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    1How long did the meeting last?

    AOne hour. BTwo hours. CThree hours.

    2How does Mr. Wang go to work now?

    ABy bike. BBy car. COn foot.

    3What’s the price of a pair of socks?

    A$6. B$16. C$2.

    4What is Jim doing?

    ADriving a car. BCollecting rubbish. CDoing his homework.

    5Where does the woman want to go?

    AHome. BWanda Hotel. CPolice station.




    6Who is Ben?

    APaul’s neighbor. BPaul’s cousin. CThe girl’s friend.

    7What did Ben do last Sunday?

    AWent to the food bank. BMade friends. CHelped cook lunch.



    8Where are the two speakers?

    AIn the English club. BIn the classroom. CIn the theatre.

    9What does the man think can help to learn English?

    AWatching English movies. BListening to some tapes. CKeeping a diary in English.

    10How many things does the man do to learn English?

    ATwo. BThree. CFour





    11What is the passage mainly about?

    AHelen’s experience of Spring Festival.

    BHelen’s experience of Dragon Boat Festival.

    CHelen’s experience of Mid-Autumn Festival.

    12When did Helen come to China?

    ALast week. BOn Mid-Autumn Day. CLast month.

    13What do the Chinese people call the festival?

    AThe Moon Festival. BThe Dumpling Festival. CThe Water Festival.

    14Where did Helen spend the festival?

    AIn her own house. BIn Li Ming’s home. CIn the restaurant.

    15Why did Helen miss her family that day?

    ABecause she didn’t enjoy herself in China.

    BBecause she had been away from her family for a long time.

    CBecause she was influenced by what she saw and experienced.




    My family has moved a lot, and about a year ago we moved again. But this time the     16     we were moving was the biggest shock of all: my father had lost his job. What’s worse, he had cancer, so now he had a terrible illness and no job.

    My mom had to give up her job to be with my dad while he got the     17     he needed to get well. I can’t imagine how we would     18     if neither of my parents could find a job again.

    I cried a lot and for the first time I started to     19     school. I kept to myself so much that most people thought I was selfish and     20    . I didn’t even try to make friends. Luckily, there were     21     girls at my school who reached out to me. They asked me questions about my life. When I finally started to talk, it was such a relief to share all the pain and     22     I’d been holding inside. And Melissa and Nicole seemed to understand what I was going     23    . They really listened. Their caring     24     my hope so much that pretty soon I had a whole group of friends. I stopped hating school and my     25     became much easier to bear.

    I’m happy to say that life is back to     26     now. My dad did get better and my parents eventually found work and a new home for us. The day we all moved back in together was one of the happiest days of my life.

    It just goes to show you that     27     a door closes, a window opens, letting sunshine back in. I met the best friends I’ve ever have, and I also     28     something important.

    You don’t have to go through the bad times     29    . If you shut yourself off, it just makes     30     painful. When all you want is to be left alone, asking for help may seem like the hardest thing to do —but it’s also the best way to help yourself.

    I know that now, and the next time trouble comes around, I won’t forget it.

    16Aaddress Bchance Cexcuse Dreason

    17Aagreement Bdevelopment Cmovement Dtreatment

    18Aachieve Bcreate Clive Dsucceed

    19Aleave Bhate Cenjoy Drefuse

    20Aunfriendly Bunhappy Cunlucky Duncomfortable

    21Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive

    22Aanger Bfear Cwish Dregret

    23Aacross Bpast Cthrough Dwith

    24Alift up Bget up Ctake up Dgive up

    25Aintroductions Bproblems Csuggestions Dinstructions

    26Adifferent Bhealthy Cnormal Dstrange

    27Abecause Bif Cwhen Duntil

    28Alearnt Bwrote Ctaught Dworked

    29Aalone Btogether Cquietly Dsadly

    30Aanything Beverything Cnothing Dsomething




    Simple tips on ROAD TRIP PREPARATION

    Preparing a road trip can be tiring. There are a few things you can do to make it a success.


    Keep your car running well by getting an oil change before you head out on the road.

    Check the tires too! You’ll save yourself a headache later on.


    While road trips are definitely about the destination, make sure you pack something interesting for your kids to do to kill the time. At least for an hour or two. It will stop them from complaining all the time.


