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    The fllwing prperties which the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee (世界遗产委员会)has decided t include n the List f Wrld Heritage are under threat.
    Cultural Landscape and Archaelgical Remains f the Bamiyan Valley (Afghanistan)
    The cultural landscape and archaelgical remains f the Bamiyan Valley stand fr the artistic and religius develpments which frm the 1st t the 13th centuries characterized ancient Bakhtria. The area cntains a number f Buddhist mnastic ensembles, as well as strng buildings frm the Islamic perid.
    Histric Centre f Vienna (Austria)
    Vienna develped frm early Celtic and Rman settlements int a Medieval and Barque city, the capital f the Austr-Hungarian Empire. It played an imprtant rle as a leading Eurpean music centre, frm the great age f Viennese Classicism thrugh the early part f the 20th century. The histric centre f Vienna is rich in architectural buildings, including Barque castles and gardens, as well as the late-19th-century Ringstrasse lined with grand buildings, mnuments and parks.
    Okapi Wildlife Reserve (Demcratic Republic f the Cng)
    The Okapi Wildlife Reserve ccupies abut ne-fifth f the Ituri frest in the nrth-east f the Demcratic Republic f the Cng. The Cng river basin, f which the reserve and frest are a part, is ne f the largest drainage systems in Africa. The reserve cntains threatened species f primates and birds surviving in the wild. It als has sme amazing scenery, including waterfalls n the Ituri and Epulu rivers. The reserve is inhabited by traditinal nmadic pygmy Mbuti and Efe hunters.
    1、Which f the fllwing heritage sites is lcated in Asia?
    A. Okapi Wildlife Reserve.
    B. Histric Centre f Vienna.
    C. The Austr-Hungarian Empire.
    D. Cultural Landscape and Archaelgical Remains f the Bamiyan Valley.
    2、Wh may get interested in Histric Centre f Vienna?
    A. Music cmpsers.B. Birds researchers.
    C. Mdem building lvers.D. Natural Scenery Phtgrapher.
    3、What d the three wrld heritage sites have in cmmn?
    A. They are all in danger.
    B. They are clsed t the public.
    C. They feature lts f ancient buildings.
    D. They are t be remved frm the Wrld Heritage List.
    “We said n t the invitatin t the birthday party because my child says they're nt even friends.”
    When I read the abve wrds, I felt heartache.
    I knw birthday parties can be like a truble, but let's believe the parents wh sent that invitatin weren't trying t get mre gifts fr their kids r make things mre cmplicated(复杂的) .
    Fr sme kids, managing schl and friends is easy. Maybe yu have a child wh's utging, self­cnfident r maybe yu have a child wh desn't have any prblems. Hwever, fr sme kids, schl and friends can be very difficult.
    A birthday party is a fun, exciting and gd pprtunity. It is a chance fr the kid n the sidelines t play with ther kids wh dn't play with him/her at schl r wh dn't call him/her a friend.
    Smetimes even when the birthday party and the theme have been decided n and the difficult decisin abut whm t invite has been made, there can still be dubts. Thse invitatins can stay untuched in the bttm f the child's backpack fr days, because he/she is t scared t hand them ut.
    I dn't knw yur child, and I dn't knw yu. I d knw there are parents wh lie awake at night wndering if their child will have the curage t hand ut the invitatins in the mrning; I d knw there are parents wh hpe they can depend n ther parents t teach their children t be kind enugh t shw up. Maybe yu'll never have t be ne f the parents wh find it hard. I knw what that's like, because I have children wh find it easy. But I als have a child wh desn't. And because f that, we've becme a family that says yes t every invitatin we receive.
    Smetimes a birthday party invitatin is nt just a birthday party invitatin; it's als an invitatin t be a friend.
    4、What's the authr's attitude tward the wrds in Para.1?
    A. Wrried.B. Sad.C. Interested.D. Excited.
    5、What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Children are very different frm each ther.
