

展开高考英语答题方法讲解一、七选五1.瞻前顾后[例1]Become a "volunteer in training" at the nursing home.You will be taken into training depending on the area you are assigned to train in.Becauseof the wide variety of possible areas, you may experience variations in your training length and the content may vary.[例2]Learning information you can use in your daily life is very important to have a continuous desire to further advance your education.Skill-based learning, for example, is useless if it isn't applied.2.注意句子的连接词[例1]The process of becoming a volunteer at a nursing home can often be a little too long.However, the self gratification and relationships you will receive is too unusual to be replaced.[例2]In the case of compulsive overspending, the problem is almost never that a person lacks self-control.Rather, he usually has an unmet basic need which he is addressing through overspending.[例3]When you think about it, shedding tears from your eyes can cause embarrassment or confusion.But it seems to be an automatic reaction when.we get sad or upset.What brings about this reaction differs from person to person.However, the feeling is the same- your cheeks puff up, your eyes tighten and before you know it, tears are streaming down your face. Some of us may weep a little while others might cry like a baby.3.注意段首句和段尾句的呼应Be willing to expand your mind.Rid yourself of assumptions and convictions so that you can be open and receptive to new information.This at times my even contradict what you have always believed to be true.You will eventually come across information that challenges your worldview.Rather than remaining resting in your comfort zone, use this time to stop, reflect and shed light on these ideas in a way that can develop and expand your vision.4.熟悉词汇,扩大词汇量If your knowledge can be directly applied in a functional and fun fashion, put it into practice.Many people learn by being hands-on.(动手的,实际操作的)5.代词的使用The path to true financial health is not to reduce your life to a tight budget.It is to take an honest look at your needs and meet them with long-term solutions.6.注意小标题Analyse Each and Every ChoiceAlways remember that your choices define you ultimately.7.句意的连接[例1]Sometimes we have to face the unavoidable.We must not always do what comes naturally to us because it is our nature to shy away from difficulties.[例2]Even though the Sunday scaries are common, they are manageable.Here is how experts say you can ease your end-of-week anxiety.8.时间先后的连接You start by creating a wish list for your ideal life.The idea is to be as specific as possible.You then pick the one goal that would have the biggest positive impact.You break that goal down into smaller tasks, and then prioritize them.Then, add those tasks to the calendar.This method turns a general idea in your head into something that you can actually accomplish.9.