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    这是一份2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第一中学校高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了81 rating,59 rating等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:90分钟 分值:100分
    第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    Hla, bnjur, ni ha, hey yu! It’s time t dig int sme high schl language immersin (沉浸式) prgrams. Ready t put in sme class wrk verseas? Then these high schl study abrad prgrams are just fr yu:
    Nacel Educatinal Travel High Schl Exchange — 9.81 rating (评分)
    Kicking it with yur hst sister, beach days in Italy ... Study Japanese language and pp culture r imprve yur German with Nacel’s language immersin prgrams. Yu’ll live with a friendly lcal family. Besides, all Nacel students get a free e-learning curse befre they arrive!
    Where? Japan, Italy, France, Germany
    GVI’s Language Immersin Summer Camps — 9.76 rating
    If yu’ re lking t pick up sme lesser spken vcabulary, cnsider a Nepali language immersin prgram. Or, cnsider high schl Spanish immersin prgrams t study Spanish in Csta Rica. With GVI, yu’ll learn the language, help with lcal prjects, and be immersed in lcal culture.
    Where? Nepal, Csta Rica
    CIP High Schl Language Exchange Prgram — 9.59 rating
    Yu’ ll take Chinese lessns at a Chinese high schl, alng with subjects f yur interest. Hw d afternns cking dumplings, practicing Kung Fu mves, and testing ut yur calligraphy skills sund? Mst Chinese lessns will be taught at a lcal high schl and yu’ll be prvided a rm in the schl.
    Where? China
    Carpe Diem’s Caribbean Isles Semester — 8.59 rating
    Dancing and the best Cuban sandwiches f yur life ! Head t Cuba and add the perfect tuch t yur Spanish studies. With ver 20 years f experience, Carpe Diem’s Caribbean Isles Semester will g beynd all yur expectatins. Thrugh scial utings and adventure travel, yu’ll quickly fall in lve with this Caribbean cultural htspt.
    Where? Cuba
    1. Hw high a scre des a German-related prgram get?
    A. 9.81.B. 9.76.C. 9.59.D. 8.59.
    2. Which f the fllwing might Mary attend if she likes Nepali culture?
    A. Nacel Educatinal Travel High Schl Exchange.
    B. CIP High Schl Language Exchange Prgram.
    C. GVI’ s Language Immersin Summer Camps.
    D. Carpe Diem’ s Caribbean Isles Semester.
    3. What can students d n the CIP High Schl Language Exchange Prgram?
    A. Learn t dance.B. D cmmunity service.
    C. Attend an e-learning curse.D. Experience lcal high schl life.
    I recently attended a wedding in a rural area in nrth Italy, and guests were prvided with a car and driver fr the 90-minute jurney int the hills. That was exciting: A private car! I culd pretend I was rich! Since I’m nt, thugh, I had n idea hw much this trip actually cst. As a result, after ur driver picked us back up at midnight, I secretly wrried all the way hme abut tipping (给小费) him.
    I fished arund nervusly in my purse and realized that all I had was a $100 nte, which I was keeping fr an emergency. I had nthing smaller. And I had nthing else t ffer but tw chclates frm the wedding. S, I culd tip the driver that $100 nte r tw chclates. In the end, I chse the mney
    The whle matter f tipping has lng been a surce f awkward interactins—and, fr sme travellers, mild anxiety—thrughut the wrld. Tipping custms vary wildly frm cuntry t cuntry. A friend in Rme tells me that Italians get hurt by big tips.“Leaving a big tip is cnsidered implite,” she adds,“I’ve had Italian friends make me take mney back.”
    It reminded me f my 100-dllar tip. What if I had annyed the driver? S I decided t call the car cmpany and ask them t pass n a message t the driver aplgizing fr the imprper tip and explaining the situatin.
    T my surprise, the car cmpany respnded that the driver had actually called t express his gratitude fr the unexpected big tip. He had apparently been having a tugh week and the mney had cme at just the right time.
    I was astnished. All my wrry had been fr nthing. What started ut as a surce f anxiety ended up being a heartwarming experience. I learned that smetimes it’s better t g with yur feelings and be generus, even if it means taking a risk.
