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    这是一份江苏省镇江地区2022-2023学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试题(无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    注意:本试卷满分150分, 考试时间120分钟,所有答案填写在答题卡上,否则无效
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话. 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题. 每段对话仅读一遍.
    1. What will the man do next?
    A. Bend his arm. B. Have an X-ray. C. Get a blood test.
    2. What was wrong with the woman?
    A. She left home without any money. B. She wasn't paid a salary C. She had no money in the bank.
    3. How does the man know his neighbor is back home?
    A The light is on B The door is open. C. The dog is barking.
    4. When will the man fix the hot water heater?
    A. Today B. In three days. C. In five days.
    5. Where does the conversation take place?
    A. In a cafe. B. In a library. C. On a train.
    听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最任选项.听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.
    听第6段材料, 回答第6至7题.
    6. What does the man think of the old way of communication?
    A. It is annoying. B. It is romantic C. It is exciting
    7. Why does the man's sister get unhappy at him?
    A. He never calls her. B. He always sends her text messages. C. He wake her up at midnight sometimes.
    8. How does the woman feel ah out the can c elation of the festival?
    A. Indifferent. B. Understanding. C. Disappointed.
    9. What kind of festival might it be?
    A. A movie festival. B. A technology festival. C. A music and art festival.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题.
    10. What makes the woman nervous about using a credit card?
    A. It is unsafe. B. She has the responsibility. C. There is some difficulty in paying
    11. What dos the woman prefer to do?
    A. Create savings. B. Borrow money. C. Use a different card.
    12. What is the main topic of the conversation?
    A. Ways to pay. B. Ways to save money C Ways to make money.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题.
    13. How old is the man?
    A. 23 B 19 C. 18.
    14. Where does the woman work?
    A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a bank.
    15. Which is the most important thing to the man?
    A. Music. B. Family. C. Social media.
    16. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Mother and son. B. Co-workers C. Friends,
    17. Which day will be the warmest in Beijing recently?
    A. March 12 th. B. March 16 th. C. March 18 th,
    18. Which would be the most useful in central-northern Fujian today?
    A. An umbrella. B. Sun cream C. A T-shirt.
    19. What can be expected in southern Tibet over the next three days?
    A. Bright sunshine. B. Light snow. C. Heavy rain
    20. Where will the winds be strongest?
    A. In central Qinghai. B. In southern Jiangxi. C. In c a stem Inner Mongolia.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项.
    In this series of activities, you " la learn about the food system and social or environmental issue related to food consumption.
    Food Sytems Hunt
    The food we eat often comes from all over the country and across the world. In this activity, you will go on a hunt to find out about your community's food system as well as its strengths and weaknesses and see just how resilient (能复原的)your community's food system is to food short ages and food safety.
    What Goes In Must Come Out
    in this activity, you will lean that modern food systems require major inputs(such as water, labor)and produce major negative outputs(such as greenhouse gases, air pollutants, wastewater). You'll see that modern food systems can be wasteful and that making informed food choice ban eventually contribute to great changes,
    Become A Food systems Detective
    imagine pulling your favorite bag of chips out of the pantry(食品储存室). How does it make its way to your hands and what will happen when you throw away the empty bag? This inter active activity will give you the answers when you explore modern food systems, which include producing, processing. distributing, retailing (零售), consuming, and disposing(处理) of food.
    Ask An Elder: What Is Your Childhood Food Story?
    What's for dinner? The answer to that question has changed over the years. In this activity, you will interview the elders to get a sense of had advertising, costs and trends have affected their food choice at different points in their life.
    21. What can we learn about What Goes In Must Come Out?
    A. It is important to dove lop modern food systems.
    B. It is funny to explore the change of food systems.
    C. It is necessary to make some wise choice on our food.
    D. It is possible to avoid negative effects of producing too d
    22. in which activity can people learn about the source of their food?
    A. Food Systems Hunt
    B What Goes In Must Come Out
    C. Become A Food Systems Detective
    D. Ask An Elder: What ls Your Childhood Food Story?
    23 Why do people ask the elders in the last activity?
    A. To realize how their food influenced their lives.
    B. To learn the factors that affected their food choice,
    C. To find the answers to why their dinner had changed.
    D. To learn food choice that they made in their life.
    More than 100 people, all visually damaged models, attended a fashion show organized by a 41-year-old Hempstead blind model, Annalee Smith, on Saturday.
