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    这是一份2024陕西省高三上学期第一次联考英语试题含答案,文件包含陕西省2024届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题无答案docx、陕西省2024届高三上学期第一次联考英语28C答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。






    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30)






    : How much is the shirt

    A. 19.15.        B. 9. 18.          C. 9.15.


    1. Whatthe man doing?

    A. Reading a magazine.        B. Typing a report.         C. Checking his email.

    2. When will the woman meet the manager tomorrow

    A. At 8:00 am,      B. Ar 8:3y an.         C. At 9:00 am,

    3. What does the woman ask the man to do?

    A Buy lunch.      B. Go to a bank.        C.Buy a box.

    4. Where does the man find the window cleaner?

    A. In the yellow bottle.    B. In the bottle with a red top.     C. In the bottle with a blue top.

    5. What is the matter with the man?

    A. He has a fever.        B. He has a cough.          C. He has a headache.

    第二节(15小题;每小题1.5,满分 22.5)




    6. Which sport made the man injured?

    A. Basketball.        B. Football.          C. Baseball.

    7. How soon can the man probably return to court?

    A. In two months.         B. In a month,           C. In five months.


    8. What has the woman been looking for?

    A. A ground-floor flat.     B. A two-bedroom flat.      C. A three bedroom flat.

    9. What is included in the rent?

    A. The gas fee.       B. The electricity fee.       C. The water fee.

    10. What does the woman think of the flat?

    A. It is too small.     B. It is too expensive.      C. It is satisfying on the whole.


    11. What does the max want to learn?

    A. To teach driving.      B. To drive a car.        C. To repair cars.

    12. Which courses will the man choose?

    A. Weekend courses.       B. Full-time winter courses.      C. Full-time summer courses.

    13. How many hours of training will the man get every week?

    A.5.        B. 6.           C.10.


    14. What kind of ticket 1s the cheapest?

    A.A special ticket.        B. A discount ticket.        C. A full-price ticket.

    15. How much is the discount ticket?

    A.60 yuan a person,      B.105 yuan a person.        C.130 yuan a person,

    16. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

    A. At the post office.      B. AI the supermarket.      C. At the booking office.


    17. What is wrong with the lake?

    A. Its color is strange.    

    B. There are not enough fish there.

    C. Chemical pollution happened there.

    18. What probably caused the trouble?

    A. People s action.       B. Fish.        The weather.

    19. What will listeners probably hear next?

    A. Sports news.      B. The weather report.      C. Updated information on the lake.

    20. What does the report mainly talk about?

    A. Warnings to children.     B. The pollution of the lake.      C. The color change of the lake.

    第二部分阅读理解( 共两节,满分40)




    The best spring destinations in Tibet

    The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has long been an ideal and mysterious destination for visitors. Now with the arrival of spring, the climate is becoming more pleasant and Tibet has become an even better trowel destinationHere we recommend some of the best tourist destinations in Tibet which might suit your travel taste.

    Peach blossom valley: Nyingchi

    The peach blossoms in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region have been named asthe most beautiful peach flowers in the world". A great time to visit Nyingchi for the peach blossoms would usually be from March 20 to Apil 15 each year.

    The peach blossom valley in Bomi County, Nyingchi, stretches for 30 kilometers, making it one of the longest in China. Peach blossoms can be seen everywhere- around houses, across farmlands and along streams. l each trees bloom depending on the altitude and climate, so visitors will have the chance to enjoy the blossoms throughout April.

    The Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon

    The Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon is the deepest canyon in the world. With a total length of about 500 kilometers, its altitude spans from 1,182 meters at Namchak Barwa, the highest peak of the eastern Himalayas, to 550 meters around the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley in Metog County.

    One unique feature of the spring sight here is that visitors can enjoy both the peach blossoms and the snow-capped mountains at the same time.

    Nanyi Valley

    Nanyigou scenic spot is 20 kilometers away from Milin County and is an important birthplace of the mysterious Tibetan medicine culture. The scenic area rovers a total area of 820 hectares. The ecological conditions here are so good that the place is rich in various animal and plant species.

    Surrounded by mountains and shrouded (遮蔽)in clouds, Nanyi Valley is an ideal spring destination for visitors, where you can find peach.and azalea blossoms everywhere.

