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    1. 请在答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。
    2. 本试卷共七大题,70小题,满分140分。考试时间100分钟。
    第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共72分)
    Ⅰ. 单项填空(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)
    1. —Hw lng have yu learned English?
    —________ six years.
    A. InB. FrC. AtD. Frm
    2. The Rbinsns lve seeing the wrld. ________ have been t many interesting places.
    A. WeB. TheyC. YuD. I
    3. —________ can yu see frm the Lndn Eye?
    —On a clear day mst f Lndn.
    A. WhereB. HwC. WhyD. What
    4. Lk! The children ________ a dragn dance with my grandpa in the playgrund.
    A. learnB. learnedC. are learningD. will learn
    5. The Danube in a river in Eurpe. It ________ thrugh Vienna.
    A. will gB. wentC. gesD. has gne
    6. —________ yu ck dishes?
    —Yes, I can. But they are simple.
    A. CanB. WuldC. NeedD. Culd
    7. Histry is my favrite subject ________ it’s very interesting.
    A. ifB. thughC. whenD. because
    8. Nwadays traveling by high-speed train is as ________ as traveling by air in China.
    A. ppularB. mre ppularC. mst ppularD. the mst ppular
    9. The Qatar Wrld Cup ________ frm Nvember 21 t December 18 last year.
    A. hldsB. heldC. was heldD. is held
    10. All f us ________ great prgress since we started junir high schl.
    A. are makingB. madeC. will makeD. have made
    11. —D yu knw ________ Dalian Lahutan Ocean Park?
    —Next Sunday.
    A. when we will visitB. when will we visitC. when we visitedD. when did we visit
    12. —Dad, can I brrw yur camera?
    —Oh, yes. ________
    A. Never mind.B. Here it is!C. Yu’re welcme!D. I’d lve t.
    Ⅱ. 完形填空(本题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)
    Hw lng is sanshe in the idim tuibi sanshe(退避三舍)?
    In ancient times, she was a unit f distance(距离). One she is as ____13____ as 30 li. One li is 500 meters and 30 li is 15,000 meters. S sanshe is 45 kilmeters.
    There is a stry behind this idim. During the Spring and Autumn Perid(770 BC—476 BC), Prince Chng’er f the Jin State ran away frm his hme state. He ____14____ t travel t ther states.
    Once, he went t the state f Chu. King, Chengwang f Chu saw him as an imprtant guest and ____15____ him a feast(盛宴). He asked Chng’er, “If yu rule state f Jin ne day, hw wuld yu thank me?” “It seems yur state has everything yu want. I have nthing that yu like,” Chng’er said. Hwever, the king ____16____ asked fr smething. Finally, Chng’er said, “I wuld ask my sldiers t retreat(撤退)sanshe if we ever fight.”
    Later, Chng’er ____17____ t his hme state f Jin and became its ruler called Wengng. Bth f the tw ____18____ wanted t becme strnger and get mre land. They went t war with each ther.
    Jin Wengng didn’t ____19____ his prmise. He asked his sldiers t retreat sanshe in Chengpu. The Chu sldiers thught that the Jin sldiers were afraid t fight, s they fllwed them. T their surprise, the Jin sldiers surrunded(包围) them. ____20____, Jin wn the war. This was the famus Battle f Chengpu. After this war, peple used tuibi sanshe t mean retreating t avid a cnflict(冲突).
    13. A. muchB. largeC. farD. fast
    14. A. fferedB. wantedC. failedD. prmised
    15. A. servedB. passedC. shwedD. paid
    16. A. alwaysB. alreadyC. justD. still
    17. A. mvedB. returnedC. walkedD. gt
    18. A. persnsB. cuntriesC. friendsD. states
    19. A. breakB. makeC. keepD. accept
    20. A. In factB. At firstC. In the endD. Abve all
    Ⅲ. 阅读理解(一)(本题共17小题,每小题2分,共34分)
    A. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Passage 1
    Schl Educatin Sign in Sign up START A TOPIC
    21. Lucy thinks middle schl students need t ________.
    A. get n well with each therB. knw their interests
    C. understand themselves betterD. have mre cnfidence
    22. Frm William’s suggestin, we knw he cares abut thse wh ________.
    A. like playing gamesB. have difficulty in learning
    C. have hearing prblemsD. have a clear directin in life
    23. What is Justin’s suggestin?
    A. Learning sign language.B. Starting different schl clubs.
    C. Having mre IT lessns.D. Adding a time-management class.
    24. What are they mainly talking abut?
    A. Advice fr schl life.B. One mre subject at schl.
    C. After-schl activities.D. Ppular subjects amng students.
    Passage 2
    Ray was a naughty(淘气的) student. But he was smart and hard-wrking. And he never lst a race r a chess game. He always came first in schl. He was s pleased with himself that he wuld always refuse t help thers.
