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    这是一份河南省普高联考2024届高三下学期测评(六)英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含英语试题docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What des the man want t d mst?
    A.Have a swim. B.Visit a museum. C.G t an air shw.
    2.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.Hw t g t wrk.
    B.Hw t learn a language.
    C.Hw t get alng with wrkmates.
    3.What is the wman’s attitude twards ging rck climbing?
    A.Hesitant. B.Cnfident. C.Uninterested.
    4.When des the film festival prbably finish?
    A.At 4 pm. B.At 5 pm. C.At 7 pm.
    5.Why des the man prbably cme here this time?
    A.T d sme sightseeing.
    B.T g n business.
    C.T attend a wedding.
    6.Wh is prbably gd at accunting?
    A.Anna. B.Matt. C.Justine.
    7.What are the speakers prbably ding?
    A.Chsing a majr. B.Selecting bks. C.Ding an interview.
    8.What will the wman d first?
    A.Buy sme furniture. B.Try n the dress. C.Chse sme accessries.
    9.Which department has been mved?
    A.The she department.
    B.The wmenswear department.
    C.The menswear department.
    10.What is the wman ding?
    A.Hsting a prgram. B.Taking a pht. C.Explring a frest.
    11.Why did the man g t Suth America?
    A.T preserve lcal culture.
    B.T cllect art materials. C.T prtect the rainfrest.
    12.What were used t track the threats by sunds?
    A.Phnes and cmputers.
    B.Phnes and micrphnes.
    C.Cmputers and micrphnes.
    13.Hw can we describe the man?
    A.He’s weak. B.He’s creative. C.He’s understanding.
    14.What did the wman’s father d?
    A.An actr. B.A directr. C.A prducer.
    15.What made the wman take up editing?
    A.Her lve fr reading. B.Her father’s supprt. C.Family influences.
    16.When did the wman start t build her team?
    A.Fur years ag. B.Five years ag. C.Six years ag.
    17.What des the wman plan t d in the future?
    A.Prduce a film. B.Write a bk. C.Be a bk editr.
    18.Hw can peple rder bks that are unavailable in the library?
    A.By sending an email.
    B.By making a phne call.
    C.By visiting the library website.
    19.What is n the right f the receptin area?
    A.The reading rms. B.The children’s area. C.The study zne.
    20.What des the library prvide fr students in the far left crner?
    A.Cmputers. B.Chargers. C.Pwer sckets.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    RECOMMENDED READ:A Wrld f Wnders
    Frm the pyramids f Giza t the Clssus f Rhdes,Bettany Hughes explres sme f the wrld’s mst thrilling landscapes.In a landscape that values cnvenience and quick-fire prgress ver all else,it’s a treat t lk int the BCE years and discver the astnishing accmplishments f leaders and kings lng,lng dead,sme f which still puzzle the mdern mind.
    Hughes takes us thrugh each f the Seven Ancient Wnders,nt nly wndering at the cnstructin and grandness but,perhaps mre interestingly,the experiences f thse wh imagined,built and enjyed them.
    This is nt a bk t be quickly understd,but enjyed in delicius pieces,regularly glancing frm the page t infrm whever is nearby:“Did yu knw the Temple f Artemis was destryed and rebuilt three times,each mre impressive than the last?”r “Did yu knw that when the Pyramid f Giza was built,it was a waterside feature,and the Egyptian landscape was green?”
    Thrughly researched and cited,Hughes als appears t have visited many f the lcatins,even thse we can’t be sure f,and this first-hand accunting adds a much-needed element f engagement t the therwise fact-and date-heavy narrative.Recunting the unpleasant smell f bat guan(夜明砂)while crawling thrugh pyramid passageways,ding her wn n-ft detective wrk at Rhdes t discver the lcatin f the Clssus,yu can imagine her,nt in a dusty library but putting n an Indiana Jnes style hat and adventuring fr numerus legendary treasures.
