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    考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.Which meal des the hst prvide?
    2. What des the man mean?
    A.He desn’t like the exhibitin
    B.He desn’t understand the paintings
    C.He didn’t g t see the exhibitin
    3. What wrries the man mst in the cming English test!
    A. His reading skills
    B. His listening level
    C. His limited vcabulary
    4. What is bthering the man!
    A.His jb
    B.His teacher
    C.His schlwrk
    5. Why des the wman remember James s well?
    A.He had a funny face
    B.He was late fr schl n the first day
    C.He was the first persn she met at schl
    6.Why did the wman get a ticket frm the pliceman’
    A.She drve t fast
    B.She ran a red light
    C.She stpped her car in the wrng place
    7What did the wman d first after the pliceman appeared?
    A.She aplgized
    B.She called her mther.
    C.She paid the fine
    8. Where are the speakers?
    A.In a cafe
    B.In a library
    C.In a classrm
    9.What des the man like abut the summer schl?
    A.The size f the class
    B.The math bk
    C.The teachers
    10. Where is the man planning t g?
    A.T Bstn
    B.T Washingtn D. C.
    C.T New Yrk
    11.Why did the speakers g t the mvie theatre early?
    A. T get ideal seats
    B. T buy sme drinks
    C. T avid traffic jams
    12.What are the speakers ding!
    A.Buying tickets
    B.Watching a mvie
    C.Lining up t get in
    13. What d we knw abut the ticket f the mvie theatre!
    A.It includes a drink.
    B.It shws n seat number.
    C.It can be used repeatedly.
    14.Hw did the man feel abut New Yrk?
    AIt seemed quite busy.
    B.It wasn’t t crwded.
    C. It was seriusly plluted.
    15. Hw many places did the man visit in New Yrk?
    16.What are the speakers talking abut’
    A.A travelling plan
    B.A tur experience
    C.Famus turist attractins
    17.Which market did nt perfrm well?
    A.The French market.
    B.The Japanese market.
    C.The American market.
    18.Hw many new staff are there in the cmpany
    19.Hw des the speaker feel abut what they have dne?
    A.Rather disappinted
    B.Satisfied with the results
    C.Wrried abut the future
    20. Wh d yu think the speaker is?
    A.Directr f Technlgy Department
    B.Manager f Persnnel Department
    C.Chairman f the cmpany
    Whether yu re lking frward t yur state’s fair r yu plan t travel t a faraway fair, we’ve runded up a cmplete list f state fairs happening in 2023. If yur state fair’s dates aren’t listed yet, dn’t hesitate t bkmark this page as we will update it regularly!
    ●Kentucky State Fair, Sacrament, 19th June 2023
    Each day f the Kentucky State Fair is a whle new experience. Packed with different music, cmpetitins, animals, shws and mre. Yu culd visit all 11 days and every ne f them wuld be unique!
    PRICING: Tickets are $ 12.50 each nline and $ 15.50 each at the gate. Children 4 and under are free and d nt require a ticket,
    ●New Yrk State Fair, 23rd August 2023
    The first New Yrk State Fair began with a pen full f pigs and cattle. But hw things have changed! Prepare t be amazed at 30 + fd vendrs, raise a glass t a bright summer ahead, tap yur tes t live music n three stages, enjy activities and attractins fr the whle family and s much mre!
    PRICING: Free
    ●Clrad State Fair, 25th August 2023
    This year’s Clrad State Fair will be started by Gabriel Iglesias’ live perfrmance. Ask anyne wh has seen him in cncert and yu will prbably hear the same thing, “He was s funny!” Cme and see him in persn.
    PRICING: Adult Gate Admissin — $ 9 thrugh August 24, $ 15 starting August 25th. Children4 &. under are FREE (when accmpanied by an adult).
    ●Minnesta State Fair, 25th May 2023
    Our largest Milk Run 5K Race ever, presented by By the Yard, will take place n Satur-day, May 27th at 9 a, m.! Cme supprt ur nearly 2,000 runners as they race thrugh the fairgrunds,
