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    时量:120分钟 满分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    4 Best Places t Travel in 2023
    2023 is the year when travel returns in a big way. T get yu started, we’ve runded up sme f the best places t travel in 2023. All yu need t d is pick the place that appeals t yu.
    With its fantastic huses, clean streets and clrful architecture, Cpenhagen is regarded as the mst livable city n the earth. Named the Wrld Capital f Architecture fr 2023, Cpenhagen will ffer a series f majr artistic events and prgrams sure t delight architects and design lvers.
    Fr travelers with a sense f adventure and a lve f discvery, Bhutan has always been a must-g destinatin. In 2023, travelers can nce again explre the Trans Bhutan Trail, which runs 250 miles frm east t west, ffering visits t the century-ld cmmunities alng the jurney. The trail spans(横跨) 18 majr bridges and natinal parks and cnnects mre than 400 histric and cultural sites.
    The cming years will be sprty in the histrical wine regin f Brdeaux in France. In 2023, the city will hst the Rugby Wrld Cup, an intense and stressful game. Beynd sprts, Brdeaux is ne f the favrite histrical cities, with mre than 350 structures that are either natinally r reginally listed as histrical mnuments.
    Wildlife and adventure lvers lking fr a unique path in African Safari trips shuld head straight t Namibia in 2023 — this cuntry in suthern Africa is the perfect place t travel t recnnect with nature and escape the mdern stresses f life. On the wildlife frnt, yu may see lins alng with giraffes and elephants.
    21. What is Cpenhagen well-knwn fr?
    A. The natural landscape.B. The adventure travel.
    C. Eye-catching architecture.D. Famus art designs.
    22. What can yu visit n the Trans Bhutan Trail?
    A. Mdern cmmunities.B. Old cmmunities.
    C. Histrical wine regins.D. Natinal mnuments.
    23. Which place attracts thse wh want t be free frm stressful city life?
    A. Cpenhagen.B. Bhutan.C. Brdeaux. D. Namibia
    Derek and Shirley walked ut f the airprt building and int the bright sunshine. Lking up at the brilliant blue sky and then at the faraway muntains rising abve the swaying palm trees, they culdn’t wait t start their hliday.
    A taxi pulled up swiftly and silently, Derek drpped their suitcases int the bt and jined Shirley in the back seat. “Palm Trees Htel, please,” Derek said excitedly. “Certainly, sir,” replied the driver, as he turned arund with a flashing white smile. Derek and Shirley gave each ther a puzzled lk as the taxi eased smthly int the traffic. “Excuse me, er, yur face seems very familiar — in fact, yu remind us f that famus film star, Rcky Overtn... but f curse, yu can’t be.”
    Derek and Shirley sat in silent disbelief as the driver explained that he was nt a real persn, but a rbt made t lk like a famus actr. “Rcky” explained that the taxi cmpany had purchased the latest mdel f rbt drivers since they were prgrammed t be safer and mre reliable than human drivers. “S, here I am,” “Rcky” cntinued, “yur first rbt taxi driver!”
    Derek and Shirley held each ther’s hands mre lightly. “Relax,” “Rcky” reassured them, “there is nthing fr yu t wrry abut. I can assure yu that my driving skills are excellent. I’m equipped with perfect visin and superir reactins, and I knw every street in the city. I am instantly updated with the latest traffic infrmatin s that I can avid traffic jams and get yu t yur destinatin in the quickest and least stressful manner. Please sit back, relax and enjy the jurney.”
    Derek and Shirley, feeling a little better, leaned back in their seats and clsed their eyes. “And anther thing,” “Rcky” added, “my line f rbts represents the ultimate(极致) in cmputer technlgy. I am beautifully designed, made frm nly the best materials and subject t the strictest quality checks. Therefre, yu are entirely safe with me. Nthing culd pssibly g wrng... culd pssibly g wrng, wrng... g wrng...”