    21.What des Hughes fcus n in her writing?
    A.Quick-fire prgress. B.Cmmn sense.
    C.Ancient wnders. D.Mdern minds.
    22.What can we learn abut Hughes?
    A.She prefers t describe delicius fd.
    B.She is fnd f questining the truth.
    C.She is used t wrking in a dusty library.
    D.She highlights hands-n experiences.
    23.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T recmmend a bk. B.T intrduce places f interest.
    C.T attract turists. D.T hunt fr treasures.
    Cllingwd-Nrris was playing with her new pet dg,Stitch,while wearing a favurite secnd-hand find:a cral wl jumper.Stitch jumped up and grabbed her sleeve and tre several hles in it with her sharp teeth.
    Cllingwd-Nrris,nw 37,wasn’t abut t cast the item ut.“I can’t bear t thrw away nice clthing just because f a hle,” she explains.As a knitwear designer based in Galashiels,Sctland,she was used t making her wn jumpers,but after she was left with a handful that had dg-affected hles,she decided t tackle a new skill:mending.She began by reading a bk called Make D and Mend,abut the innvative thriftiness(节俭)that emerged during Wrld WarⅡ.
    Instead f trying t make the repair as small as pssible,she turned t “visible mending”,a trend in repairing clthes that leaves an intentinally bvius fix.Needlewrkers add flwers,bright squares r ther small designs t damaged clthes.“Every time yu d a repair,it’s like having a new garment in yur wardrbe,” says Cllingwd-Nrris.She’s even started t repair ther things,including a hle in the red sfa chair she’s sitting n during ur vide interview.
    Sadly,we have becme accustmed t replacing things instead f repairing them and the garbage is piling up.Wrldwide,we cast ut 92 millin tnnes f textiles(纺织品)every year.Electrnic waste is anther grwing prblem:an estimated 50 millin tnnes f it is created each year arund the wrld.
    The gd news is that fixing things can help slve the waste prblem.It’s part f a larger shift twards a circular ecnmy—the idea that instead f casting ut items nce they are brken r ut f date,we reuse r repair them,keeping them ut f the landfill fr as lng as pssible.
    Abut ne-third f greenhuse gas emissins cme frm man-made gds and cnsumables.Accrding t a 2023 reprt frm Circle Ecnmy,a Netherlands-based NGO,if the wrld switched t a circular ecnmy we culd lwer the amunt f material we need t extract frm nature by a third.Of curse there is still smething t d with the waste.
    24.Why des the authr mentin Cllingwd-Nrris’ pet dg?
    A.T shw hw lvely the dg was.
    B.T intrduce the tpic f mending.
    C.T highlight the secnd-hand jumper.
    D.T tell an interesting stry abut the dg.
    25.Hw did Cllingwd-Nrris deal with damaged clthes?
    A.She threw them away. B.She stred them in a wardrbe.
    C.She skillfully repaired them. D.She made the repairs as small as pssible.
    26.What can we learn abut the circular ecnmy?
    A.It prmtes sustainable use f resurces.
    B.It leads t greenhuse gas emissins.
    C.It prevents prductin innvatin.
    D.It extracts mre frm nature.
    27.What will be discussed in the fllwing paragraphs?
    A.Electrnic waste. B.The vide interview.
    C.Man-made gds. D.Slutins t the waste prblem.
    What are these ants ding,gathering arund a caterpillar? If yu guessed eating,yu’d be right,but prbably nt in the way yu imagined.
    These ants are engaged in what’s called “tending”,and far frm being harmed by the interactin,the sft and weak caterpillar is likely benefited.In fact,the caterpillar has a set f cmplex adaptatins that seem aimed at keeping ants nearby.Mst striking amng these is an rgan that secretes a nutritius liquid high in sugar.Explring wrker ants eagerly cnsume the fd and bring it back t their habitats.The cst t the caterpillar is nly the cst f prducing these little nutritin packets.
