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    第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分15分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How much sugar should be added to make a fruit cake?
    A. Two spoons. B. Three spoons. C. Four spoons.
    【原文】M: What should I prepare to make a fruit cake?
    W: Two oranges, a banana, some yogurt, two spoons of sugar, a few strawberries, a drop of milk.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What would the man like to see in the zoo?
    A. Elephants. B. Tigers. C. Monkeys.
    【原文】W: What would you like to see first--elephants or monkeys?
    M: I’d like to see the tigers. I hear there are two more tigers introduced from India.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why did the man come late?
    A. He had a long talk with his colleague.
    B. He bought so many things on the way.
    C. He sent his colleague back home by car.
    【原文】W: You are late! You should have come earlier to see the wonderful beginning of the film.
    M: Well, I came across a colleague and she asked me to drive home because she bought so many things.
    W: You are kind enough.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How did the man come back home?
    A. By bus.
    B. By Mr. Green’s car.
    C. By taxi.
    【原文】W:You missed the last bus after night class again?
    M:Yeah, I was discussing a problem with Mr Green.
    W:But you came back in only 10 minutes?
    M:Mr Green gave me a lift. He lives in the neighborhood.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. At a book store. B. At a restaurant. C. At a booking office.
    【原文】W: Excuse me. Can I use notes to buy tickets?
    M: Yes. Some ticket machines take both notes and coins.

    6. How much does the woman earn every month?
    A. 6000 yuan. B. 2800 yuan. C. 3200 yuan.
    7. Why does the woman decide to change a job?
    A. She likes the job as courier (快递员).
    B. She wishes to find an easy job.
    C. Her present salary is too low.
    8. What will the woman do next week?
    A. Take an interview. B. Take a vacation. C. Take a college course.
    【答案】6. B 7. C 8. A
    【原文】M: Are you satisfied with your current job?
    W: No. I am considering changing a job. The salary is low.
    M: Why? You’re an office lady, I thought you got a good salary.
    W: Just 2800 yuan. It is said that even couriers could get more than 6000 yuan a month.
    M: But that’s really a hard work. They work long hours every day.
    W: Absolutely. Hard to imagine to ride in such hot days.
    M: And they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditions.
    W: I hope to be a millionaire as soon as possible.
    M: Your job is easy. You have no reason to complain.
    W: You’re right. But I have decided to do so and will take an interview next week.

    9. How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke?
    A. From young smokers.
    B. From a newspaper article.
    C. From some smoking parents.
    10. Why does the man say that he would keep away from babies?
    A. He has just become a father.
    B. He wears dirty clothes.
    C. He is a smoker.
    11. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do?
    A. Stop smoking altogether.
    B. Smoke only outside their rooms.
    C. Reduce dangerous matters in cigarettes.
    【答案】9. B 10. C 11. A

    12. Who is Jim Brown?
    A. The organizer of the program.
    B. A participant of the course.
    C. An experienced climber.
    13. Why are the students encouraged to join the program?
    A. To have a wonderful adventure.
    B. To better their climbing skills.
    C. To try some new equipment.
    14. How many people can be admitted into the program?
    A. 20. B. 25. C. 30.
    15. How can the students register for the program?
    A. Tell the course instructor after class.
    B. Call the State Park Climbing Center.
    C. Return the application form to the speaker.
    【答案】12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C
    【原文】Well, in this course we’ve been rock climbing together several times. And I guess you might be interested in a special weekend climbing program that will be given at the State Park Climbing Center next month. The coach is Jim Brown, one of the most experienced rock climbers in the world today. I’m sure that participants will gain a great deal of confidence and will greatly improve their techniques. There will be room for only twenty participants, and so everyone will be given close attention. The cost for the weekend is $300. $ 30 should be paid in advance for registration, and the rest should be paid by July 25th. There will be an extra, small charge for equipment for any participants who don’t have their own. I expect everyone here to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. If you want to register, I’ll give you an application form after our climb this morning. Send the form back to my office as soon as possible.
    第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分25分)
    16. —We have been working the whole day. Shall we have a rest?
    —________ Let’s have some tea.
