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    这是一份2022-2023学年河南省开封五校高一下学期期末联考英语试题含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了 本卷主要考查内容等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    4. 本卷主要考查内容:必修第三册~选择性必修第一册。
    第一部分 听力(共两节)
    1. What is the man ding?
    A. Expecting a call.B. Having a meeting.C. Selling the prducts.
    2. What des the wman think f the mvie?
    A. Scary.B. Bring.C. Interesting.
    3. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The new name fr Hlland.
    B. Their plans fr the hliday.
    C. The wman’s trip t the Netherlands.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a library.B. In a pst ffice.C. In a classrm.
    5. Why can’t the man help the wman?
    A. He is busy with a reprt.
    B. He is talking with Alan.
    C. He isn’t gd at advertising.
    6. When did the wman knw her handbag was missing?
    A. When she gt n the bus.
    B. After she gt ff the bus.
    C. When she was n the bus.
    7. What can we see n the handbag?
    A. A tiny flwer.B. A black picture.C. A green ring.
    8. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Teacher and student.C. Schlmates.
    9. What des the wman prefer t d at first in such weather?
    A. Sit by the fireplace.B. Watch the ice bars.C. Play with snw.
    10. What are the speakers ging t d later?
    A. G ice skating.B. G snwbarding.C. G climbing.
    11. What is the wman ding?
    A. Having a jb interview.
    B. Intrducing a kind f jb.
    C. Wrrying abut the emplyment.
    12. When did the man leave cllege?
    A. In 2014.B. In 2016.C. In 2018.
    13. What is the man gd at?
    A. Develping AI.B. Designing web pages.C. Giving cmputer classes.
    14. Where did the idea f the bk cme frm?
    A. A bird-shting trip.B. A visit t the cmpany.C. A TV talk shw.
    15. When did Sir Hugh’s first bk f recrds appear?
    A. In 1950.B. In 1951.C. In 1955.
    16. What are the speakers ging t talk abut next?
    A. The funder f the cmpany.
    B. Mre recrds f unusual facts.
    C. The fastest bird in the wrld.
    17. Hw much shuld a 15-year-ld girl pay per week?
    A. £105.B. £95.C. £85.
    18. What shuld children bring?
    A. Their clthes.B. Their lunch.C. Their bks.
    19. What are children asked t d n Friday?
    A. Wear special clthes.B. Play with family.C. Give a shw.
    20. What can children d tday?
    A. Ask fr a bking frm.
    B. Attend the summer curse.
    C. Visit the Silver Star Theatre Schl.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Must-visit Attractins in Turin, Italy
    Mle Antnelliana
    The tall pinted structure f Mle Antnelliana is the highest pint f the Turin skyline and a symbl f the city. It was built in148 and is nw the Natinal Museum f Cinema. But the real draw is the viewing platfrm at the tp f the building, which ffers amazing views f the city and muntains beynd.
    Piazza Castell (卡斯特罗广场)
    In the heart f the histric centre f Turin is Piazza Castell, which hsts tw majr Barque structures—Palazz Reale and Palazz Madama (夫人宫). Palazz Reale was riginally built in the 16th century, and underwent mdificatin in the late 17th century. Palazz Madama dates frm 1003 and is nw hme t the Muse Civic d’Arte Antica, which has a remarkable cllectin f paintings frm the medieval, Renaissance and barque perids.
    Basilica di Superga (苏佩尔加大教堂)
    The Basilica di Superga was built in the 18th century n the Superga hill with stunning views ver the city and wider landscape. Frm here yu can see peaks (顶峰) f the Alps such as Mnvis and Dufur peak.
    Parc del Valentin
    Lcated n the west bank f the River P that runs thrugh the city, Parc del Valentin makes fr lvely walks. The park is als hme t the Castill del Valentin—ne f the Residences f the Ryal Huse f Savy.
