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    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £ 9.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15.
    1. What does the woman advise the man to do?
    A. Put off the vacation. B. Give up the performance. C. Take advantage of the vacation.
    2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
    A. In a gallery. B. In a library. C In a bookstore.
    3. What docs the woman mean?
    A. She likes animals. B. She prefers a parrot. C. She knows little about birds.
    4. What does the woman think about the air tickets?
    A. Cheap. B. Expensive. C. Reasonable.
    5. What should the man do next?
    A. Check the book again B. Understand the mission. C. Reprint an old textbook.
    6. What are the speakers discussing about the interview?
    A How to prepare for a question.
    B. How to get a good impression.
    C. How to dress up properly.
    7. What quality is the most important according to the man?
    A. Being on time. B. Being modest. C. Being formal.
    8. What is the woman s weekend arrangement?
    A. To do morning exercises. B. To join in an activity. C. To establish a club.
    9. Why does the man think rock climbing hard?
    A. He lacks everyday exercise.
    B. He fails to get others’ support.
    C. He thinks the mountain is high.
    10. What is the man’s final decision?
    A. He will do something else. B. He will count on the woman. C. He will accept the invitation.
    11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Workmates. B. Roommates. C. Classmates.
    12. Why do the speakers mention the environment pollution?
    A. To promote clean energy.
    B. To advocate to take the bus.
    C. To stress the bad effect of traffic.
    13. What do the speakers think of to solve the problem?
    A. Refusing driving a car.
    B. Working online at home.
    C. Asking the boss for a solution.
    14. What is the most possible occupation of the woman?
    A. A newspaper chief. B. A column journalist. C. A college teacher.
    15. How does the man enlarge his vocabulary?
    A. By learning and practising in daily life.
    B. By carrying a dictionary everywhere.
    C. By collecting various English menus.
    16. What’s the man’s attitude towards grammar?
    A. It can’t help us avoid making mistakes.
    B. It won’t be used in our daily communication.
    C. It shouldn’t be a barrier to the communication.
    17. What is the first step for producing a movie?
    A. To form the screenplay.
    B. To create an original idea.
    C. To edit from a new novel.
    18. Who is the big boss of the movie?
    A. The director. B. The main star. C. The producer.
    19. Why are the special people hired?
    A. To replace the key characters.
    B. To perform dangerous actions.
    C. To add sound and music effects.
    20. What does the speaker mainly want to tell us?
    A. Different people play different roles.
    B. Every single effort will be treasured.
    C. Making a movie is a team achievement.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)
    The Smithsonian Science Education Center is collecting a group of high school students aged 14—19 to participate in a collaborative (合作的) action research program on the topic of Sustainable Communities. Through this virtual program, young people will produce an action project video that will be shared at the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit. This Summit is hosted by the Nobel Foundation and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and will be held during July 24 — 26, 2023, in Washington, DC, both virtually and in person.
    Who are we looking for?
    • Young people aged 14 — 19 who represent communities around the world.
    • Young people skilled in both written and spoken English.
    • Individuals who can commit to participating for 3 months from program start date (From March 1, 2023 —May 26, 2023), and who can devote roughly 2—3 hours per week to this project.
    How do you apply?
    • By June 22, 2023, fill out the following form: https: //forms. of fice. com
    • We will inform you of selection no later than June 24.
    What are some benefits of participating?
    • A certificate acknowledging your participation, your name listed on the Smithsonian Science Education Center website, and your videos hosted on the SSEC, Nobel Foundation, and NASEM websites.
    • The opportunity to engage and collaborate with other youth from around the world and to bring new ways of thinking and acting for a better future to your own community.
