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    (Unit 1——Unit 5)
    1. 全卷共8页,考试用时90分钟(听力考试时间约15分钟),满分120分.
    2. 必须使用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在答题卡上指定的栏目里填写,如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写新的答案。不能使用铅笔. 红色笔和涂改液,否则无效。
    3. 必须用规定的2B铅笔将答题卡上的选择题答题区中与试卷第一大题(A. B. C部分). 第二. 第三. 第四大题中对应的小题所选的选项涂黑。第一大题(D部分). 第五. 第六大题的答案填写在答题卡非选择题答题区相应位置上。
    一. 听力理解(本大题分A. B. C. D四部分, 共30分)
    A. 听单句话(本节有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    1. What does the speaker prepare for each subject?

    2. How did the speaker's sister go to the city library?

    3. Where does the speaker want to go?

    4. What does Jack like now?

    5. What kind of clothes are made of cotton to be mentioned?

    B. 听对话(本节有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    6. How many times has the man been to China in all?
    A. Twice B. Three times C. Once
    7. How often does the train leave for Shanghai?
    A. Every 25 minutes. B. Every 30 minutes. C. Every 40 minutes.
    8. How did the boy feel about the news?
    A. Sad. B. Glad. C. He didn't say anything about it.
    9. How does Nick study English?
    A. By working with a group.
    B. By asking the teacher for help.
    C. By listening to the tape.
    10. Which is cleverer according to Frank?
    A. Policemen B. Robots C. Human beings
    11. Where did John study in Australia?
    A. Canberra. B. Sydney. C. New Castle.
    12. How long has John stayed in Australia?
    A. Two weeks. B. Six weeks. C. Eight weeks.
    13. Which festival is coming?
    A. The Mid-Autumn Festival
    B. The Dragon Boat Festival
    C. The Spring Festival
    14. Whose birthday is coming?
    A. The woman's B. The woman's father's C. The woman's grandma's
    15. When will the woman come home?
    A. This weekend B. Next weekend C. Next month
    C. 听独白(本节有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    16. Nowadays, people stop helping others because of ________.
    A. fear B. money C. selfishness(自私)
    17. Xiao Ming ________with his mother last Saturday.
    A. went to the cinema. B. went shopping C. stayed at home
    18. Xiao Ming saw ________on the road.
    A. a girl hit by a car B. a girl lying C. an old man fell down
    19. When they are on the road, ________.
    A. Xiao Ming wanted to help the old man but was stopped
    B. Xiao Ming sent the girl to the hospital at once
    C. Xiao Ming's mother told him not to help the girl.
    20. When Xiao Ming saw the bottle at home, he ________.
    A. picked it up and threw it B. just let it be
    C. asked his mother to pick the bottle up
    21. What did Li Fei do this morning?
    A. She went shopping. B. She washed her dress. C. She made a toy car.
    22. What is Hangzhou known for?
    A. Cotton. B. Steel. C. Silk.
    23. What color is the blouse?
    A. Red. B. Blue. C. Silver.
    24. What's the toy car made of?
    A. Steel. B. Silver. C. Glass.
    25. Whose birthday is coming?
    A. Li Fei's B. Li Fei's mother's. C. Li Fei's brother's.
    D. 听填信息。(本节有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    Loft School Uniform Store News
    How to order
    By ________ , fax and mail.
    Come to the store on ________.
