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    One weekend, my husband suggested we ck tgether. I had spken t my mther earlier that day n the phne. I had tld her abut ur life. She yawned(打哈欠) and we said __1__ t ne anther.
    I didn't knw then that just 16 hurs later, my mther wuld die.
    My mther was my best friend. After she died, I felt __2__. She was the nly persn I wanted t __3__. The nly persn wh culd help me was the ne wh was missing.
    My mther gave me many things, __4__ she had never taught me hw t ck. She liked t eat mre than ck. She lved t eat fish pie and __5__ it t us fr dinner. Almst every week, she wuld __6__ a prepared fish pie. Then she wuld bring it hme and make her wn white sauce.
    My mther __7__ taught me hw t make a white sauce, and I never wanted t ask her. Since she was gne, I wuld have t teach __8__.
    S this became my fcus. Fr the first few weeks, I survived (生存) n cheap fd. But ne night, a fish pie mix __9__ my eye at the stre.
    When I gt hme, I __10__ myself in frnt f ur electric stve. Armed with a __11__, I tried t teach myself t make a white sauce.
    Halfway thrugh the recipe, I culdn't believe it- I had made a white sauce n my wn! Then I remembered: I had always __12__ fish pie.
    Admiring my sauce, I wndered __13__ I wanted t make a dish I had hated fr 25 years. Why was it suddenly s imprtant?
    I pured the sauce ver the fish. Then I ate the pie. I realized that the act f __14__ calmed me dwn.
    It helped me find __15__.
    B.hell C.OK D.nthing
    B.pleased C.serius D.lnely
    3. A.help with B.cnnect with C.deal with D.end up with
    B.r C.but D.s
    B.manage C.add D.serve
    B.buy C.brrw D.ck
    B.smetimes C.ften D.always
    B.herself C.myself D.urselves
    B.preferred C.shwed D.caught
    B.set C.picked D.packed
    B.magazine C.newspaper D.textbk
    B.ate C.hated D.cked
    B.where C.hw D.when
    B.cking C.fishing D.resting
    B.family C.health D.peace
    Festival means having a great time fr fun. Every cuntry has its wn way f celebrating festivals. Here are sme interesting festivals in the wrld.
    Pamplna Bull(公牛) Run
    If yu want t experience running in frnt f the bull, yu can plan yur visit t Spain t jin in their amazing festival. Every year this festival is celebrated during July. Anyne wh is abve 18 can g and enjy this festival.
    Knaki Sum Fest
    Every year, this festival is celebrated during April in Japan. In this festival, Sum Wrestlers(相扑运动员) hld babies in their hands and face ff each ther t see whse baby will cry first. This festival is perfect fr smene wh lves sum wrestlers and babies.
    Hli, Vrindavan
    The Hli Festival is als knwn as the festival f clrs. It is an ancient Hindu festival. It starts with a bnfire (篝火) n the night befre Hli. The next day is a day f clrs.Everyne celebrates it by thrwing clrs and water t each ther. Every year it is celebrated in India during March.
    Gl den Retriever(金毛寻回犬) Festival
    Each summer in Sctland, usually arund July, hundreds f glden retrievers get tgether in the cuntry. The festival includes different games and cmpetitins fr glden retrievers and their human friends. With a big picnic f delicius Scttish fd and grup training classes, it is just a happy place t be.
    16. The Knaki Sum Fest_____________.
    A. is celebrated during July
    B. will shw many babies
    C. ends with a big picnic
    D. starts with a bnfire
    17. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. A seventeen-year-ld girl can jin in the Pamplna Bull Run.
    B. The babies in Knaki Sum Fest must be abve 8 mnths ld.
    C. Peple usually start t celebrate Hli ne night befre the festival.
    D. Glden Retriever Festival is a festival with different kinds f dgs.
    18. The main purpse f the passage is t_____________.
    A. intrduce sme festivals in the wrld
    B. cmpare the differences amng different festivals
    C. describe the histry f sme festivals
    D. explain why peple celebrate festivals
    The late president f Suth Africa, Nelsn Mandela, nce said: "If yu talk t a man in a language he understands, that ges t his head. If yu talk t a man in his wn language, that ges t his heart."