    1. When will the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit start?
    A. On July 24, 2023. B. On March 1, 2023.
    C. On June 22, 2023. D. On May 26, 2023.
    2. Who is most likely to be accepted by the program?
    A. An English teacher who retired recently.
    B. A young student representing his school.
    C. A teenager having a good command of English.
    D. An individual committing 2—3 weeks to the program.
    3. What can participants get from the experience?
    A. A video produced by NASEM.
    B. An interaction with foreign students.
    C. A creative thought about your future.
    D. An opportunity to travel all over the world.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“This Summit is hosted by the Nobel Foundation and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and will be held during July 24 — 26, 2023, in Washington, DC (本峰会由诺贝尔基金会和美国国家科学、工程和医学院举办,并将于7月24日至26日在华盛顿特区举行)”可知,此项会议于7月24日开始,故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章Who are we looking for?部分“Young people aged 14 — 19 who represent communities around the world. Young people skilled in both written and spoken English.(代表世界各地社区的14-19岁的年轻人。熟练掌握英语写作和口语的年轻人。)” 可知,招募的学员需要具备:14—19岁,擅长英语的口语和书面语等,所以,精通英语的青少年符合条件,故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“The opportunity to engage and collaborate with other youth from around the world and to bring new ways of thinking and acting for a better future to your own community.(有机会与来自全世界各地的其他年轻人接触合作,并为自己的社区带来新的思维和行动方式,以实现美好的未来。)” 可知,参与的学员可获得与来自全世界的年轻人合作的机会,故选B项。
    In 2018, Danika Whitsett was attending college when she got into a car accident that left her unable to move from the waist down. She was asleep in the SUV she was riding in when the driver lost control and the car rolled just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. At the time, Whitsett said she felt lucky to be alive after being told that only 20% of people survived during the accident.
    She learned to use a wheelchair, which she is expected to be in for the rest of her life. Whitsett has been using the same wheelchair since 2018, and sadly, it has fallen into disrepair. The wheels have curved inwards toward her body, leaving open wounds on both of her upper legs. Whitsett is in the process of getting a new wheelchair hut found out that even with her insurance, the cost would be $ 5,200, which is a cost she cannot afford.
    So Whitsett unwillingly posted a video on the social media platform TikTok, tearfully sharing her situation with the world. “I desperately need this new chair and I hate ever asking for help or for money but I know sometimes it’s our only option,” wept Whitsett.
    “All the while I am trying to save money for my new chair so that I can actually be as independent as possible and it is much needed. Anything helps — literally $ 1 would mean the world to me. Thank you guys for your continuous patronage. I’m so appreciative of you all and I love you guys, thank you.”
    Her story quickly spread and she raised the entire $5,000 in just a day! But thanks to the kindness of strangers, the donations have continued rolling in, and have now climbed to almost $ 22,000.
    Whitsett is overwhelmed by the generosity. She hopes that sharing her story will help to effect change and make critical medical necessities, like wheelchairs, more affordable and accessible to others in similar situations.
    4. What was Whitsett doing when the accident happened?
    A. Riding a bike. B. Sleeping in a car.
    C. Driving a bus. D. Wandering around.
    5. Why did Whitsett need to buy a new wheelchair?
    A. The old one was stolen.
    B. The old one was out of fashion.
    C. The old one was beyond repair.
    D. The old one was ruined in the accident.
    6. What does the underlined word “patronage” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Supports. B. Greetings. C. Patience. D. Change.
    7. What’s Whitsett’s purpose of sharing her story?
    A. To get more donations for herself.
    B. To become better known in the world.
    C. To complain about her worrying situation.
    D. To make a difference to helping the disabled.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“She was asleep in the SUV she was riding in when the driver lost control and the car rolled just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. (当司机失去控制,汽车在亚利桑那州凤凰城外翻滚时,她正在驾驶的SUV中睡觉)”可知,当事故发生的时候,她正在车里睡觉,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“Whitsett has been using the same wheelchair since 2018, and sadly, it has fallen into disrepair. (自2018年以来,Whitsett一直在使用同一台轮椅,遗憾的是,它已经年久失修)”可知,旧的轮椅修理不好了,故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词后“I’m so appreciative of you all (我很感激你们所有人)”和倒数第二段中“Her story quickly spread and she raised the entire $5,000 in just a day! (她的故事迅速传播开来,她在一天之内就筹到了全部5000美元)”可知,网友们一直在给Whitsett捐钱,支持她买轮椅,patronage意为“支持”,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“She hopes that sharing her story will help to effect change and make critical medical necessities, like wheelchairs, more affordable and accessible to others in similar situations. (她希望分享她的故事将有助于实现变革,并使轮椅等关键医疗必需品更便宜,并使处于类似情况的其他人更容易获得)”可知,Whitsett分享她的故事的目的是希望帮助发生改变,使得像她一样的残疾人能够负担得起医疗必需品,故选D。
    To adapt to climate change, some flowers are darkening their color to protect themselves from the sun’s radiation, new research shows.
