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    这是一份黑龙江齐市普高联谊校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(无答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了 答题前,考生务必用直径0, 本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。
    3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
    4. 本卷命题范围:新外研版必修Bk 1 Unit 1~Unit 4。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a fruit shp. B. In a milk tea huse. C. In a restaurant.
    2. Hw des the man feel abut his exam?
    A. Happy. B. Disappinted. C. Uncertain.
    3. Hw lng des it take the man t g t wrk n ft?
    A. Abut 15 minutes. B. Abut 45 minutes. C. Abut an hur.
    4. What des the man suggest ding befre seeing the film?
    A. Having a meal. B. Watching a tennis match. C. Ging t the wman's hme.
    5. Why des the man's suit lk strange?
    A. The clr is t dark. B. The jacket is nt his size. C. The trusers dn't match his jacket.
    6. What sprt did the man d last week?
    A. He did sme swimming. B. He played table tennis. C. He practised basketball.
    7. When will the speakers g t the new sprts center?
    A. Next Wednesday. B. Next Thursday. C. Next Friday.
    8. What did the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Pass a message t Susan.
    B. Meet an ld friend f hers.
    C. Bk a htel rm fr him.
    9. What is the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Father and daughter. B. Neighbrs. C. Husband and wife.
    10. What is Susan prbably ding?
    A. Staying at a htel.
    B. Chatting with her husband.
    C. Talking with smene n her phne.
    11. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is placing an rder. B. She is filling in a frm. C. She is asking fr sme infrmatin.
    12. When will the magazines cme ut?
    A. In a week. B. In a mnth. C. In tw mnths.
    13. Why des the man recmmend pre-rdering(预订)?
    A. Everything will be ready in advance.
    B. The magazines can be cheaper.
    C. The magazines sell very well.
    14. Why des the wman watch the mvie?
    A. T be accepted int the prgram.
    B. T learn mre abut Japanese culture.
    C. T d research int Japanese educatin.
    15. Hw lng will the wman stay in Japan?
    A. Fr a mnth. B. Fr a year. C. Fr tw years.
    16. What will the wman d befre she leaves fr Japan?
    A. Attend a language class. B. Apply fr a new prgram. C. Read mre Japanese nvels.
    17. When was the new law passed?
    A. Last mnth. B. Three mnths ag. C. Last year.
    18. What was the latest accident?
    A. A man suffered a head injury.
    B. A wman's legs were brken.
    C. A dg was killed.
    19. What happens if peple are caught using a cell phne while driving?
    A. They will be ticketed. B. They will g t prisn. C. They will receive a warning.
    20. Hw will the plice mnitr drivers?
    A. By using rad blcks. B. By standing at crssings. C. By cllecting reprts frm ther drivers.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Here are fur activities in Octber. G and get yurself ut f yur huse.
    Activity 1: Hpe with Every Step 5K Race
    It will be held n Saturday, Octber 7 at Taglienti Field n the Spruce Muntain High Schl campus. This event is held in hnr f Jsh Brchu, 13 and his sister Brk Brchu, 10, bth f whm have a rare disease that affects children. All the mney cllected frm the event will g t the A-T Childrens' Prject, a nn-prfit(非盈利的)rganizatin which raises mney fr medical research and health centers. Visit www, atcp. rg fr mre infrmatin.
    Activity 2: A Free Mvie Supprted by Farmingtn Baptist Church
    It will be shwn at 7: 00 pm n Octber 3 at 194 Whittier Rad in Farmingtn. The mvie When the Game Stands Tall tells the true stry f the De La Salle Spartans High Schl ftball team, which set 151-game winning streak(连胜)recrd. Ftball cach Bb Laduceur's belief always was, "We dn't expect yu t play perfectly, but t give a perfect effrt."
    Activity 3: Wiltn Free Public Library's Birthday Party
    The library is turning 100 years ld! All are welcme t attend the party celebrating 100 years f the beautiful library building. Frm 10: 00 am t 1: 00 pm n Octber 3, families are welcme t cme t the library fr sme fd and fun! There will be histrical displays, fun bk-themed fd, face painting, and games and presents fr kids. Please cme and celebrate!