    A. I couldn’t agree more. B. Just forget it.
    C. You are welcome. D. You are joking.
    【详解】考查交际用语。句意:——我们已经工作一整天了。我们休息一下好吗?——我完全同意。我们喝点茶吧。A. I couldn’t agree more. 我完全同意。B. Just forget it. 算了吧。C. You are welcome.不客气。D. You are joking.你在开玩笑吧。根据“Let’s have some tea.”可知,非常同意一起休息一下。故选A。
    17. He decided to ________ the rest of his life to scientific investigation.
    A. approve B. cherish C. devote D. digest
    【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他决定把他的余生奉献给科学研究。A. approve同意,批准;B. cherish珍视,珍爱;C. devote献身,致力;D. digest理解,消化。句子涉及动词短语devote...to...,意为“将……奉献给……;把……专用于……”,为固定搭配,在句中以动词不定式的形式作谓语动词decide的宾语。故选C项。
    18. —Did you call Ben last night?
    —Yes. I tried to reach him, but it was so difficult to _____.
    A. get through B. get out C. take down D. take off
    【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:——你昨晚给Ben打电话了吗?——打了。我努力联系他,但是很难打通。A. get through接通电话;B. get out出去;C. take down记下;D. take off起飞。根据上文“Did you call Ben last night?”可知是在打电话,所以此处表示很难接通,故选A。
    19. The football match _____ tonight; it is China vs Japan.
    A. is starting B. has started C. started D. would start
    【详解】考查时态。句意:足球比赛今晚开始,是中国对日本。根据句意可知,足球队今晚即将开始,所以应用is starting现在进行时,表示将来,故选A。
    20. Trucks _____ be parked here, or you will be fined.
    A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. daren’t
    【详解】考查情态动词。句意:卡车不能停在这里,否则你会被罚款的。A. needn’t不必;B. mustn’t禁止;C. wouldn’t不会;D. daren’t不敢。根据后文“be parked here, or you will be fined”指禁止停车,应用mustn’t。故选B。
    21. —Do you know ________ I chose this cafe?
    —You like the music here.
    A. why B. where C. when D. whether
    【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:——你知道我为什么选择这家咖啡馆吗?——你喜欢这里的音乐。A. why为什么;B. where哪里;C. when什么时候;D. whether是否。根据句意可知,此处为连词why“为什么”,满足句意要求。故选A项。
    22. They told me ________ in touch and call them if I need help.
    A. kept B. keeping C. to keep D. keep
    【详解】考查不定式。句意:他们让我保持联系,如果需要帮助就给他们打电话。tell sb. to do sth.是固定短语,意为“让某人做某事”,因此空格处是to keep,故选C。
    23. We left for the railway station early ________ we could catch the first train.
    A. even if B. unless C. so that D. after
    【详解】考查连接词词义辨析。句意:我们早早地去了火车站,以便能赶上头班火车。A. even if即使;B. unless除非;C. so that以便;D. after在……之后。根据“we could catch the first train.”可知,早早去火车站的目的是赶上头班火车,所以用so that引导的目的状语从句。故选C。
    24. I hadn’t got much money on me but I gave Bob _____ I had.
    A. that B. what C. where D. how
    25. It’s so cold that you can’t go outside____ fully covered in thick clothes.
    A. because B. unless C. once D. when
    【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:天太冷了,除非穿上厚衣服,否则你不能出去。A. because因为;B. unless除非;C. once一旦;D. when当……时候。引导条件状语从句,表示“除非”应用unless。故选B。
    I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch (牧场). He has let me use his ____26____ to raise money for poor students. ____27____ I was there he introduced me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house. It all goes back to a story about a boy who was the son of a poor horse trainer.”
    One day the boy was ____28____ to write a paper about what he wanted to do when he grew up. He wrote a paper describing his ____29____ of someday owning a horse ranch. Two days later he ____30____ his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F” with a note ____31____, “See me after class.”
    The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an F?” The teacher said, “This is a(n) ____32____ dream for a young boy like you. You have no coins. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.” Then the teacher added, “If you ____33____ rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will ____34____ your grade.” The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. Finally, the boy ______35______ the same paper, making no ______36______ at all. He said, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my ______37______.”
    Having told the story, Monty said, “I tell you this story ______38______ you are sitting on my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper ______39______ over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the story is that the same teacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.”
    When the teacher was leaving, he said, “Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream ______40______. Fortunately you had enough determination not to give up.” Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what happens.
