- 2023年河南中考英语试题及答案 试卷 2 次下载
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英 语 试 题
Penguin(企鹅)Swims 5, 000 Miles Every Year
Joao,71, lives on an island near Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. He has retired(退休), but still works as a part-time fisherman. One day, about five years ago, when he was fishing, he found a tiny, sick penguin on the beach near his home. The penguin's feathers(羽毛) were covered in oil. The poor bird was dying. Joao felt sorry for the sick, little bird, and so he took him back to his home. He cleaned him and fed him fish, and he gave him the name Dindim. The penguin soon became strong and healthy again.
After a week or two, Joao went down to the coast and tried to put Din dim back into the water. The penguin didn't want to go. He stayed with Joao, getting bigger and bigger-beautiful new feathers grew on his back. Eight months passed. Joao was very happy because he was enjoying the company of his new friend. Then suddenly, one day in February, Din dim disappeared. Joao was sad to lose him, but hoped that the bird just wanted to return to his penguin family. Four more months passed, Joao was walking sadly home from the beach, when suddenly he heard a familiar (熟悉的)“honking' sound-Din dim was back.
Every year since then, Din dim spends eight months with Joao and then disappears for four months. Where does he go? It is thought that he swims 2,500 miles to the coast of Argentina or Chile to start a penguin family and then swims 2,500 miles to Joao. That's 5, 000milesa year to be with the man who saved his life.
1. What was the penguin like when Joao first met him?
A. He was tiny and sick.
B. He was strong and healthy.
C. He had clean and beautiful feathers.
2. When the penguin became healthy after a week or two, what did he do?
A. He still stayed with Joao.
B. He returned to his penguin family.
C. He walked sadly on the beach every day.
3. How might Joao feel when he suddenly heard a familiar sound?
A. Sorry and sad.
B. Surprised and sad.
C. Surprised and happy.
4. Which is the right order according to the passage?
a. The penguin was found.
b. The penguin was hurt.
c. The penguin was back.
d. The penguin disappeared.
A. d c b a
B. b a d c
C. a b d c
5. Why does the penguin swim to Brazil every year?
A. To star this penguin family.
B. To look for more delicious food.
C. To visit the man who saved his life.
ln Chinese culture, twelve different animals are used to stand for the Chinese birth years. 2023 is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. At the beginning of 2023, rabbits have been used for artistic themes around the world. As a cultural image(文化意象), rabbits have been in different forms of art worldwide, including stamps, colorful lights and exhibitions.
The worldwide popularity of the Chinese Rabbit might have something to do with Western culture. For people in Europe, rabbits mean new life and prosperity(繁荣) as they can give birth to many young ones. So the image of a rabbit is easily accepted by people in the West.
Through the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, people from other counties can get a closer look into Chinese culture. On January 21, an exhibition was held in a museum in the US to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit 16 excellent Chinese artworks on rabbits were on show. It showed visitors that rabbits have been a popular artistic theme in China since ancient times. The museum has also explained the meaning behind rabbits in China to visitors. People could also learn about the stories of the rabbit and the moon in China.
Images of the 12 Chinese animals are fun to everyone. They can help with communication, between different cultures.
6. Why do Western people accept the Chinese Rabbit easily?
A. Because it's one of the 12 Chinese animals.
B. Because it has connection with Western culture.
C. Because it is used to stand for the Chinese Year of the Rabbit.
7. In Paragraph 3, what does "It” refer to(指代)?
A. The exhibition.
B. The museum.
C. The rabbit.
8. In Paragaph3, why does the writer introduce the exhibition held in the US?
A. To invite people to visit the exhibition.
B. To show the popularity of the Chinese Rabbit.
C. To tell the stories of the rabbit and the moon in China.
9. What's the passage mainly talking about?
A. An exhibition on rabbits in the US.
B. The culture of the Chinese Rabbit.
C. Images of the 12 Chinese animals.10. Where may we read this passage?
A. In a guide book.
B. In a text book.
C. In a magazine.
Green Energy for Today and Tomorrow
Did you know that most of the energy we use comes from the sun? For example, the sun helps plants to grow. Plants that grew millions of years ago turned into coal, oil, and natural gas(天然气). We call these fossil fuels(化石燃料).
However, fossil fuels make pollution. This is bad for the Earth. Fossil fuels are also nonrenewable. Some day they will be gone. So, scientists want people to use green energy. Why is green energy important? First, it is clean. It doesn't hurt the; Earth. Next, it is renewable. It won't run out. Green energy gives us almost 25% of the electricity we use today.
What are the main sources(来源)of green energy?
Water Power
Water power uses moving water in rivers and dams(堤坝).Moving water has energy. Water power makes 16.6% of the electricity we use.
Wind Power
ls wind power new? No, it isn't. People used wind power many years ago. Wind power makes 4% of the electricity we use.