    The study suggests that over the past 75 years, the ultraviolet (UV) pigments (紫外线色素) in flowers have increased in response to rising temperatures and a thinning ozone layer (臭氧层). The flowers won’t look any different to humans, but insects consider the higher levels of UV pigments as a darker color, which could be confusing when they try to find out colorful flowers to land on.
    The UV-absorbing pigments in flowers work like sunscreen and protect sensitive cells from harmful radiation, Matthew Koski, a plant ecologist at Clemson University, says. He and his team hoped to determine if changes in pigments were a result of environmental change — and if so, what are the plants responding to?
    The team collected dried, pressed plants across North America, Australia, and Europe. In total, they studied 1,238 samples from 42 different species dating back to 1941. Then, using a UV-sensitive camera, they photographed flower petals from each species to see how the pigment level changed over time. Next, they paired the photographs with historic local temperature and ozone level data from the time the plant was picked.
    The researchers found that the changes in pigments differ by species, a result of the flower’s structure. Flowers with open, exposed pollen (花粉) had more UV-absorbing pigments when ozone levels were low and radiation was high. But flowers with pollen surrounded by the petal responded to temperature, not ozone levels.
    As climate change continues to intensify, these changes in flowers’ color can affect plant-insect interactions. When the whole flowers get darker, insects might miss the flowers entirely. “This has a negative influence on plant reproduction.” Koski says.
    8. What is the cause of flowers’ color changing according to the research?
    A. The impact of climate crisis. B. The loss of natural habitats.
    C. The harm of nuclear radiation. D. The thickening of ozone layer.
    9. What arc Koski’s findings based on?
    A. Photographs of flowers from different species.
    B. Analysis of how levels of UV pigments change over time.
    C. Collection of abundant samples from various species.
    D. Historic local temperature and ozone level database.
    10. What can we learn about the change in pigments?
    A. It exists in flowers with exposed pollen only.
    B. It responds to temperature and sea levels.
    C. It remains the same regardless of species.
    D. It varies depending on the flower’s structure.
    11. What is Koski’s attitude towards the change in flowers’ color?
    A. Concerned. B. Indifferent. C. Unclear. D. Optimistic.
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“The study suggests that over the past 75 years, the ultraviolet (UV) pigments (紫外线色素) in flowers have increased in response to rising temperatures and a thinning ozone layer (臭氧层).(研究表明,在过去的75年里,由于气温上升和臭氧层变薄,花朵中的紫外线色素增加了)”可知,花朵中的紫外线(UV)色素随着温度升高和臭氧层变薄而增加,这是花朵应对气候变化的策略,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段最后一句“Next, they paired the photographs with historic local temperature and ozone level data from the time the plant was picked(接下来,他们将这些照片与采摘植物时当地的历史温度和臭氧水平数据配对)”可知,该研究团队将紫外线敏感相机拍摄的花瓣照片与植物被采摘时的当地历史温度和臭氧水平数据配对,分析紫外线色素的水平如何随时间变化,从而得出研究结果,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一句“The researchers found that the changes in pigments differ by species, a result of the flower’s structure.(研究人员发现,色素的变化因物种而异,这是花朵结构的结果)”可知,色素沉着的变化因花的结构而异,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“When the whole flowers get darker, insects might miss the flowers entirely. ‘This has a negative influence on plant reproduction.’ Koski says.(当整个花朵变暗时,昆虫可能会完全错过花朵。‘这对植物繁殖有负面影响。’Koski说)”可知,当整朵花变暗时,昆虫可能会完全错过花朵,这对植物的繁衍有消极的影响,说明Koski对此现象是担忧的,故选A。
    The world’s first robotic self-portraits (自画像), painted by an robot called Ai-Da, have been displayed at a new art exhibit in London. The surprisingly accurate images question the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in human society and challenge the idea that art is totally a human trait (特征), according to her creators.
