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    吉安市 2023年高考模拟测试卷
    (测试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What is the man?
    A. He is an accountant. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a reporter.
    2. What does the woman say about her teacher?
    A. He talks too fast.
    B. He uses difficult words.
    C He speaks with a terrible pronunciation.
    3. What does the woman think of the plates?
    A. They’re of poor quality. B. They’re worth buying. C. They’re overpriced.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant.
    5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. Statistics on labour market.
    B. Requirements of most bosses.
    C. Decreasing popularity of taking gap year.
    听第6段材料,回答第 6、7题。
    6. What will cause a delay of fetching the watch?
    A. The change of the battery.
    B. The replacement of the band.
    C. The repair of the watch.
    7. When will the watch finally be ready?
    A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
    8. Who is the woman?
    A. A travel agent. B. An office manager. C. The man’s secretary.
    9. Why does the woman call Mr. Smith?
    A. To remind him of a discount.
    B. To arrange a flight schedule.
    C. To check his flight time.
    10. What will happen next Tuesday?
    A. The speakers will sit the mid-term tests.
    B. The teacher will mark the mid-term tests.
    C. The woman will get the result of the mid-term tests.
    11. What class does the man intend to attend?
    A. Internet Technology. B. Software Engineering. C. American Revolution.
    12. How does the man probably feel in the end?
    A. Astonished and embarrassed.
    B. Sad and hopeless.
    C. Disappointed and annoyed.
    13. How did the woman know the gym?
    A. From a friend. B. From a website. C. From a newspaper.
    14. How long is the gym open a day?
    A. 16 hours. B. 19 hours. C. 24 hours.
    15. What service does the gym offer?
    A. Free personal trainers.
    B. The lowest membership fee.
    C. Healthy meals.
    16. What does the woman decide to do at last?
    A. Pay a visit to the gym.
    B. Choose a personal trainer.
    C. Apply for a membership card.
    17. What was the weather like in the south last weekend?
    A. Rainy. B. Dry. C. Cloudy.
    18. Where is there a thunderstorm today?
    A. In London. B. In Manchester. C. In Leeds.
    19. What will the highest temperature be in England this week?
    A. 21℃. B. 23℃. C. 30℃.
    20. When will it rain in the south coast?
    A. By Thursday morning.
    B. By Friday afternoon.
    C. By Saturday afternoon.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Wang Zhenyi (1768-1797)
    Born at a time when girls were prevented from getting a formal education, Wang Zhenyi got encouraged from her father to read books including works on astronomy, mathematics, geography, medicine, as well as poetry. She conducted experiments at home, in one of which she used a round table as the Earth, a lamp as the Sun, and a mirror as the Moon to understand their motions and finally revealed the mystery of lunar eclipse (月食). Wang often expressed in her poetry inequalities in society and fought for the rights of women.
    Jocelyn Burnell (1943-)
    Jocelyn Burnell was born in Northen Ireland, whose father Philip was an architect. In 1965, Burnell began her graduate studies in physics at Cambridge University, building a telescope to look for radio signals from space. Later, she found signals from space and was the first to confirm the existence of neutron stars (中子星). In 1974, she missed out on the winning of a Nobel Prize for this discovery. But in 2018, she won a Breakthrough Prize for it.
    Mercedes Richards (1955-2016)
    Mercedes Richards grew up in the capital of Jamaica. At 11, she knew she wanted to be an astronomer, Her father, who was a police detective, taught her the skills of observation and inference, while her mother, an accountant, taught her the importance of precision, Richards studied astronomy at York University and the University of Toronto, and investigated binary star (双子星) systems to determine how gas flows between the paired stars to create enormous explosion of energy called novae (新星).
