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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations教学演示课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations教学演示课件ppt,共10页。PPT课件主要包含了See you等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    P61 Ex 1 Match each wrd with its definitin.
    A. a feeling f admiratin fr sb r sth because f their gd qualities. B. the feeling f being certain that sth exists r is true. C. a plant that is grwn by farmers and used as fd. D. inside; private and secret. E. a questin that is very cnfusing and that has a surprising answer. F. t cme tgether; t bring peple r things tgether. G. shwing r expressing thanks because sb has dne sth kind fr yu. H. the pint frm which sth starts.
    A. a feeling f admiratin fr smebdy r smething because f their gd qualities. (respect)B. the feeling f being certain that smething exists r is true. (belief)C. a plant that is grwn by farmers and used as fd. (crp)D. inside; private and secret. (inner)E. a questin that is very cnfusing and that has a surprising answer. (riddle)F. t cme tgether; t bring peple r things tgether. (gather) G. shwing r expressing thanks because smebdy has dne smething kind fr yu. (grateful)H. the pint frm which smething starts. (rigin)
    P61 Ex 1 Cmplete the sentences with the crrect frms f the suitable wrds.(riddle, inner, belief, gather, respect, crp, rigin, grateful)
    1. If yu can slve the _________ n the lanterns, yu will get a prize.2. Thanksgiving and the Mid-Autumn Festival are harvest festivals when peple ________ and celebrate what they are __________ fr.3. There are varius pinins abut the _______ f the Dragn Bat Festival, but the mst ppular ne is related t the pet Qu Yuan.4. Festivals f the dead, such as Obn(日本盂兰盆节), the Day f the Dead (墨西哥亡灵节), r the Qingming Festival, allw peple t pay ________ t their ancestrs.
    P61 Ex 2 Cmplete the sentences with suitable wrds. (jy, faith, merrily, typical, rigin, agriculture, abslute, frank)
    1. The Western festival Hallween has its _____ in ld beliefs abut the return f the spirits f dead peple.2. With a smile f ___ n his face, Timmy went up t the stage t get his prize.3. Accrding t the reprt, nly 10%-15% f the land in China is gd fr ____________.4. After seeing signs f imprvement, she began t have _____ in the dctr’s skills.
    5. We have _________ cnfidence in Sarah’s abilities, and we believe she will slve the prblem.6. We enjy the fresh air and the sunshine in the cuntryside. We have picnics, read bks under big trees, and listen t the birds singing ________ in the branches.7. Why dn’t we sit dwn and have a ______ discussin abut yur future plan?8. Sme _______ themes f Chinese New Year paintings are flk tales and gds.
    P61 Ex 3 Translate the sentences int English, using the wrds and expressins in brackets.
    1. 婚礼宴会持续了几个小时,人们自始至终边唱边跳,沉浸在欢乐的气氛中。(wedding, jyful, atmsphere) The wedding party lasted fr a few hurs, and everyne sang and danced thrughut, lst in a jyful atmsphere.2. 每年,人们都会举办各种各样的活动庆祝国庆节,从升旗仪式到烟花表演。(range frm…t, flag-raising ceremny, firewrks) Every year, peple celebrate the Natinal Day with a variety f activities, ranging frm the flag-raising ceremny t firewrks.3. 当夜幕降临,许多孩子装扮成吓人的样子,然后去邻居家里索要糖果。(dress up) When night falls, many children dress up t lk scary and then g t their neighbrs’ huses t ask fr sweets.
    4. 随着表演者从我们的视野里消失,音乐和嘈杂声也逐渐消散了。(fade away) As the perfrmers went ut f ur view, the music and nise faded away.5. 每逢一个节日即将来临,你就能看到各种商业机构利用社交平台销售他们的产品。(take advantage f, media) Whenever a festival is cming, yu will see varius cmmercial rganizatins taking advantage f the scial media t sell their prducts.6. 尽管雪下得很大,他还是设法在除夕夜回到了家。(in spite f, New Year’s Eve) In spite f the heavy snw, he managed t get hme n New Year’s Eve.
    B3U1 Festivals and Celebratins WB: Using Structures (P62-63)
    P62 Using Structures I. Cmplete the sentences with the crrect frms f the verbs.
    1. I dn’t knw exactly n which day Easter falls. The date changes. I feel ttally __________. (cnfuse )2. D yu knw hw t ck a turkey? The instructins in the recipe are really ___________ (cnfuse ) and I really need yur help.3. The sunds f the firewrks were terribly __________ (anny). I was wken up by the nise quite a few times.4. The girl was __________ (anny) with her byfriend, wh was late fr her birthday party.5. It was a rather _________ (bre) party. Nthing was interesting and nbdy talked t me.6. I’m _______ (bre) with cking, cleaning, shpping, and all that stuff. I just want t have a relaxing hliday.
    P62 Using Structures II. Translate the sentences int English, using the –ing frm r the past participle f the verbs inn brackets.