    21. What is the mst attractin place in Mle Antnelliana?
    A. The tall spire (尖顶) f Mle Antnelliana.
    B. The viewing platfrm at the tp.
    C. The pinnacle (顶点) f the Turin skyline.
    D. The Natinal Museum f Cinema.
    23. Frm where can yu see the highest pint f the Alps?
    A. The tp f Mle Antnelliana.B. Palazz Madama.
    C. Basilica di Superga.D. The Castell del Valentin.
    23. Which f the fllwing is a gd place fr a walk?
    A. Palazz Reale.B. The Muse Civic d’Arte Antica.
    C. The Superga hill.D. Parc del Valentin.
    Fahim was nly 11 years ld when he first met Albert Cair in 1993 in a hspital in Kabul, the Afghan capital. At the time, Kabul was caught in a bldy civil war. After his left leg was blwn ff, Fahim went t the hspital t seek treatment. This is a hspital run by the Internatinal Cmmittee f the Red Crss (ICRC). There, he met Albert Cair, wh arrived in Kabul in 1990.
    Over the next three decades, Fahim has made cuntless trips t the hspital. During thse visits, the cmpassinate (慈悲的) treatment frm Cair deeply mved him. “He is a friend f the Afghan peple,” Fahim said f Cair. When Fahim decided t study medicine, it was Cair wh kept encuraging him. Tday, Fahim wrks as a nurse and an anesthetist (麻醉师) in a hspital in Afghanistan.
    Fahim is nly ne example f what Cair leaves behind in Kabul, the city that has becme his hme fr the past 30 years.
    Fr Cair, the jb as a dctr came by chance. “I was a teenager in Italy when I saw a man ding smething that seemed s simple and s helpful: helping peple t walk. That mment left a strng impressin n me. I eventually left my training as a lawyer behind t chse medicine.”
    In his early years in Afghanistan, Cair was shcked by the great number f patients seeking treatment fr wunds caused by the war. Each year, the rehabilitatin centres (康复中心) treat mre than 13,000 new patients—mst f whm, like Fahim, require lifetime treatment.
    At first, the ICRC’s treatment centre nly fcused n war sufferers, but Cair expanded its treatment t include all peple with disabilities in the cuntry. He made tw decisins that have left a lasting impact. One was t emply frmer patients t wrk in the treatment centre. The secnd was t rganize an athletic grup fr peple with disabilities.
    24. When did Fahim first meet Cair?
    A. When he became a nurse.B. Befre civil war brke ut.
    C. When he started t learn medicine.D. When Cair treated his leg in a hspital.
    25. What inspired Cair t becme a dctr?
    A. The cruelty f war.B. Fahim’s experience.
    C. His training as a lawyer.D. A man helping peple walk.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Cair?
    A. Caring.B. Determined.C. Outging.D. Demanding.
    27. What kind f patients were mainly treated in the ICRC’s treatment centre at first?
    A. Peple with disabilities.B. Peple wunded in the war.
    C. Peple with mental illnesses.D. Peple needing lifetime treatment.
    Smart Highway is a creative idea fr smart rads f tmrrw: Smart Highway is the result f the teamwrk between builder and develper Heijmans and designer Daan Rsegaarde.
    Amng them, Glwing Lines, the wrld’s first light-emitting (发光的) highway, is a safe and envirnment-friendly rad. The site f the pilt prject is a part f the N329 Highway in Oss, lcated in the prvince f Nrd-Brabant, the Netherlands.
    The rad was built by Heijmans and was designed by Daan Rsegaarde, using light-emitting paints. The paints absrb ultravilet light (紫外线) during the day and give it ff fr up t 10 hurs at night. Slar energy panels (太阳能板) r ther surces f pwer can prvide energy t make sure that the rad cntinues t prvide light as required, despite weather r daylight hurs.
    The Van Ggh-Rsegaarde bicycle path is a creative path, inspired by Van Ggh’s Starry Night and designed by Daan Rsegaarde. There are thusands f light-emitting stnes, giving visitrs an experience f petry and design. The path gets energy at daytime and emits light during the night. It is supprted by LED light t make sure f safety, quality and light during the whle night. Art and technlgy merge in this new, public view. The bicycle path is 600 metres lng and is part f the Van Ggh cycling path.
    The Van Ggh-Rsegaarde bicycle path is set up as a cultural and enjyable rad, based n the light-emitting technlgies develped fr the Smart Highway. Riding a bicycle at this site is a wnderful experience. Furthermre, the path is lit up in such an envirnment-friendly way withut destrying the eclgy. As a turist attractin, the bicycle path als ffers ecnmic added value t the Eindhven regin: Visitrs can experience the pathway in the evening and will likely stay in the regin lnger.