    1. What is special about Wang Zhenyi?
    A. She was well-educated by her family.
    B. She made the first discovery of a new star.
    C. She was faced with gender discrimination.
    D. She was a female pioneer in the field of astronomy.
    2. Who first discovered the existence of neutron stars?
    A. Wang Zhenyi. B. Jocelyn Burnell. C. Philip Burnell. D. Mercedes Richards.
    3. Which column is the passage probably from?
    A. Science News. B. Her Story Files.
    C. Tour of World. D. Literature Appreciation.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B
    【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了三位杰出的女天文学家:中国的王贞仪、北爱尔兰的Jocelyn Burnell和牙买加的Mercedes Richards,以及这些女天文学家的成长经历、教育背景和杰出的贡献。
    推理判断题。根据Wang Zhenzi部分“Born at a time when girls were prevented from getting a formal education, Wang Zhenyi got encouraged from her father to read books including works on astronomy, mathematics, geography, medicine, as well as poetry.(出生在女孩无法接受正规教育的时代,父亲鼓励王振仪阅读天文、数学、地理、医学和诗歌等书籍)”可知,在王贞仪成长的年代,社会普遍认为女孩不该受教育,王贞仪面临着性别歧视,其他两个段落均未提及性别歧视的问题,故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据Jocelyn Burnell部分“Later, she found signals from space and was the first to confirm the existence of neutron stars.(后来,她发现了来自太空的信号,并率先证实了中子星的存在)”可知,是Jocelyn Burnell第一个发现了中子星的存在,故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Born at a time when girls were prevented from getting a formal education,( 出生在女孩无法接受正规教育的时代)”、第二段“In 1965, Burnell began her graduate studies in physics at Cambridge University(965年,伯内尔在剑桥大学开始了她攻读物理学研究生的生涯)”以及第三段“At 11, she knew she wanted to be an astronomer(11岁时,她知道自己想成为一名天文学家)”可知,本文简要介绍了三位杰出的女天文学家从小接受教育,学习天文知识并最终对天文学研究做出了突出贡献的励志故事,凸显了女性力量,所以本文应出自女性故事专栏(Her Story Files),故选B项。
    Korten went to a public school. There were students who were friends with Korten and who weren’t, But deep down, our hero knew that he was “that kid” in school because of his Korten was often nulled Butism (自闭症). Diagnosed that he could never speak, Korten was often pulled out of class for speech treatment. He was infamous for having “breakdowns” in the middle of a class and for seeing specialists inside and outside of the school.
    When all hope seemed lost, it was athletics that came to Korten’s rescue. After trying swimming, he took up running and joined the cross-country team of his school. But autism seriously affected him, In the beginning, Korten couldn’t run around the school yard without stopping at least a couple of times. Frustrated, he would often drop out of them.
    However, the sportsperson’s mentality (心态) which was locked up by his autism before had begun to rise. Despite his condition, Korten decided to take part in the cross-country races during the upcoming season. He worked on his skills with his father during the summer break and to his surprise, Korten was not only competing but successfully finishing the races with some of the best records. He even almost won the 1,500-metre race that year.
    When he started his college life, Korten realized that he wasn’t the only one with “issues”. There were people who, though, may not be autistic, were fighting their own battles. Having displayed his real and complete self in front of the world, Korten not only was able to give his 100% to sports, but also was awarded the “Who’s who among students on campus”, a valuable recognition given to those with high academics along with participating in many after-school activities.
    4. Why was Korten referred to as “that kid” in school?
    A. He dropped out of school. B. He had no friends at school.
    C. He was a hero of his school. D. He was often absent for his condition.
    5. What inspired Korten’s inner strength?
    A. His love for sport. B. His special condition.
    C. His newly-found fighting spirit. D. His father’s encouragement.
    6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
    A. One should accept his real self. B. Everyone in college fought for a goal.
    C Few students in college knew Korten. D. Korten was more recognized in academics.
    7. What is the best title of the passage?
    A. Show Concern for Autism B. Face Your Life Challenges
    C. Find an Interest in a Sport D. Recognize Your Own Issue
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“Diagnosed that he could never speak, Korten was often pulled out of class for speech treatment. He was infamous for having ‘breakdowns’ in the middle of a class and for seeing specialists inside and outside of the school.(Korten被诊断为永远不能说话,他经常被拉出教室接受语言障碍治疗。他因在课堂上‘精神崩溃’以及去学校内外看专家而臭名昭著)”可知,他被称为“那个孩子”的原因是他经常因自闭症而缺课。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“However, the sportsperson’s mentality(心态) which was locked up by his autism before had begun to rise.(然而,此前被自闭症禁锢的运动员心态开始上升)”可知,激发他内心力量的是他发现了一直被自闭症困住的运动员精神,对应C项“他新发现的奋斗精神”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Having displayed his real and complete self in front of the world, Korten not only was able to give his 100% to sports, but also was awarded the ‘Who’s who among students on campus’, a valuable recognition given to those with high academics along with participating in many after-school activities.(在世界面前展示了真实完整的自己,Korten不仅能够100%的投入到体育运动中,还被评为‘校园风云人物’,这是对那些学术水平高的人的宝贵认可,同时还参加了许多课外活动)”可知,人应该接纳真实的自己。故选A。
    主旨大意题。本文讲述了身患自闭症的主人公Korten勇敢面对自身的病情,通过努力拼搏,最终在越野跑步运动以及学习中取得优秀成绩的故事,所以B项“Face Your Life Challenges(面对生活中的挑战)”为最佳标题。故选B。
    A toothpaste (牙膏) tube, squeezed and twisted out of shape in vain to force out its remaining contents, regularly appears in many a bathroom. But Colgate, an American consumer-goods giant, has taken up an invention by a pair of experts in super-slippery surfaces to produce toothpaste tubes that promise to deliver every last bit.
    In 2012 Kripa Varanasi, a professor at the MIT, and his students, set up a company called LiquiGlide to commercialize their work on making liquids flow more easily through pipes and out of containers. What caught many people’s imagination then was a demonstration of how this could be used to empty a ketchup (番茄酱) bottle without shaking it violently.
