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    这是一份重庆市长寿区八校2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联考(B卷)英语试题(Word版附解析),共35页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A party. B. A necklace. C. A dress.
    2.Why des the wman exchange the cat?
    A. It's small. B. It's big. C. It's dark.
    3.Where is the wman's husband nw?
    A. In Lndn. B. In Tky. C. In Paris.
    4.What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Pack sme bxes. B. G hme and rest. C. Cntinue wrking.
    5.Hw des the man get t the bus stp?
    A. On ft. B. By subway. C. By car.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.Hw much will the man pay in ttal?
    A. $900. B. $750. C. $700.
    7.Hw will the man pay fr the guitar?
    A. By credit card. B. By check. C. In cash.
    8.What is the man's advice fr the wman's trip?
    A. She shuld als check ut Venice.
    B. She shuld nly stay in Rme.
    C. She really shuld g t Pisa.
    9.Hw much vacatin time will the wman prbably spend in Rme?
    A. Tw days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.
    10.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At the radi statin.
    B. On the beach.
    C. In the cean.
    11.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Jin the party.
    B. Describe the weather.
    C. Invite her t the party.
    12.What is the weather like tday?
    A. Ht. B. Warm. C. Cl.
    13.What's the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Strangers. C. Teammates.
    14.What is the girl afraid f?
    A. Failing the test.
    B. Missing sme classes.
    C. Lsing at sprts.
    15.What game wuldn't the by like t play anymre?
    A. Sccer. B. Baseball. C. Basketball.
    16.Where is the library?
    A. On the third flr.
    B. On the secnd flr.
    C. On the first flr.
    17.What is the speaker ding?
    A. Reprting the weather.
    B. Recmmending utdr activities.
    C. Arranging fr the summer hliday.
    18.What was the weather like in the Nrtheast in the past week?
    A. Cl. B. Warm. C. Ht.
    19.Why is the Midwest prbably the best place in the speaker's eyes?
    A. It'll be sunny and cmfrtable.
    B. Its transprt is cnvenient.
    C. It has great air-cnditining systems.
    20.What des the speaker advise peple in the Suth t d?
    A. Prepare fr strms.
    B. Replan their uting.
    C. Enjy the clear skies.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Fr thse wh’ve always wanted t walk the halls f Hgwarts r explre the shps f Diagn Alley (对角巷),Universal Orland ffers the next best thing. The theme park pened every Harry Ptter fan’s dream place back in 2010.
    Fr Ptterheads everywhere, hwever, deciding when t make the trip t the Wizarding Wrld f Harry Ptter is nt easy. These tips will help yu experience the best f the Wizarding Wrld, whether yu’re lking t save mney, avid the busy seasn, r simply experience the mst magical times f the year.
    The cheapest times t visit Harry Ptter’s wrld
    The cheapest (and least busy) mnths t visit the Wizarding Wrld f Harry Ptter are January and mst f February, except the days surrunding the New Year and winter break. Other inexpensive times include the beginning f March and mst f September and Octber.
    The best Harry Ptter events at Universal
    While they may nt be the quietest times t explre Harry Ptter’s wrld, Universal hlds many events thrughut the year that fans wn’t want t miss.
    A Celebratin f Harry Ptter
    Fr a weekend every January, Universal hsts A Celebratin f Harry Ptter. Guests (wearing their class rbes, n dubt) will jin ther diehard Ptter fans fr three days f exhibits, discussins and cast Q&A activities. Fr anyne wh really lves the bks and the films, this may be ne f the best times f the year t visit.
    Christmas in the Wizarding Wrld
    Universal’s new additins t their hliday entertainment lineup make Hgwarts the perfect place t be arund Christmastime. Decratins add beauty t the shps f Diagn Alley and Hgsmeade, the Frg Chir sings Christmas carls (颂歌),and snw falls n Hgwarts as a festive shw takes place in frnt f the castle.
    Hallween in the Wizarding Wrld
    Lastly (and perhaps mst surprisingly), Hallween seasn is als a gd time fr a magical visit t the Wizarding Wrld. Universal’s main Hallween event, Hallween Hrrr Nights, prduces a special Harry Ptter-related surprise.
    1. Which times csts mst t visit Harry Ptter’s wrld?
    A. January and mst f February.
    B. New Year and winter break.
    C. The beginning f March.
    D. Mst f September and Octber.
    2. What will peple d in the event f A Celebratin f Harry Ptter?
    A. They will jin ther Ptter fans fr varius activities.
    B. They will decrate the shps and sing Christmas carls.
    C. They will watch a festive shw taking place in frnt f the castle.
    D. They will get a special Harry Ptter-related surprise.
    3. What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A. T infrm readers f sme events abut Harry Ptter.
    B. T intrduce the Universal Orland t readers.
    C. T help experience the best f Wizarding Wrld.
    D. T advertise the bks and films f Harry Ptter.
    It is in human nature t explre new things. T that end, many cuntries have been explring space fr many decades, particularly the US, Russia, and cuntries in Eurpe.
    President Xi Jinping praised the success f the Chang’e 5 missin (使命) in bringing back the cuntry’s first samples (样本) cllected frm the mn. The whle cuntry is prud f this breakthrugh. The Chang’e 5 missin has achieved many significant breakthrughs, including China’s first lunar (月球的) surface sampling, first liftff frm the mn and the first spacecraft with the ability t gather and meet in lunar rbit with samples t re-enter the Earth s atmsphere.
    The success f the Chang’e 5 missin marks a cnclusin f China’s current lunar explratin prject. The successful re-entry and landing f the Chang’e 5 capsule (太空舱) have enabled China t btain its first lunar samples, marking a new start fr lunar and planetary research. With this achievement, China sets a new milestne in space explratin.
    N matter hw far China ges int space, it always stays true t its riginal missin-uncvering the secrets f the universe and cntributing t human’s peaceful use f space. China is a peace-lving cuntry and will use its achievements fr prmting peace arund the glbe.
    China views these effrts as part f the wrld’s lunar explratin. It chse a different landing site and is prmising t share its samples t enrich the planet’s knwledge. Sme freign scientists have shwn particular interest. The explratin is nt fr cmmercial purpses, but internatinal scientific research. Human beings shall explre the mn tgether, as it will finally need large prjects requiring internatinal cperatin. China will play a leadership rle in the internatinal scientific cmmunity.
    4. What made Chinese peple feel prud accrding t the passage?
    A. Landing n the mn successfully.B. Gaining admissin t explring the mn.
    C. Strengthening the ability t prmte the peace.D. Bringing back first samples cllected frm the mn.
    5. Which f the fllwing can best describe the Chang’e 5 missin?
    A. Hrrible but rmantic.B. Fearful but successful.
    C. Challenging but rewarding.D. Dangerus but peaceful.
    6. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The riginal missin remains unchanged.B. Cuntries jin tgether t explre the mn.
    C. China takes pride in the achievements in space.D. China sets a new milestne in space explratin.
    7. Where is this text mst likely frm?
    A. A pster.B. A leaflet.C. A newspaper.D. A guidebk.
    At university, when I tld peple I was studying fr a histry degree, the respnse was almst always the same, “Yu want t be a teacher?” N, a jurnalist. “Oh. But yu’re nt majring in cmmunicatins?”
