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    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What is the man ging t d after class?
    A. G t a cinema. B. Lk fr his phne. C. Study at the library.
    2. Where des the cnversatin happen?
    A. At the airprt. B. At the bank. C. At the train statin.
    3. Wh is the man talking t?
    A. Prfessr Brwn. B. The secretary. C. His mther.
    4. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Custmer and waitress. C. Emplyer and emplyee.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The htel. B. The scenery spt. C. The culture.
    6. Where will the wman g?
    A. 3rd street. B. 7th street. C. 24th street.
    7. Hw will she get there?
    A. Take the subway. B. Take a bus. C. Take a taxi.
    8. Where did the man’s mther get the trnad(龙卷风) warning?
    A. Frm the newper. B. On the radi. C. On TV.
    9. What is the man’s suggestin?
    A. Being careful. B. Ging ut. C. Sptting a trnad.
    10. What d we knw abut War Craft 2?
    A. It cst abut frty.
    B. It was released three years ag.
    C. There are a lt f new characters.
    11. What des the wman like abut the game?
    A. The picture. B. The sund. C. The character.
    12. What des the wman tell her rmmate?
    A. T watch a mvie. B. T play with the man. C. T buy her wn game.
    13. What des the man think f the new huse?
    A. It’s satisfying. B. It’s undesirable. C. It’s cheap.
    14. Hw ld is the huse?
    A. It’s abut 100 years ld. B. It’s abut 120 years ld. C. It’s abut 200 years ld.
    15. What are there in the frnt yard?
    A. Vegetables. B. Flwers. C. Fish pnds.
    16. Hw many rms des the huse have nw?
    A. 9. B. 10. C. 11.
    17. What is Wendy Wng gd at?
    A. Selling cmputers. B. Helping peple in need. C. Writing cmputer games.
    18. Why des she g t schl with a driver?
    A. Because she is nt ld enugh t drive.
    B. Because she is afraid f driving.
    C. Because she desn’t like driving.
    19. Hw are the schl subjects fr her?
    A. Interesting. B. Easy. C. Hard.
    20. When des she usually g t sleep?
    A. At 10 pm. B. At 1l pm. C. At 2 am.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    New Year’s celebratins take many frms, but mst cultures have ne thing in cmmn—have a gd time after a lng, hard year. Fr much f the glbe this invlves drinking with friends until the sun cmes up, singing tgether. But thers have rather mre curius habits, ften filled with superstitin (迷信).
    In Denmark, peple stand n chairs and jump ff tgether as the clck strikes midnight, really leaping int the new year. The Danes als thrw plates at their friends’ hmes during the night-the mre pieces yu find utside yur dr in the mrning the mre ppular yu are said t be.
    In Finland, say tur guides, peple pur melted (熔化的) lead int cld water t predict the year ahead frm the shape the metal frms. If the shape represents a ship it is said t predict travel, if it’s a ball, gd luck.
    The Dutch build massive bnfires with their Christmas trees and cat sugary dnuts—ne f many cultures t cnsume rund New Year’s fds traditinally believed t represent gd frtune.
    niards, in turn, cat a dzen grapes befre the strike f midnight, each fruit representing a mnth that will either be sweet r sur.
    In the Philippines, peple wear plka dts (带圆点的服装) fr gd luck, while in sme cuntries f Suth America peple put n brightly clured underwear t attract frtune—red fr lve and yellw fr financial success.
    Despite reginal and cultural differences, fr mst the New Year’s festivities are a chance t let ff steam befre the annual cycle starts all ver again. “This is a hliday that is abut celebratin and letting g,” explained Gerge Washingtn University scilgist Amitai Etzini.
    21. In which cuntry is the festival related t metal?
    A. Denmark.B. in.C. Finland.D. The Netherlands.
    22. What can we learn abut New Year’s celebratins frm the text?
    A. The Danes thrw grapes at their friends’ hmes during the night.
    B. niards eat many dnuts befre the strike f midnight.
    C. The Dutch build massive walls with their Christmas trees.
    D. Sme peple in Suth America wear red underwear fr lve.
    23. What des the underlined phrase “let ff steam” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Get married.B. Get relaxed.C. Make mney.D. Make friends.