    28. What can we knw abut the Glwing Lines?
    A. It brings light pllutin t the envirnment.
    B. It cannt prvide light cntinuusly in bad weather.
    C. It’s the nly highway in the wrld which can emit light.
    D. It’s the result f the teamwrk amng builders, develpers and designers.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “merge” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Change.B. Appear.C. Mix tgether.D. Take ver.
    30. What can we infer abut the Van Ggh-Rsegaarde bicycle path frm the last paragraph?
    A. It shuld be built in ther cities.B. It nly attracts cyclists t Eindhven.
    C. Its light has bad effects n eclgy.D. It can prmte the lcal ecnmy.
    31. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T shw the histry f the rad develpment.
    B. T tell us what future rads are like.
    C. T intrduce tw smart rads.
    D. T stress the high technlgy f the Netherlands.
    Ten riginated in China ver tw thusand years ag. Tday, the cuntry wns ver 2,000 varieties f tea, differing in taste, sweet and purpse. Sme teas, such as Huang Shan, refresh the sense f taste with their special flavur, while thers, such as spicy chai, are added with spices (香料).
    China first started exprting tea during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), and the drink has since cme t lead humanity's drinking habits far beynd Asia. It is the mst widely cnsumed drink n Earth tday, aside frm water and cffee.
    In Chinese mythlgy, tea was first discvered by Chinese Emperr Shennng (“Divine Farmer”) in 737 BC, when a sft wind carried sme leaves int a pt f biling water. Hwever, the ldest dependable evidence cmes frm ancient plant remains fund in 2016 in Xi'an and western Tibet, shwing that tea was grwn at least 2,100 years ag during the Western Han dynasty when it was mst likely used as medicine.
    Generatin after generatin f tea makers experimented with different brewing (冲泡) techniques, leaves, and ceremnies, resulting in tday’s tea culture full f life. There’s n dubt that China’s tea culture has becme ne f the mst ppular, diverse, and unique traditins in the wrld.
    China is already the wrld’s largest tea exprter. The inclusin f the cuntry’s traditinal tea-making prcess n the UNESCO list will bviusly generate practical benefits fr tea makers in the cuntry and acrss the wrld as mre resurces are given t prtect and preserve such millennia-ld tea culture and technical practices. As additinal attentin is brught t this traditinal technique, the Chinese tea sectr will further tap its ptential and imprve its grwth.
    As ne f China’s ldest cultural practices, traditinal tea prcessing techniques shw the spirit f mdesty (谦逊), peace, and cmity (礼让). N matter yur preference fr green r dark tea, with milk r withut, Chinese tea isn’t just brews. Instead, it is a bridge cnnecting different cultures and peples.
    32. What des the first paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Chinese tea has a fresh taste.B. Chinese tea has a rich variety.
    C. Chinese tea has a lng histry.D. Chinese tea is added with spices.
    33. Hw des the authr find abut Chinese tea?
    A. Hpeful.B. Objective.C. Careless.D. Disapprving.
    34. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Chinese Tea Benefits the Glbe a Lt
    B. Chinese Prtect and Develp Its Tea Culture
    C. Chinese Tea Is Included in the UNESCO List
    D. China Plays a Vital Part in Cultural Diversity
    35. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A news reprt.B. A bk review.
    C. A culture magazine.D. A science fictin.
    Many peple were never taught hw t express their emtins. Because they d nt knw hw t express them, they end up repressing (压抑) their emtins instead. Fr peple wh have gne thrugh painful life situatins, they can end up engaging in unhealthy behaviurs t avid expressing their emtins, such as perfrming self-injuries r develping eating disrders. 36 Here is hw t express emtins.
    ●Recgnize the imprtance f expressing emtins.
    37 Fr example, many peple wh struggle with nging depressin r anxiety are ften actually angry. Because the unexpressed anger has nwhere t g, the persn experiences the emtin as depressin r anxiety. If yu want t take cntrl ver yur emtinal life, yu need t first recgnize that it is imprtant t express yur emtins.
    ● 38
    Many peple wh have never learned hw t express their emtins have a difficult time even labeling what thse emtins are. Sme peple might feel anger when the emtin that they are actually dealing with is pain. Others might cry and feel sad in situatins in which anger is really the mre apprpriate (合适的) emtin. Practise labeling the emtin that yu are actually having.
    ●Express yur anger physically.
