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    这是一份2024河南省普高联考高三上学期测评(三)英语无答案,共2页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where will the speakers meet?
    A. At the square. B. At the tennis curt. C. At the department stre.
    2. Which T-shirt des the wman prefer?
    A. The ne with the lins.
    B. The ne with the dlphins.
    C. The ne with the teddy bears.
    3. When did Lisa arrive at the cncert?
    A. At 8:15. B. At 8:30. C. At 8:45.
    4. What des the man d n Saturday afternn?
    A. He des hmewrk. B. He plays sprt. C. He wrks part-time.
    5. What sprt are the speakers prbably watching?
    A. Ftball. B. Glf. C. Vlleyball.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Where des the man read his ntes?
    A. In the ntebk. B. On the sftware, C. In the printed articles.
    7. What des the wman think f Jenny's way f making ntes?
    A. It's ld-fashined. B. It's nt effective. C. It's nt envirnmentally friendly.
    8. What subject des the man refuse t include in the leaflet?
    A. Cycling. B. Recycling. C. Saving water.
    9. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Design the leaflet.
    B. Decide n anther subject.
    C. G t the recycling bank.
    10. Which htel des the man chse?
    A. Ocean Waves Resrt. B. Farmhuse Getaways. C. Sparkling Springs.
    11. Where will the man prbably spend his hliday?
    A. Near the fields. B. By the sea. C. In the muntains.
    12. When shuld the man turn left t get t the htel?
    A. After he leaves the mtrway.
    B. After he sees the hspital.
    C. After he crsses the bridge.
    听第9段材料,回答第13 至16 题。
    13. When did the wman start t div e using xygen?
    A. At age 6. B. At age 10. C. At age 12.
    14. Hw des the wman feel abut her father?
    A. She's wrried abut him.
    B. She's dependent n him.
    C. She's grateful t him.
    15. Why des the wman wrk with the scientists?
    A. T gain experience. B. T earn mney. C. T d research.
    16. What is the wman's brther uninterested in?
    A. Surfing. B. Diving. C. Skatebarding.
    听第10段材料,回答第17 至20 题。
    17. What event abut Wendy tk place tw weeks ag?
    A. An exhibitin f her wrks was pened.
    B. A bk with her paintings was published.
    C. A prgram abut her was bradcast.
    18. Where did Wendy draw pictures f tigers?
    A. In Asia. B. In Africa. C. In America.
    19. Hw lng is Wendy ging t be in the gallery?
    A. Fr three hurs. B. Fr fur hurs. C. Fr five hurs.
    20. What can visitrs d in the Farming Museum?
    A. Visit Edward's metal bjects.
    B. See the agricultural exhibits.
    C. Learn t make a sculpture.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Tp attractins t visit n a hliday t Spain
    Munt Teide
    Munt Teide is the third largest vlcan in the whle wrld. Lcated in Teide Natinal Park, it ffers a unique landscape. The visual impact f the site is imprved due t atmspheric cnditins that create ever-changing textures and tnes, with a " sea f cluds" as a backgrund t the muntain. It's a must-visit n a hliday t Tenerife, and dn't frget t bring yur camera.
    Plaza de España
    Lcated n the banks f the River Guadalquivir, Seville is Spain's mst lively and clurful city. Knwn fr wnderful dances, delicius fd, and rich cultural and architectural heritage, its histric centre has sme remarkable sites, including the cathedral and La Giralda twer. Plaza deEspaña is als a lvely place t walk and admire the beautiful wrks, r simply relax n a seat and watch the bats g by.
    Park Güell
    It's easy t lse time in Park Güell, ne f Antni Gaudi's magnificent wrks in Barcelna. This garden cmplex features clurful decratin, where yu can spend hurs walking arund, taking in the scenery and especially the panramic(全景) views f the city. Mrnings are usually the best time t visit Park Güell as it is a little less crwded and the weather stays pleasantly warm. The afternns can becme crwded, s plan yur visit t ensure the best pssible experience in this very special place.
    The Ryal Palace
    The Ryal Palace is the largest building in Madrid and the largest ryal palace in Western Eurpe. It is als the fficial residence f the King f Spain. Madrid itself is a fantastic place. Funded in the 9th century, the capital has a rich histry, a lively art and culture scene, nt t mentin delicius fd and drink. Grab a cffee, take a seat in ne f the beautiful plazas and feel the authentic Madrid atmsphere.
