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    第 I 卷(100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Why des the man want t graduate early?
    A. He has had u jb.
    B. He wants t help his family
    C. He can't affrd the schl fees.
    2. Which is the man's final bus stp?
    A. Cheese Square. B. Main Street. C. Fx Bkstre.
    3. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. D sme exercise. B. Take a shrt shwer. C. Have a rest.
    4. What des the wman think f her jb?
    A. Hard. B. Well paid. C. Risky.
    5. When will the wman's daughter arrive at the center?
    A. At 7:30 B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00.
    6. What was the wman's flying like?
    A. Smth. B. Terrible. C. Interesting.
    7. Where is the wman's bag nw?
    A. In Nw Yrk. B. In Chicag. C. In Bstn.
    8. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a pet stre. B. At hme. C. At an animal hspital.
    9. What des the man say abut Charlie?
    A. He is recvering well.
    B. He has a hunger fr steak.
    C. He is in a wrrying situatin.
    10. What was the largest expense?
    A. The huse decratin. B. The dress. C. The heating system.
    11. Hw much did the shes cst the wman?
    A.$895. B.$200 C.$149
    12. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.
    B. Bunk clerk and client.
    C. Shp assistant and custmer.
    13. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The wman's upcming travel.
    B. The man's travel experience.
    C. The man's favrite city.
    14. What is the weather like In the U.K. nw?
    A. Warm. B. Cld. C. Ht.
    15. Hw lng will the wman stay in Australia?
    A. Fur weeks. B. Three weeks. C. A week
    16. What des the man like ding when he is back in Sydney?
    A. Walking arund the Rcks.
    B. Ging t restaurants.
    C. Drinking cffee utside.
    17. What is the speaker ding? 2
    A. Organizing a tur. B. Hsting a prgram. C. Reading a bk.
    18. What is the Natinal Arts Center famus fr?
    A. Hlding cncerts.
    B. Cntaining large art galleries.
    C. Offering varius frms f entertainment.
    19. When did the Center pen t the public?
    A. In the 1960s B. In the 1970s. C. In the 1980s.
    20. What can we learn abut the Natinal Arts Center?
    A. It has three bkshps.
    B. It was planned in 1940.
    C. It is lcated in the city center.
    Family-Friendly Events In January
    ZLights: Glw Wild Jan.1-19
    The Phenix Z's yearly hliday light shw is n until Jan.19, allwing families ne r mre pprtunities t enjy the city's z, with millins f lights giving an added dimensin t the festivities.
    Glw Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy, Phenix, phenixz.rg. $11.95 members, $13.95 general admissin.
    Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts Jan.4-18
    The Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts features the wrk f established and emerging artists, including thse wh create wdwrk, metal crafts, fd items, art, phtgraphy and gifts.
    On Macdnald, ff f Main Street in Dwntwn Mesa, dtmesafest.cm, free admissin.
    Family Fun Winter fest Jan.4
    OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hsting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Curtyard, featuring real snw fr the kids t play in. This free event features everything frm bunce huses t rides, games, snwflake crafts and face painting t g with varius stands set up by lcal sellers, with fd and ther fferings fr sale at the event.
    9500 E. Via d Ventura, Scttsdale, dyseainthedesert.cm, free.
    Yuth Fine Arts Curse Jan. 18-Mar. 7
    Mesa Arts Center is hsting an eight-week yuth arts curse n Saturdays t teach artistic skills and knwledge thrugh fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety f art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessins fr all.
    Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St., Mesa, mesaartscenter.cm, $93.
    21. Hw can yu get a discunted ticket t the ZLights shw?
    A. Bring a friend. B. Get a membership.
    C. Jin a tur grup. D. Bk a ticket nline.
    22. What can yu d at Family Fun Winter fest?
    A. Have free fd. B. Enjy real snw.
    C. Take art classes. D. Meet lcal artists.
    23. Which event lasts the lngest?
    A. ZLights: Glw Wild.
    B. Dwntwn Mesa Festival f the Arts.
    C. Family Fun Winter fest.
    D. Yuth Fine Arts Curses.
    Sitting in the garden fr my friend's birthday.I felt a buzz(振动) in my pcket.My heart raced when I saw the email sender's name.The email started ff:" Dear Mr Green,thank yu fr yur interest" and "the review prcess tk lnger than expected." It ended with"We are srry t infrm yu…"and my visin blurred(模糊).The psitin—measuring sil quality in the Sahara Desert as part f an undergraduate research prgramme—had felt like the answer I had spent years lking fr.