    In the days when a university educatin was a privilege, perhaps there wasn’t the assumptin that a degree had t be a springbard directly int a career. Thse days are lng gne. Tday, a degree is all but a necessity fr the jb market, ne that mre than halves yur chances f being unemplyed. Still, that alne is n guarantee f a jb—and yet we’re paying mre and mre fr ne.
    Given thse csts, mst f us want t maximize that investment — and that can lead t a plug-and-play type f apprach t higher educatin. Want t be a jurnalist? Study jurnalism, we’re tld. A lawyer? Pursue pre-law. Nt ttally sure? G int STEM (Science, Technlgy, Engineer and Maths) — yu can becme an engineer r an IT expert. And n matter what yu d, frget the humanities, such as histry, philsphy and languages.
    It’s true that the humanities cme with a higher risk f unemplyment, but the risk is slighter than yu wuld imagine. Fr yung peple in the U.S. , the unemplyment rate f thse with humanities degrees is fur percent, just a little mre than that f engineering degree hlders. Lwer salaries may nt be caused by the degree itself either. The gender pay gap persists in the humanities, whse graduates are mre likely t be female. Is it any wnder then that language teachers tend t make less than engineers?
    Accrding t LinkedIn’s research n the mst sught-after jb skills by emplyers fr 2019, the ability t cmmunicate and get alng with peple, t understand what’s n ther peple’s minds, and t d full-strength critical analysis were all valued and appreciated. It ges withut saying that yu can be an excellent cmmunicatr and critical thinker withut a humanities degree. And any gd university educatin, nt just ne in English r psychlgy, shuld sharpen these abilities further. But few curses f study are quite as heavy n reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking as the humanities — whether that’s by debating ther students in a seminar, writing a thesis paper r analyzing petry.
    The whle questin f whether a student shuld chse STEM versus the humanities might be misguided t begin with. The headlines mst f us see dn’t help. Whatever a student pursues in university, it must be smething that they are nt nly gd at, but interested in. Even if it means pursuing a “useless” degree — like ne in humanities.
    8. Why are peple paying mre and mre fr a degree?
    A. Because peple need a degree t further their career.
    B. Because university educatin is cnsidered a privilege.
    C. Because a degree is viewed as a must fr landing a jb.
    D. Because their interest can be develped in university.
    9 The authr mentined a plug-and-play type f apprach t shw ________.
    A. a tip fr chsing a majr
    B. the imprtance f higher educatin
    C. a prblem that exists amng STEM graduates
    D. the reasn why peple verlk the humanities
    10. Accrding t the authr, what is the benefit f majring in humanities?
    A. A cmparatively high salary after graduatin.
    B. Better chances f getting rid f gender prejudice.
    C. A better cmmunicative skill than science students.
    D. Mre expsure t the training f language and thinking.
    11. What is the authr's attitude twards the pursuit f humanities?
    A. Dubtful.B. Optimistic.
    C. Objective.D. Cncerned.
    If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things.
    Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. The clearest example f this between literate and nn-literate histry is perhaps the first cnflict, at Btany Bay, between Captain Ck’s vyage and the Australian Abriginals. Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. If we want t recnstruct what was actually ging n that day, the shield must be questined and interpreted as deeply and strictly as the written reprts.
    In additin t the prblem f miscmprehensin frm bth sides, there are victries accidentally r deliberately twisted, especially when nly the victrs knw hw t write. Thse wh are n the lsing side ften have nly their things t tell their stries. The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects.
    12. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Hw past events shuld be presented.B. What humanity is cncerned abut.
    C. Whether facts speak luder than wrds.D. Why written language is reliable.
    13 What des the authr indicate by mentining Captain Ck in paragraph 2?
    A. His reprt was scientific.B. He represented the lcal peple.
    C. He ruled ver Btany Bay.D. His recrd was ne-sided.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “cnversatin” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Prblem.B. Histry.C. Vice.D. Sciety.
    15. Which f the fllwing bks is the text mst likely selected frm?
    A. Hw Maps Tell Stries f the Wrld B. A Shrt Histry f Australia
    C. A Histry f the Wrld in 100 Objects D. Hw Art Wrks Tell Stries
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Many peple think that psitive thinking is mstly abut keeping ne's head in the sand and ignring daily prblems, trying t lk ptimistic. In reality it has mre t d with the way an individual talks t himself. Self-talk is a cnstant stream f thughts f a persn, wh is ften unaware and uncertain f sme events, phenmena, peple, r even the persn himself.____16____Meanwhile, psitive thinking can help t stp negative self-talks and start t frm a psitive view n an issue. Peple wh regularly practise psitive thinking tend t slve prblems mre effectively. They are less expsed t stress caused by external factrs. They tend t believe in themselves and in what they d.
    ____17____Peple wh think psitively demnstrate increased life spans, lwer rates f depressin and anxiety, better physical and psychlgical health, reduced risks f death frm heart prblems. Psitive thinking als cntributes t ne's ability t deal with prblems and hardships.____18____Fr example, researchers have fund that in the case f a crisis accmpanied by strng emtins, such as a natural disaster, psitive thinking can prvide a srt f buffer against depressin and anxiety. Resilient peple wh think psitively tend t treat every prblem as a challenge, a chance fr imprvement f any kind, r as an pprtunity fr persnal grwth. Pessimists, n the cntrary, tend t perceive prblems as a surce f additinal stress.____19____
    In cnclusin, psitive thinking is a pwerful and effective tl fr dealing with hard times and imprving the quality f ne's life. It desn't have anything t d with ignrant ptimism when an individual refuses t ntice a prblem.____20____
    Thinking in a psitive, self-encuraging way brings abut many benefits t ne's physical and mental health.
    A. It desn't cause any severe emtinal discmfrt, either.
    B. Negative self-talk damages self-cnfidence and decreases self-respect.
    C. It helps ne t remain clear-headed and cnfident in difficult situatins.
    D Psitive thinking has several beneficial effects n the bdy and the mind.
    E. As thinking changes, an individual's behaviur and habits change as well.
    F. They ften ffer a real alternative t the cmmn and regular way f thinking.
    G. They ften feel discuraged lng befre trying t slve the prblem, even if small.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Our wrds carry great weight — mre than we smetimes think. They ften _____21_____ peple fr decades, prviding either the _____22_____ t carry n r ne mre reasn t give up.
    When I was in my ninth-grade year, I transferred t a new junir schl in Texas. I remember walking int the schl cafeteria fr the first time. I was all by myself. The ther kids had built valuable _____23_____, while I didn’t knw a persn. After _____24_____ my way thrugh the serving line, I slid int the nearest pen seat. The kids at the table gave me a lk, wrinkled their nses, and then laughed quietly. I culd feel my face getting red with embarrassment. I lked _____25_____ at my fd. Finally, ne f the kids _____26_____ the ice. “Man! Yu have ne big nse!” I was _____27_____. I didn’t knw what t say. I wanted t cry, but I managed a little laugh — like it didn’t really _____28_____ me. But it did.