    26. A. horse B. house C. ranch D. fame
    27. A. Next time B. The moment C. Each time D. Last time
    28. A. forced B. encouraged C. asked D. ordered
    29. A. process B. goal C. possibility D. chance
    30. A. accepted B. sent C. received D. put
    31. A. writing B. printing C. telling D. reading
    32. A. unrealistic B. unlucky C. inspiring D. practical
    33. A. must B. will C. shall D. may
    34. A. reconsider B. rediscover C. regain D. reinvent
    35. A. took in B. handed out C. turned in D. carried on
    36. A. money B. decisions C. mistakes D. changes
    37. A. word B. promise C. spirit D. dream
    38. A. because B. though C. when D. but
    39. A. delivered B. repaired C. framed D. taken
    40. A. stealer B. seeker C. giver D. maker
    【答案】26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他让我用他的房子作为为贫困学生筹集基金活动的地点。A. horse马;B. house房子;C. ranch养马场;D. fame名声;根据第一段倒数第二句“I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house.(我想告诉你我为什么允许杰克使用我的房子)”可知募集资金活动的地点是蒙蒂·罗伯茨的房子里,故选B项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:上次我在他那儿时,他跟我说:“我想给你讲一个故事。这要追溯到一个年轻人身上发生的故事,他是一位巡回驯马师的儿子”。A. Next time下一次;B. The moment一……就……;C. Each time每次; D. Last time上一次;由于作者讲述的是过去的事,所以两人见面是上一次,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:老师要求他写一篇文章,内容有关他长大后想成为什么人以及想做些什么。A. forced迫使;B. encouraged鼓励; C. asked要求;D. ordered命令;根据第二段第三句“Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F”(两天后,他收到了自己的文章。在第一页上,有一个大大的红色F)”可知蒙蒂·罗伯茨在写作业,老师要求写一篇文章,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他写了一篇文章,描述了他将来某一天拥有一个养马场的目标。A. process过程;B. goal目标;C. possibility可能性;D. chance机会;根据第二段第一句“One day the boy was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to do when he grew up. (老师要求他写一篇文章,内容有关他长大后想成为什么人以及想做些什么。)”可知蒙蒂·罗伯茨在描述将来的目标,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:两天后,他收到了自己的文章。A. accepted接受;B. sent发送;C. received收到;D. put放;根据第二段最后一句“On the front page was a large red “F”(在第一页上,有一个大大的红色F)”可知作业是被老师阅完后打回来,蒙蒂·罗伯茨收到了文章,故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在第一页上,有一个大大的红色F,并带有一条批注:课后来见我。A. writing写;B. printing印刷;C. telling告诉;D. reading写着;空白处后面的“See me after class(课后来见我)”是批注的内容,所以是批注上写着……,故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:老师回答说:‘对于像你这样的小男孩来说,这是一个不切实际的梦想。A. unrealistic不现实的;B. unlucky不幸运的;C. inspiring鼓舞人心的;D. practical实际的;根据下文“You have no coins. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.(你没钱,要拥有一座养马场需要很多钱)”说明老师认为这个梦想不现实,故选A项。
    考查情态动词词义辨析。句意:如果你愿意针对一个更为实际的目标重写这篇文章的话,我会重新考虑你的成绩的。A. must必须;B. will愿意;C. shall应该;D. may可能;由于文章不合格,老师在与学生交涉,如果愿意重写的话就会重新考虑成绩,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你愿意针对一个更为实际的目标重写这篇文章的话,我会重新考虑你的成绩的。A. reconsider重新考虑;B. rediscover再次发现;C. regain重新获得;D. reinvent再次发明;由于文章不合格,重写以后老师重新批改,所以重新考虑成绩,故选A项。
    考查动词固定搭配辨析。句意:最终,男孩交上了同样一篇文章,他根本没做任何更改。A. took in领会;欺骗;B. handed out分发;C. turned in上交;D. carried on继续做;根据下文“You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream(你可以保留这个F,而我将继续怀有我梦想)”可知男孩把文章交给了老师,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. money钱;B. decisions决定;C. mistakes错误;D. changes改变;根据上文“the same paper (同样一篇文章)”可知男孩没有对文章进行修改,故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可以保留这个F,而我将继续怀有我的梦想。A. word单词;B. promise承诺;C. spirit精神;D. dream梦想;根据上文“Finally, the boy turned in the same paper, making no change at all (最终,男孩交上了同样一篇文章,他根本没做任何更改)”可知男孩没有改变自己的梦想,故选D项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:我告诉你们这个故事,是因为你们目前正坐在我这200英亩的养马场里。A. because因为;B. though尽管;C. when当……时候;D. but但是;分析句子结构,“you are sitting on my 200-acre horse ranch (你们目前正坐在我这200英亩的养马场里)”为原因状语从句,要使用能引导原因状语从句的连词,故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我依然保留着那份文章,并把它装裱挂在壁炉上方。A. delivered递;送;B. repaired修理;C. framed装裱;D. taken带走;根据下文“over the fireplace(挂在壁炉上方)”可推理出作者非常重视那份文章,因为文章承载着他的梦想,所以作者把那篇文章装裱后挂在壁炉上方,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我做你老师的时候,我其实有点儿像一个偷梦人。A. stealer偷盗者B. seeker搜索者;C. giver赠予人;D. maker制造者;根据下文“Don’t let anyone steal your dreams (不要让任何人偷走你的梦想)”可知老师使用比喻的修辞手法,说自己偷了男孩的梦想,故选A项。
    第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分; 满分30分)
    Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting yet nerve racking.I had never been to such an amazing national park before yet I wasn't the most athletic person so I knew that I couldn't stick through all the hiking up and down.It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.