    I had put s much time and emtinal energy int applying,and I thught the rejectin meant the end f the rad fr my science career.
    S I was shcked when,nt lng after the email,Prfessr Mary Devn,wh was running the prgramme,invited me t bserve the wrk being dne in her lab.I jumped at the chance,and a few weeks later I was equally shcked—and verjyed—when she invited me t talk with her abut ptential prjects I culd pursue in her lab.What she prpsed didn't seem as exciting as the riginal prject I had applied t,but I was ging t give it my all.
    I fund myself wrking with a rbtics prfessr n techniques fr cllecting data frm the desert remtely.That prject,which I culd cmplete frm my sfa instead f in the burning heat f the desert,nt nly survived the lckdwn but wrked where traditinal methds didn't.In the end.I had a new scientific interest t pursue.
    When I applied t graduate schl,I fund three prgrammes prmising t allw me t fllw my desired research directin.And I applied with the same anxius excitement as befre.When I was rejected frm ne that had seemed like a perfect fit,it was undubtedly difficult.But this time I had the perspective(视角)t keep it frm sending me int panic.It helped that in the end I was accepted int ne f the ther prgrammes I was als excited abut.
    Rather than setting plans in stne,I've learned that smetimes I need t take the pprtunities that are ffered,even if they dn't sund perfect at the time,and make the mst f them.
    24.Hw did the authr feel upn seeing the email sender's name?
    A.Anxius. B.Angry. C.Surprised. D.Settled.
    25.After talking with Prfessr Devn,the authr decided t ______.
    A.criticize the review prcess
    B.stay lnger in the Sahara Desert
    C.apply t the riginal prject again
    D.put his heart and sul int the lab wrk
    26.Accrding t the authr,the prject with the rbtics prfessr was ______.
    A.demanding B.inspiring C.misleading D.amusing
    27.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.An invitatin is a reputatin.
    B.An innvatin is a reslutin.
    C.A rejectin can be a redirectin.
    D.A reflectin can be a restrictin.
    It is an unpleasant extinctin that will change the wrld and hw peple cmmunicate:within 20 years,
    tw thirds f all the planet's languages will be dead.
    Experts agree that nthing can stp it happening but ne academic is trying her hardest t slw it dwn.Prfessr Antnella Srace is ne f a grwing number wh believe learning a secnd language has enrmus untapped benefits fr the human brain.This is true nt nly fr yung children but als fr adults and peple at risk frm dementia(痴呆),where research cnsistently shws that learning a new language culd delay the start f the disease fr fur t five years —a better result than with any medicatin t date.
    It is thse benefits f bilingualism(双语) that shuld encurage us t preserve and prtect Eurpe's minrity languages—Gaelic,Manx,Crnish and Ulster Scts, she says.
    Already her wrk and the prject she funded three years ag in Edinburgh,Bilingualism Matters— nw expanding acrss Eurpe and in the US— have cnvinced the Scttish gvernment t intrduce languages t primary schls. Frm 2023 all Scttish children will be learning a language ther than English in their first year at schl, with tw ther languages t be intrduced later.
    Bilingualism Matters is als wrking t encurage businesses t cnsider the benefits f their staff learning languages. “In business, peple say 'English is the language f business, why wuld I need t learn anther language?'” said Srace. “Maybe it wuld mean yu culd d better business.”
    Just as disappearing frests take with them secrets f undiscvered medicines, disappearing languages can take the key t a lnger and better quality f life.The first battle is t unpick the ppular assumptin that bilingualism might damage children’s brains.There were even suggestins it culd encurage schizphrenia
    Study after study has shwn the ppsite t be true,says Srace. “These prejudices are deeply rted,
    but we are perhaps halfway t persuading peple that the brain can cpe. Then we have t persuade peple that it is actually f benefit.”
    28.What will happen t the majrity f the wrld's languages?
    A.They will becme extinct in decades.
