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    这是一份2023-2024学年福建省福州屏东中学高二上学期期中考英语试卷-含答案,共25页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分, 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. What des the wman mean?
    A. The game is nearly ver. B. The game just started. C. The game hasn’t started.
    2. What d we knw abut the speakers?
    A. They will have a test tmrrw. B. They have t attend a meeting.
    C. They wn’t have a test this afternn.
    3. What are the speakers cmplaining abut?
    A. The electric fan. B. The heat. C. The wrk.
    4. What will the wman d tnight?
    A. Write a paper. B. G t the cncert. C. Spend the evening at hme.
    5. Wh may the wman be?
    A. A shp assistant. B. A shp manager. C. A custmer.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What sprt did Paul play?
    A. Basketball B. Ftball. C. Glf.
    7. Wh shwed little interest in the sprts?
    A. Anne. B. Susan. C. Tm.
    8. What can we knw frm the cnversatin?
    A. A car was hit n Highway 204. B. A truck was burnt n Highway 204.
    C. The truck driver was badly hurt.
    9. Hw sn will the ambulance cme?
    A. In five minutes. B. In ten minutes. C. In fifteen minutes.
    10. Where will Rb stay lngest fr his hliday?
    A. In Hng Kng. B. In Singapre. C. In Chengdu.
    11. Why can’t Helen recmmend gd places in Chengdu?
    A. She is als a visitr. B. She never ges back there. C. The city has changed a lt.
    12. What will Rb d?
    A. Talk with ther visitrs. B. Call Helen’s cusin. C. Visit Helen’s cusin.
    13. Hw sn is Henry suppsed t hand in his paper?
    A. In tw days. B. In three days. C. In fur days.
    14. When will Henry sign an after-schl-tutring?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
    15. Why des Lucy want t build a dll huse fr Nancy?
    A. She destryed the ld ne. B. She is preparing a gift. C. Nancy likes dll huses.
    16. What des Henry suggest Lucy d?
    A. Get help frm smene else. B. Tell her sister abut the dll huse.
    C. Let him help her ut.
    17. Hw much did primary pupils’ parents spend n average per mnth?
    A. 1463 yuan. B. 2103 yuan. C. 2535 yuan.
    18. What schl is Wang Wei’s sn in?
    A. High schl. B. Middle schl. C. Primary schl.
    19. Hw lng did high schl students get tutring curses per mnth?
    A. 10. 34 hurs. B. 10. 15 hurs. C. 8. 88 hurs.
    20. What may big cities students have?
    A. Mre spare time. B. Mre classes in schl. C. Mre pressure frm parents.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;年小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Pp art, which emerged in the '50s and rse in ppularity thrughut the '60s, sught t challenge the idea f fine art.
    Andy Warhl (1928-1987)
    Andy Warhl is prbably the mst influential figure f Pp Art. He became a famus celebrity himself. Understanding ‘star-culture’, advertisement and the effect f the media, he made these the cre f his wrk. His screenprinted images f Marilyn Mnre, Sup cans, and sensatinal newspaper stries, quickly became synnymus(同义词) with Pp art.
    Ry Lichtenstein (1923-1997)
    Ry Lichtenstein is ne f the fathers f the Pp Art mvement. In Nvember 2015, Christie’s sld Lichtenstein’s ‘Nurse’ fr a recrd $95.4 millin. In this piece, as well as in ther wrks, we can see hw the enlarged imagery f adverts and cmics with recgnisable characters, highlights the irnic(讽刺好笑的) images and situatins in every-day life.
    Mimm Rtella (1918-2006)
    Italian artist Mimm Rtella, was ne f the mst imprtant figures f pst-war Eurpean art. He cmbined pieces f adverts and psters in his wrks. Fr this technique he used a series f trn psters, gathering them t create a tremendusly expressive and pwerful aesthetic(美学). His wrks Sempre lei Marilyn (2002) and Viva America(1963) are easy t recgnize.
    James Rsenquist (1933-2017)
    James Rsenquist can be cnsidered ne f the strngest and mst influential mdern Pp Art artists. His wrk dived deep int cinematgraphy and advertising. He emplyed techniques which are cnventinally used t create Cmmercial Art. His wrks appear as an verwhelming mixture f fragmented(成碎片的) images f current celebrities, everyday bjects and ppular fds - giant lipsticks r spaghetti. If yu g t Centre Pmpidu, Paris, yu can see his wrk President-Elect.
    1.What artwrk will yu turn t if yu are interested in Andy Warhl?
    A.Marilyn Mnre.B.Nurse.
    C.Viva America.D.President-Elect.
    2.Which artist creates his wrks by putting tgether cut and trn psters?
    A.Andy Warhl.B.Ry Lichtenstein.
    C.Mimm Rtella.D.James Rsenquist.
    3.What d the fur pp art artists’ wrks have in cmmn?
    A.They are typical fine art.
    B.They shw irnic everyday life.
    C.They emply traditinal techniques.
    D.They are smewhat related t cmmercials.
