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    这是一份浙江省杭州北斗联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,只需上交答题纸, C等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Attend a cncert. B. See a film. C. Watch a game.
    2. What is the man ding?
    A. Asking permissin. B. Offering help. C. Finding the smking area.
    3. When did the wman came back hme?
    A. At 8: 00 B. At 10: 00. C. At 11: 00.
    4. Where des the wman want t have dinner?
    A. At the Red Rse Restaurant.
    B. At the man’s huse.
    C. At the Blue Mn Restaurant.
    5. What will the wman d?
    A. Take a bath. B. Ck a meal. C. Call her dad.
    6. Hw much will the wman pay?
    A. $100. B. $200. C. $400.
    7. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Feed the dg every day. B. Walk the dg twice a day. C. Get the dg’s registratin papers.
    8. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and emplyee. B. Husband and wife. C. Neighbrs.
    9. What des the man have t d nw?
    A. Talk with the wman. B. G t the airprt. C. See Mr. Brwn ff.
    10. What’s the wman’s truble?
    A. She argued with her classmate.
    B. She has difficulty getting a jb.
    C. She lacks f fashinable clthes.
    11. What shuld the wman d accrding t her parents?
    A. Get apart-time jb. B. Buy sme new clthes. C. Spend mre time n her study.
    12. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is the same size as her sister.
    B. She will have a talk with her parents.
    C. She desn’t want t wear her sister’s clthes.
    13. Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T help him buy fd. B. T invite him t a party. C. T ask him t send invitatins.
    14. What des the wman say abut Ben?
    A. He is leaving France.B. He has becme a teacher. C. He will wrk fr a magazine.
    15. Wh will attend the party?
    A. Ben’s teachers. B. Ben’s parents. C. Ben’s wrkmates.
    16. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 8: 45. B. At 9: 00. C. At 10: 00.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. Brandn’s mther. B. A custmer. C. An annuncer at Wal-Mart.
    18. Where was Brandn last seen?
    A. In the tys sectin.
    B. In the frzen fds sectin.
    C. In the sprting gds sectin.
    19. What is Brandn wearing?
    A. Adark shirt and blue jeans.
    B. Blue jeans and a black baseball cap.
    C. A white shirt and a red baseball cap.
    20. What shuld custmers d if they see Brandn?
    A. Take him t the Pizza Hut.
    B. Call the frzen fds sectin.
    C. Help him t get t the security desk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Experimenting with eggs
    What can yu d with eggs ther than eat them?
    Naked Eggs
    What des an egg lk like withut its shell? Yu may be picturing the white and ylk in a bwl after cracking it, but that isn’t the nly way t remve the shell.
    Materials: 1 egg, white vinegar, a bwl, a spn
    Directins: Fill a bwl with ne cup f vinegar. Add the egg t the bwl, and wait at least 24 hurs. When yu check it after a day, yu’ll ntice sme bubbles n the egg and a residue(残留物)in the water. Use the spn t gently remve the egg frm the bwl. Remve the ld vinegar, and add a cup f fresh vinegar. Return the egg t the bwl, and wait anther 24 hurs. When yu remve the egg this time, the shell shuld cmpletely disappear.
    Walking n Eggshells
    Can Eggs hld the weight f yur entire bdy?
    Materials: six cartns(硬纸盒)f eggs, a garbage bag
    Directins: Place the garbage bag n the flr t make any necessary clean up easier. Place the cartns f eggs int tw rws f three. Make sure all the eggs are pinting in the same directin-either all pinty end up r all runded end up. Step nt the first cartn f eggs carefully. If yu’re careful, yu will succeed. Eggs are actually incredibly strng. The arch shape at the tp and the bttm f the egg allws pressure t be distributed evenly ver the egg.
    21. In the first experiment, what cause(s)the eggshell t disappear?
    A. Water. B. Vinegar. C. Bubbles. D. Residue.
    22. What was the main factr in the success f the secnd experiment?
    A. The arrangement f the eggs. B. the number f the eggs.
    C. The distributin f the cartns. D. The shape f the cartns.
    23. What was the authr’s purpse in writing this text?
    A. T persuade readers t use eggs in new ways.
    B. T tell the reader abut the structure f the egg.
    C. T instruct readers hw t experiment with eggs.
    D. T inspire readers t cnduct experiments carefully.
    In 2009, Sean wrked fr an American technlgy cmpany. His jb requires him t travel all ver the United States. As he sat in his htel rm ne night, he began t wnder what happened t the sap in the bathrm nce he left the htel. It’s impssible t leave it in the rm fr smene else t use. Curius, he asked the htel manager, wh tld him the used sap had been thrwn away and replaced with a new ne.
