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    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案
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    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案01
    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案02
    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案03
    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案01
    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案02
    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案03
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    【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案

    这是一份【暑假提升】人教版英语七年级(七升八)暑假 第02讲:情态动词 讲学案,文件包含第02讲情态动词解析版docx、第02讲情态动词原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第02讲 情态动词can/must/have to

    1、掌握情态动词can、must、have to的用法及相关的句型。
    2、掌握情态动词must和have to区别。

    1.—Mum, why do we have to wait at the crossing for such a long time?
    —For our safety, we ________ be too careful.
    A.mustn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t
    考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;can’t不能;shouldn’t不应该;needn’t不必。根据“For our safety, we …be too careful.”可知,can’t too…“再……也不为过”,故选B。
    2.The girl is really clever. She ________ speak two foreign languages.
    A.can B.mustn’t C.can’t D.need
    考查情态动词辨析。can能够;mustn’t禁止;can’t不能;need需要。根据“The girl is really clever. She … speak two foreign languages”可知,聪明的女孩能说两种外语,故选A。
    3.— ________ you tell us a story in English?
    —I think I can do it. Let me try.
    A.Need B.Can C.Should D.Must
    考查情态动词。Need需要;Can能;Should应该;Must必须。根据“I think I can do it.”可知我想我能做到。故选B。
    1.—________ you tell me the differences between these two photos?
    —No. They look quite similar, nearly the same.
    A.Can B.May C.Must
    考查情态动词辨析。Can可以;May也许;Must必须。根据“… you tell me the differences between these two photos?”可知,此处表示能力,故选A。
    2.—We’ve ordered too much food. I ________ eat any more.
    —Never mind. Let’s take it home.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要;shouldn’t不应该。根据“We’ve ordered too much food. I…eat any more.”可知,此处表示吃不下了,故选A。
    3.—Can you swim?
    —Yes, I_______.
    A.can B.may C.must
    考查一般疑问句及情态动词。can可以;may可能;must必须。can引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答是“Yes, 人称代词主格+can”,故选A。
    4.—_________ I take photos here?
    —Sorry, you can’t. It’s not allowed in the museum.
    A.Must B.Need C.Can D.Will
    考查动词辨析。Must必须;Need需要;Can可以;Will将会。根据答语“Sorry, you can’t”可知,用can提问,用can/can’t回答。故选C。
    1.—Is that Jack over there?
    —It ________ be him. He is having a piano lesson now.
    A.can’t B.might not C.must
    考查情态动词can表示推测。can’t不可能,不可以;might not可能不;must必须。根据“He is having a piano lesson now.”可知,杰克正在上钢琴课,因此推测“不可能”是他,应用情态动词can’t。故选A。
    2.—Look! Mr. Li is playing basketball with his students.
    —It ________ be him. He has gone to Xi’an.
    A.mustn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;can’t不可能;shouldn’t不应该。根据“He has gone to Xi’an”可知,此处表示否定推测,所以应填can’t,故选B。
    3.— On my way to the supermarket, I saw Jimmy hanging out with someone.
    — It ________ be him. He has gone to Shanghai.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.might D.could
    【详解】句意:——在去超市的路上,我看到吉米和某人闲逛。——不可能是他。 他去了上海。
    考查动词辨析。can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止;might可能;could能够。根据“He has gone to Shanghai.”可知,吉米去上海了,所以街上的不可能是他。故选A。
    4.The lights of Tom’s house aren’t on. I think he _______ be at home now.
    A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.won’t D.can’t
    考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;won’t不会;can’t不可能。根据“The lights of Tom’s house aren’t on.”可知此处是语气强烈的否定推测,灯不亮即人不可能在家。故选D。
    5.—Is the girl over there Lucy?
    —No. It ________ be her. She is cleaning the classroom.
    A.must B.could C.can’t D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。must必须;could可能;can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止。根据“She is cleaning the classroom.”可知不可能是露西,表示语气强烈的否定推测,用can’t。故选C。

    1.—Mum, can I go shopping with you this afternoon?
    —No. You ________ finish your homework first.
    A.can B.must C.needn’t D.mustn’t
    2.—Mom, may I play soccer?
    —Sure, but you ________ do your homework first.
    A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。can能够;can’t不能;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“...do your homework first.”可知是必须先做回家作业才能去玩。故选C。
    3.Everyone ________ show the health code (健康码) before visiting the history museum.
    A.may B.can C.must D.could
    考查情态动词。may也许,可能;can可以,能够;must必须;could可以。根据“show the health code”和“before visiting the history museum”之间的联系可知,应是必须出示健康码。故选C。
    4.—________ I return the book to the library today?