    So far, ketchup-makers have not embraced the idea. But the health and beauty industry. where products are more expensive than ketchup, is interested. Mibelle Group, a Swiss producer of health care and beauty products, employs the technology to lessen the amount of material left stuck to the insides of pipes in its factories in a clean-up. LiquiGlide’s deal with Colgate is, though, the firm’s first big break into a consumer business.
    The new toothpaste, called Elixir, comes in three varieties: a formula (配方) for whitening teeth, one for teeth care and one removing impurities from the mouth. All are packaged in plastic tubes that can be emptied with ease.
    To produce their slippery pipes and containers, they first create a special pattern on them and then apply a certain liquid. This creates a surface across which soft and sticky substances slide easily. Any risk of pollution can be removed by making the liquid from materials used in the product.
    Besides pleasing customers who like to get their money’s worth, the new, slippery toothpaste tubes should help with recycling. Existing tubes are seldom recycled, not only because they have residues inside them but also because they are usually made from a thin slice of plastic and metal materials. Mixed materials of this sort are hard to recycle, and therefore end up being dumped in landfill, or burnt.
    8. What is the problem with the existing toothpaste tube?
    A. The product is too slippery to use.
    B. The quality is difficult to guarantee.
    C. The tube is easily twisted out of shape.
    D. The material left is hard to squeeze out.
    9. How does the market react to the idea of LiquiGlide company?
    A. The beauty industry thinks little of it.
    B. Toothpaste companies show no interest in it.
    C. Producers in health industry will benefit since waste will be reduced.
    D. Ketchup companies like the idea since people want to empty ketchup bottles.
    10. What is known about the new toothpaste Elixir?
    A. Contents can be made to flow out easily.
    B. The tube cannot prevent polluted liquid.
    C. It has three functions and a new formula.
    D. Recycling is easy with mixed materials.
    11. What does the underlined word “residues” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Solids. B. Liquids. C. Leftovers. D. Plastics.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“A toothpaste (牙膏) tube, squeezed and twisted out of shape in vain to force out its remaining contents, regularly appears in many a bathroom.(在许多浴室里,经常会出现一根牙膏管,为了挤出牙膏里剩下的东西,它被挤得变形了)”可知,牙膏管怎么挤都挤不出剩余的牙膏是当前牙膏管的问题。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段第二、三句“But the health and beauty industry. where products are more expensive than ketchup, is interested. Mibelle Group, a Swiss producer of health care and beauty products, employs the technology to lessen the amount of material left stuck to the insides of pipes in its factories in a clean-up.(但产品比番茄酱还贵的健康美容行业对此很感兴趣。瑞士医疗保健和美容产品生产商Mibelle集团在一次清理工作中使用了这种技术,以减少工厂管道内残留的物质)”可知,健康和美容业对LiquiGlide公司的这一技术很感兴趣,例如瑞士的Mibelle集团使用这一技术进行了工厂的管道清洁,减少了残留在管道里的废物,由此从中受益。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句“This creates a surface across which soft and sticky substances slide easily.(这就形成了一个表面,软而粘的物质很容易在上面滑动)”可知,新牙膏Elixir的其中一个特点就是牙膏能够很容易就被挤出来。故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句“A toothpaste (牙膏) tube, squeezed and twisted out of shape in vain to force out its remaining contents, regularly appears in many a bathroom.(在许多浴室里,经常会出现一根牙膏管,为了挤出牙膏里剩下的东西,它被挤得变形了)”可知,当前牙膏管的问题是管内的残留物不容易被挤出来,因此 residues意为“残留物”。故选C。
    Parents and teachers worry about the loss of learning caused by the COVID-19 and want to catch up immediately. But it’s unrealistic to think that a few months will fully close the gaps.
    Educators tend to underestimate the importance of knowledge, as though rote (死记硬背) teaching harms teaching higher-order thinking. But science shows otherwise. The processes that teachers care about most, like critical thinking, are closely interconnected with factual knowledge stored in long-term memory. Yet we continue to romanticize an impossible shortcut: teaching critical thinking as if it were a universally applicable skill.
    Take the subject of reading, which schools see as thinking skills that can be taught directly: I will teach students what an inference is. Actually, students make inferences when they can read fluently and have the vocabulary and background knowledge to name what is unsaid.
    Educators also often underestimate memory. Cognitive (认知的) scientist Paul Kirschner argues that building memory is “the aim of all teaching” and that “if nothing has changed in long-term memory, nothing has been learned”. At the end of a lesson, if students appear to understand an idea, their teacher may think, “Great, they really understand the point.” But if weeks later, the students forget it, learning has not really occurred.
