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    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件
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    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件

    这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件,共55页。PPT课件主要包含了引人注目的,最高级别的,慷慨的,附近的,greeting,puzzled,puzzling,belongings,defend,crowded等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    5.a single Eurpean currency 统一的欧洲货币6.a wedding feast 婚礼盛宴7.many kinds f scent 多种气味8.sensry rgans 感觉器官9.serve bar snacks 卖小吃10.during the perid f transitin 在过渡时期
    二、表达词汇——在语境中活用(一)在括号内写出蓝体词汇在语境中的汉语意思1.Even wrse, the amunt f fast fd that peple eat ges up. (n.____)2.When yu talk abut a persn's rigin, yu are referring t the cuntry, race, r scial class f their parents r ancestrs. (n.____)3.Nwadays, the appraches t language teaching are mre advanced than thse in the 1960s. (n.____)4.The little by has already grwn int a striking figure. (adj.__________)
    5.I shuld have charged my cellphne last night.Nw the battery is running ut. (vt.____)6.Last week,my brther was appinted chief engineer f the prject,which will be cmpleted in an18­mnth perid. (adj.__________)7.Did yu have any truble with the western custms? (n.____)8.This cmmunity has always been very generus. (adj.______)
    9.There are hundreds f scenes in English nvels where characters walk thrugh a landscape f fallen leaves that mirrrs the feelings f the characters. (n.____)10.They went swimming in the nearby river. (adj.______)11.Having abused his psitin as mayr t give jbs t his friends, Williams is nw under investigatin. (n.____)
    (二)写出蓝体词汇的语境之义及拓展形式1.Li Jiang and Su Hua dn't agree n what t wear when greeting the British students. (vt.____)拓展:________ n.问候,招呼2.Needless t say ur huse is nw surrunded by a jungle. (vt.____)拓展:___________ adj.周围的→____________ n.周围的环境3.Peter had been puzzled ver the prblem fr ver an hur when all at nce the slutin flashed acrss his mind. (vt.____)拓展:________ adj.迷惑不解的→________ adj.令人迷惑的
    4.The phts belng in an album. (vi.____)拓展:___________ n.财物,动产5.They fught t the last breath in defence f freedm and f the benefits f the peple. (n.____)拓展:______ vt.保护;保卫6.Thusands f peple crwded the narrw streets. (vt.____)拓展:________ adj.拥挤的7.Evidence btained frm bservatin and experiment is ften used t cnfirm a scientific thery. (n.____)拓展:_______ adj.明显的;显而易见的;显然的
    8.With 30 years f painstaking effrts, we have scred great achievements that have been recgnized wrldwide. (n.____) 拓展:________ vt.完成;达到9.The htel is in a lvely lcatin verlking the lake. (n.____)拓展:_____ vt.定位,找出……的准确位置10.I advise fully researching their meanings and rigins t gain an instructive and fascinating insight int the cultural histry f China. (adj.____________)拓展:________ v.深深吸引,迷住→__________ n. 着迷,入迷
    11.The plan fr Xingan New Area was annunced fficially n April 1, 2017. (vt.____)拓展:_____________ n.公告,通告,布告→__________ n.广播员12.Make sure yu have everything yu need t ensure yur success. (vt.____)拓展:____ adj.确信的,可靠的13.Nt realizing wh she was, the assistant was eager t serve her this time. (adj.______) 拓展:_________ n.渴望,热心
    三、词块短语——在语境中辨义用活写出或选出加蓝部分在语境中的汉语意思1.After she gave birth, he and his family jined the thers in White Bird Canyn t the suth. ____________________2.The wden huse belnging t me is being decrated nw. ____3.A prvince attempted t break away frm the cuntry, which accunted fr why the president was upset. _____4.When crssing the street, yu need t keep yur eyes pen fr the passing cars. _____
    5.The persn in charge f the gallery annunced that any individual mustn't take pictures. ____6.Dating back t the 18th century, Peking Opera has ver tw hundred years f histry. ______7.As ne f the mst deadly natural disasters in the wrld,earthquakes ften result in many peple being injured r killed. ____8.Malaysia is dtted with plains,frested hills and muntains that cver bth east and west Malaysia. ______
    9.Gd prgrams n televisin may have a great influence n children. ____________________10.With many years passing by, the ancient building has already laid in ruins. ________11.Yur wife as well as yu is friendly t me, fr which I am very grateful. __A.同(一样也)   B.和   C.还
    五、“续写”片段——在背诵中品悟如何写靓写美心理或动作描写之“害怕”Suddenly a little rabbit jumped ut in frnt f my hrse.It gt such a fright that it rushed at a high speed.I, frightened t, grabbed the rein tightly.Minutes later, the hrse was ff the track and I fund that there was n sign f my dad.In the middle f nwhere, I felt a wave f fear wrap arund me.Wrse still, the rain came puring dwn and I was wet thrugh.After seemingly lng hurs, there came a lud cry f my dad.As a quick respnse, I shuted in a lud vice, “Dad, I'm here!” Tracing my vice, Dad finally fund me and we gt reunited.