    21. What do the three tourist destinations have in common?

    A. They are all covered with snow.

    B. They are rich in various animal and plant species.

    C. They provide beautiful peach blossoms for visitors.

    D. They are the birthplaces of the Tibetan medicine culture.

    22. What can we learn from The Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon?

    A. It's the second deepest canyon In the world.

    B. Visitors can have fun from March 20 to April 15 each year.

    C. It is 550 meters away from the eastern Himalayas.

    D. Visitors can admire the snow-capped mountains there.

    23. Which column in the newspaper can we find this article?

    A. Tourism.      B. Technology.      C. Agriculture.         D. Photography.


    He hurried around the room. touching everything he could reach. I followed, attempting to intercept (拦截) him before he reached the hallway. He approached the front desk and knocked over all the papers on the table. I assisted him firmly in collecting them. I sensed eyes watching me, judging my parenting skills.

    I should have realised that arriving so early would not have been wise. It was my mistake to arrive early, as the long wait was difficult for my child. I kept searching my bag and found a ball, which finally attracted him: A couple waited for their child. They stared at me and my son. and I heard the wordsout of control. I could feel my face flush red. I wanted to tell them that my son has a disability and that he s not being bad; he's ju8t having trouble waiting. I sat down and watched him play with the ball, and I tried my best not to cry.

    The instructor called the group together, and my son went ,off to play sports with the other five-year olds. I prayed that this time he would follow the rules. I closed my eyes and wished him to be okay.

    He'll be fine.I opened my eyes and looked beside me.He'll do great. You are doing great. You are a great mom. I can.see it in all that you do for him," a lady sat on my right said.

    She told me about her. brother and her parents and all that her mom did for her- brother over the years. She told me about how he turned out great, got a job and lives on his own now. We sat and talked, and I felt the tension leave my body.

    Before I knew it, the doors opened, and all the kids ran out; including my own, filled with excitement and pride.I did it!" he exclaimed. I picked him up. I turned to thank the lady, but she was gone.

    24. What might others in the waiting room expect the author to do?

    A. Apologize to them.          B. Make her child behave.

    C. Get out of the room.          D Take her son to the doctor's.

    25. What might contribute to the behavior of the author s son?

    A. His own temper.        B. His mother's love.

    C. A physical disability.      D. Difficulty in waiting.

    26. What might make the lady' s words convincing to the author?

    A. Her sincere attitude.            B. Her family's experience.

    C. Her brother's suffering.         D. Her sympathy for the author.

    27. What did the author want to show through the story?

    A. True and kind words can change the world.

    B. It is difficult for a child to behave himself.

    C. Be more patient to a child with disability.

    D. Wrong words will make the world worse.


    Diverse cultures cannot be passed on to the following generations without native languages since the language is the carrier of a nation's culture. International Mother Language Day,which was established at the initiative (倡议) of Bangladesh by UNESCO's General Confer-once in 1999, is an essential platform to promote the importance of cultural and linguistic (语言的) diversity.

    UNESCO has been leading the way and advocating multilingual education based on the mother tongue from the earliest years of schooling. Research shows that education in the  mother tongue is key factor for inclusion and quality learning, and it also improves learning outcomes and academic performance. And most importantly, multilingual education based on the mother tongue fosters understanding and respect for one another and helps preserve the wealth or cultural and traditional heritage that is embedded in every language around the world.

    However, in many nations, the majority of pupils are instructed in a language other than their 'mother tongue, which hinders (妨碍) their capacity to learn effectively. It is estimated that 40% of the world's people is unable to accept education in their mother tongues. Presently, around 7 ,000 dialects are spoken across the planet. Rut the diversity of languages is under threat as more and more of them are. disappearing rapidly. When a language disappears, a whole cultural and intellectual heritage is lost with it.

    There is progress being made worldwide in multilingual education that stresses the importance of using the mother tongue, especially in the early years of schooling, and in developing it for public life.

    Through. its guidelines for language policy and education, UNESCO provides advice on effective bilingual and multilingual teaching, alongside teaching in a child s mother tongue. I works together with Member States to embed multilingual education throughout entire courses and education systems. Recently, there have been successful initiatives to encourage education based on mother tongues in Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti and Kenya.

