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    教材单词(一)必背重点词汇1. valley  n.山谷,溪谷  2. carve vt.侵蚀,冲刷;雕,刻 3. cuisine n.烹饪,风味;饭菜,菜肴  4. suburb n.郊区,城外 5. blanket n.厚层;毛毯 6. niece n.侄女,外甥女 7. welfare n.幸福,福祉;福利 
    8. manner n.方式,方法;举止   manners (pl.)礼貌 9. church n.教堂;礼拜 10. vase n.花瓶,装饰瓶 11. furniture  n.家具 12. gat n.山羊 13. grain n.细粒,颗粒;谷物 14. cntrast vi.形成对比 vt.对比,对照n.差异,差别;对照物
    15. ray n.光线,射线 16. camel n.骆驼 17. chew vi.& vt.咀嚼,嚼碎;咬住 18. barbecue n.烤架;户外烧烤 19. brder n.国界,边界 vi.& vt.(与……)接壤20. hut n.(简陋的)小屋,棚屋 21. brick n.砖块;积木 22. dt vt.遍布;使布满,点缀;加点 n.点
    23. ham n.火腿,火腿肉 24. sausage n.香肠,腊肠 25. bunch n.串,束;大量 26. fetch vt.(去)拿来,(去)请来 27. hike n.远足,徒步旅行 vi.& vt.去……远足,做徒步旅行28. awesme adj.令人惊叹的,使人惊惧的;很好的 29. liquid adj.液体的,液态的 n.液体30. fx n.狐狸;狡猾的人 31. lamb n.羊羔肉;羔羊 
    (二)识记阅读词汇1.blming adj. 盛开的,开花的  2.ethnically adv.种族地  3.territry n. (加拿大)地区;领土,领地;领域  4.glacier n. 冰川  5.mighty adj.巨大的,非凡的;强而有力的6.urban adj. 城市的,城镇的  7.ancestr n. 祖宗,祖先;原种  8.indigenus adj.本地的,土生土长的  9.strait n. 海峡,水道  10.dynamic adj. (事物)有活力的;动态的,发展变化的;充满活力的  
    11.sample vt. 尝,品尝,体验;抽样检验n. 样本,样品;取样  12.fiddle n. 小提琴  13.Celtic adj. 凯尔特人的,凯尔特语的14.Clvis adj. 克洛维斯的  15.hckey n. 冰球运动,冰上曲棍球;曲棍球  16.cde n. 行为规范,道德准则;法规,法典;密码  17.item n. 一件商品(或物品);项目18.statue n. 雕像,雕塑  
    19.suvenir n. 纪念物,纪念品  20.antique n. 文物,古董  adj. 古老的,古董的  21.dune n. 沙丘  22.flap vi.& vt. 拍打,摆动;振(翅)  23.intently adv. 热切地,专注地  24.Arctic adj. 北极的  n.(the Arctic) 北极,北极地区  25.plar adj. 极地的;完全相反的  26.delicacy n. 佳肴;谨慎;敏感  
    (三)串记拓展词汇1. fld  vt.折叠;对折 → unfld vi.& vt.开花;展开,打开;展示,展现 2. distinct  adj.截然不同的,有区别的,不同种类的;清楚的,清晰的→ distinctin  n.区别;差别→ distinctive  adj.独特的,有特色的;与众不同的→ distinguish  vi.& vt.区分;辨别 3. splendid  adj.壮丽的,雄伟的;极佳的,非常好的→  splendidly   adv.华丽地;豪华地;壮观地→ splendur  n.显赫;光彩壮丽 4. minr adj.少数的→ minrity  n.少数民族,少数群体;少数,少数人 5.  deep   adj.深的→ deeply  adv.深深地→ depth  n.最深处;深(度);深刻;深厚 
    6. btanic  adj.植物的;植物学的→ btanical  adj.植物学的→ btanist  n.植物学家 7. accmmdate  vi.& vt.容纳;(使)适应;调解→ accmmdatin  n.住处 8. surrund  vt.围绕;环绕→ surrunding  adj.周围的,附近的→ surrundings  n.周围环境 9. harmny  n.融洽,和睦;和谐→ harmnius  adj.和谐的→ harmniusly  adv.和谐地;协调地 10.  sustain   vt.使保持,使稳定持续;维持→ sustainable  adj.可以忍受的;可持续的 
    11. cnsume  v.消耗→ cnsumptin  n.消耗,消耗量;消费→ cnsumer  n.消费者;用户 12. elegance  n.典雅;高雅→ elegant  adj.漂亮雅致的,精美的;优美的,文雅的 13. reslve  vi.& vt.决定;解决→ reslutin  n.决心,决定;决议;解决 14. starve vi.& vt.(使)饿死,(使)挨饿→ starvatin  n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死 15. depart  vt.离开→ departure  n.离开,起程 16. mud  n.泥,淤泥→ muddy  adj.泥泞的;肮脏的;污的 17. park  vt.停放→ parking  n.停车;停车位 18. pssess  v.拥有→ pssessin  n.私人物品,个人财产;具有,拥有 