    Smith, who began mode ling five years ago and won The Face of Kurvacious Model Competition last year, was diagnosed(诊断) with re tin it is pigmentosa(色素性视网膜炎) at the age of 12. The rare genetic condition worsened her vision.
    She explained that there were few visually damaged role mod c ls in the pub lie field. And while the first New York fashion show starring blind models took the stage in 2016, visually damaged models still don't have a large presence in fashion,
    So Smith began planning her own show over a year ago. She initially planned for only a handful of models, but after announcing the event, she expanded the number of participants after reaching more visually damaged woman than she expected. “I'm inspired even by my own self,” she said
    Rafia Lawal, also a model, 37, was diagnosed with cataracts as a young girl. She auditioned(试演)for a spot on “America's Next Top Model " during the show's early seasons but wasn't selected She blamed it on her previous! ace of confidence and in security due to be disability. “Instead of booking at the camera, I was kind of closing my eyes,” she said. Now filed with confidence, she said she viewed the event as a chance to correct the belief that blind or visually damaged women don't care about fashion.
    24. Why did Anna lee Smith plan her own show?
    A. To raise money frown visually c am aged worsen.
    B. To make her own fashion show a new trend.
    C. To boost her confidence in organizational skills.
    D. To involve more visually damaged women in fashion.
    25. Which word can best describe Anna lee Smith?
    A. Ambitious. B. Modest C. honest. D. generous.
    26. What is the function of the last paragraph?
    A. Giving more background information.
    B. Sharing another visually damaged woman's story.
    C. Indicating the positive influence of the show,
    D Stressing the importance of confidence.
    27. What is the best title of the text?
    A. A Model Devoted to Joining Fashion Show
    B. A Fashion Show Featuring Visually Damaged Models
    C. A Program to Organize Shows for Disabled woman
    D. A Story Behind Visually Damaged Women
    Who says that being roommates with some on c from a completely different generation has to be strange? lately, more and more Americans are becoming inter gene rational roommates who are separated by at least one generation living together. They're changing the way people think they should be living
    There has been a major increase in intergenerational roommate arrangements within the United States since 1971. In fat, statistics show that this number has actually quadrupled(增长四倍) since then. In a Pew Research Center article, in shared that by March 2021, there were at least 59.7 million US residents that had multiple generations living under heath one roof.
    There are a ton of factors that come into play for these types of arrangements. For some, it's because of the increase in the average life-expectancy age, a decreased birth rate, arise in college tuition, the ever ruing rent a ls occurring in almost every coastal city, and more. But if anything, many claim that one main reason behind the rise is due to older people having space to rent out and that having younger folk around just makes them happier,
    According to a 25-year-old robotics student living in Massachusetts, Nadia A b dull ah, who moved in with her 64-year-old roommate Judith in 2019, “It was perfect — Judith has become like my family.”
    Their arrangement was 700 a month from Nadia, pigs the promise of her doing some hap around the house. This also a lowed Nadia to live just 6-miles from Boston and 30-minutes from her robotics job located in Beverly Mass. Nadia was matched with Judith through website, a renting hub(中心) specifically created to find intergenerational roommates.
    Another young renting hub reviewer, Kaplan, also gave some insight into the service and why it's so special, saying, “Through this, I lived with Sarah while attending Harvard. She provided the type of knowledge you just couldn't Google-showing me how to garden, how to cook fish, and add French Romanticism to life.”
    28. What is the increasing housing trend in the text?
    A. More residents are living together as roommates,
    B. Strangers of a generation are living together like a family
    C. Different generations are living underneath the same roof.
    D. family members of different generations are living together.
    29. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. The types of the arrangements. B. The reasons for the arrangements.
    C. The solutions to the arrangements. D. The problems with the arrangements.
    30. What could Kaplan learn from the roommate?
    A. How to goggle special knowledge. B. How to show someone a garden.
    C. How to fish before cooking D. How to live a romantic life.
    31. What can be concluded from Nadia's and Kaplan's experiences?
    A. The website is popular with university students.
    B. The inter gene rational roommates should help each other.
    C. The intergenerational roommate arrangements work well.
    D. The elderly benefit more than the young from the arrangements.
    Rachel Car son's classic best seller about ecological threats, Silent Spring, started a wave of American environmentalism. It played a direct role in the 1972 decision to ban the use of the pesticide(杀虫剂)DDT. Sixty years ago, the public was introduced to Carson's arguments. The coming anniversary makes this a good time to consider whether the book achieved one of her major goals: protecting wildlife and, in particular, birds.
