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    这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市莲湖区高一下学期4月期中英语试题含答案+听力,共7页。试卷主要包含了回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后, 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共5小题: 每小题1.5 分.满分7.5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirl’?
    A. £19. 15.
    B. £9. 18.
    C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When will Jack prbably get t the ffice?
    A. In abut 20 minutes.
    B. In abut 15 minutes.
    C In abut 35 minutes.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Which club will the mlari chse?
    A. Petry club.
    B. Chess club.
    C. Debate club.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man mean?
    A. The rm is crwded.
    B. The rm gets dirty easily,
    C. The rm is clean.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why dcs the wman want t have fast fd?
    A. She is in a hurry.
    B. She likes fast fd.
    C. She wants t spend less,
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What’s ging t be difficult fr the man?
    A. Nt making a nise.
    B. Chsing a birthday gift.
    C. Making nice cffee.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分) .
    6. What’s the wman ding?
    A. Inviting smene t play tennis.
    B. Asking fr help.
    C. Giving advice.
    7. What des the man plan t d tday?
    A. Play tennis.B. Take a trip.C. Help Emily study.
    8. What des the man have t d nw?
    A. Plan an exam.B. Lk fr a jb.C. Make a decisin.
    9. What des the wman think f wrking in big cities?
    A Dangerus.B. Bring.C. Exciting.
    10. What was the weather like that night?
    A. Windy.B. Strmy.C. Cludy.
    11. Where did the dg hide?
    A. Under the sfa.B. Under the table.C. Under the bed.
    12. What happened t the TV set?
    A. It was hit by lightning.
    B. Its screen flashed rapidly.
    C. It was damaged by the wman.
    13. What des the wman d?
    A. A nurse.B. A teacher.C. A dctr.
    14. Why did the wman get the prize?
    A. She ften helped the elders in truble.
    B. Her wrk in teaching was very excellent.
    C. She ften helped children with disabilities.
    15. Hw lng des the wman stay in the hspital every day?
    A. Abut an hur.
    B. Abut tw hurs.
    C. Abut an hur and a half.
    16. Why des the wman chse t be a vlunteer?
    A. She likes t make children happy.
    B. She likes t help nurses ut f truble.
    C. She just wants t experience different wrk.
    17. What shuld be dne firsl accrding t the speaker?
    A. Mve the injured t a quiet place. .
    B. Guard the accide.nt scene.
    C. Call 110 and 120.
    18. Hw can we prevent further traffic accidents?
    A. By calling the plice immediately.
    B. By shwing signs t ther drivers. .
    C. By stpping the cming cars.
    19. What will be surely appreciated when the plice arrive?
    A. Giving them a hand.
    B. Answering their questins.
    C. Helping 10 keep the traffic in rder.
    20. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. Giving the first aid.
    B. Learning the first aid.
    C. Aviding danger. .
    第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
    第一节(共 15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Sharing China 2023 Cntest
    The cntest is calling fr entries frm all ver the wrld. Regardless f whether yu are a prfessinal r an amateur, wh yu are r where yu are frm, yu are welcme t send us phts f memrable mments abut China.
    The Rules
    ●All entries must be real and nt pht edited. The tne and clr f the image may be slightly adjusted. Cmpsitin and cutting are allwed.
    ●Entries shuld be in JPG r JPEG frmat, n less than 2 MB fr each, Phts culd be cmpressed (压缩), but please keep the riginal file. If the winning phts are published n the page, the riginal file will be required.
    ●Entries can be single phts r a series f phts. A series f phts cunts as ne entry and each series may cntain fur t ten phts.
    ●Entries shuld have titles and a shrt pht descriptin, such as time, place and peple in the pht.
    Awards and Prizes
    The cntest will select 50 phts.
    ★5 fr first prize: 2,000 RMB
    ★15 fr secnd prize: 1,000 RMB
    ★30 fr third prize: 600 RMB
    The rganizer will pay the tax n behalf f the winners.
    Submissin: frm Dec 20,2022 t Feb 12,2023
    Selectin and ranking: frm Feb 13, 2023 t May 15,2023
    Result annuncement: June 30,2023
    Fr infrmatin abut shrt film cntest please visit:
    21. Wh are the activities intended fr?
    A. Anyne wh takes phts abut China.
    B. Thse wh have lived in China fr a lng time.
    C. Peple wh are aware f China very well.
    D. Freigners wh cme t China fr the first time.
    22. Which f the fllwing agrees with cntest rules?
    A. All entries are frbidden t be cut.
    B. All entries must be a series f phts.
    C. All riginal phts are f n mre than 2 MB.
    D. All entries shuld include pht intrductins.
    23. When will the public knw the result?
    A. On Feb 13,2023.B. On May 15,2023.
    C. On June 30,2023.D. On Feb 12,2023.
    Hunger is a very real prblem arund the glbe. This year, almst 7 millin peple have died f hunger already. Why d peple still die f hunger when there’s mre than enugh fd in the wrld?