    核心短语1. apart frm  除了……外(还),此外;除了……外(都),要不是 2. cme as n surprise 不足为奇,毫不奇怪 3. cme dwn t 可归结为,可归纳为 4. make ne’s way t 去,前往 5. make up 组成;补足;化妆;编造 6. bring abut 引起;导致 7. live in harmny (with...) (与……)和睦相处 
    8.ff the beaten track 不落俗套,打破常规;远离闹市,偏远  9.dress cde 着装规定  10.twer abve高于,超过  11.beat dwn (阳光)强烈照射,曝晒  12.line up(使)站成一队,排列成一行13.distinct frm不同于  
    重点句型1.句式凝练:省略if的虚拟条件句Shuld yu find yurself in ne f these subcultures,languages,cuisine, architecture,art and music will define yur encunter. 如果你发现自己置身于其中一种亚文化中,那么(它的)语言、饮食、建筑、艺术和音乐都会说明你邂逅的是何种文化。
    2.句式凝练:have sth dneWhen at the htel,we can als reduce ur impact by cutting back n water cnsumptin and nt having ur bedding and twels washed every day.在酒店的时候,我们还可以通过减少水的消耗和每天不洗床上用品和毛巾来减少我们的影响。3.句式凝练:it wasn’t lng befre...不久就…… It wasn’t lng befre  we were surrunded by enrmus sand dunes twering abve us n all sides. 很快我们就被四周高耸的巨大沙丘包围住。
    1.cultural diversity文化多样性 2.cultural differences文化差异3.a brad cuntry一个幅员辽阔的国家4.get clse t nature接近大自然5.with distinct cultures有着独特的文化6.a variety f wildlife各种野生动植物7.a unique scenic spt一个独特的景点8.enrich ne’s knwledge丰富某人的知识9.a vast cmbinatin f ethnic backgrunds种族背景的广泛结合10.ne f the best cuntries t live in最适合居住的国家之一11.with the apprach f the night随着夜晚的降临
    1.at the sight f一看见2.can’t help ding sth 禁不住做某事3.break int a smile突然笑起来4.blw away吹走
    1.She sbbed,hiding her face in her hands.她抽泣着,双手捂着脸。2.Tears filling her eyes,she ffered her heartfelt gratitude.她热泪盈眶,表示衷心的感谢。3.Her eyes gleamed and her fragile face brke int a smile.(事物代替人作主语)她的眼睛闪闪发光,脆弱的脸上绽放出笑容。4.Excitement tk my breath away when he brught the news t me.(事物代替人作主语)当他把这个消息告诉我时,我兴奋不已。
    5.Upn hearing the bad news,she felt seized by a burst f sadness and culdn’t help crying bitterly.听到这个坏消息,她感到一阵悲伤,忍不住痛哭起来。6.At the sight f the fercius wlf,I was seized by a strng sense f hrrr with my palms sweating.一看到那匹凶猛的狼,我就万分恐惧,手心冒汗。
    Suddenly an idea was starting t frm in my head.“Why nt make a gift by hand?” I said with hpeful vice,a huge smile spreading acrss my face.“A cake is suitable,” Aiden suggested excitedly t.Excitement tk ur breath away and we were bth t impatient t wait and rushed t the kitchen.The heavy cluds haunting ver us were eventually blwn away,relief laid drmant in ur heart and happiness etched n face.And we gt dwn t making a cake.突然,一个想法开始在我脑海中形成。“为什么不亲手做个礼物呢?”我满怀希望地说,脸上绽放着灿烂的笑容。“一块蛋糕是合适的。”艾登也兴奋地建议道。我们异常兴奋,都迫不及待地冲向厨房。萦绕在我们头上的乌云最终被吹走了,轻松留在心中,幸福刻在脸上。我们开始做起了蛋糕。