    “Ray, are yu able t g t the market and buy sme eggs?” asked his mther. Ray gave an excuse and refused, “Srry, Mm. I wuld be busy with my hmewrk.”
    Jack, ne f Ray’s friends, wanted his help and asked, “Please help me slve this math prblem.” “Yu must use yur brain and slve it yurself.” replied the arrgant(傲慢的) Ray. Only ne thing was imprtant t Ray. His precius(珍贵的) pen! He cnsidered it as his lucky pen. But ne day Ray lst the pen.
    Wrried Ray lked everywhere fr the pen, but culdn’t find it. Helplessly, he went t his mther fr help, “Mm, I lst my lucky pen! Please help me find it. I have a test tmrrw.”
    His mther ignred(不理睬) his request and said, “I’m srry. I’m ging ut with Aunty Christme.”
    With tears rlling dwn his eyes. Ray asked his friend fr help, “I have lst my lucky pen. I cannt finish the test withut it. Please help me find it!” “I’m srry, Ray. I have t revise fr tmrrw’s test. I dn’t have time t waste.” Jack replied.
    Ray sat at his desk, crying his eyes ut, when his mther walked in t give his lucky pen t him. “I fund it under the sfa in the drawing rm.” said his mther.
    “Many thanks. Mm!” said Ray. And thus, Ray learnt his lessn.
    After that day, Ray helped everyne when pssible fr him.
    25. T Ray’s mther and Jack, Ray was ________.
    A. perfectB. unhelpfulC. carelessD. warm-hearted
    26. Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Ray?
    A. He tld lies t his mther.B. He refused his friend’s help.
    C. He helped his friend with math.D. He needed help t find his pen.
    27. Hw did Ray learn his lessn?
    A. By taking a test.B. By helping thers.
    C. By sharing kindness.D. By experiencing wrries.
    28. What can we learn frm the Passage?
    A. Asking fr help necessary.B. Helping thers brings happiness.
    C. Helping thers is t help urselves.D. Lking fr excuses fr urselves useless.
    Passage 3
    In Pntevedra, Spain, peple dn’t shut. Since cars are nt allwed in the city, there are n hrns(喇叭)r nises frm car engines. Peple dn’t have t try hard t make themselves heard. What yu hear in the street, instead, is the singing f birds.
    “Listen,” says Miguel Lres, the mayr(市长), pening the windws f his ffice. Frm the street belw rises the sund f human vices. “Mre than 14,000 cars used t pass alng this street every day. There were mre cars passing thrugh the city in a day than peple living here.
    Lres became mayr in 1999. He spent mnths walking arund the city. “The histrical city is dead,” he said ne day. “It is full f cars. It is heavily plluted. There are a lt f traffic accidents. The elderly and children aren’t able t use the streets because f cars. Peple wh had a chance t leave have dne s.”
    At first, Lres thught f imprving traffic cnditins. Hwever, he culdn’t cme up with a gd plan. After lts f discussins, the gvernment finally decided t get rid f(清除)cars.
    The change has brught Pntevedra many benefits. Traffic accidents are nw rare(罕见的). CO2 emissins(排放物)are dwn by 70%. Many peple are mving t the city, making it lively again.
    Mst lcal peple like the change. Ramir Armest, a mther f tw yung children, said, “In the past, the first thing t see in the mrning was traffic jams. Nw, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer.” Raquel Garcia, anther parent, said she had stayed in many cities arund the wrld. Hwever, she had never lived in a city as “easy t live in” as Pntevedra. “Even if it’s raining, I walk everywhere. The feeling is wnderful,” she added.
    29. Frm Paragraph 1, we knw Pntevedra is a(n) ________ city in Spain.
    A. ancientB. quietC. busyD. crwded
    30. Fr Lres, what was the city Pntevedra’s main prblem?
    A. The histrical city was dead.B. There were lts f traffic accidents.
    C. Many peple were leaving the city.D. There were t many cars in the city.
    31. The underlined wrd “benefits” prbably means “________” in English.
    A. chicesB. advantagesC. prblemsD. symbls
    32. What is the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T shw hw peple like the change.B. T let mre cities fllw the change.
    C. T explain what peple think f the city.D. T tell why peple like living in Pntevedra.
    33. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. A city withut cars.B. The path t a city’s prgress.