    B.They will be learnt by mre academics.
    C.They will prevent the risk f dementia.
    D.They will help peple better cmmunicate.
    29.What's Bilingualism Matters intended t d?
    A.Find a replacement fr English.
    B.Teach businesses marketing skills.
    C.Prmte minrity language learning.
    D.Influence gvernments' plicy making.
    30.What's the tp pririty in preserving minrity languages?
    A.Getting rid f peple's fear fr mental illnesses.
    B.Finding the key t prmting peple's welfare.
    C.Unlcking the secrets f undiscvered medicines.
    D.Crrecting the miscnceptin abut Bilingualism.
    31.Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A.The benefits f Bilingualism.
    B.The funding f Bilingualism Matters.
    C.A new challenge facing language teaching.
    D.A prfessr fighting t save minrity languages.
    By the end f the century,if nt sner,the wrld's ceans will be bluer and greener thanks t a warming climate,accrding t a new study.
    At the heart f the phenmenn lie tiny marine micrrganisms(海洋微生物)called phytplanktn.
    Because f the way light reflects ff the rganisms,these phytplanktn create clurful patterns at the cean surface. Ocean clur varies frm green t blue,depending n the type and cncentratin f phytplanktn.
    Climate change will fuel the grwth f phytplanktn in sme areas, while reducing it in ther spts, leading t changes in the cean's appearance.
    Phytplanktn live at the cean surface, where they pull carbn dixide(二氧化碳) int the cean while giving ff xygen. When these rganisms die, they bury carbn in the deep cean, an imprtant prcess that helps t regulate the glbal climate. But phytplanktn are vulnerable t the cean's warming trend. Warming changes key characteristics f the cean and can affect phytplanktn grwth, since they need nt nly sunlight and carbn dixide t grw,but als nutrients.
    Stephanie Dutkiewiez, a scientist in MIT's Center fr Glbal Change Science,built a climate mdel that prjects changes t the ceans tale thrughut the century. In a wrld that warms up by 3℃, it fund that multiple changes t the clur f the ceans wuld ccur. The mdel prjects that currently blue areas with little phytplanktn culd becme even bluer. But in sme waters, such as thse f the Arctic,a warming will make cnditins riper fr phytplanktn, and these areas will turn greener. “Nt nly are the quantities f phytplanktn in the cean changing.” she said, “but the type f phytplanktn is changing.”
    And why des that matter?Phytplanktn are the base f the fd web. If certain kinds begin t disappear frm the cean, Dutkiewiez said, “it will change the type f fish that will be able t survive.” Thse kinds f changes culd affect the fd chain.
    Whatever clur changes the cean experiences in the cming decades will prbably be t gradual and unnticeable, but they culd mean significant changes. “It'll be a while befre we can statistically shw that the changes are happening because f climate change,” Dutkiewick said, “but the change in the clur f the cean will be ne f the early warning signals that we really have changed ur planet.”
    32.What are the first tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A.The varius patterns at the cean surface.
    B.The cause f the changes in cean clur.
    C.The way light reflects ff marine rganisms.
    D.The effrts t fuel the grwth f phytplanktn.
    33.What des the underlined wrd "vulnerable" in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A.Sensitive B.Beneficial C.Significant D.Unnticeable
    34.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Phytplanktn play a declining rle in the marine ecsystem.
    B.Dutkiewiez's mdel aims t prject phytplanktn changes.
    C.Phytplanktn have been used t cntrl glbal climate.
    D.Oceans with mre phytplanktn may appear greener.
    35. What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T assess the cnsequences f cean clur changes.
    B.T analyse the cmpsitin f the cean fd chain.
    C.T explain the effects f climate change n ceans.