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The piece f wd has been  carved (雕刻) int the shape f a flwer. 2.We will be travelling by  camel (骆驼) with lcal guides,camping in tents and sleeping n the grund. 3.At the  brder (边境),yu will be asked yur destinatin and hw lng yu plan t stay. 4.Dn’t be bthered t   fetch  (去拿来) me the bk and I can manage it myself. 5.Lking at the beautiful scenery,they bth agreed that it was the mst  awesme (很好的) jurney they had ever taken. 
    Ⅱ.词形变换1.Luckily,nly a  minrity  f the passengers suffered  minr  injuries and the thers are safe and sund.(minr) 2.It is a deep well,but n ne knws its exact  depth .(deep) 3. Surrunded by the frest,the village has beautiful surrundings ,which attract many visitrs frm surrunding areas.(surrund)4.The universe and its belngings are presented in harmny and maintained in harmnius relatinship and rder.(harmny)5.Experts advise  cnsumers  nt t buy mre grceries until they’ve already been  cnsumed .This is called ratinal  cnsumptin .(cnsume) 
    Ⅲ.语篇填空Early in the mrning,we 1. made ur way t (前往) an ancient village, which is 2. ff the beaten track (偏远),at least tw miles frm the main rad.It 3. is made up f (由……组成) three parts like three pictures,with ne 4. distinct frm (不同于) the thers.Tall redwd trees 5. lining up (排列成一行) 6. twer abve (高于) the huses,making a fine sight.7. Apart frm (除了) redwd trees,many ther trees grw straight and high as well.It 8. cmes as n surprise (不足为奇) t learn that the villagers pride themselves n 9. living in harmny with (与……和睦相处) nature. 
    Ⅳ.句式仿写1.要不是老师们的支持,这个学生就无法克服她的困难。(省略if的虚拟条件句)Were it nt fr the supprt f the teachers,the student culd nt vercme her difficulty. 2.克莱尔在飞机起飞前一小时托运了行李。(have sth dne)Claire had her luggage checked an hur befre the plane left. 3.不久他们就厌倦了日复一日的训练。(befre)It was nt lng befre they gt tired f the day-after-day training. 
    核心词汇突破1.distinct adj.截然不同的,有区别的,不同种类的;清楚的,清晰的→distinctin n.差别;区别;不同→distinctly adv.清楚地,明白地[练会]单句语法填空①(2022新高考全国Ⅱ卷)S t try t change a  distinctly (distinct) mdern behavir,lawmakers and public health experts are reaching back t an ld apprach... ②The learning needs f the tw grups are quite distinct  frm  each ther. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③天文学是一门严谨的科学,与占星术完全不同。Astrnmy, as distinct frm  astrlgy,is an exact science. 归纳 be distinct frm有别于as distinct frm与……有所区别,有别于,不同于佳句 Similarly,such develpments are making the line between art and technlgy less distinct.相似地,这样的发展正在使得艺术和科技的界限不那么清晰了。
    2.depth n.最深处;深(度);深刻;深厚→deep adj.深的→deeply adv.很,非常→deepen v.加深[练会]单句语法填空①His taste f literature gave depth (deep) and variety t his cmprehensin t painting.②He didn’t have a chance t  deepen (deep) his knwledge f Pland. [写美]微写作·背诵③他们很高兴在30米深处找到了水。They are glad that water was fund  at a depth f  30 metres. 