    As the wrld lcked dwn a year ag, peple searched fr a way t stay healthy and scially distant. Like me, they fund it n a bicycle. Cuntries frm Suth Africa t Italy saw bike sales increase sharply. A market research cmpany reprted the U.S. had a 121 percent increase fr the year in leisure bike sales. And when this rapid rise in bicycle travel became apparent last spring, cities and cuntries arund the wrld rushed t accmmdate tw-wheeled travelers.
    Sme cuntries, like France, began prviding biking subsidies(补贴)t citizens fr repairs f up t 50 eurs in assigned bike shps, and many city gvernments arund the wrld began expanding basic facilities fr cycling. Lndn, Brussels, and Bgta all saw new bike lanes added t main rads and reduced speed limits fr the cars driving alngside them.
    Even in cuntries where gvernments were slwer t prmte biking during the pandemic, citizens started biking anyway. Bike activists in these cuntries petitined gvernments t expand biking facilities, while many mre citizens began cycling n streets withut bike lanes t avid mass public transprt lines. The cyclists f these cuntries shwed that while gvernment supprt helped t grw the bike bm t an extent, the real fuel fr it came frm individuals themselves.
    While many f these riders were using their bikes as an alternative cmmute t get t wrk, seek healthcare, r tend t ther essential needs, thers bught bicycles simply fr a safe and fun way t explre their hme cities and cuntries utdrs. Befre the beginning f the pandemic, bicycle travel in itself had a strng appeal, ffering a large number f benefits t travelers.
    “It was a way t get exercise, a way t cnnect with yur surrundings mre”, says Jim Taylr, a sprt psychlgist and cnsultant t USA Triathln. “Yu really can’t enjy yur surrundings when yu’re ging 70 mph.” Thse lng-standing benefits f bike travel were further enlarged by the challenges and stresses f the pandemic, driving mre peple int biking this past year.
    4.What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The ppularity f tw-wheeled travel.
    B.The ways t reduce speed limits f cars.
    C.Sme gvernments’ effrts t imprve rad cnditins.
    D.Sme cuntries’ cntributins t the rise f bike travel.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “petitined” prbably mean in Paragraph 3?
    6.What can we learn frm Paragraph 4?
    A.Sme peple bught bicycles fr a cnvenient way t explre utdrs.
    B.Many riders used bicycles as a means f transprtatin.
    C.Bicycle travel was nt ppular at all befre the pandemic.
    D.Mre peple chse bicycle travel than drive travel during the pandemic.
    7.What is Jim’ s attitude twards bike travel?
    A study has fund that a surprising number f tp websites are cllecting data yu have entered—such as passwrds r email addresses in a sign-up prcess yu then d nt cmplete—even if yu haven’t hit submit.
    Researchers frm KU Leuven, Radbud University, and the University f Lausanne lked at the tp 100, 000 websites. In rder t find ut whether access t nline frms is misused by nline trackers, the team searched thrugh the websites as if they were frm the US and the EU. Tp sites where email addresses are leaked t tracker dmains (网域) , the study says, include USA Tday and the Independent, thugh these issues at the tw websites have been settled.
    The sites themselves dn’t necessarily use the data but they may be used by third-party cmpanies. Fifty-tw sites were fund t be cllecting data befre anyne had hit submit, including the Russian dmain f Tyta and Russian tech giant Yandex.
    “If there’s a Submit buttn n a frm, the reasnable expectatin is that it des smething—that it will submit yur data when yu click it,” James, researcher in Radbud University’s digital security grup Guines Acar tld Wired. “We were super surprised by these results. We thught maybe we were ging t find a few hundred websites where yur email is cllected befre yu submit, but this went beynd ur expectatins by far.”
    In a fllw-up study, they discvered that Meta and TikTk cllect substantial persnal infrmatin frm web frms even when the user des nt submit the frm and des nt give agreement.
    In March 2022, they ran further crawls f websites, in which their rbt wuld enter email and passwrd infrmatin, and then click n smething t take them away frm the website withut hitting submit. The idea was t see if that infrmatin made its way back t Meta and TikTk’s Autmatic Advanced Matching, which cllected persnal data identifiers.
    8.What can we knw abut the Independent?
    A.Its users are frm US.
    B.Its netwrk security issues remain unslved.
    C.Its nline frms were easy t brwse.
    D.Its users’ email addresses were nce let ut.
    9.Wh is mst likely t take advantage f the users’ persnal infrmatin data?
    A.Yandex.B.Third-party cmpanies
    C.USA TdayD.Guines Acar.
    10.What did the researchers find unexpected?
    A.Tp sites are cllecting users’ data after they hit submit.
    B.Tp sites vluntarily gave ut users’ email addresses.
    C.Tp sites are selling users’ data t make prfits.
    D.Tp sites are cllecting users’ data even withut their submissin.
    11.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T advertise sme websites.
    B.T prvide infrmatin abut email addresses.
    C.T intrduce a research result abut infrmatin security.
    D.T suggest sme ways t prtect persnal infrmatin.
    Heatwaves in the U. S. and flds in western Eurpe have dminated the news cycle recently, frcing us t re-examine the relatinship between climate change and extreme weather. Other catastrphes are ging unnticed.