    Every day frm that pint frward, I wuld lk at myself in the mirrr. All I culd see was that big fat _____29_____ that vershadwed every ther feature. I studied it frm every angle, but kept cming back t the same ______30______: I was nly a life supprt system fr a nse. It was my ______31______ feature.
    ______32______, I eventually grew ______33______ that thught. But it really tk me twenty years. Even nw, I feel a little uncmfrtable thinking abut it. It just ges t shw yu hw ______34______ wrds can be. Therefre, think twice befre yu ______35______ since a careless wrd can shape — r misshape — smene’s reality fr years t cme.
    21. A. impressB. impactC. hurtD. inspire
    22. A. curageB. interestC. praiseD. depressin
    23. A. habitsB. prfitsC. grupD. friendships
    24. A. ridingB. givingC. feelingD. making
    25. A. upB. backC. dwnD. frward
    26. A. ateB. drppedC. brkeD. hit
    27. A. frightenedB. embarrassedC. inncentD. fragile
    28. A. upsetB. intendC. terrifyD. restrict
    29. A. headB. nseC. muthD. face
    30. A. decisinB. easeC. cnclusinD. expectatin
    31. A. typicalB. desperateC. hericD. universal
    32. A. SuddenlyB. PersnallyC. ActuallyD. Thankfully
    33 A. intB. ut fC. up frmD. up t
    34. A. vividB. efficientC. pwerfulD. nvel
    35. A. behaveB. agreeC. laughD. speak
    Tw graduates, frm Central China Nrmal University in Wuhan, Hubei Prvince, using the names Wanwan and Chacha, ____36____ (uplad) a 17-minute vide nline late last year abut their lives ver the past five years.
    In the vide, Wanwan, ____37____ has taken up a dzen jbs since graduating five years ag, said she nw nly has 5,000 yuan. Her rmmate Chacha gt a master’s degree in scriptwriting (编剧) frm Cmmunicatin University f China. But ____38____ cnsequence f a tugh jb market, she had great difficulty ____39____ (btain) a jb in the film industry. Last year, she started t learn painting but she said she had t wrk part-time as a cleaner at a htpt restaurant t supprt ____40____ (she).
    “When yu can accept yur failure, yu will feel that it is nt that bad. When wrking at the htpt restaurant, my biggest ____41____ (cmfrtable) is that I wn’t starve t death n matter what is next,” Chacha said. “There are many rads in ur lives, and n matter which directin yu g, yu will ____42____ (eventual) find yur wn rad.”
    The vide was ne f the trending vides f last year, gaining mre than 5.44 millin views and mre than 26,000 cmments since it ____43____ (release), with many netizens sharing their wn failures in the cmments sectin.
    Netizens said they were warmed by their curage t share failures with the public, strng determinatin ____44____ (achieve) their gals, ptimism in the face f hardships ____45____ spirit f never giving up.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 上周六你校高二段学生参加了由学生会组织的“多多栽树,绿化校园(Mre Trees, Greener Schl)”为主题的植树活动。假定你是高二学生李华,受校英文报委托写一篇活动报道。
    Mre Trees, Greener Schl
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I keep a tw-dllar bill in my wallet that was given t me by my mther when I was six years ld. I still remember the day when she pulled me int the living rm and said, “Yu are brilliant in my mind, but if yu fail nce dn’t give up. Dn’t fear failure. It is a way f getting us t try harder. Yu will succeed, I prmise.”
    She lked at me and cntinued, “I want yu t carry this tw-dllar bill fr extra gd luck.”
    “Thanks mm,” I replied. “I will keep it clse t me always.”
    I am nt superstitius (迷信的), but frm that day n the bill ges with me wherever I g. I firmly believe that luck wuld fllw me everywhere.
    Every mrning I wuld get dressed and my tw-dllar bill went int my pcket. My mther passed away when I was 17 years ld and I remember taking ut my tw-dllar bill. I held it in my hand fr the lngest time and knew that she wuld be watching ver me the rest f my life.
    Each time I felt I had a crisis n my hands, I wuld reach fr my tw-dllar bill and set it n the table. I wuld stare at it fr several hurs and culd always cme up with a slutin.
    When I applied fr my first jb, I was thirty years ld and very shy. The thught f being interviewed fr a jb was scary but I had t wrk. On my first interview, as I sat in the waiting rm, I nticed there were five wmen ahead f me. All f the wmen were yunger and very well dressed. One f them lked perfect in her blue striped suit with matching purse and shes. I knew I was up against wmen better qualified by lking at the length f their resumes (简历).
    (1) 续写词数应为 150左右;
    (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    Mrs. Martin, the ffice manager, called me int her ffice.
    Paragraph 2:
    Late that afternn, while I was cking, the telephne rang.
    1-5.CACBB 6-10.BCABB 11-15.BAACB 16-20.AACAB
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A party. B. A necklace. C. A dress.
    2.Why des the wman exchange the cat?
    A. It's small. B. It's big. C. It's dark.
    3.Where is the wman's husband nw?
    A. In Lndn. B. In Tky. C. In Paris.
    4.What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Pack sme bxes. B. G hme and rest. C. Cntinue wrking.
    5.Hw des the man get t the bus stp?
    A. On ft. B. By subway. C. By car.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.Hw much will the man pay in ttal?
    A. $900. B. $750. C. $700.
    7.Hw will the man pay fr the guitar?
    A. By credit card. B. By check. C. In cash.
    8.What is the man's advice fr the wman's trip?
    A. She shuld als check ut Venice.
    B. She shuld nly stay in Rme.
    C. She really shuld g t Pisa.
    9.Hw much vacatin time will the wman prbably spend in Rme?
    A. Tw days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.
    10.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At the radi statin.
    B. On the beach.
    C. In the cean.
    11.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Jin the party.
    B. Describe the weather.
    C. Invite her t the party.
    12.What is the weather like tday?
    A. Ht. B. Warm. C. Cl.
    13.What's the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Strangers. C. Teammates.
    14.What is the girl afraid f?
    A. Failing the test.
    B. Missing sme classes.
    C. Lsing at sprts.
    15.What game wuldn't the by like t play anymre?
    A. Sccer. B. Baseball. C. Basketball.
    16.Where is the library?
    A On the third flr.
    B. On the secnd flr.
    C. On the first flr.
    17.What is the speaker ding?
    A. Reprting the weather.
    B. Recmmending utdr activities.
    C. Arranging fr the summer hliday.
    18.What was the weather like in the Nrtheast in the past week?
    A. Cl. B. Warm. C. Ht.
    19.Why is the Midwest prbably the best place in the speaker's eyes?
    A. It'll be sunny and cmfrtable.
    B. Its transprt is cnvenient.
    C. It has great air-cnditining systems.
    20.What des the speaker advise peple in the Suth t d?
    A. Prepare fr strms.
    B. Replan their uting.
    C. Enjy the clear skies.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Fr thse wh’ve always wanted t walk the halls f Hgwarts r explre the shps f Diagn Alley (对角巷),Universal Orland ffers the next best thing. The theme park pened every Harry Ptter fan’s dream place back in 2010.
