sb. dwn
    ②紧张的:nervus / tense
    ③高兴地:happily / with delight
    [高分句型1]. I knew my mm passed the flwer t me, hping it wuld be my lucky charm. (运用了省略that引导的宾语从句和现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. We were perhaps the nly peple wh wuld press such a srry-lking weed. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    When I gt hme, I rang the drbell and culdn’t wait t shw them the tree. My brther answered the dr, with his startled but cheerful lk accmpanied by his amazed “Where did yu get that?” We dragged the tree inside and immediately started t decrate it with a wild excitement. Mther came in silence. She tk n part, but neither did she stp us. Seized by exultatin, I culd have stayed up all night decrating it. But my mther insisted that it was nearly midnight, and that we shuld all get ready t bed. We had n alternative but t say gd night.
    Befre ging t bed, I slipped t see my tree ne last time but saw my mther standing in frnt f it. She was hlding a familiar bx, withut nticing my appearance. Her hands seemed t tremble as she pened it and tk ut a familiar dll. “Marie, lking at the tree”, she said almst in whisper“This dll is as ld as yu.” Then, she gently hung the Kewpie-dll n the tree. At the sight f this, I felt tears streamed dwn my cheeks. I rushed t my mther and hugged her with all my strength,“Mm, yu are here just as Papa was.”
    ①.开门:answer the dr/pen the dr
    ②.注意到:ntice/be aware f
    ③.留下:stream dwn/fall dwn
    ①.狂喜:exultatin /great jy
    ②.吃惊的:startled /astnished
    [高分句型1]. Seized by exultatin, I culd have stayed up all night decrating it.(过去分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. But my mther insisted that it was nearly midnight, and that we shuld all get ready t bed. (由and并列的两个that引导的宾语从句并列)
    The big day came at last. I jgged all the way t the backstage f the schl hall. Cameras were lighting up in all directins. Lking back n five mnths practise, I seemed t have cnfidence in myself. I fund a new persn inside me, a much mre daring and utging persn wh had been hidden all alng. Hwever, when I was abut t g n stage, my heart was punding s hard that my thrat tightened and my knees felt weak.
    At that time, Mrs. Sally came backstage fr her final check-up and nticed that my nervusness. “It desn’t matter hw yu d tnight,” she said. “Yu’ve already shwn hw wnderful yu are.” Lking int Mrs Sally’s shining blue eyes, I calmed dwn and then walked nt the stage with his warm wrds like a ray f sunshine. When I finished my perfrmance, the audience burst int applause. The scene made me feel myself flating in an cean f happiness. I knew that all this was due t the encuragement frm my teacher, wh helped me find the cnfidence t succeed.
    ①慢跑:jg/canter/run slwly
    ③帮助某人做某事:help sb. d sth./aid sb. t d sth.
    ①(心脏)狂跳:pund/beat quickly and ludly
    ②镇定下来:calm dwn/cllect neself
    [高分句型1] I fund a new persn inside me, a much mre daring and utging persn wh had been hidden all alng. (a much mre daring and utging persn和前面的a new persn是同位语;wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]Hwever, when I was abut t g n stage, my heart was punding s hard that my thrat tightened and my knees felt weak. (运用了由when引导的时间状语从句和引导的结果状语从句)
    [高分句型3]I knew that all this was due t the encuragement frm my teacher, wh helped me find the cnfidence t succeed. (由连词that引导的宾语从句和关系代词wh引导非限制性定语从句)
    Paragraph 1:
    “Pride ges befre a fall,” they say and it certainly did in the case f pr Mary Lee. Happiness and Friendship were the tw subjects fr the essay but Mary Lee knew little abut either f them. As she scratched her head fr ideas and wrte smething aimlessly with her pen, she realized that she didn’t have any friends t speak f and that she was very far frm being happy. She had n idea, s she did nt win the prize. Tears came int her eyes when she knew she was a lser this time.
    Paragraph 2:
    Mary Lee suddenly realized that hw silly she had been. She felt s silly because all her mney and her cleverness seemed nthing cmpared with nt winning the prize. “I mustn’t be t prud r t sure,” she thught. “The fall is t hard fr me, because I have been t prud all the time.” S she decided t make a change. She became a very pleasant persn after that and her fellw pupils became her friends. She still wn many prizes, but she never frgt the valuable lessn that the ne prize she lst had taught her.
    【写作解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Mary Lee生活富足,她不仅长得漂亮,而且学习好,Mary Lee非常骄傲且自负,即使没有朋友,她也不在乎。期末临近,同学们都想获得最重要的奖项,写出关于友谊或幸福的最优秀的文章的人才能获奖,Mary Lee确信自已能获奖。
    ①由第一段首句内容““骄者必败,”他们说,在可怜的玛丽·李身上确实如此。”可知,第一段可描写Mary Lee失败了,她遭遇了什么,为什么会失败,幸福和友谊对她的失败有无影响。
    ②由第二段首句内容“玛丽·李突然意识到自己是多么愚蠢。”可知,第二段可描写Mary Lee会不会意识到自己错,她打算怎么改正,同学们的反应和最后的结论。
    2.续写线索:Mary Lee不会写文章——Mary Lee意识到自己的问题——哭——Mary Lee决定改变——改变
    ①意识到:realize aware that...
    ②哭:tears cme int ne’s eyes/tears fill ne’s eyes
    ③做出改变:make a change/make a transfrmatin
    ①不高兴:far frm being happy/be very upset
    ②骄傲:be prud/be arrgant
    [高分句型1] As she scratched her head fr ideas and wrte smething aimlessly with her pen, she realized that she didn’t have any friends t speak f and that she was very far frm being happy. (由as引导的时间状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] She still wn many prizes, but she never frgt the valuable lessn that the ne prize she lst had taught her. (由关系代词that引导限制性定语从句)

    技巧12 如何设计动作-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧12 如何设计动作-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共17页。试卷主要包含了描写精准化,动作过程化,语言修辞化等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    技巧05 如何设计句子-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧05 如何设计句子-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共17页。试卷主要包含了个正盯着等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    技巧03 如何设计高潮-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧03 如何设计高潮-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共15页。试卷主要包含了增加外部冲突,放大内心冲突等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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        技巧08 如何设计对话-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
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