    Anger can be a frightening emtin fr many peple t express. Anger is best expressed physically, especially if yu have a lt f repressed anger t prcess. 39 Sme gd ways t express anger include punching pillws, hitting the grund with a baseball bat, ppping ballns r ging fr a walk.
    ●Cry ut yur pain.
    Tears really d heal a wunded spirit. Hwever, many peple have a hard time expressing their srrw. 40 Yu will feel much better after a gd cry.
    A. Label yur emtins apprpriately.
    B. Unexpressed emtins affect yur life.
    C. Everyne must express his r her emtins immediately.
    D. A gd laugh can d wnders fr a persn’s emtinal state.
    E. Expressing emtins is the best way t release repressed feelings.
    F. Chse a physical activity that will nt harm anther persn r yurself.
    G. Try watching a sad mvie and allwing yurself t cry fr the characters.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Aughtry was at her hme in Buffal, NY, n Christmas Day when she heard smene screaming n the street. When she lked utside, she saw a man calling fr 41 in the freezing cld.
    She brught the man, 64-year-ld Je, int her hme t 42 but she feared it was t late. His hands had frstbite (冻伤) and his bdy was lking wrse and wrse the 43 he stayed in her hme.
    In desperatin, Aughtry 44 t Facebk Live. “We have gt sme help,” she said n the live-stream. “He has gangrene (坏疽) n his hands. He’s ging t lse his 45 . I dn’t knw what else t d.”
    “I’m ging crazy because I’m 46 . I’m starting t see his bdy change t much frm the time that he 47 in.”
    Aughtry said she called 911 but, due t the 48 , emergency respnders were unable t respnd t calls fr hurs ver the weekend. Ambulances were getting 49 in the thick snw.
    50 , her requests were answered. A grup f men arrived and tk Je t the hspital n Christmas night. “I’m in the car with him and sme Samaritans that came and 51 the snw fr us,” she said in anther Facebk live-stream.
    His sister Yvnne tld CNN her lder brther is develpmentally disabled and lives in a grup hme. His emplyer, Barker, said Je 52 his grup hme n Christmas Eve mrning during the snwstrm. Yvnne and Barker have bth expressed their 53 fr Aughtry.
    “We were all 54 t help each ther and it was wnderful,” Yvnne ld CNN. “And nw I feel like I have a sister and three nephews,” she added, 55 Aughtry and her sns.
    41. A. mneyB. attentinC. waterD. help
    42. A. calm dwnB. clean ffC. warm upD. fit in
    43. A. saferB. lngerC. quieterD. quicker
    44. A. gtB. respndedC. appliedD. turned
    45. A. armsB. eyesC. legsD. fingers
    46. A. scaredB. shckedC. excitedD. pleased
    47. A. gaveB. cameC. drppedD. tk
    48. A. injuryB. dangerC. snwstrmD. change
    49. A. stuckB. washedC. startedD. brken
    50. A. EventuallyB. GraduallyC. UnfrtunatelyD. Naturally
    51. A. piledB. meltedC. clearedD. drew
    52. A. missedB. leftC. searchedD. frgt
    53. A. lveB. aplgyC. gratitudeD. hpe
    54. A. waitingB. hesitatingC. arguingD. trying
    55. A. caring frB. talking abutC. referring tD. lking at
    It cmes as sme surprise t discver that, in previus centuries, this pretty simple backwater was ne f the main 56 (stp) in a Caucasian branch f the classic Silk Rute. And the wrk being dne here tday is part f a far 57 (wide) recvery f East-West trade acrss the area.
    The Great Silk Rute, r Silk Rad, was the fabled verland supply chain famusly 58 allwed the supply f Chinese gds 59 (reach) ancient Rme frm the secnd century BCE.
    In an ancient wrld withut trains r planes, 60 (transprt) valuable gds acrss vast inhspitable lands f Eurasia required well equipped teams f pack animals— 61 (typical) camels travelling in grups knwn as caravans (商队).
    These wuld usually seek vernight 62 (safe) in slid walled fences where the traders culd find accmmdatin and fd. This develped 63 caravanserais (商队旅馆) all alng the trade rutes: precursrs (前身) f traveller’s inns, but fr a pre-mtrized age.