    Visit the website www. loft uniforms. com .
    How to deliver
    Pick up at the store during ________.
    Pick up at school.
    Pay ________ for home delivery by Canada Post.
    Phone number: ________.
    二. 语法选择。(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    When I was 7 years old, I went to the USA with my mom. I can still ____1____ the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.
    On the morning of Halloween, we paid a visit to a pumpkin farm. ____2____ of us brought a pumpkin to school. I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth. In the afternoon we ____3____ the Halloween costurnes and went on parade in school. Some of the costurnes were nice,____4____ some of them looked scary. I chose to wear a suit of Superman’s clothes
    I did a lot of ____5____ that day, but the part I liked best was “trick or treat” in the evening. After dinner, I went outside with an empty bag I hoped ____6____ a lot of candies from people.
    At first, I was a bit nervous, so when I knocked at the door, my heart was ____7____ very fast. A lady came out, and I said carefully to ____8____, “Trick or treat”. My voice was very low, so low that I couldn’t hear ____9____ speak. To my surprise, the lady was so kind that she gave me two candy bars, and I was so ____10____, thanked the lady and moved on. I couldn’t remember how many houses I visited, but I could remember how many candies I got—I got 91 pieces of candy.
    What a happy Halloween I had! And I wish we could have a Halloween every month!
    1. A. remember B. remembered C. remembering D. remembers
    2. A. Both B. Each C. Every D. None
    3 A. wear B. wore C. were wearing D. were worn
    4 A. so B. though C. but D. and
    5. A. a thing B. thing C. the thing D. things
    6. A. getting B. got C. to get D. to getting
    7. A. beat B. beating C. beats D. beaten
    8. A. she B. hers C. herself D. her
    9. A. my B. I C. me D. myself
    10. A. cheered B. cheerful C. cheering D. cheerfully
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. B
    句意:当我 7 岁的时候,我和我妈妈一起去了美国,我还记得我在美国度过的第一个万圣节假期。
    Both都(两者),形容词或代词;Each每一个,代词或形容词;Every每一个的,形容词; None没有人或物(三者及以上),代词。根据语境可知他们班上的每个同学都带了一个南瓜到学校,可知排除A和D;every是形容词,后面要跟名词或代词,of“……的,属于”,构成名词所有格,of 前后跟名词或代词,故排除C;every one of us=each of us“我们每个人”,结合句意,故选B。
    句意:下午,我们穿着万圣节的服装,在学校里游行。wear一般现在时;wore一般过去时;were wearing过去进行时;were worn一般过去时的被动语态。本句主语是we,谓语由and连接的两个动词短语,and是并列连词,and前后动词的形式一致,根据“went on parade”可知此处使用过去式,故选B。
    句意:那天我做了很多事情,但我最喜欢的是晚上的“不给糖就捣乱”。 a thing 一件事; thing事;the thing那件事;things事情,thing的复数。A lot of“许多”,后面跟可数名词复数或不可数名词,thing是可数名词,故用things;故选D。
    句意:我希望能从别人那里得到很多糖果。Getting得到,现在分词;got得到,动词过去式;to get得到,动词不定式;to getting得到,介词to+现在分词;短语 hope to do sth“希望做某事”;故用不定式to get;故选C。
    句意:起初,我有点紧张,所以当我敲门的时候,我的心跳得很快。beat敲打,动词原形或过去式;beating敲打,现在分词;beats敲打,一般现在时主语是第三人称单数;beaten敲打,过去分词。When“当……时候”,引导的时间状语,从句用一般过去式,主句用过去进行时,构成“was/were doing sth”;故选B。
    句意:一位女士走了出来,我认真地对她说:“不给糖就捣蛋”。考查代词。she她,人称代词主格; hers她的,名词性物主代词;herself她自己,反身代词; her她,人称代词宾格。say to sb“对……说”,to是介词,后面用宾格或反身代词;根据上文“A lady came out,”可知,一位女士走出来,作者对那个女士说的,故用人称代词宾格her 指代,故选D。
    句意:我的声音很低,很低,以至于我听不到自己说话。my我的,形容词性物主代词;I我,人称代词主格;me我,人称代词宾格;myself我自己,反身代词。根据上文“My voice was very low”可知,听不到自己说话,故选D。