    Well, cnsidering that there are places in the wrld where basic needs like husing and clean, drinkable water are nt met, then it desn’t cme as a surprise that fd is just nt accessible t them. The fd exists-it just desn’t get t where it needs t be.
    Nigerian farmer Samsn Ogble decided t g ahead and cultivate (培育) fruit and vegeta-bles in a different way. Ogble’s farming prcess centres arund tw cncepts: silless farming and aerpnics (气雾栽培). T put it simply-he’s grwing fd in the air.
    As Ogble explained during a TED talk, aerpnics is the future f agriculture because it ffers many benefits. Fr example, it is cheaper than traditinal farming because there is n need t hire as many wrkers since everything is dne with a “click”. Als, this kind f farming is mre envirnmentally friendly since farmers dn’t use pesticides. At the same time, there are n space limitatins-planting in the air means yu can plant as many layers as yu like. The sky is the limit literally!
    S, the yung farmer has been practicing aerpnics fr mre than five years with impressive results. His wrk was recently praised n scial media this summer when he was featured in a netwrk pst. In the pst, Ogble’s farming methd was mentined, and Internet users had the chance t see pictures f the farmer’ s prduce.
    Many viewers think suthern Nigeria needs this methd t grw crps. This will help in bringing dwn the price and aviding future fd blckades frm the nrth. It seems that peple are already realizing that this methd will change the way peple grw fd. And, mst imprtantly, it will help slve sme f the issues related t hunger arund the wrld.
    24. What des the figure in paragraph 1 shw?
    A. The seriusness f hunger.
    B. The number f hungry peple.
    C. The nccessity f grwing fd in the air.
    D. The existing ppulatin prblem.
    25. Why d peple still starve t death in the wrld accrding t the text?
    A. There is nt enugh fd supply.
    B. Their basic needs are nt met.
    C. They have n scientific planting methds.
    D. Fd is nt equally shared.
    26. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. The thery f aerpnics.
    B. The advantages f aerpnics.
    C. Hw t grw fd in the air.
    D. The dwnsides f traditinal farming.
    27. What d viewers think f Ogble’s farming methd?
    A. Unrealistic.
    B. Funny.
    C. Prmising.
    D. Helpless.
    A new study frm Nrth Carlina State University fund that bilgy textbks have dne a pr jb f including material related t climate change. Fr example, the study fund that mst bilgy textbks published in the 2010s included less infrmatin abut climate change than they did in the previus decade--despite significant advances in ur understanding f hw climate change is influencing ecsystems and the envirnment.
    “In shrt, we fund bilgy textbks are failing t share enugh infrmatin abut climate change, which is a generatin-defining tpic in the life sciences,” says Jennifer Landin, authr f the study. “These bks are the baseline texts fr helping students understand the science f life n Earth, yet they are prviding very little infrmatin abut a phenmenn that is having a great impact n habitats, ecsystems, agriculture--almst every aspect (方面) f life n Earth,”
    Fr the study, researchers investigated cverage f climate change in 57 cllege bilgy textbks published between 1970 and 2019. The researchers fund climate cverage has varied greatly ver thse five decades and that the amunt f climate cverage in textbks fell ff in the 2010s. In additin t length, the nature f the cntent has als changed greatly ver time.
    “One f the mst trubling findings was that textbks are devting less space t addressing climate slutins nw than they did in the 1990s--even as they fcus mre n the effects f climate change,” Landin says. “That suggests t students that nthing can be dne,which is bth wildly misleading and cntributes t a sense f fatalism (宿命论) regarding cli-mate change.”
    “We are hping that this study will serve as a wake-up call fr publishers and instructrs. We need t d a much better jb f putting climate change int ur curses if we want t pre-pare students t understand the rle that climate change is playing in shaping life n Earth and hw we study it,” Landin says.
    28. What is the example in paragraph 1 used t d?
    A. Prve bilgy textbks’ pr perfrmance.
    B. Shw the dissatisfactin with climate change.
    C. Attract the attentin f students studying bilgy.
    D. Shw the cntent f textbks published in the 2010s.
    29. What is the prblem f bilgy textbks accrding t Landin?
    A. N enugh material abut climate change.
    B. Prviding little new infrmatin abut bilgy.
    C. Nt cvering every aspect f life n Earth.
    D. N generatin-defining tpics in the textbks.
    30. Hw did the researchers cnduct the study?
    A By tracking textbk publishers.