    C. A gd plan fr a city.D. The changes f Pntevedra.
    B. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯,有两项为多余选项。
    Passage 4
    The right way t breathe(呼吸)during exercise
    Exercising is great fr yur health-everyne knws this. Hwever simply exercising isn’t enugh. It needs t be dne prperly.
    While exercising, making sure yur breathing is crrect is very imprtant. Naturally, we breathe thrugh ur nse. ____34____ Nt really.
    Breathing thrugh yur nse has its advantages. Yur nse hair acts like an air filter(过滤器). Breathing thrugh yur nse als warms and mistens(使……湿润)the air. Hwever, when yu exercise, yu shuld always make sure that yu are taking in enugh xygen(氧气). Yu can breathe thrugh yur nse while ding lighter exercise like yga. During mre heavy exercise, such as running, it is better t breathe thrugh yur muth.
    Hwever, mst peple usually take quicker breaths while ding any heavy exercise. ____36____ Quicker breathing is nt a prper way f breathing. This can cause dizziness(头晕)and ther health prblems.
    In fact, while ding exercise like running, ne shuld breathe in a 3:2 rati(比率). This means that fr the first three steps, the persn shuld be inhaling(吸气)deeply. Fr the next tw steps, the persn shuld be exhaling(呼气)fully. In this way yu can take in the largest amunt f xygen.
    ____37____ While we ften breathe thrugh ur nse, breathing thrugh ur muth is a gd chice as well. Smetimes peple use bth their nse and muth t breathe. While ding any exercise, yur breaths shuld be deep, rather than quick. This will help yu t burn mre fat and keep yu fitter.
    A. Let’s g ver the basic pints ne mre time.
    B. Generally speaking simply exercising isn’t enugh.
    C. This is ne f the mst cmmn mistakes that peple make while exercising.
    D. Hwever, d yu knw the right way t breathe during exercise?
    E. By ding s, yu can take in a higher amunt f air and thus xygen.
    F. But when yu exercise, is breathing thrugh the nse always the best chice?
    Ⅳ. 情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
    Tny: Hi, Tny speaking.
    Daming: Hi, Tny. ____38____ D yu want t g t the museum this weekend? There will be an exhibitin there.
    Tny: ____39____ What’s the exhibitin abut?
    Daming: It’s abut animals in danger and what the gvernment is ding t prtect them.
    Tny: ____40____ I’m ding my hmewrk abut that. What time will it start?
    Daming: At eight ’clck.
    Tny: ____41____
    Daming: At half past seven, utside the schl gate.
    Tny: OK. ____42____
    Daming: See yu.
    A. Let’s g.
    B. S what time shall we meet?
    C. See yu then.
    D. Oh, I’d like t see it.
    E. What’s the matter?
    F. This is Daming.
    G. Oh, it’s very nice f yu t ask me.
    G. Oh, it’s very nice f yu t ask me.
    第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共68分)
    Ⅴ. 词汇运用
    A. 用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。(本题共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)
    43. My father wrks as a vlunteer t ffer ________ help t the cmmunity. (he)
    44. We decided t stay at hme because it was ________ heavily. (rain)
    45. When yu d yur hmewrk yu need t write ________.(careful)
    46. Scientists are trying t find life n Mars but they ________ anything yet. (nt find)
    47. The mre yu g jgging, the ________ yu will feel. Just try it!(healthy)
    48. During a meal in the West, peple use ________ and frks mst f the time.(knife)
    The father f China’s space prgram
    Qian Xuesen was ne f the greatest Chinese scientists f mdern times. Peple call him the “father f China’s space prgram” fr the wrk he did in helping develp the cuntry’s first rckets(火箭), missiles(导弹) and satellites(人造卫星). He helped China becme a ____49____ fr technlgy and enter a new space age.
    Qian was brn in Shanghai in 1911. He went t Shanghai Jia Tng University, and then tk a schlarship t study at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy(MIT) in the USA in 1935, Frm there, he mved t the Califrnia Institute f Technlgy(Caltech), where he became an expert(专家) in aerdynamics(空气动力学) and jet prpulsin(喷气推进). One f his university ____50____ at Caltech described him as a genius an unusually clever persn.
    Qian stayed in the USA during the Secnd Wrld War t d sme wrk n jet prpulsin, and he sn became ne f the ____51____ rcket scientists in the USA. In 1950, he decided t return t China, but the American gvernment tried ____52____ him frm leaving and even frm mving arund freely in Califrnia. At last, in 1955, he ____53____ return t China.