    Finally, we must consider students’ emotional needs. Belonging is one of the most profound (深切的) human emotions. Consider a classroom in which students are socialized to comment: “I agree with Cassidy and want to provide another example.” That conveys to Cassidy that her comments were meaningful. This would also be achieved if, when Cassidy is speaking, her classmates are looking at her, nodding and sending positive nonverbal social signals that they value her words. Only peers can provide this sense of belonging, but teachers can cultivate the environment.
    All in all, if we want to benefit students, we must ground our teaching in the science that value knowledge and memory, and the role that belonging plays in students’ study.
    12. What can we know about critical thinking according to the passage?
    A. It can be taught directly. B. It is gradually formed.
    C. It is deeply rooted in reading. D. It is universally applicable.
    13. According to Paul Kirschner, when does real learning happen?
    A. When students perform well in class activities.
    B. When students understand what has been taught.
    C. When students achieve changes in long-term memory.
    D. When students start to forget unnecessary information.
    14. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?
    A. Nonverbal social signals matters in class.
    B. Being sociable in the classroom is important.
    C. Students should support each other in class discussions.
    D. Classrooms are where the feeling of belonging is developed.
    15. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
    A. To urge schools to teach more knowledge.
    B. To show concern about the influence of COVID-19.
    C. To promote higher-order thinking like critical thinking.
    D. To suggest a scientific way to catch up the loss of learning.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. D
    【详解】1. 推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“The processes that teachers care about most, like critical thinking, are closely interconnected with factual knowledge stored in long-term memory.(教师最关心的过程,如批判性思维,与储存在长期记忆中的事实知识密切相关)”及第三段中的举例“Take the subject of reading, which schools see as thinking skills that can be taught directly: I will teach students what an inference is. Actually, students make inferences when they can read fluently and have the vocabulary and background knowledge to name what is unsaid.(以阅读为例,学校认为阅读是一种可以直接传授的思维技能:我会教学生什么是推理。事实上,当学生能够流利地阅读,并拥有词汇和背景知识来说出未说过的内容时,他们就会进行推理)”可知,思辨性思维是在长期习得的知识的基础上形成的。故选B。

    2. 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“Cognitive(认知的) scientist Paul Kirschner argues that building memory is “the aim of all teaching” and that “if nothing has changed in long-term memory, nothing has been learned”.(认知科学家保罗·克什纳(Paul Kirschner)认为,建立记忆是“所有教学的目标”,“如果长期记忆没有改变,就意味着什么也没学到”)”可知,Paul Kirschner 认为真正的学习发生在学生的长期记忆有所变化时。故选C。
    3. 主旨大意题。根据第五段内容“Finally, we must consider students’ emotional needs. Belonging is one of the most profound(深切的) human emotions. Consider a classroom in which students are socialized to comment: “I agree with Cassidy and want to provide another example.” That conveys to Cassidy that her comments were meaningful. This would also be achieved if, when Cassidy is speaking, her classmates are looking at her, nodding and sending positive nonverbal social signals that they value her words. Only peers can provide this sense of belonging, but teachers can cultivate the environment.(最后,我们必须考虑学生的情感需求。归属感是人类最深刻的情感之一。假设一个课堂,学生被社会化评论:“我同意卡西迪的观点,并想提供另一个例子。”这向卡西迪传达了她的评论是有意义的。如果卡西迪在讲话时,她的同学们都看着她,点头,并发出积极的非语言社会信号,表明他们重视她的话,也能达到这种效果。只有同龄人才能提供这种归属感,但教师可以培养环境)”可知,第五段阐述了疫情后,课堂中应关注学生的归属感,以及在课堂中哪些情境可以帮助学生培养归属感。老师们可以努力去创设这种教学情境。因此,本段主要讲述课堂是培养学生归属感的地方。故选D。
    4. 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句中的“close the gaps”及最后一段中的“All in all, if we want to benefit students, we must ground our teaching in the science that value knowledge and memory, and the role that belonging plays in students’ study.(总而言之,如果我们想让学生受益,我们必须把我们的教学建立在重视知识和记忆的科学基础上,以及归属感在学生学习中所起的作用)”可知,学校应重视学生的基础知识、长期记忆和归属感。因此本文的目的是推荐一种科学的弥补学习缺漏的方法。故选D。
    Fooling the Eye— Camera Tricks That You Can Do
    Here are some easy tips and tricks that can create images that fool the eye.
    Play with Perspective
    One of the easiest tricks is called forced perspective. To do this, you set up a camera shot with someone closer and someone farther away. ____16____, and the person farther away will look very small.
    Fly Superheroes
    How can you take a photograph of a friend so that they seem to be flying superheroes?____17____. First, have you friend dress up in superhero clothes, especially one with a cape. Pose them outside against the open sky, and have another friend hold the cape out. ____18____. Then you can edit it so that the hand holding the cape out isn’t visible. The other is to take a sheet, lay it flat on the ground, and decorate it with buildings and clouds. Then have someone lie on the sheet to act as if they’re flying above a city skyline.