    B. By ding surveys f students in clleges.
    C. By bserving climate change fr 50 years.
    D. By investigating cllege bilgy textbks.
    31. What des Landin expect the study t functin as?
    A. A wake up call fr bilgy science.
    B. A warning t take bilgy seriusly.
    C. A directin f studying climate change.
    D. An alarm bell fr publishers and teachers.
    A healthy diet may nt ffset (抵消) the effects f a high salt intake n bld pressure, suggests a new study. The research, frm scientists at a number f institutins, studied the diets f ver 4,000 peple. The results shwed that peple eating higher amunts f salt had higher bld pressure — n matter hw healthy a persn’s verall diet.
    The scientists behind the research are nw advising peple t mnitr their salt intake-and fd cmpanies t lwer the salt cntent in their prducts.
    High bld pressure affects mre than ne in fur adults in the UK, and increases the risk f a number f cnditins including heart attacks and strke. It’s thught that vitamins and minerals in fruit and vegetables might in sme way affect bld vessels (血管), enabling them t lwer bld pressure. Previusly, experts believed that eating high amunts f fruit and vegetables might help ffset the effects f high salt n bld pressure. Hwever, while these fds d tend t lwer bld pressure, the new research suggests they d nt ffset the adverse influence f high salt intake.
    In the paper, the team studied data frm the s-called INTERMAP study. In this study published in 2018,scientists tracked the diets f 4, 680 peple, aged 40-59, frm the USA, the UK, Japan and China. The researchers fund a link between high bld pressure and high salt intake, even in peple wh were n a healthy diet.
    The recmmended upper limit f adult salt intake in the UK is 6 g a day. The study fund that the average salt intake acrss the study was 10.7 g a day. The average intake fr the UK was 8.5 g while the intake fr the USA, China and Japan were9.6g, 13.1 g and 11.7 g respectively.
    Increasing salt intake abve this average amunt was linked 10 an increase in bld pressure. Dr Queenie Chan, jint lead authr f the research, said the research shws the imprtance cutting salt intake.
    32. What can fd industry d t help lwer peple’s high bld pressure?
    A. Take cntrl f their salt prductin.
    B. Mnitr the quality f their prducts.
    C. Cut dwn salt cntent in their prducts.
    D. Make salt-free fd nly.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “adverse” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Adventurus.
    B. Harmful.
    C. Brief.
    D. Average,
    34. Which f the fllwing natins has the highest average salt intake?
    A. The USA.
    B. The UK.
    C. China.
    D. Japan.
    35. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. High bld pressure is related t high salt intake
    B. A healthy diet may nt ffset high salt intake
    C. Research shws the imprtance f cutting salt intake
    D. Peple eating higher amunts f salt have higher bld pressure
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12.5分)
    Fr sme peple, incme, fame, and a gd wrk-life balance are the mst imprtant aspects when chsing a career (职业) path.____36____. Lking fr a jb where yu can make a difference? Here are sme chices wrth explring.
    Emergency services
    Whether yu chse t jin the plice, ambulance, r fire and rescue service, there are plenty f rles in this field.____37____. Yu’ll never have a bring day at wrk, but yu’ll als have t deal with a lt f pressure and stress n a regular basis since a jb as a first respnder is bth mentally and physically demanding.
    Caring fr thse in need can give yu a sense f purpse and help yu cnnect with peple n a deeper level, s it’s a very rewarding jb. But this career path can be equally demanding, stressful, and exhausting. Empathy, patience, cmpassin, great cmmunicatin skills, gd bservatin, initiative, and physical strength are sme f the mst imprtant caregiver skills and qualities yu need in this field.
    Charity wrk
    Wrking fr a charity is the very definitin f helping and supprting peple in need. Frm wrking in cmmunicatins, HR, r IT t chsing a jb in administratin r fundraising, there are different ways in which yu can bring yur cntributin.____39____.
    Scial wrk
    ____40____. Yu’ll be wrking with sme f the mst weak grups f peple in sciety such as the elderly, children, adults with mental health issues, and s n. Yu’ll help peple deal with challenging situatins, which can be bth frightening and extremely rewarding.
    A Care giving
    B. Nursing and healthcare
    C. Thus, yu’ll be able t help peple
    D. It will put yu at the frefrnt f scial change and develpment
    E. They allw yu t serve yur cmmunity and make the wrld a better place
    F. Fr thers, the pssibility t help thers far utweighs the rest f the benefits
    G. Besides, charity jbs may als prvide free wrking hurs and cnditins f emplyment
    第三部分语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    When the TV statin reprted a cming cld strm in sutheast Idah, farmers immediately tk____41____. Mst f the farmers had t wrk 16-18 hurs a day t get their ptates, befre the cld air fell deep int the sil. Snw was____42____hard and fast. Hwever, ne farmer in Hamer, Idah, abut 32 miles nrth f Idah Falls, was____43____t gather all f his crp in time.
    Realizing his____44____, his neighbrs, wrking unitedly with their fellw farmers, sent their wrkers t____45____his crp. With trucks laded with equipment, ____46____wrkers and farmers didn’t think twice abut reaching ut t a farmer____47____.