    But why wuld a caterpillar want a murderus grup f ants cllected arund it? The answer is prtectin.Fr ne thing,when yu manage t get the attackers n yur side,they wn’t attack yu anymre:that is,the calm ants are n lnger a threat t the caterpillar.And in general,being a caterpillar is very dangerus.They have sft bdies,ften feed in the pen,and are nt knwn fr their quick mvement,making them easy fd.In additin t being eaten directly,there is a huge diversity f parasitids(寄生)in the insect wrld,wh lay eggs inside caterpillars’ bdies and eat their way ut.This kills the caterpillar.A standing guard f ants,wh generally prtect their fd surces and each ther,lwers the caterpillar’s risk f being parasitized.Thus,because this interactin is ften mutually(相互)beneficial,we call it mutualism,meaning that bth the ants and the caterpillars d better because f it:ants get fd and caterpillars get prtectin.
    In rder t keep their attendants friendly,caterpillars can als release a strng cmbinatin f chemicals,encuraging the ants t stick arund,and hpefully keeping them frm trying a bite f caterpillars.This mixture is s effective that smetimes the ants can’t distinguish the smell f the caterpillar frm their wn kind.If the ants are absent and an enemy appraches,sme caterpillars
    als make use f specialized rgans that prduce nises r smells,attracting ants frm farther away.
    28.Which wrd best describes the relatinship between caterpillars and ants?
    A.Cexistence. B.Emplyment.
    C.Separatin. D.Independence.
    29.What des the underlined wrd “This” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A.Having a sft bdy and eating in the pen.
    B.Parasitids laying eggs and eating ut.
    C.Mving at an amazingly lw speed.
    D.Ants rbbing them f fd surces.
    30.Why d caterpillars release a strng mixture f chemicals?
    A.T attack the surrunding ants. B.T keep ants frm appraching.
    C.T attract ants t keep them arund. D.T cmmunicate with ther caterpillars.
    31.What is the main tpic f the text?
    A.Ants’ survival strategies. B.Caterpillars’ defense skills.
    C.The balance f insects. D.Ant-caterpillar pairings.
    Sme might say that handwriting has becme a dying art since the appearance f the typewriter in the mid-1880s,and even mre s due t cmputers.In fact,many schls in the United States n lnger require teaching cursive(草体)as a part f the cre curriculum.Hwever,despite the sense that writing n paper is ut f fashin,it actually has a number f very imprtant benefits.
    Writing by hand is nt nly imprtant fr language prcessing and memry but als fr cgnitive(认知)develpment.A Psychlgy Tday blg explains hw learning t write by hand
    teaches the brain “functinal specializatin” r,in ther wrds,the best efficiency.When learning
    t write by hand,the human brain must integrate sensatin,mvement cntrl,and thinking,which it des nt d when learning t type.
    The cgnitive benefits f writing by hand are numerus,and there are many studies that can prve that.A 2021 study by the University f Tky shws that writing n paper culd help students recall material better than typing n a keybard.Similarly,a 2014 study frm the Assciatin fr Psychlgical Science shws that taking ntes n a laptp,as ppsed t writing them lnghand,leads t shallwer prcessing f the learned material.This is because when using a laptp,students ften type ut lectures wrd fr wrd,instead f prcessing and rewrding the infrmatin in their wn language.
    These benefits actually translate t hw yu recall the infrmatin.In this case,writing it by hand instead f typing als helps students perfrm better n exams.A study led by Dr.Virginia Berninger,a prfessr at the University f Washingtn,suggests that children write lnger and mre cmplex essays when they write by hand,as ppsed t using a keybard.“Children cnsistently did better writing with a pen when they wrte essays.They wrte mre,and they wrte
    faster,” Berninger tld Futurity.
    S the next time yu sit dwn t write an email t a lved ne,cnsider the pssibility that it might be better fr yur brain if yu wrte a handwritten letter instead.