    Back hme, Qian at nce ____54____ helping China develp a space prgram. He started the Institute f Mechanics in Beijing, where he trained yung scientists. He wrked n many imprtant space ____55____. In 1960, China’s first rcket and first missile were launched(发射) ____56____. In 1970, China launched its first satellite. It is largely because f Qian’s ____57____ that China s quickly develped a space prgram, and became nly the third cuntry t send a manned rcket int space in 2003.
    Qian watched this rcket launch n televisin. He was by he will always be ____58____ fr his great cntributins(贡献). He wrking s hard fr his cuntry, even thrugh difficult times, helping develp the space prgram that pushed China int the future.
    Ⅵ. 阅读理解(二)(本共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)
    Passage 5
    If yu want t help prtect the envirnment and save the planet, we’ve gt sme easy ways f ging green.
    ·Avid fd waste
    G green and knw the imprtant f finishing yur meals t avid fd waste. D yur bit t save the planet as well by planning yur meals fr the week, s yu nly buy what yu need.
    ·Use reusable bttles
    Earth Day is a great time fr yu t drink frm reusable water bttles when yu’re ut and abut. Yu shuld frm gd water-saving habits arund the huse, t.
    ·Try mre plant-based meals
    Try t eat less meat. It’s a surprisingly simple way we can all use t help save the planet. Try with ne day a week t get yu start, and then expand t mre days when pssible.
    ·Cut dwn n the air cnditiner(空调)
    Whenever yu can, g green and pen the windw fr sme natural air. If yu can’t live withut yur air cnditiner, set in at between 25℃ and 27℃ fr the mst energy-efficient(节能的)temperature.
    ·Wise up t(意识到)recycling
    Yu dn’t need us t tell yu hw imprtant it is t reduce, reuse and recycle. Becming a less “thrw away” sciety is a great message t pass n. Dn’t thrw away perfectly gd things just because yu are sick f them, r n lnger use them. Instead, give them t thers r list them n a free cllectin site nline.
    ·Knw mre abut nature
    There’s n better way t knw abut the envirnment than by getting yurself utdrs and int nature! Whether it’s raining r sunny, yu can knw abut the envirnment.
    59. Hw many ways f ging green are there in the text?
    60. Accrding t the writer, what can we d t avid fd waste?
    61. T save energy, what is the right way t use the air cnditiner?
    62. D yu think it is necessary fr us t get urselves utdrs and int nature? Why?
    63. Why did the writer write this text?
    64. Accrding t the text, hw green are yu in yur daily life?
    Ⅶ. 写
    A. 句子翻译(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
    65. 老师经常告诉我们不要嘲笑别人,这样很粗鲁。
    The teacher ften tells us nt t ________ It’s rude.
    66. 请问,这附近有书店吗?
    Excuse me, _____________________________________
    67. 大连人都很友好,这就是我喜欢这座城市的原因。
    __________________ and that is why I lve the city.
    68. 去年大明入选了学校足球队。
    69. 如果你有什么问题,可以去问老师。
    B. 书面表达(共20分)
    70. 生活中,我们往往会因为某件事而感到烦恼,但是如果我们用积极、正向的态度去面对,可能不但问题迎刃而解,而且我们还会从中懂得做人做事的道理。假如你是李华,班级即将举行以“D nt wrry. Be happy!”为主题的英语班会,请你用英语写一篇短文,结合具体事例与同学们分享你在这方面的体会。
    (1)What made yu unhappy?
    (2)Hw did it help yu grw as a persn?
    17:25 Feb. 18, 2023
    If yu culd add ne cmpulsry(必修) subject at yur schl, what wuld it be? Why?
    Feb. 18, 2023
    A subject that gives students a better understanding f themselves.
    Accrding t sme surveys(调查), many middle schl students dn’t have a dream. A persn withut a dream is like a ship sailing withut cmpass(指南针).
    Teaching students t understand themselves better can help them discver their strenghs and weaknesses. Then, they will have mre cnfidence and a clearer directin in life.
    LIKE(38) REPLY
    Feb. 18, 2023
    I wuld suggest adding sign language(手语). Nt many peple knw hw t cmmunicate with thse wh have hearing prblems. It wuld be very helpful if we culd start t learn sign language when we are yung. This wuld teach us t treat thse wh are less frtunate(幸运的) with respect(尊重).
    LIKE(17) REPLY
    Feb. 18, 2023
    I’d suggest adding a time-management class. Nwadays, many students are addicted t(上瘾) their phnes. Sme f them sleep late because they can’t balance their studies with gaming. A time-management class will help students learn “first things first”. This will help make sure that they lead a healthy life.
    LIKE(58) REPLY
    imprtant be able t stp teacher center
    wrk remember begin prject successfully

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