    句意:令我吃惊的是,这位女士非常善良,她给了我两块糖果,我非常高兴,感谢那位女士,继续往前走。cheered 鼓舞,喝彩(cheer的过去式和过去分词);cheerful 令人愉快的,欢乐的,高兴的;cheering喝彩,欢呼,鼓励,喝彩(cheer的现在分词);cheerfully愉快地,欢乐地,爽朗地。根据上文“the lady was so kind that she gave me two candy bars”可知“作者很高兴,空处缺形容词作表语,故选B。
    三. 完形填空。(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    There are a great number of inventions in the world. Many useful machines were ____11____ by inventors. These machines have ____12____ the world a lot. There are many great inventors in the world and Watt is one of them.
    Watt was English. When he was a child, he liked to ask questions and he was always ____13____ hard. One day, he was sitting in the kitchen with his grandmother, he ____14____ a kettle (水壶) on the stove (火炉). Soon steam (蒸汽) began to come ____15____ the kettle and the lid (盖子) was shaking. Watt asked what was in the kettle. His grandmother said, “Water, my child.”
    “But I know there’s ____16____ in it. It pushes the lid up.” said Watt. His grandmother told him that it was only steam. He asked his grandmother, “____17____ does the steam come up under the lid?” His grandmother said that it came from hot water. Watt said to ____18____, “The steam will be much stronger. It can push things. The steam will be much ____19____ if there’s more water.”
    Later, Watt tried hard and made steam _____20_____ for people. He invented the first engine.
    11. A. sent B. made C. invented D. worked
    12. A. changed B. got C. because D. was
    13. A. playing B. using C. growing D. thinking
    14. A. looked at B. looked C. saw D. watch
    15. A. at B. out of C. in D. out
    16. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. wind
    17. A. What B. How C. Whether D. When
    18. A. him B. herself C. himself D. her
    19. A. stronger B. strong C. weak D. weather
    20. A. working B. to work C. work D. works
    【答案】11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C
    sent发送;made制作;invented发明;worked工作。根据“by inventors”可知是发明家发明机器。故选C。
    changed改变;got得到;because因为;was是。根据“These machines have...the world a lot”可知机器改变了世界。故选A。
    playing玩;using用;growing成长;thinking认为。根据“he liked to ask questions and he was always...hard”可知他喜欢问问题,总是努力思考。故选D。
    looked at看;looked看;saw看见;watch看。根据“a kettle(水壶) on the stove”可知是看见有一个水壶,表示结果用saw。故选C。
    at在;out of离开;in在里面;out向外。come out of“从……出来”。故选B。
    something一些事;nothing没有事;anything任何事;wind风。根据“there’s...in it”可知是水壶里有东西。故选A。
    what什么;how如何;whether是否;when什么时候。根据“does the steam come up under the lid”可知是蒸汽如何冒出来的。故选B。
    him他;herself她自己;himself他自己;her她。根据“Watt said to...”可知是瓦特对他自己说。故选C。
    stronger更强,比较级;strong原级;weak弱的,原级;weather天气。根据“if there’s more water”可知水越多,蒸汽越强,much后比较级。故选A。
    working工作,动名词;to work动词不定式;work动词原形;works动词单三。make sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故选C。
    四. 阅读理解。(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
    阅读A. B两篇短文,并做每篇短文后的题目,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    Many villagers have left to make a living in big cities. As a result, their children have become “leftover children” and they need more care. The survey below is from villagers in Jingyang, Shanxi Province. 200 children there were chosen to answer the questions.
    What they