    Ai-Da is a life-size android artist powered by AI that can paint, sculpt, and talk Ai-Da is designed to look and act like a human woman with a female voice. She is named after Ada Lovelace, the pioneering English mathematician who is considered one of the first computer programmers.
    In the past, Ai-Da’s work was made up of abstract paintings based on complex mathematical models, and her first exhibition raised over $ 1 million in art sales. Now Ai-Da has created what are believed to be the first self-portraits made by a machine.
    Three of these robot selfies went on display at the Design Museum on May 18 in an exhibition titled “Ai-Di: Portrait of the Robot,” which is free to the public and will remain on display until Aug. 29.
    “These images are meant to unsettle,” said Aidan Meller, the gallery owner behind the creation of Ai-Da. “They are meant to raise questions about where we are going. What is our role as humans if so much can be copied through technology?”
    Ai-Da’s new self-portraits are a combination of constantly updated AI, inbuilt programming and advanced robotics. Her eyes are actually cameras that allow her to “look” at what she is painting or sculpting, in this case, herself, and copy it. Ai-Da did not decide to create the self-portraits; rather, her creators gave her those instructions. Ai-Da’s creators hope that her existence will make us think more about the role of technology, in particular, AI, in our everyday lives.
    12. What is special about the displayed self-portraits by Ai-Da?
    A. It features surprising images.
    B. It challenges traditional crafts.
    C. It poses academic questions.
    D. It makes history in art exhibition.
    13. Why are three robot selfies displayed at the Design Museum?
    A. To enhance Ai-Da’s sense of achievement.
    B. To increase the gallery’s popularity with locals.
    C. To raise money for creating abstract paintings.
    D. To arouse people s reflection on the role of technology.
    14. What can be inferred about Ai-Da from the last paragraph?
    A. She helps creators make decision.
    B. She is trained in photo techniques.
    C. She has no self-awareness actually.
    D. She is programmed to auto updates.
    15. What is the best title for the text?
    A. The Far reaching Impact of Art
    B. The Essential Role of High-tech
    C. An Art Exhibit: Selfies without a Self
    D. Ai-Da The First AI-powered Robot Artist
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The world’s first robotic self-portraits (自画像), painted by an robot called Ai-Da, have been displayed at a new art exhibit in London.( 伦敦的新艺术展上展出了机器人Ai-Da绘制的世界上首幅机器人自画像)”可知,这一自画像挑战了传统的绘画,是由机器人画的,故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第五段““They are meant to raise questions about where we are going. What is our role as humans if so much can be copied through technology?”(这些画像旨在对我们人类的前进方向提出疑问。如果可以通过技术复制这么多东西,我们人类的角色是什么?)”可知,画像的展出旨在引起人们对技术的作用的思考,故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Ai-Da did not decide to create the self-portraits; rather, her creators gave her those instructions.( Ai-Da并没有决定创作自画像,而是她的创造者给出了这些指示。)”可知,Ai-Da实际上并没有自我意识,而是她的创造者给出了指示,故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“he world’s first robotic self-portraits (自画像), painted by an robot called Ai-Da, have been displayed at a new art exhibit in London.( 伦敦的新艺术展上展出了机器人Ai-Da绘制的世界上首幅机器人自画像)”可知,文章内主要讲述了伦敦的新艺术展上展出了机器人Ai-Da绘制的世界上首幅机器人自画像,但这位艺术家缺少没有意识的,故C项“艺术展:没有自我的自画像”符合文章标题,故选C项。
    Most people want to live a life that feels meaningful. ___16___, especially if you’re young. By exploring yourself and your passions, you will figure out what matters to you and make your life significant. Here are a handful of ways to make your life matter.
    • ___17___
    If you want to have a meaningful life, the first step is to understand your own life story. When have you felt strongest and happiest? How you interpret the events of your life impacts how you see yourself. There’s a lot of power in being able to construct your own sense of meaning and purpose.
    • Living with compassion (共情)
    Compassion is key to leading a meaningful life. If you want to influence those around you in a meaningful way, try to develop a sense of compassion for others. Pay attention to the body language of those around you. ___18___.
    • Connecting with the world
    Try to build positive, meaningful relationships with people who support you and build you up, like your friends and family. ___19___. Your life will feel more meaningful if you make an effort to express yourself and your emotions.
