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    这是一份2023年广东省中考英语真题(原卷版),共13页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔在“考场号”和“座位号”栏相应位置填涂自己的考场号和座位号。将条形码粘贴在答题卡“条形码粘贴处”。
    2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
    4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    A. 听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    1. What is the by ding?

    A B C
    2 What’s the time nw?

    A B C
    3. Wh is Tm?

    A B C
    4. Where is the teapt?

    A B C
    5. Hw tall was Mary last year?

    A B C
    B. 听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    6 Hw will Jhn g t the museum tmrrw?
    A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car.
    7. Which subject des Sam like best?
    A. English. B. Histry. C. Gegraphy.
    8. Why des Mandy like singing?
    A. Because it makes her brave.
    B. Because it makes her relaxed.
    C. Because it makes her ppular
    9. What des the wman rder?
    A. Lemn juice. B. Green tea. C. Apple juice.
    10. Where will Lisa g fr hliday?
    A. T the beach. B. T the lakeside. C. T the muntains.
    11. What is the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Brther and sister. C. Mther and sn.
    12. What husewrk will the by d tday?
    A. Tidying up his bedrm. B. Washing his clthes. C. Setting the table.
    13. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Gifts. B. Fd. C. Gardening.
    14. Wh decides t buy flwers?
    A. Ben. B. Kelly. C. Tny.
    15. What may the by prepare at last?
    A. Bks. B. Plants. C. Chclates.
    C. 听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    16. Hw did Frank’s class feel when they gt t the z?
    A. Tired. B. Happy. C. Surprised.
    17. What animals did Frank g t see first?
    A. Bears. B. Tigers. C. Mnkeys.
    18. Hw was the weather when Frank was taking phts?
    A. Rainy B. Sunny. C. Snwy.
    19. What was Frank’s truble?
    A. He fell dwn. B. He gt lst. C. He lst his camera.
    20. Wh helped Frank?
    A. A visitr. B. A classmate C. A zkeeper.
    D. 听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    E. 情景对话(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    Jim: Hi, Sue. Hw’s yur acting class ging?
    Sue: The teacher is great, but I’m nt learning much.
    Jim: ____1____
    Sue: I can’t act as well as ther students.
    Jim: Hmm. Maybe yu need mre practice.
    Sue: But I’ve already spent a lt f time n it. I just can’t d it well. ____2____
    Jim: Well, befre yu give up, I suggest yu ask the teacher fr help.
    Sue: ____3____
    Jim: I see. Why nt leave him a nte t tell him abut yur prblem?
    Sue: ____4____ I’ll give it a try. Thanks a lt.
    Jim: ____5____
    A. But I’m afraid he is t busy these days.
    B. I’m thinking f giving up.
    C. Yu’re welcme.
    D. Enjy yurself.
    E. Sunds gd.
    F. Hw’s that?
    David is a 15-year-ld by and he is crazy abut space. He always wnders hw space statins wrk. Fr him, a space camp is ____6____ than any ther camp in the wrld.
    At the age f seven, David had ____7____ first astrnaut (宇航员) training experience. He and his parents ____8____ t a Family Space Camp. They had a taste f what it was like t travel ____9____ space. Everything was magical. ____10____ excited David was!
    David has been t many space camps ver the last eight years. Last mnth, he went t ____11____ new space camp. It had a lt f fun training prgrams, ____12____ he enjyed all f them. There he was ften asked ____13____ he liked space camps s much. “I feel like a real astrnaut in the space camp, and I dn’t even need ____14____ the earth,” he said.
    These experiences have influenced his life. Nw David ____15____ space science. He has made up his mind t be a space engineer in the future.
    6. A. greatB. greaterC. the greatest
    7. A. heB. himC. his
    8. A. invitedB. are invitedC. were invited
    9. A. nB. inC. fr
    10. A. HwB. WhatC. What an
    11. A. aB. anC. the
    12. A. rB. butC. and
    13. A. whyB. whenC. where
    14. A. leaveB. leavingC. t leave
    15. A. studyB. is studyingC. was studying
    Little Dra always wanted a sister. S when Mum tld her she wuld have ne in six mnths, she felt very ____16____. But Dra had t be away fr sme time. She had prmised t stay with her grandparents till autumn came.
    “Hw can I make ____17____ g faster? I can’t wait t see the ____18____.” Dra said t herself while she was sitting in her grandparents’ yard ne day. She had a gd ____19____ when she saw the apple tree in the yard. She decided t ____20____ a picture f the tree each day. As Grandpa said, by the time she saw red apples n the tree, she wuld have a sister!
    Dra’s first picture was a tree full f green leaves. Day by day, the weather gt cler. The leaves slwly ____21____ their clur and tiny apples appeared amng them.
