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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.Hw will the wman get t the airprt?
    A.By subway.B.By taxi.C.By car.
    2.What will the man d later?
    A.Buy vegetables.B.Ck dinner.C.Eat ut.
    3.When is Dr. Brwn free tday?
    A.At 10:15 pm.B.At 11:15 am.C.At 2:30 pm.
    4.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.At a clthes shp.B.At schl.C.At the man’s huse.
    5.Hw many languages is the man learning nw?
    6.What time is it nw?
    A.7:00 pm.B.7:10 pm.C.7:30 pm.
    7.Why is Sara cming?
    A.T attend a party.B.T d babysitting wrk.C.T deliver a shirt.
    8.What’s wrng with Sam?
    A.He gt seriusly ill.B.He lst his mtrbike.C.He was hit by a car.更多免费优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 9.Where will the man g this afternn?
    A.T the plice statin.B.T the hspital.C.T Sam’s hme.
    10.What is the wman ding?
    A.Asking fr advice.B.Giving an interview.C.Intrducing her family.
    11.Wh might the wman be talking t?
    A.A university student.B.A private researcher.C.A schl teacher.
    12.What will the wman d tnight?
    A.Interview mre peple.B.Prepare sme questins.C.Chse anther tpic.
    13.Wh des Jim want t send a letter t?
    A.Lucy.B.His sister.C.His friend.
    14.When are they ging t meet tmrrw mrning?
    A.At 7:00.B.At 7:30.C.At 8:00.
    15.What d they need t buy fr the picnic?
    A.Fast fd.B.Fruit and vegetable.C.Fd and drink.
    16.What will the speakers d this afternn?
    A.G shpping tgether.B.Have a picnic in the frest.C.Meet utside the park gate.
    17.In which part f Minnesta will the strm start?
    A.The eastern part.B.The suthern part.C.The nrthern part.
    18.When will the strm get t the East Cast?
    A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.
    19.Hw deep will the snw be in the muntains f New Yrk?
    A.Abut twelve inches.B.Abut eight inches.C.Abut fur inches.
    20.What shuld peple pay the mst attentin t?
    A.The heavy snwfalls.B.The lw temperatures.C.The high winds.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Whether yu’re traveling with teens r kids, there’s an ptin fr yu belw.
    Jamaica is a preferred place when it cmes t family vacatins fr a reasn. Yes, there are amazingly blue waters and extensive sandy beaches—als there’s plenty f adventures t be had. Putting up nights at the Ryaltn Negril, yu dn’t even need t leave the resrt t entertain yur family, since there’s a mini water park and kids’ club n site.
    Puert Ric
    Puert Ric is great fr American families in need f an easy getaway, since US citizens dn’t need a passprt t visit. After sme time n the island’s beautiful beaches, explre the UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site f Old San Juan, which is just tw hurs frm Miami and less than fur hurs frm New Yrk City, by plane.
    Families with active teens shuld head t Dminica fr an ff-the-beaten-path experience. The yungest Caribbean island at just 26 millin years ld, it’s nicknamed the Nature Island fr its thick rain frests, plentiful waterfalls, and vlcan-fed ht springs. The island is als hme t ne-f-a-kind attractins like the Waitukubuli Sea Trail—the nly sea kayaking (皮划艇) trail in the Caribbean.
    If yu want yur beach vacatin with a side f histry, head t Barbads. Beynd its great natural setting, the island has an abundance f cultural experiences that are engaging and educatinal fr adults and children alike. Explre the clnial architecture in Bridgetwn, tur the Barbads Museum & Histrical Sciety, r appreciate wrks by lcal artists in the Gallery f Caribbean Art in Speightstwn.
    21.What can kids d at the Ryaltn Negril?
    A.Have fun in the water park.B.Appreciate wrks by lcal artists.
    C.Experience ff-the-beaten-path.D.Explre the UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site.
    22.What makes it easy fr American families t visit Puert Ric?
    A.The similar culture.B.The same language.
    C.Cnvenient traffic means.D.N request fr passprts.