    Abbey Ahern, 34, wh lives in Oklahma, was shcked and heartbrken when she was tld at her 19-week scan that her daughter had the incurable illness anencephaly (无脑畸形) which meant she wuld nt live beynd a few hurs. It ripped her heart ut.
    Accrding t the Natinal Institutes f Health, the illness means the baby has an underdevelped brain and incmplete skull (颅骨). Apprximately ne in 10,000 babies in the US are brn with anencephaly, mst f which result in early death.
    As a result, Abbey and her pilt husband Rbert, als 34, decided t have a live birth s that they culd spend time with their daughter and dnate her rgans — making Annie the first newbrn baby dnr in the state.
    Afterwards they asked the dctr fr the gender f their unbrn child and decided t name her n the spt. They named her easily: Annie, which means, “grace”. Abbey said: “Carrying a seriusly-ill baby t term was by far the mst difficult thing I have ever dne…Fr us, even in the middle f ur terrible heartbreak we were able t see s much beauty.” The family spent just 14 hurs and 58 minutes with Annie befre she passed away.
    Her rgans were nt available fr transplant (移植) because her xygen levels were t lw — which Abbey said was “disappinting”— but they were able t dnate her heart valves (瓣膜) and sme f her rgans culd be used fr research. She said: “Annie’s stry is ne f hpe. I think it shws peple that in the middle f tragedy, there can be beauty.”
    24. Hw did Abbey feel at the news abut her daughter firstly?
    A. Surprised and upset.B. Wrried and determined.
    C. Relieved and regretful.D. Curius and angry.
    25. What was Abbey and her husband’s decisin?
    A. Keeping Annie in hspital.B. Stpping giving birth t Annie.
    C. Giving away Annie’s rgans.D. Naming her daughter after beauty.
    26. Why were Annie’s rgans nt used fr transplant?
    A. Because f diseases.B. Because f lw temperature.
    C. Because f heart valves.D. Because f lack f xygen.
    27. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T call n peple t dnate rgans.B. T share a tuching stry with readers.
    C. T infrm peple f what anencephaly is.D. T shw what a tragedy the stry is.
    When drnes (无人机) first became widely available arund 15 years ag, it wasn’t uncmmn t find tech peple painting dramatic pictures f hw they were sn ging t change the wrld. Hwever, if yu lk up int the largely empty sky, yu can see that hasn’t happened yet.
    Sure, drnes are useful fr taking aerial (空中的) phts, but we’re a lng way away frm aerial superhighways, packed with autnmus drnes carrying parcels at speeds that are near-impssible n the grund.
    In 2016, Amazn annunced it had cmpleted its first ever aerial delivery. In a vide, we saw an Amazn “Prime Air” drne pick up a parcel and fly it acrss the cuntryside landing in the buyer’s garden, drpping the parcel, and then returning t its hme base. But Amazn still hasn’t cmpleted its secnd drne delivery. In fact, it has reprtedly dwnsized the drne prgramme.
    S, will drne delivery ever be a thing? There are sme indicatins f a pssible drne delivery future nt in Britain, but in Africa. Because als since 2016, rural hspitals in Rwanda have been receiving regular shipments f medical supplies by drne thanks t a cmpany called Zipline. It surely has saved lives, thanks t the speed at which bld can be delivered in a cuntry with a prly develped rad netwrk. S culd we ever expect such a system here?
    Unfrtunately there’s a big difference between rural Africa and thickly ppulated Britain. British hmes dn’t have large gardens where t land and nbdy wants lud large drnes cnstantly landing arund the neighburhd. Anther reality is that British cities may still have security and safety cncerns abut rutinely having drnes carrying stuff ver ur heads.
