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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw des the wman feel?
    A. Surprised.B. Scared.C. Wrried.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At schl.B. In a hspital.C. At hme.
    3. What des the weather reprt say?
    A. It will be sunny in the afternn.B. It will be rainy at night.C. It will be wind y tmrrw.
    4. What des the wman want the man t d?
    A. Ask Mr. Black t call her.B. Shw her t Mr. Black.C. Search fr Mr. Black.
    5. What des the wman need?
    A. A ticket.B. A driver.C. A car.
    6. What des Linda’s father want t give her at first?
    A. A phne.B. A new cat.C. A dictinary.
    7. When will the speakers g shpping?
    A. Tday.B. Tmrrw.C. The day after tmrrw.
    8. What will the wman d first?
    A. Meet Alice and Bill.B. D her hmewrk.C. See a mvie
    9. What can we learn abut the man?
    A. He never went t schl.B. He wasn’t gd at math.C. He is nt a student.
    10. Hw lng did the man stay in Hng Kng?
    A. Fr a week.B. Fr half a mnth.C. Fr half a year.
    11. Why did the man fail t receive the wman’s calls?
    A. He didn’t have a telephne.B. He changed his phne number.C. He was driving with his friends.
    12. What des the man think f his trip?
    A. Tiring.B. Bring.C. Exciting.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. In an ffice.B. In a car.C. In a clinic.
    14. What did the man d last night?
    A. He had a gd rest.B. He repaired his TV.C. He went t a hspital.
    15. What’s wrng with the man’s father?
    A. He has a heart prblem.B. He has a bad cugh.C. He has a headache.
    16. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Take sme medicine.B. D mre exercise.C. Ask fr leave.
    17. What can we say abut Rsemary’s mther?
    A. She was mentally sick.B. She was very helpful.C. She did lve her daughter.
    18. What was Rsemary’s father ding that day?
    A. He was lking fr her mther.
    B. He was preparing a meal fr his kids.
    C. He was taking his wife t the hspital.
    19. What happened t Rsemary?
    A. She lst her parents.B. She lst her legs.C. She lst her hands.
    20. Which f the fllwing can best describe Rsemary?
    A. Talented.B. Independent.C. Beautiful.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    As a qualified teacher f art and design, Theresa Harwd ffers shrt nline curses n drawing and painting t help students bth yung and ld develp int cnfident artists.
    Academic drawing curse
    This curse is fr abslute beginners f any age wh are nt sure n what t d r hw t use a pencil. The curse will be limited t nly six participants. 5 sessins, nce a week.
    Start date: June 5
    Time: 10:00 am~11:00 am
    Price: $380
    Water clr painting curse
    This curse is fr anyne wh is interested in develping skills fr water clur painting. Thrugh a series f 6 prjects we learn wet n wet and wet n dry. The curse will be limited t nly twelve participants. 6 sessins, nce a week.
    Start date: April 23
    Time: 4:30 pm~5:30 pm
    Price: $380
    Landscape drawing curse
    This curse is suitable fr anyne frm 11 t 90 years wh are interested in develping skills fr landscape drawing. The nly requirement f the curse is that yu want t learn t draw! The curse will be limited t nly ten participants. 5 sessins, nce a week.
    Start date: May 24
    Time: 8:00 pm~9:00 pm
    Price: $380
    Western art histry curse
    This curse is fr students, aged between 9 and 12 years. It lks at the fun facts f the key artwrks f each art mvement and explains why the artists painted certain views r peple. The curse will be limited t nly eight participants 6 sessins, nce a week.
    Start date: May 7
    Time: 10:30 am~11: 30 am
    Price: $380
    These curses have limited spaces and are ften sld ut quickly, s d bk yur spt sn!
    21. Hw many students are admitted fr each academic drawing curse?
    A. 6.B. 8.C. 10.D. 12.
    22. When des the landscape drawing curse start?
    A. On April 23.B. On May 7.C. On May 24.D. On June 5.
    23. Which curse just accept s schlchildren?
    A. Water clr painting.B. Academic drawing.C. Landscape drawing.D. Western art histry.
    There is a curius lve triangle that sits at the center f the new dcumentary Fire f Lve. It’s between a man, a wman and a vlcan. Well, all f them are vlcanes.