    Despite 64 name, the Silk Rute was always a separate netwrk rather than a single “rute” and that trade was in much mre than just silk. Pepper and spices 65 (be) als in demand in pre-medieval Eurpe, while s much silver and gld flwed east t pay fr these luxuries (奢侈品) that Rme faced a balance-f-payments reductin in the third century CE.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 比赛宗旨;
    2. 比赛信息;
    3. 欢迎参赛或观赛。
    参考词汇:tug f war 拔河比赛
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Smetimes, life just thrws n huge curve ball at yu, and yu have t deal with it. Fr this girl, she kept ging even thugh that curve ball tk away mst f her.
    Kate, 17, was riding hme frm Bear Lake with her families when they were hit by a truck. It was nt a very serius traffic accident. It was just a crash withut causing any deaths. But it brught misfrtune t Kate. She suffered the wrst ut f anyne in the car. In ther wrds, she was the wrst injured in her family.
    Kate was badly injured frm the waist dwn. There was n bld flw in her legs, and things weren’t lking gd. She needed bth legs amputated (截肢) abve the knee and spent tw mnths in the hspital. At that age, mst f her classmates wuld be getting ready fr cllege. But fate wasn’t s kind t her.
    It was nt easy t get back n track after such a misfrtune, but life was still wrth living n. At this time, Kate knew that she must encurage herself t be even strnger and fight with every challenge mre bravely than befre. She had t gain mre cnfidence t shulder the burden that nbdy in her age had ever faced.
    She was a cheerleader (啦啦队队员) at schl, after all. She knew better than anyne that sme encuragement and hard wrk can really make a difference. As a t-be adult, she als shwed her uncertainty abut her wn future. She smetimes asked her mum whether she wuld ever drive r swim again. Her mther answered yes t everything she asked.
    Hwever, ne thing was fr sure: Kate wuld need a wheelchair fr the rest f her life. What wuld yu d if yu had t live n a wheelchair? What wuld yu d if yu wanted t return t yur stage? Luckily, Kate didn’t feel r d as yu did.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    1~5 CBCBA 6~10 BACAB 11~15 ACBAC 16~20 BCBCA
    21. B细节理解题。根据第一段“But the real draw is the viewing platfrm at the tp f the building, which ffers amazing views f the city and muntains beynd.”可知,Mle Antnelliana最吸引人的地方是顶部的观景台。
    22. C细节理解题。根据第三段的“Frm here yu can see peaks f the Alps”可知答案。
    23. D细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Parc del Valentin makes fr lvely walks”可知答案。
    【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了Albert Cair在阿富汗救助伤员、帮助残疾人的故事。
    24. D细节理解题。根据第一段“After his left leg was blwn ff, Fahim went t the hspital t seek treatment. This is a hspital run by the Internatinal Cmmittee f the Red Crss (ICRC). There, he met Albert Cair”可知,Fahim在医院治疗腿伤的时候遇到了Albert Cair。故选D。
    25. D细节理解题,根据第四段“I was a teenager in Italy when I saw a man ding smething that seemed s simple and s helpful: helping peple t walk. That mment left a strng impressin n me. I eventually left my training as a lawyer behind t chse medicine.”可知,一位帮助他人走路的人触动了Cair,使得他选择学医。
    26. A推理判断题。根据全文的描述,Cai关爱病人,拓展了国际红十字会的救助范围。故选A。