    PRICING: Free
    1. Hw much will yu save fr a ticket bught nline t the Kentucky State Fair?
    A. $12. 50.B. $3.C. $15.50.D. $3.50.
    2. If yu like cmedy shw yu wn’t miss________.
    A. Kentucky State FairB. New Yrk State Fair
    C. Clrad State FairD. Minnesta State F air
    3. This passage is prbably frm________.
    A. an fficial websiteB. a gegraphy textbk
    C. a travel magazineD. a news reprt
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据●Kentucky State Fair, Sacrament, 19th June 2023部分中“PRICING: Tickets are $ 12.50 each nline and $ 15.50 each at the gate.(价格:网上票价12.50美元,门口票价15.50美元)”可知,在网上买一张肯塔基州博览会的票可以享受3美元优惠。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据●Clrad State Fair, 25th August部分中“This year’s Clrad State Fair will be started by Gabriel Iglesias’ live perfrmance. Ask anyne wh has seen him in cncert and yu will prbably hear the same thing, “He was s funny!”(今年的科罗拉多州博览会将由加布里埃尔·伊格莱西亚斯的现场表演开始。问任何看过他演唱会的人,你可能都会听到同样的话:“他太有趣了!”)”可知,如果你喜欢喜剧节目,那就不要错过科罗拉多州博览会。故选C项。
    推理判断题。 根据第一段中“If yur state fair’s dates aren’t listed yet, dn’t hesitate t bkmark this page as we will update it regularly!(如果你的州博览会的日期还没有列出,不要犹豫,收藏这个页面,因为我们会定期更新!)”可推知,这篇文章选自一个官方网站。故选A项。
    My eighteen-year-ld daughter Julia called twenty minutes after she left, saying she had an accident. I grabbed my shes and was in the car in less than a minute. When I finally saw her, I hugged her tightly. Then I lked at the ther driver. Learning that he fell asleep behind the wheel at abut seventy miles an hur when the speed limit was frty-five, I culd have chked him.
    “It culd have been wrse,” I reminded myself as she cried all the way t the dctr’s ffice. Luckily, fur days after the accident, Julia felt better. At her appintment, her dctr cleared her t resume nrmal activities, including driving. But I culd tell by her lk that she had n intentin f getting behind the wheel.
    Later that day, I sat with Julia as she spke n the phne with ur insurance agent. On the phne, she was prfessinal, telling the agent what had happened in a clear, brief way. I realized she sunded like an adult. And adults drive cars. I realized that n matter hw I felt abut it, allwing Julia t give in t her fear wasn’t gd fr her. When she hung up, I hugged her. “Yu’re strnger than yu think,” I said. “And tmrrw yu’re ging t drive my car and meet yur friends fr lunch. Yu just have t push thrugh the fear and d it, and it will get easier each time yu d.” I ignred the fear in her eyes and the way my heart sped up when I thught abut Julia behind the wheel again.
    The next day, Julia drve my car t meet her friends. As I watched her leave, I felt nervus and prud. She texted me when she gt t the restaurant, and I felt my heart rate return t nrmal. The tears I’d been hlding back all week flded my eyes. Watching her leave the huse withut me fr the first time since the accident was frightening, but it was als necessary.
    4. What was the authr’s reactin t the driver’s behavir?
    A. She almst burst with anger.B. She felt guilty fr her daughter.
    C. She felt sympathy fr him.D. She was chked with srrw.
    5. What did the dctr suggest t Julia?
    A. Staying away frm driving.B. Attending a driving lessn.
    C. Cntacting the insurance agent.D. Retaking her rutine activities.
    6. What did the authr realize when Julia spke n the phne?
    A. The driver tk the blame fr the accident.
    B. The accident had been wrse than expected.
    C. Julia shuld vercme the fear t drive.
    D. Julia was smart t deal with any truble.
    7. Why did the authr cry at Julia’s text?
    A. Julia was gd at learning t drive.
    B. Julia recvered mentally and physically.
    C. Julia had supprtive friends and parents.
    D. Julia culd lk after herself when driving.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Learning that he fell asleep behind the wheel at abut seventy miles an hur when the speed limit was frty-five, I culd have chked him.(当我得知他在时速70英里的时候睡着了,而限速是45英里时,我真想掐死他。)”可知,作者对司机的行为是她几乎气炸了。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“At her appintment, her dctr cleared her t resume nrmal activities, including driving.(在她的预约中,她的医生允许她恢复正常活动,包括开车。)” 可知,医生给茱莉亚提的建议是重新安排她的日常活动。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的第五、六、七句“I realized that n matter hw I felt abut it, allwing Julia t give in t her fear wasn’t gd fr her. When she hung up, I hugged her. “Yu’re strnger than yu think,” I said. (我意识到,不管我是怎么想的,允许茱莉亚屈服于她的恐惧对她没有好处。她挂了电话,我拥抱了她。“你比你想象的要坚强,”我说。)”可知,当茱莉亚打电话时,作者意识到朱莉娅应该克服开车的恐惧。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的后四句“As I watched her leave, I felt nervus and prud. She texted me when she gt t the restaurant, and I felt my heart rate return t nrmal. The tears I’d been hlding back all week flded my eyes. Watching her leave the huse withut me fr the first time since the accident was frightening, but it was als necessary.(当我看着她离开时,我感到既紧张又自豪。她一到餐厅就给我发短信,我觉得我的心率恢复了正常。我压抑了整整一个星期的泪水涌上了我的眼睛。看着她在事故发生后第一次独自离开家,我感到很害怕,但这也是必要的。 )”可知,作者收到茱莉亚安全到达的的信息后哭了,是因为茱莉亚在车祸后,她的精神和身体都恢复了。故选B项。
    Ryal family gather at Windsr Castle fr first Easter Sunday service withut the Queen n April 9th. Attendees and members f the ryal family wre a variety f stylish hats thrughut the ceremny. It is a requirement fr all wmen t wear hats n ryal ccasins. This rule dates back t the 1950s when upper class and ryal wmen wuld rarely shw their hair in public, accrding t the BBC.