    B. Sme children at schl need special attentin.
    C. Children shuld be encuraged t play games.
    D. Nt all children can deal with schl prblems well.
    6、T sme children, what des a birthday party mean?
    A. A chance t have sme fun utdrs.
    B. A chance t get many gifts frm thers.
    C. A chance t play and make friends with thers.
    D. A chance t invite ther children t their hmes.
    7、What des the authr mainly want t tell us?
    A. Kids really lve ging t parties.
    B. Kids shuld learn t make friends.
    C. Sme kids aren't gd at making friends.
    D. We'd better accept birthday party invitatins.
    There are many useful suggestins and pieces f advice that can help ne t imprve English. Here are sme useful suggestins and new tips t increase ne’s English language vcabulary.
    Learning English vcabulary is abut much mre than just learning the right wrds. A brad grasp f vcabulary in the English language is based n understanding imprtant expressins.
    Learning a wrd will nt help very much if yu quickly frget it. Research shws that it takes frm 10 t 20 repetitins t really make a wrd part f yur vcabulary. Since mst wrds are learned frm hw they are used in cntext, the mre wrds ne is shwn, the better vcabulary ne will have. Keep a piece f paper clse t yu. When yu read, pay mre attentin t the wrd yu d nt knw, write the wrd dwn and try t figure ut its meaning frm the cntext. Then lk up the wrd in a dictinary.
    Remember that if yu d nt use English wrds that yu have just learned in cnversatin r writing, yu will frget them very quickly. S the best way t learn new wrds effectively is just by trying t use them in cnversatin and writing. Remember als that practice is the key t fluent spken English.
    Building vcabulary is a life-lng task. Remember, “In the beginning was the wrd.” Yur future culd depend n hw rich yur vcabulary is. It will als determine the quality f yur cmmunicatin.
    8、We can learn frm the passage that learning English vcabulary _______.
    A. is just abut learning the right wrds
    B. is abut remembering mre and mre wrds
    C. desn’t require ne t learn expressins
    D. requires ne t understand imprtant expressins
    9、Which f the fllwing is NOT true accrding t the passage?
    A. It desn’t take lng t build ne’s vcabulary
    B. If yu remember a wrd yu are still able t frget it if yu dn’t use it.
    C. T master a wrd, yu need t repeat it 10-20 times.
    D. Practice is very imprtant in fluent spken English.
    10、The best way t learn new wrds is _______.
    A. reading them ludly ver and ver again
    B. writing them dwn ver and ver again
    C. trying t use them while speaking and writing
    D. always lking them up in the dictinary
    11、What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Hw t have a gd cnversatin in English
    B. Hw t enrich yur English vcabulary
    C. Why cntext is imprtant in learning English
    D. Hw t imprve the quality f cmmunicatin
    It's a warm summer afternn. Yu're cking ver a campfire. Suddenly, a few raindrps fall n yur arms, and befre yu knw it, the sky is pened up. Then yu hear what sunds like thunder in the distance. What shuld yu d? Yur tent is clse by and wuld ffer shelter frm the puring rain. There's a campsite (野营地) a few minutes dwn the path. And then yu remember that yur car is parked dwn the rad. What's yur safest chice t make sure yu and yur families are safe?
    It's a cmmn questin fr many hikers and campers, especially when they're camping during summer mnths. Heading fr yur car is almst always the safest chice. Yur tent and a shelter will keep yu dry, but they ffer little r n prtectin against lightning. Yur car, n the ther hand, will keep yu dry and prtect yu frm lightning strikes. Prtecting yurself against pssible lightning strikes is very imprtant; lightning kills an average f 62 peple in the US each year. If yu keep all f the windws and drs clsed in yur car, yu'll be able t return t yur campsite safely.