    27. B细节理解题。根据最后一段“At first, the ICRC’s treatment centre nly fcused n war sufferers”可知,起初国际红十字会救助中心主要救治战争中的伤员。故选B。
    28. D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Smart Highway is the result f the teamwrk between builder and develper... and designer...”可知,夜光公路是建造者,研发者以及设计者共同努力的结果。
    29. C词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“The Van Ggh-Rsegaarde bicycle path is a creative path, inspired by Van Ggh’s Starry Night and designed by Daan Rsegaarde. There are thusands f light-emitting stnes, giving visitrs an experience f petry and design.”可知,梵高—罗斯加德自行车道上有上千块太阳能发光石,其构思源自梵高的著名作品《星夜》,即这条自行车道融合了艺术与科技。
    30. D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“As a turist attractin, the bicycle path als ffers ecnmic added value t the Eindhven regin”可知,梵高—罗斯加德自行车道促进了当地经济的发展。
    31. C推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了两段智能道路:位于荷兰奥斯的N329高速路段的夜光公路和位于荷兰埃因霍温的梵高—罗斯加德自行车道。
    32. B段落大意题。根据第一段的“Tday, the cuntry wns ver 2,000 varieties f tea, differing in taste, sweet and purpse.”以及下一句的举例说明可知,本段主要阐述了中国拥有超过2000种不同口味、香气和用途的茶叶。
    33. A推理判断题。根据全文,尤其是第五段的“the Chinese tea sectr will further tap its ptential and imprve its grwth”可知,作者认为中国茶叶行业有其潜力,必将不断增长。即对其未来充满希望。
    34. B标题归纳题。根据全文,尤其是最后一段可知,本文主要阐述中国茶是最古老的文化习俗之一,其传统的制茶工艺体现了谦逊、和谐和礼让的精神。它是一座连接不同文化和民族的桥梁。
    35. C推理判断题。本文主要介绍了中国茶,是关于中国文化的,最可能出现在文化杂志上。
    36. E根据此空后一句“Here is hw t express emtins…”的提示可知,此空选E:及时表达情绪是释放压抑的最好方式。
    37. B根据此空后第二句中“the unexpressed anger”的提示可知,此空选B:不把情绪表达出来会影响到你的生活。
    38. A根据本段最后一句话“Practise labeling the emtin that yu are actually having.”的提示可知此空选A:
    39. F根据关键词“physically”的提示可知此空选F。
    40. G根据关键词“cry”的提示可知此空选G。
    41. D考查名词辨析。根据下文“His hands had frstbite and his bdy was lking wrse and wrse…”和故事情节可知,圣诞节那天,奥特里在纽约布法罗的家中,听到街上有人尖叫。当她向外面看时,她看到一个男人在寒冷中呼救。
    42. C考查动词短语辨析。根据上文“ the freezing cld.”和下文“His hands had frstbite”可知,她把64岁的乔带回家取暖。warm up意为“变暖”。
    43. B考查形容词辨析,她担心为时已晚,他的手冻伤了,他在她家里待的时间越长,他的身体看起来越糟。根据常识和语法可知,这里表示“……时间越长……越糟”。
    44. D考查动词辨析。奥特里在脸书直播上求助。turn t求助于。
    45. D考查名词辨析。根据上文“He has gangrene n his hands.”和语境可知,他手上长了坏疽。他会失去手指的。“我”不知道还能做什么。
    46. A考查形容词辨析。根据上文的“ she feared...”和本句的“’m ging crazy…I’m starting t see his bdy change t much...”可知,“我”要疯了,因为“我”害怕,“我”开始看到他的身体变化太大了。
    47. B考查动词辨析。“我”要疯了,因为“我”害怕。“我”开始看到自他来到“我”家时,他的身体变化太大了。根据故事情节可知B项正确。
    48. C考查名词辨析。根据下文“ grup hme n Christmas Eve mrning during the snwstrm”可知,奥特里说,她拨打了911,但由于暴风雪,紧急救援人员周末几个小时都无法回应电话。
    49. A考查动词辨析。由于暴风雪,紧急救援人员周末几个小时都无法回应电话。救护车被困在厚厚的积雪中。get stuck in...意为“被困于……”。
    50. A考查副词辨析。根据故事情节可知,最终,她的请求得到了回应,圣诞节晚上,一群人来了,把乔送到了医院。
    51. C考查动词辨析,根据上文“Ambulances were getting…in the thick snw.”可知,“我”和他在车里,还有一些好心的撒玛利亚人,他们来帮我们清理路上的积雪。
    52. B考查动词辨析。根据第一段可知,他的雇主巴克说,乔在平安夜早上暴风雪期间离开了他的教养院。
    53. C考查名词辨析。根据故事情节可知,伊冯娜和巴克都表达了对奥特里的感激。
    54. D考查动词辨析。根据上文可知,他们都在努力互相帮助。
    55. C考查动词短语辨析。伊冯娜在接受CNN采访时表示:“我们都在努力互相帮助,这太棒了。”“现在我觉得我有一个妹妹和三个侄子,”她补充说,指的是奥特里和她的儿子们。refer t意为“指的是……”。
    56. stps 考查名词复数。人们惊讶地发现,在过去的几个世纪里,这个相当质朴的闭塞之地曾是经典的丝绸之路高加索支线的主要停靠站之一。ne f the+名词复数,意为“……中之一”。所以填stps。
    57. wider 考查形容词的比较级。今天在这里进行的工作是整个地区东西方贸易更广泛复兴的一部分。根据句意,上文和其前的far可知,此处是现在和过去相比,使用形容词的比较等级。
    58. that/which 考查定语从句,伟大的丝绸之路是传说中的陆上供应链,从公元前2世纪开始,它让中国商品的供应到达古罗马,根据句意和语法分析,此处是定语从句,修饰supply chain。从句内部缺少主语,故填that/which.