    24. Why did Derek and Shirley feel puzzled when they gt int the taxi?
    A. Because the driver was a rbt.
    B. Because the driver was Rcky Overtn.
    C. Because the driver gave them a big smile.
    D. Because the driver lked like a famus actr.
    25. What d we knw abut the taxi driver “Rcky”?
    A. It has the perfect visin and superir reactins.
    B. It is the first rbt taxi driver in the wrld.
    C. It is instantly updated with the latest news.
    D. It has never get stuck in traffic jams.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “reassured” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Threatened.B. Suggested.C. Surprised.D. Cmfrted.
    27. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Rbt drivers are perfectly designed.
    B. Rbt drivers are able t repeat the wrds.
    C. Rbt drivers are nt s reliable as expected.
    D. Rbt drivers are nt safer than human drivers.
    Cetaceans(鲸目动物) cmmunicate thrugh sund t find fd and t interact scially. Their sunds vary between species and within cmmunities. The lng-finned pilt whales can mimic(模仿) artificial nise, but nbdy had previusly recrded them. A new study, hwever, fund verlap in the cetacean sund bk.
    Pilt whales and rcas(虎鲸), the tw largest species f cetaceans, are ften seen in the same envirnments and are similar sizes, and bth live in scial grups with strng unin, says Charltte Curé, a biacustics researcher at CEREMA Lab in France, wh was nt invlved in the study. Orcas cmpete fr fd with lng-finned pilt whales and are ptentially their predatrs(捕食者).
    Evidence frm rca stmachs shws they d ccasinally eat pilt whales. But pilt whales can mb(成群围) and chase them away, the nly cetaceans seen defending themselves frm the strng enemies in this way.
    Mimicry culd serve as an additinal defense: “One assumptin is that if they use similar sunds, they may nt be recgnized as prey,” Erbe says. Pilt whales eating rcas’ fd remains might g unnticed if they use rca-like calls. “This is all underwater,” she adds, “s these animals rely n sund fr detecting their prey and predatrs.” Lng-finned pilt whales have shwn an ability t distinguish between rca calls with different meanings. Curé suggests that instead f tricking rcas, the callers culd instead be presenting a new rca sund t ther grup members.
    Additinal wrk wuld cnfirm whether mimicry is actually ccurring. Researchers culd pair their listening data with direct bservatins f the animals’ interactins in the wild r perhaps even play rca sunds and watch the whales’ reactins.
    But if a future experiment used predatry sunds, it wuld need t be dne very carefully. “A reactin t a predatr can be very strng.” Curé says. “In sme prtected areas, yu are nt allwed t d mre than tw predatry playbacks per year.”
    28. The pilt whales and rcas share a lt in cmmn except that _____________.
    A. they cmmunicate thrugh sund
    B. they can defend themselves thrugh mimicry
    C. they have a strng bnd with ther grup members
    D. they are similar in size, living in the same envirnment
    29. What d we knw frm the furth paragraph?
    A. The pilt whales mimic the sunds t detect their prey.
    B. The pilt whales nly mimic ne kind f the sunds f the rcas.
    C. The pilt whales can pretend t be rcas t share the fd remains.
    D. The pilt whales can distinguish different meanings f rcas’ calls t trick them.
    30. Hw d the researchers cnfirm whether mimicry is actually ccurring?
    A. By mimicking the sunds in the experiment.
    B. By bserving the whales frm the distance.
    C. By analyzing the data frm the cetacean sund bk.
    D. By listening r playing the sunds and watching the whales’ reactins.
    31. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Orcas: Predatrs in the Sea.
    B. Pilt Whales Cpying Orca Calls
    C. Pilt Whales: Ways t Defend Themselves
    D. Pilt Whales and Orcas: Tw Largest Animals
    Nearly 10 millin peple wrldwide live with Parkinsn’s disease. While Parkinsn’s is incurable, sme f its wrst symptms(症状) can be relieved and cntrlled using medicatins. A majr prblem f getting effective treatment at the right time is identifying the disease sn enugh, befre patients experience the symptms brught n by irreversible neurn lss(不可逆转的神经元丢失).