    • Giving back
    ___20___. Try giving back to your community through service to organizations that are important to you. However, giving back does not just mean donating your time to charity. You should also work to be kind to those around you. This can help you feel your life matters as you’ll have a positive impact on friends and family members.
    A. Making lifestyle changes
    B. Figuring out who you are
    C. It can be difficult to make it
    D. This can give you insight into their emotions
    E. Pay attention to the needs of those around you
    F. Volunteering can be a great way to feel your life has meaning
    G. Meanwhile, self-expression is a great way to interact with the world
    【答案】16. C 17. B 18. D 19. G 20. F
    上文“Most people want to live a life that feels meaningful.(大多数人都想过有意义的生活。)”说明大多数人都想过有意义的人生;结合下文“especially if you’re young(尤其是如果你还年轻的话)”可知C选项“It can be difficult to make it(这可能很难做到)”承接上文,说明大多数人想让自己的生活有意义,但是这会很难,尤其对于青年人来说;选项中的“It”指代上文中的“live a life that feels meaningful”;下文“By exploring yourself and your passions, you will figure out what matters to you and make your life significant. Here are a handful of ways to make your life matter.(通过探索你自己和你的激情,你会发现什么对你来说是重要的,让你的生活变得有意义。这里有一些方法可以让你的生活变得有意义。)”承接C选项,阐述文章主旨——如何让自己活得有意义;由此可知,C选项符合语境。故选C。
    文章结构分析可知,设空处为小标题;由下文“If you want to have a meaningful life, the first step is to understand your own life story. When have you felt strongest and happiest? How you interpret the events of your life impacts how you see yourself. There’s a lot of power in being able to construct your own sense of meaning and purpose. (如果你想拥有一个有意义的生活,第一步就是了解自己的人生故事。你什么时候感觉最坚强、最幸福?你如何解读生活中的事件会影响你对自己的看法。能够构建自己的意义和目标感有很大的力量。)”可知本段主要讲述要想拥有意义的人生,首先要了解自己,因此B选项“Figuring out who you are(弄清楚你是谁)”符合本段主旨,适合作为本段小标题。故选B。
    上文“Pay attention to the body language of those around you.(注意你周围人的肢体语言。)”建议要观察你周围人的肢体语言;D选项“This can give you insight into their emotions(这可以让你深入了解他们的情绪)”承接上文,阐述了建议你观察周围人的肢体语言的好处——深入了解他们的情绪,选项中“This”指代上文的“Pay attention to the body language of those around you”。故选D。
    由小标题“Connecting with the world(与外界建立联系)”以及上文“Try to build positive, meaningful relationships with people who support you and build you up, like your friends and family.(试着与那些支持你、帮助你成长的人建立积极、有意义的关系,比如你的朋友和家人。)”可知本段的主旨是要与他人形成积极的联系;G选项“Meanwhile, self-expression is a great way to interact with the world(同时,自我表达是与世界互动的好方法)”提出可以通过自我表达与外界互动,符合本段主旨;下文“Your life will feel more meaningful if you make an effort to express yourself and your emotions.(如果你努力表达你自己和你的情绪,你的生活会感觉更有意义。)”承接G选项,阐述自我表达会让你感觉生活更有意义,且选项中的“self-expression”与下文中的“express yourself and your emotions”表达的意思一致。故选G。
    由小标题“Giving back(回馈)”以及下文“Try giving back to your community through service to organizations that are important to you.(尝试通过为对你重要的组织提供服务来回馈你的社区。)”可知本段主要阐述通过“回馈社会、帮助他人”使自己生活更有意义;F选项“Volunteering can be a great way to feel your life has meaning(志愿服务是一种让你感觉生活有意义的好方法)”建议做志愿者,符合本段回馈社会这一主题。故选F。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
    Chris Hammans and his son Lewis shared a passion for football, and Hammans took Lewis to games from an early age.
    At four years old, Lewis was diagnosed (诊断) with muscular dystrophy, a genetic disorder that causes muscles to ___21___ over time. In 2008, Hammans ___22___ an ad for powerchair football, run by Albion in the Community. They attended an ____23____ session and for Lewis, it was ___24___ at first sight.