    Dzens f members f the____48____als jined in the help. They all shwed up just in time as temperatures hit 2____49____ vernight. Jasn Larsn, a farmer wh lived nearby, sent 25 wrkers t_____50_____in the emergency peratins. With the crisis averted (避免), it is_____51_____that the cmmunity wrked hand in hand t save several hundred thusand dllars_____52_____f ptates.
    Larsn witnessed (见证) all this and said, “It was just kind f neat t see everyne help. It was pretty_____53_____t help smene in need. What peple d is that they help their neigh-br. There_____54_____wasn’t a secnd thught abut it. This kind f thing_____55_____every day.”
    41. A. actinB. effectC. partD. charge
    42. A. risingB. rushingC. quittingD. falling
    43. A. luckyB. unableC. easyD. slw
    44. A. frtuneB. mindC. trubleD. questin
    45. A. buyB. plantC. sellD. save
    46. A. vertiredB. terrifiedC. cnfidentD. satisfied
    47. A. n endB. in needC. at timesD. at all
    48. A. cmmunityB. cmpanyC. statinD. schl
    49. A. pintsB. areasC. degreesD. squares
    50. A. escapeB. fcusC. watchD. assist
    51. A. prmisedB. saidC. prvedD. admitted
    52. A. sizeB. quantityC. wrthD. quality
    53. A. clB. hardC. cleverD. shy
    54. A. nlyB. mstlyC. mildlyD. really
    55. A. ges ffB. ges nC. passes awayD. fades away
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Scientists have discvered six new species f frg the size f a thumbnail (拇指甲) in the frests f Mexic, with ne earning the distinctin f Mexic’s smallest frg.
    All six species are ____56____ ( small) than an Australian five-cent cin arund 15 mm lng when they are fully____57____ ( grw). Adult males f the tiniest f these species, named Craugastr candelariensis, grw____58____nly 13 mm. The newly discvered species____59____(knw) as “direct-develping” frgs: Rather than hatching frm eggs int tadples ( 蝌蚪)like mst frgs. they emerge frm the eggs as perfect mini frgs. And they’re s small that they’ re right at____60____ bttm f the frest fd chain.
    With millins f these frgs____61____(live) in the leaf litter, they’re likely t play a____62____(huge) imprtant rle in the ecsystem as a surce f fd fr everything else, frm lizards t predatry birds. Until nw these new species ____63____( g) unnticed because they’re small and brwn and lk really similar t ther frgs.
    Their lifestyle is cmpletely fascinating. These frgs live in the dark, humid leaf litter f the frests,____64____is like a secret wrld. Scientists dn’t really knw anything abut what ges n there. They dn’t understand their_____65_____( behave), hw they scialize r hw they breed.
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66. 每年的五月的第二个星期日是母亲节,请你就此写一篇短文向英语校刊投稿,内容包括:
    第二节(满分 25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I went t a supermarket t pick up sme things. I placed my purse in the baby carry-n chair and turned my back t add sme cabbages int a bag fr supper. The cart(购物车)was right next t me ne minute ag then gne!
    As I lked arund, I did nt see an abandned cart nr mine. I searched the fruit and vegetable area, and every cart but with n luck, n purse! My heart started punding as I realized that smene may have taken my purse.
    I walked t a member f staff, explaining what happened. He ran t get the manager. The manager listened carefully and tld me she wuld g int her ffice and check the camera t see what happened n the vide and call the plice if necessary. I felt very nervus then. I tld them my purse had my keys, license, phne, identificatin, etc. Meanwhile, the staff said he wuld check carts. The manager ran t her ffice at the frnt f the stre t check the camera.
    A yung lady had just walked by asking if I was OK. I said, “Nt gd, but thanks.” I asked if she had a cell phne t call my phne t check if smene wuld pick it up. But n ne answered it. I thanked her. She said she wuld accmpany(陪伴)me till I fund my purse. I culdn’t thank her enugh.
    After a while, the manager came back and tld me she had seen an ld wman in the camera vide take my cart when I was in the meat sectin. Nt until that time did I remembered that there was indeed a wman near me picking ut gds. She must have dragged my cart by accident!
    I rushed t the meat sectin, fllwed by the manager and the yung lady. T my relief, I fund the ld wman withut any effrt.
    I apprached her and tld her what had happened.
    I accmpanied the ld lady t the manager’s ffice t check the camera again.

    2022-2023学年陕西省西安市莲湖区高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市莲湖区高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年陕西省西安市鄠邑区高一上学期期中质量检测英语试题+听力含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省西安市鄠邑区高一上学期期中质量检测英语试题+听力含答案,共18页。

    2023-2024学年陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学高一上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析陕西省西安市莲湖区西安市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。






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