    That’s why I wnder if the real drne future culd be crawling (爬) alng the grund. Fr a few years, “autnmus delivery rbts” with wheels have been walking n the pavements. S perhaps we’re nt s far away frm a drne delivery future, but the reality might be a little bit mre dwn t earth.
    28. What can we learn frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. Drnes are widely used in daily life.B. Drnes have made delivery efficient.
    C. Drnes are designed t take aerial phtsD. Drnes haven’t changed the wrld as expected.
    29. Why des the authr mentin Zipline’s drne delivery?
    A. T explain the prcess f drne delivery.
    B. T stress the benefits brught by drne delivery.
    C. T discuss the pssibility f a drne delivery future.
    D. T shw its advantages ver Amazn’s drne delivery.
    30. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The security and safety cncerns abut drnes.
    B. The ways that British peple react t drne delivery.
    C. The differences between African cuntries and Britain.
    D. The reasns why drne delivery isn’t suitable fr Britain.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Drne Delivery Future: Pie in the SkyB. A Bright Future fr Drne Delivery
    C. Change the Wrld with DrnesD. Drne Applicatins at Risk Wrldwide
    Since we are vulnerable when we sleep, sleep must play a critical rle, r evlutin wuldn’t have selected fr it. Early humans had t hunt, gather fd and prtect themselves. Thse activities cnsumed much time, s unless sleep served very imprtant purpses, thse wh slept less wuld have an advantage. Yet sleeping fr lng hurs f the night was kept fr years, but scientists had nly general ideas abut what happened during sleep. Recently, Dr. Chiara Chiarelli, a neurscientist, shared what sleep neurscience research has discvered.
    Neural (神经的) netwrks in the brain are cnnected thrugh synapses (神经突触) which allw signals t flw thrughut the brain and nt cells. During waking hurs, new learning can strengthen the cnnectins. Yu can think f knwledge acquired ver a lng time as a grup f well-cnnected neural paths. When yu learn smething new, new paths are cnnected t the ld. During the waking hurs, yur brain prcesses massive amunts f new insignificant infrmatin, say remembering where yu parked yur car. But that memry has t be preserved at least until yu reach the car. It establishes a new cnnectin t yur memry f what yur car lks like, a well-established “ld” memry. The brain creates s many cnnectins daily that particular circuits can be heavily burdened.
    Dr. Cirelli explained that during sleep, a great many synaptic cnnectins are weakened s that cnnectins are mre available fr new learning the next day. Cntinuing with the parked car example, the exact lcatin f the parked car is nt needed again, s the cnnectins are weakened. In fact, if it were nt, yu might memrize hundreds f places where yu have parked, leading t cnsiderable cnfusin!
    Yu dn’t have t be a scientist t understand that nt sleeping well affects next day functining —this is cmmn cultural wisdm. Dr. Cirelli’s research is an example f science shwing the “why” and “hw” mechanisms that underlie that wisdm.
    32. What des the example f early humans shw?
    A. Sleep wasn’t as imprtant as it is tday.
    B. Our ancestrs had a hard time surviving.
    C. Sleep is significant in the histry f humans.
    D. Whever sleeps less enjys mre advantages.
    33. What message des the authr seem t cnvey in paragraph 2?
    A. Our memry can be kept ver a lng perid f time.
    B. Our brain can be verladed with synaptic cnnectins.
    C. Our brain’s neural netwrk is cnnected thrugh synapses.
    D. Our new learning is based n well-established ld memries.
    34. What has Dr. Cirelli’s research discvered?
    A. Sleep bradens neural paths.B. Sleep carries cultural wisdm.
    C. Sleep relieves synaptic burden.D. Sleep stimulates brain develpment.
    35. What’s the authr’s attitude t Dr. Cirelli’s research?
    A. Apprving. B. Unclear. C. Indifferent. D. Dubtful.
    Educatin is a gd pprtunity fr thse f us wh try t better urselves. Fr peple in full-time emplyment, getting the balancing act between wrk and study can prve a challenge. But lk n the bright side. 36
    University is ften cnsidered a lgical step fr peple wh wish t cntinue their educatin after schl. While ptins f Master’s degrees, PhDs and ther qualificatins exist, many students leave after btaining their Bachelr’s and head int the wrld f wrk. After years f ding the same jb, sme feel adding new knwledge t their lcker may pen up new pprtunities. 37 Or they will have mre new ideas.