    Their names might nt be especially well-knwn tday, but in the 1970s and 80s, French scientists Katia Krafft and Maurice Krafft were very famus fr their phtgraphs and writings abut the vlcanes. When they died in 1991 n Munt Unzen in Japan, their deaths were cvered glbally. But their stry has smewhat faded in the public memry in the past three decades, thugh Werner Herzg did sptlight them in his 2016 dcumentary Int the Infern.
    The Kraffts, wh first bnded ver Munt Etna and Munt Strmbli and were married in 1970, witnessed. abut 140 eruptins n every cntinent except Antarctica and wn an Emmy fr their Natinal Gegraphic dcumentary Muntains f Fire. They wuld famusly drp everything t get t an active vlcan, and were ften the first n site. They were als knwn fr their willingness t get dangerusly clse.
    Filmmaker Sara Dsa nce met the Kraffts while making an earlier film abut Iceland many years ag. In 2020, with the help f Image’ Est, a French museum, and Maurice Krafft’s brther, Bertrand Krafft, Dsa and her team were able t get access t ver 180 hurs f ftage sht by the Kraffts. S Dsa decided t make smething abut the Kraffts in the true spirit f the Kraffts.
    “We wanted t let them play themselves. We see them as the authrs f their wn stry,” Dsa said. “This is a c-creatin, sht by them and starring them. We’re just stringing tgether the pieces f their life fr the audience t cnnect with.”
    Hwever, Fire f Lve is anything but a filmed Wikipedia (维基百科) page. Dsa and her team have drawn n the techniques f French New Wave films t help shape the style f their film, including playful multiple screens.
    24. Where did Katia Krafft and Maurice Krafft pass away?
    A. On Munt Etna.B. On Munt Strmbli.C. On Munt Unzen.D. On Munt Krakata.
    25. Why were the Kraffts cnsidered as vlcanes?
    A. They were enthusiastic abut studying vlcanes.
    B. They were well-knwn fr their shrt-lived marriage.
    C. Their deaths were related t the biggest vlcan.
    D. Their lve stry appeared in many vlcan bks.
    26. Wh directed the film Fire f Lve?
    A. Bertrand Krafft.B. Sara Dsa.C. Werner Herzg.D. Katia Krafft.
    27. What is the text?
    A. A lve stry.B. A film review.C. A dcumentary.D. A bigraphy.
    Humans have lng been trying t make sense f ur place in the universe. Waiting at a launch site in French Guiana, NASA’s Jarnes Webb Space Telesc pe is the latest step frward in that ancient quest (探索).
    Using telescpes, astrnmers have seen many galaxies (星系) such as the Andrmeda Galaxy and the NGC 3227 Galaxy. S far, the mst distant galaxy ever discvered, GN-z11, was sptted by the Hubble Space Telescpe. T the untrained eye, it lks like a red blb (小点点), but it’s basically like lking back in time abut 13.4 billin years ag. That’s just abut 0.4 billin years after the Big Bang.
    “Hubble is limited in hw far back in time it can lk, s finding this ne was just a lucky break,” says Marusa Bradac, an astrnmer at the University f Califrma. “Astrnmers nly sptted it because decades f using Hubble have let them cver much f the sky, and this particular early galaxy is surprisingly bright althugh it is 25 times smaller than the Milky Way Galaxy and has just ne percent f its mass.”
    Already, with that ne galaxy, we’ve started t questin sme f ur assumptins abut hw galaxies grw. The pwerful, $10 billin Jarnes Webb Space Telescpe has technlgy that shuld let it see back t 0.1~0.2 billin years after the Big Bang, the perid when the very first galaxies pssibly frmed.