    Shawn culd nt sleep that night. A quick Internet search infrmed him that there were abut 4. 6 millin htel rms in America. If 60 percent f these were used every night, ver ne millin bars f sap wuld be thrwn away every day. Was this really necessary? The yung man went n t read reprts abut the imprtance f hand-washing. He learned that thusands f children were dying every day frm diseases related t bad hygiene(卫生). If the children washed their hands with sap, the number f deaths culd be reduced by half. Sn, Shawn started a business recycling sap frm htels.
    Shawn started his charity, Clean The Wrld, and began distributing(分发)his recycled sap t children all ver the wrld. His ther big task was t cntact ther htels, s he culd take away their used sap. He fund that he was really ding the htels a big favur. Nt nly was he putting their sap t gd use, but he was als preventing millins f bars f used sap frm ending up in landfill(垃圾填埋地)every year. His charity was able t raise mney by charging the htels fr this service. In return, the htels culd tell everyne they were part f an amazing new charity.
    Tday, the charity has ffices verseas and perates in China, India and Canada. Many f the biggest htel grups in the wrld are wrking with Clean The Wrld, helping t save lives.
    24. What trubled Shawn when he was in a htel rm in 2009?
    A. His tiring travels. B. The waste f sap in htels.
    C. His sleeping prblems. D. The pr service f the htel.
    25. What can we learn abut Clean The Wrld?
    A. It is a win-win fr itself and htels.
    B. It helps htels make a lt f mney.
    C. It intends t sell sap t pr peple.
    D. It tries t create envirnment-friendly sap.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Shawn?
    A. Far-sighted and strict. B. Curius and humrus.
    C. Public-spirited and caring. D. Respnsible and curageus.
    27. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Htels cming tgetherB. Building gd hygiene habits
    C. Creative ways f making sap D. Recycling sap t save lives
    Peple may set an alarm n the phne r clck that sunds like this: beep beep beep. That hard, unpleasant sund may be making it harder t shake ff the sleepy feeling in the mrning knwn as grgginess. S, is there a better way t wake up? A recent study says yes. The answer is music.
    The study, carried utby researchers in Australia, invlved50peple. The researchers fund that peple wh wake up t musical alarms reprted feeling mre awake and alert. Stuart McFarlane, a lead writer f the study stated, “We are very surprised by these findings as ne might expect a harsh beeping sund t be mre successful at waking up a persn.”
    Sleep inertia(睡眠惯性)is anther term fr grgginess. It means a persn has a heavy feeling when waking up, and has truble getting mving again after sleeping. McFarlane said peple need t better understand sleep inertia’s harmful effects n human perfrmance later in the day.
    “Nt everyne will experience the full effect. But fr thse wh need t perfrm well during this time, care shuld be taken when perfrming their duties,” he said. “This includes dangerus tasks like driving r riding ur bikes shrtly after waking up. The same is true fr peple wh wrk in dangerus situatins shrtly after they wake, including firefighters and pilts.”
    S, what makes musical alarms better fr waking up? The researchers think the music may be mre successful in reducing sleep inertia because it has several tnes, cmpared t the single tne f a “beeping” alarm. McFarlane said that the changes ver time between the music tnes may help increase a persn’s attentin when waking frm sleep.
    And is there a kind f music that is best t wake up t? There maybe, McFarlane said. “We culd suggest alarm sunds that are tune full and easy t sing alng with. The current sunds I have been using include ‘Clse t me’ by the Cure and ‘Brderline’ by Madnna.”
    N matter hw yu wake up, experts say, the amunt f sleep yu get als matters a lt.