    突然一只小兔子跳到我的马前面。马吓得飞快奔跑。我也很害怕,紧紧抓住缰绳。几分钟后,马离开了小道,我的视线里没有了父亲的身影。在茫茫荒野中,我感到一阵恐惧笼罩着我。更糟糕的是,大雨倾盆而下,我浑身湿透了。似乎过了很长时间,爸爸的大喊声传来。我快速回应,大声喊道:“爸爸,我在这里!”追踪着我的声音,爸爸终于找到了我,我们团聚了。[点评] 本段中的动作词块rush at a high speed, grab the rein tightly, wrap arund, shut in a lud vice 生动地表达了马和作者的 fright, frightened, fear等害怕的心理,同时又通过 ff the track, n sign f my dad, pur dwn, wet thrugh, After seemingly lng hurs, a quick respnse渲染了作者的心慌与害怕。
    1.surrund vt.围绕;包围    [题点全练](单句语法填空)①(2020·浙江7月高考写作)The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp, which ______________(surrund) by a high wire fence.②Surrunding yurself _____peple wh'll prvide yu with respect and supprt can be very beneficial.
    was surrunded
    [系统归纳] surrund ...   用……包围/围绕……be surrunded by/with ... 被……包围/环绕
    2.belng vi.应在(某处);适应[题点全练](单句语法填空/同义句转换)①A tiger is a large fierce animal which belngs ___the cat family.②A tiger is a large fierce animal________________________.(把①句改为简单句)[系统归纳] (1)belng t表示“是……的财产;是……组成部分;是……的成员(属于)”,不能用于进行时态和被动语态;作后置定语时常用现在分词形式。(2)belngings n.   财物;动产
    belnging t the cat family
    3.amunt n.金额;数量        [题点全练](单句语法填空)①A large amunt f mney ____(be) spent n the cnstructin f the schl last year.②Large amunts f hney and butter _____(be) used t make this kind f snack.③Cnsumers’ spending n sprts­related prducts amunted ___£9.75 billin.[系统归纳] (1)a large/small amunt f+n.[U]+v.(单数)large/small amunts f+n.[U]+v.(复数)the amunt f ...  ……的数量(2)amunt t 共计,总计;等于,相当于
    4.apprach n.方法;途径;接近vt.接近;接洽;着手处理 vi.靠近[题点全练](单句语法填空/完成句子)①The best apprach t ________(build) up yur bdy is t d exercise every day.②Yesterday we held a meeting and made ___apprach t the lw­carbn lifestyle.③___ the apprach f the cinema,he stpped and waited fr his friends.④As Teachers' Day _______________,ur class decided t hld a party t celebrate it.随着教师节的临近,我们班决定举行一场晚会来庆祝。
    was appraching
    [系统归纳] (1)the apprach t ...通往……的道路;……的方法at the apprach f  在快到……的时候make an apprach t 对……进行探讨(2)be appraching 正在/将要到来(3)与名词apprach搭配的t为介词,后面要跟名词、动名词或代词作宾语。
    5.break away (frm sb./sth.) 脱离;背叛;逃脱[题点全练]用break短语的适当形式填空①The girl _______________her mther and ran away.②Fred has given me n gd reasn fr wanting t _________ur marriage.③T my disappintment, the car ___________n the way t their wedding.④When I gt hme,I fund my huse __________and sme mney stlen.⑤He was charging his mbile phne when the fire_________.⑥It was much annying that she cnstantly _______during ur cnversatin.