    The ride there was definitely long but worth it.As I woke up from my nap,I saw the beautiful scenery of the tall mountains and beautiful streams.The trails were made nicely for visitors.The waterfalls were breathtaking with capturing views.Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts.Even though I fell a couple of times,I still had a lot of fun.The fact that my family and I spent so much time together all trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch really brought us closer together.
    The great thing about nature is that,it's just you,the views,and the people around you.There's nothing there to bother you and it's the best way to relax and enjoy yourself.Yosemite has 5 of the world's highest waterfalls,and about 300 lakes.The structure of each mountain is incredible,it's formed in ways that literally take your breath away.Some of them are a deep dark color with waterfalls forming,some are formed with spots of green peeking out.It's definitely something you wouldn't want to miss.The park also has 67 mammalian species with a variety of different types of animals that roam around you.
    Yosemite isn't the only great National Park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends.It's a great time to bond,laugh,and take in what Mother Nature has to offer.
    41. The author writes the first paragraph mainly to________.
    A. offer an example to us
    B. introduce the topic of this passage
    C. describe a national park
    D. tell us his/her future plan for hiking
    42. While climbing up rocks,the author was________.
    A. worried B. injured
    C. puzzled D. pleased
    43. What interested the author most in the National Park?
    a.The forms of the mountains.
    b.The color of the waterfalls.
    c.The different species.
    d.The animals around you.
    e.The hunters here and there.
    A. a,b,c B. b,c,e
    C. a,c,d D. a,d,e
    44. In the author's opinion,Yosemite________.
    A. is worth travelling to
    B. is made up of some hills
    C. is not the most beautiful park
    D. is crowded with visitors every day
    45 The author suggests us________.
    A trying to protect the environment
    B. visiting Yosemite now and then
    C. keeping a good bond with other people
    D. going out to enjoy the beauty of nature
    【答案】41. B 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting yet nerve racking.I had never been to such an amazing national park before yet I wasn't the most athletic person so I knew that I couldn't stick through all the hiking up and down.It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.”(和家人驱车前往约塞米蒂是一件令人兴奋但又伤脑筋的事。我以前从来没有去过这样令人惊叹的国家公园,但我不是最擅长运动的人,所以我知道我不能坚持走完所有的徒步旅行。这实际上是一个有趣和冒险的经历。)文章作者一开始就介绍了去约塞米蒂国家公园的体会,联系下文可知,作者的目的是为了提出本文的话题。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Even though I fell a couple of times,I still had a lot of fun.”(即使我摔了几次,我仍然有很多乐趣。)可知,作者在爬山的过程中感到很高兴。故选D。
    细节理解题。文章第三段“The structure of each mountain is incredible,it's formed in ways that literally take your breath away.Some of them are a deep dark color with waterfalls forming,some are formed with spots of green peeking out.It's definitely something you wouldn't want to miss.The park also has 67 mammalian species with a variety of different types of animals that roam around you.”(每座山的结构都令人难以置信,它们的形成方式简直让人难以呼吸。其中一些是深黑色形成瀑布,一些是形成的绿色斑点向外窥视。公园里还有67种哺乳动物,各种不同类型的动物在你周围游荡。)介绍了公园里美好的景色,其中包括山的形状、物种的多样性、周围的动物。故选C。
    细节理解题。作者在游览约塞米蒂国家公园的时候感到很愉快,还介绍了很多美丽的景色。由此可知,作者认为这里值得游览。特别是在最后一段“Yosemite isn't the only great National Park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends.”(Yosemite 并不是唯一一个伟大的国家公园,但根据我的经验,我强烈建议和家人朋友出去享受大自然。),作者更是极力向读者推荐此处景观。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends.It's a great time to bond,laugh,and take in what Mother Nature has to offer.”(我强烈建议和家人朋友一起出去享受大自然。这是一个很好的时间来建立联系,欢笑,并接受大自然母亲提供的东西)可知,作者建议我们享受大自然给我们带来的美景。故选D。
    Britons are well known for the amount of tea that they drink. The average person in the UK consumes around 1.9 kg of tea yearly. That’s around 876 cups of tea. Tea is drunk by all sections of society. But tea is not native to Britain. Most tea is grown in India and China. So, how did it become an important part of British culture?