    But scientists might have just the thing t change the situatin. And it invlves a nse. In a study published in the jurnal ACS Omega, researchers frm China’s Zhejiang University created an “e-nse”, a prtable device that can detect bdy smells specific t Parkinsn’s patients.
    It may cme as a surprise t learn Parkinsn’s patients have their wn smells. But after a retired nurse in Sctland made headlines in 2015 fr a heightened sense f smell that led t her wn husband’s Parkinsn’s diagnsis, scientists have been trying hard t create a device that culd smell the disease befre physical symptms start t shw.
    Over the years, scientists have fund peple with Parkinsn’s tend t prduce mre sebum(皮脂) than the average persn. This sebum mixes with ther verprduced substances(物质) t prduce certain, unique smells.
    T track dwn these smells, the Zhejiang University researchers swabbed(用拭子擦拭) the upper backs f 31 Parkinsn’s patients and 32 healthy vlunteers. Using machine-learning sftware, they were able t identify three smell cmpunds(化合物) that healthy vlunteers lacked. The researchers then tested the e-nse n sebum taken frm 12 Parkinsn’s patients and 12 healthy peple. The device was fund t be abut 71 percent accurate in telling healthy sebum frm Parkinsn’s sebum.
    These are encuraging findings, but befre the e-nse is ready fr clinical use, the team needs t test it n many mre peple t imprve the accuracy f the mdels. They will als need t test whether factrs like race affect the e-nse’s perfrmance in any way. But fr nw, as the number f peple living with Parkinsn’s in the U.S. is expected t rise t 1.2 millin by 2030, a nse might be the best ptin t detect this disease.
    32. What makes it difficult fr Parkinsn’s patients t get effective treatment?
    A. Its medicatins are in shrt supply.B. It invlves irreversible neurn lss.
    C. Its early signs are nt easy t ntice.D. It’s nt a curable disease medically.
    33. What did the Scttish nurse find?
    A. Her husband’s bdy gave ff a strange smell.
    B. Her husband had a heightened sense f smell.
    C. A smell caused her husband t suffer frm a disease.
    D. A smell culd relieve her husband’s Parkinsn’s symptms.
    34. What will the researchers d cncerning their inventin?
    A. Put it int clinical use.B. Cnduct a brader test.
    C. Create mre lab mdels.D. Expand its market utside the U.S.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. This e-nse can smell Parkinsn’s
    B. Parkinsn’s patients prduce mre sebum
    C. Peple living with Parkinsn’s are n the rise
    D. Researchers have fund treatment fr Parkinsn’s
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Strengthen Yur Willpwer
    Researchers find willpwer is like a muscle — it may get tired frm veruse. S, if it acts like a muscle, can it als be strengthened? The answer is YES. 36
    Ten minutes f reflectin.
    Reflectin will give yu the faster results. 37 Researchers shw that after just 2-3 days f practicing thinking fr 10 minutes, yur brain will be able t fcus better, yu will have mre energy, and yu will be less stressed.
    Wrk n yur psture.
    Wrk n yur psture fr a 2-week perid. Every time yu catch yurself sluching(懒散的), crrect it by sitting up straight. This simple practice can vastly imprve yur perseverance.
    Use yur ppsite hand.
    Select a chunk(块) f the day t use yur ppsite hand. 38 And frm persnal experience, if yu aim fr mre than an hur, yu will unnecessarily tire ut yur willpwer muscle.
    Crrect yur speech.
    Change yur natural speech. 39 Again, it takes willpwer t cnsciusly g against yur instincts(本能). It desn’t matter hw yu crrect yur speech, as lng as yu change natural speech habits. T get started, select a chunk f the day t practice and chse the wrds yu will change. Persnally, I tried nt using cntractins during wrk hurs and it wrked very well.