    brke away frm
    [系统归纳] break dwn 出故障;失败;垮掉;分解break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)break int 强行闯入;突然……起来break ut (战争、火灾等)爆发;发生(无被动语态)break up 解散;分拆;驱散;分手;结束;放假
    6.as well as 同(一样也);和;还[题点全练](单句语法填空/完成句子)①The teacher as well as his students (be) ging t have a picnic this weekend.②She can sing;__________________________.她会唱歌,也会弹钢琴。③The weather is s bad that we________________________.天气太糟了,我们还是待在家里为好。
    she can play the pian as well
    might as well stay at hme
    [系统归纳] (1)as well as常用于连接两个并列的句子成分;若连接主语及其附属成分时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致。(2)as well常位于肯定句句末,无需用逗号与句子分开。(3)may/might as well意为“还是……为好;不妨……”。
    1.puzzle n.迷;智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑        [题点全练](单句语法填空)①The plice are still puzzling __________hw the accident culd have happened.②I've been trying t puzzle ___why she's s upset.③Yu will be puzzled ______their meanings if yu dn't learn abut the backgrund f these Tang pems.
    [练重难点](单句语法填空)④Where the virus came frm was __puzzle t the scientists.⑤When the little girl was asked such a ________questin, she std there with a _______lk n her face.(puzzle)
    2.charge n.收费;指控;主管vt.收费;控告;充电        [题点全练](单句语法填空)①(2020·天津5月高考)Yur replacement card will be prduced free ___charge.②I wnder hw much yu will charge me ___the six­week curse.③He was charged ____stealing a car last week,which made all f us puzzled.
    [练重难点](一句多译)多年来,格林小姐一直掌管这家公司。④Miss Green ______________________________________the cmpany fr many years.⑤Fr many years the cmpany ______________________Miss Green.
    has been in charge f/has taken charged f
    has been in the charge f
    3.annunce vt.宣布;通知;声称[题点全练](单句语法填空/完成句子)①At the end f the meeting, it ______________(annunce) that an agreement had been reached.②Our head teacher made ___annuncement just nw.③_______________________________ I am running fr chairman f the Students' Unin.我很荣幸地宣布我将竞选学生会主席。
    was annunced
    It's my great hnr t annunce that
    [练重难点]写出加蓝词在语境中的含义/单句语法填空④The first few leaves n the grund annunced the beginning f autumn. ____⑤The gvernment annunced ___the media the plan t develp a new prject.
    [应用体验](单句语法填空/完成句子)①Yu must keep yur eyes ______(clse) when ding eye exercise.②The questin kept me __________(wnder) fr the rest f the night.③Fr anther, spending t much time n entertainment will nly____________________________.另一方面,在娱乐上花费太多的时间只会使我们远离我们的学习。④Attending adventure activities has a great impact n_______________________.参加冒险活动对保持我们的心理健康也有很大的影响。
    keep us away frm ur studies
    keeping ur mental health
    2.with复合结构[用法规则] “with+宾语+宾语补足语”构成的复合结构除了在句中作状语外,还可以作定语。主要结构如下:
    [应用体验](单句语法填空/完成句子)①(2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)Every runner tried their best t finish the task, with their classmates alng the way ______(give) them necessary help as well as encuragement.②With mre and mre frests ________(damage), sme animals and plants are facing the danger f dying ut.③With a lt f hmewrk _____(d), I can't g skating with yu.④The child _________________was trembling with cld.只穿着一件衬衫的那个孩子冻得直发抖。
    with nly a shirt n
    LIANDA:A PLACE OF PASSION,BELIEF AND COMMITMENT(节选自外研版教材选择性必修第三册UNIT 3)In 1937, the aggressin f the Japanese army brught disaster t China's three great universities: Peking University and Tsinghua University were ccupied by Japanese trps, while Nankai University was cmpletely destryed by bmbing.T save their educatinal and intellectual heritage, the three universities jined tgether in Kunming as Natinal Suthwest Assciated University, therwise knwn as Lianda.(联大的由来)
    Hwever, despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges, it was right in this place, ver a perid f eight lng years, that the natin's intellectual heritage was nt nly guarded but frtified by the passin and belief f the wrthy academics f Lianda.❶It is n wnder that many, if nt mst, f China's leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda, including the tw Nbel Prize­winning physicists, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengda.“Lianda laid the fundatin fr every achievement I have made,” Yang recalled.He still remembers learning in a temprary classrm that had n glass in the windws. ❷“On windy days, we had t hld dwn the paper n the desk, which wuld therwise be blwn away,” he said.(联大当年艰苦的教学条件)