    Whom to


    Family members

    No one




    Whether they can
    With their
    Parents freely


    A little difficult





    The way
    They prefer
    To live

    Living with

    Living with

    No idea




    What they
    Think of
    Working in
    The city



    No idea







    Friends’ homes




    21. Of the five needs, leftover children need most.
    A. Freedom B. Money C. Control D. Love
    22. Which of the following is TRUE?
    A. All of the children are happiest to stay at home without parents.
    B. About one out of every two children has no one to talk with.
    C. 41.5% of the children aren’t sure whether their parents’ working in the city is good or not.
    D. 12.5% of the children think it is good to live with their parents.
    23. How many children think parents’ working in the city is bad?
    A. 52%. B. 32.5%. C. 65%. D. 26%.
    24. From the survey, we can learn that .
    A. the leftover children can get more money
    B. most children prefer to live with their parents
    C. the leftover children want to live in big cities
    D. only a few children are welcome to their family
    25. Which is the happiest place for leftover children to stay according to the survey?
    A. Their own home B. Friends’ home
    C. Big cities D. School
    【答案】21. D 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D
    细节理解题。根据文中表格第一行“Love 30%”可知,最需要爱,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文中表格第五行第四列“No idea 41.5%”可知,41.5%的孩子不确定父母在外工作是好是坏,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文中表格第五行第一列“Bad 26%”可知,26%的孩子认为是不好的,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文中表格第四行“Living withparents 58%”可知,多数孩子想和父母生活在一起,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文中表格第六行“School 40%”可知,学校是最开心的地方,故选D。
    If you know something is bad for you, why can't you just stop? About 70% of smokers say they would like to stop. Drug and alcohol abusers (酗酒者) struggle to give up the bad habits that hurt their bodies and destroy families and friendships. And many of us have unhealthy weight that we could lose if only we would eat right and exercise more. So why don't we do it?
    Some scientists have been searching for answers. They've studied what happens in our brains as habits form.They've found answers to why bad habits, once formed, are so difficult to kick. And they're developing ways to help us make the changes we'd like to make.
    Habits are a normal part of life,and are often helpful."We wake up every morning,shower,comb our hair or brush our teeth without being aware of it, "Volkow says. We can drive along familiar routes without really thinking about the directions."When behaviors become automatic(不加思索的),it gives us an advantage,because the brain does not have to perform the action on purpose."Volkow says.This frees up our brains to focus on different things.
    One way to kick bad habits is to focus on your unhealthy habits. Then try your best to stop them.For example, habits can be linked in our minds to certain places and activities.You could develop a plan, say, to avoid walking down the hall where there's a candy machine. Try to avoid going places where you've usually smoked.Stay away from friends and situations linked to problem drinking or drug use.
    Another helpful way is to replace unhealthy habits with new, healthy ones. "It doesn't work for everyone, "Volkow says. "But certain groups of patients who have a history of taking a drug can do something else like running and it helps them stay away from drugs."
    26. In the first paragraph the writer mainly wants to tell us .
    A. we should stop something bad for us
    B. most smokers would like to stop smoking
    C. bad habits are really difficult to give up
    D. eating right and exercise more can lose weight
    27. Scientists studied what happened in our brains as habits form in order to .
    A. find answers to solve the problem
    B. find ways to form good habits
    C. kick their own bad habits
    D. help us see how bad habits form
    28. Why are habits often of great help to us?
    A. because they make our life normal.
    B. because they made us do something better.
    C. because they made us think more about life.
    D. because they make our brain focus on other things.
    29. If you want to kick bad habits you'd better .
    A. focus on them on purpose B. go to the places linked with them
    C. do something linked with them D. ask your friends for help
    30. What is the main idea of the passage?
    A. Breaking bad habits.
    B. Forming good habits.
    C. Finding reasons for bad habits
    D. Replacing bad habits with good ones.
    【答案】26. C 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. A
    【分析】这篇短文主要讲述了科学家研究发发现,坏习惯形成时大脑的反应以帮助人们改掉坏习惯。 建议要有意识地去针对坏习惯。 用新的、 健康的方式取代不健康的习惯。
    细节理解。根据文中Some scientists have been searching for answers. They've studied what happens in our brains as habits form.They've found answers to why bad habits, once formed, are so difficult to kick. And they're developing ways to help us make the changes we'd like to make.可知,科学家们以习惯的形式研究了我们大脑中发生的事情,以便找到解决这个问题的答案。
    细节理解。根据文中We can drive along familiar routes without really thinking about the directions."When behaviors become automatic(不加思索的),it gives us an advantage,because the brain does not have to perform the action on purpose."Volkow says.This frees up our brains to focus on different things.可知,因为它们让我们的大脑专注于其他事情。故选D。
    细节理解。根据文中One way to kick bad habits is to focus on your unhealthy habits. Then try your best to stop them.For example, habits can be linked in our minds to certain places and activities.You could develop a plan, say, to avoid walking down the hall where there's a candy machine. Try to avoid going places where you've usually smoked.Stay away from friends and situations linked to problem drinking or drug use.可知,如果你想改掉坏习惯,你最好有目的地关注它们。故选A。
    配对阅读 左栏是5个人的需求,右栏是7条广告信息。请你分别为每个人找出合适的信息配对,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    ___31___ Mrs. Li wants to send her daughter to take some piano lessons during the coming summer holiday.
    ___32___ Betty and her boyfriend want to spend the weekend to watch something new. They both like dancing.
    ___33___ Darning wants to buy some newspapers to read so that he can improve his English.
    ___34___ Mr. Black wants to come to Beijing in August. He wants to enjoy the real Beijing Opera very much.
    ___35___ Tony and his colleagues will have a trip in Guangzhou next week. They need to rent a car and a driver who understands English.
    A. Watch Your Neck: This modern ballet is telling the story of “Dracula” which is the classic novel by Irish playwright Bram Stoker. Time: 8:30p.m. February2—9. Tel: 98558588
    B. Children’s Activity Center: Tel: 66589982.
    Add: No.2 Zhongshan Road. ( Singing lessons, piano lessons and dancing lessons.)
    C. Art Show: A total of 10 artists living close to each other are jointly giving an art exhibition.
    D. Peking Opera: Mei Lanfang’s brave fighting against the Japanese during the War of Resistance against Japanese will open your mind.
    E. Foreign Book Center: More and more increasing learning English books and newspapers, CDs. Etc.
    F. The Changcheng Hotel: Five star hotel. Looking for much experienced receptionists. Tel: (010) 55883326
    G. Car-Hire Service: 12 seat Forit transit van for hire in Zhujiang Business and Private Hire. We have English speaking drivers.