    In terms f the benefits, learning new skills that yu can bring int the wrkplace can make yu mre f an authrity in yur area and a g-t persn fr advice. 38 In shrt, studying mre culd make yu mre useful t the business. If yu study in a classrm, yur experience f the wrkplace culd bring a wealth f knwledge t ther students and prvide real-life examples fr yu t make use f. Yu may als meet like-minded peple wh yu can add t yur prfessinal netwrk in the future. Adult learners have t cnsider things like children, hme lives and wrk. 39 Sme curses can even be dne partly r entirely nline, which means that yu can manage yur time mre easily studying frm hme.
    40 And increasing yur skills may pen up new careers r pprtunities in yur prfessinal life.
    A. Or it helps them t get a prmtin.
    B. What are the benefits f studying while als wrking?
    C. New pprtunities dn’t necessarily always wait fr yu.
    D. Becming a prfessinal persn is n big deal fr yur life.
    E. All in all, there are a variety f ptins fr thse wh wish t return t studying.
    F. And if the business has a skills shrtage, yu may be able t step up and fill that gap.
    G. Many adult and part-time curses are mre flexible and spread ver a number f years.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    It was already dark. After the jetliner 41 safe and sund, it taxied t a stp at its parking slt in Dha’s airprt. A small grup f 42 peple gathered at the bttm f the gangway (舷梯) t 43 the passengers wh were just free frm the war. Amng thse 44 was 59-year-ld Ahmad Sarmast, directr f the Afghanistan Natinal Institute f Music.
    He wanted t seem rganized and remain 45 . After all, the 46 f the last few mnths had taught the directr that nthing’s dne 47 it’s dne. But then13-year-ld Farida, the vilin case in hand, appeared at the 48 f the gangway; anther t-be 49 Zhra, als13, fllwed. They saw Sarmast, 50 dwn the steps and hugged him. “That’s when I 51 and started t cry.” he said. “We all were.”
    With Farida and Zhra in Dha, the mnths-lng, tugh 52 t evacuees (撤离人员) f the music schl was ver after the Taliban’s triumph (胜利) in Afghanistan. The flight’s 53 meant that all thse willing and able t leave the capital, Kabul—almst 300 students, faculty, staff and their families were 54 .
    But the 55 was bitter-sweet fr Sarmast. “We’re excited, happy, and 56 that we gt ur cmmunity ut f Afghanistan, which gives them the pprtunity t chase their dreams and 57 musical traditin,” he said. “At the same time, it’s als very 58 .Yu see, everything in Afghanistan is 59 , but s many peple tk s many risks t make music 60 .
    51.A.brke awayB.std upC.lked dwnD.gave up
    In the past, friendships were 61 (great) limited by time, ce and attentin. Increasing hme and wrkplace mbility (流动性) has made it even harder t keep scial relatins ver time. Thrugh a cmbinatin f user cntrls, new technlgies and changing standards f scial behavir, is freeing us 62 these limitatins, 63 (make) friendships mre accessible, pleasant and diverse than ever befre. First, allws yu t find and rediscver friends and then reminds yu f these 64 (relate), s yu are less likely 65 (fall) ut f tuch with the lng-lst schl friend, r the family member in 66 different cuntry. Secnd, creates an envirnment, 67 yu are allwed t interact easily with thers: Yu can share yur phts, vides, links and thughts, and respnd t what they share in turn. A recent study by Keith Hamptn fr the Pew Internet and American Life Prject 68 (discver) that users f scial netwrking websites have larger, mre diverse scial circles, nline and ffline.