    28. What d the underlined wrds “shake ff” mean in Paragraph 1?
    A. Get hld f. B. Get rid f. C. Pay attentin t. D. Fit in t.
    29. Which f the fllwing statements is true accrding t the passage?
    A. Sleep inertia is the main cause f grgginess.
    B. Hw lng a persn sleeps is f great imprtance.
    C. The “beeping” alarm is nt effective mainly because f its nisy tne.
    D. It is dangerus fr everyne t drive r ride bicycles shrtly after waking up.
    30. What makes music mre effective in resisting sleep inertia?
    A. It varies in tnes. B. It is pleasant t hear.
    C. It has higher frequency. D. It is easier t understand.
    31. In which sectin f a magazine may yu find the passage?
    A. Technlgy. B. Fictin. C. Health. D. Entertainment.
    A team f researchers at ETH Zurich has the perfect lng-lasting slutin t ur fg prblem. They have develped a very thin and gld-based transparent cating(涂层)that can cnvert sunlight int heat, which can be applied t glass and ther surfaces t prevent them frm fgging.
    The special cating is develped using titanium xide and gld particles. It selectively absrbs infrared radiatins(红外线辐射)frm the sunlight and creates a heating effect that is pwerful enugh t keep fg away frm the surface f an bject. The cating basically emplys heat t stp fgging. The cating absrbs a large part f the infrared radiatin, which causes it t heat up-by up t 8℃.
    Previusly, prducts like anti-fgging sprays(喷雾)create a very thin film f water n the surface t remve fg. The prblem with such surfaces is pllutin. Alng with water, the sprays als attract dirt, dust, il, and varius ther dirty substances, and just a little dirt n the surface makes it useless. Hwever, the new cating repels(排斥)water. Furthermre, the cating is significantly thinner, which makes it mre transparent as well as flexible. It is heated passively and requires, during daytime, n additinal energy surce.
    Gld might be expensive, but the researchers stress that their cating requires s little that the material csts remain lw. Their cating is prduced with standardized and readily scalable methds, all cst-effectively. Hwever, althugh this prduct can wrk at very lw levels f slar radiatin, it des rely n a certain amunt f light.
    The researchers will develp the cating further fr ther applicatins. In the prcess, they will examine whether ther metals wrk just as well as gld. There is n need t fear. Hwever, this wuld cause a car r a building t heat up mre in the summer. The researchers have already filed a patent. Hpefully, this grundbreaking prduct will sn be available n the market.
    32. Hw des the new cating wrk t remve fg?
    A. By reflecting part f sunlight selectively.
    B. By keeping cl air away frm the bject.
    C. By creating a thin film f water n the surface.
    D. By absrbing infrared radiatins t heat the cating.
    33. Why des the authr mentin previus anti-fgging prducts?
    A. T stress the advantages f the new cating.
    B. T intrduce the inspiratin behind the new cating.
    C. T prve the difficulty f creating anti-fgging prducts.
    D. T explain the reasn fr the anti-fgging cating being ppular.
    34. What is the limitatin f the new cating?
    A. It is cnsiderably expensive.B. It depends n sunlight t wrk.
    C. It takes t much time t prduce. D. It is difficult t clean and maintain.
    35. What d the researchers plan t d next?
    A. Apply fr a patent fr the inventin.
    B. Develp the prduct fr mre practical uses.
    C. Explre the envirnmental impact f the cating.
    D. Seek a mre envirnmentally friendly material t replace gld.
    Fur Cmmn Cmmunicatin Mistakes
    It can be embarrassing t make mistakes in cmmunicatin. Fr example, if yu send an email with a grammatical mistake, yu can end up lking unprfessinal. 36 Fr example, they can push away clleagues r custmers. Nw let’s lk at sme cmmn cmmunicatin mistakes.
    Spelling, tne and grammatical mistakes can make yu lk careless. That’s why it’s essential t check all f yur cmmunicatins befre yu send them. Smetimes, it can be difficult t see errrs in yur wn wrk. S cnsider asking a clleague t lkver key dcuments befre yu distribute them.
    Yu always deliver bad news by email.
    Wuld yu annunce smething bad t thers by email? If yu did, yu culd upset them! Written cmmunicatin channels dn’t allw yu t sften difficult messages with nn-verbal(非言语的)clues, such as bdy language. 38 S if yu need t deliver bad news, d this in persn.
    Yu tend t avid difficult cnversatins.
    At sme pint, yu will need t give negative feedback(反馈意见). It may seem wise t avid such cnversatin. 39 Fr instance, yu may find that a small prblem yu “let g” sn grws int a big ne. Preparatin is the key t handling difficult cnversatins. Learn t give clear, actinable feedback.