    D.T intrduce a new methd t study phytplanktn
    Hw t Build a Better Breakfast
    We've all heard that breakfast is the mst imprtant meal f the day, and that may actually be true. A study fund that breakfast eaters were mre likely t lse weight than thse wh didn't eat a mrning meal. ____36 ___. But it's nt just when yu eat; it's what yu cat. These tips will help yu really rise and shine:
    1. Eat even if yu're nt hungry.
    Althugh yu might nt feel like eating first thing in the mrning, it's a gd idea t get smething int yur system. Eating within 90 minutes f waking up will jump-start yur metablism(新陈代谢)and keep yu frm getting hungry later.____37___
    2. Be bring.
    Changing what yu eat is a gd idea in thery, but if yu are watching yur weight, yu might want t stick with the same ld menu. Peple wh allwed their breakfast calries t change have larger waists and a higher incidence f metablic syndrme (代谢综合征) than flks wh keep their mrning calrie intake cnstant, n matter hw much they eat the rest f the day. ____38___
    3. Add peanuts r peanut butter.
    By eating peanuts r peanut butter, the carbhydrates (碳水化合物) are taken in mre slwly and bld sugar des nt rise as high. ____39___S they are less likely t snack later.
    4. ____40___
    There's an ld saying that advises “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” It's wrth fllwing. Thse wh eat a balanced 700-calrie breakfast ver a 12-weck perid lwer their bld sugar and bld pressure twice mre than peple wh eat a 200-calrie meal. They als lse an average f 19.2 punds and have lwer levels f ghrelin, the“hunger hrmne(激素)”.
    A.G big.
    B. Pile n the prduce.
    C.Just a banana will d the trick.
    D. S it's wrth making the effrt t hld it steady.
    E. It culd set yu up fr vereating thrughut the day.
    F. Plus wmen feel fuller fr up t 12 hurs after eating the peanut butter r peanut
    G.Other studies link skipping breakfast with a higher risk f develping high bld pressure,heart disease, and type-2 diabetes.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    I cme frm ne f thse families where yu have t yell at the dinner table t get in a wrd. Everyne has a strng___41___, and talks at the same time,and n ne has a ___42___ leading t ptentially heated arguments. We ften talk r even debate with each ther n different tpics. ___43___a family like mine has made me mre ___44___ abut the wrld arund me, making me tend t questin anything anyne tells me.But it has als made me realize that I'm nt a gd listener. And when I say "listening", I'm nt___45___t the ndding-yur-head-and-plitely-answering-Uh-huh-r-Oh-I-see variety. I mean the ___46___f listening where yu find yurself deeply___47___with the persn yu're speaking with,when his stry becmes s___48___that yur wrld becmes less abut yu and mre abut him. N, I was never very gd at that.
    I spent summer in Suth Africa tw years ag. I wrked fr a gd nn-prfit___49___called Nah,which wrks___50___n behalf f rphaned(孤儿)and fragile children___51___by AIDS. But if yu asked me what I really did in Suth Africa, I'd tell yu ne thing:I listened,and I listened.Smetimes I___52___,but mstly I listened.
    And had I nt spent tw mnths___53___, I might have missed the___54___mment when a quiet little girl at ne f Nah's cmmunity centers,rphaned at the age f three, whispered after a lng___55___, “I lve yu.”
    ___56___that summer, I knew a little hw t hear. I culd sit dwn with anyne and hear their ___57___and nd and respnd at the___58___time—but mst f the time I was___59____ abut the next wrds ut f my wn muth.Ever since my summer in Suth Africa,I have nticed that it's in thse mments when my muth is clsed and my___60___is wide pen that I've learned the mst abut ther peple, and perhaps abut myself.
    A.reactin B.influence C.pinin D.assumptin
    A.cmmitment B.prblem C.schedule D.request
    43. A.Belnging t B.Believing in C.Bringing up D.Struggling fr
    44. A.anxius B.curius C.nervus D.adventurus
    45. A.bjecting t B.appealing t C.turning t D.referring t
    46. A.aspect B.effect C.kind D.trick
    47. A.identifying B.quarreling C.debating D.cmpeting
    48. A.vivid B.magical C.dull D.shcking
    49. A.schl B.rganizatin C.factry D.church
    50. A.effrtlessly B.timelessly C.aimlessly D.tirelessly
    51. A.wrsened B.develped C.aided D.affected
    52. A.applauded B.spke C.wept D.cmplained
    53. A.studying B.traveling C.listening D.wrking
    54. A.tuching B.frustrating C.astnishing D.fascinating
    55. A.delay B.curse C.jurney D.silence
    56. A.Befre B.After C.Except D.Since
    57. A.needs B.stries C.cmments D.cases
    58. A.valuable B.spare C.right D.same
    59. A.talking B.arguing C.learning D. thinking
    60. A.sympathy B.spirit C.mind D.family
    第三部分 语言知识应用
    On the mrning f her grandsn's wedding, Peg McCrmack received sme bad news. The 91-year-ld was in the hspital after a fall when she fund ut she wuld be unable t attend the___61___(celebrate)in Madisn, New Jersey.