    In the past week, 380,000 peple have been evacuated due t flds in China’s Henan prvince,30 villages in Uganda were affected as rivers verflwed and 25 peple died in landslides after Mumbai was hit by big strms. Temperatures in Turkey and Nrth Africa apprached 50 °C, while Suth Africa and Brazil frze. Siberia is battling wildfires again. Finland experienced 31 cntinued days with maximum temperatures abve 25 °C, the lngest heatwave ever recrded in the cuntry. In Iran, the httest summer in decades has led t water shrtages that in turn caused prtests in the cuntry’s suthwest.
    All these disasters are part f a series f extreme weather events that paint a picture f a wrld that’s already warmed 1.2 C frm pre-industrial times. There’s n dubt that it will get warmer.
    The glbal climate is ut f balance, German meterlgist Jhannes Quaas said in an interview last week. Our climate’s reactin t greenhuse gas emissins isn’t immediate. The warming and resulting weather events that we see tday are a reactin t emissins that entered the atmsphere decades ag.
    Scientists estimate that, even if we meet glbal emissins reductin gals, the planet will cntinue t warm after that. That will take the planet t smewhere between 1. 5 °C t 2 C abve pre-industrial times by the end f the century. While their warming predictins have been crrect in the past, there’s n way t be abslutely sure when temperatures will stp rising, because the experiment we’re running n the planet has never been attempted befre.
    Death, vilence and destructin are all signs f humanity’s struggle t adapt t a changing climate. ”lt seems like there’s smething in human nature that makes us be behind the events, and nt ahead,”said Hans-Ott Prtner, an adviser t the German gvernment n climate and the envirnment. “ Maybe that’s because the nature f unprecedented events is that we can ‘t imagine what’s cming. ”
    12.Hw is the secnd paragraph f the article develped?
    A.By making cmparisns.B.By giving examples.
    C.By presenting research results.D.By analyzing the facts.
    13.What can be inferred frm Paragraphs 3 and 4?
    A.Temperatures wn’t necessarily cntinue t rise.
    B.Extreme weather cntributes t disasters t sme degree.
    C.Scientists can effectively cntrl climate changes.
    D.Climate’s respnse t greenhuse gas emissin is quick.
    14.What will scientists agree with accrding t the text?
    A.Glbal emissins reductin target will be sn met.B.Temperatures have risen by 2 ℃ up t nw.
    C.Glbal warming will undubtedly cntinue.D.Temperatures will stp rising fr sure.
    15.Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A.A guidebk.B.A science fictin.C.A newspaper.D.A feature stry.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Despite being ne f the mst famus and frequented attractins in the United States, 16 . Here are a few facts abut the Grand Canyn yu prbably dn’t knw.
    We dn’t really knw hw ld it is
    It has lng been believed that the Clrad River began carving the Grand Canyn abut 6 millin years ag, 17 . It suggests that the prcess may have begun as far back as 70 millin years. In all likelihd, the Grand Canyn as we knw it tday started ut as a series f smaller canyns 70 millin years ag, but the majrity f the canyn did nt begin t take shape until much mre recently.
    18 .
    Of all Grand Canyn facts, this ne is pretty cl—n wrd-play intended. Sudden changes in altitude have an enrmus impact n temperature and rainfall, s the weather yu are experiencing culd differ dramatically, depending n where yu are in the Grand Canyn. The cldest, wettest weather statin in the regin is the Bright Angel Ranger Statin n the Nrth Rim, while the httest (and ne f the driest) is just 8 miles away at Phantm Ranch.
    There are lts f fssils in the area
    While the dinsaur might have missed ut n seeing the Grand Canyn, lts f ther fssils have been fund. 19 . They vary frm ancient marine fssils dating back 1.2 billin years t fairly recent land mammals that left their remains in canyn caves abut 10,000 years ag.
    Fish are relatively uncmmn in the area
    Prir t mdern fld cntrl measures, the Clrad River prvided a uniquely difficult habitat fr fish, with heavy mud with small rcks, frequent flds, and temperatures ranging frm extreme heat in summer t sub-freezing in winter. Cnsequently, nly eight fish species are native t the Grand Canyn, 20 .
    A.but a 2012 study cntained a real shcker
    B.and many ther species are fund utside this area.
    C.and six f them are fund nwhere utside f the Clrad River.
    D.The weather in the Grand Canyn is really cl.
    E.This indicates that ther creatures frequented the lcatin.
    F.The Grand Canyn creates its wn weather.
    G.Grand Canyn Natinal Park still hlds sme surprises.
    第一部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    In the 2010s, 34-year-ld Miller travelled arund the wrld as a marine bilgist. Hwever remte the lcatin, she made the same alarming discvery: amunts f plastic littering the water and 21 marine life. Miller knew she needed t d smething.
    Her grup called A Greener Future estimates that 33 percent f what they 22 cmes frm fd packaging after rganizing litter clean-ups acrss Canada. If fd 23 were a cuntry, it wuld be the third largest prducer f greenhuse gases. Miller, determined t tackle the prblem at the surce, envisined a shp that 24 plastic bags and quit the bad habit f wasting fd itself.