    23. Thse wh want t experience cultural beach travel can chse ______.
    A.JamaicaB.Puert RicC.BarbadsD.Dminica
    In recent fast-paced life, the demands and pressure f wrk left me feeling mentally and physically stressed. I decided t discnnect frm my jb fr a while fr a mental break. As a nature lver, withut any delay, I came t Brne, the wrld’s third largest island.
    Upn arrival, a lcal ffered t be my guide, which was a great bnus fr me. He led me thrugh the jungle and I was immersed in the explratin. One day, the guide turned ff the smth rad and tk me acrss a rugh hillside instead. We picked ur way gingerly when suddenly, a Rafflesia (大王花) appeared int my view amng thse stnes. Mre than delighted, I bent dwn and put my nse practically t feel the flwer’s special flavur.
    As I was appraching the end f my trip, there was anther thing highlighting my trip. We happened t encunter the king f the crcdile (鳄鱼), a saltwater crcdile, which can grw t a length f 6 meters. It was getting dark. When we shne a flashlight twards the muddy shre, little sunds emerged in the darkness as if smething unseen underwater had brken the mud. Taking a secnd lk, we sptted tw greedy eyes just abve the water line. Cautiusly, we apprached it and finally culd figure ut it was a baby crcdile. Thugh alarmed, I culd prudly talk big that I had encuntered a hungry crcdile in the wild and lived t back.
    Thugh I have settled back int the rutine f everyday life nw, the experience stays lng after the physical jurney ended. I have learned t face life’s challenges with a renewed utlk. Despite the rat race f daily existence, try t spare time t spt the breathtaking beauty f nature and the heartfelt cnnectins with thers. The wrld ut there is s fascinating.
    24.Why did the authr g t Brne?
    A.T cnnect better with his wrk.
    B.T relieve himself f the pressure.
    C.T keep an appintment with a lcal guide.
    D.T reward himself fr his prmtin in jb.
    25.What des the underlined wrd “gingerly” in paragraph 2 mean?
    26.What is the tne f the authr when recalling the saltwater crcdile he met?
    27.What des the authr advise us t d in the last paragraph?
    A.Keep a balance between life and wrk.B.Battle with challenges frm life and wrk.
    C.Research ur destinatins ahead f time.D.Learn mre abut travel safety knwledge.
    In 2018, Russian scientists tk a sil sample frm deep in the permanently frzen grund in Siberia in Russia. They discvered tw tiny rund nematdes (线虫) frzen in the sample, which were s small that they culd nly be seen with a micrscpe. Tests shwed the sil-had been frzen fr abut 46,000 years. When the nematdes were placed in rm temperature, they began t mve. The nematdes are the ldest living animals ever brught back t life after bring frzen. The discvery makes up fr the research n hw living things can survive in tugh cnditins.
    Nematdes can live fr years if they’re frzen. They can enter a special state called cryptbisis (隐生现象), during which animals reduce their activities and cnsume very little energy. Befre this, the lngest nematde had been knwn t survive thrugh cryptbisis was abut 25 years. Being revived after 46,000 years was a new recrd fr any kind f animal.
    The nematdes were sent ff t Germany t be studied further. The researchers fund the tw nematdes were a new species f nematde that had nt yet been discvered. That’s nt t surprising, since there are s many species f nematdes. They als fund the nematdes were able t survive being frzen better if they were dried ut a little first. The drying helped them prduce a special sugar called trehalse (海藻糖), which helped them survive being frzen. The scientists als studied a nematde species that is cmmn these days. They fund that it als uses the sugar t prtect itself in cryptbisis.
    Bth f the nematdes were females. Befre lng, they began t have babies. Sme kinds f nematdes, including these, have the ability fr a single nematde t have babies all by itself. The tw riginal frzen nematdes have nw died. But their babies had babies wh had babies, and s n. Mst f the nematdes nly live a mnth r tw unless they get frzen.
    28.What d we knw abut the tw nematdes in the first paragraph?