    【答案】31. B 32. A 33. E 34. D 35. G
    根据“Mrs. Li wants to send her daughter to take some piano lessons during the coming summer holiday.”可知,李太太想在即将到来的暑假里送她女儿去上钢琴课,选项B“儿童活动中心:电话:66589982。地址:中山路2号。(歌唱课、钢琴课、舞蹈课。)”与之对应。故选B。
    根据“Betty and her boyfriend want to spend the weekend to watch something new. They both like dancing.”可知,贝蒂和她的男朋友想在周末看一些新的东西,他们都喜欢跳舞,选项A“小心你的脖子:这部现代芭蕾舞剧讲述的是爱尔兰剧作家布拉姆·斯托克的经典小说《德古拉》的故事。时间:二月二日至九日晚上八时三十分。电话:98558588”与之对应。故选A。
    根据“Darning wants to buy some newspapers to read so that he can improve his English.”可知,达宁想买一些报纸来读,这样他可以提高他的英语,选项E“外文图书中心:越来越多的人在学习英语书籍、报纸、光盘等。”与之对应。故选E。
    根据“Mr. Black wants to come to Beijing in August. He wants to enjoy the real Beijing Opera very much.”可知,布莱克先生想在八月份来北京,他非常想欣赏真正的京剧,选项D“京剧:梅兰芳在抗日战争中的英勇抗日,会让你大开眼界。”与之对应。故选D。
    根据“Tony and his colleagues will have a trip in Guangzhou next week. They need to rent a car and a driver who understands English.”可知,托尼和他的同事下周将去广州旅行,他们需要租一辆车和一个懂英语的司机,选项G“租车服务:12座Forit商务车,可在珠江地区商务及私人租车。 我们有会说英语的司机。”与之对应。故选G。
    五. 短文填空。(本大题有10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his ____36____ and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I ____37____ him.”
    His grandfather said, “ ____38____ me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for ____39____ they did. ”
    As the boy listened carefully, his grandfather went on, “There ____40____ always two tigers inside my heart. One is ____41____ and kind. He gets on well with everything around him. But the ____42____ is bad and unfriendly. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can’t think carefully, and he always hates others. They both try to control me.”
    The boy looked ____43____ his grandfather’s eyes and asked, “Which tiger can always ____44____ you, grandfather?”
    The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, ____45____ I never hate others and seldom get angry now.” At last, the boy smiled.
    【答案】36. grandfather
    37. hate 38. Let
    39. what 40. are
    41. good 42. other
    43. at##into
    44. control
    45. so