    In 2018, Miller pened ne f the first zer-waste grcery stres in Canada, with her missin 25 the emphasis n sustainability. She named it Nada, and ensured everything was designed t make the zer-waste shpping experience 26 t practise. Fr instance, the cafe uses fd items 27 their expiry date (失效日期) t make baked gds, sups and mre. Miller buys frm sme 115 small lcal cmpanies. The suppliers must be 28 f a scial r envirnmental respnsibility, and just as imprtantly, they must be 29 t reducing waste in their wn supply chain.
    Because fd sales were 30 in pandemic, Nada clsed its drs t the public fr 18 mnths. 31 as the business was, Miller develped nline rdering and delivery in a sustainable way. Carbn-free deliveries are made by e-bike and electric vehicles. Everything frm live il t fresh eggs cmes 32 in upgraded cntainers, which are cllected and reused again with the next deliveries.
    Nt nly d thse cntainers just reduce waste, but they get peple thinking big, just as Miller had hped. “They are labeled with Nada stickers, 33 yu can see hw many times the cntainer has been used,” she says, with a 34 smile. “If yu pen smene’s cupbard and see all f these Nada-branded cntainers, it’s 35 t start a cnversatin.”
    22.A.pick upB.take upC.keep upD.put up
    On Sunday, the Cmmercial Aircraft Crpratin f China annunced that the C919 aircraft 36 (cmplete) all six test flights. Many might nt understand it, 37 test flights are n rdinary things in the life f a new aircraft mdel.
    Test flights are mre abut 38 (judge) the aircraf’s safety and reliability. Nw, with the C919 in place, dmestic airlines can stp wrrying abut a supply crisis.
    Hwever, there is rm fr cnstant 39 (imprve) , as sme parts f the C919 40 (imprt) frm the West. Even 41 Changjiang-1000A engine, a dmestic alternative, 42 (have) many imprted parts.
    It is therefre necessary fr the dmestic manufacturers t wrk harder t 43 (cnstant) raise the prprtin f dmestic parts in the C919.
    That will, in turn, help China’s aircraft-manufacturing industry t g glbal. S far, the CACC has reprtedly received abut 1, 000 44 (rder) fr the C919, with the majrity f thse cming frm dmestic airlines. 45 its imprved perfrmance and better technlgy, mre internatinal rders will cme in the future.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    参考词汇:诗仙Petic Genius;《静夜思》A Tranquil Night
    Dear Lucy,
    Li Hua
    Mst f us never frget the persn that was there fr us in ur darkest times. Apparently, penguins (企鹅) dn’t either.
    On a typical day, ff the cast f a small Brazilian island, Ja Pereira de Suza headed ut fishing. He was disheartened t find that an il leak had plluted the waters. Staring ut at the ily waves, he decided it was nt a gd day t fish. But walking n the beach that day, he fund a struggling penguin, cvered in il and starving.
    Ja tk the penguin hme, and spent a whle week gently cleaning it and nursing it back t health. He named it Dindim, a Prtuguese wrd meaning “ice pp”. Dindim is a Magellanic penguin, a species knwn fr living in the seas f Suth America. In rder t breed (繁殖), they must return t Patagnia, 5,000 miles frm Ja’s hme.
    After a week f rehabilitatin (康复), Ja patiently tk Dindim back t the sea and taught it hw t swim again. When Dindim culd swim quite well, Ja tk it ut int the sea by bat and drpped it ff t encurage it t swim back t its hme. But when he was back t shre, he fund the penguin waiting fr him. Ja made tw mre attempts later, but each time the bird wuld just return t Ja’s hme. It seemed that Dindim had already frmed a family bnd with Ja and wuldn’t leave.
    Ja had n chice but t keep the little creature. During the fllwing mnths, Dindim wuld fllw behind Ja t fish n the cast jyfully. Dindim als liked t lie n Ja’s lap, letting Ja give it shwers, allwing Ja t feed it fish and t pick it up. Ja and his family enjyed the cmpany f Dindim. But deep inside Ja’s heart, he knew Dindim belnged t the wild. Gradually, the ht summer days witnessed the change f its new feathers. Was it time t say “gdbye”?
    1. 续写词数成为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Suddenly ne mrning, Ja fund Dindim disappeared.
    A few mnths later, Ja heard sme familiar cries in his backyard.