    A.They were the ldest living animals.
    B.They were still alive when warmed up.
    C.They were fund n the surface f the grund.
    D.They were the tiniest creatures ever discvered.
    29.Hw des cryptbisis affect nematdes?
    A.It slws dwn the pace f their life.B.It helps them speed up their drying.
    C.It gets their bdy temperature dwn.D.It stps them frm cnsuming energy.
    30.Which f the fllwing is unrelated t the nematdes’ survival fr years?
    A.Cryptbisis.B.Trehalse.C.Dry cnditin.D.Their sex.
    31.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A.Female nematdes live lnger than the male nes
    B.Nematdes can prduce yung when they are frzen
    C.Shrt-lived nematdes survived fr thusands f years
    D.Nematdes are ranked the fastest prducing creatures
    If yu live in San Dieg, yu’ve prbably nticed sme strangely clured water n the beach lately. Yu might wnder abut red tide, but it’s actually an intentinal jb. Scientists at UC San Dieg Scripps Institutin f Oceangraphy and University f Washingtn have been experimenting with dyeing (给……染色) the cean at San Dieg beach pink. What culd they pssibly be up t?
    This is being dne fr a study that examines hw fresh water n the utlet f the sea is intermixing with the cean. The experiment is called Plumes in Nearshre Cnditins (PiNC). “I’m excited because this research hasn’t been dne befre and it’s a really unique experiment,” said Sarah Giddings, a Scripps castal ceangrapher leading the PiNC study. “The aim is t understand hw fresh water interacts with cean waves, since it is usually warmer than cean water and mre flating.” The researchers are hping that this pink dye experiment will help them recrd mre abut hw pllutants and sediments (沉积物) are distributed in the cean water thrugh these additins f fresh water.
    The fresh water is dyed pink s that the team can easily keep track f it when fresh water is added t the sea water. The dye des nt threaten the wildlife living there and is then sptted as it prgresses in the water. It is tracked by sensrs n ples that are lcated alng the sand as well as by drnes (无人驾驶飞机). There’s als a device that tracks the light that is given ff by the pink dye. The sensrs recrd the height f the waves, cean currents and temperature.
    Giddings explained, “We’re bringing tgether a lt f different peple with different expertise. I think it’s ging t have sme really great results and impacts. We will cmbine the results frm this experiment with a frmer field study and cmputer mdels t help us further understand hw the dyed fresh water spreads.”
    32.Hw des the authr lead in the tpic f the text?
    A.By making a cmparisn.
    B.By making an assumptin.
    C.By quting a well-knwn saying.
    D.By shwing a strange phenmenn.
    33. What is the purpse f Plumes in Nearshre Cnditins?
    A.T shw hw fresh water cmbines with sea water.
    B.T intrduce the benefits f dyeing sea water pink.
    C.T prve that fresh water is warmer than sea water.
    D.T examine the impact f fresh water n sea water.
    34.Why is pink dye used by the team?
    A.It can enrmusly give ff light.
    B.It can functin well with sensrs.
    C.It can be recgnized easily and ec-friendly.
    D.It seems t attract wildlife and spread rapidly.
    35.What will the researchers d accrding t Giddings’ wrds in the last paragraph?
    A.Build mre scientific cmputer mdels.
    B.Integrate mre results f frmer studies.
    C.Experiment with dyes f anther clur.
    D.Challenge the results with sme experts.
    Making the switch t a healthy diet
    Switching t a healthy diet desn’t have t be an all r nthing prpsal. Yu dn’t have, t cmpletely avid fds yu enjy. 36 . That usually nly leads t cheating r giving up n yur new eating plan. A better apprach is t make a few small changes at a time.
    Prepare mre f yur wn meals. 37 . It can make yu better mnitr exactly what ges int yur fds. Yu’ll eat fewer calries and avid the chemical additives, added sugar and unhealthy fats.
    38 . When cutting back n unhealthy fds in yur diet, it’s imprtant t replace them with healthy alternatives. Replacing dangerus trans fats (反式脂肪酸) with healthy fats will make a psitive difference t yur health.