    句意:然后他去找他爷爷,生气地告诉他自己的故事。根据“His grandfather said”可知,他去找的是爷爷,grandfather意为“爷爷”。故填grandfather。
    句意:“他真的很坏,”男孩说,“我讨厌他。”根据“He is really bad”可知,男孩此处说的是“讨厌他”,hate意为“讨厌”,动词,主语是I,因此此处用动词原形。故填hate。
    句意:他爷爷说:“我给你讲个故事吧。”根据“…me tell you a story.”可知,此处指的是“让我给你讲个故事吧”,let意为“让”,此处用动词原形,首字母大写。故填Let。
    句意:当我还是个孩子的时候,我有时也讨厌别人的所作所为。根据“sometimes hated others for…they did.”可知,句子是宾语从句,句子中缺宾语,用what。故填what。
    句意:当男孩认真听着的时候,他的祖父继续说道:“我的心里总是有两只老虎。”根据主语是“two tigers”以及句子是there be句型可知,此处be动词用复数are。故填are。
    句意:但另一个是坏的,不友好的。根据“One is…and kind.”可知,one…the other…意为“一个……另一个……”,固定用法。故填other。
    句意:男孩看着爷爷的眼睛问:“爷爷,哪只老虎总能管住你?”look at/look into意为“看”,固定词组。故填at/into。
    句意:男孩看着爷爷的眼睛问:“爷爷,哪只老虎总能管住你?”根据“Which tiger can always…you, grandfather?”可知,此处指的是“谁能控制住你”,control意为“控制”,can后跟动词原形。故填control。
    句意:老人缓慢而严肃地说:“我喂的那只。我总是喂善良善良的老虎,所以我从来不恨别人,现在也很少生气。”根据“I always feed the good and kind tiger,…I never hate others and seldom get angry now. ”可知,此处指的是“所以我从来不恨别人”,用so引导结果状语从句。故填so。
    六. 读写综合(本大题分为A. B两部分,共25分)
    For a long time, Spanish people have had a traditional custom to celebrate New Year’s Eve. On the last day of the year, the 31st of December, they wait until 12:00 a. m. Everybody has to be ready to have twelve grapes to eat when the clock starts to chime(敲响). Each time the clock chimes, they put a grape in their mouth. They believe that this will help them get 12 happy months in the coming year. Usually by the time the clock stops chiming, everybody can’t finish eating their grapes. They will look at each other and start laughing. Eating grapes is very funny because everybody starts the New Year with a mouthful of grapes!
    This tradition started in Spain. There was a big grape harvest one year. The king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Year’s Eve.
    New Year’s Day is also a special day for children in Spain. It is believed that the three wise men will come to give toys to children. Because of that, children in Spain put their shoes on the balcony or the windowsill(窗台) for the wise men to see.
    46. How many grapes do the Spain people eat on New Year’s Eve?
    47. When do they begin to eat grapes?
    48. What do they think the grapes help them get?
    49. Where did the tradition start?
    50. Where do the children put their shoes?
    51. 书面表达
    1. 春节的有关背景知识。
    2. 人们如何庆祝春节(至少两点)。
    3. 你对春节的看法。
    【答案】46. They eat twelve grapes.
    47. They begin to eat grapes when the clock starts to chime.
    48. They believe that the grapes will help them get 12 happy months.
    49. The tradition started in Spain.
    50. The children put their shoes on the balcony or the windowsill.
    51. 例文:
    There is a famous saying in China, “A year’s plan starts with spring.” It tells us that the most important time of a year is spring. It is celebrated at the beginning of the year. At this time. people make up their New year’s resolutions and plans for the whole year.
    People will come back home to celebrate it with their family. Before the festival, they are usually busy cleaning up their house. On the eve of the festival, people always have a big dinner with their family. As for children, they enjoy letting off fireworks and getting red lucky money. The next few days is a good time for people to visit their relatives and friends.
    I like the Spring Festival best, because I can relax and stay with my family.
    根据“Everybody has to be ready to have twelve grapes to eat when the clock starts to chime(敲响). ”可知,西班牙人吃12颗葡萄,故填They eat twelve grapes.
    根据“Everybody has to be ready to have twelve grapes to eat when the clock starts to chime(敲响). ”可知,当钟开始敲响时,他们开始吃葡萄,故填They begin to eat grapes when the clock starts to chime.
    根据“hey believe that this will help them get 12 happy months in the coming year. ”可知,他们相信这会帮助他们在新的一年里获得12个快乐月,故填They believe that the grapes will help them get 12 happy months.
    根据“This tradition started in Spain. ”可知,这个传统从西班牙开始,故填The tradition started in Spain.
    根据“Because of that, children in Spain put their shoes on the balcony or the windowsill(窗台) for the wise men to see.”可知,孩子们把鞋子放在阳台或者窗台上,故填The children put their shoes on the balcony or the windowsill.
    ①at the beginning of 在……的一开始
    ②be busy doing忙于做某事
    ①A year’s plan starts with spring.(谚语)
    ②It tells us that the most important time of a year is spring. (tell双宾语结构;that引导的宾语从句)
    ③People will come back home to celebrate it with their family. (动词不定式表示目的)

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