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    命题学校:重庆市长寿中学 命题人:喻小庆 周钰馨 审题人:张代国
    1. Hw much was the car last Friday ?
    A. $1,100. B. $1,250. C. $1,400.
    2. What des the man think the weather will be like in the afternn ?
    A. Cludy . B. Sunny . C. Rainy .
    3. What is the wman’s suggestin fr thanking the neighbr ?
    A. T make smething fr her. B. T buy smething fr her.C . T fix smething fr her.
    4. Where is the wman nw ?
    A. On 20th Street. B. On 24th Street. C. In Jim’s ffice.
    5. What des the candy taste like ?
    A. Sweet and salty . B. Sweet and sur . C. Sur and salty.
    6. What is the wman nervus abut ?
    A. Her new jb.
    B. A celebratin she needs t plan.
    C. A jb interview. 更多免费优质滋元可 家 威杏 MXSJ663 7. What will the man d tmrrw evening ?
    A. Visit a new friend. B. See a mvie. C. Entertain his c-wrkers.
    8. Hw lng did the wman sleep last night ?
    A. Abut tw hurs. B. Abut fur hurs. C. Abut six hurs.
    9. When will the bss need the wrk plan ?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    10. Hw lng has the wman traveled ?
    A. Fr half a year. B. Fr ne year. C. Fr tw years.
    11. Where was the wman unable t visit ?
    A. Asia. B. Australia. C. Suth America.
    12. Why culdn’ t the wman cntinue with her travels ?
    A. Her arm was hurt. B. Her father fell ill. C. Her mney was stlen.
    13. What is the main tpic f the wman’s paper ?
    A. The future f televisin. B. The histry f phne. C. The grwth f cmputer.
    14. Hw des the wman feel abut the tpic ?
    A. It’s new. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s bring.
    15. What is televisin’s biggest cmpetitr accrding t the research ?
    A. The mbile phne. B. The vide game. C. The iPd.
    16. Hw lng d mst peple think a TV prgram might be n average ?
    A. Abut five minutes. B. Abut ten minutes. C. Abut thirty minutes.
    17. Where are the cash machines ?
    A. On the 1st flr. B. On the 2nd flr. C. On the 3rd flr.
    18. Hw many films des the theater shw tday ?
    A. 12. B. 25. C. 30.
    19. What is the suggested special present t remember the trip ?
    A. A mvie ticket.
    B. Painting materials.
    C. A head- and- shulders picture.
    20. What is the speaker prbably ?
    A. A tur guide. B. A lcal artist. C. A bank clerk.
    DiscverCars.cm have ranked the best destinatins in Eurpe fr an autumn getaway. The tp fur destinatins fr a Eurpean Autumn getaway were:
    Barcelna, Spain
    Barcelna takes first place in DiscverCars. cm’s ranking f the best destinatins in Eurpe fr an autumn getaway. With the highest number f cheap restaurants (1,793) and lw-cst htels (534), there are certainly plenty t chse frm when visiting the Catalnian city.
    The average cst f a week lng htel stay in Barcelna is priced at £981 while plane tickets frm Heathrw cst £141 n average during Autumn.
    Lisbn, Prtugal
    Next, Lisbn ranked in secnd place – als mving up ne psitin frm last year’s results. Lisbn is hme t 455 lw-cst htels and has the highest average temperature frm September t Nvember ut f all cities examined (18° Celsius).
    The jurney frm Lndn Heathrw t Lisbn Humbert Delgad Airprt csts £148 n average while vehicles are available fr hire fr £159.
    Berlin, Germany
    Mving n, in third place is the German capital, Berlin. The city imprved frm 2022’s results where the lcatin ranked in furth place. Berlin ffers visitrs a chice f 1,422 cheap eateries and 360 lw-cst htels thrughut the city.
    Additinally, the average cst f a week-lng htel stay ttals £827 while the average amunt f daylight thrughut Autumn is 10.7 hurs.
    Budapest, Hungary
    In furth place is Budapest—the tp-rated destinatin 12 mnths ag. Budapest has an average f 56mm f rainfall during the Autumn mnths, the secnd lwest ut f all cities investigated.
    Budapest is als a very affrdable(价格合理的) city, with the average price f a flight frm Heathrw csting £160 while a week-lng htel stay is priced at £600 n average.