    Yu are reacting instead f respnding.
    Have yu ever shuted at a clleague in upset, r sent a brief and unfriendly reply t an email, withut thinking yur pint thrugh? If s, yu’re likely t have reacted emtinally, instead f respnding calmly. The kind f emtinal reactin can damage yur reputatin(名声). 40
    A. Yu fail t have yur wrk checked.
    B. But this can cause further prblems.
    C. Difficult cnversatins can cause upset.
    D. Yu assume thers understand yur messages.
    E. Yu may give thers the impressin f lacking self-cntrl.
    F. And they dn’t allw yu t immediately deal with strng emtins.
    G. Other cmmunicatin mistakes can have mre serius cnsequences.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Hank, a tw-year-ld cat, is a hmebdy. But recently, he gt 41 in a 60-tall tree fr five days and fur nights withut fd r water.
    Hank’s big 42 started last weekend. He explred the neighbrhd 43 , and a dg came ut, running after him and sending him flying up a tree.
    When Hank’s wner, Delres Bushng, 44 him in the neighbr’s tree, she immediately called the Humane Rescue Alliance fr help. 45 , Hank was t high fr any ladder(梯子)t reach and the tree branch wasn’t 46 enugh t supprt the climb f the rescuer. Bushng felt extremely 47 , but her neighbrs shwed her that she wasn’t alne.
    The neighbr, whse tree Hank had climbed, let Bushng sit in his backyard and 48 Hank dwn. Anther neighbr 49 a can f fish, hping it might attract the 50 cat t cme dwn. By day five, they tried a new 51 and it wrked! They 52 a pulley(滑轮)system by circling a rpe arund a tall branch, and 53 a basket with sme f the wner’s persnal items. The cat, fllwing the familiar scents, climbed int the basket and was 54 frm the tree.
    Bushng said the help f her cmmunity was 55 , and Hank’s adventure taught her a lessn abut neighbrs helping neighbrs!
    41. A. injured B. stuck C. invlved D. lst
    42. A. practice B. challenge C. adventure D. appearance
    43. A. in turn B. by chance C. n time D. as scheduled
    44. A. rescued B. bserved C. trained D. sptted
    45. A. Typically B. Surprisingly C. UnfrtunatelyD. Strangely
    46. A. smth B. stable C. flexible D. fixed
    47. A. shcked B. embarrassed C. ashamed D. helpless
    48. A. talk B. catch C. bring D. frighten
    49. A. received B. dnated C. preserved D. sld
    50. A. energetic B. cautius C. curius D. hungry
    51. A. instructin B. pinin C. apprach D. chice
    52. A. created B. repaired C. bught D. texted
    53. A. made B. carried C. raised D. decrated
    54. A. cmfrted B. prtected C. returned D. lwered
    55. A. remarkable B. serius C. available D. respnsible
    The histry f Chinese tea is a lng and gradual prcess. Generatins f grwers and prducers have perfected the Chinese way f making tea and 56 (it)many unique reginal variatins.
    The 57 (rigin)idea was suggested by the legendary Emperr Shennng, 58 is said t have lived 5,000years ag. His far-sighted laws required that fr health 59 (reasn)all drinking water be biled. A stry 60 (g)that, ne summer day, while visiting a distant part f his kingdm, he and the fficials stpped 61 (rest). At his cmmand, the servants began t bil water 62 the fficials t drink. 63 (dry)leaves frm a nearby bush fell int the biling water, and a brwn substance was injected int the water. As a scientist, the Emperr was interested in the new liquid, drank sme, and fund it very 64 (refresh).
    And s, accrding t legend, tea 65 (create)in 2737 BC.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,分满分40分)
    A lng time ag, when I wrked in Ahmedabad, we wuld ften drive t Munt Abu fr shrt trips—it tk us anywhere between seven t eight hurs t drive up. That year, my clse relatives were visiting frm Lucknw during the hlidays, and we made a plan t visit Abu fr three days. Since there were seven f us, including my brther’s family wh als lived in Ahmedabad, we hired tw cabs. We picked urselves int the vehicles, stacked(堆放)ur luggage n the carriers n tp and started ut.