    听力答案:1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CAABA 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 AABBC
    1.A 2.C 3.D
    1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“His screenprinted images f Marilyn Mnre, Sup cans, and sensatinal newspaper stries, quickly became synnymus(同义词) with Pp art.”(他的玛丽莲梦露、汤罐头和耸人听闻的报纸故事的丝网印刷图像,迅速成为波普艺术的同义词。)可知,玛丽莲梦露是他的作品之一。A项“Marilyn Mnre.”(玛丽莲梦露。)符合原文表述,故选A项。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章第四部分“Mimm Rtella”的“He cmbined pieces f adverts and psters in his wrks. Fr this technique he used a series f trn psters, gathering them t create a tremendusly expressive and pwerful aesthetic(美学).”(他在作品中结合了广告和海报。对于这种技术,他使用了一系列撕裂的海报,将它们收集起来,创造出一种极具表现力和强大的美学。)可知,Mimm Rtella将一系列撕裂的海报,将它们收集起来,创造作品。C项“Mimm Rtella.”(米莫·罗泰拉)符合原文表述,故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据文章第二部分“He became a famus celebrity himself. Understanding ‘star-culture’, advertisement and the effect f the media, he made these the cre f his wrk.”(他自己也成了名人。理解“明星文化”、广告和媒体的影响,他把这些作为他工作的核心。),第三部分“In this piece, as well as in ther wrks, we can see hw the enlarged imagery f adverts and cmics with recgnisable characters, highlights the irnic(讽刺好笑的) images and situatins in every-day life.”(在这件作品中,以及在其他作品中,我们可以看到广告和漫画的放大图像以及可识别的人物,如何突出讽刺图像和日常生活中的情况。),第四部分“He cmbined pieces f adverts and psters in his wrks.”(他在作品中结合了广告和海报。)和第五部分的“His wrk dived deep int cinematgraphy and advertising.”(他的工作深入到电影摄影和广告领域。)可知,与广告相关是他们的共同点。D项“They are smewhat related t cmmercials.”(它们与广告有些相关。)符合原文表述,故选D项。
    4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C
    4.主旨大意题。根据文章第二段话“Sme cuntries, like France, began prviding biking subsidies (补贴) t citizens fr repairs f up t 50 eurs in assigned bike shps, and many city gvernments arund the wrld began expanding basic facilities fr cycling. Lndn, Brussels, and Bgta all saw new bike lanes added t main rads and reduced speed limits fr the cars driving alngside them.(一些国家,如法国,开始向市民提供自行车补贴,在指定的自行车商店维修,最高可达50欧元,世界各地的许多城市政府开始扩大自行车的基础设施。伦敦、布鲁塞尔和波哥大都在主干道上增加了新的自行车道,并降低了车辆行驶的速度限制。)”可知,很多国家对自行车旅行做出了补贴以及修缮自行车基础设施等措施,促进了自行车旅行的兴起。故选D项。
    5.词义猜测题。根据文章第三段话“Bike activists in these cuntries petitined gvernments t expand biking facilities, while many mre citizens began cycling n streets withut bike lanes t avid mass public transprt lines.(这些国家的自行车活动人士 ______ 政府扩大自行车设施,而更多的市民开始在没有自行车道的街道上骑行,以避开大量的公共交通线路。 )”可知,自行车活动人士希望政府改善基础设施。petitin意为“请求,祈求”;request意为“请求,要求”,故选B项。
    6.细节理解题。根据文章第四段话“While many f these riders were using their bikes as an alternative cmmute t get t wrk, seek healthcare, r tend t ther essential needs, thers bught bicycles simply fr a safe and fun way t explre their hme cities and cuntries utdrs. (虽然其中许多人把自行车作为上班、就医或满足其他基本需求的替代交通工具,但还有一些人购买自行车只是为了以一种安全和有趣的方式在户外探索他们家乡的城市和国家。)”可知,很多人将骑自行车看作是重要的交通工具。故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。根据文章第五段话“It was a way t get exercise, a way t cnnect with yur surrundings mre.(这是一种锻炼的方式,一种与周围环境更多联系的方式。)”可知,Jim对自行车旅行是支持的。故选C项。
    8.D 9.B 10.D 11.C
    8.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Tp sites where email addresses are leaked t tracker dmains (网域) , the study says, include USA Tday and the Independent, thugh these issues at the tw websites have been settled. ”(该研究称,电子邮件地址被泄露到跟踪网域的热门网站,其中包括USA Tday《今日美国》和the Independent《独立报》,尽管这两个网站的这些问题已经得到解决。)可知,the Independent《独立报》这个网站曾经是有漏洞的,它的用户的电子邮件地址被泄露过。故选D项。
    9.细节理解题。根据第三段中“The sites themselves dn’t necessarily use the data but they may be used by third-party cmpanies”.(这些网站自身未必会使用这些数据,但这些数据可能会被第三方公司使用。)可知,这些热门网站虽然会收集用户个人信息,但不一定会用,但有可能会被第三方公司利用。故选B项。
    10.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段““If there’s a Submit buttn n a frm, the reasnable expectatin is that it des smething—that it will submit yur data when yu click it,” James, researcher in Radbud University’s digital security grup Guines Acar tld Wired. “We were super surprised by these results. We thught maybe we were ging t find a few hundred websites where yur email is cllected befre yu submit, but this went beynd ur expectatins by far.””(“如果表单上有一个提交按钮,合理的预期是它会做些什么,那就是当你点击它时,它会提交你的数据。” Radbud University数字安全小组Guines Acar的研究员James告诉Wired杂志。“我们对这些结果感到非常惊讶。我们原以为只可能会找到几百个在用户提交邮件之前就收集他信息的网站,但结果远远超出了我们的预期。”)可知,很多热门网站都是在用户点击提交前就已经获取了用户的信息,这是研究人员未预料到的。故选D项。