    Of curse, if yu're backpacking, nt car camping, and if yu're deep in the wds, yur car wn't be a gd chice. S, what shuld yu d if yur car is far away and there's n ther safe shelter nearby? First, yu'll have t make sure that tree limbs (大树枝) r ther bjects dn't fall n yu r yur campsite. Then yu'll have t get in a safe psitin t avid lightning, r flash fld cnditins.
    12、What des the passage want t tell us?
    A. When t start camping.
    B. Hw t camp safely in the wds.
    C. Hw t survive a strm when camping.
    D. Where t camp safely in summer.
    13、T avid lightning in a strm, yu'd better ________.
    A. g int yur tent quicklyB. stay arund the campfire
    C. run int a campsite at nceD. get int yur car
    14、What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Peple shuld nt g camping alne.
    B. Peple shuld never camp deep in the wds.
    C. Backpacking is nt a gd chice fr campers.
    D. Finding a shelter when camping withut a car is imprtant.
    15、What can we knw abut camping frm the passage?
    A. Campers like car camping best.
    B. Lightning is a danger fr campers.
    C. Yung peple like backpacking best.
    D. Camping during summer mnths is the mst ppular.
    16、 It takes time t really get t knw smene, but first impressins ften determine whether smene is willing t spend mre time learning abut yu. In fact, peple’s first impressins are made within seven secnds f meeting smene new. ①_________
    Shw respect. Peple want t feel respected befre they shw yu the same respect. ②_________ Be sure t treat everyne arund yu well, because it shws a lt abut wh yu are.
    Be enthusiastic. ③_________ Dn’t be afraid t shw that yu are interested in smene. In fact, peple ften see passin(激情) as a charming sign f strength and inspiratin. Shwing yur enthusiasm by smiling r using friendly humr will make yu seem easyging.
    ④_________ Bdy language is as imprtant as yur wrds t first impressins. Make sure yur psture is gd, make strng eye cntact and try t express yur interest in thers.
    Try t avid the bad days. If smething unfrtunate happens, yu dn’t have t fllw a scheduled meeting n the day. ⑤_________ Let them knw yu dn’t want unfavrable things t affect them. It’ll shw yur ability t cmmunicate effectively.
    A. Make thers cmfrtable.
    B. Instead, yu can set anther time.
    C. Pay attentin t yur bdy language.
    D. Shw interest in the persn yu meet.
    E. When yu g ut fr dinner, be plite t waiters.
    F. Be plite and shw manners with “please and thank yu”.
    G. Here are sme tips n hw t make a gd first impressin.
    Once upn a time, there was a pr man. His 1 was als very pr — a small and empty huse, which was 2 with spider webs (蜘蛛网). Peple tried t 3 cming int his huse as they didn’t want t cme t such a 4 place. And the pr man thught that pverty (贫困) was the 5 fr his unlucky life.
    Then, the pr man 6 a wise man and tld him abut his pverty. The man felt srry fr the pr man and gave him a vase (花瓶). “This will save yu frm 7 ,” the wise man 8 . The pr man tk the 9 frm the wise man and wanted t 10 it at first and then spend the mney n drinking, as usual. Besides, why wuld he 11 such a beautiful thing? But then he started 12 the vase carefully and decided nt t take it t the market. He brught the vase back t his 13 , put it n the table and started watching it again.
    “It’s nt 14 fr such a beautiful thing t be 15 ,” the pr man thught. S he 16 sme flwers and put them int the vase. It became even 17 . “Nt gd that such a beautiful thing stands next t a spider web,” the pr man 18 again.
    S the pr man started 19 his huse. He cleaned the dust, washed the flr and whitened the walls. And it became clear that his huse wasn’t pr, 20 rather warm and cmfrtable. And the pr man wasn’t a pr man anymre, but a hard-wrking hst, wh had n time t think abut pverty.