    A gd time was bad by all, and sn it was time t return. During the jurney back, we stpped at a Dhaba fr tea and snacks near the Mehana district. That’s when I nticed suddenly that the rpe with which the luggage was tied n and f the carriers had cme lse(松动的)and ne f the suitcases was missing. It must have fallen ff smewhere alng the way.
    Althugh it didn’t cntain any valuables—just clthes and sme cash, we decided t retrace ur steps, drawing back fur kilmetres, lking fr the bag. But luck wasn’t ur friend: we culd nt lcate it and returned t Ahmedabad depressed.
    After abut a mnth, ne day, while in my ffice, I gt a call frm my assistant that a certain Mr. Smith wanted t see me. I was in the middle f a meeting s he was asked t wait. After I gt dne, I called him int my ffice.
    I was lking after the develpment f small industries in the state at the time, s my immediate query was. “Hw can we help yu? D yu want t set up an industry r are yu facing any issues in yur enterprise?” T which he said, “N, sir. I have nt cme fr any fficial help. It is a persnal matter. Did yu lse smething recently?”
    Of curse, it all came back t me and I tld him abut the lst suitcase frm the cab back frm Munt Abu a mnth ag.
    Paragraph 1:
    Then Smith tld his side f the stry.
    Paragraph 2:
    But the gentleman insisted n delivering the suitcase t me.
    1-5 CACCB 6-10 ABABC 11-15 CABCC 16-20 ACBBC
    21-23 BAC 24-27 BACD 28-31 BBAC 32-35 DABB
    36-40 GAFBE
    41-45 BCBDC 46-50 BDABD 51-55 CACDA
    56. its 57. riginal 58. wh 59. reasns 60. ges 61. t rest 62. fr 63. Dried 64. refreshing65. was created
    One pssible versin:
    Dear David,
    I’m Li Hua, chairman f the Student Unin. Delighted and privileged, I’m writing t invite yu t be a judge at ur English speech cntest, Telling China’s Stries Well in English.
    Aimed at spreading glrius Chinese histry and cultivating natinal cnfidence, the cntest is due t take place in ur schl auditrium n Dec.15th. It starts at 9: 30 a. m. and will last abut 2 hurs. Nine cntestants will cmpete in the final, each delivering tw speeches, a prepared ne and an imprmptu ne based n a tpic chsen by the English teachers.
    It wuld be ur greatest hnr if yu culd accept ur invitatin and get yur time spared. If yu have any mre questins, feel free t call me. Lking frward t yur prmpt reply.
    Li Hua
    Then Shah tld his side f the stry. While driving hme, he nticed a suitcase lying by the side f the rad. He left a message at the Lst and Fund, but n ne apprached him fr the suitcase. Abut a mnth passed, he culd d nthing but break pen the lck and fund my name and address inside. Wrds failed me t cnvey my thanks fr his kindness and genersity. Of curse, I mentined that I wuld visit his residence in the evening and cllect my bag.(80)
    But the gentleman insisted n delivering the suitcase t me. In the evening he and his wife came t my huse with the suitcase. We chatted ver tea. I thanked them again. It was nt fr the belngings but fr the effrts they spared t find me. We remained in tuch fr quite sme time afterwards, but smehw we lst tuch with each ther. Hats ff t him, the man wh makes me realize that kindness still rules the wrld.(70)
    Then Smith tld his side f the stry. It turned ut that a mnth ag n his way hme frm Munt Abu, he pulled ver t use the tilet, and happened t ntice a suitcase n the rad. He put up a few psters in the lcal area, but the wner never cntacted him. Eventually, he had t break pen the lck and fund my phne number. At it, I was vercme with unexpected surprise. After sme grateful wrds, I tld him I wuld drive t his huse t cllect my suitcase.(85)
    But the gentleman insisted n delivering the suitcase t me. He was wrried I’d have a hard time finding his huse. After what seemed tw hurs, he came t my huse with the suitcase. The mments that fllwed witnessed ur happy cnversatin. Befre he left, I insisted n giving him a gift in return, but he refused firmly and said, “I’m happy t be f sme help. If I tk it, my happiness wuld be gne.” Lking at his fading figure, I was nt nly glad t have my suitcase back but als glad t have my trust in humanity back.(85)
    Text 1
    W: What are we ging t d tnight? Why dn’t we g t the cinema r a cncert?
    M: Well, the thing is that there’s a ftball match n televisin.