    Hats were riginally wrn fr practical reasns such as prtectin frm the sun, rain r cld weather, but quickly peple wre them fr ther purpses. The tp hat, fr example, was reserved fr upper-class men and was wrn at frmal events such as weddings and hrse races. Wmen als used hats t signify scial status, wealth and fashin. The larger the hat, the wealthier the wearer was believed t be.
    In additin t status, hats played an imprtant rle in British scial etiquette. Men were expected t remve their hats indrs, especially in frmal settings, t shw respect. Wmen, n the ther hand, were t wear their hats until seated fr dinner, but then they were expected t remve them.
    But hats were nt always a symbl f status and etiquette. The bwler hat, created in 1849, was wrn by the wrking class, especially thse invlved in transprtatin. The bwler hat became an icnic item f British fashin, wrn by bth men and wmen.
    Tday, hats cntinue t be an essential part f British culture, with many ld and new hat shps thrughut the cuntry. The fedra is als making a cmeback amng yunger gen-eratins. Shpping in hat shps prvides yu with a glimpse f British hat. Caps, trilbies, beanies, and berets are just sme f the styles available.
    8. What is the significance f the tp hat in British culture?
    A. It was wrn by the wrking class.
    B. It was a persnal statement f fashin.
    C. It was used t prtect peple frm the rain.
    D. It was wrn at frmal events and signified wealth.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “etiquette” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Rutine.B. Practice.C. Manners.D. Origin.
    10. Which hat was ppular amng pstmen and train drivers in Britain?
    A. Tp hat.B. Fedra.C. Bwler hat.D. Beret.
    11. What’s the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T attract mre visitrs t Britain.
    B. T intrduce the hat culture in British.
    C. T shw his r her pinins n British hats.
    D. T tell an interesting stry abut British hats.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. C 11. B
    细节理解题。第二段提到“The tp hat, fr example, was reserved fr upper-class men and was wrn at frmal events such as weddings and hrse races. Wmen als used hats t signify scial status, wealth and fashin. The larger the hat, the wealthier the wearer was believed t be.” (例如,大礼帽是上流社会男性的专属,只有在婚礼和赛马等正式场合才会佩戴。女性也用帽子来象征社会地位、财富和时尚。人们认为帽子越大,佩戴者就越富有。)可以看出the tp hat多佩戴于正式场合且用来彰显财富和社会地位。故选D。
    词句猜测题。第三段提到“ Men were expected t remve their hats indrs, especially in frmal settings, t shw respect. Wmen, n the ther hand, were t wear their hats until seated fr dinner, but then they were expected t remve them.”(在室内,尤其是在正式场合,男性被要求脱帽以示尊重。另一方面,女性在就座前都要戴着帽子,但之后就得摘下帽子。)由此判断,在室内对于戴帽或者脱帽的礼仪都有非常严格的规定,由此得知etiquette意为“礼貌、礼仪、行为规范”。故选C。
    推理判断题。第四段提到“The bwler hat, created in 1849, was wrn by the wrking class, especially thse invlved in transprtatin. ”(圆顶硬礼帽发明于1849年,是工人阶级,尤其是从事交通运输的工人所戴的。)由此判断,硬圆礼帽是工人阶层戴的帽子样式,因此pstmen and train drivers in Britain (英国的邮递员和火车司机)最有可能佩戴的帽子为bwler hat(圆顶硬礼帽)。故选C。
    推理判断题。第一段由英国王室出席仪式时的戴帽礼仪引出了英国关于戴帽子的历史。结合全文以及最后一段“Tday, hats cntinue t be an essential part f British culture, with many ld and new hat shps thrughut the cuntry. ”(今天,帽子仍然是英国文化的重要组成部分,全国各地有许多新旧帽子店。)由此判断,这篇文章目的在于介绍英国帽子文化。故选B。
    New genetically mdified (转基因) apples designed by a bilgy cmpany are being released this fall but wn’t be labeled as GMOs (转基因生物). They’re called Arctic apples, whse genes have been changed frm their riginal Glden Delicius state t make sure that after the fruits are cut pen and expsed t the air, their flesh wn’t turn brwn in clr.
    The develpment cmpany, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, says the apples may be n sale as bagged slices in up t 400 stres this seasn thrughut the Midwest and Suthern Califrnia. The fruit wn’t bear the standard “prduced with genetic engineering” label because f a 2016 law allwing cdes t be visible n the packaging that link t a website with infrmatin n hw the fruit was made.