    Fcus n hw yu feel after eating. This will help develp healthy new habits and tastes. 39 . The mre junk fd yu eat, the mre likely yu are t feel uncmfrtable, bring r tired ut.
    Drink plenty f water. Water helps flush ur systems f waste prducts and pisn, yet many f us g thrugh life dehydrated (脱水的)—causing tiredness, lw energy, and headaches. It’s cmmn t mistake thirst fr hunger. 40
    A.Make the right changes
    B.Setting yurself up fr success
    C.And yu dn’t have t change everything all at nce
    D.Eating a healthier diet desn’t have t be cmplicated
    E.The healthier the fds yu eat, the better yu’ll feel after a meal
    F.S drinking enugh water will als help yu make healthier fd chices
    G.Cking mre meals at hme can help yu take charge f what yu’re eating
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    We’ve all had a wrng number text befre, but hw ften d they lead t years-lng friendships? Fr Jamal and Wanda, a 41 text has resulted in seven years f shared Thanks giving dinners!
    In 2016, the 17-year-ld Jamal received a text, 42 frm his grandma, asking if he wuld 43 it t Thanksgiving that year. After exchanging a few 44 , it sn became clear that the text’s sender, Wanda, 45 , was nt his grandma. She invited Jamal t the 46 thugh, and after Jamal 47 the exchange n the Internet, the pair went viral.
    Spending Thanksgiving tgether has becme an 48 thing fr Jamal and Wanda. The year f 2023 will 49 the traditin’s eighth anniversary. Their friendship has gne frm strength t strength, even thrugh 50 like the passing f Wanda’s husband, Lnnie.
    Wanda said, “Jamal 51 me that age made abslutely n difference. When Jamal came alng, my husband and I and Jamal and his girlfriend, we wuld g ut eating dinner thrughut the year tgether and we wuld just lse all track f 52 . One time, we were at a restaurant fr three r fur hurs and I culdn’t 53 we were there that lng. We kept talking! It was just such a 54 cnversatin.”
    Thanks t the wrng number text, the tw have develped a deep friendship. The pair have even gne int 55 tgether, launching a water cmpany.
    45.A.in factB.after allC.at nceD.n time
    Shennngjia is said t be the place 56 Yan Di nce lived. Sme visitrs hpe that they may event encunter three legendary wild men in the remte muntains and virgin (原始状态的) frests. They d nt 57 (actual) see any wild man, but they are attracted by Shennngjia’s vibrant (充满生机的) eclgy, rich bidiversity and karst landfrms.
    Shennngjia’s beauty 58 (vary) ver the year as nature takes its curse. 59 (turist) can enjy flwer blssms in spring, be shaded frm the summer heat, appreciate red leaves in autumn 60 g skiing in winter. In 2010s, China annunced its plan f 61 (build) 10 pilt natinal parks fr ecsystem preservatin, including in Shennngjia Frestry District, Hubei Prvince.
    Official data shwed that visitrs t Shennngjia Frestry District 62 (reach) abut 15.5 millin in 2020. By 2025, the frest area aims 63 (increase) that annual figure t ver 30 millin, with turism revenue f mre than 10 billin yuan.
    Visitrs can emply a bus service if they d nt drive 64 (they) wn cars. The jurney t Shennngjia will take up t five hurs frm nearby Yichang r Shiyan. In May, 2021, Shennngjia was cnnected t 65 newly built freeway, making the muntainus regin mre accessible.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    The wrds every parent is afraid f hearing were spken t me at my sn’s bedside in ur lcal hspital early last year. “Ma’am, yur sn is very sick.”
    What began as stmach pains had turned int a lss f bld that landed him in the emergency rm the night befre. After testing, it was cnfirmed that my previusly healthy and energetic sn nw had a cln (结肠) that was attacking itself. It wuld have t be remved.