    21. What makes Munt Teide different frm the ther three attractins?
    A. Its lng histry. B. Its delicius lcal cuisine.
    C. Its natural landscape. D. Its best visiting time.
    22. Which turist attractin can be yur first chice if yu are used t getting up early?
    A. Munt Teide. B. Plaza de Espafia.
    C. Park Güell. D. The Ryal Palace.
    23. Where is this text taken frm?
    A. A turist guidebk. B. A fashin magazine.
    C. A recipe website. D. An elementary schl textbk.
    Andrew Wilsn was always a big kid. During his 20s and 30s he managed his weight at bay by playing sprt, but when his family faced a crisis and he was under pressure in his financial services jb, he started gaining the weight.
    "Mate, what are yu ding t yurself?" his dctr asked him ne day. Andrew was s ashamed that he avided seeking medical help fr ten years. Despite his effrts t lse weight thrugh varius diets, his weight cntinued t increase, reaching 200 kilgrams and he develped a range f health cmplicatins(并发症).
    "Mst peple have a feeling f having finished a meal, but I never had that satisfactry feeling. And it wasn't just physical. Mentally, I wanted mre," Andrew shared. Andrew is certainly nt alne. Overweight affects peple frm all walks f life, in every classrm, in every shpping centre and street. Peple everywhere are living with extra weight. Peple with verweight can experience serius health prblems.
    Despite the fact it's s cmmnplace, thse living with verweight are ften blamed fr their cnditin. “I still remember when the parents at my sn's kindergarten didn't want t talk t me utside the classrm. Sme wuldn't even lk at me because f my size. That impacted my sn, and he was teased," Andrew recalled.
    But there's increasing recgnitin that verweight is caused by a cmplex set f factrs beynd an individual’s cntrl, such as illness, genetics, childhd trauma(心理创伤), the envirnment and sciety. In Andrew's case, he turned t fd at a very yung age as a cping mechanism(机制) fr physical and mental abuse.
    "Overweight is a bilgical disease, nt a behaviur. It's nt smething individuals have cntrl ver. It's a prblem that the whle system needs t address," Andrew finally emphasized. He finally gathered the curage t g t an verweight treatment clinic. Since then, with the help f a medical team, he has lst mre than 50 kilgrams and cntinues t make prgress.
    24. What des the underlined phrase "managed... at bay" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Cntained. B. Increased. C. Attained. D. Preserved.
    25. What is the cmmn peple's attitude twards thse with verweight?
    A. Apprving. B. Sympathetic. C. Accusing. D. Indifferent.
    26. What's the main reasn fr the widespread verweight?
    A. Envirnmental factrs.
    B. An increasing scial discriminatin.
    C. The weak will in patients' heart.
    D. Sme cmplicated factrs ut f peple's cntrl.
    27. What can we learn abut Andrew frm the text?
    A. Andrew made n attempt t cntrl his weight.
    B. Andrew's sn may be laughed at by his classmates.
    C. Andrew has a mentally satisfying childhd.
    D. Andrew has successfully achieved his gal in lsing weight.
    A slar cell wrks based n the phtelectric effect(光电效应), which happens when light interacts with a special light-absrbing material, knwn as a semicnductr(半导体). As the semicnductr absrbs light, it prduces negative charges ( electrns ) and psitive charges(hles). The electrns and hles are attracted t each ther, and when they jin tgether, they release energy in the frm f light. If we can separate the electrns and hles and keep them frm recmbining, we can then use them t prduce electricity.
    Recently, a semicnducting material called pervskite wás discvered. This material wrks superbly in the slar cell. One f its main advantages is that it is very simple t prepare, which means that slar cells can be made at a relatively lw cst cmpared t the existing slar cells technlgy.
    Initially, pervskite cntains xygen, which makes it suitable fr use in slar cells. A few years ag, hwever, researchers made a breakthrugh discvery by develping nn-xygen-based pervskite in the labratry. This new pervskite culd bth carry electrical charges in the light and be nn-cnductive in the dark. The new material culd als absrb a wide range f wavelengths. These features are very well-suite d fr slar cells.
    An imprtant factr fr slar cells is stability, r the time the slar cell can wrk withut decreasing in its perfrmance. Therefre, we cnducted varius tests in which the slar cells remained stable fr ver 40 days. This gives us a gd indicatin that these cells will perate fr abut 20 years withut significant degradatin(衰退).
    Pervskite-based slar cell technlgy has advanced rapidly in just a few years. Researchers are cnvinced that this technlgy hlds great ptential fr widespread use due t its simple prductin techniques and lw cst f the pervskite materials.