    28. What is the author' s purpose of writing paragraph 1?

    A. To promote the importance of UNESCO.

    B. To show the significance of the conference.

    C. To indicate the importance of diverse languages.

    D. To set a platform for preserving native languages.

    29. What does the underlined wordembedded" in paragraph 2 probably mean?

    A. Concluded.       B. Patterned.       C. Disgusted.         D. Trapped.

    30 What makes more languages disappear nowadays?

    A. The loss of cultural and intellectual heritage.

    B. The loss of education based on mother tongues.

    C. The multilingual education in developed countries.

    D. The failure of most students to learn a foreign language.

    31. What is the best title for the text?

    A. What Is UINESCO Asking You to Learn?

    B. Who Are to Blame for the Extinction of Languages?

    C. Why is Mother Language- Based Education Essential?

    1. How to Celebrate International Mother Language Day?


    I am a professor of clinical psychology. Some time ago, I got halfway through a day of teaching before a co-worker pointed out to me F was quite carelessly wearing a pair of different shoes, one red and one black. I felt so embarrassed and upset but I would have to go teach my course like this. When I noticed how much I wanted to disappear and avoid this situation, I was determined to face rt instead. I walked into class and announced to the students that I was wearing two shoes from different pairs, and directed their attention to my feet. Everyone laughed and we went on with class. Years later, a student ja that class told me that this was the moment she first thought that maybe, just maybe, she could be a professor, too.

    I shared my mistake because I realized that tryinghide it was interfering with my ability to concentrate my mind on my teaching- -but I had no idea that it would also help shorten the psychological distance between my students and myself.

    Many contexts may punish. or shame people for making mistakes. Our efforts to avoid them result from our desires for success, and how others will respond to our mistakes. We might feel self-criticism and shame if we do make some.

    However, mistake making is part of learning new things, and it can draw us closer to others. It opens up the possibility of accepting mistakes gladly, letting us be more open and engaged in what we are doing.

    We can say words of kindness and self- compassion to our selves: Mistakes are natural and human; we can be kind to ourselves for this error and still try to do better next time; noticing our own imperfections can help us to be kind to others when we notice they are imperfect,too. When we practice our mistakes in this way, they can become opportunities to open up to others, learn about ourselves, and connect even more with what matters to us.

    32. How does the author develop paragraph 1?

    A. By giving some examples.          B. By following time order.

    C. By doing scientific experiments.     D. By sharing personal experience.

    33. What was the result of the author sharing his mistake?

    A. Shameful.     B. Unexpected.       C. Punishable.      D. Unaccepted.

    34. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?

    A. Intentions to avoid mistakes.            B. Advantages of making mistakes.

    C. Possibilities of making mistakes.         D. Efforts to avoid making mistakes.

    35. What can we know about mistakes from the last paragraph?

    A. They interfere with what we are doing.

    B. I key draw too much attention from us.

    C They are big opportunities to get us improved.

    D. They make us feel irresponsible and defeated.

    第二节(5小题;每小题 2,满分10)


    Here are some strategies to break the cycle of bedtime procrastination (拖延症) and reclaim some of those precious hours of sleep

    Reserve your bed for sleeping- "not stressing

    Sometimes getting up .and doing the thing that's keeping you awake can actually help you fall asleep faster. ff what s keeping you up is your stress about still being awake, go ahead and get up out of. bed. Walk around the house and wash dishes or do some light stretches-whatever will settle your mind. _ 36_until you get really sleepy again, and go back to bed and fall asleep just fine.

    Make a bedtime routine and stick to it

    Parents know that bedtime routines help young children wind down before bed. Taking a warm bath, changing into pajamas (睡衣) and curling up with a good book before turning out the lights at a consistent time works just as well for adults._ 37_.

    Create an environment conducive to sleep

    Minimizing how much light seeps into the sleep environment can help promote better sleep. Consider installing blackout curtains or room-darkening shades in your bedroom_38_ . If you don't want to run the air conditioner or a fan all night, try rethinking what you wear to bed, Experiment with what works best for you.


    On our work day is done, the family has had dinner and the kids have finished their home work, Still have 17 other things on your to-do list? Instead *of staying up late to tackle them all, pick one or two things and just focus on those.,1 he same advice goes for the activities you use to unwind.

    _40_but it' s important to do the things that are within our control to prioritize getting enough sleep. Being intentional about getting to bed at a reasonable time could really help you still get time for yourself, but also make sure that you re getting good sleep.