    Time may limit ur ability t keep scial ties, but ur desire fr scial cmmunicatin is 69 (limit). is a tl that allws 70 (we) t stay mre deeply cnnected with a larger and mre diverse set f friends.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Weiqi is an ancient game f strategy. It invented as early as 4,000 years ag. A wrd weiqi means surrunding game, s ne bject f the game is t surrund the ther player’s pieces. Arund the Suthern and Nrthern Dynasties, the game was brught t Krea and then Japan, where it gradual became ppular. In Japan the game was called G translating frm Chinese directly. Despite that its ppularity in East Asia, weiqi was nly intrduced t the West in the early twenty century thrugh Japan. Therefre, mst nn-Chinese knw the game by its Japanese name and used Japanese terms while playing it. T avid mistaking the name g as the English wrd g, the first letters f the name f the game is usually capitalized: G.
    第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
    假定你是李华,你校将举行以中学生心理健康为主题的演讲比赛,请你以“Hw t Overcme Negative Feelings” 为题目,写一篇英文演讲稿,内容包括:
    注意:1. 词数 100 左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
    3. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
    Hell,everyne! __________________________________________________________________________________
    Thank yu fr yur listening!
    1-5. CABBB 6-10. BCBAC 11-15. ACACB 16-20. ACABC
    21-23. CDB 24-27. ACDB 28-31. DCDA 32-35. CBCA 36-40. BAFGE
    41-45.ABCAD 46-50.BABDC 51-55.DCACD
    61. greatly 62. frm 63. making 64. relatins 65. t fall
    66. a 67. where 68. has discvered/discvers 69. limitless/unlimited 70. us
    1. invented前加was 2. A →The 3. s →because 4. gradual → gradually
    5. translating→translated 6. 去掉that 7. twenty →twentieth 8. used →use
    9. as→fr 10. letters→letter

    Hell, everyne!
    It is my great hnr t share with yu my pinins abut hw t vercme negative feelings in ur daily life.
    Everyne has negative feelings. As fr us students, what we usually face is lneliness. Lneliness will make us depressed, affecting ur physical and mental health. T vercme it we shuld learn t cmmunicate with thers as ften as pssible. Besides, it's beneficial fr us t participate in after-class activities, which help us develp a deep friendship with thers.
    I hpe what is mentined abve might be helpful t yu and all f us can keep a psitive attitude and enjy a healthy life.
    Thank yu fr yur listening!
    Text 1
    yu ging t schl nw?
    W: Yup.I have English at 9 in the mrning.
    M: Gt any plans after the class?
    W: Nt really.What abut yu?
    M: We will have ur midterm exams next mnth.I plan t lk fr sme imprtant bks and study at the library.
    Text 2
    W: Next, please.
    M: Here are ur passprts and tickets.
    W: Let’s see.Yes, here are yur passprts back.Are these fur pieces all yur luggage? M: Yes.Oh! And these tw carry-ns.
    W: Yu’d better attach these stickers t yur carry-ns.Have a nice flight!
    Text 3
    M: I’d like t see Prfessr Brwn as sn as pssible.
    W: I’m srry.He became ill n Mnday.He’ll prbably be back n Friday.But I suggest yu call n Wednesday r Thursday t be sure.
    Text 4
    M: Waiter, can yu cme here fr a mment?
    W: Yes, is there smething wrng?
    M: I’m afraid yu’ve made a mistake.This isn’t what I rdered.
    W: S srry, I must have cnfused the rders.I’ll check it.
    Text 5
    W: D yu knw hw t g t the Fragrant Hills in Beijing? I heard that they are very famus in China. M: Yes.Especially in autumn, the red leaves f the trees make the whle muntain red.
    W: That must be very beautiful.
    M: Yes, it can make peple feel as if they were in the land f fairies.
    Text 6
    W: D yu knw if there’s a cnvenience stre arund here?
    M: I dn’t think there’s ne arund here.The clsest ne is n 3rd street, but that’s prbably clsed nw. W: I really need t get sme things befre I leave.