    Unknwn t McCrmack, her grandsn Brian___62___his wife Lauren had made a heartfelt plan___63___(include) her in the day's activities. ___64___(fllw)by a wedding phtgrapher,the cuple made a surprise visit ___65___ the hspital befre heading t the Receptin.
    “She was s excited t watch ___66___(we)get married,” the bride said. “She was simply living fr this wedding. S we brught the wedding t her.”
    “When we walked int that rm, she was ___67___(bvius) shcked,” the phtgrapher said. “She just kept ___68___(say) 'I can't believe yu're here!' and thanking them fr cming t see her. The way she held their hands, ___69___(tuch) their faces and just lked at them, yu culd tell they had such a special bnd. I dn't think she released Brian's hand___70___entire time that we were in the rm.”
    “It meant the wrld t bring the wedding t her,” the grm said. “It was such a small prtin f the day t trade in fr such a special mment.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
    T enrich students' schl life, an excited cmpetitin was held n last Saturday n the schl playgrund. Ten bys and ten girls selected by each class lined beside the rpe and grasped it, eager waiting fr the start. With the whistle blwing, the participants tried their best t pull the rpe, while thse standing by cheered desperately fr him. Eventually, every students f the class wn the cmpetitin was awarded a delicate ntebk.
    The cmpetitin was highly thught by students. Nt nly did it build up their bdies, but als strengthen their teamwrk. Plus, the cmpetitin received psitive respnse frm parents and teachers, what made a hit n scial media.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Jhn,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1-5 BCBAB 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 CAABA 16-20 CBACC
    21-23 BBD 24-27 ADBC 28-31 ACDD 32-35 BADC
    36-40 GCDFA
    第三部分 语音知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    41-45 CBABD 46-50 CAABD 51-55 DBCAD 56-60 ABCDC
    61. celebratin 62. and 63. t include 64. Fllwed 65. t
    66. us 67. bviusly 68. saying 69. tuched 70. the
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    T enrich students' schl life, an excited(exciting) cmpetitin was held n last Saturday n the schl playgrund. Ten bys and ten girls selected by each class lined beside the rpe and grasped it, eager(eagerly) waiting fr the start. With the whistle blwing(blwn), the participants tried their best t pull the rpe, while thse standing by cheered desperately fr him(them). Eventually, every students(student) f the class wn(winning) the cmpetitin was awarded a delicate ntebk.
    The cmpetitin was highly thught(增加f) by students. Nt nly did it build up their bdies, but als strengthen(strengthened) their teamwrk. Plus, the cmpetitin received psitive respnse frm parents and teachers, what(which) made a hit n scial media.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1.怡当的开头(写信目的和背景阐述清楚、表达正确, 5分)
    2.春节的简介(阐述清楚、表达正确, 7分)
    Dear Jhn,
    It's wnderful t hear frm yu and yur interest in learning abut Chinese New Year traditins. I'm writing t tell yu abut the custms f this festival.
    Basting rich cultural meaning and a lng histry, Chinese New Year, r Spring Festival, is an integral part f Chinese rich cultural heritage. It marks the beginning f the lunar calendar year and is a time fr family reunins and celebratin. The exact dates vary each year, but it typically fulls n the first day f the first lunar mnth, lasting 15 days.
    During the hliday, there are several custms and traditins t fllw.Decrating ur huses with red lanterns, cuplets. and paper cuttings ,which are believed t bring luck and happiness, is traditinal custms. In ur hmetwn, we gather fr a lavish reunin dinner n Nw Years Eve. This meal,cnsisting f varius traditinal dishes, hlds symblic meaning, such as prsperity, gd luck, and lngevity.
    I wuld like t take this pprtunity t sincerely invite yu t experience Chinese New Year where yu culd witness the vibrant atmsphere first-hand.
    Lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Li Hua

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