    4. What did the authr realize when she dug arund in her purse?
    A. She had spent 100 dllars n emergency.
    B. She had t ask the driver fr smaller changes.
    C. She had nthing but tw chclates t ffer the driver.
    D. She had n smaller ntes and might tip t high r t lw.
    5. Why did the authr mentin the tipping in Italy?
    A. T cmpare different tipping custms.
    B. T share a persnal stry f her friend.
    C. T shw the pssibility f upsetting the driver
    D. T explain her rich knwledge n tipping
    6. What was the driver’s respnse t the tipping?
    A. He was annyed by the large tip.B. He appreciated the authr’s genersity.
    C. He was grateful and refused the mney.D. He was upset by the awkward interactin.
    When put t tests, bees have lng prved that they’ve gt a lt mre t ffer than pllinating (授粉) , making hney and being lyal t a queen. The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is prf that they als like t play.
    Scientists frm Queen Mary University f Lndn perfrmed an experiment, in which they set up a cntainer that allwed bees t travel frm their nest t a feeding area. But alng the way, the bees culd chse t pass thrugh a separate sectin with sme small wden balls. Over 18 days, the scientists watched as the bees “went ut f their way t rll wden balls repeatedly, despite n apparent incentive (刺激)t d s. ”
    Earlier studies have shwn that the black and yellw bugs are willing t learn new tricks in exchange fr fd r ther rewards. In this case, t get rid f external factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.
    The finding suggests that like humans insects als interact with bjects as a frm f play. Als similar t peple, yunger bees seem t be mre playful than adult bees. “This research prvides a strng indicatin that insect minds are far mre cmplicated than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals (哺乳动物) and birds,” said Lars Chittka, a prfessr f sensry and behaviral eclgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, wh led the study.
    The study’s first authr, Samadi Galpay, wh is a PhD student at Queen Mary University f Lndn, states that it is mre evident that bees may be capable f experiencing feelings. “They may actually experience sme kind f psitive emtinal states, even if basic, like ther larger animals d. This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and welfare f insects, which, cnsequently, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre,” she says.
    7. What is the new finding abut bees?
    A. They are fnd f having fun.
    B. They are faithful t the queen.
    C. They are adaptable t changes.
    D. They are skilled at rlling balls.
    8 Hw did scientists remve external influences in the experiment?
    A By teaching bees new tricks.
    B. By rewarding bees with fd.
    C. By making bees feel at hme.
    D. By building new hmes fr bees.
    9. What are Lars Chittka’s wrds mainly abut?
    A. The frms f bees’ interactin.
    B. The cmplexity f bees’ minds.
    C. The examples f mammals’ play.
    D. The purpse f mammals’ enjyment.
    10. What des Samadi Galpay say abut the study result?
    A. It backs up prir understanding f insects.
    B. It reveals reasns fr bees’ psitive feelings.
    C. It drives research n animals’ emtinal state.
    D. It cntributes t wildlife cnservatin n Earth.
    第二节 根 据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    Fr peple wh are planning a trip, a visit t a museum might nt be the first thing they think f. After all, there are plenty f ways t appreciate the wrld’s civilizatin, gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends. ____11____
    Museums are where peple learn smething new, at every age! Are yu interested in smething specific? ____12____. There, yu will find yurself drawn in and inspired! Museums are a fantastic place t learn abut a regin’s histry, scientific achievements, majr cultural events, and f curse, dinsaurs. They als design exhibitins related t visual arts, industrial innvatins and anything that inspires an individual t learn abut the past and create new paths t the future.
    ____13____ They will surely be an exciting part f the educatinal experience with the main purpse t expse children t knwledge f varius fields and expand their hrizns. T achieve that, museums are wrking t create meaningful and engaging activities, interactive and knwledge-based.
    Museums supprt turism. They are turism prmters in small twns and large cities. Museums aren’t a burden n tax revenue (税收) r a separate cncern frm ther city prjects. ____14____Statistics shw that museums supprt mre than 726, 000 jbs in America.
    Museums shape cmmunities. They have activities and exhibitins thrugh which visitrs can learn abut lcal histry. Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a cllective identity is frmed. They prvide an interesting public space where peple meet and talk t each ther. ____15____
    A. Museums bring ut the best qualities in children.
    B. Museums ften deliver kids-centered exhibitins.
    C. Instead, they generate funding and fuel emplyment.
    D. Then, visit a lcal museum t learn abut that subject.
    E Even shpping at the gift shp there is an pprtunity fr cnnectin.