    ___25___, the games were recreational (娱乐的), but “a core of players wanted to take it a bit ___26___”, says Hammans, and so Brighton Hove Albion Powerchair FC was born. Hammans, who had a (n)___27___ in football, became the coach, leading the team to ___28___ in the national championship. After that, they regularly travelled to ___29___ in kinds of games, during which they would stay and eat together, making the team ____30____. Sadly, Lewis passed away at age 20 after suffering heart attacks. The team played their first game without Lewis in February 2020. As ____31____ as it was, Hammans continued ____32____.
    “I genuinely love the game,” he says. “It’s a great sport and I think Lewis would have wanted me to ____33____. His story is a reminder that disability doesn’t have to ____34____ one’s love for sports and that it is this love that ____35____ them to persevere (坚持) and ultimately achieve success.”
    21. A. weaken B. relax C. stretch D. grow
    22. A. ignored B. posted C. spotted D. observed
    23. A. advanced B. introductory C. unprepared D. extraordinary
    24. A. love B. concern C. pity D. memory
    25. A. Partly B. Obviously C. Eventually D. Originally
    26. A. straighter B. further C. longer D. larger
    27. A. magic B. attraction C. test D. interest
    28. A. survival B. adventure C. success D. challenge
    29. A. compete B. reunite C. appear D. encounter
    30. A. grateful B. ambitious C. close D. casual
    31. A. boring B. complicated C. normal D. tough
    32. A. consulting B. coaching C. playing D. operating
    33. A. carry on B. hold back C. try out D. give up
    34. A. declare B. limit C. control D. foster
    35. A. invites B. requires C. forces D. motivates
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D
    【导语】本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了Chris Hammans带着儿子Lewis参加电动轮椅足球比赛并带领球队赢得国家冠军。虽然儿子之后去世了,但他依旧初心不改,坚持执教。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:四岁的时候,Lewis被诊断出肌肉萎缩症,这是一种基因疾病,随着时间的流逝,会导致肌肉的萎缩。A. weaken变弱,萎缩;B. relax放松;C. stretch延伸;D. grow生长。根据前文“At four years old, Lewis was diagnosed (诊断) with muscular dystrophy,”可知,此处指Lewis的肌肉会萎缩,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hammans看到了一则电动轮椅足球的广告,由社区的Albion举办的。A. ignored忽视;B. posted上传;C. spotted看见;D. observed观察。根据后文“They attended an ____3____ session and for Lewis, it was ___4___ at first sight.”可知,此处指Hammans看到了一则广告,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们参加了一堂介绍课,Lewis第一眼就喜欢上了。A. advanced先进的;B. introductory介绍性的;C. unprepared没准备好的;D. extraordinary非凡的。根据后文“at first sight.”可知,此处指他们上了一堂介绍性的课程,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. love喜欢,爱;B. concern担心;C. pity遗憾;D. memory记忆。根据后文““I genuinely love the game,” he says.”可知,此处指他第一眼就喜欢上了电动轮椅足球,故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:Hammans说道:“起初,比赛是娱乐性的,但是核心球员想要进一步发展。” A. Partly部分地;B. Obviously显然地;C. Eventually最终;D. Originally起初,最开始。根据后文“but “a core of players wanted to take it a bit ___6___””可知,此处指起初,比赛是娱乐性的,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. straighter更直接的;B. further进一步的,更远的;C. longer更长的;D. larger更大的。根据前文“the games were recreational (娱乐的), but “a core of players wanted to take it a bit”可知,此处指想要更进一步的发展,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Hammans对足球非常感兴趣,成为了教练,带领着球队赢得了国家冠军。A. magic魔法;B. attraction注意力;C. test测试;D. interest兴趣。根据前文“Chris Hammans and his son Lewis shared a passion for football,”可知,此处指Hammans对足球非常感兴趣,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. survival幸存;B. adventure冒险,奇遇;C. success成功;D. challenge挑战。根据空后“in the national championship”可知,此处指赢得了国家冠军,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那之后,他们经常去参加各种比赛,比赛期间,他们吃住在一起,这让球队变得更紧密。A. compete比赛;B. reunite团聚,重聚;C. appear出现;D. encounter遇见。