    Is the sky full of big, puffy (松软洁白的) clouds? Hold up an empty ice cream cone so it looks like it’s filled with clouds instead of ice cream. Have a friend draw funny eyeballs on the back of their hand and then hold their hand across their real eyes for a funny face photo. You can create your own trick photos by exploring other ways to use all these tricks. ____20____ .
    A. Try Other Tricks
    B. Hold up Ice Creams
    C. There are two methods for this
    D. The person in front will look large
    E. Another is to have your friend lie flat on a sheet
    F. The only rule is not to do anything risky and to have fun
    G. Position yourself low and take the photo looking slightly upward
    【答案】16. D 17. C 18. G 19. A 20. F
    空后说“and the person farther away will look very small. (离得远一点的人看起来就会很小。)”,空格应该说离镜头近的人就应该会大点,D选项“The person in front will look large (站在前面的人看起来会很大)”说明了离镜头近的人会看起来大点,和后文是并列关系,因此符合语境,故选D。
    空前说“How can you take a photograph of a friend so that they seem to be flying superheroes? (你怎么能给朋友拍照,让他们看起来像会飞的超级英雄呢?)”,空后说“First, have you friend dress up in superhero clothes, especially one with a cape. (首先,让你的朋友穿上超级英雄的衣服,尤其是有斗篷的。)”和“The other is to take a sheet, lay it flat on the ground, and decorate it with buildings and clouds. (另一种是拿一张床单,把它平铺在地上,用建筑物和云朵装饰它。)”,这说明有两种方法可以让朋友看起来像会飞的超级英雄,C选项“There are two methods for this (有两种方法)”引出了后文的两种方法,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
    空前说“First, have you friend dress up in superhero clothes, especially one with a cape. Pose them outside against the open sky, and have another friend hold the cape out. (首先,让你的朋友穿上超级英雄的衣服,尤其是有斗篷的。把他们放在户外,对着开阔的天空,让另一个朋友拿着斗篷。)”,空后说“Then you can edit it so that the hand holding the cape out isn’t visible. (然后你可以编辑它,这样拿着斗篷的手就不可见了。)”,因此空格处应该是另一个步骤,G选项“Position yourself low and take the photo looking slightly upward (身体放低,拍照时眼睛稍微向上看)”说明的是另一个步骤,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
    空格处是本段小标题,由空后的“Is the sky full of big, puffy (松软洁白的) clouds? Hold up an empty ice cream cone so it looks like it’s filled with clouds instead of ice cream. Have a friend draw funny eyeballs on the back of their hand and then hold their hand across their real eyes for a funny face photo. You can create your own trick photos by exploring other ways to use all these tricks. (天空中到处都是蓬松的大云吗?举着一个空的冰淇淋蛋筒,让它看起来像是装满了云,而不是冰淇淋。让朋友在手背上画有趣的眼球,然后把他们的手放在他们真正的眼睛上,拍一张有趣的脸。你可以通过探索使用所有这些技巧的其他方法来创建自己的技巧照片。)”可知,本段主要讲的是可以尝试其他的一些技巧,A选项“Try Other Tricks (尝试其他技巧)”概括本段内容,可作为小标题,故选A。
    空前说“You can create your own trick photos by exploring other ways to use all these tricks. (你可以通过探索使用所有这些技巧的其他方法来创建自己的技巧照片。)”,空后应该接着说要如何做这个事情,F选项“The only rule is not to do anything risky and to have fun (唯一的规则就是不要做任何冒险的事情,要玩得开心)”是做上文所说事情的规则,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Soon after Savannah Phillips got into her window seat on flight, she glanced over at her seatmate. He was in his 60s, and was busy ____21____. The font(字体) was unusually ____22____ and the screen was bright, making it easy for Phillips to ____23____ what he was tapping out: “Hey Babe, I’m sitting next to a smelly fatty.”
    “It was like confirmation of the ____24____ things I think about myself,” the 33-year-old mother wrote in a Facebook post after the flight. Tears ____25____ down, and she tried to make herself as ____26____ as possible without being seen.
    Sitting across the aisle(过道) behind them was Chase Irwin, a 35-year-old bar manager. He could ____27____ the man’s texts, too— and he could see Phillips. “I noticed her looking at his ____28____,” Irwin said, “I was very ____29____ and I could not allow this _____30_____ to sit next to her and have her thinking he’s making fun of her.”
    In no time, Irwin _____31_____ his seat belt, stood up and waited beside the _____32_____. “Hey, we are switching seats now.” When he asked why, Irwin said, “You are texting about her, and I can’t _____33_____ with that.” The texter agreed quickly. Irwin took his _____34_____ next to Phillips and was soon cheering up his _____35_____ seatmate.