    F. On the cntrary, they cnsume a small percentage f city funds annually.
    G. The fact, hwever, is that museums ffer magical benefits in many ways.
    第 一 节完形填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面的短文,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项,在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Natalie and Callie, bth 13 years ld, started raising mnarch butterflies fr fun in 2020.
    But after realizing the mnarchs were an endangered species, their ____16____ sn turned int a serius missin.
    They learned that the ppulatin f mnarch butterflies had ____17____ since the early 1990s, due t habitat ____18____ and widespread use f chemicals, which made the milkweeds (马利筋草) the mnarchs____19____ fr their main diet dangerus t eat.
    S the girls teamed up with a natinal nnprfit grup t plant a native garden ____20____ fr the mnarchs. The garden grew rganic milkweeds that ____21____ and kept the butterflies. T help ____22____the lcals t sustain ( 维 持 ) the mnarch ppulatin, they created an exhibitin abut the mnarchs in the lcal library. They als wanted t put up an educatinal sign in twn, but it ____23____ a lt. T cver the expense, they set up a stand at the Farmers Market t sell their ____24____ milkweeds fr peple t plant. Althugh the fundraising days were _____25_____they finally succeeded in earning enugh mney with their hard wrk and peple’s supprt.
    The team has wn the Silver Award fr their _____26_____ f taking care f butterflies, but they are nt _____27_____ with their wrk.“Our next step is t cut dwn n the use f _____28_____ t guarantee a safe envirnment fr the mnarchs,” said Natalie. In the award ceremny, their teacher Brian_____29_____ “I am s prud f them fr their cnstant _____30_____
    16. A. dreamB. hbbyC. careerD. decisin
    17. A. dubledB. agedC. declinedD. explded
    18. A. managementB. assessmentC. selectinD. destructin
    19. A. relied nB. kept ffC. brke dwnD. gave away
    20. A. partlyB. secretlyC. rarelyD. specially
    21. A. attractedB. prtectedC. mnitredD. trapped
    22. A. emplyB. educateC. frceD. limit
    23. A. meantB. cstC. changedD. hurt
    24. A. dryB. medicalC. healthyD. wild
    25. A. pleasingB. lightC. lngD. disappinting
    26. A. prjectB. cnceptC. scheduleD. hmewrk
    27. A. cncernedB. cnnectedC. finishedD. busy
    28. A. chemicalsB. timeC. fundsD. energy
    29. A. jkedB. cntinuedC. repliedD. cmmented
    30. A. dnatinsB. supprtC. patienceD. effrts
    31. We have a wide selectin f sweaters that will appeal _____ all ages, and in particular the teenager market.
    A. frB. inC. tD. n
    32. The plicemen are trained t defend themselves _______ knife attacks.
    A. fB. inC. frmD. abut
    33. She fund herself in ________ with her parents ver her future career.
    A. cnflictB. cntentC. basisD. balance
    34. I can’t beat yu at tennis, but I have an ________ n yur ping-pang.
    A. emtinB. edgeC. appealD. arrangement
    35. —D yur parents plan t have a secnd child?
    —_________ nt.