    1. 龙舟赛是端午节最令人兴奋的部分。(excite) The dragn bat races are the mst exciting part f the Dragn Bat Festival.2. 孩子们兴致勃勃地去参加寻找复活节彩蛋的活动。(excite) The children were excited t g Easter egg hunting.3. 多么令人惊奇的表演啊! 这是我所经历过的最棒的音乐节。(amaze) What an amazing perfrmance! This is the best music festival that I have ever been t.4. 我们对她那顶滑稽的帽子感动惊讶。(amaze) We were amazed by her funny-lking hat.5. 他在大会上振奋人心的演讲赢得了听众的赞赏。(inspire) His inspiring speech at the cnference wn the admiratin f the audience.6. 这是个具有挑战性的游戏,它考验着你的记忆力和观察力。(challenge) This is a challenging game that tests yur memry and bservatin ability.
    P63 Using Structures III. Rewrite the sentences by changing the relative clauses iint the –ing frm r past participle phrases.
    1. The little girl wh is wearing a Snw White cstume is my daughter.=The little girl wearing (wear) a Snw White cstume is my daughter.2. The full mn that is reflected n the surface f the lake reminds peple f their families far away.=The full mn reflected (reflect) n the surface f the lake reminds peple f their families far away.3. The Ri Carnival is a festival that is held befre Lent every year and it is cnsidered the biggest carnival in the wrld.=The Ri Carnival is a festival held (hld) befre Lent every year and it is cnsidered the biggest carnival in the wrld.
    4. Hallween is a festival that is celebrated n the night f 31st Octber.=Hallween is a festival celebrated (celebrate) n the night f 31st Octber.5. On the night f the Lantern Festival, the park is filled with peple wh are appreciating the beautiful lanterns.=On the night f the Lantern Festival, the park is filled with peple appreciating (appreciate) the beautiful lanterns.6. I ran thrugh the crwd f peple wh were hurrying t get n the train.=I ran thrugh the crwd f peple hurrying t get n the train.
    P63 Ex 4 Cmplete the cnversatins with the crrect frms f the wrds in the bx. (interest, amaze, wear, stand, bre, dress, surprise, satisfy)
    Emily: That was an ____________ Christmas mvie, wasn’t it?Jhn: Oh, I’m __________ yu think s. T be hnest, I was rather disappinted with it.Emily: Didn’t yu think the her f the stry was attractive?Jhn: He was handsme indeed, but I wasn’t _________ with the plt. I felt _______ mst f the time.
    Linda: Gerge, d yu knw the girl __________ next t Bb?Gerge: Which girl? Yu mean the girl _________ a glden mask?Linda: N, n, n, I’m talking abut the girl _________ up as a princess.Gerge: I’m afraid I dn’t knw her, but she lks _________ .
    P63 Using Structures Ex 5 Cmplete the sentences using the –ing frm r the past participle f the verbs in the bx. (relax, invite, sit, dance, cver)
    1: The by ______ under the Christmas tree seemed satisfied with his presents.2: The flwers, the lights, the music, and the fd in the huse created a _________ atmsphere fr all the guests.3: The wman _________ in frnt f the flat is ne f the mst famus samba dancers in Brazil.4: Mst f the guests ________ t the party left with light hearts.5. During the carnival, there was a street parade f flats ________ in flwers.
    B3U1 Festivals and Celebratins WB: Reading and Writing (P64)
    1. What is Spring Festival regarded as amng the Chinese?It is regarded as the mst significant festival f the year.2. What else is cnsidered an imprtant part f the Spring Festival besides the 15-day hlidays?The days f preparatin befrehand.3. What d Chinese peple usually d befre Spring Festival?Clean the huse fr the Lunar New Year.4. What des sweeping dust befre Spring Festival mean in Chinese traditin?It is a way f saying gdbye t ld things and welcming new things.
    The Chinese Spring Festival The Chinese Spring Festival is regarded as the mst significant festival f the year amng the Chinese. It lasts fr 15 days but Chinese peple als cnsider the days f preparatin befrehand as an imprtant part f the Spring Festival. There are a number f things peple usually d befre the Chinese Spring Festival. One f these is cleaning the huse fr the Lunar New Year. Dust makes peple think f ld r utdated things. Therefre, sweeping dust ut f the huse is a way f saying gdbye t ld things and welcming new things.
    Anther imprtant custm fr families is t decrate their drs with red cuplets. The phrases n the cuplets express hpes fr a prsperus new year. In the suthern part f China, peple will buy fresh flwers r range trees t decrate their hmes. The mst imprtant custm f the Chinese Spring Festival is the big family dinner n the eve f the Lunar New Year. This is usually a big reunin f grandparents, parents, and children. It reflects hw imprtant family is t Chinese peple amng the wrld. That is why millins f Chinese peple travel lng distances t get hme befre the eve f the Lunar New Year. Als, families typically eat certain types f lucky fd at the family reunin dinner. Eating fish, fr example, is suppsed t bring mre wealth and prsperity than ne needs, as the prnunciatin f “fish” in Chinese (yu) is als used fr “surplus”.