    —No, you ________. You can register your name and then you can keep it for 7 days.
    A.May; may not B.Must; you mustn’t C.Must; needn’t
    考查情态动词。根据“No, you...”可知,本句为一般疑问句,may引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用“No, you can’t”;must引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用“No,you needn’t/ don’t have to”。故选C。
    1.The children ________ play football on the road. It’s very dangerous.
    A.can B.haven’t to C.mustn’t D.don’t have to
    考查情态动词辨析。can能够;haven’t to错误结构;mustn’t禁止;don’t have to不必。根据“It’s very dangerous”可知,这种行为是危险的,所以禁止在马路上踢足球,故选C。
    2.—Could I take some photos in the art museum?
    —No, you ________.
    A.couldn’t B.don’t have to C.needn’t D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。couldn’t不能;don’t have to没有必要;needn’t不需要;mustn’t禁止。根据答语“No”可知,在艺术博物馆里是禁止拍照的,因此用mustn’t。故选D。
    3.This warning sign tells us that we ________ leave rubbish.
    A.needn’t B.may not C.can’t D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。needn’t没必要;may not可能不;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止。根据“This warning sign…”可知,此处是指“禁止乱扔垃圾”。故选D。
    1.—Whose schoolbag is this?
    —Tom’s ID card is in it. It ________ his.
    A.can’t be B.can be C.must be
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t be不可能是;can be可能是;must be一定是。根据“Tom’s ID card is in it”可知,身份证在里面,就证明这个书包一定是Tom的,表肯定推测用must be,故选C。
    2.—Look at the sign. “________ swimming!”
    —So it ________ be dangerous to swim here.
    A.Don’t; must B.Not; may C.Not be; can D.No; must
    考查否定祈使句和情态动词。否定祈使句有:Don’t/Never+动词原形;No+名词/动名词。swimming是动名词,No swimming“禁止游泳”。根据“No swimming!”可知,禁止游泳说明在此游泳一定很危险,must“一定”表示推测。故选D。
    3.—Look! The woman at the school gate ________ be our headmaster.
    —No, it ________ be her. She is holding a meeting in the office now.
    A.must; can’t B.must; mustn’t C.can; needn’t D.may; mustn’t
    考查情态动词。must一定,表示肯定推测;can’t不可能,表示否定的推测;mustn’t表示禁止;can表示可能性;needn’t不需要;may也许,可能。分析句子可知,第一空表示肯定的推测,应使用must;根据“She is holding a meeting in the office now. ”可知,她现在正在办公室开会,因此她不可能在学校门口。第二空表示否定推测,应使用can’t。故选A。
    4.—Bob speaks English. He ________ be an American.
    —Yes, you’re right.
    A.should B.must C.can D.need
    考查情态动词。should应该;must必须,一定;can可能;need需要。根据“Bob speaks English.”可知,此处表肯定的推测,用must,故选B。
    5.Tommy’s blue eyes and blond hair are so beautiful. He ________ be an American.
    A.should B.must C.can
    考查情态动词。should应该;must一定;can能够。根据“Tommy’s blue eyes and blond hair are so beautiful.”可知,汤米有蓝眼睛和金发,因此是肯定推测他是美国人,must be“一定”。故选B。

    1.(2022·湖北·统考中考真题)—What kind of music do you like?
    —I like music that I ________ dance to.
    A.can B.must C.should D.need
    考查情态动词。can可以,能够;must必须;should应该;need需要。根据“I like music”和“dance”之间的联系可知,此处应用can表示能力。故选A。
    2.(2022·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Protect your hearing. Don’t wait until you ________ hear a thing.
    A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.can’t
    考查情态动词。needn’t不必;mustn’t禁止;shouldn’t不应该;can’t不能。根据“Protect your hearing. Don’t wait until you...hear a thing”可知此处表示“现在就开始保护听力,等不能听到声音再保护就晚了”,使用can’t。故选D。
    3.(2022·浙江温州·统考中考真题)—Thomas, where are my postcards? I ________ find them.
    —They’re on the bookshelf.
    A.can’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不能;needn’t不必;mustn’t禁止;shouldn’t不应该。根据“where are my postcards”及“I …find them”可知,不能找到明信片,故选A。
    4.(2022·四川成都·统考中考真题)—There is a new art museum in our city. You _______ miss it.
    —Thank you. I won’t.