    A. Reset the perfect hour

    B. Narrow your after hours to-do list

    C. Society doesn't always make it easy

    D. Enough Sleep is essential to your health

    E. Do things that are kind of naturally calming

    F. Cooler temperatures cal also help you sleep better

    G. The more you can create regularity around your sleep, the better it is for you

    第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45)




    Several years ago, in doing research for a new book, we headed for the University of Hawaii. It was the morning_41_ hour. So after many stoplights, all_ 42_ we found ourselves at one of the main crossroads and_ 43_ behind a big yellow school bus. It was warm, and our_ 44_ were down, so we could_ 45_ the laughter of the children on the bus as we patiently waited for the_ 46_. to change.

    Then we noticed a young man_ 47_ on the ground with a cardboard sign propped up(支撑) on his knees. It was too far away to_ 48_ the lettering, but we assumed it was a plea(请求) for__ 49_ because of an unknown situation in which he found himself. He looked pretty_ 50_ with a longish beard, raged hair, and untidy clothes that had seen better days. He was obviously down on his_ 51_.

    Suddenly, he got up, put his_ 52 on the ground and walked toward the stopped school bus. As he approached, a little girl_ 53_. with.a brown paper lunch bag held in her fingers.As the stranger came_ 54_ , she handed him the bag. There was no conversation that we could hear, no words_55_ but he took the bag and very_ 56_ kissed her little hand.Then he went back to his place and sat again. The light changed, and we slowly moved forward. But soon we could see the_ 57_on his cheeks.

    I am ninety- four years old now, and there are few moments in my life that have_58_me more than that little__ 59_ giving a total stranger her, most precious gift: her_ 60_ bag.

    41. A. right  B. rush  C. class  D. dark

    42. A. red  B. yellow  C. green  D. white

    48. A. kept  B. hid  C. stopped  D. hit

    44. A. heads  B. spirits  C. doors  D. windows

    45. A. bear  B. sense  C. imagine  D. know

    46. A. time  B. weather  C. light  D. spot

    47. A. sleeping  B. sitting  C. lying  D. standing

    48. A. read  B. prove  C. write   D. print

    49. A. goods  B. safety  C. freedom  D. help

    50. A. rich  B. wise  C. rough  D. healthy

    51. A. luck  B. family  C. promise  D. stage

    52. A. food  B. sign  C. money  D. clothes

    53. A. set off  B. swung out  C. went off  D. reached out

    54. A. closer  B. quicker  C. later  D. better

    55. A. demanded  B. suggested  C. exchanged  D. experienced

    56. A. dynamically  B. precisely  C. essentially  D. gently

    57. A. spots  B. tears  C. wounds  D. beards

    58. A. interrupted  B. occupied  C. liberate  D. affected

    59. A. item  B. hand  C. genius  D. episode

    60. A. pack  B. school  C. lunch  D. plastic

    第二节(10小题;每小题 1.5,满分15)


    Light-drawing artist Wang Sibo, better known as Roy Wangled a team in a successful attempt_61_ (break) the Guinness World Record for the most people light drawing at the same time on June 29.

    The challenge _62_ take) place at Guangzhou Technician College, Guangdong Province_63_ Wang, along with four of his team members and 355 students from the college, completed a huge light drawing artwork in around two hours. The artwork shows image_64_ (include) a lion's head from Guangdong' s characteristic art form lion dancing,the emblem (象征) of the Communist Party of China, as well as hundreds of pentagrams (五角星). Because some of the students' light drawing didnt appear in the final photograph, the challenge registered_65_ total of 328 people who completed the task.

    With this innovative challenger we would like to pay our respects_66_ the founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Chinaand inspire young people to learn new_67_(skill) and contribute them to the development of our country,"Wang said. It is also our ambition to promote the spirit of Chinese craftsmanship to the world, and showcase the high-quality_68_  (achieve)of Chinese education.

    This marks the third time that Wang has_ 69 ( successful) broke the Guinness World Record,  following his records in 2018 and 2021 in completing the_ 70_ (large) light drawing.

    第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35)



    增加:在缺词处加一一个漏字符号( Ʌ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





    Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wisely. It has been proved if morning people are consistent and active. It leads to better performance, greater success, and high standards of living. Getting up early also relieves stress and tension because it gave you the time to add a workout before you lose concentration. This is because morning people tend to be healthier and happier. Getting up early has many benefit for both your body and your mind. The hardest part is convinced yourself to do it, and then getting into a routine of getting up early on every morning. Therefore, if you don't develop an habit of waking up before the rest of the world, you wont able to change the world.

    第二节.书面表达(满分25 )

    假定你是李华,你校外教Mr Smith准备利用即将到来的中秋节假期去北京东玩想寻求价








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