    11.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“A study has fund that a surprising number f tp websites are cllecting data yu have entered—such as passwrds r email addresses in a sign-up prcess yu then d nt cmplete—even if yu haven’t hit submit.” (一项研究发现,数量惊人的热门网站正在收集你输入的数据——比如你没有完成的注册过程中的密码或电子邮件地址——即使你还没有点击提交。)可知,文章开篇点明主题,给人们介绍了一项关于信息安全的研究:即使用户没有点击提交,但很多热门网站也能获取用户的个人信息。故选C项。
    12.B 13.B 14.C 15.C
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段“In the past week, 380,000 peple have been evacuated due t flds in China’s Henan prvince,30 villages in Uganda were affected as rivers verflwed and 25 peple died in landslides after Mumbai was hit by big strms. Temperatures in Turkey and Nrth Africa apprached 50 °C, while Suth Africa and Brazil frze. Siberia is battling wildfires again. Finland experienced 31 cntinued days with maximum temperatures abve 25 °C, the lngest heatwave ever recrded in the cuntry. In Iran, the httest summer in decades has led t water shrtages that in turn caused prtests in the cuntry’s suthwest.(在过去的一周里,由于中国河南省的洪水,38万人被疏散,乌干达30个村庄受到河流泛滥的影响,孟买遭受大风暴袭击后,25人死于山体滑坡。土耳其和北非的气温接近50摄氏度,而南非和巴西则冻结了。西伯利亚再次与野火作斗争。芬兰连续31天最高气温超过25摄氏度,这是该国有记录以来最长的热浪。在伊朗,几十年来最热的夏天导致了水资源短缺,进而引发了该国西南部的抗议活动)”可知,第二段以举例的方式列举了一些国家和地区所经历的极端天气。故选B。
    13.推理判断题。根据第三段“All these disasters are part f a series f extreme weather events that paint a picture f a wrld that’s already warmed 1.2 C frm pre-industrial times.(所有这些灾难都是一系列极端天气事件的一部分,这些事件描绘了一个已经比工业化前时代变暖1.2摄氏度的世界)”以及第四段“The warming and resulting weather events that we see tday are a reactin t emissins that entered the atmsphere decades ag.(我们今天看到的气候变暖和由此产生的天气事件是几十年前进入大气的排放物的反应)”可推知,极端天气在某种程度上导致了灾难。故选B。
    14.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“Scientists estimate that, even if we meet glbal emissins reductin gals, the planet will cntinue t warm after that.(科学家们估计,即使我们实现了全球减排目标,地球在那之后仍将继续变暖)”可知,科学家认为全球变暖无疑会继续下去。故选C。
    16.G 17.A 18.F 19.E 20.C
    16.根据上文“Despite being ne f the mst famus and frequented attractins in the United States(尽管是美国最著名和最常去的景点之一)”可知,设空处应指的是美国具体某一景点;结合下文“Here are a few facts abut the Grand Canyn yu prbably dn’t knw.(以下是您可能不知道的有关大峡谷的一些事实。)”,G项中的“still hlds sme surprises”与之呼应。G项“Grand Canyn Natinal Park still hlds sme surprises.(大峡谷国家公园仍然有一些惊喜。)符合题意。故选G项。
    17.根据上文“It has lng been believed that the Clrad River began carving the Grand Canyn abut 6 millin years ag(人们长期以来一直认为,科罗拉多河在大约600万年前就开始雕刻大峡谷)”以及下文“It suggests that the prcess may have begun as far back as 70 millin years.(这表明这个过程可能早在7000万年前就开始了。)”可知,设空处需要表示转折关系。其中A项“但2012年的一项研究包含了一个真正的震惊”符合题意。故选A项。
    18.设空处为副标题,既要涵盖整段主要内容——大峡谷因为地理环境的特殊有自己特有的天气情况,又要与下文“Of all Grand Canyn facts, this ne is pretty cl—n wrd-play intended.(在大峡谷的所有事实中,这一个相当酷——没有文字游戏。)”中的this ne呼应,F“The Grand Canyn creates its wn weather.(大峡谷创造了它自己的天气。)”符合题意,故选F项。
    19.根据上文讲“While the dinsaur might have missed ut n seeing the Grand Canyn, lts f ther fssils have been fund(在大峡谷发现了除恐龙化石以外的很多别的种类的化石)”,以及下文举例讲述这些化石的种类之广,E项中的this可呼应上文,其中谈到的ther creatures frequented the lcatin可衔接下文。故选E项。
    20.根据上文“Prir t mdern fld cntrl measures, the Clrad River prvided a uniquely difficult habitat fr fish, with heavy mud with small rcks, frequent flds, and temperatures ranging frm extreme heat in summer t sub-freezing in winter. Cnsequently, nly eight fish species are native t the Grand Canyn(在现代防洪措施之前,科罗拉多河为鱼类提供了一个独一无二的很艰难的栖息地,那里淤泥重,洪水频发,在夏季有极端高温,而冬季温度又能到冰点以下,因此,只有八种鱼类原产于大峡谷。)”可知, C项与上文衔接紧密,继续补充说明独特生存环境产生的影响——八种原产于大峡谷的鱼中有六种在科罗拉多河以外的区域是找不到的,与前文的a uniquely difficult habitat fr fish呼应。故选C项。
    21.B 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.D 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.D 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.B