    A.can’t B.must C.needn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不能;must必须;needn’t不需要。根据“There is a new art museum in our city. You...miss it.”可知,不能错过这个新的艺术博物馆。故选A。
    5.(2021·四川雅安·统考中考真题)________ you hear someone crying? Let’s go and see what’s happening.
    A.May B.Need C.Can D.Must
    考查情态动词辨析。May可以;Need需要;Can能、会;Must必须。根据后句“Let’s go and see what’s happening.”可知,前句应是问:你能听到有人在哭吗?故选C。
    6.(2021·西藏·统考中考真题)—Have you seen my school ID card, mum? I can’t find it.
    —Oh, it ________ be in your bookcase. I saw you put it there last night.
    A.can’t B.would C.mustn’t D.must
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不能、不可能;would将会;mustn’t表示禁止;must必须、一定。根据后句“I saw you put it there last night.”可知,应是它一定在你的书柜里,表示肯定的推测,应用must。故选D。
    1.(2022·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—Could I invite my friends to the party on Saturday, Mom?
    —Of course you ________. That sounds like fun.
    A.may B.could C.must D.can
    考查情态动词。may可能;could能;must必须;can可以。根据“Could I invite my friends to the party” 可知此处could表示语气委婉,答语中用can表示“可以”。故选D。
    2.(2021·江苏徐州·统考中考真题)________ you raise your feet off the floor? I’d like to see if my pen is under the desk.
    A.Must B.Can C.Should D.May
    考查情态动词。Must必须,表示责任或者义务;Can能,可以,表示能力或者请求,表示请求时多用在询问客观上是否“可以”;Should应该,常用来提建议;May可以,表示请求,多用于征求对方意见,用在疑问句时,主语常常是I。根据“I’d like to see if my pen is under the desk.”可知是询问对方是否“可以”把脚抬离地面,因此用can,故选B。
    3.(2021·北京·统考中考真题)—Sam, ________ I join you in the community service?
    —Of course you can.
    A.can B.must C.should D.need
    考查动词辨析。can可以;must必须;should应该;need需要。根据“Of course you can.”可知,此处请求对方允许,用can,故选A。
    4.(2020·湖北黄石·统考中考真题)—Mom, ________I watch TV tonight?
    —Sure, but you ________finish your homework first.
    A.can, mustn't B.may; could C.may; can't D.can; must
    5.(2019·江苏·中考真题)- ______________I keep the book for a week?           
    - Sorry, I'm afraid you ______________.
    A.Need; couldn't B.Need; can't C.May; couldn't D.May; can’t
    【详解】句意:— —我可以把这本书放一个星期吗?   — —对不起,恐怕不行。
    本题考查情态动词的一般疑问句及其答语。May引导的一般疑问句的回答,肯定回答:Yes, you may/can. 否定回答:No, you can't/ mustn't. Need引导的一般疑问句的回答,肯定回答一定是Yes, you must. 否定回答:No, you needn't 或者 No, you don't have to.根据以上的分析可知,只有选项D正确。
    6.(2018·湖北咸宁·统考中考真题)— Mom,   I play computer games this evening?
    — Sure, but you   finish your homework first.
    A.can; must B.can; mustn’t C.may; could D.may; can’t
    【详解】句意:——妈妈,今晚我能玩电脑游戏吗?——当然可以,但是你必须先完成家庭作业。Can/May I…?我可以做……吗?表示一种请求。must必须;mustn’t禁止,千万别;could可以;can’t不能。根据Sure判断,妈妈答应了请求,但是提出一个条件,必须首先完成家庭作业,故答案为A。
    7.(2018·湖北黄石·中考真题)—It’s too hot.______I swim in the lake?
       —No, you _______. That’s too dangerous!
    A.Should; can’t B.Need; mustn’t C.Must; needn’t D.Could ; can’t
    1.(2022·吉林·统考中考真题)—Look! Mark is reading a book in the library.
    —It ________ be him. He is in the classroom.
    A.can’t B.wouldn’t C.needn’t
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不可能;wouldn’t将不;needn’t不必。根据“He is in the classroom”可知,因为他在教室,所以他不可能在图书馆看书,表否定推测用can’t,故选A。
    2.(2022·黑龙江·统考中考真题)—Listen! I think it ________ be Mrs. Li singing in the next room.
    —It ________ be her. I know she has already left for New York.
    A.may; must B.must; can’t C.must; mustn’t
    考查情态动词。may可能;must必须,一定;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止。结合语境和“I think”可知第一空推测在隔壁唱歌的是李太太,用must或may均可;根据第二空的后一句“I know she has already left for New York.”可知李太太已经去了纽约,所以她不可能在隔壁唱歌,否定推测用can’t。故选B。
    3.(2022·海南·统考中考真题)The boy ________ be Tom. I saw him reading in the library just now.
