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      精品解析:山东省聊城市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题 (原卷版).docx
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      精品解析:山东省聊城市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题 (解析版).docx
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the man want t d?
    A. Stay in the htel. B. See an exhibitin. C. Visit the Central Park.
    2. Hw much shuld the wman pay?
    A. $72. B.$90. C.$81.
    3. Where is the man’s hat?
    A. At hme. B. In the library. C. In the classrm.
    4 What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Manager and clerk.
    B. Tailr and custmer.
    C. Saleswman and custmer.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Rebecca’s hmetwn. B. Rebecca’s bring life. C. Rebecca’s travel plan.
    6 What des Tm say abut the new teammate?
    A. Talkative. B. Unfriendly. C. Funny.
    7. What des the wman suggest Tm d first?
    A. Talk t the new member. B. Practice basketball mre. C. Ask his cach fr help.
    8 Hw can they get cheaper tickets?
    A. G with anther ne. B. Ask fr help. C. Buy grup tickets.
    9. Why wn’t the man g t the perfrmance?
    A. He desn’t like ballet. B. He didn’t get the ticket. C. He has t wrk n his paper.
    10. Hw lng des it take t g t Mary’s Fantasy?
    A. One hur. B. Tw hurs. C. One and a half hurs.
    11. What can we learn abut Changbaishan Internatinal Ski Center?
    A. It csts less.
    B. It has n restaurant in it.
    C It’s nearer than Mary’s Fantasy.
    12. What des the man agree t d?
    A. Find a restaurant. B. Get sme mney. C. Prepare sme fd.
    13. Why des Glria lk unhappy?
    A. She desn’t have a break.
    B. She culdn’t get a plane ticket.
    C. She has been tired f studying.
    14. What des the man advise Glria t d?
    A. Check the ride bard. B. Take a train. C. G hme by taxi.
    15. What des a white card stand fr?
    A. Owning a car.
    B. Lking fr a ride.
    C. Finding riders t share the driving.
    16. Where is the ride bard?
    A. In frnt f the cinema. B. Ina travel agent’s ffice. C. In the Student Unin building.
    17. Why is the cntest rganized?
    A. T advertise ht dgs.
    B. T make a restaurant knwn.
    C. T draw mre turists t Brklyn.
    18. When did Jey Chestnut win the men’s cntest fr the first time?
    A. In2007. B. In2010. C. In2014.
    19. Where was the cntest held this year?
    A. In Nathan’s Famus. B. On the street. C. At a TV studi.
    20. What d we knw abut Ms. Sud?
    A. She wears a mask. B. She’s a frequent winner. C. She quit the cntest midway.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Where can yu discver sme really smth whiskey? Here, we bring yu places f Sctland that yu must include in yur travel plan.
    The Glenlivet
    In the 1800s, whiskey smuggling (走私) was n a rise in Sctland. The place was surrunded with ver 200 unlawful prductin units arund the muntain. But all this is the thing f the past as the brand tday has built a market fr itself and legalized (合法化) its wn style f spirits (烈酒) which satisfies its audience even tday.
    The Macallan
    There is a lyal lvers club f the brand as it is ne f the finest sctches (苏格兰威士忌). The Macallan has a range f wnderful whiskeys t impress an expert. The brand has mastered the art f creating beautiful flavrs(口味) fr extremely expensive spirits. On yur visit, yu can learn all abut the prcess f making whiskeys frm start t finish alng with a, fine tasting sessin (会期) f yur brand in the end.
    Of the eight available facilities (设施) arund the areas, Laphraig is the finest facility. Lcated n the windswept island, the Laphraig facility is easily accessible by airways frm Glasgw. Often visited by ryalty and celebrities, this distillery (酿酒厂) is a dream place fr whiskey lvers. Dn’t frget t pick up an expensive flavured spirts frm varius tasting sessins.
    A visit t this particular distillery is a mini vacatin and an experience itself. With a glf curse t rganic fd and a visit t the nearby Tarlgie Springs, this tur will make yur experience wrthwhile. Fr yur knwledge the Glenmrangie cmes with a clearly different traditin f whiskey making.
    1. What happened t Sctland whisky in the 19th century?
    A. Its smuggling kept ging up.B. It had its legal style.
    C. Its brand market was frmed.D. Its audience were frm muntain areas.
    2. Where can yu visit if yu want t knw the whle prcedure f making whiskey?
    A. The Glenlivet & The MacallanB. Glenmrangie & The Macallan
    C. Laphraig & GlenmrangieD. The Glenlivet & Glenmrangie
    3. What’s the text mainly abut?
    A. Interesting buildings.B. Different views n spirits.
    C. Varius facilities in Sctland.D. Places famus fr whiskey.
    Having grwn up n a farm near Allistn, Ontari, Frederick Banting was a gd wrker but felt uncmfrtable and unaccepted in a twn schl. Fred hated schl. After graduatin, he began studies t becme a minister. When that did nt g well, he changed his gal t medicine. After Wrld War I, the yung Canadian dctr returned hme t set up his practice. Just then he began t fcus n articles n diabetes (糖尿病), a disease that had cst the life f a neighbr’s child.