    28. What is paragraph 1 mainly abut?
    A. The electricity made by light. B. The ways f prducing semicnductr.
    C. The principle n which the slar cell is based. D. The creatin f negative and psitive charges.
    29. What is the main advantage f pervskite?
    A. Being easy t prepare. B. Cntaining xygen.
    C. Being nn-cnductive. D. Absrbing fewer wavelengths.
    30. Why did researchers d s many experiments n pervskite-based slar cell?
    A. T make less mistakes. B. T reduce the failures.
    C. T increase the perfrmance. D. T learn mre abut the stability.
    31. Which wrd can be used t describe the new slar cell technlgy?
    A. Simple. B. Advanced. C. Prmising. D. Limited.
    Last Saturday, a pwerful earthquake struck the Philippines. It was first reprted as a magnitude(震级) f 7.2; this was later crrected t 6.8. Last Friday, a prt cllapsed in Glucester Harbr in Massachusetts. It was first reprted as a prt belnging t Cape Ann Ice, but later identified as a prt used by Channel Fish.
    Crrectins and retractins(撤回) are cmmn nt nly in the news, but als in science and in everyday life. The truble is that initial beliefs are smetimes hard t remve. Dzens f studies in experimental psychlgy have identified a phenmenn knwn as the cntinued influence effect that even after misinfrmatin is retracted, many peple cntinue t treat it as true. In ther wrds, it has a cntinued influence n their thinking.
    Ecker and his clleagues designed an experiment in which 60 university undergraduates read a series f events that were written as pairs f news stries, half f which invlved a retractin in the secnd stry f sme misinfrmatin stated in the first stry. T measure the "cntinued influence “f the initial misinfrmatin, participants were asked a series f questins relevant t that aspect f the news stry. The researchers fund that peple's reasning ften shwed an influence frm the initial, retracted claim, cnfirming previus finds.
    The study's authrs are cautius abut making strng cnclusins based n this single result. Hwever, they still suggest that unnecessary repetitins f misinfrmatin shuld be avided; if smene desn't already believe the misinfrmatin, repeating it culd d mre harm than gd.
    32. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. Raising the main tpic. B. Overviewing the whle article.
    C. Shwing a prblem fr later slutin. D. Intrducing the backgrund infrmatin.
    33. What des the underlined wrd "it" in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. The persistent influence. B. The misinfrmatin.
    C. The infrmatin retractin. D. The psychlgical phenmenn.
    34. What can we learn abut the experiment frm the last tw paragraph?
    A. It is well designed. B. It needs t be mre interesting.
    C. It takes ages t see the results. D. It makes us mre cautius during wrk.
    35. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Is Misinfrmatin Useful? B. Crrectins and Retractins
    C. Ways t Remember True Infrmatin D. Can Repeating False Infrmatin be Helpful?
    Fur Simple Ways t Save Mney
    Saving is easier when yu have a plan fllw these steps t create ne. Smetimes the hardest thing abut saving mney is just getting started. 36 . Therefre, yu can save fr all yur shrt- and lng-term gals.
    Recrd yur expenses.
    The first step t start saving mney is figuring ut hw much yu spend. 37 . That means every cffee, husehld item and cash tip as well as regular mnthly bills. Recrd yur expenses hwever easy it is fr yu a pencil and paper, a simple spreadsheet r a free nline spending tracker r app.
    Include saving in yur budget.
    38 . Yur budget shuld shw hw yur expenses are relative t yur incme, s that yu can plan yur spending and limit verspending. Be sure t factr in expenses that ccur regularly but nt every mnth, such as car maintenance. Include a savings categry in yur budget and aim t save an amunt that initially feels cmfrtable t yu.
    Find ways t cut spending.
    If yu can't save as much as yu'd like, it might be time t cut back n expenses. Identify unnecessary things, such as entertainment and dining ut , which yu can spend less n. Lk fr ways t save n yur fixed mnthly expenses, such as yur car insurance r cell phne plan, as well. 39 . 40 .
    One f the best ways t save mney is t set an bjective. Start by thinking abut what yu might want t save fr bth in the shrt term (ne t three years) and the lng term (fur r mre years). Then estimate hw much mney yu'll need and hw lng it might take yu t save it.
    A. Set savings gals
    B. Watch yur savings grw
    C. Keep track f all yur expenses
    D. This step-by-step guide can help yu develp a simple and realistic way
    E. Nw that yu knw hw much yu spend in a mnth, yu can begin t create a budget
    F. Use yur credit card and bank statements t make sure yu've included everything
    G. Other ideas fr managing everyday expenses include searching fr free activities, reviewing recurring charges, and waiting befre yu buy
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Music has a universal pwer that helps peple find imaginative expressin and treatment.
    Lst Vices is an inspiring prject that 41 teenagers with challenging trauma t express themselves thrugh 42 . Mike Ball first encuntered this special grup in 2005 after he was invited t speak abut his writing 43 near his hme. As a writer and music lver, Ball knew sngwriting culd be a psitive, 44 way ut fr these yung peple. He 45 t get ther lcal musicians n bard, and Lst Vices was brn in 2007.