    Mandela understd that ur mther language is a very clse thing t us. Fr peple wh speak an ancient tngue as their mther language, it helps them keep their traditins. Their language is their main cnnectin with their ancestrs(祖先).
    S it's a serius thing when a language disappears. Over the last century, mre than 400 languages have died ut. Sme languages are nw spken nly by a few dzen peple, like Yagan in Chile. Africa and Suth America are als places where many languages are dying.
    Why are humans speaking fewer languages than we nce did? The answer has t d with glbalizatin (全球化). Nwadays, it's mre useful t speak certain languages - English is ne example - rather than thers. This has killed sme languages, usually nes spken by fewer r less influential peple.
    But sme peple aren't prepared t accept a planet with fewer and fewer languages. The United Natins has set Feb 21 as Internatinal Mther Language Day. The rganizatin wants peple t pay mre attentin t dying languages.
    This wrk is very imprtant. As US writer Rita Mae Brwn wrte, "Language is the radmap f a culture. It tells where its peple cme frm and where they are ging."
    19. What d Mandela's wrds mean?
    A. Internatinal language affects peple fr a lifetime.
    B. Nt everyne will take thers' advice.
    C. Our mther language is a very clse thing t us.
    D. Understandable language is gd language.
    20. Why d peple still speak the ancient tngue f their mther language?
    A. Because it's a way fr them t cnnect with their ancestrs.
    B. Because the ancient tngue makes their language special.
    C. Because it will keep their cnversatin secret.
    D. Because the ancient tngue sunds better than ther languages.
    21.Yagan in Chile is an example f_____________.
    A. the specialty f a language
    B. the fficial language f the cuntry
    C. a place t visit
    D. a dying language
    22. Internatinal Mther Language Day was set t_____________.
    A.make peple have ne mre festival
    B. have mre peple learn the same language
    C. make glbal cmmunicatin easier
    D. get peple t ntice dying languages
    My baby graduated last week. Waiting fr the ceremny t begin, I tk a pht and psted it n Facebk with wrds "I'm teary." Hwever, autcrrect (自动更正) changed my wrds t "I'm ready." Fr a minute I was unhappy. But the next minute I was cheering the handsme man, as he walked straight with a big smile t the headmaster. My heart was filled with pride, and I began t wnder if autcrrect had knwn smething.
    The idea f "empty nest" is ften cnnected with sadness, but the truth is that birds dn't have a prblem with it. Birds' parents encurage their children t leave the nest as sn as pssible, while cntinuing t prvide supprt. That sunds right t me. The fact that my kid is brave enugh t g ut n his wn means I did my jb well. And I shuld have the rewards.
    S, I started with a ht bath at 6:00 p.m.I enjyed it fr ver an hur, and then went ut t d sme running. Back hme then, I cked salmn -my favurite fish but my by disliked its smell. Later, in the evening, I didn't have t tell anyne t turn ff his cmputer and get sme sleep. But at midnight, I missed my by a little bit mre.
    The next mrning, I went fr a walk. Was I a terrible mther t live in the huse by myself? Then I remembered: my kid flew because I taught him t fly. If I'm happy t be drinking cffee as I write this, it's nt abut nt lving my by but abut finding his independence when he's away. It's abut realizing that when yur smartphne autcrrects "teary" t “ready", yu shuld take nte.
    23. Hw did the writer feel when she saw her by walking t the headmaster?
    A.Sad. B.Prud. C.Angry. D.Bred.
    24. What can we knw abut the writer frm Paragraph 2?
    A. She's always supprted her kid even if he's nt by her side.
    B. She's encuraged her kid t mve ut as late as pssible.
    C.She's dne her jb pretty well in helping with her kid's study.
    D.She's gt her reward fr raising such a brave kid by herself.
    25. Which wrd can best describe the writer's life in the third paragraph?
    A.Exciting. B.Amazing. C.Relaxing. D.Interesting.