    A. EventuallyB. OriginallyC. NaturallyD. Definitely
    36. Alice trust yu. Only yu can ________ her t give up the flish idea.
    A. persuadeB. masterC. displayD. mnitr
    37. It is ________ fr students t feel nervus befre an exam.
    A. necessaryB. riginalC. incredibleD. nrmal
    38. Getting a driver’s license ________ learning hw t drive, studying the rules f the rad, and taking a test.
    A. invlvesB. assuresC. inspiresD. equips
    39. The cmpany has been _____ frm a family business int ne with 5,000 wrkfrce.
    A. translatedB. transprtedC. transplantedD. transfrmed
    40. My grandfather is eighty nw, but he is as ______ as a yung man and dislikes sitting arund ding nthing all day.
    A. satisfyingB. energeticC. absrbedD. incredible
    41. The shy girl felt ______ and uncmfrtable when she culd nt answer her teacher’s questins.
    A. amazedB. curiusC. awkwardD. cntent
    42. T leave a gd impressin in the jb interview Mr. Green ________ his newly-bught suit.
    A. put upB. put ffC. put utD. put n
    43. The manager tried t explain the prblem,but what he said didn’t t the players.
    A. get away withB. get ver
    C. get dwnD. get acrss
    44. Yu shuld ________ what yur parents expect f yu.
    A. live up tB. stand up tC. lk up tD. run up t
    45. If we dn’t take steps, the Tibetan antelpes and pandas will ________ sme day like dinsaurs, which is quite terrible.
    A. die utB. die away
    C. die dwnD. die ff
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内 容 ,或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Qian Xuesen, r Hsue-shen Tsien (11December 1911—31 Octber 2009), was a Chinese mathematician, aerspace engineer and physicist,.____46____ made significant cntributins t the field f aerdynamics (空气动力学).
    After graduating frm a high schl in Beijing, Qian ____47____(admit) int Shanghai Jiatng University in 1934. In August 1935, Qian left China____48____(study) mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) n a schlarship, where he btained a Master f Science degree after ne year
    Later, Qian left fr the Califrnia Institute f Technlgy (Caltech) and studied under Thedre vn Karman, wh was regarded as____49____ utstanding scientist f the 20th century. Shrtly after arriving at Caltech, Qian was invlved ____50____ rcket-related experiments at a labratry at Caltech. He received his dctr’s degree frm Caltech in 1939.
    During Wrld War II Qian helped prepare an analysis f the German rcket prgram fr the US.
    ____51____, Qian had difficulty adjusting t American culture and his strng persnal attachment t China caused suspicins (怀疑). Thrugh a series f____52____ (effrt), Qian was ____53____ (ultimate) allwed t return t China with his wife and kids several years later. T his surprise, ____54____ he received in China was a her’s welcme frm the Chinese gvernment.
    He earned the title "the father f China’s aerspace", because he persnally trained the first generatin f China’s aerspace engineers. Qian’s lve fr China and his ____55____ (determine) t the revitalizatin ( 复 兴 ) f China made him a well-respected scientist in the histry f China.
    56. In sme languages, 100 wrds make up half f all wrds ____ (use) in daily cnversatins. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    57. Grup activities will be rganized after class ______(help) children develp team spirit. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    58. The unemplyment rate in this district ________ (fall) frm 6% t 5% since tw years ag. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    59. The prducer cmes regularly t cllect the cameras ____ (return) t ur shp fr quality prblems. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    60. Last night,there were millins f peple_________(watch)the pening ceremny live n TV. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    61. I dn’t mind ________ (laugh) at. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    62. Children, when ___________ (accmpany) by their parents ,are allwed t enter the stadium. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    63. There is n greater pleasure than lying n my back in the middle f the grassland, ________(stare)at the night sky.
    64. Anxiusly, she tk the dress ut f the package and tried it n, nly ________ (find) it didn’t fit. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    65. Clearly and thughtfully____________(write), the bk inspires cnfidence in students wh wish t seek their wn answers. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    66. The number f deaths frm heart disease will be reduced greatly if peple _______(persuade) t eat mre fruit and vegetables. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    67. Ordinary sap,______ (use)crrectly, can deal with bacteria effectively. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    68. ______(raise) in the prest area f Glasgw, he had a lng, hard rad t becming a ftball star. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    69. ________ (catch) the early flight, we rdered a taxi in advance and gt up very early. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第三部分书面表达(共 一节,满 分 15 分 )
    70. 假定你是校篮球队队长李华。近期你校将与新华中学举行一场篮球比赛,请你写封邮件告知你的队友Jack,内容包括:
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua

    黑龙江省哈尔滨市第一名校2022-2023学年高一下学期第一次质量检测英语含解析: 这是一份黑龙江省哈尔滨市第一名校2022-2023学年高一下学期第一次质量检测英语含解析,文件包含2022-2023学年高一下学期第一次质量检测英语Word版答案docx、2022-2023学年高一下学期第一次质量检测英语Word版试卷docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第一中学校高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第一中学校高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷含答案,共18页。

    2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学校高一下学期第一次验收考试英语试卷含解析: 这是一份2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学校高一下学期第一次验收考试英语试卷含解析,共33页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分30分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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