    The rganizatin ffers weeklng 46 where musicians g int cmmunity t wrk with children in small grups, assisting them t write sngs and find their 47 . "I'm ften surprised by the sngs they write," Ball said. "Smetimes they're 48 . But beneath the silliness, they're really revealing. Smetimes they're 49 real, leaving me with a lasting sense f sadness."
    In each Lst Vices prgram, the emphasis lies n creating a safe atmsphere, and this envirnment encurages participants t 50 their deepest feelings and ideas withut fear f being criticized. By 51 a platfrm fr creative expressin, these prgrams allw yung victims t face and express their 52 thrugh the medium f music.
    Thrugh the cnstant 53 f individuals like Mike Ball and the cllective effrts f the musicians invlved, Lst Vices 54 as a lighthuse f hpe fr these ften-frgtten yung suls, prving that their stries and talents 55 t be heard by the wrld.
    41. A. prepares B. recmmends C. prvides D. persuades
    42. A. languages B. signs C. reading D. music
    43. A. business B. career C. image D. fashin
    44. A. effective B. sensitive C. creative D. cmpetitive
    45. A. managed B. attempted C. happened D. failed
    46. A. methds B. cnferences C. interviews D. prgrams
    47. A. talent B. vice C. habit D. pinin
    48. A. smart B. sensible C. silly D. practical
    49. A. heartbreakingly B. breathtakingly C. head-spinningly D. eye-catchingly
    50. A. cmprehend B. explre C. predict D. ignre
    51. A. wing B. receiving C. ffering D. rdering
    52. A. experiences B. examples C. adventures D. decisins
    53. A. friendship B. devtin C. justice D. kindness
    54. A. treats B. serves C. cnsiders D. uses
    55. A. happen B. intend C. deserve D. manage
    Cnfucius: The Famus Chinese Philspher
    If we take a lk back at histry, there are a lt f peple that have shaped the current civilizatin with 56 (they) ideas and teachings. Cnfucius was ne f thse amazing teachers and philsphers.
    The real spread f knwledge 57 (start) after his death when his students and fllwers passed n his teachings. One f his very famus bks is The Analects(语录) f Cnfucius. His belief fcuses n the 58 (significant) f having a gd mral character and persnal ethics. There is actually mre depth t this 59 it seems.
    The main values f Cnfucianism 60 (be) ancestr wrship and human-centered virtues. Yu might have heard the famus saying:" D nt d unt thers 61 yu wuld nt want thers t d unt yu. " That is the Glden Rule f Cnfucianism.
    Cnfucius believed that the gvernment system shuld nly be based n pure virtue rather than wealth. He was dedicated t 62 (teach) peple the methd f virtuus living t have a fulfilled life. He expected peple 63 (realize) the imprtance f mral principles, self-cultivatin(修养), and educatin. His teachings are being fllwed 64 (wide) in Chinese sciety even tday. 65 he passed n a lng time ag, his sayings and teachings are still preserved in the bk The Analects f Cnfucius up t this day.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Say N t Schọl-Bullying
    A teenage by lived alne with his father. The tw f them had a very special relatinship. Even thugh the sn was always " warming the bench", his father was always in the stands cheering.
    This yung man was still the smallest in the class when he entered high schl. But the sn was determined t try his best at every practice. Thrughut high schl, he never missed a practice but still remained a benchwarmer all fur years. His faithful father always in the stands, always with wrds f encuragement fr him.
    When the yung man went t cllege, he decided t try ut fr the ftball team as a "walk-n". Everyne was sure he culd never make the cut, but he did. The cach admitted that he kept him n the rster(候选名单) because he always put his heart and sul int every practice and, at the same time, prvided the ther members with the spirit they badly needed.
    This persistent yung athlete never missed a practice during his fur years at cllege, but he never gt t play in the game. It was the end f his senir ftball seasn, and as he ran nt the practice field shrtly befre the big playff game, the cach met him with a telegram.
    The yung man read the telegram and became silent. Swallwing hard, he whispered t the cach, "My father died this mrning. Is it all right if I miss practice tday?" The cach put his arm gently arund his shulder and said, "Take the rest f the week ff, sn. And dn't even plan t cme back t the game n Saturday."
    Saturday arrived, and the game was nt ging well. In the third quarter, when the team was ten pints behind, a silent yung man quietly slipped int the empty lcker rm and put n his ftball gear(一套设备). As he ran nt the sidelines, the cach and his players were astnished t see their faithful teammate back s sn.
    "Cach, please let me play. I've just gt t play tday," said the yung man..

    Such cheering yu've never heard!


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