    Activity 4: The Furth Annual Pumpkin Festival
    It will take place n Saturday, Octber 7. There will be varius family activities, including mvies, dg shws and children's gifts. All events will take place in the Frnt Street Neighbrhd. Fr mre infrmatin, please visit the website: farmingtnpumpkin festival. net.
    21. Where will the Furth Annual Pumpkin Festival be held?
    A. At 194 Whittier Rad. B. At Taglienti Field.
    C. In Wiltn Free Public Library. D. In the Frnt Street Neighbrhd.
    22. What is the aim f Activity 3?
    A. T cllect mney. B. T explre nature.
    C. T celebrate smething. D. T start an rganizatin.
    23. When will the film When the Game Stands Tall start?
    A. At 10: 00 am n Octber 3. B. At 7: 00 pm n Octber 3.
    C. At 7: 00 pm n Octber 7. D. At 1: 00 pm n Octber 7.
    My teacher held up a piece f brken glass and asked, "Wh brke this windw?" Thirty bys tried t think abut nt nly what they had dne, but als what ur teacher might have fund ut. She seldm became angry, but she was this time.
    "Oh," I thught. I was the ne wh brke the windw. It was caused by a naughty thrw f a baseball. If I admitted guilt, I wuld be in a lt f truble. Hw wuld I be able t pay fr a big windw like that? I didn't even get an allwance(零花钱). "My father is ging t have a temper," I thught. I didn't want t raise my hand, but sme frce much strnger than I pulled it skyward. I tld the truth, "I did it." It was hard enugh t say what I had dne.
    My teacher tk dwn a bk frm ne f ur library shelves and I had never knwn my teacher, wh wuld strike a student with it, but I feared she was ging t start with me.
    "I knw hw yu like birds," she said as she std lking dwn at my guilt-ridden(深感歉疚的)face. "Here is that field guide abut birds that yu are cnstantly checking ut. It is yurs nw. It's time that we gt a new ne fr the schl anyway. Yu will nt be punished as lng as yu remember that I am nt rewarding yu fr yur misdeed; I am rewarding yu fr yur truthfulness."
    I culdn't believe it! I wasn't being punished and I was getting my wn bird field guide—the very ne that I had been saving up mney t buy.
    All that remains f that day is my memry and the lessn my teacher taught me. That lessn stays with me every day, and it will ech(回响)frever.
    24. Hw was the authr's teacher in general?
    A. She culd get angry easily. B. She culd becme sad easily.
    C. She was usually gentle and mild. D. She was usually strict and serius.
    25. What did the authr think when his teacher tk dwn a bk?
    A. She wuld intrduce the bk.
    B. She wuld hit him hard with it.
    C. She wuld read an article frm it.
    D. She wuld give it t him as a reward.
    26. What can we learn frm the furth paragraph?
    A. The authr had t pay fr the brken windw.
    B. The teacher rewarded the authr fr his bravery.
    C. The class wuld get a new bk abut birds sn.
    D. The authr felt prud when admitting his misdeed.
    27. Which can summarize(总结)the text?
    A. Truthfulness is always appreciated. B. Actin speaks luder than wrds.
    C. Frgive thers whenever yu can. D. Kill tw birds with ne stne.
    Sme students get s nervus befre a test. They d prly even if they knw the material. Sian Beilck, a prfessr at the University f Chicag in Illinis, has studied these highly anxius test-takers. The students start wrrying abut the results. And when we wrry, it actually uses up attentin and memry resurces.
    Prfessr Beilck and anther researcher, Gerard Ramirez, have develped a pssible slutin. Just befre an exam, highly anxius test-takers spend ten minutes writing abut their wrries abut the test.
    The researchers tested the idea n a grup f twenty anxius cllege students. They gave them tw shrt maths tests. After the first ne, they asked the students t either sit quietly r write abut their feelings abut the upcming secnd test.
    Prfessr Beilck says thse wh sat quietly scred an average f 12%wrse n the secnd test. But the students wh had written abut their fears imprved their perfrmance by an average f 5%. Next, the researchers used yunger students in a bilgy class. They tld them befre final exams either t write abut their feelings r t think abut things unrelated t the test. Prfessr Beilck says highly anxius students wh did the writing gt an average grade f B+, cmpared t a B-fr thse wh did nt.