    Tea arrived in London in the 1600s. At this time, British ships were exploring the world and came across the drink in China. It was not long before green tea was available to buy. However, this was only available to the richer sections of society.
    At the beginning of the 1700s, the amount of tea arriving in Britain increased gradually. Black tea arrived at this time. At first people drank this tea exactly as it was in China. They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British characteristic.
    In the 1800s tea was still a product enjoyed only by people with money. At this time they began to have “afternoon tea”. This involves drinking tea with a snack around 4 pm to avoid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner. It is a tradition that is still going today but has become less popular in recent times.
    In the late 1800s, the price of tea decreased sharply as more tea began to arrive on ships from India and China. It was no longer a drink just for rich people. Tearooms — shops where you could buy and drink tea — started to appear across the country. People enjoyed drinking tea and socialising in these places. At the start of the 20th century, Britons began to make tea in their homes whenever they felt like it. Kettles became necessary in every kitchen.
    46. How does the passage mainly develop?
    A. By providing examples. B. By making comparisons.
    C By following the order of time. D. By following the order of importance.
    47. What can we learn about British tea culture from Paragraph 1 and 2?
    A. Tea reached Britain from China centuries ago. B. Britons are famous for planting tea.
    C. Green tea was popular in China. D. Most tea is grown in Britain.
    48. Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.
    A. how British people drank black tea B. why the amount of tea increased
    C. when green tea arrived in China D. who discovered black tea
    49. When was tea no longer a drink just for rich people in the UK?
    A. In the early 1700s. B. In the early 1800s.
    C. In the late 1800s. D. In the late 20th century.
    50. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
    A. To describe how to drink tea. B. To explain why people love tea.
    C. To compare black tea with green tea. D. To introduce the history of British tea culture.
    【答案】46. C 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“So, how did it become an important part of British culture?(那么,它是如何成为英国文化的重要组成部分的呢?)”引出话题,再根据后面四个段落的首句信息可知文章是按照时间顺序介绍茶是如何成为英国文化的重要组成部分的,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Tea arrived in London in the 1600s. At this time, British ships were exploring the world and came across the drink in China. It was not long before green tea was available to buy.(茶在17世纪传入伦敦。在这个时候,英国船只正在探索世界,在中国偶然发现了这种饮料。不久就可以买到绿茶了)”可知,数世纪以前茶从中国传到英国。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“At the beginning of the 1700s, the amount of tea arriving in Britain increased gradually. Black tea arrived at this time. At first people drank this tea exactly as it was in China. They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British characteristic.(18世纪初,到达英国的茶叶数量逐渐增加。红茶在这个时候到了。起初,人们喝这种茶就像在中国一样。他们很快发现,这种饮料与少量牛奶和糖混合得非常好,赋予了这种饮料一种特殊的英国特色)”可知,第三段主要是关于英国人是如何喝红茶的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“In the late 1800s, the price of tea decreased sharply as more tea began to arrive on ships from India and China. It was no longer a drink just for rich people. (在19世纪后期,随着越来越多的茶叶开始从印度和中国乘船抵达,茶叶的价格急剧下降。它不再是富人的专属饮品)”可知,在19世纪后期,茶不再是英国富人的专利了。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Britons are well known for the amount of tea that they drink. The average person in the UK consumes around 1.9 kg of tea yearly. That’s around 876 cups of tea. Tea is drunk by all sections of society. But tea is not native to Britain. Most tea is grown in India and China. So, how did it become an important part of British culture?(英国人的饮茶量是出了名的。英国人均每年消费约1.9公斤茶叶。大约是876杯茶。社会各阶层都喝茶。但是茶并不是英国本土的。大多数茶叶生长在印度和中国。那么,它是如何成为英国文化的重要组成部分的呢?)”可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍英国茶文化的历史。故选D。
    Every one of us may have been hurt by others—either by their words or actions. The best way to deal with the problem is to “forgive and forget”.