    Fr Ptterheads everywhere, hwever, deciding when t make the trip t the Wizarding Wrld f Harry Ptter is nt easy. These tips will help yu experience the best f the Wizarding Wrld, whether yu’re lking t save mney, avid the busy seasn, r simply experience the mst magical times f the year.
    The cheapest times t visit Harry Ptter’s wrld
    The cheapest (and least busy) mnths t visit the Wizarding Wrld f Harry Ptter are January and mst f February, except the days surrunding the New Year and winter break. Other inexpensive times include the beginning f March and mst f September and Octber.
    The best Harry Ptter events at Universal
    While they may nt be the quietest times t explre Harry Ptter’s wrld, Universal hlds many events thrughut the year that fans wn’t want t miss.
    A Celebratin f Harry Ptter
    Fr a weekend every January, Universal hsts A Celebratin f Harry Ptter. Guests (wearing their class rbes, n dubt) will jin ther diehard Ptter fans fr three days f exhibits, discussins and cast Q&A activities. Fr anyne wh really lves the bks and the films, this may be ne f the best times f the year t visit.
    Christmas in the Wizarding Wrld
    Universal’s new additins t their hliday entertainment lineup make Hgwarts the perfect place t be arund Christmastime. Decratins add beauty t the shps f Diagn Alley and Hgsmeade, the Frg Chir sings Christmas carls (颂歌),and snw falls n Hgwarts as a festive shw takes place in frnt f the castle.
    Hallween in the Wizarding Wrld
    Lastly (and perhaps mst surprisingly), Hallween seasn is als a gd time fr a magical visit t the Wizarding Wrld. Universal’s main Hallween event, Hallween Hrrr Nights, prduces a special Harry Ptter-related surprise.
    1. Which times csts mst t visit Harry Ptter’s wrld?
    A. January and mst f February.
    B. New Year and winter break.
    C. The beginning f March.
    D. Mst f September and Octber.
    2. What will peple d in the event f A Celebratin f Harry Ptter?
    A. They will jin ther Ptter fans fr varius activities.
    B. They will decrate the shps and sing Christmas carls.
    C. They will watch a festive shw taking place in frnt f the castle.
    D. They will get a special Harry Ptter-related surprise.
    3. What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A. T infrm readers f sme events abut Harry Ptter.
    B. T intrduce the Universal Orland t readers.
    C. T help experience the best f Wizarding Wrld.
    D T advertise the bks and films f Harry Ptter.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The cheapest (and least busy) mnths t visit the Wizarding Wrld f Harry Ptter are January and mst f February, except the days surrunding the New Year and winter break.”(参观哈利波特魔法世界最不忙/最便宜的月份是除了新年左右和寒假的一月和二月的大多数时候)可知寒假和新年左右是最忙/最贵的时候。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“Guests (wearing their class rbes, n dubt) will jin ther diehard Ptter fans fr three days f exhibits, discussins and cast Q&A activities.”(游客,无疑穿着各阶级的长袍,将要加入其他哈利波特的忠实粉丝,与他们一起参加看展,讨论,扮演,问答等活动)可知,游客与哈利波特粉丝一起参加给种各样的活动,故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“These tips will help yu experience the best f the Wizarding Wrld”(这些小建议会帮助你体验世界上最好的魔法世界)可知,本文的主要目的是让游客在哈利波特主题公园有最好的体验。故选C项。
    It is in human nature t explre new things. T that end, many cuntries have been explring space fr many decades, particularly the US, Russia, and cuntries in Eurpe.
    President Xi Jinping praised the success f the Chang’e 5 missin (使命) in bringing back the cuntry’s first samples (样本) cllected frm the mn. The whle cuntry is prud f this breakthrugh. The Chang’e 5 missin has achieved many significant breakthrughs, including China’s first lunar (月球的) surface sampling, first liftff frm the mn and the first spacecraft with the ability t gather and meet in lunar rbit with samples t re-enter the Earth s atmsphere.
    The success f the Chang’e 5 missin marks a cnclusin f China’s current lunar explratin prject. The successful re-entry and landing f the Chang’e 5 capsule (太空舱) have enabled China t btain its first lunar samples, marking a new start fr lunar and planetary research. With this achievement, China sets a new milestne in space explratin.
    N matter hw far China ges int space, it always stays true t its riginal missin-uncvering the secrets f the universe and cntributing t human’s peaceful use f space. China is a peace-lving cuntry and will use its achievements fr prmting peace arund the glbe.
    China views these effrts as part f the wrld’s lunar explratin. It chse a different landing site and is prmising t share its samples t enrich the planet’s knwledge. Sme freign scientists have shwn particular interest. The explratin is nt fr cmmercial purpses, but internatinal scientific research. Human beings shall explre the mn tgether, as it will finally need large prjects requiring internatinal cperatin. China will play a leadership rle in the internatinal scientific cmmunity.
    4. What made Chinese peple feel prud accrding t the passage?
    A. Landing n the mn successfully.B. Gaining admissin t explring the mn.
    C. Strengthening the ability t prmte the peace.D. Bringing back first samples cllected frm the mn.
    5. Which f the fllwing can best describe the Chang’e 5 missin?
    A. Hrrible but rmantic.B. Fearful but successful.
    C. Challenging but rewarding.D. Dangerus but peaceful.
    6. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The riginal missin remains unchanged.B. Cuntries jin tgether t explre the mn.
    C. China takes pride in the achievements in space.D. China sets a new milestne in space explratin.
    7. Where is this text mst likely frm?
    A. A pster.B. A leaflet.C. A newspaper.D. A guidebk.
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“President Xi Jinping praised the success f the Chang’e 5 missin in bringing back the cuntry’s first samples cllected frm the mn. The whle cuntry is prud f this breakthrugh.(习近平主席赞扬了嫦娥五号任务的成功,从月球带回了中国第一批采集的样本。全国都为这一突破感到自豪)”可知,中国人为带回从月球上采集的第一批样本感到骄傲。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“The Chang’e 5 missin has achieved many significant breakthrughs, including China’s first lunar surface sampling, first liftff frm the mn and the first spacecraft with the ability t gather and meet in lunar rbit with samples t re-enter the Earth s atmsphere.(嫦娥五号任务取得了多项重大突破,包括我国首次月球表面采样、首次从月球上发射、以及首个能够在月球轨道上采集并将样品重新进入地球大气层的航天器。)”以及第三段“The successful re-entry and landing f the Chang’e 5 capsule have enabled China t btain its first lunar samples, marking a new start fr lunar and planetary research.(嫦娥五号返回舱的成功着陆,使我国获得了第一批月球样品,标志着月球和行星研究的新起点。)”可判断,嫦娥五号的任务有挑战性但也有回报。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“With this achievement, China sets a new milestne in space explratin.(凭借这一成就,中国在太空探索方面树立了新的里程碑。)”及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了中国在太空探索上树立了一个新的里程碑。故选D项。
    At university, when I tld peple I was studying fr a histry degree, the respnse was almst always the same, “Yu want t be a teacher?” N, a jurnalist. “Oh. But yu’re nt majring in cmmunicatins?”