    "What we shwed is that fr students wh are highly test-anxius, and wh dne ur writing interventin(干预), all f a sudden there was n relatinship between test anxiety and grades. They were perfrming just as well as their classmates wh dn't nrmally get nervus in these tests."
    But what if students d nt have a chance t write abut their fears immediately befre an exam? Prfessr Beilck says students can try it themselves at hme r in the library and still imprve their perfrmance.
    28. Hw can ne's attentin and memry resurces run ut accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. If they keep thinking abut hw t slve a prblem.
    B. If they keep thinking abut thers' gd perfrmance.
    C. If they keep thinking abut smething bad might happen.
    D. If they keep thinking abut hw t remember the materials.
    29. What did the researchers d t carry ut the study accrding t paragraph 3?
    A. They gave the students a medical examinatin.
    B. They asked abut their habits and hbbies.
    C. They bserved their perfrmance in class.
    D. They tested their thery n the students.
    30. What did the researchers cncentrate n?
    A. Text anxiety and grades. B. Learning and memry.
    C. Prcess and results. D. Health and lifestyle.
    31. Where can yu mst prbably find the text?
    A. In a jurnal f gegraphy. B. In a jurnal f literature.
    C. In a jurnal f plitics. D. In a jurnal f science.
    Winning the silver medal at the 2023 FIVB Vlleyball Natins League in Arlingtn, the United States, n Sunday, the Chinese wmen's vlleyball team enjyed their best result in the turnament(联赛), with the key t the breakthrugh being their unity and never-say-die spirit.
    "I just feel that ur team is mre united than ever," said Yuan Xinyue, Team China captain. "We supprt and help each ther n the curt. This is the mst imprtant reasn behind ur success. We dn't want t put pressure n individual athletes. All f us shuld stand ut n the curt and shulder the respnsibility f winning."
    She cntinued t say, "The tw-mnth jurney has ended, and it's great t stand n the tp f the hill. We have firm determinatin, and we will keep mving frward. We cherish the rad that we have walked. We will summarize events, and we will keep tackling the prblems. We will als try hard and hld nt ur dreams and the belief that the Chinese wmen's vlleyball team can be the best."
    Team China was ne step away frm gld, but the Turkish wmen's team shwed greater mmentum(势头)in the final beating China 3-1(25-22, 22-25, 25-19, 25-16). As the Chinese team nly finished sixth at last year's VNL, the secnd-place finish was a surprise t dmestic fans.
    Sunday's final attracted huge media attentin and generated a series f trending tpics n scial media. One example, the hashtag(标签) "Chinese wmen's vlleyball team vs Turkish team", had been viewed mre than 1 billin times n Weib by Mnday mrning. While many engaged in heated discussin abut the final, many mre expressed cngratulatins n the fast rise f the yung wmen's team.
    "Althugh the Chinese wmen's team wasn't able t stand n the highest pdium(领奖台)at the Vlleyball Natins League, they still prduced the best pssible result by fighting tgether. Hand in hand, Team China players march frward tgether," read a cmmentary by China Sprts Daily. "Team China was nt amng the favrites t reach the final f the VNL, but the team still managed t pcket a silver medal, which is huge prgress cmpared t last year's result. They prved all the dubters wrng, and they shwed the wrld what a united team they are."
    32. Which can replace the underlined wrd "tackling" in paragraph 3?
    A. Checking ut. B. Bringing abut. C. Giving up. D. Dealing with.
    33. What is the theme f paragraph 5?
    A. Large numbers f peple were cncerned with Team China.
    B. Team China played very hard in the turnament.
    C. Why Team China made s much prgress.
    D. Hw Team China lst the final.
    34. Hw can we best describe Team China in terms f their perfrmance in the turnament?
    A. Shy. B. United. C. Annyed. D. Careless.
    35. What can be the best title fr the news reprt?
    A. Rising stars shine in silver medal success
    B. Team China nt amng favrites t reach final
    C. Chinese wmen's vlleyball team plays against Turkish team
    D. Every member f Team China shulders respnsibility f winning
    Traveling can be a gd way t get life experiences. 36 Dn't wrry. Here are sme useful suggestins.