Solar Power
Soar power comes from sunlight. The sun shines on solar panels(太阳能板), and electricity is made. Solar power is no was cheap as some fossil fuels. It makes 15% of the electricity we use.
Biomass is energy that we get from plants around us. For example, deadwood or grass is burned in power stations. This makes electricity. Biomass is green energy because we plant new trees or crops(庄稼) after we use it. Biomass makes 2% of the electricity we use.
New Green Energy
Ocean rise and fall each day. This moving water can make electricity. We call it tide power. There is also heat under the Earth's surface. Scientists can use this heat for energy,which is called heat power. We may find other sources of green energy in the future.
Some day, green energy could make 100% of the electricity we use. That's good news or the Earth!
11. How do we get most of the electricity nowadays?
A. Through fossil fuels.
B. Through green energy.
C. Through other kinds of energy.
12.In Paragraph 2, what's the meaning of the word "nonrenewable"?
13. Why do scientists suggest using green energy?
A. Because it is as cheap as fossil fuels.
B. Because it is clean and won't be used up.
C. Because it is the main source of electricity now.
14. Where can we get biomass?
A. From natural gas.
B. From new trees.
C. From dead plants.
15. How many kinds of green energy are mentioned in the passage?
Our lives are influenced by our general look on life, experiences, and how we choose to see things. While there are some roads that lead to a happy life, other roads lead to a life controlled by many things. 16_______
Tip 1
There's no doubt that some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They have certain advantages over others. 17_______ Yes, you might have to work harder. But what kind of person you will be depends on how you regard your weakness and make it work for you.
Tip 2
It's natural for people to wonder and worry about opinions of others. But sometimes we lose ourselves when we spend too much time worrying about how other people see us. 18_______ As long as you are happy, healthy, and not hurting anyone, you're living a good life.
Tip 3
We all have at least some unhappiness from things that have happened in our past No matter how much we want to change what happened, we can 't am on 19_______ lt's a waste of time, and it's a waste of energy. Whatever has happened, you need to learn to let it go. See it as a lesson and move forward. When you can manage to do it, you will feel much relaxed.
Tip 4
A large number of people never really try or achieve much in their life. That is because they are too afraid of failing. 20_______ Try to change how you look at failure. Then you'll realize that never starting or giving up are the only ways you can fail. Don't live a life full of regret because of fear.
A. Don't try to please everyone all the time. B. So there's no need to let the past control the present. C. Here are some tips for you to avoid being controlled. D. If you're too afraid to start, here is no chance to succeed. E. However, where you came from should never control where you're going. |
21. What 's the topic of the Opinion section in March?
22. According to Andy, what can humans do better than A. I.?
23. Why does Eileen want to predict earthquakes?
24. From Eva's opinion, what ability does A.I. have?
25. In your opinion, what else could A.I. possibly do for us?
26. Beijing Opera is our _________ /ˈvæljuəb(ə)l/ art treasure.
27. Do you know the story of Cao Chong _________ /weɪz/ the Elephant?
28. What _________/smuːð/ and beautiful music he played with Erhu!
29. Many foreigners find it interesting to use _________ /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/ to eat.
30. Tea was _________/ˈtreɪdɪd/ to European countries through the Silk Road.
31. Journey to the West was _________ /ˈrɪt(ə)n/ by Wu Cheng'en in Ming Dynasty.
32. Many Chinese poets praised the beauty of _________ /ˈɔːtəm/ in their poems.
33. Chinese traditional _________ /ˈmedsn/ has a great influence in western countries.
l went to a restaurant for lunch with my granddad yesterday, and when the starters came, I got out my phone and began to take some photos of them. My Granddad was very surprised, and he laughed at me. "Food is for eating!" he said, "And why 34______ you 34______ (take) photos of it?” "Then I was surprised. Didn't he know why?
All my friends always take photos of food in restaurants when they go out to eat, and the photos 35______ (share) on social media(社交媒体). When we're deciding which restaurant to go to, we look at photos people post on social media. Before I go to a restaurant, I also look at photos on social media 36______ (see) the food on the menu. So, when l 37______(arrive) at the restaurant, I know what I want to eat.
Yesterday, my Granddad 38______ (choose) mushroom(蘑菇) soup for his starter because he likes soup, and l ordered fruit salad because it looked delicious in a photo I saw on my phone. Both dishes were very good.
“Granddad! We 39______(finish) our starters. Now! Look at the menu for the main course(主菜)." He couldn't 40______ (decide) between a fish dish and a beef dish. "Would you like to see some photos of them?” I asked. He laughed again. "OK!"” he said. I got out my phone again,found the photos and gave him the phone. He decided the beef because it came with rice and carrots.