    59. t reach 考查非谓语动词。伟大的丝绸之路是传说中的陆上供应链,从公元前2世纪开始,它让中国商品的供应到达古罗马。 d...,意为“允许……做……”。
    60. transprting 考查非谓语动词,在一个没有火车或飞机的古代世界,要跨越欧亚大陆荒凉的广阔地带运送贵重商品,需要装备精良的驮运动物团队,根据句意和语法可知,这里用动词的-ing短语充当句子主语。
    61. typically 考查副词。在一个没有火车或飞机的古代世界,要跨越欧亚大陆荒凉的广阔地带运送贵重商品,需要装备精良的驮运动物团队——通常是骆驼,他们成群结队地旅行,被称为商队。此处用副词修饰独立主格结构。
    62. safety 考查词性转换。这些人通常会在坚固的围墙内寻求过夜的安全,商人可以在那里找到住宿和食物。这里用safe的名词形式作seek的宾语。
    63. int 考查介词。这发展成了商队旅馆,沿着贸易路线:旅行者旅馆的前身,但这是一个未摩托化的时代。develp int...,意为“发展成为……”。
    64. the 考查冠词。尽管被称为丝绸之路,但丝绸之路一直是一个分散的网络,而不是单一的“路线”,贸易不仅仅是丝绸。这里特指“丝绸之路”这名字。
    65. were 考查主谓一致和时态。在中世纪前的欧洲,胡椒和香料也很有需求,而大量的白银和黄金流向东方,以购买这些奢侈品,罗马在公元三世纪面临着国际收支紧缩。主语为复数且时态为过去时,故填were。
    One pssible versin:
    I am much hnurable t infrm yu that a tug-f-war will be held in ur schl. The match is scheduled t be held every afternn frm Mnday t Friday this week in ur schl playgrund.10 bys and 10 girls frm each class are rganized t frm ne team. The cmpetitin shall be carried ut by the methd f tw ut f three eliminatin. The first, secnd and third prizes and Spiritual Civilizatin Awards will be presented. The purpse f the match is t strengthen the cmmunicatin between classes and further imprve the physical quality f students. Welcme t participate in and watch the cmpetitin.
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    One pssible versin:
    Kate had t relearn hw t live n a wheelchair. First f all, she had t relearn hw t handle daily things, such as getting up in bed, getting dressed and getting int her wheelchair. But fr Kate, vercming such a discuraging challenge meant laying a fundatin fr a big step in the future. Next, she had t relearn hw t keep fit n her wheelchair, which wuld help her g back t the field again. At last, she had t relearn hw t d sme f her previus perfrmances.
    Then the last ftball game f the seasn arrived. Kate was able t d sme cheerleading perfrmances as skillfully as befre and she decided t jin her fellw cheerleaders again. When she appeared n the field, all her fellw cheerleaders, players as well as the audience applauded her. Kate knew that ding her bit well was the best respnse. When she finished her perfrmance tgether with ther cheerleaders, she was applauded again. Undubtedly, Kate was a real fighter and a huge star then.
    (Text 1)
    W: Srry, I have t stp yu here. I’m having a meeting...
    M: OK. I wnder if I culd call yu later just t see if yu are interested in ur prducts.
    (Text 2)
    W: Of all the mvies yu’ve seen, which ne is yur favurite?
    M: Well, Superbad is the best mvie I’ve ever seen. It’s really funny.
    W: Yu think s, hw cme? I nearly fell asleep halfway thrugh it!
    (Text 3)
    M: Did yu g n a trip abrad during the summer hlidays, Jane?
    W: Yes. I went t Hlland. Oh, srry. We shuld call its new name the Netherlands. I had great fun there.
    (Text 4)
    W: What a crwd! Let’s stand in the queue.