    Carsen took a complex technical subject — the damaging effects of persistent pesticide and expressed it in one simple, poetic image: a spring in which no birds sang. She asked us to imagine what it would be like to awaken in the morning boa world without these songs. She wrote with grace, and she made us feel the loss. But how well have we acted on C arson's warnings?
    With some exceptions, we haven't been very successful, and neither have birds. Twenty-nine percent of North American birds have died out since 1970, Grass lands were the hardest hit, with a documented loss of more than 700 million b re c ding individuals. The number of 3 bad birds totaled nearly three billion, a figure that sparked(引起) a campaign with tips on what people can do to save them Given these data, it is easy to conclude that despite the brilliance of her writing, Carson did not succeed in protecting birds.
    Still, the 2019 bird study, despite its worrying results, also suggests that protecting biodiversity is pot lost cause. One important exception is wet lands, where bird abundance increased by 13 percent. The other animative exception is bald cages, which acre on the edge of extinction at the time Carson wrote, but they recovered in large part as a result of the ban on dat. A news story published by the Au dub on Society nots that “the numbers show that taking steps like wildlife management, habitat restoration and political action can be effective to save species.”
    32. How did Rachel C arson fulfill her writing purpose in her book?
    A. By waning grace fully. B. By arguing simply.
    C. By thinking critically. D. By drawing vividly,
    33. What does the underlined word “animative” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
    A. Alarming. B Encouraging C. Reliable D. Imaginable.
    34. What is the writer's attitude toward the effect of Rachel's book?
    A. Negative. B. Objective. C. Positive. D. Unconcerned.
    35. What is the main idea of the text?
    A. An American writer didn't fulfill her promise.
    B. Our efforts to protect the environment were in vain.
    C. Books have limitations in raising environmental awareness,
    D. Birds as still in trouble 60 years after Silent Spring warned us.
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项.
    Do you ever wish you had the ability to solve problems efficiently and easily? 36 And at the same time, you aced to make your thinking more logical. Keeping your brain sharp is important as your brain has the power to reconnect itself throughout your whole life in a process called neuroplasticity(神经可塑性).
    37 From thinking out strategies that help you learn to undertake challenging tasks, you use logic and strategies to acquire new skills. Try taking up something like learning to cook, play an instrument or speak a foreign language to boost your logical thinking skills.
    Your brain, like any other body part, improves with exercise. 38 Throughout the day, see how many details of a given moment, list, or task you can remember.
    Making a conscious effort to notice small things in life can be a huge tool to help you become in ore logical. Do you count the steps in your school or college? Do you look for spelling mistakes in texts? la the answer is no, now would be a great time to start. The more you practice, the healthier your mind will be. 39
    Connections and friendships nourish(使健社)the brain and push people to strive to better understand themselves and the world around them. Spending time with close friends and family members regularly is helpful. 40 This can be difficult if you ' re shy or introverted(内向的), but pushing yourself to take risks socially can actually improve your ability to think logically.
    A. overtime, you'll become a more logical thinker.
    B. la so, you may want to improve your thinking patterns.
    C. Learning new abilities required a lot of logical thinking.
    D. A tending social events is an opportunity to meet new people,
    E. Having an active brain can help you become a logical thinker.
    F. A great way to give your brain a workout is to test your recall.
    G. Your powerful brain can pro note more sound, logical thinking.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题: 每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.
    Leisa is a Food Nutrition Service Associate at a school. Since she has 41 problems, students used to just pint at the 42 they wanted. And no one could offer Leisa a simple 43 like “good morning” in sign language.
    Fourth grade teacher Kari noticed pupils 44 to communicate with Leisa, so she decided to do something. Having taken American Sign Language, Sari decided to teach her pupils a few words to make 45 lunch easier, along with making Leisa feel like the well-loved 46 of the community that she is.
    Happily, when the principal heard about Kari's 47 he asked Kari to teach the entire school how to sign!
    Every day stud eats and staff learn and practice a new 48 They also learn how to 49 the words for the food options that day. The principal feels that 50 sign language to the school community has been a 51 experience for everyone. Actually, it was so popular that they decided to keep it going year-round.
    Being able to speak with Leisa makes students emotional, and they are all 52 about learning sign language. Seeing her idea to teach ASL is 53 for everyone, Kari is thrilled.