    21. Which destinatin wuld likely have the mst sunshine in autumn?
    A. Barcelna B. Lisbn C. Berlin D. Budapest
    22. Which destinatin ranked in furth place in 2022?
    A. Barcelna B. Lisbn C. Berlin D. Budapest
    23. What d the fur destinatins have in cmmn?
    A. Inexpensive accmmdatin B. Cheap restaurants
    C. Cnvenient transprtatin D. Lw autumn rainfall
    The city f San Francisc, Califrnia, is knwn as a city that lves fd. There are many award-winning restaurants. San Francisc is als a city that lves dgs. S, dg wner and chef Rahmi Massarweh decided t cmbine his tw lves int ne. He has pened the first and nly restaurant fr dgs. The restaurant is called Dgue. The name is like the wrd “vgue”, which means “fashin”. It pened in September in the city’s ppular Missin District.
    Individual dishes cst arund $30. Or, fr $75 each, dgs can dine n a multi- curse “bne appetite” meal. Sme peple are expressing their pinins abut the cstly menu. But Massarweh has received a lt f supprt frm his custmers. They are thankful t have a place t treat their furry friends. Recently, Dgue held three dg birthday parties at the same time.
    Gledy Espinza is the wner f Masn, an 11-year-ld miniature dachshund (迷你腊肠犬). Masn enjyed sme mushrm sup with pieces f chicken. “I wanted t celebrate fr him. He is s special t me. He’s my fur-legged child and this is the perfect place t have a really nice celebratin. We’re fdies (吃货). I guess he is t, nw,” Espinza said.
    Massarweh uses cstly ingredients (材料) t prepare his fd. Everything he makes culd be eaten safely by humans, but we prbably wuld nt like it. The dg dishes may taste flavrless t us. Dgue’s gal is t spread the idea f feeding dgs fresh, healthy, and natural fd. Sme research shws that natural fd may be better fr a dg’s stmach than the dg fd that yu can buy in a stre.
    24. What is special abut Dgue in San Francisc?
    A. It is the nly restaurant fr dgs. B. It serves award-winning dishes.
    C. It is lcated in the Missin District. D. It is a restaurant fr dg wners.
    25. What can be inferred abut the custmers f Dgue ?
    A. They can hardly affrd the dg dishes.
    B. They are nt cncerned abut the health f their dgs.
    C. They prefer t ck fr their dgs at hme.
    D. They have different pinins abut Dgue.
    26. Why des the authr mentin Gledy Espinza?
    A. T highlight the expensive meals at Dgue.
    B. T shw a custmer’s psitive experience at Dgue.
    C. T intrduce a new dish at the restaurant.
    D. T fcus n lder dgs as the main custmers.
    27. What’s Rahmi Massarweh’s main reasn fr pening Dgue ?
    A. T make a lt f mney frm rich dg wners.
    B. T prvide high-end dining fr San Francisc’s dgs.
    C. T share his lve fr fd with dgs.
    D. T imprve dgs’ health thrugh natural ingredients.
    A cmpany run by Ggle, called DeepMind, has fund a way t predict diseases in peple using artificial intelligence(AI). This is the name given t a cmputer system that can “think” fr itself and perfrm tasks that usually require human intelligence such as prblem-slving and decisin-making.
    Ggle DeepMind is an AI cmpany that wrks with scientists, engineers and researchers t slve difficult challenges using technlgy. They say their aim is t advance science and benefit humanity, and their research includes finding ways t use technlgy t identify and treat diseases.
    DeepMind’s new sftware, AlphaMissense, wrks by lking at DNA. This is a chemical fund in all animals and plants that carries infrmatin abut every living thing’s appearance and characteristics.
    DNA is made up f fur chemical “bases”. These are knwn as A, T, G and C. The rder that these bases are arranged in is very imprtant, because it prvides the instructins fr hw a life-frm will develp. If the bases aren’t in the right rder, this can create smething called missense mutatins(突变). These are mstly harmless, but in sme cases they lead t diseases, including sickle cell disease, which affects peple’s bld, and cystic fibrsis, which affects lungs and digestive(消化的) systems.
    There are millins f pssible missense mutatins. Scientists had nly classified (归类) 0.1% f these as either benign r ptentially (潜在的) disease-causing. Hwever, the AlphaMissense sftware has nw classified an impressive 89% f them. The DeepMind team have shared their findings in the hpe that it will help dctrs and scientists spt disease-causing mutatins and start treating peple sner.
    Genmics England (GE), a cmpany that wrks with the NHS t analyse peple’s DNA, has already tested the sftware. Dr Ellen Thmas, frm GE, said it will help scientists “make sense f genetic data”, s that patients can get better treatments.
    28. What can we learn abut DeepMind frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. It mainly fcuses n financial gains.