    “If all g well, the Jarnes Webb Space Telesc pe will help us t build up the stry f hw the first galaxies ever frmed and hw they grew int galaxies we see tday and we live in tday,” says Bradac. “But the chances f seeing thse first brn stars with the new telescpe are small. There’s maybe even mre f a chance that we might see sme f thse stars explde. Such infrmatin can help us understand hw galaxies frmed and changed int the familiar shapes and structures seen tday. That’s what’s amazing abut the new telescpe.”
    28. When did the Big Bang take place?
    A. Arund 13.0 billin years ag.B. Arund 13.4 billin years ag.
    C. Arund 13.6 billin years ag.D. Arund 13. 8 billin years ag.
    29. What des the underlined wrds “this ne” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The Milky Way Galaxy.B. The GN-z11 Galaxy.
    C. The Andrmeda Galaxy.D. The NGC 3227 Galaxy.
    30. What is the furth paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The great ptential f the new telescpe.B. The need fr new scientific breakthrughs.
    C. The cst f the James Webb Space Telescpe.D. The imprtance f the Hubble Space Telescpe
    31. What can the new telescpe mst likely help scientists d accrding t Bradac?
    A. Find the first brn star in the universe.
    B. Witness the ccurring f the Big Bang.
    C. See the explsin f sme f the first brn stars.
    D. Get a cmplete understanding f the universe.
    Be it sugar r scial media, the respnse in ur brain is the same: It prduces a “feel-gd” chemical called dpamine. It first brings abut pleasure, but it desn’t last very lng. It is then fllwed by pain s that we have t search fr the pleasurable things again.
    “This cycle f pleasure and pain made sense in the time f early humans, when we had t cnstantly search fr ur basic needs—fd, water, shelter,” says Dr. Anna Lembke, a Stanfrd Medical Schl researcher. “But ur brains weren’t adjusted t put ut the ‘fire f dpamine’ caused by pleasurable things that are s easily available in mdern life.”
    In additin, when we’re repeatedly expsed t pleasure-prducing things, we’re nt able t take jy in the same rewards. Instead, we need strnger and strnger stimulus (刺激) just t feel gd. Otherwise, the cycle will lead us t anxiety, depressin and many ther prblems.
    “This is a universal prblem—nt ne limited t thse struggling with the disease f addictin. If we want t stay mentally healthy, we must rethink hw t break the cycle in a dpamine-verladed wrld,” says Lembke.
    Her suggestins fr the addicts are as fllws.
    Take a 30-day break frm anything that we rely n fr pleasure. This desn’t mean ging cld turkey frever. But this first mnth is key t breaking the pleasure-pain cycle and it’s a lt easier t cut ut an addictive behavir entirely at first. Then re-intrduce the pleasurable things little by little, like just a few bites f ice cream at a time r just ne hur nline a night.
    Anther strategy is t create physical distance between us and ur addictin. That culd mean just remving the addictive thing frm ur persnal space. Fr smene wh’s addicted t vide games, that culd mean a separate laptp fr wrk and ne fr play.
    “In a time f abundance, we have t strike a pleasure-pain balance, which means intentinally aviding pleasure and seeking the kind f purpseful pain that keeps us healthy, such as exercise,” Lembke says. “By ding s, we will reset reward pathways and eventually be a lt happier. It’s nt easy, but it’s well wrth ding in the lng term.”