    Learning someone else's language is one of the 54 ways to show them you care. Now we're happy to hear that Leisa is feeling so 55 and included at her work!
    41. A. eyesight B. walking C. hearing D. heart
    42. A. food B. toy C. pen D. book
    43. A. language B. greeting C introduction D. answer
    44. A. refusing B. pretending C. managing D. struggling
    45. A. cooking B. serving C. ordering D. eating
    46. A. leader B. part C pupil D. assistant
    47. A. adjustment B method C. success D. plan
    48. A. word B. dish C. skill D. culture
    49. A. remember B. sign C. say D. translate
    50. A. devoting B owing C. comparing D. adding
    51. A. bonding B. merciful C. discouraging D. peaceful
    52. A. worried B. sure C. enthusiastic D. particular
    53. A. turning up B. fading out C. taking over D. paying off
    54. A. fastest B. cheapest C. warmest D. shortest
    55. A. stuck B. loved C. lost D. rescued
    第二节 短文语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入Ⅰ个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
    A traditional Chinese dance 56 (perform)underwater recently went viral on social media during the wagon Boat Festival. The show led to renewed 57 (excite)of traditional Chinese art and culture among audience.
    The dance 58 (feature)a character from the far no us ancient Chinese painting Ode to Goddess Luo, the daughter of au Xi in Chinese mythology(神话). 59 drowned and then became a goddess, according to the legend. The moves 60 (capture)underwater at 4.5 meters from the ground. In the video on social media, the underwater actress is seen 61 (dance)in colorful traditional Chinese costume. The short dance, which lasted less than two minutes, was seen as 62 creative combination of contemporary art and traditional Chinese culture.
    “The watch made the costume even more beautiful 63 the moves more graceful!” said one observer online. “I'm just so proud of bang a Chinese and our traditional culture. I cried a little bit after watching the show,” said one netizen. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson also posted the video 64 Sunday, saying that the dance was “ 65 (believe)beautiful” and the actress “danced grace fully like a swan and agilely like a Chinese dragon”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你校英文推“同龄世界”(“Peer World”)栏目拟刊登介绍美国中学生课余生活中有关体育锻炼的短文. 请你给美国朋友Lucy写信约稿, 要点如下:
    1. 栏目介绍: 2.稿件内容: 3.稿件长度;约300词;4.交稿日期: 6月30日
    I. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
    Dear Lucy,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头话续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.
    It was spring in 2018. The whole school was bathed in beautiful sunshine when Kelly Mattison, an English teacher in J. K. F High School, suddenly saw Dylan Be ls c her anxiously walking up and down, his right hand in his pocket. It was nothing like the everyday Be ls c her she had come to know. Mrs Mattison wondered if something had happened.
    Belscher was at average student, but not an average person. Generally, his smile would spread across the classroom. Foam a young age, he had started working part-time to belt support his family. He had struggled to grow up, and although he was a tough boy, he was also positive and generous. He was always willing to heap and was popular along his classmate. Recently, however, he had changed. He now worked longer hours, trying to earn more money. It seemed every dollar, even every cent, meant a lot to him.
    That morning, when Belscher noticed a dollar on the floor, excitement and opportunity took holds him. Looking around to make sure no one was booking, he quickly bent down, picked up the dollar and put it into his pocket. However, immediately after putting the dollar in his pocket, Be ls c her began to feel uneasy. As the day progressed, he began to feel worse and he couldn't even concentrate during class. The cue dollar bill felt like a fire burning in his pocket. He kept thinking about Mrs Mattison who always taped(粘贴)lost items on the whiteboard and asked students to do the same.
    He was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear his deskmae call his name.
    “Are you OK, Belscher?” His desk mate, mean Rose, asked.
    “Sure. …” Belscher paused, unable to complete the sentence. His heart began to race and his mind went blank. “Why. … by are … you … skin?”
    Rose was curious. “Your face is so red!” she whispered,
    The whisper exploded like a bomb, and Belscher felt as if the whole world was watching him and could see inside his pocket. Be ls c her was so overcome with embarrassment and guilt that he rushed out of the classroom. Even the bright spring sunshine wasn't strong enough to wash away his shame,
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
    Pan graph 1:
    Just then, Mrs Mattison approached, “What's up, Belscher?”_________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Concerned about the situation of Belscher's mother, Mrs Mattison posted the touching story on her blog. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

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