    归纳 at a depth f在……的深处deep int the night直到深夜be deep in thught陷入深思佳句 The ld man disappeared int the depths f the huse.那位老人消失在住宅深处。
    3.harmny n.融洽,和睦;和谐→harmnius adj.和谐的;协调的[练会]单句语法填空①We must make an effrt t live  in  harmny with thse arund us. ②A  harmnius (harmny) family is beneficial t a child’s persnal develpment. [写美]微写作·背诵③我们学生和老师下课后在那里做运动,和睦相处。(写作话题之学校生活)We students as well as ur teachers d sprts there after class, living in harmny . 
    归纳 in harmny with...与……协调ut f harmny with...与……不协调live in harmny(with...)(与……)和睦相处,和谐共处佳句 His ideas were n lnger in harmny with urs.他同我们的想法不再一致了。
    4.manner n.方式,方法;举止;(manners)礼貌[练会]单句语法填空①If yu d it  in  this manner,yu’ll succeed. ②It’s gd  manners (manner) t shake hands when meeting yur friends in China. [写美]微写作·背诵③下面是你在中国如何注意餐桌礼仪的一些建议。(应用文之建议信)The fllwing are sme suggestins n hw t mind yur table manners in China. 
    归纳 in 以……的方式it’s bad/gd manners t d sth做某事是没有/有礼貌的点津 (1)manner意为“方式;方法;举止;态度”时,常用单数形式;(2)manner意为“礼貌;礼仪;习俗”时,常用复数形式。
    5.cntrast vi.形成对比 vt.对比,对照 n.差异,差别;对照物→cntrasting adj.(在样式、颜色或态度上)极不相同的,迥异的[练会]单句语法填空①In ther cuntries, by  cntrast,eye cntact is nt always apprved f. ②The snw was icy and white,cntrasting  with  the brilliant blue sky. ③The stck lst 60 cents a share, in  cntrast t last year,when it gained 21 cents. [写美]微写作·背诵④当人造花和自然花对比时,你几乎不能辨出真假。When the artificial flwers  are cntrasted with  the natural nes,yu can hardly tell the difference. 
    归纳 in cntrast t/with与……对比cntrast A with B把A与B进行对比cntrast with和……形成对比by cntrast与……相反;相比之下辨析
    6.starve vi.& vt.(使)饿死,(使)挨饿→starvatin n.饥饿→starving adj.饿极了的;饿得慌的[练会]单句语法填空①They’ll either die frm the cld r starve  t  death. ②The pr kid just starved  fr  attentin. ③He lks frward t the day when n ne will die f starvatin (starve).[写美]一句多译·背诵④自毕业以后,他们一直渴望成功。→They have been starving t succeed ever since graduatin.(succeed) →They have been starving fr success ever since graduatin.(success) 
    归纳 starve t death 饿死starve sb int (ding)...使某人因饥饿而(做)……starve t d sth 渴望做某事starve fr sth 渴望获得某物佳句 If the animals can’t find enugh plants t eat,they’ll starve r have t leave the place.如果动物找不到足够的植物来吃,他们将会挨饿或者不得已离开这片土地。
    7.fetch vt.(去)拿来,(去)请来[练会]单句语法填空①Shuld I fetch yu yur cat  frm  the next rm? ②Fetch sme cffee  fr  me while yu’re up. [写美]一句多译·背诵③请到我的书房把我的字典拿来。→Please  fetch (me)  my dictinary frm my study. →Please fetch my dictinary frm my study  fr me . 