    A.shouldn’t B.can’t C.needn’t
    【详解】句意:这个男孩不可能是汤姆。 刚才我看见他在图书馆看书。
    考查动词辨析。shouldn’t不应该;can’t不能;needn’t不必要。根据“ I saw him reading in the library just now.”可知,此处是指不可能是汤姆。故选B。
    4.(2022·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Who is playing the piano in the music room? Is it Mary?
    —No, it ________ be her. She has ________ to Beijing on business.
    A.couldn’t; been B.can’t; gone C.can’t; been D.mustn’t; gone
    考查情态动词和现在完成时的用法。couldn’t不能;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;has been to去过已回;has gone to去了未回。第一处表示否定推测,且由“Is it Mary?”可知,此句应该一般现在时,此处应该用情态动词can’t,排除A、D;根据“to Beijing on business”可知,出差了,还未回来,用has gone to。故选B。
    5.(2021·辽宁阜新·统考中考真题)The man in my room ________ be my brother. He is still in France.
    A.couldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.can’t
    考查情态动词辨析。couldn’t不能;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要;can’t不可能。根据“He is still in France.”可知,哥哥还在法国,所以此处表示否定推测,故选D。
    6.(2021·黑龙江牡丹江·统考中考真题)There is no light on.They _______ be at home.
    A.mustn’t B.can’t C.needn’t
    考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;can’t不可能;needn’t不必。根据“There is no light on”没有一盏灯开着,可推知他们“不可能”在家,表示否定推测用can’t,故选B。
    7.(2021·黑龙江大庆·统考中考真题)— Is that man your friend Tom?
    —That man ________ be him, because he has gone to Canada.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.had better not
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要;had better not最好不。根据“because he has gone to Canada.”可知,推测不可能是Tom,否定推测用can’t,故选A。
    8.(2021·湖北黄石·统考中考真题)—I wonder if this glass is Tom’s.
    —It ________ be his. His was broken just now.
    A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.shouldn’t
    考查情态动词。mustn’t不准;may not可能不;can’t不可能;shouldn’t不应该。根据“His was broken just now”可知表达“不可能是他的”,是否定的推测,用“can’t”。故选C。
    9.(2021·广西贺州·统考中考真题)— Is the girl over there Amy?
    — It ________ be her. She has gone to Beijing to visit her grandma.
    A.mustn’t B.can’t C.could D.might
    考查情态动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;can’t不可能;could可以;might可能。根据“She has gone to Beijing to visit her grandma”可知,她去北京了,所以不可能是她,用can’t表否定猜测,故选B。
    1.(2022·江苏盐城·统考中考真题)Safety comes first. Everyone on the coach ________ wear the seat belt.
    A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn`t
    考查情态动词。can能,可以;can’t不能,不会;must必须;mustn’t禁止,不能。根据“Safety comes first”和“wear the seat belt”可知,安全最重要,故必须系好安全带。故选C。
    2.(2022·江苏徐州·统考中考真题)—Can we play games here?
    —Better not. If you ________, please go to the open space there.
    A.must B.can C.may D.will
    考查动词辨析。must必须;can能够;may可以;will将要。根据“Better not.”可推测,此处是指如果一定要玩,到那边的空地去。must“必须”符合语境。故选A。
    3.(2022·江苏无锡·统考中考真题)We should learn some basic life skills since we ________ depend on ourselves some day.
    A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。can可以;can’t不会,不可以;must必须;mustn’t不能,不可以。根据“depend on ourselves some day”可知将来有一天我们必须要依靠自己。“必须”用情态动词must。故选C。
    4.(2022·河北·统考中考真题)—Do I have to hand in my report now?
    —Of course, you ________. We’re going to discuss it.
    A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。can能;can’t不能;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“Do I have to hand in my report now?”可知,句中含有have to“不得不,必须”,此处为肯定回答,使用must。故选C。
    5.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考中考真题)—All of us ________ follow the traffic rules when going out.
    —Exactly! Safety comes first.
    A.might B.must C.may D.could
    【详解】句意:——外出时,我们所有人都必须遵守交通规则。 ——确实!安全第一。
    考查情态动词辨析。might可能;must必须;may可能;could可能。根据“All of us … follow the traffic rules when going out”可知,此处指必须遵守交通规则,故选B。
    6.(2022·四川乐山·统考中考真题)— Must we wear the school clothes tomorrow, Mr. Wang?