    Phillips wrote, “He kept _____36_____ me everything would be fine. And he was _____37_____.” Phillips spent the rest of the _____38_____ chatting with Irwin like old friends.
    _____39_____, Phillips wrote with her faith in humanity _____40_____, “Irwin was just my hero.”
    21. A. talking B. playing C. texting D. calling
    22. A. large B. simple C. special D. colorful
    23. A. realize B. understand C. sense D. read
    24. A. bad B. complex C. happy D. convinced
    25. A. pulled B. rolled C. slowed D. broke
    26 A. scared B. confident C. serious D. small
    27. A. guess B. see C. imagine D. find
    28. A. phone B. face C. shoulder D. smile
    29. A. anxious B. curious C. annoyed D. tired
    30. A. actor B. fellow C. bachelor D. chemist
    31. A. threw B. untied C. tore D. cut
    32. A. texter B. manager C. lady D. waiter
    33. A. put up B. get away C. fit in D. come down
    34. A. charge B. place C. time D. order
    35. A. tired B. painful C. new D. blank
    36. A. warning B. pushing C. encouraging D. reminding
    37. A. brilliant B. determined C. calm D. right
    38. A. vacation B. flight C. hike D. comedy
    39. A. Generously B. Delightedly C. Exactly D. Luckily
    40. A. broken B. lost C. kept D. restored
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. C 37. D 38. B 39. B 40. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了Savannah Phillips在飞机上遭到邻座乘客的“言语攻击”,Chase Irwin仗义解围,并给予鼓励。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他60多岁了,正忙着发短信。A. talking谈话;B. playing玩耍;C. texting发短信;D. calling呼叫。根据下文中的“When he asked why, Irwin said, “You are texting about her, and I can’t ____13____ with that.””可知,此处指的是他在发短消息。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:字体异常大,屏幕明亮,这让菲利普斯很容易读懂他敲出来的内容:“嘿,宝贝,我旁边坐着一个臭胖子。”A. large大的;B. simple简单的;C. special特别的;D. colorful多彩的。根据下文中的“and the screen was bright, making it easy for Phillips to ____3____ what he was tapping out: “Hey Babe, I’m sitting next to a smelly fatty.””可以推断,能够看到所发的内容,说明字体超乎寻常的“大”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:字体异常大,屏幕明亮,这让菲利普斯很容易读懂他敲出来的内容:“嘿,宝贝,我旁边坐着一个臭胖子。”A. realize意识到,实现;B. understand理解;C. sense感觉;D. read看,读。根据下文中“what he was tapping out: “Hey Babe, I’m sitting next to a smelly fatty.””可知,手机上面写的内容应该是被“看到”。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位33岁的母亲在飞行后在Facebook上写道:“这就像是我对自己的坏想法的确认。” A. bad糟糕的;B. complex复杂的;C. happy快乐的;D. convinced确信的。根据上文中看到的信息“Hey Babe, I’m sitting next to a smelly fatty.”可知,Phillips觉得这是对她的描述,说她“很糟糕”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:眼泪滚滚而下,她试图让自己尽可能小而不被发现。A. pulled拉,拽;B. rolled滚动;C. slowed减缓;D. broke打破。结合语境以及““It was like confirmation of the ____4____ things I think about myself,” the 33-year-old mother wrote in a Facebook post after the flight. ”可知,看到有人这样去描述自己,Phillips应该是很伤心,所以哭起来,流泪了。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:眼泪滚滚而下,她试图让自己尽可能小而不被发现。A. scared害怕的;B. confident自信的;C. serious严肃的,认真的;D. small小的。根据下文中的“without being seen.”可知,为了不被看到,应该是让自己尽可能的“小”。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他也能看到那个人的短信——他还能看到菲利普斯。A. guess猜测;B. see看见;C. imagine想象;D. find发现。根据下文中的“the man’s texts, too— and he could see Phillips.”可知,此处指的是Irwin也能够“看到”短消息。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我注意到她在看他的手机”欧文说,“我很生气,我不能让这个家伙坐在她旁边,让她以为他在取笑她。”A. phone电话;B. face面部;C. shoulder肩膀;D. smile微笑。根据上文“The font(字体) was unusually ____2____ and the screen was bright, making it easy for Phillips to ____3____ what he was tapping out: “Hey Babe, I’m sitting next to a smelly fatty.””可知,此处指的是Irwin注意到了Phillips看到邻座发消息的事情,所以应该是指的是Phillips看她邻座的“手机”。