    32. What can we knw abut dpamine frm the text?
    A. It has always been harmful t humans.
    B. It can lead t a lasting gd feeling.
    C. It can be caused by anything available.
    D. It gives us less jy fr the same rewards.
    33. What d the underlined wrds “ging cld turkey” prbably mean?
    A. Abandning.B. Waiting.C. Cking.D. Repeating.
    34. What des Dr. Ann a Lembke suggest we d in the lng term?
    A. Avid pleasure in life.B. Set a strict limit n pleasurable things.
    C. Change reward pathways.D. Expse urselves t repeated rewards.
    35. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Ways t Live With Dpamine in Peace
    B. The Need t Strike a Pleasure-pain Balance
    C. Strategies fr Making Mst f the Mdern Life
    D. Tips n Getting Rid f Scial Media Addictin
    Being hnest may nt get yu a lt f friends, but it will get yu the right nes. That’s true, s yu shuld pursue authentic (真正的) psitivity in yur friendships, the ppsite f txic (有毒的) psitivity that wuld have yu encuraging friends in all things, regardless f what yu might feel r bserve r knw abut the challenges f life. 36
    1. Ask questins.
    A feature f authentic psitivity is a curius mindset, a mentality where yu are less lcked int “telling it like it is” and mre interested in wndering and explring the pssibilities tgether with yur friend. 37 If yur friendship has a histry f welcme advice-giving, yur questin culd be “Are yu lking fr ideas, r d yu just want me t listen?”.
    2. 38
    “That’s s disappinting” is smetimes the mst psitive thing yu can say t yur friend when they are struggling. Resisting the urge t say “It’s all ging t wrk ut; dn’t wrry” shws yur friend that yu see them in their pain, and that yu are available t supprt them here and nw. 39 Yu can use “yes/and” statements like “What happened at wrk is s frustrating—AND I knw hw creative yu are, s yu’ll find a way t mve frward.”
    3. Learn t aplgize— and ask fr an aplgy.
    40 That includes yu, t. Being authentic in a friendship means having the freedm t say t a friend, “I’m srry I hurt yu.” It als means being able t say, “Yur wrds/actins hurt me.” Friendships that stand the test f time have rm fr mistakes, and fr repair.
    A. Name hard truths.
    B. Dn’t disappint yur friend.
    C. Every friend misses the mark smetimes.
    D. Instead, friends shuld be authentic and psitive.
    E. Here are three ways t be an authentically psitive friend.
    F. But that desn’t mean yu need t fcus n the negative all the time.
    G. Psitive friends ask each ther questins, and listen deeply t the answers.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I’ve been wrking hard with my children n recgnizing when smene des smething nice fr us. He desn’t have t d smething super 41 , but small things arund us, like ffering t pen a dr fr us, and stpping his car t let us 42 the rad. We shuld say thank yu in recgnitin f that gesture. Als we recgnize that smene may 43 ur help and we ffer assistance withut expecting anything 44 .
    Recently we were in a small shpping center and stpped fr a (n) 45 bite t eat at nn. I didn’t bring my kids 46 as we weren’t ging t stay there fr a lng time. Kids being kids, f curse culdn’t 47 , s they wndered if they culd g t the supermarket t 48 a bttle f water each. I gave them my gift card and said 49 . Afterwards they came running back with a big 50 n their faces. They tld me they saw an ld man behind them in the shpping line with lts f things in his arms and they 51 let him g first t the cash register. I 52 hw it made them feel t be able t d a kind thing fr smene else. They replied that it made them feel really gd.
    It wasn’t a big gesture. Hwever, it made my heart swell (充满) with 53 as they nticed a way they culd make smene’s day a little 54 . It seems that we can gain little by helping thers, but I believe being a caring and helpful man is the best 55 .
    41. A. annyingB. tuchingC. generalD. secret
    42. A. ignreB. buildC. crssD. clse
    43. A. needB. shwC. refuseD. fear
    44. A. in trubleB. in cmmnC. in peaceD. in return
    45. A. slwB. quickC. extraD. safe
    46. A. giftsB. fdC. drinksD. surprise
    47. A. admitB. breatheC. prveD. wait
    48. A. buyB. earnC. penD. bk
    49. A. nB. srryC. yesD. thanks
    50. A. signB. smileC. nteD. line
    51. A. plitelyB. rudelyC. suddenlyD. hardly
    52. A. recrdedB. recalledC. guessedD. asked
    53. A. prideB. shynessC. wrryD. hesitatin
    54. A. lngerB. easierC. fasterD. sadder
    55. A. apprachB. cmmentC. effrtD. reward
    Nepal has dubled 56 (it) wild tiger ppulatin! A 2022 survey reveals there 57 (be) 355 individuals nw in the cuntry, 58 mre than 190 percent increase since 2009. It’s an incredible 59 (achieve) t the cnservatin effrts f the gvernment, partners, and lcal cmmunities ver the last 12 years.