    “It is well established that learning to forgive others can have positive benefits for one’s physical and mental health,” Saima Noreen, a scientist at the University of St. Andrews, UK, told the Huffington Post.
    Recently, Noreen and her research team have found one more reason that you should stick to this principle—forgiving somebody who has hurt you makes it easier for you to forget the unhappy memory, according to their new study.
    In the study, researchers asked volunteers to read descriptions of 40 different situations that contained bad actions such as stealing, lying and cheating. Imagining being the victims (受害者), volunteers then had to decide whether they would be able to forgive. Two weeks later, volunteers took part in a memory test. In the test, they were shown a series of words related to the situations they had read about and then were asked to recall certain ones.
    The results showed that people were less likely to remember the details of the unpleasant experiences if they had found forgiveness in their hearts. In contrast, if they hadn’t forgiven the mistake, they could always remember what had happened.
    However, forgiving someone who has hurt you is always easier said than done. So Noreen hopes that one day in the near future research will give rise to powerful therapeutic (有疗效的) tools that will enable people to “forgive and forget” more effectively.
    51. According to the passage, Saima Noreen is ________.
    A. a reporter of Huffington
    B. a scientist from UK
    C. a student at a university
    D. a volunteer in the test
    52. What have Noreen and her team found recently?
    A. Forgiving helps us to forget unhappy memories.
    B. They have found no reason to hurt other people.
    C. A memory test is necessary to help people forgive.
    D. An unpleasant experience can be easily forgotten.
    53. The right order of the following steps of the study should be ________.
    a. Take a memory test. b. Imagine being a victim.
    c. Decide whether to forgive or not. d. Read descriptions of 40 different situations.
    A. d→b→a→c B. a→b→d→c
    C. a→d→b→c D. d→b→c→a
    54. What does the underlined word “recall” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Translate. B. Choose. C. Remember. D. Explain.
    55. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
    A. It’s impossible to forgive someone.
    B. Noreen has finished her research report.
    C. The therapeutic tools have been invented.
    D. There may be some therapeutic tools soon.
    【答案】51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. D
    细节理解题。分析第二段中的““It is well established that learning to forgive others can have positive benefits for one’s physical and mental health,” Saima Noreen, a scientist at the University of St. Andrews, UK, told the Huffington Post.(“众所周知,学会原谅他人可以对一个人的身心健康产生积极的好处,”英国圣安德鲁斯大学的科学家Saima Noreen告诉赫芬顿邮报)”可知,Saima Noreen后面的内容为其同位语,所以Saima Noreen应是科学家。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Recently, Noreen and her research team have found one more reason that you should stick to this principle—forgiving somebody who has hurt you makes it easier for you to forget the unhappy memory, according to their new study.(最近,Noreen和她的研究团队发现了另一个你应该坚持这个原则的理由 - 根据他们的新研究,原谅伤害过你的人会让你更容易忘记不快乐的记忆)”可知,研究发现,宽恕伤害过你的人使你更容易忘记不快乐记忆,所以,宽恕帮助我们忘记不快乐的记忆。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In the study, researchers asked volunteers to read descriptions of 40 different situations that contained bad actions such as stealing, lying and cheating. Imagining being the victims (受害者), volunteers then had to decide whether they would be able to forgive. Two weeks later, volunteers took part in a memory test.(在这项研究中,研究人员要求志愿者阅读40种不同情况的描述,这些情况包含偷窃,撒谎和作弊等不良行为。想象自己是受害者,志愿者必须决定他们是否能够原谅。两周后,志愿者参加了记忆测试)”可知,这个实验是先阅读40种不同的含有不良行为的情况,然后再将自己想象为受害者,接着确定是否原谅他们,两周后再参加记忆测试,该研究过程与D项顺序吻合。故选D项。
    词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“Two weeks later, volunteers took part in a memory test.(两周后,志愿者参加了记忆测试。)”可知,两周后要参加记忆测试,结合“In the test, they were shown a series of words related to the situations they had read about and then were asked to recall certain ones.(在测试中,他们被展示了一系列与他们所读到的情况相关的单词,然后被要求回忆某些单词)”的内容可知,划线单词所在的句子表述的是“记忆测试”的细节,故划线单词可猜测为“记忆,记住”的意思。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“So Noreen hopes that one day in the near future research will give rise to powerful therapeutic (有疗效的) tools that will enable people to “forgive and forget” more effectively.(因此,诺琳希望在不久的将来的某一天,研究将产生强大的治疗工具,使人们能够更有效地“原谅和忘记”)”可知,Noreen希望在将来能有一种强大的治疗工具可以帮助人们更高效地“宽恕和忘记”,由此可推断,在未来很可能会出现治疗工具。故选D项。
    第II卷 (非选择题,三部分,共30分)
    delicate; approve; promote; occupy; motivate; on display; adapt to