After the meal, l asked Granddad, “41______ you 41______(use) photos on social media to choose your food next time you cat out?” “Maybe” he sad, "if I'm with one of my grandchildren!”
A. want a change B. safer place C. a better life D. move abroad E. with my friends F. with children G. the warm weather H. more space l. without my father J. pack their belongings |
Moving from Here to There...
Do you know someone who moved to your city or town? Maybe they came from a rural(乡村的) area, or from another city. Perhaps they came from another country.
Every day, people 48_______ and move to new places. Why do people move? Let's look at three important reasons.
People move to find jobs and 49_______. Sometimes, people move from rural areas to urban(城市的) areas to get a job. In 1990, about a quarter of the people in China lived in cities. Today, over half of the Chinese people live in cities.
People 50_______ to find a better way of life, too. For example, immigrants(移民) from Europe moved to Brazil in the 1950s to work in factories.
Li Lin: Last year my father moved to the city of Chengdu to find work. My mother and I stayed in our smalltown. I felt lonely 51_______. Now we all live together in an apartment in Chengdu. I'm in a good school, and l really like my new friends. |
When another city has good services, people want to move there. A city with good services may also be a cleaner and 52_______ to live in.
Sometimes people move from a city to areas called suburbs(郊区).Suburbs are near the outside of a city. Suburbs have 53_______ for schools, hospitals, clinics, shopping malls, and zoos. Families 54_______ like to live in suburbs.
Mark: When I was three, my parents sold their flat in central London and bought a house in the suburbs. My dad has to drive further to work now, but I can walk to school. There's lots of space to play football 55_______ here. |
New Experiences
Finally, people move when they 56_______ in their lives, or to find new experiences. Older people often move to places with better weather. If students want to learn about other places, they sometimes go to universities in other countries.
Tiago: My grandparents moved to Portugal when I was five. They visit us here in Stockholm in summer, but in winter they stay in Portugal. They love 57_______ there. |
As you can see, people move for many reasons. Maybe someday, you, or someone you know, will move, too!
58.为倡导广大青少年积极参与体育运动,在运动中增强体质,享受乐趣,收获健康,某报刊英语专栏以“Together for a Healthy Future”为题向中学生开展征文活动.请结合自身实际,从以下两种情况中任选其一,用英文写一篇短文投稿.
improve health增强体质 build up confidence树立信心
Together for a Healthy Future
As we all know, doing sports can make us strong and healthy.
1—5AACBC 6—10BABBC 11—15ACBCB 16——20CEABD
21.How humans and A.I get along.
22.Create new things.
23.To warn people of the coming danger.
24.Change/Improve/Bring back memories.
34.are; taking/did; take
35.are shared/will be shared
36.to see
39.have finished
41.Will; use
42.I heard you wanted (to find) a quiet place/somewhere quiet to study.
43.There is a very modem library in the city center/in the center of the city.
44.It is open/opens to the public from Tuesday to Sunday every week.
45.These days/Now it is/has been/ has become one of the most popular places in Weihai.
46. When I got there yesterday morning, many people were reading books.
When I arrived there yesterday morning, there were many people reading books.
47.If you have interest (in it), I will can go with you on weekends.
If you are interested (in it), I will/can go with you on the weekend.
48.J 49.C 50.D 51.I 52.B 53.H 54.F 55.E 56.A 57.G
Version 1
As we all know, doing sports can make us strong and healthy. Besides P.E. classes, I usually play badminton with my parents on weekends. During the summer holiday, I also get up early in the morning to run along the beach or climb the mountains.
Last term, one of my friends invited me to join his basketball team. To be honest, I was not good at paying basketball at that time. But he told me not to be worried and taught me how to play in person. Gradually, I got much pleasure from this exiting sport. We took part in my life.
As you can see, doing sports has influenced me a lot. Firstly it greatly improved my physical health. Secondly, 1have made a lot of new friends who share the same interest with me. Most importantly, it has built up my confidence. lt encourage me facing difficulties.
Thanks to sports, my life has been so colorful and meaningful. Let 's exercise together for a healthy future!
Version 2
As we all know, doing sports can make us strong and healthy. As students,we are often told by parents or teachers to do exercise regularly.
Many of my friends love sports, but l seldom exercise. To be honest, 'm not quite good at it Sports like running or playing basketball are difficult for me. Also, I don't have much free time to exercise. The only time when I do play sports is in P.E. classes. After PE. classes, I just feel too tired to do other things. That why l don 't want to do it.
Although l don't like it, there is no doubt that doing sports plays an important part in our life. Not only can it improve our heath but also it is a good way to build up our confidence. So maybe it's time for me to change.
For the coming vacation, it is necessary to make some plans about doing exercise. I'm considering looking for a partner to play sports with. Perhaps badminton or ping-pong will be a good choice.
As the saying goes, "Health is the basis of all". Just stop being lazy and step out ide!