    Text 2
    M: Excuse me. Culd I smke here, ma’am?
    W: I’m srry, but yu see that my baby is sleeping here. Why dn’t yu g t the smking area between Carriages 8 and 9?
    Text 3
    M: When was yur laptp stlen?
    W: It was abut 10 ’clck. I left hme at 8: 00, and when I came back at 11: 00, it was gne.
    Text 4
    M: Shall we eat ut tnight?
    W: Sunds great. Where d yu want t g?
    M: Hw abut the Red Rse Restaurant? It’s veryn ear my huse.
    W: It’s t nisy there. Hw abut the Blue Mn Restaurant? I like the sft music there—it’s a much nicer envirnment fr eating.
    Text 5
    W: Why are yu all wet, Nick?
    M: Smene fell int the lake, and I jumped in t save him.
    W: Oh, my dear by, I’m s glad yu’re OK. G and take a ht bath. Then give yur dad a call. I’ll g and prepare yu sme dinner.
    Text 6
    W: Hell, can yu bard dgs here?
    M: Yes. Hw lng d yu want t bard yur dg?
    W: ⑥I want t bard my dg here frm next Mnday t next Thursday. Hw much per day?
    M: ⑥A small dg is $25 a day; a big dg is $50 a day.
    W: ⑥Oh, I think mine is a small ne. ⑦Can yu walk the dg twice a day?
    M: N prblem. When yu bring yur dg, please bring the dg’s registratin papers.
    Text 7
    M: Hell, Alice. What’s the matter?
    W: I’ve been here fr tw hurs. Can yu spare me a few minutes?
    M: Right nw?
    W: Yes. ⑧I’d like t have a wrd with yu abut my jb.
    M: Srry. ⑨I’m afraid I can’t, fr I must g t the airprt t meet Mr. Brwn nw.
    W: What abut this time tmrrw?
    M: OK. This time tmrrw then. See yu!
    W: See yu!
    Text 8
    W: Oh, Dennis, what shuld I d?
    M: What’s wrng, Julia?
    W: I d nt have cl clthes fr the Talent Shw next week. My clthes are ut f style.
    M: Why nt buy sme new clthes?
    W: I dn’t have enugh mney.
    M: Maybe yu culd get a part-time jb in yur free time.
    W: N, I can’t. My parents want me t spend mre time n my study. S I argued with them.
    M: Oh, yu shuldn’t argue with yur parents. Yu shuld talk t them. Hey, Julia, why dn’t yu brrw sme frm yur sister? I think yu tw are the same size.
    W: That’s true. But my sister desn’t want me t wear her clthes. She wants t be riginal. S Ihad an argument with her t.
    Text 9
    W: Hi, Jackie! We’re ging t a farewell party n Friday evening. Wuld yu like t cme?
    M: T a party? Ruth, I’d lve t! Whse party is it?
    W: My friend, Ben. He’s ging t Paris n Saturday. He’s gt a great jb with a French magazine.
    M: Ww! Gd fr him. Is he having a party at his flat?
    W: Yes. He’s arranged fr it.
    M: Wh else is ging?
    W: Well, sme f Ben’s friends frm wrk and us.
    M: That sunds gd. What time are yu ging?
    W: Abut nine ’clck. The party is at ten.
    M: I’d like t g with yu. I’ll meet yu at yur flat ata quarter t nine.
    W: N prblem. See yu then.
    Text 10
    W: Gd afternn, shppers! This is a special request frm the security department here at Wal-Mart. We hpe yu are finding everything yu are lking fr, but right nw, we need yur help. We are lking fr a 12-year-ld by named Brandn McSrley. Brandn, if yu can hear this, please g t the security desk. Yur mm is lking fr yu. All ther guests, please take a mment t help us find Brandn. His mther Sally was last with him in the frzen fds sectin abut 10 minutes ag, and she thinks he is still smewhere in the stre, pssibly in the tys sectin r the sprting gds sectin. Brandn is wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, white shes, and a black baseball cap. He is abut 5 feet 2 inches tall with dark hair and blue eyes. If yu see Brandn, please help him t get t the security desk. Yu can als tell us in time if yu see Brandn r have any ther infrmatin abut him. Thank yu very much fr yur help, and enjy the rest f yur day here at Wal-Mart.

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