    56. There will be varieties of artworks ______ in the art exhibition to be held on Saturday.
    57. The eye is one of the most ______ organs of the body, so we should cherish it.
    58. Most people no longer ______ of smoking in public places.
    59. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ______ the change.
    60. But on reflection, I can see how much of my time had been ______ with checking my phone.
    【答案】56. on display
    57. delicate
    58. approve
    59. adapt to
    60. occupied
    考查介词短语。句意:在6日举行的艺术展览会上,将展出各种各样的艺术品。根据“in the art exhibition”可知,此处是指有很多艺术品展出,on display“展出”符合题意,作定语。故填on display。
    考查动词。句意:大多数人不再赞成在公共场所吸烟。根据句意,动词approve“赞成”符合题意,approve of“赞成”是固定短语,作谓语,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是复数,故填approve。
    考查动词短语。句意:世界将变得不同,我们必须做好适应这种变化的准备。根据“the change”可知,此处指适应改变,动词短语adapt to“适应”符合题意;be prepared to do sth.“做好准备……”中的to是不定式符号,其后接动词原形。故填adapt to。
    考查动词和语态。句意:但仔细一想,我发现自己有多少时间都被手机占用了。根据句意,动词occupy“占据”符合题意,此处应用其过去分词形式和had been构成过去完成时的被动语态。故填occupied。
    As we enjoy the summer ocean waves along the beaches, we may think nervously about Steven Spielberg’s Jaws and the great fear that sharks inspire in us.
    Yet we are happy to see global efforts to protect the declining number of sharks. The world has realized that we need the species, like sharks, to keep a balanced ecosystem. Sharks, in particular, are “in” these days. Thanks to good public policy and famous stars such as Jackie Chan and Ang Lee, killing sharks for fin soup is no longer cool.
    The demand for shark fins has been rising for decades, threatening sharks with extinction (灭绝)—up to 100 million sharks are killed each year just for their fins. But we have started to reverse the trend, particularly in many areas of the United States and overseas where restaurants once proudly provided delicious shark fins on the menu.
    In California, a ban on the sale and possession of shark fin soup has gone into effect this year through the efforts of Wild Aid and other organizations. Overseas marketing and public efforts featuring posters on public transportation systems and TV ads have been underway for the past few years. These efforts all show signs of success, on both the supply side and the demand side of trade in shark fins.
    Actually, stopping the killing of sharks is part of a broader movement to stop the killing of wild animals and the buying and selling of wildlife products. These products come from hunting elephants, tigers and rhinos, besides killing marine life. Whether it is shark fin soup or ivory piano keys, killing animals is big business. The hunting of elephants in search of ivory tusks for luxury (奢侈的) goods has become a fall-scale war. The decrease of African elephant populations is alarming. Together with international partners, the United States is leading the worldwide effort to reduce demand for high-end products that rely on killing animals.
    61. Why do people begin to make efforts to protect the declining number of sharks? (No more than 15 words)
    62. What’s the main reason for killing sharks? (No more than 10 Words)
    63. Who helped California decide to ban the sale and possession of shark fin soup? (No more than 5 Words)
    64. What does the underlined word “reverse” in Paragraph 3 mean? (1 word)
    65. In your opinion, what’s the best way to stop killing animals? (No more than 20 words)
    【答案】61. Because the world has realized that we need sharks to keep a balanced eco-system.