根据空后“in kinds of games”可知,此处指参加各种比赛,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. grateful感激的;B. ambitious有抱负心的;C. close亲密的,紧密的;D. casual随意的。根据前文“during which they would stay and eat together”可知,他们吃住在一起,因此变得更亲密,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管很艰难,但还是选择当球队的教练。A. boring无聊的;B. complicated复杂的;C. normal正常的;D. tough艰难的。根据前文“Sadly, Lewis passed away at age 20 after suffering heart attacks.”可知,此处指Hammans的儿子死了,他继续在这里当教练这件事对他来说很艰难,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. consulting咨询;B. coaching当教练;C. playing打,玩;D. operating操作。根据前文“Hammans, who had a (n)___7___ in football, became the coach,”可知,此处指Hammans在儿子死后,依旧选择当教练,故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他说道:“我真喜欢比赛。这是一项很好的运动,我认为Lewis也希望我继续下去。” A. carry on继续;B. hold back控制住;C. try out考验,试练;D. give up放弃。根据空前“It’s a great sport and I think Lewis would have wanted me to”可知,此处指他认为他儿子Lewis希望他继续下去,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的故事告诉我们,残疾并不能限制一个人对运动的热爱,正是这种热爱激励着他们坚持不懈并最终获得成功。A. declare宣布;B. limit限制;C. control控制;D. foster养育。根据前文关于Lewi的故事讲述可知,Lewis虽为残疾人,但残疾并没有限制他对运动的热爱,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. invites邀请;B. requires要求;C. forces强迫,逼迫;D. motivates激励。根据后文“them to persevere (坚持) and ultimately achieve success.”可知,此处指激励他们坚持不懈,并最终获得成功,故选D。
    Recently, residents in a youth apartment building in downtown Shenzhen have planted the seed, cultivating (形成) ____36____ unique city lifestyle. They can farm their own land, which can ____37____ (access) just an elevator ride away to the top of their building. There they can grow vegetables, while ____38____ (communicate) with other renters and taking in the skyline of the city.
    Huang Suyun, the founder of the youth apartment building, ____39____ (see) positive changes in her own life since “farming” and other social activities were introduced to the rooftop of it. ____40____ (additional), the experience of tending the gardens allows her ____41____ (make) friends and get to know others who cither live in the building or visit from outside.
    The rooftop heaven covers a total area of 450 square meters and consists ____42____ a sightseeing zone, a shaded leisure area as well as the urban farming section. “There’s space to exercise, like doing yoga at the leisure zone, and then to walk over to check the vegetables,” says Xie Jing, an architect ____43____ undertook the project.
    An increasing number of urban ____44____ (resident) at home and abroad have started to seek a social life that promotes environmental _____45_____ (protect) and personal health, which is good news for sustainability and community activity development, experts say.
    【答案】36. a 37. be accessed
    38 communicating
    39. has seen
    40. Additionally
    41. to make
    42. of 43. who##that
    44. residents
    45. protection
    考查语态。句意:他们可以种植自己土地,只需要乘坐电梯就能到达公寓的顶楼去种植。此处which指代前文的land,与access之间为被动关系,且空前有情态动词can,故填be accessed。
    考查时态。句意:自从种植和社交活动在公寓顶楼开始以来,公寓楼的建设者Huang Suyun已经看到了积极的改变。Huang Suyun为主语,为单数,此处为谓语动词,根据后文的since可知,此处应用现在完成时,故填has seen。
    考查动词不定。句意:同上。此处意为“允许某人做某事”,表达为allow sb. to do sth.,故此处应用不定式作宾补,故填to make。
    考查介词。句意:天楼面积为450平方米,由一个观光区,乘凉处和城市农耕区构成。此处意为“由……构成”,表达为consist of,故填of。
    考查定语从句。句意:承担这项工程的Xie Jing说道:“有空间锻炼,比如说你可以在乘凉处练瑜伽,然后走过去料理一下蔬菜。”此处引导定语从句,先行词为Xie Jing,指人,定语从句中缺少主语,故应用who/that引导,故填who/that。
    考查名词的数。句意:越来越多的城市居民已启动了寻求促进环境保护和个人健康的社会生活,专家表示,这对可持续发展和社区活动发展来说是个好消息。此处resident“居民”为可数名词,且空前有an increasing number of“大量的,许多的”,故此处应用名词的复数作宾语,故填residents。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. “五一劳动节”期间,你校英文报发起“劳动最光荣”主题征文活动,请你结合自身经历写一篇稿件参赛,内容包括:
    Labor: Learning and Crowing Up
    During the Labor Day, one of my own experiences came into my mind.