    17、A. childB. hmeC. healthD. village
    18、A. treatedB. builtC. filledD. cvered
    19、A. cnsiderB. frgetC. enjyD. avid
    20、A. quietB. dirtyC. cldD. wet
    21、A. reasnB. resultC. prblemD. change
    22、A. helpedB. thankedC. metD. prtected
    23、A. dangerB. deathC. prnessD. truble
    24、A. saidB. shutedC. criedD. wrte
    25、A. mneyB. vaseC. tableD. flwer
    26、A. drawB. studyC. thrwD. sell
    27、A. bringB. buyC. likeD. need
    28、A. washingB. lking atC. repairingD. shwing ff
    29、A. huseB. farmC. shpD. schl
    30、A. imprtantB. rightC. pssibleD. easy
    31、A. bigB. emptyC. ldD. safe
    32、A. plantedB. brrwedC. stleD. picked
    33、A. mre beautifulB. strangerC. mre expensiveD. strnger
    34、A. expectedB. thughtC. believedD. dubted
    35、A. cleaningB. checkingC. mvingD. chsing
    36、A. rB. frC. butD. and
    37、Tday, giant pandas are ne f the wrld's mst well-knwn animals. And they are ①________(glbal) recgnized as being a leading symbl f bth China and nature cnservatin in general. But glbal interest ②________ the animal nly tk ff early in the 20th century.
    The idea f the WWF's lg(标志) ③________ (cme) frm Chi-Chi: a giant panda that arrived at Lndn Z in 1961 — the same year that WWF ④________ (create).
    Aware f the need fr a recgnisable symbl that wuld break thrugh all language barriers(障碍), WWF's funders agreed that the big, furry bear with her special black and white cat wuld make a great lg. The first sketches(草图) were dne by the British envirnmentalist and ⑤________ (art), Gerald Wattersn.
    Based n these, Sir Peter Sctt, ne f WWF's funders, drew ⑥________ first lg. He said at the time that “we wanted an animal that was beautiful, ⑦________ (endanger), and lved by many peple in the wrld fr ⑧________ (it) attractive qualities. We als wanted an animal that had an impact(影响力) in black and white ⑨________ (save) mney n printing csts.”
    The panda has since becme a symbl nt just fr WWF, ⑩________ fr the cnservatin mvement as a whle.
    When I was in primary schl, I was quite gd in ding sit-ups. In sixth grade, I tk part in the sit-up cmpetitin between schl. My gymnastics practices helped I prepare. Still, I was nervus. That day, my mm, teachers, and my classmates cheer me n. After an hur my stmach hurt. I thught abut hw my mm had just finished her running race f 42 kilmeters. That encuraged me keep ging. Finally, I did 2,110 sit-ups and finished in first place. I culdn’t believe it! I was tiring, s I felt great. All the kids arund lked at me like I’d just dne smething greatly. That made me pride f myself.
    39、随着社会的发展,环境的恶化,栖息地遭到破坏,人类的捕杀等原因,许多野生动物处境十分危险,请以Hw t prtect wild animals为题写一篇作文。