    In the days when a university educatin was a privilege, perhaps there wasn’t the assumptin that a degree had t be a springbard directly int a career. Thse days are lng gne. Tday, a degree is all but a necessity fr the jb market, ne that mre than halves yur chances f being unemplyed. Still, that alne is n guarantee f a jb—and yet we’re paying mre and mre fr ne.
    Given thse csts, mst f us want t maximize that investment — and that can lead t a plug-and-play type f apprach t higher educatin. Want t be a jurnalist? Study jurnalism, we’re tld. A lawyer? Pursue pre-law. Nt ttally sure? G int STEM (Science, Technlgy, Engineer and Maths) — yu can becme an engineer r an IT expert. And n matter what yu d, frget the humanities, such as histry, philsphy and languages.
    It’s true that the humanities cme with a higher risk f unemplyment, but the risk is slighter than yu wuld imagine. Fr yung peple in the U.S. , the unemplyment rate f thse with humanities degrees is fur percent, just a little mre than that f engineering degree hlders. Lwer salaries may nt be caused by the degree itself either. The gender pay gap persists in the humanities, whse graduates are mre likely t be female. Is it any wnder then that language teachers tend t make less than engineers?
    Accrding t LinkedIn’s research n the mst sught-after jb skills by emplyers fr 2019, the ability t cmmunicate and get alng with peple, t understand what’s n ther peple’s minds, and t d full-strength critical analysis were all valued and appreciated. It ges withut saying that yu can be an excellent cmmunicatr and critical thinker withut a humanities degree. And any gd university educatin, nt just ne in English r psychlgy, shuld sharpen these abilities further. But few curses f study are quite as heavy n reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking as the humanities — whether that’s by debating ther students in a seminar, writing a thesis paper r analyzing petry.
    The whle questin f whether a student shuld chse STEM versus the humanities might be misguided t begin with. The headlines mst f us see dn’t help. Whatever a student pursues in university, it must be smething that they are nt nly gd at, but interested in. Even if it means pursuing a “useless” degree — like ne in humanities.
    8. Why are peple paying mre and mre fr a degree?
    A. Because peple need a degree t further their career.
    B. Because university educatin is cnsidered a privilege.
    C. Because a degree is viewed as a must fr landing a jb.
    D. Because their interest can be develped in university.
    9. The authr mentined a plug-and-play type f apprach t shw ________.
    A. a tip fr chsing a majr
    B. the imprtance f higher educatin
    C. a prblem that exists amng STEM graduates
    D. the reasn why peple verlk the humanities
    10. Accrding t the authr, what is the benefit f majring in humanities?
    A. A cmparatively high salary after graduatin.
    B. Better chances f getting rid f gender prejudice.
    C. A better cmmunicative skill than science students.
    D. Mre expsure t the training f language and thinking.
    11. What is the authr's attitude twards the pursuit f humanities?
    A. Dubtful.B. Optimistic.
    C. Objective.D. Cncerned.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. D 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段关键句“Tday, a degree is all but a necessity fr the jb market, ne that mre than halves yur chances f being unemplyed. Still, that alne is n guarantee f a jb — and yet we’re paying mre and mre fr ne.(如今,学位对就业市场来说几乎是一种必需品,它会使你失业的几率减半以上。尽管如此,单凭这一点并不能保证找到一份工作,然而我们为学位付出的代价却越来越高)”可知,人们为学位付出的代价却越来越高是因为学位被视为获得工作的必备条件。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段关键句“Given thse csts, mst f us want t maximize that investment—and that can lead t a plug-and-play type f apprach t higher educatin.(考虑到这些成本,我们大多数人都希望将投资最大化——这就导致了一种即插即用的高等教育方式)”和“And n matter what yu d, frget the humanities, such as histry, philsphy and languages.(不管你做什么,忘记了人文学科,比如历史、哲学和语言)”可知,作者提出了一种即插即用的方法是为了说明人们忽视人文学科的原因。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段关键句“But few curses f study are quite as heavy n reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking as the humanities — whether that’s by debating ther students in a seminar, writing a thesis paper r analyzing petry.(但很少有课程像人文学科那样注重阅读、写作、口语和批判性思维——无论是在研讨会上与其他学生辩论、写论文还是分析诗歌)”可知,在笔者看来,主修人文学科的好处是能更多的接受语言和思维的训练。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段关键句“Fr yung peple in the U.S. , the unemplyment rate f thse with humanities degrees is fur percent, just a little mre than that f engineering degree hlders.(对于美国的年轻人来说,拥有人文学科学位的人的失业率是百分之四,只比拥有工程学学位的人高一点点)”和倒数第二段关键句“But few curses f study are quite as heavy n reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking as the humanities — whether that’s by debating ther students in a seminar, writing a thesis paper r analyzing petry.(但很少有课程像人文学科那样注重阅读、写作、口语和批判性思维——无论是在研讨会上与其他学生辩论、写论文还是分析诗歌)”可知,作者在文中引用了科学数据客观介绍了学习人文学科的利与弊,作者对学习人文学科的态度是客观的。故选C项。
    If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things.
    Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. The clearest example f this between literate and nn-literate histry is perhaps the first cnflict, at Btany Bay, between Captain Ck’s vyage and the Australian Abriginals. Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. If we want t recnstruct what was actually ging n that day, the shield must be questined and interpreted as deeply and strictly as the written reprts.
    In additin t the prblem f miscmprehensin frm bth sides, there are victries accidentally r deliberately twisted, especially when nly the victrs knw hw t write. Thse wh are n the lsing side ften have nly their things t tell their stries. The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects.
    12. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Hw past events shuld be presented.B. What humanity is cncerned abut.
    C. Whether facts speak luder than wrds.D. Why written language is reliable.
    13. What des the authr indicate by mentining Captain Ck in paragraph 2?
    A. His reprt was scientific.B. He represented the lcal peple.
    C. He ruled ver Btany Bay.D. His recrd was ne-sided.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “cnversatin” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Prblem.B. Histry.C. Vice.D. Sciety.