    T slve the prblem f this disease, Fred asked Dr. J.J. R. Macled at the University f Trnt fr help t lend him a labratry and was given a yung assistant named Charles Best. Fred and Charles wrked day and night, but early results in prducing the hrmne (激素) preparatin they called insulin (胰岛素) were discuraging. Many f the animals they treated died. Finally ne animal kept alive fr several weeks. The team appeared t be finally getting smewhere, and it was time t mve n t human subjects. Befre treating human patients, hwever, Fred and Charles tested the safety f their insulin n each ther. Their tests were a triumph.
    The first patient t be treated was a furteen-year-ld by named Lenard. The year was1921. The pr by weighed nly seventy-five punds, and he was hardly alive. But the new insulin treatment by Fred and Charles was a great success. Lenard gained weight, and his health greatly imprved.
    In 1923 the Nbel Prize in medicine was awarded bth t Canadian dctrs Frederick Banting and Macled. Fred culd have made himself a millinaire with his discvery. Instead, he sld his patent fr the prductin f insulin t the University f Trnt—fr ne dllar—s that the drug culd be marketed cheaply and thusands f lives culd be saved and imprved.
    Fred was just rdinary in many respects but he was a man with the strng will t get t his gal. He had the heart f a true Canadian her.
    4. What’s the main purpse f paragraph 1?
    A. T tell why Fred graduated early.
    B. T shw why Fred changed his life gal.
    C. T intrduce hw Fred tk up the research.
    D. T tell what Fred experienced in the war.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “triumph” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Reference.B. Victry.C. Challenge.D. Mdel
    6. Why did Fred sell his patent?
    A. T make mney.B. T earn reputatin.
    C. T prmte insulin.D. T benefit patients.
    7. Which f the fllwing is prbably the best title fr the text?
    A. An Unlikely HerB. A Chance Discvery
    C. A Successful TestD. A Well—knwn Scientist
    Tday when it cmes t the use f digital(数码的) technlgy, girls have less basic educatin, leaving them far behind bys. And because the wrld is mre digital. thse wh lack(缺少) basic internet skills will find it mre difficult t take part in the frmal ecnmy(经济), t get a quality educatin, and t have their vices heard.
    Since 2013 the glbal gender gap(性别差异) in male and female abut the Internet has actually increased frm 11 t 12 percent. Wrse yet, wmen and girls living in the prest cuntries are 31 percent less likely than men and bys t surf the Internet. In develping cuntries, sme 200 millin fewer wmen than men wn a mbile phne, the mst cmmn means f surfing the internet there. This digital divide is increasing. and if it cntinues at the present pace, it is predicted that ver 75 percent f wmen and girls will lack internet access (进入) and digital skills.
    There are many causes f the digital gender gap. They include girls’ exclusin (排斥) frm basic educatin, frm specific technlgy educatin and high csts f mbile phnes and internet access.
    Indeed, ne f the s-called reasns why girls may be discuraged frm learning hw t access and use digital technlgy is als a grundless(毫无根据的) ne: that girls are simply nt gd at using technlgy.
    Withut the help f the gvernment, mst f the benefits f technlgical change will be enjyed nly by men, making gender inequality even mre serius.
    8. What can we knw frm paragraph 1?
    A. Girls usually dn’t like t share their ideas.
    B. Girls dn’t have enugh digital knwledge.
    C. Bys are mre interested in making mney.
    D. Bys may always receive advanced educatin.
    9. Hw des the writer make his statement in paragraph 2?
    A. By listing numbers.B. By giving reasns.
    C. By fllwing time rder.D. By giving examples.
    10. What is the writer’s attitude t the idea that girls are simply nt gd at using technlgy?
    A. Psitive.B. Acceptable.C. Negative.D. Unclear.
    11. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. Girls are lacking in educatin.
    B. Wmen suffer a lt frm pr ecnmy.
    C. Internet cntinues t develp fast and fast.
    D. Girls are at a disadvantage cmpared with bys in digital technlgy.
    I’ve persnally traveled thrugh many cuntries that have had U. S. gvernment warnings issued(发布) fr them, and I’ve been perfectly safe. In the last year, I have travelled safely t bth the Philippines and Mexic, and traveled t many Suth Pacific islands during the trpical cyclne (热带气旋) seasn and nly experienced tw days f light rain in six mnths! This is, f curse, anecdtal(轶事的), s it’s imprtant that yu d yur research befre bking yur trip.