    — No, you ________. Only on Mondays. Tomorrow is Tuesday.
    A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t
    考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;can’t不可能。must引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to,故选B。
    1.(2022·山东青岛·统考中考真题)—May I go boating with my classmates this weekend?
    —Of course, but you __________ swim in the river!
    A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.wouldn’t D.couldn’t
    考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要;wouldn’t不会;couldn’t不能。根据“ but you...swim in the river!”可知在河里游泳是被禁止的,故选A。
    2.(2022·江苏南通·统考中考真题)In the library you ________ draw or write in the books, or you will be fined.
    A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.wouldn’t D.couldn’t
    考查动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;wouldn’t不会;couldn’t不可能。根据“or you will be fined.”可知,是禁止在书上画画或写字。故选A。
    3.(2022·贵州黔西·统考中考真题)The headmaster often tells us that students ________ go to swim in rivers by themselves. It’s quite dangerous.
    A.mustn’t B.must C.couldn’t D.could
    考查情态动词。mustn’t禁止;must必须;couldn’t不能;could能。根据“go to swim in rivers by themselves”可知学生去河里游泳是被禁止的,故选A。
    4.(2022·广西梧州·统考中考真题)—Can I swim in the lake, Mum? It’s so hot.
    —No, you ________. The sign says “No swimming”.
    A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.wouldn’t D.shouldn’t
    【详解】句意:——妈妈,我可以在湖里游泳吗? 好热啊。——不,你不能。 牌子上写着“禁止游泳”。
    考查动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;wouldn’t不会;shouldn’t不应该。根据“The sign says ‘No swimming’.”(牌子上写着“禁止游泳”)可知,此处是指绝对不能去游泳,用mustn’t表示禁止。故选A。
    5.(2022·广西河池·统考中考真题)As we know, sixteen-year-olds ________ drive a car in our country.
    A.must B.could C.mustn’t D.couldn’t
    考查情态动词。must必须,一定;could可能,可以;mustn’t不许,不可以,表禁止;couldn’t不能够。根据“sixteen-year-olds”和“drive a car in our country”可知,16岁的人是不许驾车的。凡是法律法规不许做的事,都是明令禁止的,需要用mustn’t表禁止。故选C。
    6.(2022·贵州毕节·统考中考真题)Students ________ play with fire in the classroom. It’s quite dangerous.
    A.mustn’t B.must C.couldn’t D.could
    考查动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;must必须;couldn’t不能;could可以。根据“It’s quite dangerous.”和常识可知,学生在教室里应是禁止玩火。故选A。
    7.(2022·广西贺州·统考中考真题)You ________ drive without a license!
    A.can B.must C.mustn’t D.may
    考查动词辨析。can能够;must必须;mustn’t禁止,千万不要;may可以。根据“without a license!”和常识可知,没有驾照是不可以开车的。故选C。
    8.(2022·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)The public sign in the library means people ________ smoke there.
    A.could B.must C.couldn’t D.mustn’t
    1.(2022·西藏·统考中考真题)You ________ be tired after the whole day’s work.
    A.must B.should C.can D.would
    考查情态动词辨析。must一定;should应该;can可以;would将会。根据“You...be tired after the whole day’s work.”可知,此处表示非常肯定的推测,用must。故选A。
    2.(2022·四川巴中·统考中考真题)—Selina, I want to learn something about the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.
    —Frank ________ know it, because he cares best about it.
    A.has to B.must C.can’t D.might
    考查动词辨析。has to不得不;must一定;can’t不可能;might可能。根据“because he cares best about it”可知,此处表示非常肯定的推测,故选B。
    3.(2022·辽宁鞍山·统考中考真题)—Whose skirt is this?
    —It ________ be Jane’s. She is the only girl in the team.
    A.must B.can’t C.may D.mustn’t
    考查动词辨析。must一定;can’t不能;may可以;mustn’t禁止。根据“She is the only girl in the team.”可知,此处表示语气较强的肯定推测,一定是简的,用must。故选A。
    4.(2022·辽宁·统考中考真题)—The paper cutting is pretty lively, who made it?
    —It ________ be Amy. None of us except her is able to do it.
    A.would B.need C.must D.can
    【详解】句意:——剪纸很生动,谁做的?——一定是艾米。 除了她,我们谁也做不到。
    考查情态动词表推测。would将要;need需要;must一定,必须;can能够。根据“None of us except her is able to do it”可知,除了艾米都做不到,所以此处是指一定是艾米做的,表肯定推测用must。故选C。
    5.(2022·四川广元·统考中考真题)—Whose dictionary is this?