    The apples were made using a technique called gene silencing. The Okanagan team engineered the fruit’s DNA t prduce less enzyme (酶) that causes the white, inner flesh t brwn s that the new and imprved slices will stay fresh fr up t three weeks. Althugh there are nly abut 250 acres f Arctic apple trees currently planted acrss the US, the team hpes GMO fruits can reduce waste and increase apple sales verall.
    While sme experts believe that the Arctic apple’s GMO status isn’t harmful, grups ppsing GMOs have started prtesting the apples. An rganizatin called Friends f the Earth claims that they’re “understudied, unlabeled and unnecessary.” Right nw, apple slices treated with calcium and vitamin C can be purchased ff Amazn with the prmise f nt brwning befre they arrive n the custmer’s drstep. And, a little bit f lemn juice is an easier and mre natural way t prevent cut apples frm turning clr fr a few hurs.
    12. The Arctic apples will nt be labeled “GMO” because ________.
    A. actually these apples are nt genetically mdified fd
    B. the fruit will be sld as bagged slices in up t 400 stres
    C. there is nt enugh space fr the label n the packaging
    D. infrmatin f their apples can be checked n the Internet
    13. Hw d Arctic apples stay fresh accrding t the Okanagan team?
    A. By changing the fruit’s DNA t reduce relevant enzyme.
    B. By decreasing the percentage f engineers in the team.
    C. By treating apple slices with calcium and vitamin C.
    D. By adding a little bit f lemn juice t the slices.
    14. What is the Friends f the Earth’s attitude t Arctic apples?
    A. Disapprving.B. Indifferent.C. Favrable.D. Cautius.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Nvel Way t Keep Arctic Apples Frm Turning clr.
    B. Prtest against Apples Entering US Markets due t the label.
    C. GM Apples That Dn’t Brwn t Reach US Shelves This Fall.
    D. Apples That Can Stay Free f Brwning as Lng as Three Mnths.
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C
    细节理解题。根据文中第二段的第二句“The fruit wn’t bear the standard ‘prduced with genetic engineering’ label because f a 2016 law allwing cdes t be visible n the packaging that link t a website with infrmatin n hw the fruit was made.”(这种水果不会贴上标准的“基因工程生产”标签,因为2016年的一项法律允许在包装上显示代码,该代码可以链接到一个关于水果如何生产的网站)可知,2016年的一项法律允许这种水果不贴上转基因的标签,但需要在包装上显示代码,消费者可以通过该代码查阅到这种苹果的信息。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文中第三段的第二句“The Okanagan team engineered the fruit’s DNA t prduce less enzyme (酶) that causes the white, inner flesh t brwn s that the new and imprved slices will stay fresh fr up t three weeks.”(奥卡那根大学的研究小组改造了这种水果的DNA,使其产生更少的酶可以使白色果肉变成棕色的酶。这样,经过改良的新切片可以保持新鲜长达三周。)可知是研究小组改变了水果的DNA使其产生较少相关的酶,使苹果褐化变色时间延长至三周,从而延长苹果保鲜的时间。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文中第四段的第一句“An rganizatin called Friends f the Earth claims that they’re “understudied, unlabeled and unnecessary.”(一个名为“地球之友 ”的组织,声称他们‘研究不足,没有标签,没有必要’)可知,“地球之友”认为研究不足并且没有标签,也没有必要,故该组织对北极苹果持反对的态度。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文尤其是第一段中“New genetically mdified (转基因) apples designed by a bilgy cmpany are being released this fall but wn’t be labeled as GMOs (转基因生物). ” (由一家生物公司设计的苹果,今年秋天将会发行,但不会贴上转基因生物的标签。)可知本文介绍了一种秋季即将上市的新科技的苹果。这种苹果能够保鲜的时间较久,不易变色。故选C项。
    Fur ways t cpe with burnut
    Burnut is a feeling f physical and mental tiredness. It can cme frm wrking vertime r under stressful cnditins.____16____. All yu have t d is identify feelings f burnut and knw hw t deal with them. Try these ut next time yu’re feeling verwhelmed (不知所措的).
    ●Fcus n advancing tiny gals.
    ____17____Experts suggest starting small and dividing the whle schedule int the smallest sectins. Setting and achieving tiny gals can increase peple’s engagement in the wrk and their happiness during the wrkday.
    ●Take time fr yurself.
    Ask fr a rest day if yu need ne t d nthing ther than eat yur favrite ice cream, g fr a run, r meet a friend fr lunch.____18____Be sure t get enugh sleep each night, t; this has a huge effect n ne’ s mental well-being and perfrmance.
    It’s hard t feel frustrated after a sweaty weightlifting r a lng run, Exercise reduces students’ sensitivity t anxiety, s think f that exercise time as building yur prtectin against the burnut. Extra pints if yu d it utside in the sunshine.
    ●Talk t peple.
    Peple’s health, well-being, everything in life, is way better if yu’re cnnected with ther peple. Scial netwrk is a precius resurce but reaching ut t peple in reality is much mre beneficial.____20____
    A Get active.