    One thing I suggest ding is checking fr recent psts n travel frums(论坛), such as Lnely Planet’s Thrntree, t see what peple are saying abut the cuntry yu’ll visit in terms f safety. The U. S. gvernment may make ut that the whle cuntry is quite unsafe when in reality, it’s a small part f it that turists will be unlikely t visit. Read the travel warnings, t, t see which parts f the cuntry the gvernment advises yu nt t visit.
    And then, it’s wrth speaking t yur travel insurance prvider befre yu leave t check that yu’ll be cvered during yur travels t these cuntries. Sme insurance(保险) cmpanies wn’t cver yu if there’s a severe warning fr the cuntry, but sme will. Travel insurance is a necessity, s it’s smething t check ut befre yu leave.
    Keep in mind that the U. S. gvernment will help yu with emergency evacuatin (撤离) frm a trubled cuntry but it cmes in the frm f a repatriatin (归国) lan via the Office f American Citizens Services and Crisis Management (ACS), which can be called upn t save yu frm a bad situatin abrad. Remember by heart that yu’ll have t wait verseas fr the mney t arrive and eventually repay the lan nce yu’re hme safely. Just anther reasn t get travel insurance!
    12. What shuld yu d befre a travel accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A. Make a gd rute plan.B. Read the travel bks first.
    C. Ask the gvernment fr help.D. Make a careful study f the trip.
    13. What des the authr advise yu t check fr n travel frums?
    A. Turist places.B. Travel safety.
    C. Lnely planet.D. Weather frecast.
    14. Why is it necessary t knw abut travel insurance cmpanies?
    A. They seldm talk with custmers.B. They smetimes ffer bad service.
    C. They may prvide false infrmatin.D. Sme f them dn’t cver all the cuntries.
    15. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. ACS will repay the lan fr yu.
    B. U.S gvernment is very generus.
    C. Getting travel insurance is a best chice.
    D. It’s easy t escape frm a trubled cuntry.
    Smething strange has been happening t me lately: Wmen in the street have been telling me I’m brave. ____16____ I just stpped clring my hair.
    I had brwn hair that started ging gray when I was thirty. ____17____ It was expensive and time-cnsuming. And my hair grew fast, s I needed t g back t the hair saln every five weeks. Many peple seem t enjy hlding n t their yuth fr as lng as pssible. But ur hair starts t turn gray and we start spending 500 r mre a year t cver smething ur male clleagues dn’t need t cver.
    ____18____ My mther is 91 and still has “blnd” hair, and why nt? I just wish mre f us wuld feel that it was OK t be urselves because ging gray has dne mre fr me than saving me time and mney. I like my natural hair, just as it is. I like hw it has gtten curly and full again. It is recvering (恢复) after years f being damaged by chemicals. ____19____
    When I see my hair in the mirrr, it’s a reminder that my time is limited, and I shuld spend it ding what matters. There’ s nthing shameful (丢脸的) abut grwing lder. ____20____ I see my gray hair as a little act f rebellin (叛逆) against the idea that peple lse value as they age, instead f gaining it.
    A. My act f curage isn’t much.
    B. Enjy whatever life gives time.
    C. Dyeing (染色) made me lk yunger.
    D. S I started dyeing it like a lt f wmen.
    E. Of curse peple shuld d what they want with their wn bdy.
    F. And pretending it’s nt happening is a way f giving up ur pwer.
    G. I als like that it has given me sme needed feeling that yuth seems s imprtant.
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分35分)
    Tinky, an eight-year-ld girl, was studying in a primary schl in a village. One day sme naughty kids ____21____ sme greeting cards frm a shp while its shpkeeper was busy in ther ____22____. Tinky tld her friends that stealing was a very bad thing. But her friends didn’t ____23____ the cards, instead they gave ne t Tinky. She gt excited with that magic greeting card and ____24____ nt t tell anybdy abut these stlen cards.
    Next day Tinky was thinking t whm this beautiful card shuld be given ____25____ she asked her sisters abut it. They tld her that she shuld give the card t her teacher and write a few ____26____ fr her.
    On New Year’s Day she gave the greeting card t her teacher, ____27____“I lve yu and happy new year, dear teacher! Yu are s beautiful like a necklace full f diamnds!” Her teacher didn’t expect it frm her because children ____28____ give greeting cards t their friends nly.
    S when receiving it, her teacher was ____29____ but smiled. She started reading what was written in it. The teacher’s heart was filled with _____30_____ and happiness. She hugged Tinky _____31_____ and Tinky was als full f jy. Then Tinky _____32_____ what if her teacher came t knw that it was a stlen card. Finally she decided t tell the teacher the _____33_____. Knwing what had happened, the teacher _____34_____ her fr her hnesty. She realized a greeting card was nt cstly but the _____35_____ it gave was precius.