    15. Which f the fllwing bks is the text mst likely selected frm?
    A. Hw Maps Tell Stries f the Wrld B. A Shrt Histry f Australia
    C. A Histry f the Wrld in 100 Objects D. Hw Art Wrks Tell Stries
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things. (如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不以人类某一部分为特权的历史,你不能仅仅通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一部分人曾经有过文本,而世界上大多数人,在大多数时间里,都没有。写作是人类较晚的成就之一,直到最近,甚至许多有文字的社会也不仅用文字,而且用物件来记录他们所关心的事情。)”可推知,第一段主要讲述的是历史应该如何呈现给我们。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段首句“Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. (理想情况下,历史应该将文本和物品结合在一起,本书的某些章节能够做到这一点,但在许多情况下,我们根本做不到。)”可推断,作者认为历史应该是文本和物品相结合的产物,但是很多情况下,我们做不到。再根据所举例子的下文“Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. (在英国方面,我们有科学报告和船长对那可怕的一天的记录。从澳大利亚方面来看,我们只有一个木制盾牌,这是一名男子在第一次经历枪击后在飞行中扔下的。)”可知,作者举这个例子是为了说明船长的记录是片面的,只从自己的角度描述了问题。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词上文“The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. (加勒比海的泰诺人、澳大利亚的土著人、贝宁的非洲人以及印加人,所有这些人都出现在这本书中,他们现在都可以通过他们制造的物品向我们讲述他们过去最强大的成就:通过物品讲述的历史给了他们一个声音。当我们考虑诸如此类的有文化社会和无文化社会之间的接触时,我们所有的第一手资料都必然是扭曲的,只有对话的一半。)”结合划线句“If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,我们对过去历史的了解,只是书写历史的人所想要让我们了解的历史,如果我们想要了解历史的另一半,我们不仅仅要读文本也要读对象。所以cnversatin指的是“历史”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt.(如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不以人类某一部分为特权的历史,你不能仅仅通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一部分人的历史曾经被文字记录过,而世界上大多数人,在大多数时间里,都没有。)”结合最后一段的“ If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,本文讲述仅仅依靠书面文本来讲述世界历史有局限性,想要更好的了解历史就要将文本和物品结合在一起。从而推断文章最有可能选自《100件物品中的世界史》。故选C。
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Many peple think that psitive thinking is mstly abut keeping ne's head in the sand and ignring daily prblems, trying t lk ptimistic. In reality it has mre t d with the way an individual talks t himself. Self-talk is a cnstant stream f thughts f a persn, wh is ften unaware and uncertain f sme events, phenmena, peple, r even the persn himself.____16____Meanwhile, psitive thinking can help t stp negative self-talks and start t frm a psitive view n an issue. Peple wh regularly practise psitive thinking tend t slve prblems mre effectively. They are less expsed t stress caused by external factrs. They tend t believe in themselves and in what they d.
    ____17____Peple wh think psitively demnstrate increased life spans, lwer rates f depressin and anxiety, better physical and psychlgical health, reduced risks f death frm heart prblems. Psitive thinking als cntributes t ne's ability t deal with prblems and hardships.____18____Fr example, researchers have fund that in the case f a crisis accmpanied by strng emtins, such as a natural disaster, psitive thinking can prvide a srt f buffer against depressin and anxiety. Resilient peple wh think psitively tend t treat every prblem as a challenge, a chance fr imprvement f any kind, r as an pprtunity fr persnal grwth. Pessimists, n the cntrary, tend t perceive prblems as a surce f additinal stress.____19____
    In cnclusin, psitive thinking is a pwerful and effective tl fr dealing with hard times and imprving the quality f ne's life. It desn't have anything t d with ignrant ptimism when an individual refuses t ntice a prblem.____20____
    Thinking in a psitive, self-encuraging way brings abut many benefits t ne's physical and mental health.
    A. It desn't cause any severe emtinal discmfrt, either.
    B. Negative self-talk damages self-cnfidence and decreases self-respect.
    C. It helps ne t remain clear-headed and cnfident in difficult situatins.
    D. Psitive thinking has several beneficial effects n the bdy and the mind.
    E. As thinking changes, an individual's behaviur and habits change as well.
    F. They ften ffer a real alternative t the cmmn and regular way f thinking.
    G. They ften feel discuraged lng befre trying t slve the prblem, even if small.
    【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C 19. G 20. A
    根据上文“Self-talk is a cnstant stream f thughts f a persn, wh is ften unaware and uncertain f sme events, phenmena, peple, r even the persn himself.(自我对话是一个人持续不断的想法,他常常对一些事件、现象、人,甚至是他自己都没有意识和不确定)”以及后文“Meanwhile, psitive thinking can help t stp negative self-talks and start t frm a psitive view n an issue.(同时,积极的思考可以帮助停止消极的自我对话,开始形成对一个问题的积极的观点)”由此可知,上文对自我对话进行了定义,后文则提到了积极的思考可以有助于停止消极的自我对话,可知本句是在说明消极的自我对话对人的不良影响。后文中negative self-talks可对应到B选项中Negative self-talk。故B选项“消极的自言自语会损害自信,降低自尊”符合语境,故选B。
    根据后文“Peple wh think psitively demnstrate increased life spans, lwer rates f depressin and anxiety, better physical and psychlgical health, reduced risks f death frm heart prblems. Psitive thinking als cntributes t ne's ability t deal with prblems and hardships.(积极思考的人寿命更长,抑郁和焦虑率更低,身心更健康,死于心脏问题的风险更低。积极的思考也有助于一个人处理问题和困难的能力)”由此可知,后文提到了积极思考对人的益处,后文中Peple wh think psitively以及Psitive thinking可对应到D选项中Psitive thinking。故D选项“积极思考对身心有几个有益的影响”符合语境,故选D。
    根据后文“Fr example, researchers have fund that in the case f a crisis accmpanied by strng emtins, such as a natural disaster, psitive thinking can prvide a srt f buffer against depressin and anxiety.(例如,研究人员发现,当危机伴随着强烈的情绪时,比如自然灾害,积极的思考可以为抑郁和焦虑提供一种缓冲)”可知,后文举出的例子说明了积极思考可以让一个人在面临危机时,保持冷静。故C选项“它帮助一个人在困难的情况下保持头脑清醒和自信”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Resilient peple wh think psitively tend t treat every prblem as a challenge, a chance fr imprvement f any kind, r as an pprtunity fr persnal grwth. Pessimists, n the cntrary, tend t perceive prblems as a surce f additinal stress.(积极思考的、有韧性的人倾向于把每一个问题都看作是一个挑战,一个改进的机会,或者一个个人成长的机会。相反,悲观主义者倾向于将问题视为额外压力的来源)可知,上文在将积极思考者与悲观主义者相比较,本句应承接上文,进一步解释说明悲观主义者在解决问题时一些性格特点。上文Pessimists可对应到G选项中They。故G选项“他们常常在试图解决问题之前就感到气馁,即使是很小的问题”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“In cnclusin, psitive thinking is a pwerful and effective tl fr dealing with hard times and imprving the quality f ne's life. It desn't have anything t d with ignrant ptimism when an individual refuses t ntice a prblem. (总之,积极思考是应对困难时期和提高个人生活质量的强大而有效的工具。当一个人拒绝注意到一个问题时,它与无知的乐观主义没有任何关系)”可知,本句承接上文进一步说明一个人拒绝注意到问题的影响,它与无知的乐观主义没有任何关系,也不会引起任何严重的情绪不适。故A选项“它也不会引起任何严重的情绪不适”符合语境,故选A。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Our wrds carry great weight — mre than we smetimes think. They ften _____21_____ peple fr decades, prviding either the _____22_____ t carry n r ne mre reasn t give up.
    When I was in my ninth-grade year, I transferred t a new junir schl in Texas. I remember walking int the schl cafeteria fr the first time. I was all by myself. The ther kids had built valuable _____23_____, while I didn’t knw a persn. After _____24_____ my way thrugh the serving line, I slid int the nearest pen seat. The kids at the table gave me a lk, wrinkled their nses, and then laughed quietly. I culd feel my face getting red with embarrassment. I lked _____25_____ at my fd. Finally, ne f the kids _____26_____ the ice. “Man! Yu have ne big nse!” I was _____27_____. I didn’t knw what t say. I wanted t cry, but I managed a little laugh — like it didn’t really _____28_____ me. But it did.