    解析:细节理解题。 根据第一个小标题里的Afghanistan可知, Cultural Landscape and Archaelgical Remains f the Bamiyan Valley 是位于阿富汗的世界遗产,且根据常识可知,阿富汗是亚洲国家。另外也可以用排除法解题。根据第四段中的“The Cng River Basin, f which the reserve and frest are a part, is ne f the largest drainage systems in Africa.”可知,A项Okapi Wildlife Reserve 位于非洲,可以排除。根据第三段中的It played an imprtant rle as a leading Eurpean music centre 可知, B项Histric Centre f Vienna在欧洲,可以排除。根据第三段中的“Vienna develped frm early Celtic and Rman settlements int a Medieval and Barque city, the capital f the Austr-Hungarian Empire.” 可知,C项The Austr-Hungarian Empire在欧洲,可以排除。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二个小标题下的It played an imprtant rle as a leading Eurpean music centre可以推断出,维也纳在欧洲音乐史上十分重要,所以对于喜爱音乐的人来说非常有吸引力。A项Music cmpsers(音乐作曲家)满足这一推断。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。 根据第一段的内容可知,本文所介绍的三处世界遗产都处于危险之中,所以A项“They are all in danger.”是这三处世界遗产的共同点。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“When I read the abve wrds, I felt heartache. (当我读到上面的话,我感到心碎。)”可知,作者对于第一.段的话,感到难过、心碎,故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Fr sme kids, managing schl and friends is easy. Maybe yu have a child wh's utging, self-cnfident r maybe yu have a child wh desn't have any prblems. Hwever, fr sme kids, schl and friends can be very difficult. (对于一些孩子来说,处理学校和朋友的事很容易。也许你有一个外向,自信的孩子,或者你有一个没有任何问题的孩子。但是,对于一些孩子来说,学校和朋友的事对他们来说可能非常困难。)” 可知,不是所有孩子都能很好地处理学校的问题和朋友的事,故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“A birthday party is a fun, exciting and gd pprtunity. It is a chance fr the kid n the sidelines t play with ther kids wh dn't play with him her at schl r wh dn't call him/her a friend. (生日派对是一个有趣,令人兴奋的好机会。对于场边的孩子来说,这是一个机会,可以与其他在学校不与他或她一起玩或不把他或她当朋友的孩子一起玩。)” 可知,对于一些孩子来说,生日聚会意味着和其他孩子交朋友和玩的机会,故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Smetimes a birthday party invitatin is nt just a birthday party invitatin; it's als an invitatin t be a friend. (有时生日派对邀请函不仅仅是生日派对邀请函,这也是成为朋友的邀请。)”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了让我们接受生日聚会的邀请,故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段Learning English vcabulary is abut much mre than just learning the right wrds. It is based n understanding imprtant wrds and expressins.可知学习英语词汇不仅仅是学习正确的词汇,它是建立在理解重要词汇和表达的基础上的。由此可见,我们可以从这篇文章中学到,学习英语词汇需要一个人理解重要的表达方式。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Building vcabulary is a life-lng task.可知建立词汇表是一项终生的任务,由此可见,It desn't take lng t build ne's vcabulary是不准确的,故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段S the best way t learn new wrds effectively is just by trying t use them in cnversatin and writing.所以有效地学习新单词的最好方法就是在对话和写作中使用它们。可知答案选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据整篇文章内容可知,本文主要讲述了如何增加英语词汇。要经常记单词,不要遗忘,并且要从文章中熟读单词的意思,要时常在对话或写作中使用,建立自己的词汇表。由此可见,Hw t enrich yur English vcabulary符合题意,故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“It's a warm summer afternn. Yu're cking ver a campfire. Suddenly, a few raindrps fall n yur arms, and befre yu knw it, the sky is pened up. Then yu hear what sunds like thunder in the distance. What shuld yu d? Yur tent is clse by and wuld ffer shelter frm the puring rain. There's a campsite (野营地) a few minutes dwn the path. And then yu remember that yur car is parked dwn the rad. What's yur safest chice t make sure yu and yur families are safe? (这是一个温暖的夏日午后。