    1. What is anther custm fr Chinese families during the Spring Festival?Chinese families will decrate their drs with red cuplets.2. What d sutherners in China use t decrate their hmes?Fresh flwers r range trees.3. What’s the mst imprtant custm f the Chinese Spring Festival?The big family dinner n the eve f the Lunar New Year.4. What des a big reunin f 3 r 4 generatins?It reflects hw imprtant family is t Chinese peple amng the wrld.5. What des eating fish at the family reunin dinner mean?Eating fish is suppsed t bring mre wealth and prsperity than ne needs.
    When the New Year cmes, there are many interesting festival activities. Adults give children “lucky mney” in red envelpes. Peple greet family and friends with “Xinnian Ha” r “Gngxi Facai” whenever they may meet. Anther part f this custm f sharing gd wishes is t pay visits t relatives and bring them gifts. Cmmnly exchanged gifts include fd such as fruit, sticky rice cakes, and hmemade desserts. In additin, friends and family g ut t enjy lud and clrful firewrks, spend time at temple fairs, and watch exciting dragn and lin dances. The Chinese Spring Festival symblizes a farewell t the ld year and a warm welcme t the brand new year. Mre imprtantly, it is a special ccasin t return hme and gratefully reunite with family members. This deeply rted traditin has been an integral part f Chinese culture fr a very lng time, and will cntinue t live frever in the hearts f the Chinese peple.
    1. What are the three interesting festival activities mentined in the paragraph?--Adults give children lucky mney in red envelpes.--Peple greet family and friends with gd wishes.--Pay visits t relatives and bring them gifts.2. What else d friends and family g ut t d during the festival?--enjy lud and clrful firewrks--spend time at temple fairs--and watch exciting dragn and lin dances3. What des the Chinese Spring Festival symblize?It symblizes a farewell t the ld year and a warm welcme t the brand new year.4. What is mre imprtant t Chinese peple abut the Spring Festival ?It is a special ccasin t return hme and gratefully reunite with family members.
    B3U1 Festivals and Celebratins WB: Expanding Yur Wrld (P66)
    1. What examples are given t shw the cld weather in Quebec?--The windws are cvered with steam frm the heat inside.--Outside, the temperature is -32 degrees centigrade.--Snw cvers the streets and is piled up alng the sidewalks.2. What activities can peple take part in during the Quebec Winter Carnival?--watching parades,--riding in hrse carriages,--and listening t music.3. Hw lng des the Quebec Winter Carnival last?It lasts a week.
    Winter Carnival in Quebec A grup f very cld turists are sitting in a café in ld Quebec, drinking ht cffee t try t warm up. The windws are cvered with steam frm the heat inside. Outside, the temperature is -32℃. Snw cvers the streets and is piled up alng the sidewalks. The music and the lights f the Quebec Winter Carnival cntinue, but after a whle day f watching parades, riding in hrse carriages, and listening t music, the turists’ feet are freezing and their nses are red. Every year, hundreds f thusands f peple cme t Quebec t take part in the week-lng winter festival. Everyne wh cmes must be prepared t keep mving, as it is t cld t stand and watch fr lng.
    1. Why must turists keep mving while watching the carnival?Because it is t cld t stand and watch fr lng.2. What can yu watch early in the mrning?Snwbarding cmpetitin n the hill verlking the river.3. What risk may the braver turists take while trying the cane races ?If they were t fall in the cld river, they wuld freeze t death in under tw minutes.4. What are the three kinds f sund that create an exciting nrthern experience ?--the sund f dgs barking,--the calls f the drivers,--and the shuts f the crwd.5. What is special abut the dgs fr the dp-sled race?They are strng with thick fur, and many have blue eyes.
    Early in the mrning, yu can watch the snwbarding cmpetitin n the hill verlking the river. Cmpetitrs speed dwn the track and thrugh the air as thugh they culd fly. The mre brave f heart may try the cane races. Five r six men paddle each cane acrss the partly-frzen St Lawrence River. The river is full f big chunks f ice, and if yu were t fall in, yu wuld freeze t death in under tw minutes. One f the favrite events is the dg-sled race, in which teams f abut six husky dgs pull lng sleds at great speeds alng a snwy track. One persn drives the sled, shuting t the dgs t encurage them. The sund f the dgs barking, the calls f the drivers, and the shuts f the crwd create an exciting nrthern experience. The dgs are strng and beautiful animals with thick fur, and many have blue eyes.
    While admiring the ice sculptures everywhere in the city, much like thse in Harbin in China, yu can stp ff with ther turists in an igl fr ht tea r cffee. It is amazing hw warm these ice huses can be! Later in the evening, yu can jin the crwd at the Ice Palace, where Bnhmme the snwman is king. Yu can dance utside t the music f a band, whse members are all dressed in heavy clthes --- even sme f their instruments are dressed up fr winter. Finally, yu will prbably want t sit dwn in a café t warm up and plan fr the next day. Yu might want t jin the snwmbile races --- r maybe yu shuld just sleep in!
    1. What can yu d while admiring the ice sculptures?Yu can stp ff with ther turists in an igl fr ht tea r cffee.2. What can turists d later in the evening?--They can jin the crwd at the Ice Palace--and dance t the music f a band.3. What activities are advised fr the next day?--jin the snwmbile races--r just sleep in.

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