    26. What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. The way t use autcrrect.
    B.The feelings abut graduatin.
    C. The view abut hw t bring up a baby.
    D. The experience f being an "empty-nest" mther.
    A new match-tiles-style game(消除类游戏) called "Yang Le Ge Yang" r "Sheep A Sheep"was ppular n WeChat's mini prgram fr several mnths last year. Develped by Beijing Jianyu Technlgy, the game had 2.6 billin views n Weib under its hashtag(话题标签) and related shrt vides were viewed widely.
    The game features sheep characters and challenging levels, with nly 0.1% f players able t pass all levels accrding t the develpers. Many users struggle with the secnd level, which is particularly difficult. The game als prvides custmizatin(定制化) chices fr players wh successfully cmplete matches by allwing them t change their sheep skins, alng with interesting backgrund music.
    By dividing game players int different grups accrding t their prvinces, "Yang Le Ge Yang" creates a strng sense f belnging and encurages players t win and bring hnr t their prvinces. What's mre, game tls are available t thse wh share the game n scial media, which has helped t make it mre ppular. The game's "Hard Fun" style has made it a hit amng players lking fr a challenge, and advertising pprtunities prvide ptential incme (潜在的收入) fr the cmpany behind the game. Users must watch in-app ads t get mre pwerful tls t vercme difficulties in the matching prcess.
    Hwever, will "Yang Le Ge Yang" be ppular fr much lnger r will it be replaced and frgtten? Similar, mre trendy games are likely t fllw sn, as ften happens with such small and easy-t-make games.
    27. Frm Paragraph 1, we can learn abut the_____________ f "Yang Le Ge Yang".
    A.ppularity B. game creatr
    C. number f players D. mst difficult level
    28. In this game, the_____________ level is pretty hard fr players t pass.
    A.first B.secnd C.third D.furth
    29. Users get tls while playing by_____________.
    ①changing their skin cvers
    ②jining different grups based n the prvinces they are frm
    ③sharing the game n scial media
    ④watching in-app advertisements
    A.①② B.②③④ C.③④ D.①②③④
    30. What can we infer frm the last paragraph abut this game?
    A. "Yang Le Ge Yang" will be mre and mre ppular.
    B. The future success f"Yang Le Ge Yang" remains t be seen.
    C. Similar games f "Yang Le Ge Yang" have cme ut
    D. Its develpment cst and entry cst are high.
    __31__: their family names, given names and curtesy names (字)
    Take the famus pet Li Bai as an example. His family name was Li, his given name was Bai. __32__
    Peple used their given names when they were amng family members. But in scial life, they called each ther by their curtesy names t shw respect. __33__ If yu were talking abut yurself, r if yur elders were talking abut yu, the given name wuld be used instead f the curtesy name.
    Men wuld get their curtesy names when they turned 20. It was a symbl f adulthd(成人). __34__
    __35__ Fr example, Mencius' name was Meng Ke (孟). His curtesy name was Ziyu (子舆). Bth Ke and Ziyu mean "carriage(马车)". Zhuge Liang's given name was Liang, which means "bright". His curtesy name was Kngming, which means "very bright".
    A. This was mstly dne amng peple f similar ages.
    B. Wmen wuld get their curtesy names after getting married.
    C. In ancient China, peple's names had three parts
    D. One's curtesy name ften had smething t d with ne's given name
    E. And his curtesy name was Taibai.
    Dgs are my father's favrite animal.He likes t watch the mvies abut dgs,and he als enjys reading __36__ (小说) abut them.
    He used t keep a pet dg fr ver five years. Unluckily, the dg was __37__(死的) in an accident in rder t save him. It was a big shck t my father. Whenever the wrd "dg" was __38__(提到), his face turned pale. He became s silent. I was wrried and wndered hw t cheer him up.