    Abve are sme effective ways t strengthen yur perseverance(毅力). D nt try t d all at nce. 40 Yu shuld start small and gradually build up as yur muscles get strnger.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    This year, hundreds f peple arund the wrld are applying fr a desired jb t run Prt Lckry, the wrld’s mst remte pst ffice. The 41 is in Antarctica, and ne f the key 42 is the ability t cunt penguins(企鹅).
    Each year, the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust 43 fur pstmen t live n the island frm Nvember t March. Apart frm being a nearly 80-year-ld British-wned pst ffice, it dubles as a museum. Althugh emplyees each have unique 44 , they are cperatively respnsible fr preserving the 45 place and caring fr the thusands f turists. The staff is als in 46 f envirnmental data cllectin and wildlife mnitring.
    Applicants are warned there’s nt much time fr 47 and rest. Still, the jb is highly 48 . The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust gets hundreds f applicatins 49 fr the psitin. They are mainly 50 t Prt Lckry, bth fr its histry and its scientific significance. Lucy Drman succeeded in applying fr the 2019-2020 seasn. It was a real 51 fr her. “Even thugh the jb can be hard at times, there’s a real sense f cmmunity. Yu’ve gt t 52 , because yu can’t get away frm each ther very easily. I really lve that srt f 53 ,” she said. “And what yu can achieve here is 54 . The ttal experience ffers bth a different attitude twards the wrld and a new 55 n yur functin n the planet.”
    41. A. centre B. psitin C. aim D. unit
    42. A. requirements B. characteristics C. virtues D. activities
    43. A. persuades B. instructs C. encurages D. hires
    44. A. tastes B. talentsC. rlesD. backgrunds
    45. A. tempraryB. histricC. grandD. magical
    46. A. favr B. need C. case D. charge
    47. A. sadness B. happiness C. relaxatinD. busyness
    48. A. dangerusB. sught-after C. hard-wn D. respectable
    49. A. annually B. weeklyC. mnthlyD. daily
    50. A. invited B. devtedC. relatedD. attracted
    51. A. jyB. lessn C. effrtD. shck
    52. A. get alngB. shw ffC. break thrughD. give in
    53. A. lnelinessB. eagernessC. lsenessD. tgetherness
    54. A. pureB. limitedC. rewardingD. ptential
    55. A. entranceB. answerC. viewpintD. intrductin
    Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels. This has increased the amunt f salt in fresh water 56 (use) n castal farms. As 57 result, farmers are 58 (gradual) unable t use fields clse t the sea.
    Hwever, Marc Van Rijsselberg, a farmer in the Netherlands is nw using a 59 (mix) f sea and fresh water 60 (grw) healthy and tasty vegetables.
    He teamed up with scientists frm the Free University and divided a farm 61 eight irrigated areas. Separate pipes pumped fresh and sea water, and a cmputer prgram created water with eight levels f salinity(含盐度).
    The water levels and the levels f salinity were cntrlled by cmputerized measuring 62 (device) called “sensrs”. Mr. Van Rijsselberg said he was able t harvest vegetables frm mst f the eight testing areas. He said the vegetables 63 (be) smaller than thse grwn in fresh water. But he said they als had mre sugar and salt, s they tasted much 64 (gd).
    He fund that ptates grew better than the ther vegetables in the cmbinatin f sea and fresh water. Mr. Van Rijsselberg said fur kinds f these ptates wuld be sent t Pakistan 65 thusands f hectares f land were damaged by salinizatin last year.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假如你将来要开一家餐馆或面包店,请你用英语简单描述。
    1. 开店地点;
    2. 目标消费者;
    3. 经营方向及特色。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    When Jackie came t his first pian lessn in his mther’s car, he was already 11 years ld. I preferred students begin at an earlier age, but wing t his insistence(坚持), I tk him as a student. Much as Jackie tried, he lacked the sense f tne and basic rhythm(节奏). At the end f each lessn, he’d say, “My mm’s ging t hear me play smeday.” But it seemed hpeless. I nly knew his mther frm a distance as she waited in her aged car, but never stepped in.