    32.What d we learn abut handwriting frm Paragraph 1?
    A.It has its unique value.
    B.It has becme a new fashin.
    C.Its cursive frm is required in the US.
    D.Its nature has been replaced by cmputers.
    33.Accrding t Paragraphs 2-3,writing by hand_______.
    A.can result in less brain cnnectivity
    B.can bst memry and understanding
    C.might have little t d with recalling materials
    D.might lead t shallwer prcessing f infrmatin
    34.What is the authr’s attitude tward writing?
    A.Critical. B.Uncertain. C.Tlerant. D.Supprtive.
    35.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.Efficiency Cmes First
    B.Mre Cmplex Essays Are Needed
    C.The Pen is Mightier than the Keybard
    D.Science Is the Primary Prductive Frce
    Start Yur Jurnaling Jurney
    When lking fr a way t better manage stress and feel yur best,cnsider adding jurnaling t yur regular wellness rutine.This practice ges beynd just recrding daily events. 36
    Jurnaling acts as a mirrr,reflecting yur innermst thughts,feelings,and behavirs.By regularly putting pen t paper,yu can uncver patterns,leading t increased self-awareness. 37__ Just the act f recgnizing hw yu feel can build self-cnfidence and imprve yur md.
    38 Think f it as a safe space t express hw yu feel,leading t a significant decrease in stress levels.Smetimes the first step in building the life yu want starts with simple awareness.Jurnaling gives yu a chance t recgnize what stresses yu ut in the first place.
    As yu launch yur jurnaling jurney,remember that the mst imprtant aspect is t start.Even if yu’ve never jurnaled befre,it’s easy t begin. 39 Aim t jurnal at the same time each day,whether yu prefer the first thing in the mrning r in the evening as a way t decrease the pressure.Even just five minutes can help gain sme clarity and reflectin.
    Think f yur jurnal as yur cnfidential space.Appraching jurnaling with hnesty and penness,free frm self-judgment.Remember,there’s n right r wrng way t jurnal.It’s abut
    the prcess,nt perfectin. 40 This can explain yur grwth ver time,patterns in yur thinking r behavir,and hw yu’ve navigated past challenges.Reflectin can help harvest new
    insights int yur persnal jurney.
    A.Cnsistency is key t the jurnaling.
    B.Later,take time t read back thrugh yur entries.
    C.Accept yurself in the present mment just as yu are.
    D.It’s als a pathway t deeper self-understanding and psychlgical flexibility.
    E.This can be the first step tward meaningful change and persnal grwth.
    F.Writing abut yur day,wrries,r challenges acts as an emtinal way ut.
    G.Jurnaling encurages a shift frm a passive attitude t an active ne t prblems.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    On a bright April day in 2024,McAvy was 38 kilmetres int a demanding ultramarathn(超马拉松赛)thrugh rugh muntain paths. 41 tiredness,he pushed his bdy and mind thrugh the final 42 f the race.With the finish arch just 4 kilmetres away,he welled up with __43 .In that mment,he felt s free and alive.
    It was quite the ppsite frm 44 his life had been a decade befre.McAvy had just been 45 frm prisn after serving a 10-year sentence fr rbbery.Nw 40 years ld,he has
    __46 the last 10 years rebuilding his life t ne with 47 .After his release,he began making speeches at schls.But it was n this day that he 48 hw impactful cnquering(征服)this muntain run culd be fr kids.After all,sprt had helped him renew and 49 his wrld.It culd d the same fr thers.
    S,McAvy 50 the Alpine Run Prject,which recently led 12 disadvantaged yung peple thrugh their wn races.After a six-mnth training 51 ,the yuth travelled t the Alps fr their race.Fr them,it was a 52 high.“It changed my pint f 53 n life,” says Mahamud,a 20-year-ld wh had 54 family abuse.Pushing herself t cmplete the race gave
    her a glimpse f her wn 55 thrugh hard wrk and dedicatin.