    Of curse, mney wasn’t the first thing n ur minds. His survival was frnt and center. But ver the next few days, as we waited ut the lengthy prcess t get him transferred t a university hspital fr surgery, it suddenly began t dawn n me: Hw wuld we pay fr this? We had insurance, but it was the bare minimum that we culd affrd. This was happening at the beginning f the year, s ur first and mst terrifying crisis was meeting the shcking $7,500 deductible (免赔额).
    T sme families, this might nt seem like much. But we are just an average-incme family and cming up with that amunt f mney at nce was next t impssible.
    I tried t put it ut f my mind and keep all my fcus n my sn and his health. We had a lng rad ahead f us and stressing ver smething beynd my cntrl was nt ging t help the situatin at hand.
    But, still, it was there.
    On ne f thse endless hspital nights waiting fr his transfer, I was texting my gd friend Vanessa and let that figure slip: $7,500. I knew there wuld be many bills t cme, but that first seemingly unattainable number kept flating arund in my mind. She sympathized and let me get ut my fear and frustratins like the great friend she is. Then we said gd night, and I tried t get sme sleep.
    停顿 00′10″
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er. what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    M: Jenny, hw will yu get t the airprt tmrrw? Will yu g by car, r d yu need a taxi?
    W: I lve using the public transprt. There is a sub way statin near my apartment.
    (Text 2)
    W: Hw careless I was! I prmised t ck dinner fr yu but I frgt t buy the vegetables.
    M: Never mind. That restaurant in ur neighbrhd pens 24 hurs a day.
    (Text 3)
    W: Dr. Brwn’s Clinic. Can I help yu?
    M: Yes. I’d like t make an appintment t see the dctr, please.
    W: Well, he’s free at a quarter past eleven tday in the mrning r tmrrw at a quarter past ten in the mrning r half past tw in the afternn.
    (Text 4)
    W: Hi, Jhn. It’s surprising that yu’re shpping alne. Where is Linda?
    M: She is studying at hme. She has an exam tmrrw.
    W: By the way, what are yu lking fr?
    M: I’d like t buy a shirt.
    (Text 5)
    W: What’s in yur hand, Bb?
    M: It’s a German textbk. I’m learning German nw.
    W: But aren’t yu als learning French? Dn’t tell me yu’re learning them at the same time.
    M: Well, that’s exactly what I’m ding nw.
    (Text 6)
    M: Anna, when did the Smiths ask us t get t their huse?
    W: By 7:30 pm. There are just thirty minutes t g. Are yu ready t g nw?
    M: Nt yet. D yu knw where my blue shirt is? I dn’t want t g in this brwn ne.
    W: It’s right there in the cupbard with yur ther shirts. Why isn’t Sara here yet? She said she’d be here by 7:00 pm. Withut her taking care f the kids, we can’t g t the Smiths’ tnight.
    M: Dn’t wrry. I’m sure she’ll be here any minute nw. It takes us just abut twenty minutes t get there. We wn’t be late as lng as we leave by 7:10 pm.
    (Text 7)
    W: Mike, d yu want t g t the hspital and see Sam this afternn?
    M: What has happened t him? Is he ill?
    W: N. Haven’t yu heard abut it? He was hit by a car while he was riding his mtrbike t schl this mrning.
    M: Oh, I’m s srry t hear that. I really knew nthing abut it. I hpe it’s nt serius.
    W: It was said that he went a few meters away befre he stpped. Luckily, he was wearing his helmet, s his head was well-prtected.
    M: Have they had him fully examined?
    W: I really have n idea. I hpe he is nt injured. S will yu g?
    M: Abslutely.
    (Text 8)
    W: Mr. Wilsn, can I ask yu smething?
    M: Sure.
    W: What I’d like t d fr my survey prject is t interview three peple. Wuld that be OK?Because in class, yu said a survey is usually dne with a large number f peple.
    M: That’s right, it is. But tell me abut yur idea.
    W: My idea is t interview three peple in my hst family. There’s a grandmther wh has a lt f pinins abut life. I want t cmpare what she says with what the mther and the daughter say. Wuld that be all right?