    In 2009, Nepal had a wild tiger ppulatin f arund 121 individuals and their numbers were decreasing. The future f this species was 60 (certain) with ppulatins at a histric lw. Determined t save the wild tigers, the cuntry jined the glbal cmmitment t dubling the wild ppulatin by 2022.
    Nepal played a leadership rle 61 the glbal effrt t duble wild tiger numbers. Amng the many interventins needed t duble wild tigers, ne f the key elements f success was t partner with the lcals 62 live in tiger landscapes.
    Grwing tiger numbers increases the challenges f cexistence between peple and tigers. T help reduce the impact, gvernment cmpensatin (补偿) package has been put in place 63 (replace) livestk (家畜) killed by tigers. Supprt has been prvided t reduce cmmunity’s reliance n resurces, such as firewd 64 (cllect) inside natinal parks. And since 2010, incme generated frm tiger turism 65 (cntribute) t the cmmunity develpment in srn e areas.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    “Marilyn, yu have s much determinatin and s much heart. If yu wrk at it yu’ll be a fine swimmer,” Gus Ryder said t me after I finished a ne-mile race in the freezing cld Lake Ontari.
    I believed him and started swimming fr Gus. Every day, we trained fr hurs in pen water. But n matter hw hard I wrked, I still came in third r furth. Fur years later, it was clear that I was never ging t the Olympics. That’s when Gus suggested I challenge the famus American lng-distance swimmer Flrence Chadwick t swim the thirty-tw miles acrss Lake Ontari frm New Yrk t Trnt.
    The idea had never ccurred t me, but Gus had made up his mind. “I wasn’t sure Flrence culd make it. If we culd swim ne strke further than her, it wuld be wrth it,” Gus encuraged me.
    Eventually, I decided t d it fr Gus, and fr myself.
    The race started at 10 pm n September 6. It was cludy, windy, and very dark. When I lked arund, I culdn’t see where the lake ended and the sky began.
    “Marilyn, just fllw my light and I will guide yu acrss this lake,” said Gus, wh had a big flashlight and shne it just ahead f me frm the lifebat.
    Flrence swam fr abut fur hurs befre she quit. But it wasn’t until several hurs later, when I was having difficulty, that Gus tld me that Flrence was ut and that I was the nly ne left!
    I felt very encuraged. But it was such a lng night that Gus had t d his best t keep me ging. At the dawn, he even began writing messages n a chalkbard t keep my thughts psitive. Once he wrte, “Yu knw yu can d it. Yu can d it fr me!” Anther time he even wrte, “If yu give up, I give up.”
    By midday I felt s tired that I started falling asleep. S Gus started swimming with me t get my attentin back. “I’m here t swim with yu, Marilyn. Cme n!” he said.
    At the very mment, I began t experience a very unusual feeling. ___________________________________
    After twenty-ne hurs in the water, we began appraching the shre. ________________________________
    (Text 1)
    W: It’s surprising that Frank cmes ut f the accident alive.
    M: That’s true. His car was a ttal lss, yu knw.
    (Text 2)
    W: Yur cugh is t serius. Yu need a cmplete check-up at nce.
    M: It’s that serius. dctr? I’m all right. I’m just cughing smetimes.
    (Text 3)
    W: It’s raining again. It is always raining these days.
    M: Oh, it wn’t last lng. The weather reprt says we will have fine weather this afternn.
    (Text 4)
    W: Can I speak t Mr. Black, please?
    M: I’m srry, but he is ut nw.
    W: Wuld yu please tell Mr. Black t call back Miss Lee?
    M: Sure. I will.
    (Text 5)
    W: Can I use yur car? I’m ging t pick up my parents at the train statin.
    M: All right. Here is the key.
    (Text 6)
    W: It’s my birthday tmrrw. S what wuld yu give me fr my birthday, daddy?