    The only thing worse than “Are we there yet?” is “I’m hungry!” every 2 minutes. So pack snacks. Lots of snacks.


    Half of the road trip is getting there. There is nothing fun about getting to your destination completely exhausted. Stop at cool places, get some fresh air and take a look around.

    Word banktire 轮胎   definitely 确定地   destination 目的地   exhausted 筋疲力尽

    31This text mainly tells the readers how to ________.

    Aenjoy a road trip Breport a road trip Ckeep road trips safe Dprepare a road trip

    32________ may be the right thing to take for kids to kill the time on the road.

    ACandies BMedicine CGames DFruits

    33Tips ________ mentioned above can promise you a safe road trip.

    A①③ B①④ C③④ D②③


    One way you can tell if an animal is sleeping is by studying its brainwaves. When human beings or other mammals(哺乳动物) fall asleep, the pattern of their brainwaves changes.

    However, mammals have different brains than fish. Humans and other mammals have complex (复杂的) brains. A fish’s brain is much less complex than a mammal’s brain. A fish’s brainwaves don’t change when the fish is asleep. This means that we can’t tell if a fish is sleeping by looking at its brainwaves.

    Although fish may not sleep like people, they do rest. One way to tell if a fish is resting is to watch what it is doing. Most fish will slow down when they are resting. If you have ever had a pet fish, you might have noticed that it will rest near the bottom of the tank for a few hours every night. When the fish rests, it makes very small movements to keep itself in one place.

    Another way to tell that a fish is resting is to watch how it reacts(反应) to things that happen to it. When a fish is resting, it will react much more slowly. In 2007, a group of scientists studied the sleeping habits of zebra fish. They gave the zebra fish mild(温和的) electric shocks when they were fully awake and while they were resting. If you have a pet fish at home, you can try a similar experiment. Try giving your fish some food when it is resting. It should take much longer for the fish to notice that there is food in its tank than it does when the fish is fully awake.

    34How do brainwaves of fish work when rest?

    ATheir brainwaves stay the same. BTheir brainwaves become less complex.

    CTheir brainwaves die down. DTheir brainwaves change differently.

    35What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?

    Apeople. Bmammals. Cfish. Dbrainwaves.

    36Which of the following is True according to the passage?

    AFish usually eat nothing when they are resting.

    BFish will react more slowly when they are resting.

    CFish prefer to stay at the bottom of the tank all day.

    DFish usually stop moving when they are resting.

    37What is the main idea of the passage?

    AStudy the reasons why fish sleep at night. BStudy the eating habits of fish.

    CStudy the ways how fish rest. DStudy the sleeping habits of mammals.


    Charles Darwin

    Early years

    Charles Darwin was one of the six children from a big family. His grandfather and father were doctors and the young Darwin went to Edinburgh University to study medicine. However, he hated to see blood and he soon realized that he couldn’t be a doctor. He then went to Cambridge University and discovered that he had a great interest in studying plants, insects and animals. Luckily, one of Darwin’s university teachers helped him join the perfect trip for a biologist: a voyage around the world to study nature.

    The Beagle

    In 1831, Charles Darwin left Plymouth on The Beagle, a ship that took him around the world for five years. While he was travelling, he studied the plants and animals in the countries and on the islands that the ship visited. Darwin also spent his time on The Beagle writing notes about the things he had seen. When he finally arrived back in Britain, Darwin was already starting to create his famous theory that all living things had a common ancestor (祖先).

    Down house

    At home at Down House, a place that you can still visit today, Darwin wrote many articles and books about his travels, but he didn’t want to make anything about his theory known to the public. He worked in his study, where he wrote 250,000 words about his theory of evolution (进化论), but he was frightened about what people might say about his idea that monkeys were the ancestors of humans. He thought the public would be against it and was so frightened that he became ill with worry. However, when another scientist started to write about similar ideas, Darwin decided to print his book, On the Origin of Species.

    Most scientists accepted Darwin’s theory and people continue to study it today. On 12th February, the day he was born, Darwin Day is celebrated around the world to encourage more people to study the natural world.

    38What caused Darwin to give up his study of medicine?