你在篝火旁做饭。突然,几滴雨滴落在你的胳膊上。在你明白之前,天就开了。然后你听到远处的声音像雷声。你该怎么办?你的帐篷就在附近,可以躲避倾盆大雨。沿着小路走几分钟就有一个露营地。然后你记得你的车停在路上。为了确保你和你的家人安全,你最安全的选择是什么?)”以及下文可知,文章主要告诉我们露营时如何在暴风雨中保证安全及安全生存,故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Yur car, n the ther hand, will keep yu dry and prtect yu frm lightning strikes. (另一方面,你的车会让你保持干燥,保护你免受闪电袭击。)”可知,为了躲避闪电,你最好进入车里,故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据“Of curse, if yu're backpacking, nt car camping, and if yu're deep in the wds, yur car wn't be a gd chice. S, what shuld yu d if yur car is far away and there's n ther safe shelter nearby? First, yu'll have t make sure that tree limbs (大树枝) r ther bjects dn't fall n yu r yur campsite. Then yu'll have t get in a safe psitin t avid lightning, r flash fld cnditins. (当然,如果你是背包旅行,而不是汽车露营,如果你在树林深处,你的车将不是一个好的选择。那么,如果你的车很远,附近没有其他安全避难所,该怎么办?首先,你必须确保大树枝或其他物体不会落在你或你的露营地上。然后,你必须处于安全的位置,以避免闪电或山洪暴发状况。)”可知,在没有汽车的情况下露营时找到安全的庇护所很重要。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Prtecting yurself against pssible lightning strikes is very imprtant; lightning kills an average f 62 peple in the US each year. (保护自己免受可能的闪电袭击非常重要。在美国,闪电每年平均造成62人死亡。)”可知,闪电对宿营的人是很危险的,故选B项。
    解析:①推理判断题。根据前句In fact, peple's first impressins are made within seven secnds f meeting smene new表示“事实上,人们的第一印象是在遇到一个新人的七秒钟之内形成的”,以及后文介绍如何给人留下好的第一印象的方法,可知表示“以下是一些如何给人留下好的第一印象的小贴士”的选项G符合前后的语境,故选G。
    ②细节理解题。根据前句Shw respect. Peple want t feel respected befre they shw yu the same respect表示“表示尊重。人们希望在对你表现出同样的尊重之前先感受到尊重”,可知表示“要有礼貌,礼貌地说请,谢谢”的选项F符合前后的语境,respect和plite是同义词,故选F。
    ③细节理解题。根据后句Dn't be afraid t shw that yu are interested in smene表示"不要害怕表现出你对某人感兴趣",可知表示“对你遇到的人表现出兴趣”的选项D符合前后的语境,interested是原词复现,故选D。
    ④主旨大意题。根据后句Bdy language is as imprtant as yur wrds t first impressins表示“对第一印象来说,身体语言和你的话一样重要”,可知表示“注意你的肢体语言”的选项C符合本段的主题,Bdy language是原词复现,故选C。
    ⑤推理判断题。根据前句If smething unfrtunate happens, yu dn't have t fllw a scheduled meeting n the day表示“如果有什么不幸的事情发生,你就不必去参加当天的会议”,可知表示“你可以另定时间”的选项B符合前后的语境,dn't have t fllw是关键词,故选B。
    解析:结合文意,他的家(hme)也很穷——只有一间又小又空的房子,……蜘蛛网。child 意为“孩子”,health 意为“健康”,village 意为“村庄”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合文意,他的家也很穷——只有一间又小又空,还充满(fill)蜘蛛网的房子。treat 意为“对待”,build 意为“建造”,exchange 意为“交换”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。
    解析:结合文意,人们尽量避免(avid)进入他的房子,因为他们不想来到这样一个……的地方。cnsider 意为“认为”,frget 意为“忘记”,enjy 意为“享受”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为D。
    解析:结合上文中 a small and empty huse, which was … with spider webs 可知,人们尽量……进入他的房子因为人们不想来这样一个脏乱的(dirty)地方。quiet 意为“安静的”,cld 意为“寒冷的”,wet 意为“潮湿的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合文意,这个穷人认为贫困是造成他不幸生活的原因(reasn)。result 意为“结果”,prblem 意为“问题”,change 意为“改变”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为A。