    Every day frm that pint frward, I wuld lk at myself in the mirrr. All I culd see was that big fat _____29_____ that vershadwed every ther feature. I studied it frm every angle, but kept cming back t the same ______30______: I was nly a life supprt system fr a nse. It was my ______31______ feature.
    ______32______, I eventually grew ______33______ that thught. But it really tk me twenty years. Even nw, I feel a little uncmfrtable thinking abut it. It just ges t shw yu hw ______34______ wrds can be. Therefre, think twice befre yu ______35______ since a careless wrd can shape — r misshape — smene’s reality fr years t cme.
    21. A. impressB. impactC. hurtD. inspire
    22. A. curageB. interestC. praiseD. depressin
    23. A. habitsB. prfitsC. grupD. friendships
    24. A. ridingB. givingC. feelingD. making
    25. A. upB. backC. dwnD. frward
    26. A. ateB. drppedC. brkeD. hit
    27. A. frightenedB. embarrassedC. inncentD. fragile
    28. A. upsetB. intendC. terrifyD. restrict
    29. A. headB. nseC. muthD. face
    30. A. decisinB. easeC. cnclusinD. expectatin
    31. A. typicalB. desperateC. hericD. universal
    32. A. SuddenlyB. PersnallyC. ActuallyD. Thankfully
    33. A. intB. ut fC. up frmD. up t
    34. A. vividB. efficientC. pwerfulD. nvel
    35. A. behaveB. agreeC. laughD. speak
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它们往往会影响人们几十年,要么给他们继续前进的勇气,要么给他们更多放弃的理由。A. impress使留下深刻印象;B. impact影响;C. hurt伤害;D. inspire激励。根据下文“prviding either the _____2_____ t carry n r ne mre reasn t give up.”可知,话语对人的作用是双重的,既有好的一面,也有坏的一面,所以impact“影响”符合语境。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们往往会影响人们几十年,要么给他们继续前进的勇气,要么给他们更多放弃的理由。A. curage勇气;B. interest兴趣;C. praise表扬;D. depressin沮丧。根据空后“t carry n”可知,应该是勇气让人继续前进。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:其他孩子建立了宝贵的友谊,而我一个人都不认识。A. habits习惯;B. prfits利润;C. grup小组;D. friendships友谊。根据上文“I transferred t a new junir schl in Texas”和空前“built valuable”可知,作者转学到新学校,还没有朋友,而其他人已经建立了宝贵的友谊。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在成功排队取餐后,我坐进了最近的空位。A. riding骑车;B. giving给;C. feeling感觉;D. making进行。根据下文“I slid int the nearest pen seat”可知,作者是成功排队取好餐了。make ne’s way thrugh…是固定短语,意为“成功穿过”。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我低头看着我的食物。A. up向上;B. back向后;C. dwn向下;D. frward向前。根据上文提到的餐厅和空后“at my fd”可知,作者是低头看自己桌子上的食物。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,一个孩子打破了沉默。A. ate吃;B. drpped丢;C. brke打破;D. hit打击。根据下文““Man! Yu have ne big nse!””可知,一个孩子说了话,打破了沉默。break the ice是固定短语,意为“打破沉默”。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感到很尴尬。A. frightened害怕的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. inncent无辜的;D. fragile脆弱的。根据上文“I culd feel my face getting red with embarrassment.”可知,当时孩子们先皱鼻子悄悄地笑,作者感到尴尬,现在有孩子直接说出了嘲讽作者的话,作者会很尴尬。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想哭,但还是勉强笑了笑——好像这并没有让我难过似的。A. upset使难过;B. intend打算;C. terrify使害怕;D. restrict限制。根据上文“I wanted t cry, but I managed a little laugh”可知,作者在掩饰自己的难过,假装嘲讽的话没有令自己难过。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我能看到的只有那大胖鼻子,盖过了其他所有五官。A. head头;B. nse鼻子;C. muth嘴巴;D. face脸。根据下文“I was nly a life supprt system fr a nse.”可知,作者看来看去只能注意到自己的大胖鼻子。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从各个角度研究它,但不断得出同样的结论:我只是鼻子的生命维持系统。A. decisin决定;B. ease轻松;C. cnclusin结论;D. expectatin期望。根据空后“I was nly a life supprt system fr a nse”可知,这是作者反复研究后得出的一个结论。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是我的典型特征。A. typical典型的;B. desperate绝望的;C. heric英雄的;D. universal普遍的。根据上文“that vershadwed every ther feature”可知,作者的大胖鼻子非常显眼,盖过了其他所有五官,所以是典型的特征。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:谢天谢地,我最终摆脱了这种想法。A. Suddenly突然;B. Persnally就个人而言;C. Actually实际上;D. Thankfully感谢地。根据下文“But it really tk me twenty years. Even nw, I feel a little uncmfrtable thinking abut it.”可知,作者花费了很久的时间摆脱了自卑的想法,所以是怀着感谢的心理。故选D。
    考查介词(短语)词义辨析。句意:谢天谢地,我最终摆脱了这种想法。A. int进入;B. ut f在……外;C. up frm从;D. up t达到。根据下文“But it really tk me twenty years. Even nw, I feel a little uncmfrtable thinking abut it.”可知,作者花费了很久的时间摆脱了自卑的想法。grw ut f…是固定短语,意为“因长大而丢弃”。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它只是向你展示了话语;有多么强大。A. vivid生动的;B. efficient高效的;C. pwerful强大的;D. nvel新奇的。根据上文“But it really tk me twenty years. Even nw, I feel a little uncmfrtable thinking abut it.”可知,摆脱一句伤人的话需要花费很长时间,而且这种影响到最后也不会完全消失,所以是展示话语的强大。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,说话前要三思,因为一句粗心大意的话可能会在未来几年塑造或扭曲一个人的现实。A. behave行动;B. agree同意;C. laugh大笑;D. speak说话。根据空后“since a careless wrd can shape — r misshape — smene’s reality fr years t cme”可知,此处强调话语的影响力,所以是说话前要三思。故选D。
    Tw graduates, frm Central China Nrmal University in Wuhan, Hubei Prvince, using the names Wanwan and Chacha, ____36____ (uplad) a 17-minute vide nline late last year abut their lives ver the past five years.
    In the vide, Wanwan, ____37____ has taken up a dzen jbs since graduating five years ag, said she nw nly has 5,000 yuan. Her rmmate Chacha gt a master’s degree in scriptwriting (编剧) frm Cmmunicatin University f China. But ____38____ cnsequence f a tugh jb market, she had great difficulty ____39____ (btain) a jb in the film industry. Last year, she started t learn painting but she said she had t wrk part-time as a cleaner at a htpt restaurant t supprt ____40____ (she).
    “When yu can accept yur failure, yu will feel that it is nt that bad. When wrking at the htpt restaurant, my biggest ____41____ (cmfrtable) is that I wn’t starve t death n matter what is next,” Chacha said. “There are many rads in ur lives, and n matter which directin yu g, yu will ____42____ (eventual) find yur wn rad.”
    The vide was ne f the trending vides f last year, gaining mre than 5.44 millin views and mre than 26,000 cmments since it ____43____ (release), with many netizens sharing their wn failures in the cmments sectin.