    41.A.BattlingB.Changing C.SeekingD.Shaking
    45.A.recrdedB.released C.reservedD.relaxed
    46.A.survivedB.develped C.spentD.discvered
    48.A.remembered B.regretted C.imaginedD.realized
    49.A.cme back B.clse dwn C.pen upD.gby
    51.A.designB.interview C.mvementD.prgram
    52.A.life-changing B.time-killing C.head-spinning D.eye-catching
    54.A.returnedB.escaped C.recveredD.spread
    55.A.cncernB.decisin C.infrmatinD.ptential
    My first visit t China was in 2016.By then,I 56 (study)Chinese fr fur years.Thse six days in Beijing were life-changing fr me.I spared n effrt t use my brken Chinese t write diary entries 57 insisted ff using Chinese t cmmunicate with the lcals.
    S,my pursuit(追求)f studying,and ultimately wrking in China,had begun.First,I studied at Tsinghua University fr a time befre applying 58 the jint hnrs degree prgram that I am currently n, 59 allwed me t study at BNU fr tw years as part f the prgram.
    This has very much enhanced my desire t live and wrk in China.During my time at BNU,I have tried my best 60 (rt)myself int university life and engage with Chinese students naturally.One f the ways in which I’ve dne this,is by seeking ne f my ther 61 (passin)—playing the vilin—and jining the university’s String Sciety,f which I am nw vice president. 62 (rganize)cncerts and perfrming with fellw students have really made me feel a part f the cmmunity at BNU.Althugh I am a freign student,and my Chinese far frm __63 (perfectly),this freign identity is nevertheless frgtten.In fact,my Chinese friends utnumber my friends in the UK,and Chinese has becme my 64 (ne)language f chice.
    This is the pwer f learning a language and why 65 is s imprtant—it builds bridges,reslves misunderstandings and makes the peple f the wrld mre cnnected.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    参考词汇:手帐a bullet jurnal
    I was eight years ld and frgt all the arrangements being made fr ur jurney as a family frm Twmba t Lndn in 1950.My mther was in great pain and wished t visit specialists in Lndn.Unwillingly My father had t sell ur prperty “Hamiltn Park” near Wallumbilla,in
    suth-west Queensland.
    The day befre we barded the ship SS Orin,Father said a tender farewell t his five-year-ld red dg,Spider,wh was lved by us all.Father’s friend Sandy had been getting t knw Spider fr many weeks,as Sandy was t be his guardian(监护人)while we were verseas.We didn’t knw hw lng my mther’s treatment wuld take r hw lng we wuld be away.
    Six weeks later,a blue air letter arrived frm Sandy,giving my father the news that Spider had run away just tw weeks after we had sailed.I will always remember my father’s disappinted lk as he read this news.Sandy had advertised cnstantly n ABC radi and in ther reginal newspapers.Despite many “sightings”,the dg was never fund.It seems Spider just kept running and searching fr us.As he was a red dg,almst yellw in clur,my father thught he wuld be sht r trapped,because f his appearance.But ur family thught that Father held a secret hpe that Spider was still alive.
    We sailed back t Australia tw years later and re-established ur hme in Twmba.My father immediately began his wn search fr Spider.The newspapers and radi were flded by his
    repeated calls t the peple wh had said they had seen his dg.Many false calls and sightings meant that a huge atmsphere f disappintment hung ver ur husehld.My mther was fed up with all this and impatient fr my father t accept the inevitable.The dg was gne—pssibly sht r dead frm starvatin and exhaustin.
    One cld mrning after eight mnths,my father had a call frm an elderly lady,375kilmetres frm us._______________________________________________________________________
    Spider never nce tk his eyes ff my father as we drve hme.______________________

    河南省普高联考2023-2024学年高三下学期测评(六)英语试卷: 这是一份河南省普高联考2023-2024学年高三下学期测评(六)英语试卷,文件包含英语-副本docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

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