    解析:结合文意,然后,穷人遇到(meet)了一位智者,并告诉他他的贫穷。help 意为“帮助”,thank 意为“感谢”,prtect 意为“保护”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。
    解析:结合文章第二段第一句中 tld him abut his pverty 可知,这将使那个穷人免于贫困(prness)。danger 意为“危险”,death 意为“死亡”,truble 意为“麻烦”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。
    解析:结合文意,“这将使你免于……”,智者说(say)。shut 意为“喊叫”,cry 意为“哭”,write 意为“写”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为A。
    解析:结合文章第二段第二句中 gave him a vase 可知,这个穷人从智者手中拿走了花瓶(vase),一开始想把它……,然后像往常一样把钱花在喝酒上。mney 意为“钱”,table 意为“桌子”,flwer 意为“花”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合文意,这个穷人从智者手中拿走了……,一开始想把它卖掉(sell),然后像往常一样把钱花在喝酒上。draw 意为“画”,study 意为“学习”,thrw 意为“扔”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为D。
    解析:结合上文中 wanted t … it at first and then spend the mney n drinking, as usual 可知,他为什么需要(need)这么漂亮的东西呢?bring 意为“带来”,buy 意为“买”,like 意为“喜欢”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为D。
    解析:A项,wash “洗”。B项,lk at “看;考虑”。C项,repair “修复”。D项,shw up “露面”。结合文意,但是他开始仔细地看(lk at)这个花瓶,决定不把它拿到市场上去卖。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合文意,他把花瓶带回家(huse),放在桌子上,又开始看了起来。farm 意为“农场”,shp 意为“商店”,schl 意为“学校”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为A。
    解析:结合下文 S he … sme flwers and put them int the vase. 可知,他认为这么漂亮的东西……是不合适的(right)。imprtant 意为“重要的”,pssible 意为“可能的”,easy 意为“简单的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合下文 S he … sme flwers and put them int the vase. 可知,这么漂亮的东西空着(empty)是不……的。big 意为“大的”,ld 意为“老的”,safe 意为“安全的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合文意,所以他摘(pick)了一些花,把它们放进花瓶里。plant 意为“种植”,brrw 意为“借”,steal 意为“偷”,文章中只说他是一个贫穷的人,并没有说是品行不好的人,故均不符合文意。故正确答案为D。
    解析:A项,mre beautiful “更美丽”。B项,stranger “更奇怪”。C项,mre expensive “更贵”。D项,strnger “更强壮”。结合文上文 S he … sme flwers and put them int the vase. 可知,它变得更加美丽(mre beautiful)。故正确答案为A。
    解析:结合文章第三段第一句中 the pr man thught 可知,穷人又想(think),“这么漂亮的东西位于蜘蛛网旁边,真不好”。expect 意为“期待”,believe 意为“相信”,dubt 意为“怀疑”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
    解析:结合下文 He cleaned the dust, washed the flr and whitened the walls. 可知,于是这个穷人开始打扫(clean)他的房子。check 意为“检查”,mve 意为“移动”,chse 意为“选择”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为A。
    解析:结合文意,很明显,他的房子并不脏乱了,而(but)是温暖舒适的。此处应为转折关系。r 意为“或者”,fr 意为“为了”,and 意为“和”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。
    37、答案:①glbally②in③came④was created⑤artist⑥the⑦endangered⑧its⑨t save⑩but
    ②考查介词。句意:但直到20世纪初,全球对这种动物的兴趣才开始升温。后跟名词作宾语,表示 “对的兴趣”应用介词in。故填in。
    ③考查时态。句意:世界自然基金会会徽的创意来自于琪琪: 一只于1961年来到伦敦动物园的大熊猫,同年世界自然基金会成立。根据后文in 1961可知应用一般过去时。故填came.
    ④考查时态语态。句意:世界自然基金会会徽的创意来自于琪琪:一只于1961年来到伦敦动物园的大熊猫,同年世界自然基金会成立。主语与谓语构成被动关系,根据上文in 1961可知用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为WWF,谓语用单数。故填was created。
    ⑤考查名词。句意:最初的草图是由英国环保主义者和艺术家杰拉尔德•沃特森画的。表示“艺术家”应用名词artist,此处特指Gerald Wattersn这个艺术家应用单数。故填artist.
    ⑥考查冠词。句意:在此基础上,世界自然基金会创始人之一彼得•斯科特爵士绘制了第一个标志。表示“第一个”应用the first,用定冠词。故填the.