    AHe didn’t like seeing blood. BHe found the studies too difficult.

    CHe was pushed to give up by his family. DHe was advised to study natural science.

    39Why was the trip on The Beagle important to Darwin?

    AIt helped him to finish his study at the university.

    BIt allowed him to change his mind about his future.

    CIt gave him ideas about the beginnings of human life.

    DIt got him to complete his most famous book on the ship.

    40In what order did the following happen in Darwin’s life?

    a. He arrived back in Britain in 1836.

    b. He thought the public would not support his ideas.

    c. He became interested in studying the natural world.

    d. He printed his famous book, On the Origin of Species.

    e. He received help to get a place on a trip around the world.

    f. He studied the plants and animals on the islands he visited.

    Ae→f→c→a→b→d Bc→e→f→a→b→d

    Ce→f→a→c→d→b Dc→e→f→d→a→b

    41What is the purpose of adding the last paragraph by the writer?

    ATo introduce Darwin’s famous book. BTo tell how people celebrate Darwin Day.

    CTo explain why people accept Darwin’s ideas. DTo show Darwin’s influence on natural science.


    I realize that we all live in a world where there is no trust. Wherever I go, I have to prove my identity(身份) and make myself believable — whether it’s a bank, a shop or an office. I have been used to living by the rule that no one is believable unless it proves otherwise.

    But yesterday I saw a young man who lived by a totally different rule.

    He was selling toys on a busy street. Usually, I would ignore and hurry past such sellers. But this time, I noticed this young man was blind, so I stood for some time to see how he sold his toys.

    Soon, a little child was attracted by one of the toys, whose price was only one dollar. His mother gave the young man 10 dollars and wanted the change back. When I was wondering how he was going to do it, he told the young mom to put the money in the bag which was hanging around his neck and take out whatever change he owed() her.

    I realized that this young man’s whole mode of earning(挣钱) depended on believing people not to cheat him. There was no way of him knowing if someone took more out of his money bag. I was so touched by how this young blind man trusted people that I took a toy I did not need at all. He told me to do the same thing. So I put my 10 dollars in his bag but did not take out any change. As I walked down the street, I gave the toy to a little boy passing by. I hope those two people would have a smile on their faces that day.

    I kept thinking the world would be a better place if we all could learn to believe in people more, like the young blind man.

    42The underlined word “ignore” in Para 3 means ________.

    Await Btalk Cpay no attention Drun away

    43What feelings did the writer experience in the story?

    ASurprised and moved. BSurprised and disappointed.

    CAngry and surprised. DDoubted and satisfied.

    44How did the young man get the money?

    APeople gave him one dollar.

    BPeople put the money in his bag and got the change back themselves.

    CHe himself gave back the change to the buyer.

    DHe got the money with the help of the writer.

    45What does the writer want to show us according to the passage?

    AOur world needs more trust in people. BDon’t always believe in people.

    CWe should not judge a person by his appearance. DWe should learn to help people in need.





    we    month    make    up    speak    without

    46To my surprise, their plan sounds similar to ________.

    47Lisa has been in Paris for many years and she is good at ________ French.

    48After several ________ preparation, we finally started the project smoothly.

    49The teacher asked him not to ________ excuses any more for being late.

    50Nobody noticed her because the girl left the party ________ saying goodbye to anyone.





    Alzheimer’s patients(阿尔茨海默病患者) forget many things in their lives. It     51     (似乎;好像) that no company wants to hire these patients. However, some of them receive an     52     (邀请) to work in a restaurant. And the restaurant has a beautiful name: Forget Me Not Café.

    In this restaurant, six of the waiters and waitresses have Alzheimer’s illness. Every morning before work starts, they are told about how to take orders and     53     (端上) the dishes. And some volunteers mark the name of each dish     54     () a number. In this way, the orders can be     55     (记住) more easily.

    “The     56     (顾客) in this restaurant are very nice and kind to us,” said one of them. “I feel happy here, and I’m really     57     (自豪的) of working as a waitress!”

    Working at this restaurant gives these patients a good chance to connect with     58     (社会) and can help slow the worsening of their Alzheimer. But most Alzheimer’s patients are not so lucky. According to a recent report, more than ten     59     (百万) people in China have Alzheimer. The restaurant hopes to bring     60     (更多的) attention to this group!