    Finally, I decided t make a special __39__ (明片) fr ur dg. My mm was willing t help me. We cllected all the __40__ (材料) we needed. We used the tls such as knives and __41__(剪刀). As we wanted t keep it a secret, we had t d it bit by bit. Several days later, we gt __42__(确切地) what we wanted. T make it mre meaningful, I even recrded a shrt __43__(演讲) fr the dg. When I gave the special gift t my father, he culdn't help crying. He kept __44__(重复) the sentence I wrte "Lng live the __45__(英雄) in ur heart althugh they are gne."We were glad t see light back in his eyes again.
    I'm Lin Peng. I'm a student in Guangming Middle Schl. When I was in Grade Seven, I always did badly in English. And I even gt pr grades __46__ English tests. That made me feel very sad. I wanted t give up at that time, but my parents and my teacher encuraged me t wrk hard. I was tld by __47__ nt t lse hpe. My teacher gave me sme suggestins. She asked me t speak as much as pssible. She said, "The mre yu speak it, the__48__ yur English will becme. Dn't be shy and dn't be afraid f __49__ mistakes." Nw I am interested in English. And I put my heart int English study all the time. Last week, I tk part in an English __50__ held by ur schl, and I wn the first prize. Hw prud I was! Hpe is always there, in ur hearts. S just keep it in mind and ur dreams will cme true ne day.
    Chinese martial arts, als called kung fu, make up a number f fighting styles that have develped ver the centuries in China. Chinese kung fu started in China. It is __51__ fast as the wind, as stable (稳定的) as the muntains and as pwerful as fire. Kung fu is nt nly __52__ (use)but als graceful. Therefre, kung fu is __53__ (regard) as the Oriental martial art. Many freigners want t learn it, __54__ mre and mre special schls fr learning martial arts appeared in many ther cuntries arund the wrld.
    Over centuries f develpment, the term "kung fu" has nw cvered a number f fighting __55__ (style).The famus nes are tai chi,Shalin kung fu and ginggng.Kung fu is gd __56__ health and self-defense(自我防卫). In recent years, kung fu __57__ (becme) mre and mre ppular all ver the wrld.
    There have been famus kung fu __58__ (star) like Bruce Lee. He played __59__ imprtant rle in __60__ (develp) Jeet Kune D(截拳道). His kung fu u skills have been kept alive by actrs like Jackie Chan. Nwadays, many peple still learn kung fu skills.
    Dear Li Ping
    I heard that yu've made great prgress in English. Hw can yu make it? I remember yu were nt gd at it befre. I really want t imprve my English, t. Culd yu please tell me the way yu learn it.
    I lk frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Ma Ta
    Dear Ma Ta,
    I knw yu really want t imprve yur English. Dn't wrry. Let me help yu.
    Studying in a gd way really helps. Hpe yu can als make prgress
    Li Ping
    1-10 ADBCD BACDB
    11-20 ACABD BCACA
    21-30 DDBACDABCB
    31-35 CEABD
    36. nvels 37.dead 38. mentined 39.pstcard 40. materials
    41. scissrs 42.exactly 43. speech 44.repeating 45.heres
    46.in 47.them 48.better 49.making 50.cmpetitin
    51.as 52.useful 53.regarded 54.s 55.styles
    56.fr 57.has becme 58. stars 59.an 60.develping
    Dear Ma Ta,
    I knw yu really want t imprve yur English. Dn't wrry. Let me help yu.
    As yu knw, I was pr in English. I used t read wrd by wrd and culdn't understand what the teacher said. I was afraid t speak in public. Every time I had English classes, I was s nervus that I culdn't answer any questins. English class was like a bad dream fr me. Hwever, I have changed a lt this team. I fund a lt f interesting ways t imprve my English. I began t listen t English sngs r watch sme simple English mvies that I am interested in. Then I ften ask my teacher r classmates fr help and take ntes carefully in class. That makes me understand sme basic wrds and expressins. I becme mre and mre interested in studying English.
    Studying in a gd way really helps. Hpe yu can als make prgress.
    Li Ping
    gd cmpetitin they in make
    The way I learned English in the past
    used t, be afraid t speak in public, read wrd by wrd,...
    The way I learn this year
    help, take ntes in class, imprve speaking skills by...

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