    ⑨考查非谓语动词。句意:我们还想要一种具有影响力的黑白动物,以节省印刷成本。分析句子结构可知save在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处作目的状语应用不定式。故填t save。
    ⑩考查固定短语。句意:此后,大熊猫不仅成为世界自然基金会的象征,而且成为整个保护运动的象征。结合句意表示“不仅而且”可知短语为nt just… but(als)…,.故填but。
    When I was in primary schl, I was quite gd ding sit-ups. In sixth grade, I tk part in sit-up cmpetitin between. My gymnastics practices helped prepare. Still, I was nervus. That day, my mm, teachers, and my classmates me n. After an hur my stmach hurt. I thught abut hw my mm had just finished her running race f 42 kilmeters. That encuraged me keep ging. Finally, I did 2,110 sit-ups and finished in first place. I culdn’t believe it! I was, I felt great. All the kids arund lked at me like I’d just dne smething. That made me f myself.
    解析:1.考查介词。句意:我上小学的时候,仰卧起坐做得很好。be gd at为固定短语,意为“擅长”。故将in改为at。
    2.考查冠词。句意:六年级时,我参加了学校之间的一场仰卧起坐比赛。可数名词cmpetitin在句中表示“一场比赛”,泛指,前面应使用不定冠词修饰,又因sit-up 音标中的第一个单节是辅音音素/s/, 所以应使用不定冠词a。故将the改为a.
    5.考查动词时态。句意:尽管如此,我还是很紧张。那天,我的妈妈、老师和同学们都为我加油。根据语境和句中时间状语That day可知,应用一般过去时态,谓语动词cheer用过去式cheered.故将cheer改为cheered.
    6.考查固定搭配。句意:这鼓励我继续前进。encurage sb. t d...为固定搭配,跟不定式作宾语补足语。故在me后加t。
    7.考查形容词。句意:我很累,但我感觉很好。-ing 形容词常修饰限定事或物,表示“令人的”,-ed形容词常修饰限定人,表示“感到…...的" ;句中修饰主语1,表示“感到疲倦的”,用-ed 形容词tired.故将tiring改为tired。
    8.考查连词。句意:我很累,但我感觉很好。根据句意可知,"I was tired"和"I felt great"之间是转折关系,用连词but或yet连接两个分句。故将s改为but/yet.
    10.考查形容词。句意:这让我为自己感到骄傲。根据句意可知,pride 作使役动词made后宾语me的补足语,应用形容词prud,表状态。故将pride改为prud.
    Fllwing the rapid increase f the wrld ppulatin, mre lands were required t feed thse extra muths and land t build n fr them t live in. On tp f that, mre resurce and energy were als needed t keep the wrld's industries ging. Therefre a lt f natural habitat f wild life had been destryed fr the abve reasns. If urgent measures are nt being taken, then these wild life will be extinct like thse dinsaurs and dds. Many western civilized cuntries had set varius f wild life prtectin znes. Even China are ding smething t keep the pandas frm disappearing frm the Earth's surface. India and Bangladesh are paying a lt f attentin t their tigers t. But if peple want t keep their ther cmpanies n Earth then there are still a lt f wrks have t be dne.
    外加的、额外的: extra→additinal
    因此: Therefre→Hence
    各种各样的: varius→multifarius
    许多: a lt f→a great deal f
    原句: Fllwing the rapid increase f the wrld ppulatin, mre lands were required t feed thse extra muths and land t build n fr them t live in.
    拓展句: With the rapid increase f the wrld ppulatin, mre lands were required t feed thse extra muths and land t build n fr them t live in.
    [高分句型1] Fllwing the rapid increase f the wrld ppulatin, mre lands were required t feed thse extra muths and land t build n fr them t live in. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] If urgent measures are nt being taken, then these wild life will extinct like thse dinsaurs and dds.(运用了If引导的条件状语从句)

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