    M: Well, yu culd g dwn t 7th street.There are lts f stres dwn there that are pen 24 hurs a day. W: Can I take the subway t get there?
    M: Yes, but that’ll prbably take abut half an hur.Yu shuld just take a taxi.
    W: Wn’t that be expensive?
    M: N, frm here I think it’s nly abut 5 dllars.
    W: Ok, it will d, thank yu.
    Text 7
    M: There is a trnad warning n.My mther just tld me she heard it n the radi. W: What is a trnad warning?
    M: It means that a trnad has been seen smewhere in the area.
    W: Really? In New Berlin?
    M: N.Nt necessarily in twn.But in suthern Wiscnsin smewhere.A trnad has been sptted.They have tw stages here.This is what is called a trnad watch.That means that the weather cnditins are perfect fr a trnad.
    W: I understand.They think a trnad might cme.
    M: Yes.Peple shuld lk ut, because maybe there will be trnades cming.S it’s called a watch.
    Text 8
    W: Have yu bught War Craft 2 yet?
    M: Yeah! I bught it the day it was released.
    W: Hw d yu like it?
    M: It’s a great game.There are a lt f new characters.
    W: Did it cst very much?
    M: It cst abut thirty.Mst games cst abut that much.
    W: It is such a gd game.The pictures are awesme!
    M: Oh, I knw what yu mean.I’m addicted t that game.
    W: My rmmate was always playing it, which is quite annying because I can’t play it.S I tld her t buy her wn game.
    M: Yeah, my rmmate likes t watch me play.He says it’s like watching a mvie. W: I’ve never seen such gd pictures.
    M: And I’ve never heard such gd sund in a game.
    Text 9
    W: Have yu mved int yur new huse yet, Michael?
    M: We just mved in yesterday, actually.
    W: S, what d yu think abut the place? Are yu glad that yu mved in?
    M: It’s great! Unfrtunately, we’re ging t spend a lt f mney ding everything up.
    W: Hw ld is the huse then?
    M: It’s abut 200 years ld.It has a lt f histry!
    W: Sunds wnderful.D yu have a big yard?
    M: It’s bigger than ur last ne.I’ve gt flwers in the frnt, and fruits, vegetables and a fish pnd in the back. W: Is yur huse well-lit?
    M: Oh, yes.Our windws let plenty f natural light in.They’ve als gt wnderful views f the park behind ur huse.
    W: Hw many rms des yur huse have?
    M: Right nw, there are three bedrms, tw bathrms, a kitchen, a sitting rm, a dining rm, and a living rm.We’re hping t add a guest bedrm.In fact, when the guest rm is ready, yu are welcme t ur huse.
    W: I’d be up fr that!
    Text 10
    Have yu ever heard f a girl f 15, wh set up a cmpany f her wn? Wendy Wng is the girl.She started the business tw years ag.She has already written several successful cmputer games.They are s ppular that ver half a millin games are sld every year.Nw all f her family wrk in her business, and she is still at schl.She gets up early in the mrning, and then she talks with her family abut the business ver breakfast.Every day she ges t schl in her wn car with a driver, fr she is nt ld enugh.She enjys her schl, but sme f the wrk is t easy fr her t feel interested.She usually gets “A” grades in all her subjects, s the ther students ften ask her fr help.She finished her hmewrk in half an hur after her driver takes her hme.After dinner, she ges t her ffice and ges n wrking n her cmputer, writing games until 2 am.She des nt usually need s much sleep as ther children.

    2023-2024学年四川省成市高二上册期中考试英语试题(附答案): 这是一份2023-2024学年四川省成市高二上册期中考试英语试题(附答案),共18页。

    2023-2024学年四川省成都市高一上册12月月考英语试题(附答案): 这是一份2023-2024学年四川省成都市高一上册12月月考英语试题(附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了 5分,共7,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年四川省成都市高二上册12月月考英语试题(附答案): 这是一份2023-2024学年四川省成都市高二上册12月月考英语试题(附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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