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论这个地方多么偏远,她都有同样令人震惊的发现:大量的塑料垃圾乱扔在水中,威胁着海洋生物。A. cmprising使惊讶;B. threatening威胁;C. causing导致;D. prtecting保护。根据上文“amunts f plastic littering the water”以及下文“Miller knew she needed t d smething.”可知,海洋中的塑料垃圾开始威胁海洋生物,所以,Miller才觉得需要做些什么。故选B。
    22.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她所在的名为“绿色未来”的组织估计,在加拿大各地组织垃圾清理工作后,他们捡到的垃圾中有33%来自食品包装。A. pick up捡起;养成;B. take up占据;C. keep up维持;D. put up张贴、提供食宿。根据下文“after rganizing litter clean-ups acrss Canada.”可知,她所在的组织在加拿大各地进行垃圾清理,由此可知,空处指的是捡来的垃圾。故选A。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果食物浪费是一个国家,它将是第三大温室气体排放国。A. waste浪费;B. nutritin营养;C. price价格;D. prductin制造。根据下文“quit the bad habit f wasting fd itself.”可知,空处指的是食物浪费,所以Miller才想着改掉浪费食物的坏习惯。故选A。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Miller决心从源头上解决这个问题,她设想开一家禁止使用塑料袋的商店,改掉浪费食物的坏习惯。A. gathered聚集;B. distributed分布;C. banned禁止;D. shared分享。根据上文“Her grup called A Greener Future estimates that 33 percent f what they ___2___ cmes frm fd packaging after rganizing litter clean-ups acrss Canada.”可知,海洋污染中有很多事食品包装垃圾,由此可知,她想开的店应该是禁止使用塑料袋。故选C。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2018年,Miller开设了加拿大首批零废物杂货店之一,她的使命反映了对可持续性的重视。A. changing改变;B. reflecting反应、反射;C. cmpleting完成;D. influencing影响。根据上文内容以及上句“In 2018, Miller pened ne f the first zer-waste grcery stres in Canada,”可知,她的商店反映了对可持续性的重视。故选B。
    26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她将其命名为Nada,并确保所有的设计都是为了让零浪费的购物体验易于实践。A. clear清晰的;B. cmplicated复杂的;C. impressive令人印象深刻的;D. easy轻松的。根据下文“Fr instance, the cafe uses fd items ___7___ their expiry date (失效日期) t make baked gds, sups and mre.”可知,她是想确保所有的设计都是为了让零浪费的购物体验好操作、易实践。故选D。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,这家咖啡馆使用即将过期的食物来制作烘焙食品、汤等。A. prviding提供;B. shwing展示;C. appraching靠近、解决;D. stressing施压。根据空后的“their expiry date (失效日期)”以及上文所指的好操作可推测,咖啡馆使用的食物都是临近失效日期的,这样才可以不浪费食物。故选C。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:供应商必须意识到社会或环境责任,同样重要的是,他们必须致力于减少自己供应链中的浪费。A. aware意识到的;B. independent独立的;C. typical典型的;D. wrthy值得的。根据空后的“a scial r envirnmental respnsibility”可推测,空处指的是供应商应该意识到环境或环境责任。考查短语:be aware f,意为“意识到……”,符合本句句意。故选A。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:供应商必须意识到社会或环境责任,同样重要的是,他们必须致力于减少自己供应链中的浪费。A. expsed暴露;B. related与……相关;C. cmpared比较;D. devted投入、奉献。根据上文“The suppliers must be ___8___ f a scial r envirnmental respnsibility,”可知,供应商必须意识到社会或环境责任;而,除了有这个意识之外,还应该致力于减少浪费。故选D。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于疫情期间食品销售受到限制,Nada关闭了18个月的大门。A. expanded扩展;B. created创造;C. defeated击败;D. restricted限制。根据下文“Nada clsed its drs t the public fr 18 mnths. ”可知,疫情期间食品销售受到限制。故选D。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管这项生意面临挑战,但Miller以一种可持续的方式开发了在线订购和配送。A. Opprtunity机会;B. Challenge挑战;C. Ambitin野心;D. Pririty优先权。根据上文“Because fd sales were ___10___ in pandemic, Nada clsed its drs t the public fr 18 mnths.”可知,疫情期间Miller不得不关店18个月,由此可知,这项生意面临挑战。故选B。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从橄榄油到新鲜鸡蛋,所有的东西都是用升级过的容器运送的,这些容器会被收集起来,并在下一次运送时再次使用。A. remved去除;B. restred恢复;C. delivered递送;D. fried油煎。根据上文“Miller develped nline rdering and delivery in a sustainable way. Carbn-free deliveries are made by e-bike and electric vehicles.”可知,这些产品是用升级过的容器运送的。故选C。
    33.考查连词词义辨析。句意:她带着自信的微笑说:“它们都贴上了Nada贴纸,所以你可以看到这个容器被使用了多少次。”A. but但是;B. r或;C. because因为;D. s因此。根据上文“They are labeled with Nada stickers”可知,这些容器都贴上了Nada贴纸;而下文“yu can see hw many times the cntainer has been used”则是贴纸后所产生的结果。故选D。
    34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她带着自信的微笑说:“它们都贴上了Nada贴纸,所以你可以看到这个容器被使用了多少次。”A. cnfident自信的;B. shy害羞的;C. bitter苦涩的;D. guilty有罪的、内疚的。根据上文内容“Nt nly d thse cntainers just reduce waste, but they get peple thinking big, just as Miller had hped. “They are labeled with Nada stickers, ___13___ yu can see hw many times the cntainer has been used,” she says”可知,Miller在说这一切的时候是充满自信的。故选A。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你打开别人的橱柜,看到所有这些Nada品牌的容器,肯定会引发一场对话。A. strange奇怪的;B. bund应该的;C. vital至关重要的;D. realistic现实的。根据上文“If yu pen smene’s cupbard and see all f these Nada-branded cntainers,”以及常识可知,两个人应该会因为共同拥有Nada品牌的容器开始一段对话。故选B。