    B. It wrks with varius experts.
    C. It has fund a cure fr all diseases.
    D. It is a newly established cmpany.
    29. What is the main functin f DeepMind’s AlphaMissense sftware?
    A. T arrange DNA bases in the crrect rder.
    B. T slve challenges using artificial intelligence.
    C. T classify missense mutatins in DNA.
    D. T treat diseases like sickle cell disease and cystic fibrsis.
    30. In paragraph 5, the wrd “benign” is clsest in meaning t .
    A. beneficial B. mysterius C. harmless D. dangerus
    31. What’s Dr. Ellen Thmas’s attitude twards AlphaMissense?
    A. Dubtful B. Disappinted C. Indifferent D. Psitive
    Muse embrys(胚胎) have been cultured(培养) n the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS), marking a significant step in understanding reprductin in space. Led by Teruhik Wakayama frm the University f Yamanashi in Japan, this experiment studied the pssible safety f human pregnancy(怀孕) during lng space jurneys, such as a trip t Mars that lasts mre than six mnths. Wakayama emphasized the imprtance f this research, saying, “We are cnducting research t ensure we will be able t safely have children if that time cmes.”
    The experiment began n Earth, where early tw-cell stage embrys frm pregnant mice were taken ut, frzen, and sent t the ISS n a SpaceX rcket. Astrnauts n the ISS then warmed up and cultured the embrys fr fur days using devices specially designed fr this task. Afterward, the embrys were kept and returned t Earth. The fur-day grwth perid was chsen as embrys can nly survive fr this length utside a uterus, accrding t Wakayama.
    Upn their return, the embrys were examined t check the impact f space’s unique cnditins, such as higher radiatin(辐射) levels and micrgravity(微重力). The results were prmising; the embrys shwed n DNA damage frm radiatin and shwed nrmal structural develpment, including the crucial change int tw cell grups necessary fr frming the fetus and placenta. Wakayama fund these results significant, as it was previusly believed that micrgravity might prevent the embry’s ability t separate int these separate cell types.
    While these findings are prmising, further research is needed t fully understand space reprductin. Wakayama referred t a previus study invlving pregnant rats in space, which resulted in the birth f typical-weight rats, suggesting nrmal develpment. The team nw aims t further study the health f embrys expsed t space cnditins and plans t test whether muse embrys sent t the ISS can develp int healthy yung after returning t Earth.
    32. What was the main purpse f sending muse embrys t the ISS?
    A. T test the pssibility f embrys in space.
    B. T study the effects f radiatin n DNA.
    C. T culture embrys using specific devices.
    D. T bserve the grwth f pregnant mice.
    33. The muse embrys shwed after being cultured n the ISS.
    A. DNA damage frm radiatin B. failed separatin int cell grups
    C. adjustment t micrgravity D. nrmal grwth
    34. Why des the passage mentin a previus rat study in paragraph 4?
    A. T prvide supprting evidence fr the results
    B. T describe the cnditins fr raising rats
    C. T recmmend a new research methd
    D. T intrduce an unsuccessful experiment
    35. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Space Mice: A Genetic Revlutin
    B. Pregnancy in Space: A Muse Embry Study
    C. Mars Trip: Embry Challenges
    D. Muse Embrys: Freezing Techniques
    Libraries are sme f the mst magical places n Earth. 36 . If yu are new t using libraries, yu might be surprised t learn hw much they can d fr yu. Here’s hw t get started.
    Get a library card
    T take ut anything frm yur lcal library, yu first need a library card, which gives yu the right t check ut bks and ther items. 37 . When it’s time t return them, yu can bring them back r yu may be able t renew them t keep them a little lnger.
    Ask librarians(图书管理员)fr help
    If yu’re stuck trying t find a bk and can’t remember the exact title r the name f the authr, a librarian can likely help yu find what yu’re lking fr. 38 . Tell them what bks yu have enjyed as well as the subjects that interest and inspire yu, and they’ll be able t recmmend yur next read.
    Libraries are best knwn fr their vast bk cllectins, but they ffer even mre. Yu r an adult in yur family can als stream mvies and TV shws with the help f library apps like Hpla and Kanpy. There are cmputers and quiet znes where yu can study with few distractins. Yu may als find free r discunted printing and phtcpying services.
    Enjy scheduled events
    Many libraries hst free events fr yung peple. Yu can ask a librarian r check the library’s website fr a list r calendar f upcming activities and sign up with yur card. 40 .
    G beynd bks
    Check Out Materials
    Librarians can als make great suggestins.
    Libraries ften hst utdr activities fr cmmunities.
    They prvide a wealth f knwledge and create pprtunities fr everyne.
    These can include tween and teen bk clubs, art wrkshps, and fun classes.
    The library will have rules abut hw many items yu can brrw and fr hw lng.