    The new educational policy is embraced(拥抱)

    It’s a typical school day and some primary school students are learning how to make corn soup and cook pork at     61     after-school cooking class. Working in     62     (group) of four or five, the little chefs (主厨) take their responsibility very seriously, and at the moment, they     63     (present) delicious dishes.

    The 45-minute cooking classes are organized by Xishan Primary School in Shunde, Guangdong. The school has set up many after-school classes for students, with cooking lessons being the     64     (popular) of all.

        65     September 1, 2021, students at around 210,000 primary and middle schools across China embraced a different new term. They were     66     (surprise) to find there were more activity courses available after 3:30 pm every school day, letting them get closer to the arts, traditional culture, science and technology than before, without     67     (leave) the school.

    Parents are changing their ideas about making their child     68     (study) overtime and take many after-school classes. “As homework is completed at school, my child and I can read books and listen to music together in the evening,     69     we can go out to play badminton or skip rope,” said Lu Di, the parent of a     70     (five) grader in Northeast China’s Qiqihar city.





    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain(谷雨) as the last term in spring, starts on April 19th and ends on May 4th.

    Grain Rain comes from the old saying, “Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”, which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Here’s something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.

    ① Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds, sandstorms may happen more often.

    ② There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.

    ③ People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis(香椿) during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes, “Toona sinensis before the rain is as tender(嫩的) as silk”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin.

    ④ The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in northern China. Grain Rain marks the beginning of the fishermen’s first voyage (航行) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.

    Grain RainDate: The last term in Spring starts on    71    19th and ends on May 4th.

    Meaning: This period of rainfall is very important for crops to    72   .


    ① The temperature is much higher than it is in March.

    ② Dry soil and heavy winds make sandstorms happen more often.

       73   :

    ① People drink tea in southern China, which is good for eyes and would prevent bad luck.

    ② People eat the vegetable toona sinensis in the    74    of China, because it is tender and good for the stomach and skin.

    The Grain Rain Festival

    The festival is celebrated by fishing villages and it marks the    75    of the fishermen’s first voyage of the year.




    76.唐诗(Tang poetry)是中华民族珍贵的文化遗产之一,是唐代儒客文人之智慧佳作。假如你是李华,近期,有一批英国中学生在你校研学。请你写一篇文章,在联谊会上向英国学生宣传我国传统文化唐诗。

    Key points

    Words and expressions for reference

    The importance of Tang poetry

    history, Intangible Cultural Heritage(非物质文化遗产),…

    Your advice on learning Tang poetry

    Background, poet(诗人), read out, …

    Your hope

    spread, enjoy, useful, …


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    6A    7C


    8A    9C    10C


    11C    12A    13A    14B    15C



    16D    17D    18C    19B    20A    21A    22B    23C    24A    25B    26C    27C    28A    29A    30B


    31D    32C    33B


    34A    35C    36B    37C


    38A    39C    40B    41D


    42C    43A    44B    45A


    46ours    47speaking    48months’    49make up    50without



    51seems    52invitation    53serve    54with    55remembered    56customers    57proud    58society    59million    60more



    61an    62groups    63are presenting    64most popular    65On    66surprised    67leaving    68study    69or    70fifth


    71April    72grow    73Customs/Traditions    74north    75start/beginning



    Tang poetry is a symbol of Chinese culture, witnessing the changes of the history and the prosperity of Tang Dynasty. It is our Intangible Cultural Heritage and worth learning. As the wisdom from ancient Chinese, it is wonderful but a little difficult to learn. Thus, I have some suggestions to help you learn it better.

    Tang poetry comes in many shapes and colors. Therefore, in order to make us easily understand what the poetry’s meaning is, it is necessary to know the background of the poet as well as their experience. Apart from that, a tree can’t grow well without the strong roots under the ground and it’s the same to the study of Tang poetry. A good oral Chinese lay the solid foundation for it. Last but not least, you should persist in practicing speaking and reading out loud.

    In a word, I do believe our Tang poetry can spread to the world and can be loved by people from other countries. And I hope my advice can help you learn Tang poetry better.



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