    Then ne day Jackie stpped cming t ur lessns. I thught abut calling him but assumed(认为), because f his lack f ability, that he had decided t quit. I als was glad that he stpped cming — he was a bad advertisement fr my teaching!
    Several weeks later I mailed t the students’ hmes a letter n the upcming cncert. Surprisingly, Jackie received it and asked me if he culd be in the cncert. I tld him that the cncert was nt fr drputs, but fr current pupils. He said that his mm had been sick and unable t take him t pian lessns but he was still practicing. I didn’t knw what led me t agree eventually.
    The night fr the cncert came. The high schl gym was packed with parents and friends. I put up Jackie last in the prgram. I thught that any damage he wuld d wuld cme at the end f the prgram and the negative effect wuld reduce t the minimum(最小值).
    The cncert went ff smthly. Then Jackie came up n stage. His clthes were wrinkled(皱巴巴的) and his hair lked messy. “Why didn’t his mther at least make him cmb his hair fr this special night?” I thught.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    Unexpectedly, Jackie chase Mzart’s Cncert #2l in C Majr.

    Paragraph 2:
    Immediately I ran up n stage and held Jackie firmly in great jy, asking “Hw did yu d it”?

    A. Yu will be mre mentally strng.
    B. Be mre cnscius f yur autmatic decisins.
    C. With the right practice willpwer can be strengthened.
    D. It can make yur brain fcus and resist the urge t wander.
    E. It des nt need t be mre than an hur in rder t get results.
    F. Training yur willpwer muscle is like training fr a marathn.
    G. This even includes resisting the urge t say “hell” instead f “hey”.
    第一部分 听力
    第二部分 阅读
    第一节 短文理解
    21—23 CBD24—27 DADC
    28—31 BCDB32—35 CABA
    第二节 七选五
    36—40 CDEGF
    第三部分 语言运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41—45 BADCB46—50 DCBAD
    51—55 AADCC
    第二节 语法填空
    56. used 57. a
    58. gradually59. mixture
    60. t grw 61. int
    62. devices63. were
    64. better65. where
    第四部分 写作
    I’ve always wanted t pen a dessert parlr since I was little, because I have a sweet tth, there’s nthing in the wrld I’d like mre than t eat sweets every day. S yu see, t run a small business like that wuld be a dream cme true fr me.
    If it’s pssible, I wuld like t pen my shp as sn as I graduate frm cllege, and I prefer t d it in a freign cuntry, because I want t intrduce traditinal Chinese desserts t freign friends. We knw that Chinese cuisine is ppular all arund the glbe, but nt many peple knw abut Chinese pastry and stuff, s I guess it wuld be a gd pprtunity fr freigners t get t knw mre abut ur desserts. And n ffence, but in my persnal pinin, they are way mre palatable than thse western deserts.
    And the decratin in my parlr must be full f Chinese flavr as well. The main clr f the rm wuld be Chinese red, which brings passin.
    Unexpectedly, Jackie chase Mzart’s Cncert #2l in C Majr. Jackie pulled ut the pian bench and began his perfrmance. As a matter f fact, I was nt fully prepared fr what I heard next. His fingers were dancing n keys, which made me extremely shcked. Never had I heard Mzart’s music played s well by peple f his age. After six and a half minutes, he ended up very well. Everyne at present was wild with great excitement and was n their feet, breaking int lud applause.
    Immediately I ran up n stage and held Jackie firmly in great jy, asking “Hw did yu d it?” “Well, remember I tld yu my mum was sick?” He explained, tears rlling in his eyes, “Actually she had cancer and passed away this mrning. And she was brn deaf, s tnight was the first time that she ever heard me play in heaven. I just wanted t make it special.” After hearing his wrds, tears were welling up in my eyes. And at that mment, I realized it was he that taught me the true meaning f perseverance and lve.

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