    归纳 fetch sb/sth frm...从……接某人/拿某物fetch sb sth/fetch sth fr sb去给某人拿某物佳句 Yu can’t expect me t fetch and carry fr yu all day.    打杂 你别指望我整天为你打杂。
    8.pssessin n.私人物品,个人财产;具有,拥有→pssess vt.拥有[练会]单句语法填空①Three men were seized by the plice fr  pssessin (pssess) f illegal drugs. ②He was  pssessed (pssess) f exceptinal pwers f cncentratin. [写美]句式升级·背诵③On her father’s death,she came int pssessin f a vast frtune.→On her father’s death,a vast frtune was  in the pssessin f  her. (pssessin) →On her father’s death,she was  in pssessin f  a vast frtune.(pssessin) 
    归纳 be in pssessin f拥有……(主语为人)be in the pssessin f (sb)=be in ne’s pssessin (某物)被(某人)拥有cme int ne’s pssessin为某人所拥有take/cme int pssessin f占有;拥有be pssessed f具有;拥有
    9.apart frm除了……外(还),此外;除了……外(都),要不是[练会]用besides,except或except fr代替下列句中的黑体部分①The rad was empty apart frm a few cars. except fr  ②Will there be anyne else we knw at the party apart frm Will and Janet?  besides  ③Yu can have any ne f the blankets apart frm this ne. except  [写美]微写作·背诵④除了一些拼写错误,这篇文章写得很不错。(写作话题之语言学习) Apart frm/Except fr sme spelling mistakes ,the cmpsitin is fairly gd. 
    10.beat dwn(阳光)强烈照射,暴晒[练会]单句语法填空①He was badly beaten  up  by a gang f thugs. ②McCnnell beat  ff  a challenge fr his Senate seat. ③His brther beat  ut  the flames with a blanket. [写美]微写作·背诵 ④在阳光的强烈照射下,他们汗流浃背。They were sweating as  the sun beat dwn  upn them. 
    归纳 beat ff击退;驱走beat ut扑打灭火;敲掉beat up痛殴,毒打佳句 The sun beat dwn n the desert.太阳曝晒着沙漠。
    ★补遗缺 微点练全Ⅰ.一词多义开花 B.v.展开,打开 C.v.展示,展现①He quickly unflded the blankets and spread them n the mattress. B  ②The flwer unflds early. A  ③As the stry unflds,we learn mre abut Max’s childhd. C  
    狐狸 B.n.狡猾的人①He’s a wily ld fx. B  ②The fx is knwn fr its cleverness and cunning. A  
    重点句型透视1.省略if的虚拟条件句[教材原句]Shuld yu find yurself in ne f these subcultures,languages,cuisine,architecture,art and music will define yur encunter.(P3)如果你发现自己置身于其中一种亚文化中,那么(它的)语言、饮食、建筑、艺术和音乐都会说明你邂逅的是何种文化。[练会]单句语法填空① Had  he  caught (catch) the mrning train,he wuld nt have been late fr the meeting. ② Were  (be) she t live there,she wuldn’t be able t see her parents very ften. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵③If it shuld rain tmrrw,we shuld have t put ff the match.→ Shuld it rain  tmrrw,we shuld have t put ff the match.(部分倒装) 归纳 if引导虚拟条件句时,从句中如果含有shuld,were,had,则可以省略if,把shuld,were,had提到主语之前,构成部分倒装。佳句 Shuld he have time tmrrw,he wuld g there with me.如果他明天有时间,他会和我一起去那里。
    2.have sth dne 让某人做某事;让某事被做[教材原句]When at the htel,we can als reduce ur impact by cutting back n water cnsumptin and nt having ur bedding and twels washed every day.(P7)在酒店的时候,我们还可以通过减少水的消耗和不每天洗床上用品和毛巾来减少我们的影响。[练会]单句语法填空①(2021全国乙卷)Or turn the cnversatin int a tpic where they have little  t say (say). ②(2021天津3月卷)She added that she had a line f staff at her dr  wanting (want) t take the training. ③I need a new passprt s I will have t have my phtgraph taken (take).