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我注意到她在看他的手机”欧文说,“我很生气,我不能让这个家伙坐在她旁边,让她以为他在取笑她。”A. anxious渴望的,焦虑的;B. curious好奇的;C. annoyed恼怒的;D. tired累的。根据下文中的“I could not allow this ____10____ to sit next to her and have her thinking he’s making fun of her.”可知,Irwin看到有人取笑他人,感到很生气。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我注意到她在看他的手机”欧文说,“我很生气,我不能让这个家伙坐在她旁边,让她以为他在取笑她。”A. actor演员;B. fellow小伙子,家伙;C. bachelor学士;D. chemist化学家。根据上文中的“Soon after Savannah Phillips got into her window seat on flight, she glanced over at her seatmate. He was in his 60s, and was busy ____1____ .”可知,此处指的是Phillips的邻座那位60多岁的家伙。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,欧文解开安全带,站起来,在发短信的人旁边等着。A. threw扔,抛;B. untied解开;C. tore撕扯;D. cut切割。根据下文中的“stood up and waited beside the ____12____ .”以及在飞机上的语境可知,Irwin站起来,说明他是“解开”了安全带。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,欧文解开安全带,站起来,在发短信的人旁边等着。A. texter发信息者;B. manager经理;C. lady女士;D. waiter服务员。根据下文中的“ “Hey, we are switching seats now.” When he asked why, Irwin said, “You are texting about her”可知,此处指的是Irwin正在跟“发短信息”的家伙说话。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当他问为什么时,欧文说:“你在发关于她的短信,我不能忍受。”。A. put up建立,举起;B. get away逃离;C. fit in相处;D. come down流传。根据上文中的“Irwin said, “I was very ____9____ and I could not allow this ____10____ to sit next to her and have her thinking he’s making fun of her.””可知,Irwin对发消息的人取笑他人的行为非常愤怒,由此可推断,此处指的是他不能“忍受”这种行为。put up with固定搭配,意为“忍受”。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:欧文坐在菲利普斯旁边,很快就开始鼓励他的新邻座。A. charge负责,收费;B. place地方;C. time时间;D. order秩序。根据上文中的“Hey, we are switching seats now.”可知,Irwin要求换座位,所以此处指“座位”。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:欧文坐在菲利普斯旁边,很快就开始鼓励他的新邻座。A. tired累的;B. painful疼痛的;C. new新的;D. blank空白的。根据语境可知,Irwin换座位后,此处应指的是鼓励“新”邻座。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:菲利普斯写道:“他一直鼓励我一切都会好起来的。他是对的。”A. warning警告;B. pushing推动;C. encouraging鼓励;D. reminding提醒。根据上文中的“and was soon cheering up his ____15____ seatmate.”可知,换座位后,Irwin鼓励新邻座,此处指的是不断地“鼓励”Phillips。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:菲利普斯写道:“他一直鼓励我一切都会好起来的。他是对的。”A. brilliant杰出的;B. determined坚定的;C. calm冷静的;D. right对的。根据下文中的“Phillips spent the rest of the ____18____ chatting with Irwin like old friends.”可知,Irwin鼓励Phillips,现在Phillips在余下的时间里不再觉得伤心,所以此处说Irwin是“对的”。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在余下的飞行时间里,菲利普斯像老朋友一样和欧文聊天。A. vacation假期;B. flight飞行;C. hike徒步;D. comedy喜剧。根据语境以及上文中的“Soon after Savannah Phillips got into her window seat on flight”可知,该故事发生在飞行过程中,所以此处指的是剩下的“飞行”时间。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:菲利普斯高兴地写道,她恢复了对人性的信心,“欧文就是我的英雄。”A. Generously慷慨地;B. Delightedly高兴地;C. Exactly准确地;D. Luckily幸运地。根据上文中的“Phillips spent the rest of the ____18____ chatting with Irwin like old friends.”并结语境可知,经过Irwin的鼓励,Phillips现在对人性有了信任,所以此处应为“高兴地”写道。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:菲利普斯高兴地写道,她恢复了对人性的信心,“欧文就是我的英雄。”A. broken打破,弄断;B. lost丢失;C. kept保持,继续;D. restored恢复,复原。根据语境以及下文中的“Irwin was just my hero.”可知,Phillips首先遭到了邻座的取笑而伤心,后在Irwin的鼓励下,变得开心起来,所以此处指的是她又“恢复”了对人性的信任。故选D项。
    When skateboarding (滑板运动) started in 1960s, skateboards ____41____(make) of wood and had clay wheels. Since the wheels didn’t hold the concrete firmly, the riders could do very few tricks with them. In 1973, a new wheel made of a plastic ____42____(call) urethane (氨基甲酸乙酯) was invented in California. A skateboard ____43____ these wheels moved very quickly and it also held the concrete well. During the next few years, skateboards were ____44____(far) improved. The urethane was perfected, and the boards were shaped better. These skateboards gave new life to skateboarding.