    —It ______ be Jack’s. Look, his name is on Page 1.
    A.must B.need C.can’t D.could
    【详解】句意:——这是谁的词典?——一定是杰克的。 看,他的名字在第一页。
    考查动词辨析。must必须;need需要;can’t不会;could能够。根据“Look, his name is on Page 1.”可知,Jack的名字在第一页,所以这本书一定是Jack的。故选A。
    6.(2022·四川遂宁·统考中考真题)—Whose physics book is this?
    —It ________ be Helen’s because her name is on it.
    A.mustn’t B.must C.might D.can’t
    考查情态动词辨析。mustn’t不允许;must一定;might可能;can’t不可能。根据“because her name is on it”可知,此处是肯定猜测,一定是她的,故选B。
    情态动词have to
    1.(2022·江苏淮安·统考中考真题)—Miss Li. I don’t want to say sorry to Daniel.
    —I’m afraid you ________. After all, you broke his glasses.
    A.may B.have to C.mustn’t D.needn’t
    考查情态动词。may可能;have to必须;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要。根据“After all, you broke his glasses.”可知对方必须要向丹尼尔道歉,故选B。
    2.(2022·湖北荆州·统考中考真题)—Mike, I can’t stop playing computer games.
    —For your eyes, my dear friend, I’m afraid you ________ .
    A.could B.may C.would D.have to
    考查情态动词。could能够;may可能;would会;have to不得不。根据“For your eyes”可知为了你的眼睛,你不得不停下来。故选D。
    3.(2022·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—Alex, come down to play football.
    —I can’t. Mom said I ________ clean my bedroom before doing anything else.
    A.had to B.will C.used to D.can
    考查动词辨析。had to不得不;will将;used to do过去常常做某事;can能够。根据“Mom said I… clean my bedroom before doing anything else”可知,妈妈要求做其他事情之前必须先打扫卧室,故选A。
    4.(2020·山东青岛·统考中考真题)—Allen, shall we go to the bookstore this afternoon?  
    — I'm sorry, David, but I ________ meet my cousin at the train station.
    A.have to B.can C.may D.could
    考查情态动词。have to不得不;can能;may可能;could是can的过去式,能。根据“meet my cousin at the train station”可知此处表达的是“不得不”,用have to。故选A。

    1.—________ you work out the math problem?
    —No, I ________.
    A.Do; can’t B.Can; mustn’t C.Can; can’t D.Can’t; must
    考查动词辨析。根据“...you work out the math problem?”可知,此处询问能力,问“能算出这道数学题吗”,排除AD。“Can...?”提问的一般疑问句,否定回答用can’t。故选C。
    2.—Jerry, ________ you play chess?
    —No, I can’t.
    A.must B.can C.need D.will
    考查情态动词词义辨析。must必须;can能,能够;need需要,必须;will将会。根据下文答语“No, I can’t.”可知,问句是在问能力,答语是否定回答,并出现情态动词can,因此用情态动词can构成一般疑问句。故选B。
    3.—We need help at the old people’s home. _________ you play games with them?
    —Sure. I am good with old people.
    A.Can B.Must C.Have to
    考查情态动词。can能够;must必须;have to不得不。根据“...you play games with them?”可知是问对方能不能和老人玩游戏,应用can。故选A。
    4.— Nancy, can you play tennis with me now?
    —Sorry. I ________. I have to practice my piano first.
    A.don’t B.can’t C.can
    考查can引导的一般疑问句。don’t不;can’t不能;can能。上文是情态动词can引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答是Yes, I can,否定回答是No, I can’t。结合“Sorry.”可知,此处是否定回答,应用can’t。故选B。
    5.—Mr. Jackson, ________ we sleep in class?
    —No, you can’t, but you can sleep in the dormitory(宿舍).
    A.do B.can C.must D.may
    考查情态动词。do助动词;can能,可以;must必须;may可能,可以。根据“No, you can’t”可知,问句询问是否可以在课上睡觉,排除A和C,而may表示请求或许可时常用于“May I...?”。故选B。
    6.—The lady in a long blue dress over there looks like our teacher.
    —It ________ be her. Because she is teaching in Class 2.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.may not
    考查情态动词表推测。can’t不可能;mustn’t禁止;shouldn’t不应该;may not可能不。根据“Because she is teaching in Class 2.”可知,此处是指不可能是我们的老师,can’t符合题意。故选A。
    7.—Who’s that man in the library?