    Netizens said they were warmed by their curage t share failures with the public, strng determinatin ____44____ (achieve) their gals, ptimism in the face f hardships ____45____ spirit f never giving up.
    【答案】36. upladed
    37. wh 38. in
    39. btaining
    40. herself
    41. cmfrt
    42. eventually
    43. was released
    44. t achieve
    45. and
    考查时态。句意:去年年底,湖北武汉华中师范大学的两名毕业生,使用弯弯的和超超的名字,在网上上传了一段17分钟的视频,讲述了她们过去五年的生活。分析句子成分可知,空处应为谓语动词。根据时间状语“late last year”可知,应为一般过去时。故填upladed。
    考查介词。句意:但由于就业市场不景气,她很难在电影行业找到一份工作。固定搭配in cnsequence f...“因为……”。故填in。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:但由于就业市场不景气,她很难在电影行业找到一份工作。固定搭配have difficulty (in) ding sth.“在……有困难”,该空用动名词形式。故填btaining。
    考查时态语态。句意:该视频是去年的热门视频之一,自发布以来获得了超过544万次观看和2.6万多条评论,许多网友在评论区分享了自己的失败经历。分析句子成分可知,空处应为“since”引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词。根据句意可知,发布视频为过去的动作,应为一般过去时。且照应从句主语“it”,为被动关系,故用被动语态。且用单数。故填was released。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:网友们表示,她们与公众分享失败的勇气、实现目标的坚定决心、面对困难的乐观态度和永不放弃的精神让他们感到温暖。应为不定式形式作后置定语修饰抽象名词“determinatin”。故填t achieve。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 上周六你校高二段学生参加了由学生会组织的“多多栽树,绿化校园(Mre Trees, Greener Schl)”为主题的植树活动。假定你是高二学生李华,受校英文报委托写一篇活动报道。
    Mre Trees, Greener Schl
    【答案】Mre Trees, Greener Schl
    Aiming t raise ur awareness f prtecting the schl envirnment, ur schl Students’ Unin rganized a tree-planting activity themed “Mre Trees, Greener Schl” last Saturday afternn.
    At 2:00 p. m., the students frm Senir Tw tk an active part in it, sme digging, sme planting and thers watering. Happily, mre than 100 yung trees were planted alng the rads in ur schl as planned. Tired as we were, we enjyed urselves.
    Nt nly did this activity prmte ur teamwrk, but als made ur schl greener and mre beautiful. (88wrds)
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文写作中的报道。要求考生写一篇活动报道,报道学校组织的“多多栽树,绿化校园(Mre Trees, Greener Schl)”为主题的植树活动。
    目的是……:aim t → intend t
    开心地:happily → gladly
    超过:mre than → ver
    玩得开心:enjy neself→ have fun
    原句:Aiming t raise ur awareness f prtecting the schl envirnment, ur schl Students’ Unin rganized a tree-planting activity themed “Mre Trees, Greener Schl” last Saturday afternn.
    拓展句:Aiming t raise ur awareness f prtecting the schl envirnment, ur schl Students’ Unin rganized a tree-planting activity which was themed “Mre Trees, Greener Schl” last Saturday afternn.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】At 2:00 p. m., the students frm Senir Tw tk an active part in it, sme digging, sme planting and thers watering.(运用了独立主格形式担当 )
    【高分句型2】Tired as we were, we enjyed urselves.(运用了as引导的状语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I keep a tw-dllar bill in my wallet that was given t me by my mther when I was six years ld. I still remember the day when she pulled me int the living rm and said, “Yu are brilliant in my mind, but if yu fail nce dn’t give up. Dn’t fear failure. It is a way f getting us t try harder. Yu will succeed, I prmise.”
    She lked at me and cntinued, “I want yu t carry this tw-dllar bill fr extra gd luck.”
    “Thanks mm,” I replied. “I will keep it clse t me always.”
    I am nt superstitius (迷信的), but frm that day n the bill ges with me wherever I g. I firmly believe that luck wuld fllw me everywhere.
    Every mrning I wuld get dressed and my tw-dllar bill went int my pcket. My mther passed away when I was 17 years ld and I remember taking ut my tw-dllar bill. I held it in my hand fr the lngest time and knew that she wuld be watching ver me the rest f my life.
    Each time I felt I had a crisis n my hands, I wuld reach fr my tw-dllar bill and set it n the table. I wuld stare at it fr several hurs and culd always cme up with a slutin.
    When I applied fr my first jb, I was thirty years ld and very shy. The thught f being interviewed fr a jb was scary but I had t wrk. On my first interview, as I sat in the waiting rm, I nticed there were five wmen ahead f me. All f the wmen were yunger and very well dressed. One f them lked perfect in her blue striped suit with matching purse and shes. I knew I was up against wmen better qualified by lking at the length f their resumes (简历).
    (1) 续写词数应为 150左右;
    (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    Mrs. Martin, the ffice manager, called me int her ffice.
    Paragraph 2:
    Late that afternn, while I was cking, the telephne rang.
    【答案】Mrs. Martin, the ffice manager called me int her ffice. “What makes yu feel yu are qualified fr this jb?” she asked. “I really need this jb and there is nthing I cannt d,” I respnded. She asked me a series f questins and the interview was ver. As I exited her ffice, I turned arund and said, “Mrs. Martin, I knw that I am nt qualified like yur ther applicants but please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very prductive member f yur team.” I thanked her and went hme exhausted. Oh well, I thught tmrrw wuld be anther day.
    Late that afternn, while I was cking, the telephne rang. It was frm Mrs. Martin Gina. She said, “yu were nt the mst qualified applicant, but yu have s much cnfidence in yurself that we decided t give yu a chance t prve yurself.” I screamed ut lud, jumping all ver the rm in disbelief. I culd hear Mrs. Martin laughing in the backgrund and suddenly I realized that Mrs. Martin was still n the line. “Thank yu Mrs. Martin, yu will nt regret this decisin,” I said and hung up the phne.
    ②走出:exit/g ut f
    ③大声尖叫:scream ut lud/shriek ludly
    ①筋疲力尽的:exhausted/wrn ut/extremely tired
    ②不相信地:in disbelief/dubtfully/incredulusly
    [高分句型1]. As I exited her ffice, I turned arund and said, “Mrs. Martin, I knw that I am nt qualified like yur ther applicants but please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very prductive member f yur team.” (由as引导的时间状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]. She said, “yu were nt the mst qualified applicant, but yu have s much cnfidence in yurself that we decided t give yu a chance t prve yurself.” (“”结构,that后引导结果状语从句)
    1-5.CACBB 6-10.BCABB 11-15.BAACB 16-20.AACAB

    重庆市长寿区七校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语(B卷)试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份重庆市长寿区七校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语(B卷)试卷(Word版附答案),共14页。

    重庆市长寿区八校2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份重庆市长寿区八校2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含重庆市长寿区高二八校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题Word版含解析docx、重庆市长寿区高二八校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    重庆市长寿区2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语(B卷)试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份重庆市长寿区2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语(B卷)试题(Word版附答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了考试时间等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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