    Labor: Learning and Growing Up
    During the Labor Day, one of my own experiences came into my mind. Last summer vacation, I worked as a waiter in a restaurant. At first, it was challenging to keep up with the fast pace there. I had to remember the menu, take orders, serve dishes, and clean tables. My feet and back ached after a long day of work. But I adapted and learned to communicate with customers and manage it efficiently.
    Through this experience, I realized not only is labor a means of making a living, but a way of learning skills, growing up, and acquiring values. So we should respect and appreciate all the workers contributing to our society.
    记住:remember→keep...in mind
    意识到:realize→be aware
    感激:appreciate→show appreciation to
    原句:So we should respect and appreciate all the workers contributing to our society.
    拓展句:So we should respect and appreciate all the workers who contribute to our society.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】At first, it was challenging to keep up with the fast pace there.(运用了it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语)
    【高分句型2】Through this experience, I realized not only is labor a means of making a living, but a way of learning skills, growing up, and acquiring values.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I sat next to my new friend Karina on the first day of the summer camp. “You like banana chips?” she said in a surprised voice. “They’re my favorite snack, but I don t know any other kids who eat them.” “My aunt brought some the last time she visited, and I’ve been craving (渴望) them ever since,” I said. It was then that I knew that Karina and I were meant to be friends forever.
    Whenever we got to pick a partner at camp we picked each other. Whenever we had a break, we hung out together. And the more time we spent together, the more we realized how amazingly alike we were. We both had two adorable cats, we both had awesome younger siblings, we both liked baking extra-creative cookies, and we both had the same favorite song.
    But then something happened. The summer camp was next to a piece of beautiful land that had a bunch of giant old trees on it. Whenever it was nice out, we’d get to eat our lunch at picnic tables that were right by some of those trees.
    Karina surprisingly spotted zillions of holes all the way up and clown a trunk one day. The discovery attracted our interest and we were curious about how in the world they got there. Our friend LeVar explained to us that a special kind of wood keeper makes those holes to store acorns (橡子). We were astonished by the cool fact, making a decision to keep this magical forest as clean and perfect as it was when we got here.
    “Hey, have you guys heard that shopping mall rumor?” LeVar said suddenly. That’s when things got complicated.
    “Yeah,” said Karina. “They want to cut down a bunch of those trees to make room for a shopping center.”
    “That’s terrible!” I said. “We have to stop that.”
    “I disagree,” argued Karina. “My parents said the shopping center would make new jobs for people who really need work.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置处作答。
    It surprised me that Karina didn’t share my opinion.
    Just then, LeVar stood up and broke the silence.
    It surprised me that Karina didn’t share my opinion. I eagerly convinced her that people should have jobs but not if it meant cutting down trees, while Karina insisted that job opportunities counted a lot to a family and even society. After a heated discussion, Karina shook her head and said, super seriously, “You know, maybe we’re not quite as alike as we thought.” Tears welling up, I sighed and said nothing, wondering if two people with opposite points of view just aren’t meant to be friends.
    Just then, LeVar stood up and broke the silence. He asked if someone can help clean the leftover and put our trash and recyclables in the bins. Karina took the challenge, others followed, and I finally joined in. I mended fences with her afterwards. Even though I wished Karina agreed with me about saving the trees, I realized she had her reasons for believing what she did. And no matter what, the difference wasn’t worth losing a perfectly good friendship over.
    加入:join in/take part in
    确信的:convinced /sure
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Tears welling up, I sighed and said nothing, wondering if two people with opposite points of view just aren’t meant to be friends. (运用了if引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Even though I wished Karina agreed with me about saving the trees, I realized she had her reasons for believing what she did. (运用了what引导宾语从句)
    听力答案:1—5 CBCBA 6—10 BABAC 11—15 ACBBA 16—20 CACBC


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