    —Sorry. I have no idea. But I think he _________ be Mr. Smith. He is much taller.
    A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.couldn’t
    【详解】句意:——图书馆里的那个人是谁? ——对不起。我不知道。但我想他不可能是史密斯先生。他要高得多。
    考查情态动词。needn’t不需要;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止,不允许;couldn’t不能。根据“He is much taller.”可知,这里是否定的推测,用can’t be表示“不可能是”。故选B。
    8.—The young lady in long red dress over there looks like our teacher.
    —It ________ be her. Because she is teaching in Class 3.
    A.mustn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.may not
    【详解】句意:——那边红衣长裙的年轻女士看起来像我们的老师。——不可能是她。 因为她现在正在三班上课。
    考查情态动词的用法。mustn’t禁止;can’t不可能;shouldn’t不应该;may not可能不。根据“Because she is teaching in Class 3.”可知,不可能是我们的老师,can’t符合题意。故选B。
    9.— Dad, ________ I visit the Natural History Museum the day after tomorrow?
    — I’m afraid not. It is closed every Tuesday.
    A.must B.can C.should
    考查情态动词的用法。must必须;can能,可以;should应该。根据“...I visit the Natural History Museum the day after tomorrow?”可知,此处是请求后天去参观自然历史博物馆,应用情态动词can。故选B。
    10.— Could I eat in the library, Mr. Wang?
    — No, you ________. But you can eat in the dining hall.
    A.couldn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.shouldn’t
    11.You ________ finish your homework before you watch TV. This is the rule.
    A.can B.must C.may D.could
    考查情态动词辨析。can能,可以;must必须,表达主观上必须要做某事;may或许,大概;could是can的过去式,表达能或者委婉请求。根据“ This is the rule.”可知,应是必须先完成作业。故选B。
    12.—________ I return the book to the library today?
    —No, you ________. You can register your name and then you can keep it for 7 days.
    A.May; may not B.Must; you mustn’t C.Must; needn’t
    考查情态动词。根据“No, you...”可知,本句为一般疑问句,may引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用“No, you can’t”;must引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用“No,you needn’t/ don’t have to”。故选C。
    13.—Can I go out with Lisa, Dad?
    —Yes, but you ________ come back home before five o’clock. You’ll have an art lesson then.
    A.must B.can C.mustn’t D.can’t
    考查情态动词。must必须,表命令;can能,表能力;mustn’t不许,表禁止;can’t不会,表能力;根据“You’ll have an art lesson then”可知此处指“必须在五点前回来才不会错过美术课”。故选A。
    14.— I ________ go to school now, or (否则) I will be late.
    — OK. Please take your schoolbag.
    A.may B.can C.must D.need
    【详解】句意:——我现在必须去上学,否则我会迟到的。——好的。 请带上你的书包。
    考查情态动词辨析。may可以;can能、能够;must必须;need需要。根据后半句“or (否则) I will be late”,可知前面的语气很强烈,因此应是“我现在必须去上学”,must符合题意。故选C。
    15.At the bus stop, you ________ push your way onto the bus. It’s very rude.
    A.must B.can C.needn’t D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。must必须;can能够;needn’t不必;mustn’t不得,表禁止。根据“you…push your way onto the bus. It’s very rude”可知,我们不能挤上公交车,这种行为是粗鲁的。故选D。
    16.The children ________ play football on the road. It’s very dangerous.
    A.can B.haven’t to C.mustn’t D.don’t have to
    考查情态动词辨析。can能够;haven’t to错误结构;mustn’t禁止;don’t have to不必。根据“It’s very dangerous”可知,这种行为是危险的,所以禁止在马路上踢足球,故选C。
    17.—Could I take some photos in the art museum?
    —No, you ________.
    A.couldn’t B.don’t have to C.needn’t D.mustn’t
    考查情态动词。couldn’t不能;don’t have to没有必要;needn’t不需要;mustn’t禁止。根据答语“No”可知,在艺术博物馆里是禁止拍照的,因此用mustn’t。故选D。
    18.You ________ play near the heater. It’s dangerous.
    A.mustn’t B.must C.couldn’t D.could
    考查情态动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;must必须;couldn’t不能;could可以。根据“It’s dangerous.”可知,这很危险,所以是禁止的。故选A。
    19.You ________ come if you don’t want to.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.wouldn’t D.don’t have to
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t不能;mustn’t不许,表示禁止;wouldn’t将不;don’t have to不必。根据条件状语从句“if you don’t want to.”可知,应是不必来。故选D。
    20.Every driver ________ drive a car after having alcoholic drinks.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t
    21.—Whose schoolbag is this?