    M: It’s a start. Why dn’t yu prepare a list f questins—maybe five r six, but n mre than ten—fr yur interviews? When yu’ve dne that, shw me the list and we’ll g frm there.
    W: All right. I’ll wrk n it tnight. Thanks fr the advice.
    听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16 四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
    (Text 9)
    M: Hi, Lucy!
    W: Oh, hi, Jim! Where are yu ging?
    M: I’m ging t the pst ffice. I want t send a letter t my sister.
    W: By the way, what are yu ging t d this weekend?
    M: Nthing much.
    W: A picnic?
    M: Sunds great! I think it will be very interesting. When shall we start and where shall we meet?
    W: Hw abut eight ’clck tmrrw mrning utside the schl gate?
    M: I want t spend mre time in the frest. Shall we make it a little earlier?
    W: Well, what abut half past seven?
    M: All right, half past seven. I’ll be there n time.
    W: And we need t take sme fd and drink with us. What abut ging shpping tgether this afternn?
    M: Sure. I will call yu then.
    W: OK. See yu later.
    (Text 10)
    M: Yu might be excited r scared, but either way, the first winter strm f the seasn is cming. It will be mving acrss the cuntry beginning n Wednesday night. The first area that will be affected will be the dry fields f Nrth and Suth Dakta, as well as eastern Minnesta. Thursday will be very bad in these areas. By Friday, the strm will have reached the East Cast, and it will cntinue t bring snw as it heads up int Canada and the Great Lakes area. Eastern Ohi and Pennsylvania shuld be seeing snw start t fall early Saturday, cntinuing thrugh Sunday as the strm mves int New Yrk and dies ut. The snwfall ttals will be fur t eight inches in mst places, but New Yrk will see twelve-inch-deep snw in the muntains. The big thing t watch ut fr with this strm is the high winds. They can make the snwfall very dangerus because it’s much harder fr drivers and pilts t see in frnt f them. S, if yu live in thse areas, make sure yu’re prepared t stay hme.
    1~5 ACBAB 6~10 ABCBA 11~15 CBBBC 16~20 AACAC
    21~23 ADC 24~27 BDCA 28~31 BADC 32~35 DACB 36~40 CGAEF
    41~45 ABCDA 46~50 DBACA 51~55 BDABC
    56.where 57.actually 58.varies 59.Turists 60.and
    61.building 62.reached 63.t increase 64.their 65.a
    Ntice abut “Pcket Garden”
    In rder t inspire ur students’ interest in grwing green plants and beautify the campus envirnment, ur schl plans t hld “Pcket Garden” activity in the next term in the empty space f the campus. Anyne wh can grw flwers r plants can jin in the activity n a class basis. The name f the class shuld be hung n their plants s that all the teachers and students will chse the best ne. If yu want t participate, please cntact the Student Unin t arrange a specific lcatin fr planting.
    The Student Unin
    The next mrning, everything wuld change. Vanessa came t the hspital. After knwing abut the whle situatin, she said, “I want yur permissin.” She went n t say that she wanted t start a G Fund Me fr us. A G Fund Me fr me? Wuld my pride allw that? “It’s nt fr yu. It’s fr him.” With thse wise wrds frm my all-knwing friend, I gave her the g-ahead. Within days, we had almst the entire amunt t pay ur deductible.
    I culd nt believe the fld f lve and supprt that came frm such unexpected places. S many peple that I didn’t even realize knew my name were suddenly thrwing generus sums ur way. The cllective lve cming thrugh that cmputer screen was a feeling I had never knwn. Strangers were helping us thrugh the hardest thing we’d ever been thrugh. After that first deductible crisis was vercme, things started lking up financially. My sn was apprved fr a state-based insurance plan that cvered mst f his treatments and medicatins and he is gradually recvering, t. The kindness f strangers changed ur lives.Ntice abut “Pcket Garden”
    The Student Unin
    The next mrning, everything wuld change.
    I culd nt believe the fld f lve and supprt that came frm such unexpected places.

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    2023-2024学年陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

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