    [写美]微写作·背诵④昨天,我的钱包被偷了。Yesterday,I  had my wallet stlen . 归纳 (1)have sth dne结构有两种含义:一是表示让某人做某事/让某事(被别人)做,相当于get sth dne;二是表示主语遭遇到某种不幸/蒙受损失。(2)have sb d sth=get sb t d sth让某人做某事(3)have sb/sth ding使某人/某物持续地做某事(4)can’t/wn’t have sb ding sth不能容忍/允许某人做某事(5)have sth t d有某事要做 
    Ⅲ.基于主题语境续写对练1.完成句子(1)我有一次有趣的旅行,充满了惊喜和欢乐。(which 引导的定语从句)I had an interesting travel, which was filled with surprise and amusements . (2)我清楚地记得那是圣诞节,我父母决定花几个星期开车去爷爷奶奶家,沿途游览所有景点。(when引导的定语从句; sth)I can well remember that it was Christmas  when my parents decided t spend a few weeks driving  t my grandparents’ hme and  enjying admiring all the sights  alng the way. 
    (3)我们装上行李,向朋友和邻居挥手告别。(v.-ing作状语)We laded ur luggage,waving gdbye t ur friends and neighburs .(4)因为我们带了崭新的帐篷,妈妈坚持让我们充分利用它。(since 引导的原因状语从句;insist+宾语从句)Since we brught the brand-new tent with us,Mm  insisted that we (shuld) make full use f  it. 
    (5)我们花了整整一个下午寻找一个不错的露营地,然后我们在夜幕降临前搭起了帐篷。(it takes/tk sb sme time t d sth) It tk us a whle afternn t seek  a nice camping place and then we set up/put up ur tent befre the night fell. (6)这是我第一次躺在星空下,只有微风陪伴着我们。(it is/was the first time that 句型;with复合结构) It was the first time that I had lain  beneath the stars, with nly the breeze accmpanying  us. 
    (7)午夜时分,天空变得更加干净,星星变得更加明亮,这真是一种享受。(比较级;which 引导的非限制性定语从句)At midnight, the sky became clearer ,and the stars grew brighter, which was a real treat . (8)令我非常高兴的是,我们不仅看到了如画的风景,而且还一起享受了一段独特的家庭时光。(t ne’s delight;nt nly引起的部分倒装)T my great delight, nt nly did we see the picturesque scenery ,but als we enjyed a unique family time tgether. 
    2.衔接美文将以上各句合并成小短文并背诵成文,注意使用合适的衔接过渡词汇。I had an interesting travel,which was filled with surprise and amusements.I can well remember that it was Christmas when my parents decided t spend a few weeks driving t my grandparents’ hme and enjying/admiring all the sights alng the way. 
    We laded ur luggage,waving gdbye t ur friends and neighburs.Since we brught the brand-new tent with us,Mm insisted that we(shuld) make full use f it.Therefre,it tk us a whle afternn t seek a nice camping place and then we set up/put up ur tent befre the night fell.It was the first time that I had lain beneath the stars,with nly the breeze accmpanying us.At midnight,the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter,which was a real treat.T my great delight,nt nly did we see the picturesque scenery,but als we enjyed a unique family time tgether. 
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空——分层级强化高频考点A组 基础必练1.The nly way fr us t survive is t live in harmny  with  nature. 2.Shuld I fetch yur cat  fr  yu frm the next rm? 3.A  distinctin (distinct) shuld be made between the primary and secndary tasks. 4.Nthing else matters t him apart  frm  his jb. 5.Organic farmers als plant diverse crps that use different  depths (deep) f sil t help keep them rich. 
    B组 高考链接6.(2020全国Ⅰ卷) All custmers travelling n TransLink services must be in pssessin (pssess) f a valid ticket befre barding.7.(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷) Prducing (prduce) fd that n ne eats wastes the water,fuel,and ther resurces used t grw it. 8.(2021浙江1月卷)Peple wh yu swear gt in ther lines lng after yu are already checked ut and ff t the  parking (park)lt. 9.(2021天津3月卷)... accmmdatin (accmmdate) is available if required. 10.(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷) the size and  cnsumptin (cnsume) habits f ur eating cmpanins can influence ur fd intake. 