    —Tom’s ID card is in it. It ________ his.
    A.can’t be B.can be C.must be
    考查情态动词辨析。can’t be不可能是;can be可能是;must be一定是。根据“Tom’s ID card is in it”可知,身份证在里面,就证明这个书包一定是Tom的,表肯定推测用must be,故选C。
    22.After a long walk, he ______ be tired.
    A.need B.can C.must
    考查情态动词辨析。need需要;can能够;must一定。根据“After a long walk”可知,走很长一段路,他“一定”是累的。故选C。
    23.—Is this your book, Mary?
    —No, mine is in my bag. I think it ________ be Peter’s. Look! Here’s his name.
    A.can B.may C.need D.must
    考查情态动词用法。can能够;may可能;need需要;must一定。根据“Look! Here’s his name.”可知彼得的名字在书上,所以这个书一定是彼得的,有把握的肯定推测用must,故选D。
    24.—Mom, I got a big box from express (快递). What’s in it?
    —It ________ be the present from your grandmother. She just called me.
    A.must B.need C.should
    考查情态动词辨析。must一定;need需要;should应该,根据“She just called me”可知,应该是一定是你奶奶送的礼物,故选A。
    25.The schoolbag ________be Tom's. Here, his name is on it.
    A.may B.could C.must D.might
    考查情态动词。may可能;could可以;must一定;might可能。根据“his name is on it”,可知,书包上有名字,所以这一定是Tom的,肯定的猜测用must,故选C。
    26.— Can you go to the West Hill with us tomorrow?
    — I’m sorry I can’t. I ______ cook for my brother.
    A.have to B.can C.may
    考查情态动词辨析。have to必须;can能够;may可能。根据“I’m sorry I can’t”可知,因为要必须给弟弟做饭吃,所以不能去,故选A。
    27.It’s raining all the morning. I ________ stay at home.
    A.can’t B.mustn’t C.have to D.may
    考查情态动词。can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;have to不得不;may可能。根据“It’s raining all the morning. I...stay at home”可知因为下雨,所以不得不待在家里。故选C。
    28.—I like the party so much, but I ________ go home. It’s too late.
    —What a pity (遗憾)!
    A.can B.may C.have to
    考查情态动词的用法。can能够;may可以;have to不得不。根据“It’s too late.”可知,此处指不得不回家。故选C。
    29.—Does he ________ eat in the dining hall?
    —Yes. This is a school rule.
    A.must B.has to C.have to D.need
    考查情态动词。must必须,强调主观看法;has to不得不,单三,强调客观上的必要性;have to不得不,动词原形;need需要。主语前有Does,此处用动词原形;结合“This is a school rule.”可知此处问是否必须在食堂吃饭,强调客观上的必要性,用have to。故选C。
    30.Because it rained all day long, we ________ stay at home. It was so boring.
    A.couldn’t B.had to C.mustn’t
    【详解】句意:因为一整天都在下雨,我们不得不待在家里。 太无聊了。
    考查动词辨析。couldn’t不能;had to必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“it rained all day long”可知,因为一整天下雨,所以不得不待在家。故选B。

    【暑假衔接】第02讲 情态动词can must have to-新八年级英语暑假讲义(人教版): 这是一份【暑假衔接】第02讲 情态动词can must have to-新八年级英语暑假讲义(人教版),文件包含暑假衔接第02讲情态动词canmusthaveto-教师版新八年级英语暑假讲义人教版docx、暑假衔接第02讲情态动词canmusthaveto-学生版新八年级英语暑假讲义人教版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【暑假衔接】第02讲 情态动词-新八年级英语暑假衔接讲义(人教版): 这是一份【暑假衔接】第02讲 情态动词-新八年级英语暑假衔接讲义(人教版),文件包含暑假衔接第02讲情态动词教师版-新八年级英语暑假衔接讲义人教版docx、暑假衔接第02讲情态动词学生版-新八年级英语暑假衔接讲义人教版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【暑假提升】外研版英语七年级(七升八)暑假-第08讲 情态动词 must,have to,need 讲学案: 这是一份【暑假提升】外研版英语七年级(七升八)暑假-第08讲 情态动词 must,have to,need 讲学案,文件包含暑假提升外研版英语七年级七升八暑假-第08讲情态动词musthavetoneed讲学案解析版docx、暑假提升外研版英语七年级七升八暑假-第08讲情态动词musthavetoneed讲学案原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

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