    Although skateboarding was easy ____45____(ride), the streets weren’t safe for it. As a result, skateboard parks sprang up. The first parks ____46____(appear) in California and Florida. But at first there were only outdoor parks ____47____ had concrete slopes with small curves (曲面). The more exciting parks appeared which had steep downward slopes, banked curves ____48____ vertical walls. Today there are both indoor and outdoor parks where the riders must wear helmets as well as knee and elbow pads, which can avoid serious injury when ____49____ rider falls down. Whenever they ride, people should always use the safety _____50_____(equip). Many accidents happen during the first week of riding, so it’s of vital importance to learn how to fall safely.
    【答案】41. were made
    42. called 43. with
    44. further
    45. to ride
    46. appeared
    47. that##which
    48. and 49. a
    50. equipment
    考查谓语动词。句意:滑板运动在20世纪60年代兴起的时候,滑板是用木头做的,有粘土轮子。分析句子结构可知,此处应为谓语动词,根据前面的“in 1960s”可知,此处应用一般过去时,且与句子主语间为被动关系,be made of 意为“由……做成”,句子主语为名词复数。故填were made。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管玩滑板很容易,但街道对它来说并不安全。分析句子结构可知,此处为“主语+系动词+形容词+to do”句型,to do作状语,且与句子主语构成动宾关系,用主动形式表被动,该句中ride与主语skateboarding为动宾关系。故填to ride。
    考查定语从句。句意:但一开始只有带有小曲线的混凝土斜坡的户外公园。分析句子结构可知,此处应为连词引导的定语从句,从句中缺少句子主语,先行词outdoor parks指物。故填that/which 。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    After long flight, I finally arrived in Sanya. I spent my days explore the beautiful beaches, trying new food, or meeting people from all over the world. I even got to participate in a local dragon dance performance, that was a highlight of my trip. Although I were away from my family, I didn’t feel lonely. I met many friendly locals who welcomed me into his homes and showed me the truly meaning of the Spring Festival. I learned about the customs and tradition of the area, and even have a traditional New Year’s Eve dinner with a local family. My journey to Sanya was a trip that I would always remember about.
    【答案】1. long前加a
    2. explore→exploring
    3. or→and
    4. that→which
    5. were→was
    6. his→their
    7. truly→true
    8. tradition→traditions
    9. have→had
    10.去掉 about
    2.考查非谓语动词。句意:我每天都在探索美丽的海滩,尝试新的食物,还有结识来自世界各地的人。spend time doing sth.表示“花费时间做某事”。故explore改为 exploring。
    3.考查连词。句意:我每天都在探索美丽的海滩,尝试新的食物,还有结识来自世界各地的人。此处exploring the beautiful beaches、trying new food 与 meeting people 是并列关系,应用连词and。故or改为and。
    4. 考查定语从句。句意:我甚至参加了当地的舞龙表演,这是我旅行中的一个亮点。此处为非限制性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,从句缺少主语,故用 which;that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故that改为which。
    7.考查形容词。句意:我遇到了很多友好的当地人,他们欢迎我到他们家里做客,让我感受到了春节的真正意义。此处作定语,修饰名词 meaning,应用形容词true。故truly改为true。
    8.考查名词复数。句意:我了解了当地的习俗和传统,甚至和当地家庭一起吃了一顿传统的年夜饭。tradition为可数名词,根据上文the customs and可知用复数。故tradition改为traditions。
    10.考查介词。句意:我的三亚之行是我将永远铭记的一次旅行。动词remember为及物动词,可直接跟宾语,不需要介词,about 多余。故去掉 about。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,你校交换生Mary即将回国,想挑选一些中国工艺品(art craft)给自己的家人和朋友,特向你求助。请你回复一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Mary,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Mary,
    I am more than delighted to learn that you’d like to take home some Chinese art crafts for your family and friends.
    There is no need to worry about how to select them. I am willing to help you. As you know, I am quite familiar with Chinese traditional art crafts and we can go to the art crafts center, where you will find various art crafts.
    By the way, I am wondering whether you are available this Sunday afternoon for selecting the gifts. Looking forward to your reply.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,你校交换生Mary即将回国,想挑选一些中国工艺品(art craft)给自己家人和朋友,特向你求助。请你回复一封邮件。
    挑选:select→pick on
    原句:There is no need to worry about how to select them. I am willing to help you.
    拓展句:There is no need to worry about how to select them because I am willing to help you.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I am more than delighted to learn that you’d like to take home some Chinese art crafts for your family and friends. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] As you know, I am quite familiar with Chinese traditional art crafts and we can go to the art crafts center, where you will find various art crafts. (运用了where引导非限制性定语从句)
    听力答案:1—5 ABBCC 6—10 BCAAC 11—15 CAABB 16—20 AABCC


    江西省鹰潭市2023届高三英语下学期二模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省鹰潭市2023届高三英语下学期二模试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, Wh is Tmmy?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省南昌市2023届高三英语二模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省南昌市2023届高三英语二模试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省南昌市2023届高三英语下学期一模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省南昌市2023届高三英语下学期一模试题(Word版附解析),共26页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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