    ____22____, Dra drew her last picture f the tree. It had a lt f red apples. Nw it was time t return hme. When she entered the huse, Mum and Dad were ____23____ her n the sfa. Each f them was ____24____ a baby in their arms.
    “Nw yu have a sister and a brther!” Dad said. “Ww, I’m the ____25____ sister in the wrld!” Dra said happily. “Lk! Their faces are as rund as red apples. They are s cute.”
    16 A. richB. afraidC. nervusD. cheerful
    17. A. airB. timeC. lightD. water
    18. A. yardB. treeC. babyD. apple
    19. A. jbB. ideaC. lifeD. trip
    20. A. buyB. takeC. drawD. brrw
    21. A. sharedB. fundC. passedD. changed
    22. A. FinallyB. ReallyC. UsuallyD. Suddenly
    23. A. waiting frB. laughing atC. lking afterD. learning frm
    24. A. hidingB. trainingC. walkingD. hlding
    25. A. funniestB. smallestC. luckiestD. prettiest
    26. Which is the best way t keep cl accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. Putting n hats.B. Using a gd fan.
    C. Wearing light clthing.D. Staying at a cl place.
    27. Why is quality paper a gd chice t make a fan?
    A. It is light.B. It is clrful.
    C. It lasts lng.D. It lks beautiful.
    28. What is the secnd step f making a paper fan?
    A. Painting the sticks.
    B. Drawing pictures n the paper.
    C. Flding up the paper.
    D. Gluing the sticks nt the flded paper.
    29. Frm the last paragraph, we can tell that making a paper fan is ________.
    A. quickB. difficultC. bringD. strange
    30. What is the purpse f this passage?
    A. T sell paper fans.B. T shw hw t save time.
    C. T share a fun stry.D. T teach hw t make paper fans.
    Sme animals can easily find their way hme after a lng jurney. Hw d they make it? Scientific research shws that they are brn with certain unusual abilities fr directin.
    A certain kind f ants, fr example, can cunt their steps t avid getting lst. They can g as far as 110 metres and bring fd hme. These ants live in the pen desert (沙漠), s they have nthing t guide them alng the way. It’s like smene walking six kilmetres thrugh a dark frest.
    Sme fish have an unbelievable sense f smell. They can smell even a single drp f their hme water in a large sea area. Sme sea birds have a similar ability. They are able t make a smell map f their flying area.
    Sme animals can sense the earth’s magnetic field (磁场), while humans can’t. This magnetic field guides a certain kind f fish when they swim a lng way t a place and then back. Hw can this kind f fish d that? It is still a mystery. Scientists have n gd answers yet.
    Hwever, animals with such unusual abilities still have difficulty dealing with envirnmental changes caused by human activities. Fr example, many birds depend n stars fr directin, but they get lst easily at night when city lights are kept n all night. T slve this prblem, we can simply turn ff sme lights at night. Clearly, ne small act f humans may mean a lt t animals.
    31. Where is this passage mst prbably frm?
    A. A strybk.B. An art magazine.
    C. A guidebk.D. A science magazine.
    32 Hw can a certain kind f ants find their way?
    A. By imagining the way.B. By cunting their steps.
    C. By bringing fd tgetherD. By walking thrugh a frest.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “mystery” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Secret.B. Chice.C. Reasn.D. Feeling.
    34. What are peple advised t d accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. T help animals.B. T travel at night.
    C. T keep city lights n.D. T develp unusual abilities.
    35. Which can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Birds’ Sense f LightB. Fish’s Sense f Smell
    C. Animals’ Sense f DirectinD. Animals’ Sense f Magnetic Field
    There is a small thing we use every day. We usually put ____41____ in the bathrm. Withut it, we might have tth prblems. Can yu guess ____42____ it is? Yes, it’s the tthbrush. But d yu knw anything abut its histry?
    Accrding t sme research, befre tthbrushes appeared, the ancient Chinese peple ____43____ their teeth with sme small tree branches (树枝). Abut 800 years ag, peple made a kind f brushes with pig hair and bamb. It might ____44____ the wrld’s earliest frm f tthbrushes. As time went ____45____, the frms f tthbrushes changed. Fr example, peple chse hrse-tail hair instead f pig hair ____46____ pig hair was t hard. Imagine that yu travel back t ____47____ f years ag and brush yur teeth cmfrtably. It sunds fantastic, desn’t it?
    Arund the 15th century, the Chinese tthbrush fund its way int Eurpe. It became ____48____ amng lcal peple sn. The ____49____ f tthbrushes was nt as famus as that f paper-making, but it was very useful in daily life. Tday we have a gd ____50____ f brushing teeth. We shuld thank the ancient Chinese fr it.
    A. 回答问题(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