    B. G t the gym.
    C. Therefre, talk t yur best friends every day.
    D. It can be als frm dealing with difficult peple.
    E. Taking thse hurs ff may seem like a big deal.
    F. S cmmunicate with ther peple face t face, nt n yur phne.
    G. Smetimes the t-d list gets s lng that yu feel yu can hardly breathe.
    【答案】16. D 17. G 18. E 19. A 20. F
    前文提到“It can cme frm wrking vertime r under stressful cnditins.”(它可以来自于加班或在有压力的情况下。)后文提到“All yu have t d is identify feelings f burnut and knw hw t deal with them. Try these ut next time yu’re feeling verwhelmed.”(你所要做的就是确定你的倦怠情绪,知道如何与它们打交道,下次你重新感到不知所措的时候,试一试。)由此判断,此处提到了倦怠的来源,空处应与前文为并列关系。D项“It can be als frm dealing with difficult peple.”(它也可能来自与难相处的人打交道。)该项符合文意。故选D。
    后文提到“Experts suggest starting small and dividing the whle schedule int the smallest sectins. ”(专家建议从小的开始,把整个时间表分成最小的部分。)且该段小标题“Fcus n advancing tiny gals.”(专注于推进小目标。)由此判断,在关注自己目标的时候应该不要设置的特别大,而是要分解为小目标,这样才方便自己推进,也不会让自己感到很为难。G项“Smetimes the t-d list gets s lng that yu feel yu can hardly breathe.”(有时候任务清单太长了,你都喘不过气来。)该项与后文构成转折关系,符合文意。故选G。
    前文提到“Ask fr a rest day if yu need ne t d nthing ther than eat yur favrite ice cream, g fr a run, r meet a friend fr lunch.”(如果你需要休息一天,除了吃你最喜欢的冰淇淋、跑步或和朋友共进午餐外,什么也不要做。),后文提到“Be sure t get enugh sleep each night, t; this has a huge effect n ne’s mental well-being and perfrmance.”(每天晚上也要保证充足的睡眠;这对一个人的心理健康和表现有巨大的影响。)由此判断,有的时候休息好也是非常重要的。E项提到“Taking thse hurs ff may seem like a big deal.”(休息几个小时似乎是一件大事。)该项符合文意。故选E。
    该段提到“It’s hard t feel frustrated after a sweaty weightlifting r a lng run, Exercise reduces students’ sensitivity t anxiety, s think f that exercise time as building yur prtectin against the burnut. ”(在大汗淋漓的举重或长跑后,很难感到沮丧。锻炼可以降低学生对焦虑的敏感性,所以把锻炼时间看作是建立你对倦怠的保护。)由此判断,本段主要强调了运动(特别是户外运动)对抗焦虑感的重要性,A项“Get active.”(活跃起来。)符合文意。故选A。
    前文提到“Peple’s health, well-being, everything in life, is way better if yu’re cnnected with ther peple. Scial netwrk is a precius resurce but reaching ut t peple in reality is much mre beneficial. ”(人们的健康,幸福,生活中的每一件事,如果你和其他人联系在一起,都会变得更好。社交网络是一种宝贵的资源,但与现实中的人接触更有益。)由此判断,加强在现实中与其他人的接触和交流也能降低疲惫的感觉,F项“S cmmunicate with ther peple face t face, nt n yur phne.”(所以和别人面对面交流,不要用手机。)该项与前文构成因果关系。故选F。
    I had never been mre anxius in my life. I had just arrived at the airprt t travel hme. As I watched the bus driver set my luggage n the airprt sidewalk, I realized my ____21____ had just begun.
    This was my first visit alne t the internatinal terminal (航站楼) f the airprt, and nthing was ____22____. I culdn’t make sense f any f the ____23____. Where was the check-in cunter? I felt as if I were deaf and blind and stupid. I began t ____24____. I had t find help!
    I tried t ask a passing businessman fr help, but my ____25____ came ut wrng. He frwned and walked away. I had been in this cuntry fr a semester, but culd nt even remember hw t ask fr directins. Awful! Anther ____26____ arrived at the terminal, and the passengers came ut carrying lts f luggage. Right! I culd ____27____ them t the right place.
    I dragged my enrmus suitcase, went after them and reached the elevatrs. Oh, n! They all fit in it, but nt enugh rm fr me. I watched ____28____ as the elevatr drs clsed. I was abandned again! I gt n the elevatr when it returned and ____29____ all the buttns. Which ne culd it be? I pressed buttn 3 because I thught I saw thse passengers pressed 3, thugh nly a quick glance. The elevatr climbed up t the third flr and stpped. A high, unpleasant nise _____30_____ the pening f the drs, and I lked arund _____31_____.
    Tears frmed as I saw the empty hall and realized I wuld _____32_____ my plane. Just then an elderly airprt emplyee walked twards me. He guessed I was _____33_____ and ffered t help. He patted my shulder t ease my anxiety. We walked up sme stairs, turned a crner, and reached the check-in cunter!