句型的重复There's a lot to cope with when you go off to university.There are new friends to meet and new responsibilities to accept.For most students, a completely new environment is waiting to be explored.10.考虑段首句的总结作用[例1]Got lost in your imagination.To warm yourself up for learning, picture a city you know well, but imagine you're tapped in a part of it that you've never visited.Then try to visualize exactly how you'll get out.[例2]Complaining does serve as a real purpose in our lives.Once we discover how to effectively integrate it, great things can happen.Dr Robin Kowalski found those who complain with the hopes of achieving a certain result tend to be happier. 二、六选四(一)六选四是什么?【怎么出题】给出一篇缺少4个完整句子的语篇,一般以说明文、记叙文和议论文为主。在给出6个选项中,选择合适的句子填入空白处,每个选项2分。其中有两个多余选项。【考查内容】考查篇章结构的理解,段内结构、上下段结构理解,前后句逻辑理解因此,六选四的主要考察与做题方向主要考查逻辑关系与结构,比如因果、转折、顺承、递进、并列、对比、概括、总分等,对学生理解的要求大大增加。【挖空句子特点及位置】根据考查内容,挖空句主要要一下类型主旨句:篇章结构,本篇文章的主题,主要出现在首段的中间或结尾;主题句:段落结构,本段的主要内容,出现在段首;过渡句:段落衔接,承上启下,出现在段首或段尾。解释句:主要考察段内细节,看上下句的关系,主要出现在句中。(二)六选四做题步骤与方法首先,先读选项1.圈出每个选项中的代词、名词、副词;2.注意对比相近选项的表达的区别;3.猜测选项可能出现的位置。其次,通读一遍文章,1.明确语篇题材与主旨内容2.把可以填进去的选项,写上去,一般可以写出2个;3.注意与选项的同义复现/反义复现再者,回读没有填出来的部分1.如果设空在段首,前一段与下一段的内容要理解清楚,注意逻辑关系2.如果设空在段中,一是要明确本段的内容,二是要明确上下句表达的语义,注意关键词(名 代 形 副)。3.如果设空在段尾,重点看和前一句的关系,同时也要注意和下一段的关系。最后,再通读一遍文章确认语篇内容、结构的逻辑合理性。六选四难度比前面的阅读要小,但是得满分还是比较难的,也容易出现连带错误。其中总有一个难以辨别的选项,需要调用上面的多种方法做题。此外,通过大量的阅读与反思,来提高对考点的敏感度。 三、完型填空(一)完形填空考什么?第一,考查学生词汇、固定搭配、习惯用法、句法(语法)等语言知识;词汇以实词居多,主要考查名动形副,考查其同义词、近义词、固定搭配、常见用法。针对这种提前需要准确理解上下文的语义,及准确理解选项中4个单词的释义(强烈建议理解英文释义,很多时候中文的释义带有模糊性)句法主要考察长难度的分析,能够根据长难句分析的技巧,准确断句,进而理解句意。之前写过长难句分析,大家可以看一下。第二,考查学生篇章阅读理解,包含段内逻辑与跨段篇章逻辑的理解;段内逻辑出题最多,其中以根据下文推上文、根据段内推段首考察最多,这里就需要根据整个段落的主旨与情感方向来选择合适的词。跨段逻辑题一般1~2空,比较难,需要全文把握。第三,考查学生背景知识的了解。完型填空的选题比较新,紧跟时代,常常出现最新的研究及观点,涉及到社会科学、生物学、心理学、经济学、管理学等等方面的文章,需要同学们平时有意识的积累和了解相关知识,比如今年比较火的ChatGPT曾在大大小小的考试中出现。 如果遇到不了解的话题,也不用过多担心,一般首段都会给出方向与背景。(二)完形填空用时与目标分数相对于小猫钓鱼(词汇阅读/十一选十)而言,这一题型比较简单,也更容易得分。一般在13min内做完,正答率要保证13~15。如果失分较多一一对应上面3个方向,逐个突破。一般而言,刚开始大家的难点都在高考词汇上,等词汇这一关差不多了,后面的需要大量可以的练习。(三)完形填空做题技巧1.两遍做题第一遍先根据文章的思路,快速把完整做一遍,能填出来的空直接选出,纠结的空,先不做(完型往往会倒序考查,前面问题的答案会在下文呈现)第二遍再根据上下文、长难句,在理解篇章的基础上推敲难题。2.圈画逻辑词(作文中也会用到)And,However、Even if…3.识别平行结构(高频考点) 同义并列、反义并列、递进……4.明确指代任何一个代词 they、it 等都要明确其准确的指代。用箭头勾连5.学会自己猜词不看选项,自己猜测可填的词,掌握阅读中的主动性。(高阶选手可用)6.积累生词与表达错题与生词积累到生词本上,后期的Summary和Writing有大用。完型拿满分的概率是比较高的,前提是要有扎实的词汇与充分的阅读量。 四、语法填空1.语法填空答题方向A 单词已给,用单词的正确形式填空B 单词未给,每空只能填一词2.副词诸如even、 almost、often等是不可能填的3.在没有给出否定词not或者never的情况下,自己是不能添加的。比如有的同学填can’t 是不可能的。4.不能将所给词改变了词性(不是初中的词转)如 attract 不能改 attraction或attractive; 而是考虑动词的变化形式 attracted;attracting;to attract…5.学会句子成分的划分,不仅可以用于语法填空也可以用于小猫钓鱼的词汇填空;尤其是在需要填写动词形式的题目中。