    21. A. bughtB. stleC. btainedD. brrwed
    22. A. marksB. interestsC. skillsD. activities
    23. A. returnB. changeC. tryD. recgnize
    24. A. rderedB. transfrmedC. decidedD. devted
    25. A. befreB. untilC. whenD. s
    26. A. signalsB. linesC. questinsD. cmments
    27. A. readingB. demandingC. printingD. urging
    28. A. happened tB. adjusted tC. used tD. cntributed t
    29. A. gratefulB. surprisedC. disappintedD. annyed
    30. A. energyB. respnsibilityC. reliefD. pleasure
    31. A. frtunatelyB. extremelyC. tightlyD. nervusly
    32. A. discussedB. thughtC. cntinuedD. cmpeted
    33. A. truthB. riginC. strategyD. aid
    34. A. thankedB. punishedC. persuadedD. praised
    35. A. memryB. dutyC. valueD. reality
    Jaws, the 1975 film, tells the stry f a great white shark that attacks s and kills swimmers. In the pening scene, a wman swimming at night in a dark sea ____36____(pull) underwater suddenly. She surfaces, cries in fear, then disappears frever.
    Peple have always been scared f sharks, but Jaws made things even ____37____(bad). It made peple ____38____(frighten) f sharks, especially f the great white shark. Many peple wh saw the film started t believe that sharks were bad animals that ____39____(eat) humans. Sme peple stpped swimming in the sea, afraid f the hrrible creature frm the film. Other peple started fishing fr sharks, ____40____(kill) as many as they culd. At that time, nbdy cared if sharks were killed, ____41____hw many were killed. Peple just wanted them killed.
    Jaws was ____42____great success, attracting huge audiences and winning many awards. It strengthened peple’s lng-held idea f the great white shark ____43____a dangerus animal.
    ____44____(frtunate), nt everyne wh watched the film Jaws became afraid f sharks-sme became interested in understanding them. Tday, as we learn mre abut sharks, mre peple than ever want t prtect them frm _____45_____(extinct).
    46. My mm has always pushed me twards becming i__________(独立的).(根据中英文提示填空)
    47. Nbdy h__________(犹豫) t vice any disagreement when we discussed the plan. (根据中英文提示填空)
    48. Each f his classmates knws drawing is d__________(肯定地) what he is mst interested in. (根据中英文提示填空)
    49. They were frced t return t their schl befre they reached their d__________(目的地). (根据中英文提示填空)
    50. He ften a__________(采用)the same way when dealing with this kind f silly questins. (根据中英文提示填空)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    51. 假定你是李华,你校将举办第一届“多彩校园”英语短视频大赛。请给你校来自英国的留学生Tim写封邮件,邀请他参赛。内容包括:
    3.投稿地址(Clrful Schl@unin.cn)和截止日期。
    Dear Tim,
    Li Hua
    52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    What Ges Arund Cmes Arund
    One day smething was wrng with the car f an ld lady frm St. Luis. She was trapped n the side f the rad in the dim light. N ne had stpped t help fr the last hur r s. Then a man lking pr and hungry pulled up in frnt f her car and gt ut. He culd see that she was frightened, standing ut there in the cld. He said, “I’m here t help yu, ma’am. Why nt wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Andersn.”
    Bryan crawled (蜷缩) under the car lking fr a place t put the jack (千斤顶), skinning his fingers a time r tw. Sn he was able t change the tire. But he gt dirty and his hands hurt.
    The ld lady tld him she already imagined all the awful things that culd have happened if he had nt stpped. She culdn’t thank him enugh fr cming t her aid and asked hw much she wed him.
    Bryan just smiled and tld her that if she really wanted t pay him back, the next time she saw smene wh needed help, she culd give that persn the assistance they needed. Bryan added, “And think f me.” He never thught twice abut being paid. He had lived his whle life that way.
    Then the ld lady started her car and drve ff. A few miles dwn the rad the ld lady saw a small dirty-lking restaurant. She went in and rdered a simple meal priced at 5. The waitress was t give birth t her baby in a mnth but she was still busy clearing tables, filling sugar bwls and serving peple. Obviusly she must have lived a hard life.
    At that mment she remembered Bryan. After finishing the meal, the ld lady paid fr her fd with ne 100 bill. The waitress tk ver the mney, saying “Thanks” plitely and tld her t wait a mment fr the change.
    The waitress went t the cashier’s cunter t get the change.
    听力答案:1—5 CBACA 6—10 BACCB 11—15 CCBAB 16—20 CBAAB

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