    Plan ahead
    This is prbably the mst imprtant preparatin fr traveling. Dn't wait until the last minute t plan yur trip, r yu will have t spend mre n tickets. 37 Make a plan and yu can save much in this way.
    Find useful infrmatin
    38 Als the Internet can help yu save mney. Yu can find sme useful websites like www. Travelcity, cm and www. Ecnmy travel, cm.
    Travel in grups
    Find smene wh is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with thers yu can share csts and experiences.
    Well-knwn places may be expensive and t crwded. Yu may want t think ver yur trip and g t a less-knwn place. Smaller twns still have many interesting activities and sights. Yu can learn abut lts f lcal custms, t.
    Pack necessary things
    The mst imprtant things t take are nt always clthes. 40 Snacks are als necessary because they can save yu much mney when yu can nt find a cheap restaurant. By planning carefully, yu can nt nly enjy traveling but als save lts f mney. Yu will remember yur travel experiences all yur life.
    A. G t a less-knwn place.
    B. Watch ut fr ptential dangers.
    C. Get a gd rest befre yu travel the next day.
    D. Remember t bring medicine because yu may get sick.
    E. Write dwn hw much yu expect t spend n fd and htels.
    F. Travel bks will ffer infrmatin abut the cheapest htels and restaurants.
    G. But what will yu d if yu're a student and dn't have enugh mney fr a trip?
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Yu make a living by what yu get, but yu make a life by what yu give.
    ——Winstn Churchill
    We cme by(获得)business naturally in ur family. Each f the seven children in ur family wrked in ur father's hardware(五金制品) 41 in Mtt, Nrth Dakta, a small twn in the cuntryside. We started wrking by ding small jbs like cleaning and 42 shelves, and later tried t 43 custmers. As we wrked and watched, we learned that wrk was mre than abut survival and making a 44 .
    One lessn stands ut in my mind. It was shrtly befre Christmas. I was in the eighth grade and was wrking in the evenings, arranging the tys in the area. A little by, five r six years ld, came in. He was wearing a dirty, ld brwn cat. His hair was 45 . His shes were wrn ut. The little by lked t pr t 46 t buy anything. He 47 lked arund the ty area, picked up several tys, and put them 48 .
    Dad came dwn the stairs, walked ver t the by and asked what he culd d fr him. The by said he was lking fr a Christmas present fr his brther. I was 49 that Dadtreated him with the same respect that he wuld give t any 50 Dad tld him t take his time and lk arund. He did s.
    After abut twenty minutes, the little by chse a ty 51 , walked up t my dad and said, "Hw much is this, Mister?" "Hw much have yu gt?" Dad asked.
    The little by held ut his hand and pened 52 . His hand was cvered with wet lines f dirt frm hlding his mney. In his hand lay five cins: tw dimes, a nickel and tw pennies-twenty-seven cents altgether. The price n the ty plane he'd 53 was $3.98.
    "That'll be OK," Dad said when he clsed the sale. Dad's answer still 54 in my ears. I thught abut what I'd seen as I wrapped(包,裹)the present. When the little by walked ut f the stre, I didn't 55 the dirty, wrn cat, the messy hair r the ld shes. What I saw was a glwing child with a treasure.
    41. A. ffice B. libraryC. statin D. stre
    42. A. painting B. tidying C. breaking D. lifting
    43. A. visit B. questin C. relaxD. serve
    44. A. saleB. decisin C. face D. mistake
    45. A. shrtB. messyC. CleanD. black
    46. A. affrd B. learn C. refuse D. fail
    47. A. blindly B. rudely C. carefully D. dangerusly
    48. A. n B. ut C. back D. ff
    49. A. afraid B. srryC. LuckyD. prud
    50. A. adult B. wrkmate C. nurse D. dctr
    51. A. train B. truckC. plane D. ship
    52. A. them B. itC. anther D. itself
    53. A. brken up B. given away C. hung up D. picked ut
    54. A. rings B. drpsC. bendsD. pulls
    55. A. supply B. treasure C. ntice D. shw
    I grew up in a small twn with its lcatin in New Hampshire, and every mrning, smetimes befre I wke up, my dad left fr wrk. I didn't knw much abut all 56 my dad actually did all day. But ne thing I did knw abut my dad's day was that he ften lked fr bks fr me during his lunch break. He wuld ften cme hme in the evening with a bk fr me in his bag and said that the bk belnged t me. When handed the "gift", I immediately 57 (investigate)its cver, checked ut the 58 (describe)n the back, and smetimes started reading right then. I made 59 mst f my free time t read.