    62. People kill sharks just for their fins.
    63. Wild Aid and other organizations.
    64. Change.
    65. In my opinion, stopping selling and purchasing the animal products is the best way to stop killing animals.
    考查细节理解。根据首段中的“Yet we are happy to see global efforts to protect the declining number of sharks. The world has realized that we need the species, like sharks, to keep a balanced ecosystem.(然而,我们高兴地看到全球努力保护日益减少的鲨鱼数量。世界已经意识到,我们需要像鲨鱼这样的物种来保持生态系统的平衡。)”可知,为什么人们开始努力保护数量下降的鲨鱼是因为世界已经意识到我们需要鲨鱼来维持生态系统的平衡。。故答案是Because the world has realized that we need sharks to keep a balanced ecosystem.
    考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The demand for shark fins has been rising for decades, threatening sharks with extinction (灭绝)—up to 100 million sharks are killed each year just for their fins.(几十年来,对鱼翅的需求一直在上升,威胁着鲨鱼的灭绝——每年仅为了鱼翅就杀死多达 1 亿条鲨鱼。)”可知,人们对鲨鱼翅的需求在日益增长,所以猎杀鲨鱼主要是为了得到鲨鱼翅。故答案是People kill sharks just for their fins.
    考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“In California, a ban on the sale and possession of shark fin soup has gone into effect this year through the efforts of Wild Aid and other organizations.(在加利福尼亚州,通过野生援助组织和其他组织的努力,禁止销售和拥有鱼翅汤的禁令已于今年生效。)”可知,在Wild Aid and other organizations的努力下,禁止销售和持有鱼翅汤的禁令开始生效。故答案是Wild Aid and other organizations.
    考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的“The demand for shark fins has been rising for decades, threatening sharks with extinction (灭绝)—up to 100 million sharks are killed each year just for their fins.(几十年来,对鱼翅的需求一直在上升,威胁着鲨鱼的灭绝——每年仅为了鱼翅就杀死多达 1 亿条鲨鱼。)”可知,由于对鲨鱼翅的需求日益增加,每年就有1亿多条鲨鱼被猎杀,结合下文中的but可知,划线单词所在的句子与该句的内容是转折关系,结合“we have started to reverse the trend, particularly in many areas of the United States and overseas where restaurants once proudly provided delicious shark fins on the menu.(我们已经开始reverse这一趋势,特别是在美国和海外的许多地区,餐馆曾经自豪地在菜单上提供美味的鱼翅。)”可知,很多地区的这一趋势发生了翻转,由此可推断,reverse的意思为“改变”。故答案是Change.
    开放型题目。根据文章最后一段中的“Together with international partners, the United States is leading the worldwide effort to reduce demand for high-end products that rely on killing animals.(美国与国际伙伴一道,正在领导全世界减少对依赖杀害动物的高端产品的需求的努力。)”可知,减少对高端产品的需求可以减少对野生动物的杀害,所以,在我看来禁止野生动物产品的买卖是最好的组织猎杀野生动物的方法。故答案是In my opinion, stopping selling and purchasing the animal products is the best way to stop killing animals.
    66. 假如你是李津,上周日下午在你校排球场上举行了你校高中排球决赛(the volleyball final),请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容如下:
    1. 赛程回顾(如啦啦队欢呼,队员奋力夺冠,冠军感言等);
    2. 赛后反响。
    注意:1. 短文不少于100词;
    2. 标题已给出,不计入总词数。
    The volleyball Final
    【答案】One possible version:
    The volleyball Final
    Last Sunday afternoon, we witnessed the competitive high school volleyball final in the school gym, which sparked students’ burning passion for sports.
    All the students in Grade one to Grade three got involved in the game. With cheerleaders and volleyball fans cheering around, players were fiercely competing for the championship. Finally, the champion team was presented with an award and the leader of the champion addressed a speech which inspired the confidence of all the volleyball teams.
    Most students thought highly of the volleyball games. It not only added interest to our boring daily life, but also promoted our motivation to study.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生为校英语报写一篇报道,介绍上周日下午在学校举行的高中排球决赛(the volleyball final)。内容如下:1. 赛程回顾(如啦啦队欢呼,队员奋力夺冠,冠军感言等);2. 赛后反响。
    参加:get involved in →take part in/participate in
    发表演讲:address a speech→deliver a speech
    增强:promote→ enhance
    原句:It not only added interest to our boring daily life, but also promoted our motivation to study.
    拓展句:Not only did it add interest to our boring daily life, but also promoted our motivation to study.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Last Sunday afternoon, we witnessed the competitive high school volleyball final in the school gym, which sparked students’ burning passion for sports.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】With cheerleaders and volleyball fans cheering around, players were fiercely competing for the championship.(运用了with的复合结构)


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