    51. Wh discvered that dreams may make yu smart?
    52. When des the brain review yur experiences in the day?
    53. Where des the brain replay the painful memries?
    54. What might help yu get higher marks accrding t the passage?
    55. Which matters mre fr creativity, hard wrk r dreams?
    B. 书面表达
    56. 假设你叫李明,你打算向某学生英文网站投稿,分享你做过的一个有趣的梦。请你根据以下思维导图内容提示用英文写一篇短文。
    An Interesting Dream
    By Li Ming
    I have an interesting dream t share with yu. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    A Cking Cmpetitin
    Date Place: next 21 in the schl dining hall
    Things prvided: vegetables, 22 , meat and ther necessary things
    Scring standards: ● hw gd the dishes lk, smell and taste
    ● hw 23 the dishes are
    Prize: a(n) 24 cking lessn at a tp restaurant
    Reasn t jin in: t shw yur 25 and creativity
    When it’s ht utside and we have t g ut, surely we want t keep cl. We can put n hats, wear light clthing, r stay at a cl place. Hwever, nthing can beat a gd fan. Nw I’ll shw yu hw t make a gd DIY (D It Yurself) paper fan.
    What t prepare
    Please prepare tw pieces f paper. All paper will wrk, but yur DIY fan can be used fr a lng time with quality (优质的) paper.
    Then get glue, tw sticks, etc.
    Hw t make a DIY fan
    The first step is t draw pictures n the paper. Just draw anything yu like. The next step is t fld up (折叠) the paper. Then glue the tw pieces f flded paper tgether. After that, paint the sticks. The final step is t glue the sticks nt the flded paper. And everything is dne.
    If yu lk at yur watch, yu will be surprised: it takes less than 15 minutes t make a gd paper fan. Then yu can fld it up and drp it in yur bag. When yu are ut in the heat next time, just take it ut and enjy the gentle wind.
    ___36___ My mum didn’t agree t buy anther mdel racing car fr me. She said it wuld be a waste f mney. I am angry with her.
    ___37___ I want a pair f basketball shes fr my training. But I dn’t want t ask my parents fr mney.
    ___38___ I get as much pcket mney as my sister each mnth. But my mney runs ut much mre quickly than hers.
    ___39___ I think I can spend all my lucky mney. But my father desn’t allw me t.
    ___40___ My mum wants me t d the weekly shpping fr ur family. But I dn’t knw hw t spend mney wisely.
    A. Yu can make a shpping list first. And yu may g t different supermarkets t cmpare prices befre yu make a decisin.
    B. Yu shuld understand yur mum. A mdel car is nt a must. Parents knw mre abut the value f mney as they wrk hard t supprt the family.
    C. Write dwn yur daily spending f the pcket mney in a ntebk. This may help yu avid unnecessary spending.
    D. Yu can learn numbers first. Fr example, yu can cunt cins and bankntes with yur parents.
    E. Maybe yu can have a yard sale t get mney fr yur shes. There must be things yu dn’t need any mre like ld tys r magazines.
    F. I agree with yur father. Yu can keep part f yur lucky mney in a bank instead f using it up. This can help yu save mney fr the future.
    G. Yu can invite smene wrking in a bank t yur club t give a talk. In this way, yu can knw mre abut hw banks wrk.
    it either be because what else by invent clean ppular habit hundred
    Dreams may make yu smart This was discvered by scientists wh d research n dreams.
    What is a dream exactly? Scientists explain that during sleep time yur brain reviews yur experiences in the day. It tries t cnnect yur new experiences with the ld memries (记忆). As yur brain cnnects things, it turns them int a stry, and then yu get a dream.
    Dreams may help yu deal with wrries and fears. What has happened during the day may be painful. While yu are sleeping, hwever, the brain will replay the painful memries in a safe dream space. There the bad memries becme less painful. And yu will feel better after waking up.
    Dreams als seem t be able t help yu learn. This idea is supprted by a study. S scientists advise yu nt t stay up all night studying, especially when an exam is cming. They say a sweet dream might help yu get higher marks.
    Dreams may make yu mre creative, t. It was reprted that a famus sngwriter came up with his best sng in a dream, and wrte it dwn as sn as he wke up. Hwever, dreams alne can’t bring abut creativity. In fact, the sngwriter spent a lt f time thinking abut the sng befre the dream. In a wrd, hard wrk matters mre fr creativity, thugh dreams als have a rle t play.

    2023年云南省中考英语真题(原卷版): 这是一份2023年云南省中考英语真题(原卷版),共9页。

    2023年陕西省中考英语真题(A卷)(原卷版): 这是一份2023年陕西省中考英语真题(A卷)(原卷版),共11页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分为第一部分,领到试卷和答题卡后,请用0, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年广东省广州市中考英语真题(原卷版): 这是一份2023年广东省广州市中考英语真题(原卷版),共10页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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