    When I turned t thank him, he was gne. I never gt an pprtunity t knw that man’s name, but I wuld always remember his unexpected _____34_____. Withut his timely help, I wuld have missed my plane. I hpe I will be able t d the same fr anther traveler experiencing a(n) _____35_____ jurney.
    21. A. anxietyB. excitementC. curisityD. liberty
    22. A. specialB. wrngC. familiarD. perfect
    23. A. cuntersB. destinatinsC. regulatinsD. signs
    24. A. dubtB. panicC. weepD. inquire
    25. A. mannersB. instructinsC. wrdsD. tnes
    26. A. busB. planeC. businessmanD. emplyee
    27. A. leadB. fllwC. guideD. direct
    28. A. in surpriseB. in reliefC. in delightD. in despair
    29. A. tried utB. clicked nC. stared atD. srted ut
    30. A. annuncedB. stressedC. suggestedD. prmised
    31. A. jyfullyB. firmlyC. calmlyD. cautiusly
    32. A. abardB. missC. catchD. abandn
    33. A. lstB. upsetC. disturbedD. embarrassed
    34. A. encunterB. disappearanceC. kindnessD. guidance
    35. A. awesmeB. unfrgettableC. tiringD. terrible
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我看到公交车司机把我的行李放在机场人行道上时,我意识到我的焦虑才刚刚开始。A. anxiety焦虑;B. excitement兴奋;C. curisity好奇心;D. liberty自由。根据上文“I had never been mre anxius in my life. I had just arrived at the airprt t travel hme.”中的“anxius”可知,独自乘飞机回家让我感到焦虑,由此可知,我意识到我的焦虑才刚刚开始。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是我第一次独自参观机场的国际航站楼,什么都不熟悉。A. special特殊的;B. wrng错误的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. perfect完美的。根据句中“This was my first visit alne t the internatinal terminal (航站楼) f the airprt”可知,这是我第一次独自来机场的国际航站楼,由此可知,我对一切都不熟悉。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不理解任何指示牌的意思。A. cunters柜台;B. destinatins目的地;C. regulatins规章制度;D. signs指示牌。根据下文“Where was the check-in cunter?”可知,我不知道办理登机手续的柜台在哪里,由此可知,我不理解机场指示牌的意思。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始恐慌。A. dubt怀疑;B. panic恐慌,惊慌失措;C. weep哭泣;D. inquire询问。根据上文“I felt as if I were deaf and blind and stupid.”可知,我觉得自己好像又聋又瞎又傻,对这里一无所知,由此可知,我开始恐慌。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我试图向一位路过的商人寻求帮助,但我的话说错了。A. manners方式;B. instructins指示;C. wrds说的话;D. tnes语气。根据上文“I had been in this cuntry fr a semester, but culd nt even remember hw t ask fr directins.”可知,我在这个陌生的国家只待了一个学期,由于语言不通,不记得如何问路,由此可知,由于语言不通,我的话说错了。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一辆公共汽车到达终点站,乘客们带着很多行李出来了。A. bus公共汽车;B. plane飞机;C. businessman商人;D. emplyee雇员。根据句中“the passengers came ut carrying lts f luggage”可知,乘客们带着很多行李出来了,由此可知,句中指另一辆装载乘客的公共汽车到达终点站。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以跟着他们去正确的地方。A. lead领导;B. fllw跟随;C. guide指导;D. direct指挥。根据下文“I dragged my enrmus suitcase, went after them and reached the elevatrs.”可知,我拖着我的大行李箱,追着他们走到电梯前,由此可知,我跟着他们去正确的地方。故选B项。
    考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:我绝望地看着电梯门关上。A. in surprise惊讶地;B. in relief如释重负;C. in delight高兴地;D. in despair绝望地。根据上文“They all fit in it, but nt enugh rm fr me.”可知,电梯里的人满了,我没上去电梯,由此可知,我绝望地看着电梯门关上。故选D项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当电梯返回时,我上了电梯,凝视着所有的按钮。A. tried ut试验;B. clicked n点击;C. stared at凝视;D. srted ut分类。根据上文“Which ne culd it be?”可知,我不知道哪一个按钮是正确的楼层,由此可知,我凝视着所有的按钮。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一声刺耳的巨响宣告了门的打开,我小心翼翼地环顾四周。A. annunced宣告;B. stressed强调;C. suggested建议;D. prmised承诺。根据句中“A high, unpleasant nise”可知,电梯开门时会发出巨大的响声,由此可知,一声刺耳的巨响宣告了门的打开。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:一声刺耳的巨响宣告了门的打开,我谨慎地环顾四周。A. jyfully高兴地;B. firmly坚决地;C. calmly镇静地;D. cautiusly谨慎地。根据句中“A high, unpleasant nise”可知,根据上文“Which ne culd it be?”可知,我不确定自己选的按钮是否正确,由此可知,门打开后,我谨慎地环顾四周,看看是不是对的地方。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我看到空荡荡的大厅,意识到我会错过我的飞机时,眼泪夺眶而出。A. abard在(飞机)上;B. miss错过;C. catch抓住;D. abandn抛弃。根据句中“I saw the empty hall”可知,我看到了空荡荡的大厅,由此可知,我以为我错过了我的飞机。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他猜我迷路了,主动提出要帮忙。