    Ⅱ.语篇填空——语境中应用单元要点The brain is nt just the sum f its nutritinal parts,1. but  each cmpnent des have a distinct impact 2. n  the functin,develpment,md and energy.Fr instance,3. eating (eat) mega-rich fds,like nuts,seeds and fatty fish is crucial t the 4. creatin (create) and sustainability f cell membranes.5. In  cntrast,lng-term cnsumptin f ther fats,like trans and saturated fats,may cmprmise brain health.Meanwhile,prteins and amin acids manipulate 6. hw  we feel and behave.It cmes as n surprise 7. that  we might feel calm after eating pasta r mre alert after a prtein-rich meal.A cuisine with a range f fds helps keep a balance.
    A steady supply f micrnutrients is 8. beneficial (benefit) t ur brain. Apart 9. frm  it,mst f ur energy cmes frm carbhydrates,and the changes in mental functin cme dwn t nutrient sustain (sustain) brain pwer,we shuld chse frm a varied diet f nutrient-rich fds. 
    Ⅲ.话题微写作——场景中提升写作技能(黑体部分用本单元词汇表达)1.期末考试就要到了,我们整天埋头于功课。(with the apprach f)2.我们非常有必要外出郊游,放松一下。(it作形式主语,hike)3.上周日上午8点,我和朋友们在校门口集合,然后朝郊外的小山走去。(suburb,make ne’s way t)4.不久我们就到达了山顶。(It wasn’t lng befre...)5.那里风景优美,令人惊叹,毫不意外我们被深深吸引了。(awesme,cme as n surprise)
    【连句成篇】 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。With the apprach f the final examinatin,we are buried in ur lessns all day.It’s necessary fr us t g fr a hike and have ur minds relaxed.Then my friends and I gathered at the schl gate at 8 ’clck in the mrning f last Sunday and made ur way t the hill in the suburb.It wasn’t lng befre we arrived and made it t the tp f the hill.The scenery there was awesme.It came as n surprise that we were deeply attracted and wuld treasure that memry frever. 
    (2018江苏卷,阅读理解C)——社会、历史与文化If yu want t disturb the car industry,yu’d better have a few billin dllars:Mm-and-pp carmakers are unlikely t beat the biggest car cmpanies.But in agriculture,small farmers can get the best f the majr players.By cnnecting directly with custmers,and by respnding quickly t changes in the markets as well as in the ecsystems(生态系统),small farmers can keep ne step ahead f the big guys.As the c-funder f the Natinal Yung Farmers Calitin(NYFC,美国青年农会) and a family farmer myself,I have a frnt-rw seat t the innvatins amng small farmers that are transfrming the industry.
    Fr example,take the Quick Cut Greens Harvester,a tl develped just a cuple f years ag by a yung farmer,Jnathan Dysinger,in Tennessee,with a small lan frm a lcal Slw Mney grup.It enables small-scale farmers t harvest 175 punds f green vegetables per hur—a huge imprvement ver harvesting just a few dzen punds by hand—suddenly making it pssible fr the little guys t cmpete with large farms f Califrnia.Befre the tl came ut,small farmers culdn’t tuch the price per pund ffered by Califrnia farms.But nw,with the cmbinatin f a better price pint and a generally fresher prduct,they can stay in business.
    The sustainable success f small farmers,thugh,wn’t happen withut fundamental changes t the industry.One crucial factr is secure access t land.Cmpetitin frm investrs,develpers,and established large farmers makes wning ne’s wn land unattainable fr many new farmers.Frm 2004 t 2013,agricultural land values dubled,and they cntinue t rise in many regins.Anther challenge fr mre than a millin f the mst qualified farm wrkers and managers is a nn-existent path t citizenship—the greatest barrier t building a farm f their wn.With farmers ver the age f 65 utnumbering(多于) farmers yunger than 35 by six t ne,and with tw-thirds f the natin’s farmland in need f a new farmer,we must clear the path fr talented peple willing t grw the natin’s fd.