    I was nt always as appreciative f thse bks as I shuld have been, especially in my yunger years. One time, Dad brught hme a paperback(平装书)called Bunya the Witch. I lked at the cver quickly befre annuncing, "Ugh! It's just anther stupid farm bk and it is likely 60 (be)bring, "and drpped it n the grund. It was bvius that I had behaved rudely. I was rightfully blamed fr being an ungrateful kid, and I learned that valuable lessn abut nt judging a bk by its cver—Bunya the Witch turned ut t be ne f my favrites.
    As I gt lder, my dad favred bks that fcused 61 strng and 62 (pwer)yung female characters, like Invincible Luisa by Crnelia Meigs, Up a Rad Slwly by Irene Hunt, and Hmesick: My Oun Stry by Jean Fritz.
    It's nt just the bks themselves that stay in my memry. It's the girl reading them, and what she felt as she read. I think back t hurs I spent in my childhd bedrm 63 (read)abut yung wmen wh faced lives that were 64 (unusual)difficult. I learned frm 65 (they)curage and drew inspiratin frm their bravery.
    T this day, I lve t read. I lve the excitement f pening up a new bk and getting lst in whatever stry the authr wants t tell me.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是校英文报的记者李华,主要负责“Prfessinal Advice”栏目,你打算就英语学习的某一方面采访来自澳大利亚的外教Mr. Brwn。请给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    1. 简介该栏目的情况;
    2. 提出采访的时间和地点;
    3. 采访的主要内容。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答;
    3. 参考词汇:采访intervien。
    Dear Mr. Brwn,
    I'm Li Hua, in charge f the clumn "Prfessinal Advice" in the schl English newspaper.

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    A mther is a persn wh, seeing there are nly fur pieces f pie fr five peple, immediately annunces she never did care fr pie.
    ——Tenneva Jrdan
    I knew I was nt suppsed t be quite s excited. I was t ld fr that. At age eleven, as the ldest and my mm's"grwn-up"girl, I had t keep myself cl. I was in middle schl after all. But when I gt every chance and I was alne, I checked each present under the tree. I read every tag(标签)and felt every package, guessing at the cntents within. I examined each gift s ften that I culd tell which present went t which persn withut even lking at the tags.
    It had been a tugh year fr my family. Whenever my mm lked ver at the tree and scattered(撒)presents, she wuld sigh and warn us, "There wn't be as much fr Christmas this year. Try nt t be disappinted." Christmas had traditinally been a time fr my parents t spil us. In the past, the presents wuld pile up and spill ut frm under the tree, taking up a lt f space f the living rm. I had heard the phrase, "Giving is better than receiving", but thught that whever had said that must have been ut f their mind. Getting presents was the whle pint! It was the reasn why I culdn't get t sleep n Christmas Eve.
    On Christmas mrning, we eagerly waited in the hallway until Dad tld us everything was ready. We rushed int the living rm and let the wrapping paper fly. Sme f us made weak attempts t wait and watch while ther family members pened their presents, but as the time passed, we lst ur self-cntrl.
    "Here's anther ne fr yu," said Mm as she handed me a package. I lked at it, puzzled. Having spent s much time examining the presents befre Christmas, I recgnized this ne. But it was nt mine. It was my mm's. A new tag had been put n it, with my name written in my mther's handwriting.
    "Mm, I can't…"
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    "This is yur present and it belngs t yu,” said my mther.

    That Christmas is quite meaning ful t me.


    黑龙江齐市普高联谊校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份黑龙江齐市普高联谊校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题,共24页。试卷主要包含了 答题前,考生务必用直径0, 本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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