    ❸With the cuntry at war, students at Lianda were nt ging t shirk their duty.Driven by a sense f cmmitment, a great many jined the army t resist the Japanese invaders and defend the hnur f the natin.In fact, Lianda prvided the largest number f student­sldiers frm any campus in China.Of the thusands f cllege students frm all ver China wh served as interpreters, ne tenth were frm Lianda, including the well­knwn translatrs Zha Liangzheng and Xu Yuanchng.Zha later depicted the cntributins f his peers in a pem:Sftly, n the hillside frgtten by all,A misty rain falls in a gentle breeze;
    There is n trace f the ftprints f histry;Where brave suls nce std, breathing new life int the trees.(联大的历史贡献)A prduct f the war, Lianda is nw physically gne.But it has becme the crwning glry f China's mdern universities, nt nly because f its prminent prfessrs and talented students,but als because f the schl's strng spirit f perseverance and dedicatin.(对联大的评价)
    由教材学写法1.学亮点词汇第一段中的cmpletely描写了南开大学在战争中被彻底损毁的状态。第二段中的immense 和daunting 写出了当时形势的艰难,在此背景之下,又用emerge一词生动展现了联大人才辈出的情形。 同时,guard和frtify这两个词汇描述了国家的知识遗产不仅得到了保护,还得到了强化,体现了联大的使命和历史功绩。
    2.学高级句式句❶是一个主从复合句,It is n wnder that句型突显了联大杰出学者们的热情和信念在其以后的发展中的奠基作用。句❷是一个主从复合句,which引导的非限制性定语从句在句中起到补充说明的作用,进一步展现了当时条件的恶劣。句❸是一个简单句,句中运用了with复合结构作状语,介词短语at war作补语,简洁明了地讲述了国家当时正处于战争状态。
    Ⅰ.多积词块——丰富表达方式1.in peace          和平地2.at war 处于交战状态3.turn against 背叛4.serve in the army 服兵役5.defend against ... 防御……6.devte ... 把……奉献给……7.shirk ne's duty 逃避责任
    8.in memry f ... 为了纪念……9.lay the fundatin fr 为……奠定基础10.have a histry f ... 有……的历史11.n behalf f 代表……12.cme t pwer 当权;上台执政13.fr the benefit f 为了……的利益14.be made f 由……做成
    Ⅱ.多积佳句——彰显表达功底1.In Chinese histry, there was a time when China was the strngest and richest cuntry in the wrld.在中国历史上,曾经有过一段时期中国是世界上最强大和最富裕的国家。2.While wandering amng the shps in the antique blck, the selling vice spreading t the ears can make yu feel like being in anther wrld.游客徜徉在古色古香的街区店铺之间,耳边传来声声叫卖,让你感觉置身于另一个世界。3.The cuntries have been at peace fr mre than a century.这些国家和平共处已有一个多世纪。
    4.Only when the system has been ablished will it be pssible t ablish pverty, unemplyment and war.只有废除了这种制度才有可能消除贫困、失业和战争。5.Tsinghua University gt its name because it was lcated in Qinghua Garden.清华大学因位于清华园而得名。
    一、作文补写表达亮下面是一篇介绍长城的短文,请根据提示,运用上面所学,将文章补充完整。The Great Wall,❶_____________________________________ (20 000多公里长;非限制性定语从句), is the lngest wall in the wrld.It ❷_________________________________ (有2 000多年的历史).❸__________________________ (它是用砖石做成的) and almst all the cnstructin was dne by hand withut any machine.
    which is mre than 20,000 kilmeters lng
    has a histry fmre than 2,000 years
    It is made f stnes and bricks
    ❹_________________________________(沿途分布着瞭望台;with复合结构) every few hundred meteres, it was built ❺___________________ (保卫国家) against freign invaders.Nw, the Great Wall is ❻__________________________________ (最著名的名胜古迹之一) in China and it attracts ❼_________________________________ (来自世界各地的众多游客) every year.If yu have a chance t visit it, yu will be delighted with the great turist attractin.
    With watchtwers lined alng the wall
    t defend the cuntry
    ne f the mst famus places f interest
    many visitrs frm all ver the wrld

    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件: 这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件,共55页。PPT课件主要包含了必备知识·自主检测,chief,nearby,military,legal,charged,amount,Gallery,approach,ensure等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024年高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件: 这是一份2024年高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了核心单词阅读词汇,individual,battle,vi靠近,charge,amount,approach,ensure,position,custom等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件: 这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第二册UNIT4HISTORY AND TRADITIONS课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了customs,charged ,ensure ,ancestors ,feast ,belonging ,nearby ,eager,◎拓展词汇 能提升,puzzle等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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