    M: Hw abut a new dictinary. Linda?
    W: N, I bught ne last mnth. I think this dictinary is enugh fr my study
    M: Then, a new cat? Yu knw, winter is cming. Yu will need a new cat fr this winter.
    W: N, I dn’t want it. I’d like yu t buy me a mbile phne.
    M: A mbile phne? D yu need ne?
    W: Yes, very much. Many f my classmates have already gt ne. I can get in tuch with them easily if I have can
    M: Sunds reasnable. All right. I will buy ne fr yu.
    W: Let’s g t the supermarket this afternn.
    M: All right.
    (Text 7)
    W: Aren’t we suppsed t g t the mvies with Alice and Bill tnight?
    M: Yes. I tld them we’d meet them at the bank at seven thirty.
    W: Well, maybe yu shuldn’t have tld them we culd g tnight. I have all the hmewrk t d.
    M: I am really lking frward t seeing this mvie. Can I d smething t help yu?
    W: That wuld be great! Culd yu help me with these math prblems?
    M: I think s—if I can remember what I learned at schl. It was a lng time ag, yu knw.
    (Text 8)
    W: Hi, Mike. N see yu fr a lng time.
    M: Hi, May! Nice t see yu again.
    W: Where have yu been these days? It seems ages since I last saw yu.
    M: I went t Hng Kng last mnth and stayed there fr half a mnth.
    W: I called yu many times, but I wasn’t able t get in tuch with yu.
    M: Oh, I gt my phne number changed when I was in Hng Kng.
    W: Did yu have a gd time there?
    M: Yes, quite a nice time. I drve arund with my friends. I als paid a visit t the Hng Kng Disneyland. It’s als the first time fr me t see the sea. It’s really a wnderful experience fr me.
    W: It’s really an exciting experience!
    (Text 9)
    W: Take care! Yu are driving ff the rad.
    M: I’m srry. I wasn’t nticing.
    W: Yu seem t be quite sleepy. Did yu sleep well last night?
    M: I didn’t sleep the whle night.
    W: Why?
    M: I watched TV until midnight. I was abut t g t bed when my father suddenly gt ill. S I had t take him t the hspital.
    W: Is yur father seriusly ill?
    M: Yes. very. The dctr says he has t stay in hspital fr sme time.
    W: But what’s wrng with him?
    M: He has smething wrng with his heart.
    W: Why nt ask fr leave this mrning? I suggest yu nt g t wrk this mrning and take a gd rest at hme.
    M: N, I can’t. I’m still new in the ffice.
    (Text 10)
    W: Rsemary was an independent girl. One day. her father went ut t lk fr his wife wh had sme truble with her mind. leaving her alne at hme. She tried t prepare meals fr her parents. But she turned ver the lamp n the stve and caused a big fire. The terrible fire lk her hands away. Thugh her sister was always ready t help her. Rsemary was determined t be cmpletely independent, At schl. she studied hard. Mst imprtant f all, she was hpeful abut her life, Once, she wrte the fllwing in her cmpsitin. “I’m lucky. Thugh I lst my hands, I still have my legs. I am lucky. Thugh my wings are brken, my heart can still fly.”