A. lst迷路的;B. upset沮丧的;C. disturbed不安的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据下文“We walked up sme stairs, turned a crner, and reached the check-in cunter!”可知,他带我到达了办理登机手续的柜台,由此可知,他猜出我迷路了。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有机会知道那个人的名字,但我永远记得他出乎意料的善良。A. encunter遭遇;B. disappearance失踪;C. kindness善良;D. guidance指导。根据下文“We walked up sme stairs, turned a crner, and reached the check-in cunter!”可知,他带我到达了办理登机手续的柜台,由此可知,他帮助了我,是个善良的人,我永远记得他的善良。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我希望我能为另一个经历了困难旅程的旅行者做同样的事情。A. awesme令人惊叹的;B. unfrgettable难忘的;C. tiring令人困倦的;D. terrible困难的。根据文章内容和关键词“Awful!”可知,这次旅程对我来说是困难的,但在好心人的帮助下,我找到了办理登机手续的柜台,由此可知,为了传递这份善意,我希望我能为另一个经历了困难旅程的旅行者做同样的事情。故选D项。
    Yunnan is the hmetwn f tea. It prvides the ideal climate and the eclgical envirnment fr large-leaf tea trees, which are lcated in the ____36____ (regin) alng the Lancang River. Thusands f years ag, they frmed thse ancient tea plantatins,____37____ are the best gift that nature has granted us.
    ____38____ (preserve) the ancient tea trees, Yunnan Prvince has passed a prtectin regulatin recently,____39____ (clarify) that wild and cultivated tea plants aged ver 100 years shuld be better prtected in the prvince. The new regulatin, which came int frce starting frm March l,2023,____40____ (prhibit) six kinds f behavirs that harm ancient tea plants ____41____ their grwing envirnment. Unauthrized cutting and transplantatin f ancient tea trees, carving tree branches, digging the rts, and damaging the ancient tea trees are all banned.
    Other ____42____ (legal) practices include using harmful chemical herbicides releasing waste gas and water, as well as dumping and thrwing waste ____43____ (casual) within the prtectin range f the trees, accrding t the regulatin.
    Yunnan has diverse resurces f tea trees. The regulatin als advcates prper research and ____44____ (apply) f Yunnan’s resurces f ancient tea trees, raising varieties____45____ new tea trees f gd quality, as well as the establishment f relevant industrial chains.
    【答案】36. regins
    37. which 38. T preserve
    39. clarifying
    40. prhibits
    41. and 42. illegal
    43. casually
    44. applicatin
    45. f
    考查名词复数。句意:它为澜沧江沿岸地区的大叶茶树提供了理想的气候和生态环境。根据空前定冠词“the” 可知空处填名词,作宾语。regin为可数名词,根据空后“ alng the Lancang River”可知用复数形式,表泛指。故填regins。
    考查定语从句。句意:几千年前,他们形成了那些古老的茶园,这是大自然赐予我们最好的礼物。 空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词thse ancient tea plantatins(指物),从句缺主语,故用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了保护古茶树,云南省最近通过了一项保护条例,明确了要更好地保护该省100年以上的野生和栽培茶树。本句有谓语has passed ,故使用非谓语动词形式,分析句意,表示“为了保护”,故用不定式作目的状语。句首单词的首字母应大写。故填T preserve。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了保护古茶树,云南省最近通过了一项保护条例,明确了要更好地保护该省100年以上的野生和栽培茶树。本句有谓语has passed ,故使用非谓语动词形式,clarify与其逻辑主语a prtectin regulatin 之间为主谓关系,因此用现在分词作状语。故填clarifying。
    考查谓语动词的时态、主谓一致。句意:新规将于2023年3月1日起生效,禁止六种危害古茶树及其生长环境的行为。主句缺谓语,分析句意可知,此处描述一般性事实,故时态采用一般现在时,且主语The new regulatin为第三人称单数。故填prhibits。
    考查连词。句意:新规将于2023年3月1日起生效,禁止六种危害古茶树及其生长环境的行为。分析句意可知,空处填并列连词and表示并列关系,ancient tea plants 与ancient tea plants 两个名词短语并列,作宾语。故填and。
    考查形容词。句意:根据该条例,其他非法行为包括使用有害化学除草剂,排放废气和水,以及在树木保护范围内随意倾倒和投掷废物。分析句子可知,practices 为名词,作句中主语,故用形容词修饰该名词,结合句意,使用所给词的反义词illegal“非法的”。故填illegal。
    考查副词。句意:根据该条例,其他非法行为包括使用有害化学除草剂,排放废气和水,以及在树木保护范围内随意倾倒和投掷废物。分析句意可知,修饰动词thrwing 应使用副词。故填casually。
    考查介词。句意:该条例还提倡适当研究和利用云南的古茶树资源,培育优质新茶树品种,建立相关产业链。varieties f是固定短语,意为“各种各样的”。故填f。
    46. 你校英文网站开辟了一个专栏:Campus Life。本期话题是关于“学习习惯的重要性”。请你以“Better Learning Habits Lead t Better Results” 为题,用英语写篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    Better Learning Habits Lead t Better Results
    【答案】 Better Learning Habits Lead t Better Results
    Many peple fail t achieve ideal results even thugh they have strng interests in what they learn. The fact is that it can be quite difficult t have a better utcme withut better learning habits.