    There are slutins that culd light a path tward a mre sustainable and fair farm ecnmy,but farmers can’t clumsily put them tgether befre us.We at the NYFC need brad supprt as we urge Cngress t increase farmland cnservatin,as we push fr immigratin refrm,and as we seek plicies that will ensure the success f a diverse and ambitius next generatin f farmers frm all backgrunds.With a new farm bill t be debated in Cngress,cnsumers must take a stand with yung farmers.
    真题再做61.The authr mentins car industry at the beginning f the passage t intrduce    . A.the prgress made in car industryB.a special feature f agricultureC.a trend f develpment in agricultureD.the imprtance f investing in car industry
    答案 B解析 推理判断题。由第一段中的“If yu want t disturb the car industry,yu’d better have a few billin dllars:Mm-and-pp carmakers are unlikely t beat the biggest car cmpanies.But in agriculture,small farmers can get the best f the majr players.”可知,汽车行业是一个需要巨额资金的行业,小作坊式的汽车制造商不可能打败大的汽车公司,而在农业中,小农户却能战胜大的农场主。因此,开篇的举例是为了说明“农业的特殊特征”,所以选择B项。
    62.What des the authr want t illustrate with the example in paragraph 2?A.Lans t small lcal farmers are is vital fr agricultural between small and big farms is farmers may gain sme advantages ver big nes.答案 D解析 推理判断题。由第二段中的“It enables small-scale farmers t harvest 175 punds f green vegetables per hur—a huge imprvement ver harvesting just a few dzen punds by hand—suddenly making it pssible fr the little guys t cmpete with large farms f Califrnia.”可知,小农户也有可能战胜大农场主,所以选择D项。
    63.What is the difficulty fr thse new farmers?A.T gain mre financial hire gd farm have farms f their win ld farmers’ supprt.答案 C解析 推理判断题。由第三段中的“The sustainable success f small farmers,thugh,wn’t happen withut fundamental changes t the industry.One crucial factr is secure access t land.Cmpetitin frm investrs,develpers,and established large farmers makes wning ne’s wn land unattainable fr many new farmers.”可知答案为C项。
    64.What shuld farmers d fr a mre sustainable and fair farm ecnmy?A.Seek supprt beynd farmland members f mre t imprve technlgy.答案 A解析 细节理解题。由文章最后一段中的“We at the NYFC need brad supprt as we urge Cngress t increase farmland cnservatin”可知答案为A项。
    3.积累高频词块(1)have a frnt-rw seat t the innvatins  对创新了如指掌  (2)stay in business  营业  (3)ver the age f 65  65岁以上  (4)push fr immigratin refrm 推动移民改革(5)take a stand  采取立场  
    4.赏析续写佳句It enables small-scale farmers t harvest 175 punds f green vegetables per hur—a huge imprvement ver harvesting just a few dzen punds by hand—suddenly making it pssible fr the little guys t cmpete with large farms f Califrnia.它能让小规模的农民每小时收获175磅的绿色蔬菜,这比手工收获几十磅的效果要大得多——突然间, 小农们可以和加州的大农场竞争了 。 
    5.破解复杂句式We at the NYFC need brad supprt as we urge Cngress t increase farmland cnservatin,as we push fr immigratin refrm,and as we seek plicies that will ensure the success f a diverse and ambitius next generatin f farmers frm all backgrunds.分析:本句主句部分为we need brad supprt;后面的 as...为并列  状 语从句,that引导 定 语从句,修饰先行词 plicies 。 译文:当我们敦促国会增进耕地保护的时候,当我们推动移民改革的时候,当我们寻求政策支持,以确保来自不同背景而又胸怀抱负的下一代农民能成功的时候,我们这些加入NYFC的农民,需要广泛的支持。

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