    1~5 ABAAC6~10 CABCB11~15 BCBCA16~20 CAACB
    本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Theresa Harwd提供的网上艺术课程。
    21. A 细节理解题。根据Academic drawing curse一节中“The curse will be limited t nly six participants.”
    22. C 细节理解题。根据Landscape drawing curse一节中“Start date: May 24”可知答案。
    23. D 细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是Western art histry curse一节中“This curse is fr students, aged between 9 and 1 2 years.”可知,只有《西方艺术史》课程仅对学童开放。
    本文是一篇影评。文章主要介绍了由Sara Dsa执导的一部纪录片。
    24. C 细节理解题。根据第二段“When they died in 1991 n Munt Unzen in Japan, their deaths were cvered glbally.”可知答案。
    25. A 推理判断题。通读第二、三段可知,他俩就像是为火山而生、为火山而爱,最终也因火山而亡。因此这对夫妇被戏称为“火山”。
    26. B 细节理解题。根据第四段“S Dsa decided t make smething abut the Kraffts in the true spirit f the Kraffts.”可知答案。
    27. B 推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段“There is a curius lve triangle that sits at the center f the new dcumentary Fire f Lve.”可推断,本文是一篇影评。
    28. D 细节理解题。根据第二段“... but it’s basically like lking back in time abut 13. 4 billin years ag. That’s just abut 0.4 billin years after the Big Bang.”可知答案。
    29. B 代词指代题。根据第二段“S far, the mst distant galaxy ever discvered, GN-211, was sptted by the Hubble Space Telescpe.”可知答案。
    30. A 段落大意题。根据第四段“The pwerful. $ 10 billin James Webb Space Telescpe has technlgy that shuld let it see back t 0.1~0.2 billin years after the Big Bang, the perid when the very first galaxies pssibly frmed.”可知,本段主要是介绍韦伯天文望远镜的潜力。
    31. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段“‘But the chances f seeing thse first brn stars with the new telescpe are small. There’s maybe even mre f a chance that we might see sme f thse stars explde.’”可知,Bradac认为韦伯天文望远镜很可能会帮助科学家观测到早期诞生的星星爆炸。
    32. D 细节理解题。根据第三段“In additin, when we’re repeatedly expsed t pleasure-prducing things, we’re nt able t take jy in the same rewards. Instead, we need strnger and strnger stimulus (刺激) just t feel gd.”可知答案。
    33. A 词义猜测题。根据画线词前“Take a 30-day break frm anything that we rely n fr pleasure.”及画线词后“But this first mnth is key t breaking the pleasure-pain cycle and it’s a lt easier t cut ut an addictive behavir entirely at first.”可推断 ging cld turkey、break、cut ut及Abandning是同义词,意为“放弃”。
    34. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段“‘By ding s, we will reset reward pathways and eventually be a lt happier. It’s nt easy. but it’s well wrth ding in the lng term.’”可知Dr. Anna Lembke建议我们应该从根本上改变那种心理受偿机制才能让自己长久感到幸福。
    35. B 标题判断题。通读全文、尤其是最后一段“‘In a time f abundance, we have t strike a pleasure-pain balance, which means intentinally aviding pleasure and seeking the kind f purpseful pain that keeps us healthy, such as exercise.’”可知,控制上瘾最根本的一条还是能在苦与乐之间取得一种微妙的平衡。
    36. E 根据空前“Being hnest may nt get yu a lt f friends, but it will get yu the right nes. That’s true, s yu shuld pursue authentic (真正的) psitive in yur friendships,”及下文介绍的三个方法可知,E项“以下是三个可以让你成为一个真正积极的朋友的方法”符合。
    37. G 根据本段的小标题“Ask questins.”及经历“If yur friendship has a histry f welcme advice-giving, yur questin culd be‘Are yu lking fr ideas, r d yu just want me t listen?’,”可知,G项“积极的朋友会问对方问题并认真倾听对方的回答”符合。
    38. A 根据本段的内容,尤其是“‘That’s s disappinting’ is smetimes the mst psitive thing yu can say t yur friend when they are struggling. Resisting the urge t say‘It’s all ging t wrk ut; dn’t wrry’…”可知,A项“说出残酷的真相”符合。