    When it cmes t English learning, reflectin can be ne f the gd habits. Fr example, t imprve speaking skill, tp English learners may recrd their speech and find ut the wrng prnunciatins when they listen. Their speaking ability develps by reflecting n their perfrmances.
    Frming better habits requires time and energy, s my suggestin is: never give up and keep practicing. Only in this way can we receive better results which meet ur expectatins.
    放弃:quit→give up
    原句:Their speaking ability develps by reflecting n their perfrmances.
    拓展句:It is by reflecting n their perfrmances that their speaking ability develps.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]The fact is that it can be quite difficult t have a better utcme withut better learning habits.(运用了that引导的表语从句)
    [高分句型2]Only in this way can we receive better results which meet ur expectatins.(运用了部分倒装和which引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型3]Many peple fail t achieve ideal results even thugh they have strng interests in what they learn.(运用了even thugh引导的让步状语从句和what引导的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Music has always been an essential part f my family. As a little girl, I ften watched my mm singing with thers in the church. As I grew lder, she and I wuld sing while we did the dishes r hung clthes. My brther Dean was als a musical sul. In gd time r in bad, there was always music in ur huse. It shaped us, cmfrted us, and gave us a way t express feelings that might therwise have gne unspken.
    After Dean became a father, we learned that his ldest sn was n the autism spectrum. My nephew Dj did nt handle scial situatin well, and smetimes even fr him t speak alud utside the family was a struggle. He wrked very hard t vercme his fears, s much s that the year he was eight, he decided he wanted t be part f the Christmas music prgram with the ther children in his Sunday schl class. The part he had been ffered was ne that required him t sing a verse all n his wn - a sl.
    My brther carefully explained t him that this wuld mean singing in frnt f the audience; there wuld be n ne singing with him. Dj cnsidered this very carefully. After a cuple f days, he decided that he wuld accept the part. He explained t us that he believed he culd d it because it was a very special ccasin, and lie wuld practice until he was as perfect as he culd be. He said he knew his daddy wuld help him t be the best singer pssible.
    Fr ver a mnth, he and his father practiced tgether. Every evening wuld find them lcked away in the music rm, my brther n guitar, and my nephew’s small vice cming frm smewhere deep dwn inside his little bdy. He gained cnfidence, and when the day f the cncert arrived, he was certain all wuld g well. My brther waited backstage, giving Dj duble thumbs-up, and he came ut l sit with the rest f the family t watch and take phts.
    When it was finally time fr Dj t sing, the music played n, and he frze.
    Everyne turned t see wh was singing, while I knew it was my brther.
    【答案】Para. 1:
    When it was finally time fr Dj t sing, the music played n, and he frze. His little face grew pale, and we culd see the panic in his eyes as the silence grew. The pianist started the music again but still nthing came ut. The entire audience seemed t lean frward in expectatin. The silence seemed enrmus. The whle family f us were all staring at ur little by, hping he wuld cheer up and act ut his part. Then the pianist started ver again, and a lw vice filled the air, singing the sng.
    Para. 2:
    Everyne turned t see wh was singing, while I knew it was my mther. My mther and I were fixed n the little angel n stage. The clr came back t his face, and his eyes began t sparkle. He pened his muth and began t sing alng, his little vice grwing strnger with each wrd. The shw ended with thunderus applause, with the kids bwing dramatically, accepting their praise fr a jb well dne. I turned t my brther with tears in my eyes. I knew at that time n wrds needed t be spken; the understanding between us was luder than the applause that night.
    看着:stare at/lk at
    希望:hpe/in the hpe f
    结束:end with/end up with
    【点睛】[高分句型1] His little face grew pale, and we culd see the panic in his eyes as the silence grew. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] The whle family f us were all staring at ur little by, hping he wuld cheer up and act ut his part. (运用了现在分词作状语)

    2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学高一下学期7月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学高一下学期7月月考英语试题含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期7月月考英语试题(解析版): 这是一份河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期7月月考英语试题(解析版),共23页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    河南省信阳市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题(含答案): 这是一份河南省信阳市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题(含答案),共17页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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