    36.had cmpleted 37.but 38.judging 39.imprvement 40.are imprted 41.the 42.has 43.cnstantly 44.rders 45.With
    36.考查时态。句意:周日,中国商用飞机有限责任公司宣布,C919飞机已完成全部六次试飞。根据主句时态——一般过去时,可推测,从句时态为过去完成时。故填had cmpleted。
    37.考查连词。句意:许多人可能不理解,但试飞在新飞机模型的生命周期中不是一件普通的事情。空前“Many might nt understand it”和空后“test flights are n rdinary things in the life f a new aircraft mdel.”之间为转折关系,用but连接。故填but。
    40.考查时态和语态。句意:然而,由于C919的一些部件是从西方进口的,因此仍有不断改进的空间。这里为从句谓语动词,根据主句时态可知,从句时态为一般现在时;主语为“sme parts f the C919”,复数,和动词“imprt”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填are imprted。
    42.考查时态。句意:即使是国产的替代品——长江—1000A发动机,也有许多进口部件。这里为本句谓语动词,根据上下文可知,本句时态为一般现在时;主语为“Even the Changjiang-1000A engine”,单数,谓语动词用has。故填has。
    46.Dear Lucy,
    I’m s glad that yu’re interested in the Chinese pet Li Bai, and I’d lve t tell yu what I knw abut him.
    Li Bai is ne f the mst famus pets f the Tang Dynasty. His pems are s great that he’s knwn as the “Petic Genius”. In additin, his pems are full f rmance and imaginatin, such as his mst famus ne, “A Tranquil Night”.
    Li Bai lved freedm very much, which was reflected in his pems. What’s mre, he als lved t drink while he was creating pems, and it seemed that drinking was able t inspire him. That’s what I knw abut Li Bai. Nw d yu knw much mre abut him?
    Li Hua
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→ shw interest in
    著名的:famus→ well-knwn
    充满了:be full f→ be filled with
    此外:in additin→ what’s mre/besides
    原句:Li Bai is ne f the mst famus pets f the Tang Dynasty. His pems are s great that he’s knwn as the “Petic Genius”.
    拓展句:Li Bai, whse pems are s great that he’s knwn as the “Petic Genius”, is ne f the mst famus pets f the Tang Dynasty.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Li Bai lved freedm very much, which was reflected in his pems.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】That’s what I knw abut Li Bai.(运用了what引导的表语从句)
    47.Suddenly ne mrning, Ja fund Dindim disappeared. “Has it really left?” Ja wndered, his mind mixing with srrw and jy. In rder t breed, he knew that Dindim had t g back, but it still made him heartbrken. Lking at the empty nest, he refused t leave. After a while, he bent dwn, picked up a few feathers frm the grund, and turned back t the rm. When putting the feather int a jar, he said t himself, “Fine, it’s finally grwn up.”
    A few mnths later, Ja heard sme familiar cries in his backyard. He hurriedly ran t the backyard. What caught his eyes were a grup f penguins lking arund! One even staggered up t him and lked up at him, as if asking, “Old friend, d yu remember me?” It was Dindim! He quickly bent dwn, gently strking its feathers. Later, these penguins lived there fr a while and left sme beautiful memries. S, just like Dindim, a penguin remembering wh saved it when in truble, let’s always be grateful.
    ②.回到:turn back t /return t
    ①.悲喜交加的:mind mix with srrw and jy/be bitter-sweet
    ②.感恩的:be grateful/be thankful
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. When putting the feather int a jar, he said t himself, “Fine, it’s finally grwn up.” (由when引导的时间状语从句使用了省略句的结构)
    [高分句型2]. What caught his eyes were a grup f penguins lking arund!(由连词what引导的主语从句和现在分词作状语)

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    2023-2024学年福建省福州屏东中学高二上学期期中考英语试卷含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年福建省福州屏东中学高二上学期期中考英语试卷含答案,文件包含福建省福州屏东中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考英语试卷原卷版docx、福建省福州屏东中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年福建省福州华侨中学高二上学期期中考英语试卷含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年福建省福州华侨中学高二上学期期中考英语试卷含答案,文件包含福建省福州华侨中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考英语试卷原卷版docx、福建省福州华侨中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共48页, 欢迎下载使用。






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