    39. F 根据空前“‘That’s s disappinting’is smetimes the mst psitive thing yu can say t yur friend when they are struggling. Resisting the urge t say‘It’s all ging t wrk ut; dn’t wrry’…”及空后“Yu can use ‘yes/and’statements like‘What happened at wrk is s frustrating—AND I knw hw creative yu are, s yu’ll find a way t mve frward.’”可知,F项“但是那并不意味着你需要一直关注消极的东西”符合。
    40. C 根据空后的内容,尤其是“Friendships that stand the test f time have rm fr mistakes, and fr repair.”可知,C项“每个朋友都有犯错的时候”符合。
    41. B 他不用做出特别感人的(tuching)事情.只需做一些发生在“我”们身边的小事,如主动为“我”们开门、停车让“我”们(先)过(crss)马路。
    42. C 见上题解析。
    43. A “我”们也在观察他人是否需要(need)“我”们的帮助,并且“我”们给予帮助后不祈求任何回报(in return)。
    44. D 见上题解析。
    45. B 最近“我”们来到一家小型购物中心;中午时分,“我”们歇息片刻,吃了个快(quick)餐。
    46. C “我”们没打算在这待很长时间,因而“我”就没有给孩子们带饮料(drinks)。
    47. D 孩子毕竟是孩子,他们等(wait)不及,所以他们问能不能去超市里每人买(buy)一瓶水。
    48. A 见上题解析。
    49. C“我”把购物卡递给他们,同意(yes)了他们的请求。
    50. B 不一会儿,他们跑了回来,脸上洋溢着微笑(smile)。
    51. A 他们告诉“我”他们在排队结账时,看到身后一位老人怀里抱着很多东西,他们礼让(plitely)老人去收银台付款。
    52. D “我”问(asked)他们为他人做一件力所能及的好事感觉如何。
    53. A 但是,“我”心里充满了骄傲(pride).因为他们注意到了一种可以使他人生活更舒心(easier)的方式。
    54. B 见上题解析。
    55. D “我”们似乎并未通过帮助他人而获得丰厚的回报。但“我”相信做一个乐于帮忙又关怀体贴的人就是最好的回报(reward)。
    56. its 考查代词。根据句意“尼泊尔的野生老虎数量翻了一番”可知,此处用所给代词的形容词性物主代词its。
    57. are 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据空后的355 individuals 及时间状语nw可知,此处用所给动词的一般现在时are。
    58. a 考查冠词。increase此处为可数名词,表示增长量,又因为mre为辅音音素开头的单词,故用不定冠词a。
    59. achievement 考查词形转换。根据空前的an incredible 可知,所填词为名词,故用所给动词的名词形式 achievement。
    60. uncertain 考查形容词。根据句意“该物种的数量到达了历史低点,前途未卜”可知,此处用所给形容词的反义词uncertain。
    61. in 考查介词。play a rle in sth 意为“在……方面发挥作用”,为固定搭配。
    62. wh/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,又因为先行词为lcals指人,故用关系代词wh/that。
    63. t replace 考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,此处用所给动词的不定式形式,表示目的。
    64. cllected 考查非谓语动词。分析该句成分可知,所填词在此处作后置定语,修饰firewd且cllect 与 firewd之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词cllected。
    65. has, cntributed/has been cntributing 考查动词时态。分析该句成分可知,所填词作谓语,又根据时间状语 since 2010可知,此处期现在完成时或现在完成进行时。
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Paul,
    Hw’s everything ging? It has been a mnth/since yu returned t yur cuntry. I miss yu s much and I’m eager t share smething with yu.
    Yu knw I had little interest in English and I was pr at spken English. Thanks t yur gudance and encuragement, I have insisted n practising and nw I am mre fluent in English. Mrever, I have fund the jy f learning English, which enables me t learn it mre actively.
    Thugh I feel srry that yu’ve left. I hpe yu enjy yur life in yur cuntry. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    At the very mment, I began t experience a very unusual feeling. It was a kind f hard-t-describe spirit f unity and tgetherness. It seemed that we had nly ne gal: t challenge urselves and win fr each ther. When I lked arund, everything changed. It was the mst beautiful day I’ve ever seen, and it was ne f the mst wnderful mments in my life. I thught t myself. “Perhaps I wuld be able t d this after all.”
    After twenty-ne hurs in the water·we began appraching the shre. Althugh I was suffering terribly frm lack f sleep and felt very tired, my arms were still ging. When I finally reached the shre and an enrmus cheer went up frm the crwd. I just asked sleepily, “What happened? Did we d it?” And that’s when I heard Gus say, “Oh Marilyn! Yu did it, yu did it, yu finished!”

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