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C 和D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I think this was my mst memrable experience s far. I vlunteered fr tw weeks in a guesthuse(家庭旅馆)by the sea 41 by a Mexican mther and sn. I’ll always remember when I gt t the bus stp and the sn came t 42 me up. He was my age and I just knew this wuld be smething different and fun. We 43 n the way t the huse and I was welcmed t a Mexican lunch by the mther and anther 44 , K, wh was yunger than me. We quickly 45 a little grup and even with the mther.
    The mst 46 part f this experience was the rm I was 47 K: Our beds were 48 by a curtain; we had n 49 t ur rm and we had hles in ur ceilings. There was a table in ur rm where we all had lunch, and crabs(螃蟹) crawled in at night. The water frm the tap came frm the sea and there was ne stve and the WiFi 50
    wrked. We played card games at night, ccasinally had beers, and best abve all, 51
    and talked fr hurs and hurs. I lved every minute f this 52 and simple cuntry life.
    I was sad t leave but have kept in 53 with all f them since then and definitely plan n seeing them again. This 54 made me understand why yu shuld vlunteer, whether it’s in yur hme cuntry r anywhere else in the 55 .
    41. A. run B. sld C. rganized D. ffered
    42. A. take B. put C. get D. pick
    43. A. argued B. explred C. chatted D. understd
    44. A. vlunteer B. turist C. wner D. visitr
    45. A. fund B. cllected C. frmed D. practiced
    46. A. disappinting B. interesting C. annying D. challenging
    47. A. turning t B. caring abut C. giving up D. sharing with
    48. A. rganized B. separated C. cleaned D. arranged
    49. A. dr B. key C. wall D. flr
    50. A. nrmally B. bviusly C. actually D. hardly
    51. A. cried B. laughed C. learned D. debated
    52. A. bring B. peaceful C. rmantic D. hard
    53. A. track B. cntrl C. cntact D. distance
    54. A. experience B. lifestyle C. guesthuse D. friendship
    55. A. cuntryside B. wrld C. city D. campus
    One f the wrld’s 56 (big) multi-sprts events tk place in Hangzhu, Peple’s Republic f China. 57 (celebrate) the 19th Asian Games, the mascts(吉祥物) f the grand sprting event - Lianlian, Cngcng, and Chenchen - have made 58
    (they) first appearance. And the trch (火炬) fr the Hangzhu 2022 Asian Games was named “Eternal Flame” and its design 59 (cme) frm the Liangzhu Culture, which was a testament t the 5000-year-ld Chinese civilizatin.
    Since the pening ceremny n September 23, 11,830 60 (athlete) frm 45 cuntries and regins have gathered in Zhejiang t cmpete in 481 events in Hangzhu and neighbring cities including Ningb, Wenzhu and Jinhua. 61 (interesting), the 19th Asian Games have intrduced E-sprts as a medal event, 62 (give) glbal recgnitin t this new frm f sprt alngside mre familiar physical activities.
    The first Asian Games were rganized in 1951 in New Delhi, India. S far, 17 Asian Games 63 (rganize). The Asian Games, 64 symblizes (象征) the mutual equality and unity f Asian cuntries, is a multinatinal sprt event rganized at the gap f every 4 years by members f the Asian Games Federatin. Only Asian players can take part
    65 this event.
    66. Many peple cme t the Amazn Rainfrest t see its (独特的) plants and animals.
    67. I’m 15 years ld, and she is 14. S she is j t me.
    68. It’s my great (荣幸) t deliver a speech abut hw t learn English well.
    69. Taking (责任) fr smething that went wrng is a mark f grwth.
    70. C with ther peple’s prblems, my wn prblems seem unimprtant.
    71. Millins f fans a Jrdan’s athletic ability and cnfidence.
    72. Sme students wh are (上瘾的) t the virtual wrld can't bear being
    separated frm mbile phnes even fr a shrt while.
    73. When the teacher came in, the students (假装) that nthing had happened.
    74. The Great Wall is (承认) t be ne f the mst famus sights in China.
    75. Chngqing has becme a ht city fr turists. Every year, its special scenery a
    turists frm all ver the cuntry .
    76. I thught t myself, “What if I can’t achieve all f my (目标)?”
    77. I was terribly a abut the children when they didn’t cme hme frm schl.
    78. It’s implite t make unfriendly c n a persn’s appearance.
    79. A survey shwed peple were (困惑的) abut what they shuld eat t stay healthy.
    80. One f the mst prper teaching (策略) is using flash cards.
    1. 如何选修课程(根据兴趣、父母建议和未来职业规划等)及理由;
    2. 你的祝愿。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为100个左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 参考词汇:未来职业规划future career plan。
    Dear David,
    Li Hua

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