    M: What are yu mailing, Mary?
    W: A textbk. It’s abut a new methd f teaching physics. I want my friend t take a lk at it.
    (Text 5)
    W: Culd yu give me sme advice abut the design f the new advertisement?
    M: I’d be happy t, but I really have t get this reprt dne. Maybe Alan has sme free time.
    W: That’s great! And he has sme backgrund in advertising.
    (Text 6)
    W: Gd mrning, Officer! I’d like t reprt a missing handbag.
    M: Gd mrning, Madam. Sit dwn and give me the details.
    W: Sir. I was n the bus this mrning. When the bus reached my stp, I managed t get ff. And the bus disappeared quickly. It was then that I realized my handbag was missing.
    M: Please describe yur handbag, Madam.
    W: It is a black leather bag. It has a tiny plastic yellw flwer with green leaves n the right crner.
    (Text 7)
    M: The weather is bad! I dn’t like such cld weather.
    W: Neither d I. But the snw is kind f pretty. I dn’t want t spend anther mrning in thse chairs in the student centre.
    M: Yes, and the ice bars hanging frm the rfs are my favurite, especially in the sun.
    W: My favurite place nw may be the fireplace in the student centre.
    M: That’s yur favurite place? N wnder I’ve seen yu there s many times.
    W: The chairs are cmfrtable. But maybe I shuld get utside mre.
    M: Yes, let’s g ice skating r snwbarding.
    W: I’ve never dne either f thse things befre, s I’d lve t g.
    M: Ice skating is a little difficult, s let’s g snwbarding. There’s a great hill behind the student centre.
    W: That sunds great.
    (Text 8)
    W: Well. let’s start with yur emplyment histry. First f all, are yu wrking nw?
    M: Yes, I am.
    W: Why d yu want t make a change?
    M: Well, my jb is a little bring. I want t d smething mre challenging.
    W: OK. And what did yu study in cllege?
    M: I majred in cmputer engineering. I started in 2014 and graduated in 2018.And I als tk sme AI classes.
    W: Were they part f yur curses?
    M: N. I’m just interested in that area. I signed up fr sme classes at a technical schl. I’m still taking classes there. I’ve been there fr a year.
    W: Gd. Yu say yu design web pages. Tell me abut this.
    M: Oh, that’s my strng pint. I made my first web page abut fur years ag. It’s really a lt f fun.
    W: Great!
    (Text 9)
    W: Tday we have Thmas Manning frm the Guinness Cmpany that prduced the famus bk The Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds. Welcme t ur prgramme, Thmas!
    M: Thanks. Sally.
    W: Culd yu start by telling us where the idea fr the bk came?
    M: Well, it was in the early 1950s.Sir Hugh Beaver, the managing directr f Guinness, was ut shting birds with sme friends. A bird flew s quickly that n ne culd sht it. Sir Hugh wndered whether this bird was the fastest bird in Eurpe.
    W: S I suppse he tried t lk fr the infrmatin and he culdn’t find it.
    M: Right. This made Sir Hugh think there must be ther peple in the same situatin. He thught that peple wuld be interested in finding facts f all recrds t satisfy their curisity.
    W: S when did the first bk cme ut?
    M: A few years later, in 1955.
    W: There are many strange recrds in the bk, aren’t there?
    M: Yeah. Did yu knw that the biggest hamburger is...
    (Text 10)
    D yu lve singing, dancing r acting? Then cme t the Silver Star Theatre Schl. We have curses every week during schl hlidays fr children between nine and sixteen years ld. If yu are furteen, fifteen r sixteen, the price is nly 85 punds a week.
    If yu are under furteen, it csts 95 punds per week. Yu’ll find we are cheaper than ther theatre schls but much better! And we ffer nice bks fr free. We will als give yu any special clthes yu need. The nly thing yu shuld bring with yu is yur lunch. The curses are quite interesting, but yu have t wrk really hard frm Mnday t Thursday. Then family and friends can cme and watch yu in a special shw n Friday afternn. Fr many peple, this is the best day f the week. The first summer curse begins n July 21 and yu must bk by 20th.If yu want t jin us, call Mary and ask fr a bking frm tday. The phne number is 8447695 and yu can call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. every day.
    Kate had t relearn hw t live n a wheelchair.
    Then the last ftball game f the seasn arrived.

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